Those of us who never stop our curiosity .. wondering and searching for possible answers sometimes eventually find what the questions were! Why does nothing work like it should? Why can't things be more FAIR? Why would anyone want to act EVIL? We all want to be loved, respected and valued, so why would anyone do hateful cruel things?
I finally have the answer to those 3 questions! After 6 decades of wondering and obsessive research and financial investment. Luckily I also invented several new Careers for young people's new income .. and a SYSTEM for TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH .. or base Quality of Life for all. There will soon be half the jobs we used to have but no one wants UBI. We want to feel valued and respected and USEFUL. Humans DO still have value although the digital economy does not recognize that. Which was the beginning of our problems losing our civility and humanity.
NO! off track! redo!
Sat May 21, 2022.
Since I think 9 years old I found the world a strange place. I felt on the wrong planet because nothing made sense to me. (If only I just listened to my intuition and ACTED.) Nothing seemed to work the way it should, or at least to be FAIR to EVERYONE. And why is there EVIL. Why would anyone WANT to be evil? Every soul wants love and to be valued .. no one wants to be hated! Maybe my study of "mental" illness began as a kid?And now we are all mentally ill .. sad, anxious panic. "Mental" illness is nothing more then a non properly functioning brain BODY part, purely another body disease that should NEVER have had a stigma. But hit isa good way to demonize perhaps ?"Thinkers" who eventually lose their mind seeing all the ridiculous NON solutions we develop for all our problems. Some of us constantly think what about? what if? how about we try this instead. Exhausting .. and by now very very depressing.
But those of us who feel despair and anger are not "menatally ill
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Please spread this idea around. WE need to get little communities everywhere. Churches or Libraries or places like Covenant House etc can use the SYSTEM to start making change. There are MORE of us!
I was in the TWIGS until these last few years. I had to find the connector to all the topic I was obsessing over. They all relate to things that destroy our health. For about the first 5 decades it was Physical Health as OUR responsibility not a disease name and drug prescription. But there is more to health than lack of processed food to inflame our cells and genes. Then I added other life toxins, eventually realizing lack of income security destroys health, as does fear in the community that lacks Human connection and civility.
We need to wake up not feeling terrified that we can not pay our rent .. or there will be no money for food. The stress and overload we experience creates an on edge un civil society.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Tues. Mar. 22, 2022.
If we also care about other's well being, we can not enjoy our 7$ Starbucks when the person begging at the door, does not have even 7$ to eat all day! Today, when I walk downtown to shop in the mall, there are now so many sleeping on the sidewalk, asking for money .. or SCREAMING nothingness .. that for the first time in my life, I actually feel unsafe out in a city. For decades everyone else was afraid, living in exaggerated worry. I scoffed at those warning me to take more care. Now .. if things are finally at emergency status, even for me ... we have a big problem with the LACK of SOCIETAL HEALTH we have created.
If we figure out how to help struggling people have a more secure life .. our own quality of life will also improve greatly. It will be a pleasure to walk down the street again .. rather than fearing altercation or attack for even NO REASON. Things have gotten far worse in our Society these last few decades and we need SOLUTIONS NOW. Please take my Systems and use them for your Customers, Employees AND those you serve as a Non Profit or Government agency. If you were given this site personally, please pass it on to anyone who needs a source of HOPE and SUPPORT.
My larger new Career Systems, (Gift of Calm TV, Health Coaching and creating Human Intelligence Analysts), we will build COLLABORATING together. Please let's not waste my DECADES OF INVESTMENT .. and let's carry them to SUCCESS. We need solutions to improve basic Quality of Life for all (QoL for all) NOW. The more people are struggling, the more those of us who are LUCKIER .. lose in our own quality of life. Remember .. NO ONE WANTS TO BE A FAILURE .. EVERYONE WANTS TO BE VALUED AND RESPECTED.
But we were not all given equal resources in life!! We have a FLAW in our belief system. Those who are "successful" 100% for sure had more resources available. Even being closed minded, able to focus purely on SELF .. is a resource, an ASSET! Being unselfish and worrying about others too, is a LIABILITY. We sometimes forget to look after ourselves in our pursuit of finding better ways for all.
Our "Me first, screw you" attitude is FLAWED .. if we are still human. Being less LUCKY, receiving fewer resources, should not mean we must live a life of constant stress. Our belief that somehow those who struggle were just lazy .. is SELF SERVING at best, and evil at worst. We must stop simplifying, and open our minds. We will actually be HAPPIER sharing our wealth FAIRLY. (Undercover Boss? TV show)
Our western Society is so divided, that no one listens to learn any new thinking. This Society can not survive. Demonizing other conflicting ideas is a sign of being too lazy to try to understand and consider new view points. We may already be too lazy or selfish to RE learn to compromise. And many of us are selfish purely as a means to COPE with the overwhelm we have created. Stressed people act poorly, and quality of life declines for everyone .. even those with MORE.
Education has been memorizing "knowledge", usually with an agenda other than personal quality of life. The first thing needed for quality of life is to learn who we are and what we are good at and love doing. Others without our skills need us. By 2030 50% of our traditional jobs will be gone thanks to our RUNAWAY digital dystopia. Instead, let's focus on our human ASSETS. A I can never replace our HUMAN value.
Let's focus on Human INTELLIGENCE (analyzing and evaluating information critically, but with an OPEN MIND), restoring common sense, Logic and reason! These will build our wisdom .. IF our brains still have enough neurons (wiring) remaining, after decades of TOXIC "progress" destroyed our brain hemispheres.
The focus of our HUMAN INTELLIGENCE RE-Education System is ..
At Least base "Quality of Life" is equal to TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH. As a society of "humans" (supposedly the highest form of life?) .. how do we let some people sleep on concrete beside the street in winter .. or starve, while others have lobster and champagne frequently? Luckily some of us do not see that, as a society of HUMANITY.
Have we lost our humanity? There is proof we have lost a lot of our brain wiring, I suggest because of the toxins of shallow "progress". Lost brain neurons no doubt destroy our intelligence but also our soul .. our kindness and ability to share in a more fair manner. Or .. we have become so stressed with the overload of overwhelm we must be SELFISH purely as a means to cope. If we can not restore our lost brain wiring, let's at least try to rebuild a more sustainable quality of life.
WE certainly will have no quality of life unless we feel physically well. A few years ago Cleveland Clinic and Dr Mark Hyman developed what I had waited 5 decades for. Functional Medicine and the affect of inflammation caused by toxins (sugar , gluten etc). Our body genes may be prone to certain diseases, but would it not be BETTER to just calm and slow disease vs take drugs after we inflame them? Of course that destroys the very profitable drug industry, so as yet there is little traction for entrenched medicine to change. We will train Health Coaches that help to PREVENT disease instead of "cure" it.
Physical Health includes Mental which of course is PHYSICAL! If your brain does not produce proper chemicals or function in a proper way .. how is that ANY different that your heart or liver functioning improperly?? Mental Illness is a brain disease and probably not 75 different disease names needing 75 pills. Autism , OCD, ADD depression anxiety all fit together. I belonged to a Rochester inventor group where the head suggested we are all ADD and it is well known we are often Bipolar. I began to see many labels in myself! I suggest "mental" illness is mostly just a Right Hemisphere brain over thinking and driving itself to drink or OVERWHELM. Yes, we Thinkers are inventive and overly focused, but life is not so simple when you wonder and think a lot. A Left Brain simple mind (good vs evil) is a far easier life. A "mentally" ill person .. I suggest, wants to know why, wants to understand everything and gets totally overwhelmed by their brain questions. Just a theory .. but I think we may find it very valid.
So "mental" Health is JUST a physical body FUNCTION disease .. of the brain, instead of the lungs or kidney etc. Emotional Health though, also affects the MIND. Our Mind is a HUGE resource no one taught us to value. We do not even realize how MUCH control it has over our life. Those who can easily control their mind have a DISTINCT advantage in life. The guy in the Good Feet store ad says he "used to have a sunny disposition". He got it back when his back pain was alleviated from orthopaedic inserts. Seeing things always from the positive is a wonderful asset in life. The rest of us must DISCIPLINE our mind. But it IS possible.
Why are we not taught about that resource? (It would Give us too much control of course. "Education" seems meant to take AWAY our powers?) I liken the "mind" to our "heart". We have a physical heart that pumps blood but we speak of our HEART or soul or kindness. Maybe our mind is our soul or SPIRIT? We can even create energy with our mind! If we watch what happens we will discover very interesting observations. Like if we climb the stairs usually out of breath .. but this time we are very focused on a problem .. we are NOT out of breath. Why? Because our mind (and brain) was not TELLING us we would be breathless, it was focused elsewhere. We need to spend more time learning how to BETTER use this valuable resource to level the playing field with those lucky more Left brain people.
We each have skills and talents. We will trade our special skills so in return we get what we need for a decent life. (Think re pioneering with revised (human) capitalism .. you can have more money .. but not ALL of it, while the rest of us starve.). But we actually work for ourselves .. with no MEAN selfish corporate boss or a poor guy just trying to keep his business going, unable to pay fairly. We all invest in our community for the benefit of all of us, but unlike today .. in a FAIR manner. The blockchain is a Ledger that we can use to create a new "economy", not simply another unimaginative casino "stock" like bitcoin to replace our currency! We each have talents .. shared creatively we can REDESIGN the old trading Pioneer General store community.
Building new economic Systems will give everyone who contributes what they need to live. Everyone of us has assets we need and value and these are traded for a decent less stressful life style. Unfortunately it will require sacrifice. Our lives expecting extreme excess in everything, cannot be sustained. Whether enough people can still understand and ACCEPT this .. determines if society continues or collapse. We have destroyed our ability to think and use common sense with the toxins of our SHALLOW "progress".
There is a new way to run our society truly giving each member more input and fairness! The blockchain is even MORE amazing than the internet. IF .. we can think in new beyyet ways. So far bitcoin is NOT a sign of that possibility. We could have create dUtopia with the possibilities of the internet. Instead we created a DYSTOPIA, a far less fair more powerless society. Bitcoin uses the power of Argentina .. for what? Seems just like another casino stock! Let's RESTORE and get using our human ingenuity to create a BETTER world .. instead of a world getting constantly WORSE and faster .. since the 50's. Do we have any true inventiveness left in our Brain Wiring. Neuroscience says maybe not. Are there enough of us creative THINKERS left to save society? If we pool our talents and skills we COULD do it. But are we willing to sacrifice the "Extreme Excess of Everything" life we have been living? Doubt it! please prove me wrong and bring along your friends at least willing to think in new ways and try new ideas. The more of us there are .. the more RESOURCES we have to share and improve our shared Quality of Life!
Same problem .. different solution. We either lash outward at others (warrior?) OR lash in at ourselves harming our own self. Sometimes just with constant SABOUTAGE of all SUCCESS.
I hope to RE- ignite your curiosity, to research YOUR OWN questions. That is what "education" should have been. Especially with the internets vast trove of "information". (Now it is really too late since most is biased Propoganda! Google OWNS OUR BRAIN!) Education should have been redesigned to USE our curiosity to put together new ideas and discoveries 20 years ago!
Using ARTIFICIAL "intelligence" instead of Humans has only served to reduce our ways to make a living. By 2030 half the jobs we had will be GONE. Instead we could have created careers in our own interest area giving us boundless energy and amazing RESEARCH seeking TRUTH. "When you like what you do, you never work a day in your life!" Is there still time for us to build a Human Intelligence "encyclopedia" of "truth"? Or are we now too far CONTROLLED in every way?
The internet could have created UTOPIA. Instead we focused it on that same old useless, blatant, intrusive advertising model! Instead of advertising becoming unnecessary, with our new ability to find any topic, the industry tripled! Advertising can be DESIRABLE INFORMATION .. when it is WHAT YOU WANT TO LEARN ABOUT. Now our minds are bombarded with useless stuff everywhere we look. NO WONDER WE HAVE BECOME SIMPLE MINDED ZOMBIES. Life is overwhelming STRESS. The tool to cope was closing our mind to a lot of the overload. The result has been devastating.
We each have to SACRIFICE, share and work hard to bring our society back from the edge.
The internet .. can just be lots of screaming people who want to be heard .. but really know nothing! To my credit .. instead of hurling insults and putting down others, my aim is to understand WHY? and to somehow find solutions for the many fires we have to put out. By now it seems pretty impossible for us to save us from ourselves ( .. or save us from the evil power structure?)! But let's try or enjoy ourselves waiting for the end.
We can play or sob in despair. The latter does not stop the END. But being the orchestra makes things more bearable. And who knows .. maybe we can CREATE THAT NEW REALITY!
Thursday, Jan 13, 2022
There are always contradictions! Just when I think I understand something a New idea messes it up! but that is why we have an ACTION side to our brain. Think.. decide .. ACT. Unfortunately toxins have fried our brain wiring and we probably only have a think or a act hemisphere wiring left. We are the thinkers .. but unless we DO SOMETHING the world will collapse around us. Sorry .. I doubt only action brains are not wasting their time reading MY musings they are off building companies that will one day give lots of jobs to ROBOTS and A I BOTS so we THINK a human is actually helping us.
Other Religions call the "Cosmos CEO" by other names than. a god .. and I mean NO DISRESPECT. Christianity is messed up so I had no time to research other religions and I got trapped in my own childhood terms. Sorry .. simply talking about the idea of a bigger force than us, and a nicer place to go (heaven), is calming. We need to be oblivious, live in delusion a little, to get through this (sanely). For some of us .. sanely? is too late! ; > ... I became "insane" long ago. What do you expect of someone wondering what the hell is wrong with this place .. for 6 plus decades?? If I could run it better (when I can't even manage my own bills) there is a very BIG problem happening.
I mean how hard is it to be FAIR .. share if you have it all, work to contribute and be kind and supportive of MORE than your family and friends. I mean how hard is that? Get out, if you don't like it .. go build your own "mean community" then, but leave us alone! We do not accept "He should have worked hard like me .. so I am not sharing". Are you too simple minded! to know everyone does not posses the same resources you were LUCKY to get? NOBODY wants to be a loser or addict or anything "unacceptable" to society! Everyone wants to be valued and loved. If no one has shown you how great you are, you sabotage your own success because you have no self love.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
edited Sat Nov 20, 2021
I lived on a farm outside a rural village .. which made us a little behind the times. Today I am so happy for the "use it up, wear it out, make it do" New England maxim we based farm life on. I feel I grew up with more like the struggle of the "Greatest Generation", the young that dealt with World War 2. If only I was born 2 or 3 years earlier before that war ended, I would NOT be considered part of that selfish, "do what ever we want" "Free love" Hippy generation. Just a few years older, and I could pretend it was NOT my fault. It might leave me with less guilt at how our self serving Boomer behaviour destroyed much of everything. NOTHING is free. The Traditional STABLE family that survived forever before we started the damage of women's lib and divorce. We had good ideas .. but took everything to. EXTREME .. now today's "me too" nonsense. Sorry but poor men are afraid to breathe wrong today. If you are EQUAL ladies, then take some damn responsibility! You can't have it both ways. Good .. now I am left with only women who love men and take PERSONAL Responsibility vs. just blame men for everything.
On the farm we had a wood stove, an outhouse (chamber pot in winter!), we pumped our water and heated it to bathe, and I walked 2 1/2 miles to a little school to be "educated" (never learned much in those 13 plus 5 expensive years that serves me still today!).
Of course everything changed in high school in the City of Stratford. The 60's were a most amazing but sad time to live. And by University we lived through the most incredible, but awful and chaotic history. A moon landing? the Kennedy's and MLK assasination, Desegregation, a lot of turmoil! .. but also WOODSTOCK (and I will NEVER forgive my ex for missing it!) I think young people need to listen to us OLD ONES .. because it would surely be nice if SOMEBODY could learn from so many Boomer mistakes. Unfortunately most Boomers are self absorbed, just enjoying their Retirement of entitlement, not wanting to accept ANY blame. (We could have quit buying more crap, before the "consumption convenience society" took hold! and that behaviour fried ALL our brains as surely as stress also destroys our Physical Health.) They have their pension, and they want negative me to just GO AWAY. Sadly Steven King is not quite right in "The Stand"(1978) .. "NO! we NEVER learn from our mistakes" Steven. Did you change that in this 2020 TV version I wonder. (Of course Canada never got it streamed easily.)
At least the Resource Management I grew up with, and what was left of Home Economics and Family studies that I studied should not be lost. Please pass on some of those ideas before they are lost as we old guys die off. Why are we always too old once we get wise? Luckily the young people I meet constantly impress me! They are not at all selfie obsessed brainless long finger nail fashion bodies without brains. Often they have more wisdom than I do .. and they blow my mind! Most of my greatest ideas are from the staff at Chartwell, the ONLY good thing about this place!
But why should young people have been left by this mess? Even worse the spoiling we began with our kids in the 70's, 2 generations later is OBSCENE. Parents are in NO WAY parents. (Why do I need a license to drive a car that will soon be DRIVERLESS .. but I do NOT need a LICENSE and study before getting a kid??) In my world you would need parent TRAINING before you dare have a child. Too many parents today raise "ME first! Screw you." horrid kids! Those people do not even know what parenting MEANS. It means to develop a good citizen for a civil society. GOOD LUCK with that! Your BRAT, self absorbed kids will live in hell .. because everyone else ALSO will have the "me first, screw you" attitude. But you never STOPPED TO THINK ABOUT THAT, did you?
Glad I won't be here, because I already witness a pure UN civil chaotic Society as you run me off the sidewalk with your baby carriage! Yes, you should honestly have to have a LICENSE proving you have a still THINKING brain in order to conceive! Birthing a child means discipline, teaching and worrying they will be kind, respectful and responsible adults. Most parents think their child is SPECIAL and owns the space 2 miles around, with not a thought to others well being. No your kid is NO MORE "SPECIAL" than every other decent civilized kind caring person. In fact your brat and SELFISH you are LESS SPECIAL. Sorry for the rant .. I do hope it is just MY area I am ranting about and better parents exist elsewhere. I know now I am blacklisted because one does not DARE call out terrible behaviour. The one who says "what the hell is WRONG with you?" when you are inhumanely RUDE .. is the bad one. Strange world we created. I fear it is too late to fix it .. do THEY outnumber us? We need to create our own SEPARATE REALITY.
Please learn how to RE-build a Civil Society from us old guys before we are gone! Is it too late already?
revised Sat, Nov. 20, 2021,
I became a Home Economics Teacher, but while at University in the late 60's I had planned to transfer from Housing and Design at Guelph to the Parson's School of Design in NYC. Designing Living spaces that were affordable, convenient, and beautiful was my passion. I was also fascinated with Heath and how food etc. affects it. It is interesting that 50 years later, I have now designed a Replicatable SYSTEM of basic "Quality of Life for all" .. or Total Societal Health.
Our "Reverse World" Blockchain Ledger will put Personal assets (skills) into a COMMUNITY account, which = our ability to then take OUT our basic needs! No UBI ( ) for us! Think more like the old General Store Ledger. I bring my lettuce to share with all, but later someone has extra potatoes that I receive in return, where the General store holds the Trading account. Pioneers survived before any money was printed! At this point of chaos, maybe with a better quality of life than us?
Imagine what we can do with the Blockchain, no banks taking interest, and actually trading our skills rather than constant fear over losing a job we hate anyway. Why did school not first teach us to find our skill and talent area? .. then "working for a living" becomes SO MUCH EASIER. The blockchain could change far more than the internet did. The web ONLY trades info! That's it .. only info! The Blockchain can change everything FOR real quality of life vs shallow web nonsense, like our fridge Telling us what groceries we need. The Blockchain IF we woke up could actually IMPROVE quality of life for real .. vs showing us who is at the door while we work elsewhere. Imagine how we could lead our partner community to a BETTER quality of life for all. Instead we are in a decline that is RAPIDLY ACCELERATING! (Of course banks do NOT want any of this.)
Sorry but MY Home Economics class was the most important class in Education. Managing Life Resources and learning Self Discipline, responsibility and connection with a family (almost like a business), was very important to build a good life. But .. Since it might create independent responsible citizens it was terminated (at first watered down into Family Studies). Women working meant TV dinners and focusing ever more on speed and convenience. Hah! I am a slow learner! They wanted women to work .. that was a good plan for the destruction of the family! Nobody home to raise the kids, nobody to manage the family and home space. Rushed, stressed, confused people are easier to keep in line! I love how they call us "conspiracy theory nut jobs". No, we are simply seeing that something is now VERY wrong in society, and looking for how this all could have happened. Putting the clues together does not make it a conspiracy .. but of course THEY do not want us figuring this out. If we create our OWN reality (community) maybe THEY can not enter? it is about the only place I can see hope.
When they dropped Home Ec / Family Studies, from the curriculum, suddenly I was teaching Science. I had mostly forgotten it over 20 years, so leading a class who trusted me to TEACH them, was more than I could bear. Along with other family struggles I ended up on Disability, actually to begin with .. PTSD. How interesting that our financial success with this far reaching National Project depends heavily on those with PTSD!
It is interesting that the science I was teaching had no mention of the quantum physics discovered 70 years earlier. I wonder if we teach it today? I bet not. My Last year of university 1970, had the first "Consumer Studies" class where we learned "$ voting", (FAR more important than ELECTION voting) and "planned obselesence". Well since things last 2 minutes before falling apart I guess we know where that class went.
My life is hell because I see what is wrong, so I am always complaining, "Why do they do that? Why not this? It would work better!" I guess my LOGIC wiring never got Brain fried yet .. and most others have no more common sense. My seeing errors, plus usually developing solutions could have helped a lot of businesses had I realized it was my special skill. Education is so many NOT helpful years! Why, isn't that also VERY strange? My years of ranting "But that is a STUPID way to handle that problem!" could have been very useful. But unwanted. Problems are how to keep us down.
Can we now escape into our own different Time/ Space REALITY? Start learning everything you can about the quantum universe, particle vs wave, law of attraction, how we are all ONE in the universe etc etc. Time and space, Religion and Science are now converging. Only 110 years after the REALITY question was discovered. we are still a little "slow". Will we take advantage or just stay on our same track toward collapse. Join the curious, questioning, wanting to LEARN side of the war. And bring everybody you can with you. My best friend and son have "GONE OVER" to the other (King's STAND) side. I think the stress of life just makes it easier for them, to just simplify life into good/ bad, right /wrong. Sadly life is just more complicated! It is GREY .. confusing and lots of work to UNDERSTAND! If someone on the other side, is at least willing to listen and reconsider .. BRING THEM ALONG
I believe my special asset (talent) that can contribute to the world is not just the negative of complaining things don't work .. but often a MAGIC ability to take those divergent problems and together, turn them into solutions. The first very simple example was 40 years ago as I worried about my kids being alone after school. I thought surely there must be a lonely "grandmother" nearby, whose kids live far away who would love to hang out with my kids for awhile. Instead of 4 sad or worried people (me, my 2 kids, and a lonely neighbour), we would end up with 4 connected people .. adding joy to each others lives! With the web we should be doing that, and my Blockchain ideas above surely will!
to add .. and my skill at creative DESIGN of new systems .. like a love of architecture .. a FLOOR PLAN to build a good building. In this case the building construction is a "human" and a society with base quality of life for all .. "TOTAL Societal Health")
Why can't we do more of the latch key kid idea above, and trade people's divergent resources so everyone is needed, useful and valued? Comcast is doing something like my concept with "Papa" so we will partner with them for our "ART TV" (High profit margin and recurring) revenue stream. Brookfield has buildings and tenants and customers in need of the "Gift of Calm" screen that ART TV provides. Imagine if it was a "Patriotic Project" with the ART STORIES developed by PTSD Disabled Veterans! It would provide us with Intellectual Property Protection (IPP) AND a PATRIOTIC PROJECT that connects the Nation against the enemy we all share .. uncontemplated, destructive, extreme and excess "Progress".
Sadly no takers, 25 years trying to partner my Invention project .. are they evil? or alien? or just bending to the powers above? (Phila was visionary but the powers that be took down a good, but NAIVE? Mayor (and me with border trouble). So if Aliens or Pure evil are in charge .. we are doomed. If Leaders are mostly ACTION wired, BUT with a little contemplative brain wiring, maybe there is still hope? (It is just so very curious that no one in bflo said "why not, there is nothing to lose!" They should have said, "This lady's ideas sound crazy .. but it is a great OPPORTUNITY .. and what is to lose? NO RISK. Why not try it, see what happens." very weird indeed. I contend the CHEERIO dust fried their brains. Mine too, to try for 15 plus years knocking on very door 10 times. Sometimes perseverance is just STUPID.
I am set to be bankrupt after 25 years investing everything. So if there is still good in some Fortune 500's, they can have all the PARTNER credit for my life's work, investment and research. QUICK! Before the world ends with greed and no more understanding of each other. The division in society can not work. Only coming together to build ART TV will begin a connection first locally then Nationally. Sponsor $ will then create "Church Library cafe" actual local connector locations. It is now completely up to Brookfield, TD Bank, Comcast, Staples, Costco, The City of NYC, NYPD, the VA .. etc .. to decide whether working together to restore base quality of life with a NEW SYSTEM, is worth their time and minimal $ investment.
once I get my island there will be RULES .. or you get kicked OFF THE ISLAND. Sorry but go daddy gave me no image for "dictator" .. I only got this MEAN BOSS image.
Warrior (Left Brain) vs Worrier (Right Brain) spectrum! Warrior's closed mind sees only good vs evil, right vs wrong. (That should never be a police OFFICER!) .. Worriers want to UNDERSTAND .. NOT SIMPLIFY.
ANIMALS are way nicer than a LOT of us. Actually anyone who cares only for self. Those whose brains are shut down because of STRESS don't really count. But saying "why should I help that loser homeless guy? he should have worked hard like me" shows you have lost some of your humanity
Don't PRETEND you are a good kind person because you are generous with family and friends . And don't think you are wonderful if you give millions to a university or hospital. It is generally to get your drug or whatever approved! Even REAL Philanthropy does NOT count as "kind" because your secretary paid more taxes then you did. HOW DO THESE PEOPLE LIVE WIYH THEMSELVES?? Their Right brain wiring no longer works and they have more of the Warrior gene Than us worries who care about OTHERS WELL BEING, not purely our own
Buildings today are built of garbage, falling apart within years .. LITERALLY.. I have WATCHED. The church I visited yesterday will soon be TWO HUNDRED YEARS OLD .. so beautiful and sturdy. why don't we build our bodies to be our home for a very long time? Instead we eat and do garbage, then go to a doctor to discover WHICH Disease name and be prescribed LEGAL Drugs! I thought we were insane when my mom died when I was 9.
article on CERTAINTY .. we want to be certain of something so we grab a fact and hang on for dear life WITH OTHERS = connection + demonization
Without SECURITY emotional Health collapses, and poor Emotional Health destroys our physical health
CONTACT .. redo this
I will try to see your email, amidst so much research I have no time for.
Please give me time to fix everything .. but suggesting ideas/ thoughts that I am neglecting would be much appreciated!
Wed. Mar 2, 2022 ..
Is anybody else confused? Everything we hear feels opposite
I wasted half my life confused because everything has 2 sides .. right/ wrong? but nothing is as simple as black/ white! To me and "most Thinkers" .. EVERYTHING IS GREY! .. complicated! Those people who simplify everything to only right/ wrong, good/evil have such an easy life. You should listen to my preachings because I did the screaming and arguing FOR you for decades already. Nothing seemed right or FAIR. But nobody listened. so let's quit arguing its not fair and just create our OWN FAIR system. They will want to be part of our quality of life for all Co-operative. Because without US, they fail!
We are just going to FORGE ahead and take whatever opposite intelligence (not info) best suits our plan. Instead of wasting MORE time confused at the complication of opposing ideas .. we just choose what is positive for us .. and off we go! I have wasted decades trying to figure out the world and there is ALWAYS an opposing idea as soon as I think I have it ALL FIGURED OUT. I quit. Today I had a choice .. believe my hopeful partner Co CEO is evil .. or believe the OPPOSITE I read that his book has awesome ideas. Questioning and researching forever gets us NOWHERE. Finally .. I am just MOVING AHEAD WITH POSITIVE BELIEF!
So I hope you will come along in a community that thinks LESS and just gets more done. Sorry, but the "Left brains" just DID everything without thinking, so they were faster! They got the power because in our Western society speed is EVERYTHING. No time for thinking about causes and consequences. Look at the mess we are in! Causes and consequences were NEVER contemplated by Fortune 500 CEO's for decades.
But we "Thinker (Right Hemisphere) brains" CONTEMPLATE too much and too long! We are going to speed up and SEIZE some of that power! We can NOT do any worse than those speedy "hares" did. I think we will develop a MUCH BETTER PLAN, and remember it is the TURTLE not the hare that won the race in the fable! We will win the race for Total Societal health. Their success has only been SHALLOW and is unsustainable. Over decades, I have developed a plan, an "architectural" DESIGN for a new SYSTEM of "revised capitalism" .. BASE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL (a SHARE community where FAIR is the only commandment). We will base it on a visionary BLOCKCHAIN usage vs shallow same old bitcoin crypto. With you as member and your biz connections as PARTNERS .. we will TRADE our assets and even turn our Liabilities to value. no more begging for a job. We trade our god given skills and avoid all those who hold power over us. Without us they fail. They forgot how very VALUABLE we are, and now they will see!
I can't be the boss .. if I know NOTHING. see below! It is never ending .. I write something in this manual to not be despairing .. and a new direction pops up negating what I just learned. I always want to share my obsessive curiousity and investigation but keep forgetting half the population could care less. At least in America it seems the Trump side just runs with a fact .. other facts? creating real truth? .. BE DAMNED. I guess my curious mind just can NOT understand that kind of closed minded behaviour. AT least I finally feel sorry for my poor daughter .. if your character is just be quiet and get to work .. and here is mother constantly ranting about "well, what about this? .., but then .. blah, blah." that would be damn frustrating.
I think they say, that "Wisdom .. is knowing, you KNOW .. nothing". Guess I finally got wise there will always be more to change the picture. So maybe the solution is QUIT THINKING and get to work on the design plan! So I apologize if I will not have time to go bak and ERACE or revise all the previous work. Damn this will never be done to help anybody! If you come across disagreement the only truth you MUST agree with is "others come first". If I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs this minute, I should really first consider that it will give the guy next to me a HEART ATTACK and not do it. Apparently that is not how some kids in this community are raised. they daily give me a heart attack. (I swear when I find them I will do it to them. So fun to watch them get a fright in return for all their no reason SCREAMING!) Kids having fun being loud and exuberant is a whole different JOYFUL experience. Self absorbed oblivion is enraging .. but yes .. I need a chill pill!
Sat., feb 26, 2022
Let's see if some of my "If only I was the boss of all!" .. actually would work? Put all my focus, energy, time and money invested to good use, instead of it being a total waste. Hey! I gave up family, friends, travel, or any actual life .. to constantly invent SOLUTIONS and create a BETTER WAY that was not being envisioned. Guess "their" plan for us .. was NOT the same as MY GOAL for us .. basic quality of life FOR ALL.
Since the late 90's doing 18 hour days full time research or seeking partners it would seem NORMAL to obtain interest and buy in for a Total Health development that even creates PROFIT. Why would Beings calling themselves HUMAN .. the superior creature, have NO interest in a better way to develop young people with REAL health? Good new Careers would certainly help. Strangely .. no interest except in Philly but we will discuss that sad later. Let's take my life investment and make it help in your neighbourhood community. We can have Total Societal Health for all! Unless "they" kill us first. ..??.. So many STRANGE things go on, if you PAY ATTENTION.
After all these years getting strangely nowhere .. we sadly must accept that the group of powerful wealthy families in charge, are no longer satisfied with all the power and profit. They FINALLY (50 years later ) recognize there are no longer enough resources available for ALL OF US. Some of us will have to go, or there just is not enough good soil, battery chemicals etc etc. we ALL will need. Does the vaccine contain concentrated sugar? How brilliant that would be .. sugar inflames our NATURAL functional body problems. With concentrated sugar injections, we just will die earlier (YIKE!!), of what we would have died of naturally eventually. And there would be no trace back to the vacine cause! Genius .. are we living in a horror movie now? Believe me, I am just a NORMAL person .. no fringe or extreme connections. I'm a hermit and NOT a internet sheep. I am just an old liberal sometimes conservative, entitled but feeling guilty white lady .. no conspiracy theorist. But after 70 plus years of curiousity and too many unanswerable questions .. I am very afraid those in power do NOT have OUR best interests at heart. We have to take back control of our life.
I wondered since the 1950's why sane people would drink "brown sugar water" to quench thirst (COKE! .. Does POP mean Profit Over People?) When I was a kid, I could never understand why we would not build our body with GOOD "bricks" (After all .. It is our forever "home"). Then our good body "construction" would be durable and serve us well over the years. We had already begun to eat a LOT of processed foods by the 60's, and take "the pill" with abandon! Instead of the old natural "diet" we began to eat garbage more and more of the time. Then we would go to a revered Doctor who proclaimed a Disease name and even back then some drugs to fix us. To me that was like painting a building to make it look good .. but that was badly constructed with a bad foundation.
Health was my fascination for my entire life, maybe because my mom died of a heat attack when I was 9. Perhaps because I also loved Architecture and Design, I related building a good body with Nutrition and wanted to design a system to do so. Finally about 10 years ago my processed food evil knowledge became mainstream, rather than SUSPECT as it was for 40 years. Cleveland Clinic created Functional Medicine which was amazing .. having a Medical Institution focus on a Body's Building blocks vs just drugs. 10 years later, of course the Drug industry still has kept this marvel of a REAL HEALTH SYSTEM down.
By the time gluten was all the rage, my daughter helped me realize there was far more to Health than avoiding sugar and gluten so I added the Belonging and connection segment to my true wellness SYSTEM. Finally I realized that the Yoga, smoothie and Mindfulness groups were NOT solutions available to poorer people. And to add insult, if we were anxious about rent and food we needed MENTAL help, sent to that type of site! If we are sad or worried with no job security, that has NOTHING to do with "mental" illness which is a physical BRAIN dysfunction!
One of our missions is to destroy that ridiculous stigma. we do not look down on people with cancer or heart attack .. so why with a brain dysfunction? But now .. most of us need help with our EMOTIONAL Health. Stress and isolation are destroying our physical health too! This site and our community will provide us with all the aspects that make up TOTAL Societal Health! (Including Economic and System Health .. they are ALL COLLAPSING!)
So what you are reading is a Tool for building TOTAL Health .. REAL Health not "care" .. but including a SYSTEM of basic Quality of Life for all. It is a RE EDUCATION SYSTEM, a kind of LIBRARY collection of experts in each field that we will work to enlarge together. We will create new careers in HUMAN Intelligence and relegate search and the digital world to being our TOOL .. in OUR control .. NOT LIFE ITSELF. Re Pioneering we can build a better "system" using inventions for good, not always to the extreme and excess. We will BALANCE our Life instead of the INSANE EXTREME of everything we have come to accept.
But we can not just be SHEEP as we have been, especially with covid! We need to take back our PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! There is NO FREEDOM .. if we act like children and just let "daddy" control our entire life. Sorry but "Daddy" no longer has OUR best interests at heart. We need less rules and Laws. More HUMAN personal responsibility and common sense are what we really need!
alien? or disabled (psychopath?)
books on Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum
all our negative emotions serve ONLY to destroy our personal resources. Yes I wanted to give a tool to Police Bec all negative together results in explosion. maybe why suicide bombers "terrorists" evolve? When I let the sadness, injustice, RAGE, and fear take over I want my body to explode and hurt those harming the greater good. Why do you think police GET more 911 calls? You can NOT expect people to absorb all this unfairness and add insecurity of living .. and not expect CHAOS. That was my step one ..
But now I realize we are wasting so much of OUR ASSETS and value in negative. We must seize our mind and manage it to take back our life. It will be a simple life, not easy or convenient .. but it will be HUMAN .. quality of life for all.
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.