Sun. June 19, 2022.
My kids were mistakenly misplaced in the birth nursery. How can these humans be my flash and blood .. so very different than me? but then I was too daft to realize my own family was very different. So when I called my daughter "trump" I knew I had to start a heel a lot of research. I had always thought mean guys would be on the Vegas side of King's "Stand". I always thought it was good meeting in the Corn field vs evil. But the evil was actually CREATED by our toxic progress.
So Ironic how everyone died of a VIRUS in King's "Stand" and we are slowly dying of a virus horrifically far worse than covid. The virus of stressed shallow, selfish OBLIVION. A virus of our own making caused by our desire for faster bigger ever "better" with never a thought to any consequences. The many toxins of this "progress" have completely FRIED our brains. we are literally DISABLED. Ignore this INTELLIGENCE (not info) at your peril .. but then again I think it is too late we will never learn to use our OPPOSITE brain resource TOGETHER.
Our brain neuron's wiring works together, but each hemisphere has a distinct focus. Be sure to only learn the recent work of Dr Iain Mcgilchrist or you will be confused with past belief's and dismissals. Unless we pay attnetion NOW .. we are :goners". Sorry, that is just 100% a fact. Why do you see us thinkers having anxiety and panic attacks .. we even intuitively SENSE something is VERY wrong in our society. Our brains have been destroyed by the many toxins and there is no more common sense, logic or reason.
This was known in 1995 (Philip K Howard), then we lost our manners, civility and now are losing our humanity. Humanity used to think things through. What caused this problem? What are the consequences of possible solutions? But today .. nothing just a BANDAID solution for everything because .. LEFT BRAIN DOERS RUN THE WESTERN WORLD! (maybe the whole world becaseu more and more it seems a few people run the entire "show" and the rest of us just get dragged along.
Why do you think nothing works for US? It was set up ONLY to work for them. But the greed has become so great .. and the "follow along" of anyone remotely selfish that only COLLAPSE OF ALL SYSTEMS CAN RESULT. Over the last 50 years "progress" has created so many chemical. and SOCIAL toxins, that they have destroyed nature. We are 50 years too late with that problem. But now, we are QUICKLY going to be too late with our destruction of our brain's abiltiy to THINK. Listen! rethink and reconsider! reimagine, redesign .. but as I have watched my son'e brain change .. I sadly think we are ALREAY TOO LATE. My son was a kind and thoughtful person! But with the stress of constant insecurity, stress, but incessant change and lack of routine I say he has been "STRESSED SELFISH AND SHALLOW." when you are completely overwhelmed and overloaded as all young people are today .. it is only possible to survive by SIMPLYFYING. Simplifying everything has created a MESS in our society. People grab facts that suit them and are done with thinkng. This is not how we USED TO run our society.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
HAH!! So King's opposite's were EXTREMES. Only coming to the middle of ANY thing works well. Simplifying life to good and evil does NOT use the human INTELECT god gave us! My first thought is the sun is good, water is good! But when the sun burns you and damages plants drying in it .. it is more evil. a FLOOD is evil. So my "hate" for Left brain is of course wrong, because without action .. a Right brain world would STILL be cave men. PLUS I must constantly remind myself this is a DISABILITY .. our brains have been DISABLED. I do think we are done, becaseu it takes decades for new ideas to be accepted. I think our collapse is very imminent. Plus the only solution is working together and I think we are PAST that point.
Only BALANCING right (Think first) and Left (then DO) hemispheres advantages will let us get out of the mess we have created in EVERYTHING. We thinkers are at fault because we should have been screaming, or as Raphael Warnock says using "ACTIVE peace" .. sitting around and whining or even protesting does no good! THEYT are in it together for THEM ..not for US! How long does it take for us to see this? obviously so too long that it is really too late. Things are too far gone. If we could stick together and QUIT them .. we could do it .. but who of us has the willpower to sacrifice what they taught us to NEED.
We fight each other instead of using our separate brain resources tOGETHER against our shared enemy .. the power structure. I think there are many who fell in line like we did and those poeplwho have some power will JOIN US. We could do it .. we could tak e back our lives but alone our brains are stuck in either think OR act. Before acting one must THINK. But after much learning from invetigating (thinkng) NOW we must follow thru and DO. We are indecisive and keep worrying we forgot something. We need to put our causes and consequences into an ACTION PLAN and follow through. There are still somewhat balanced left brains that will join us. bring them along .. or anyone who is balanced or just willing to try something DIFFERENT!
The"Theory of everything .. HUMANITY" is that our brains are demolished and we live in EXTREMES of everything .. unaware it is killing us! It used to be I saw everything had to be bigger, louder, better than last year. HAH! Today that has to be every season and HAH! .. it must not be bigger and louder it must be OVER THE TOP! We live such over the top EXTREME LIVES to those of us seeing this we mostly live with our mouths hanging open at the insanity. I am just about DONE with TV, but many friends quit long ago. That reminds us there are so MANY quiet people who are NOT part of this insanity of COMPETITION. Those are the people we are gathering with to see if we can still "save humanity". There are tons of loud ZOMBIES running around but humanity may be in hiding FROM THE INSANITY. Hmm .. thank you .. for being my pretend friend and listening. There may be even more nice people than I think, becaseu until now I forgot this! How MANY have just removed themselves for protection of their own sanity?
How many wisely escaped from the insanity of over the top competition and EXTREMES?? Balance is the only way for humans to survive. But we have lost all semblance of balance.
If we have property with water perhaps we can eat fish from it. But that resource can turn into a LIABILITY (or evil) if it pours and the river floods and knocks your house down. Anger can get bus taking responsibility and acting .. but out of control we will be in jail .. ESPECIALLY TODAY, in our Canadian police state (Scarborough 27 year old murdered by police .. no more said). So to STOP the "Theory of everything" from DESTROYING us, we have to pay more attention to MANAGING our RESOURCES. Never mind bitcoin we need to create our own bank account and stock market of our OWN RESOURCES. EVEN DISCIPLINE can be a LIABILITY or withdrawal from our social stock market. If people are sp disciplined in a simple yes/no, good/ evil, they are RIGID and INFLEXIBLE. I spent the last week thinkng if only I had the best resource of ALL OF THEM .. WILLPOWER or self control. I can't even lose 4 lbs! or make a sales call.
BUT .. those who make the sales calls and DO "just get 'er done" are often unable to be flexible and hear new ideas or problems. Their RIGIDITY does get the job done .. but is it TRUE SUCCESS?
This is the problem of today's society. Our supposed "success" is shallow, can NOT last and will be transient. Seriously we screw our planet to hell .. and Bezos just wants to go get resources from ANOTHER planet. The stupidity and greedy self absorption is truly unbelievable. Society will collapse before nature does .. and that is soon!
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Sun. April 3, 2022. explain
We Live is a "ME FIRST! Screw you" society. Far to many live totally devoid of any OTHERS WELL BEING. Our OWN well being is very often PUT AHEAD OF THE GREATER GOOD.
NO matter the many EXCUSES, no matter if we agree with some of the excuses for Will's behaviour .. destroying a nite of celebration and joy for MANY MILLIONS, and especially those in attendance is not OK! The behaviour was not "humanity" in a million years. we are supposed to be better than animals! Animals never act as self absorbed as us!
How is it possible for one human to be so self centred, so self-absorbed, so utterly selfish to concern themselves ONLY with their own need, at the expense of giving millions of others anxiety and so many questions.
So many still stick up for him by a week later .. that it is shocking. Yet he is already losing many opportunities, as he should. My fear is he will be BROKE soon, and powerless. Of course Missy whatever her name is, Missy "even MORE self absorbed" will leave the poor "man". (I'm sorry .. the world is ending and I should know you have alopecia .. you are not that important! and my hair is falling out too. Nobody cares!
Will's behaviour supposedly supporting his woman (who is supposed to be women's lib EQUAL!!) will lose him a lot. I can see no other result than his behaviour was NOT VERY SMART. To me it is now almost "feel bad for him STUPID". How fried is his brain? Oh yeah .. forgot the whole decades work was terror how stupid we seem to be. The oscars just proved all. To stick up for him is stupid or at least VERY SHALLOW and hypocritical in so many ways.
The girls I spoke to FELL for it still, a week later! These young women raised on women's EQUALITY! If I am equal why the hell must my man beat someone for me. I myself can kick him in the balls unless women just want it BOTH WAYS? Sorry I have not liked women for a long time now. Very selfish and hypocritical. Treat me like a lady, do all the work like the terror of asking me out .. but we are equal. Girls then BE EQUAL!! Shallow hypocrisy rules our world of EXTREME.
He apologized? Worst apology in the universe, talking love .. again stupidly insane. Just how do you party with such GUSTO if you are truly regretful? The LIES and twisting we live in, will truly turn us who THINK, and want to UNDERSTAND .. totally CRAZY!
Mon. April 4, 2022.
A "Thinker" Right Brain lives in the PAST (why? what caused?) and FUTURE (how can it work BETTER?) A thinker wants to understand and create REAL solutions not shallow stop gaps. But a Left brain ACTION person lives in the present NOW, and just wants to get the "job" done. Neither can HEAR the other. But we need BOTH brain hemispheres Types to build a BALANCED society. Each person once had both right and left hemisphere Brain Balance. A state of COMPLETE IMBALANCE does not HEAR. This imbalance causes DIVISION, that will lead to humanity's DEMISE.
The END is here .. unless we can somehow feel compassion for the OTHER. "NOW Action" Left brain people frustrate Thinkers who want to contemplate. But "NOW Action brains" hate Thinkers conflicting ideas and "concocted complexity". Hence inability to have even a FAMILY relationship, where we would be trying our best!
We must recognize that THE OTHER can no more behave differently .. than WE CAN. If we Thinkers can not stop being "negative" with worry, why do we think "Now ACTION brains" are ABLE to just STOP AND LISTEN? (Maybe if we can greatly simplify .. like Einstein said, maybe they can slow down and understand? Unless we can each truly understand the other can NOT change, and be EMPATHETIC .. civil war is next.
We will NOT SURVIVE as a species unless we RE LEARN THINKING!! We leave out the MANY "C's" of life. A is Will Smith's action. B is the BUT the excuse hypocritical women and their men make (he was defending a HUMAN that has fought to be EQUAL??) etc etc. BUT! how about the 6 plus C's
Our shallow fake world is now DEVOID of caring "WHY?" ("But" is only used to create 2 demonizing sides, not to truly understand.) "You were bad we must punish you." 14 year old who beat a cute 4 year old to death are not studied for what hormone or chemical went wild. They are simply labelled EVIL. Sorry but this website suggests Greedy wealthy people harming thousands odf employees for years is MORE evil than someone who obviously lost their "humanity" for a few minutes. Those wealthy not paying fair wages etc etc are not human day and nite for decades! It is time to create a NEW SYSTEM with our own FAIR share Ledger (using the blockchain)
moved with below .. still make sense? not edited
Sat. June 4, 2022. moved to omit page
SIMPLIFYING is a way to make our complicated lives easier. Good / bad, right / wrong, is just a faster way to make the MANY decisions thrown at us. Then we can more quickly deal with the next problem. We still have ONLY the same 24/7 .. but truly 10x as much to do .. along with 3 instead of ONE!! job. No wonder we have gone insane!
But with simplifying we can fall into focusing more, on ONLY good/ bad .. or evil and start to simplify to ONLY that conclusion. I guess that is what we call a CYNICAL viewpoint. I must perpetually need good to focus on, so it seems that must be such a hard life! I notice myself doing it .. focusing (remembering the horrible lady who lt her TWO dogs seriously run like they were on a farm in the middle of TO. Not even caring if hit by cars! Why focus on the miserable experience of her .. and forget the many people who actually smiled or even spoke! .. unheard of in TO. (Maybe we are finally fed up with this inhumane anti social nonsense of covid?) So .. yes "good/ bad"
makes life more simple, but turns out (JUDGEMENTAL?) .. looking at the world only as full of evil doers. I certainly fell into that for years .. always focusing on how it can be proven the "power structure" is evil. Somehow thought I had to believe there must be something wrong with their brain! Everyone wants to be loved and admired not hated and disrespected! "Undercover Boss"(on CBS) let me hope good was still possible. And then McGilchrist's Neuroscience PROVED something was wrong with people focused only on SELF.
Forgetting BALANCE and living at EITHER EXTREME END OF THE SPECTRUM ALWAYS HAS A NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCE. No wrong! There is NO NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCE TO ALWAYS EXPECTING GOOD FROM PEOPLE. The MIND MAGNET will bring what we expect! But I guess we could be too naive and put ourselves in unsafe situations. So expecting good but taking some care to be AWARE .. is probably best.
Tues. Mar. 29, 2022
We are at the FAILURE stage. "A" brain ACTS, while "ABC" brain thinks, and ponders causes and consequences."A" brains are fast and have taken over our world. Neglecting those with more Right brain wiring, and deeper thinking has taken us to the collapse of ALL our systems. Humans used to have BALANCED "Think .. act brains". The toxins of our "progress" destroyed our brain wiring and our INTELLIGENCE. WE listened to the LOUDER, faster, "A" Left brains. Now we see that our shallow "success" .. supposedly creating freedom and "the American Dream", that 'success" was only fleeting. That dream is completely gone. A new SYSTEM must be built BY US QUIET MOUSE MASS THINKERS to replace the old system. A less siloed SYSTEM that results in REAL QUALITY OF LIFE FOR MORE OF US. We need to "REVERSE THE WORLD".
We have lost BOTH our intelligence and our kindness. Our Inability to see this decline in our "humanity", spells our demise. Humans are supposed to be better than animals .. are we? The only hope for us is that the same people who appear to be mean and unkind .. are the loudest, the "screamers" .. those wanting power or profit. "THEY" ARE NOT "US". Let the Academy Awards division be our LAST. Study this THEORY and use it to build new community in your area. Let's actually use the web FOR GOOD, but then CONSERVE ENERGY and RESOURCES by connecting locally as humans NOT SHEEP ANTS LOOKING INTO A SCREEN for power or fame.
Sun, Apr 3, 2022.
Selfish, Stupid, Shallow, Hypocritical have long been problems of humanity. But we have become so ARROGANT and competitive, that our EXTREME of everything we do, is LITERALLY killing us.
This began as a Health subscription when DR Hyman and GLUTEN inflaming our FUNCTIONS finally came to the population
Member must recognize the only way is to sacrifice supporting ANY but those who agree to our terms. WE may have to get internet at the library, not have our favourite Starbuck's drink, Not buy from Galen Weston in Canada. For me that means MAYBE bread and water and a Tim' coffee .. IF I can get them on board. They must pay People well, pay taxes, not pollute and STILL BE PHILANTHROPIC to the community! R3 = RESPECT, Personal Responsibly and (better) Resource management. All in our community pledge to do this .. 3 strikes and you are out for a few months. The bigger you are the longer.
OMG .. Is it possible we could make AMAZON quit their drive to become PEOPLE-LESS?? Can we quit Amazon, so they lose pROFIT? They have the most workers and plan to turn to robots and driverless transport!! How do you think that word for your future jobs. A Robot system ONLY NEEDS YOU AS CONSUMER. You have POWER if you wake up and USE IT!
I fear there are not enough of us willing toSACRIFICE .. so we will DIE OUT soon just like the species we already EXTINCTED. We are o a path to make ourselves extinct. Being a sheep ant and just following what they tell us will lead us RIGHT OVER THE CLIFF .. the END. it is up to you. I have a ne system we can build .. but to succeed we need all your talent and input including the sacrifice of NOT supporitngreedy Corporations!
Please help get any contacts you have get on board! The only way we can even DREAM of preventing our Societal collapse, is the share all our talents, Resources and connections.
If we are MORE than animals, at a higher consciousness level than a lowly dog .. then we should be THINKING more! If we did more THINKING we would be more compassionate. Are dogs more compassionate than us? Maybe dogs also have more intuition, and pay attention to it? We have sadly become extremely SHALLOW. Simple minded yes / no, .. good / bad has got us to where we are today.
It is time for the quiet more thinking masses to regain control over our life. The media and "social" would have us believe everyone is screaming SIMPLIFIED opposites at each other. The screamers are not us. But that means we have to connect and start to ignore the screamers. They are the bullies giving Western Society a bad name. It means we quiet masses have to take more personal responsibility for how our society will be perceived in history. Causing the Antropocene? or trying to reverse it?
When you watch "the news" .. the old traditional community come together time .. we are given 2 minutes at the end to raise spirits of the viewers. 18 minutes is spent inducing concern, sadness, fear and stress. No wonder I have spent a decade concluding we have become "evil". Perhaps young people get a more balanced view with their screen life? But it is the many young I speak with daily that gives me much hope for our REAL success, overcoming SHALLOW SUCCESS of the past decades..
Wed., Feb. 16, 2022.
REVISED from previous theory .. myself demonizing Left Brain character. Apologies .. we both R and L Brain hemisphere sides are BOTH guilty of "demonizing simplicity". Yes, NOTHING is as simple as right / wrong, good / bad. But to cope right brain THINKERS also simplify!
PLUS further revision from site focus .. I speak of the screamers. I forgot the quiet people still think and ARE compassionate! So my obsession is now focused purely on a small part of humanity! But sadly the one who get the media and social attention. No wonder my kids say quit listeneinf to ANYTHING pushed on us! Maybe my work is just for those who like me .. THINK TOO MUCH. Always wondering and questioning everything is exhausting
Intelligence involves far more than information! Common sense and the many "thinking steps" toward action are gone. We have replaced reason with laws and even knowledge with information. A I will never teach wisdom and compassion.
Information overload and extreme in everything, have damaged our society. Western Society is a reflection of the individuals making up the group. (Or at least the loudest most easily noticed members of the population.)
Hard to be INTELLIGENT when most of the brain mass necessary is missing
So many things have stolen our INTELLIGENCE
Intelligence involves far more than information! But in our passion for information (data) .. Common sense and the many "thinking steps" PRE action are often illuminated. With a balanced brain, first we think .. then we act or do the task. Or at least when we still HAD all our brain wiring, this is how we worked and managed. In the last century more and more actions were taken without thinking through causes or consequences affecting the outcome. We had much quick "success", but it could never be long term success, for a future we never took into consideration.
Now all the systems that were not set up for long term REAL success .. are collapsing. For example if I make a product that dies in 2 minutes .. sure I sell more .. but the garbage we created is now toxic to our health. The plastic and chemical garbage are in our water, air and soil. Shallow extreme profit focus with no thought whatever to the future, is destroying Societal Health. With missing brain wiring we became myopic, seeing only 2 feet in front of us .. never noticing "angry nature" further away. Those of us with hyperopia (far sighted) and concerned for the future, were dismissed as whining worriers.
More Left Brain wired people stop at A .. "paying less employees = more profit". Right Brain thinkers might say A B .. (BUT) .. "No job = no ability to be a customer!" Most ideas are left as extreme opposites instead of the extra layers that should be involved. "Yes/ no", "good/ bad" is not an intelligent way to handle problems. If neither side is willing to discuss and debate opposing "facts" .. we purely create division. Because so many of us are in a hurry and stressed .. we simplify a lot in this way. The result is demonizing the other, instead of the discussions of the past. We have no patience for discussion in today's rushed stressed society! This EXTREME opposite polarization, as opposed to the layers of a compromise .. is collapsing our CIVIL society.
Our brain wiring has been destroyed by sugar, search, stress etc etc. We always tended more toward one Hemisphere character, but now this is creating extreme imbalances. Those who want to think about things vs those who want to just get the job done .. frustrate each other. When you add extra overwhelm and stress to the picture division increases.
Instead of studying to investigate ideas we are not so interested in, we often just simplify. Or if we are extra stressed or IMPATIENT, we grab the first "fact" that seems reasonable. But that "fact" can actually be a LIE, if it is only a half "fact"! We want to find the TRUTH, not just a fact that suits our view. But truth, intelligence and wisdom take time and patience.
Wed., Feb 16, 2022
We simplify complex problems to make it convenient for our overloaded lives. WE SIMPLY DEMONIZE opposing ideas. If the opposing idea is of real interest to ourself we may take the trouble to investigate. Others wise we keep our decisions simple with no research just to save time. We may be too busy with Tik Tok to spend brain power thinking .. or we may have 2 jobs to pay rent and are JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE. "being Stupid" just to survive is understandable, but to be shallow to pursue useless time wasters is not! Shallow destroys our humanity, so take personal responsibility!
check out this example of our current idiocy (NBC).
Kudos to the couple feeding Blacks well in food deserts to reduce Diabetes and poor health. BUT!! .. don't we need a JOB to be ABLE to buy food and shelter?? I screamed so hard at the STUPID ROBOT I think my neighbours thought I was being murdered. God, we can be "shallow stupid"! I used to say we are too stupid to live. But us quiet mouse masses better start SPEAKING UP. If we here our friend planning this robot A I circus .. see if you can bring him back to common sense before lack of it has us all on non existent food stamps. Sure want "high class" jobs, but would it not be wise to let kids learn responsibility in a little job like we did? WE used to deliver newspapers when little! Where can kids learn employment discipline today?
For years I have expected civil war, because we are so divided. But it was just my stupidity thinking the screamers on TV and social media, plus Politicians .. are our REAL true society. The society we are pushed to believe is all of us .. will definitely collapse. But most of us are not who we hear screaming, instead of DISCUSSING. Let's not let them fake us into believing their propoganda. Let's not BE part of their evil plan? .. or their stupidity? If we quiet good people (the quiet mouse masses) take back our control, and manage our OWN lives we can still save society from collapse.
There are more of us. WE do not need the corporations or the government .. if we simplify from our Extreme Consumption Society! We can just share our skills and resources to meet our own needs. The blockchain gives us a whole new beginning. The Internet was used in a dystopian way .. we have a second chance to use digital BETTER. If .. we all share our expertise, varied skills and our connections.
We definitely have to go back to simple, a kind of RE-PIONEERING .. but I suggest that is probably far better than the quality of life our power structure now provides! Taking away our job unless we succumb to the VAX is evil especially if we work from home! (Makes you wonder what is up with this whole STRANGE deal!?)
The kind good people that are the majority are only on TV for 2 minutes. The screaming drama politicians and (irresponsible? we are humans, calm down from the DIVISION! ) women takes 95% of our screen time. Us quiet "mouse masses" keep society great but it is easy to forget we are THERE so quiet in the background!
We have 2 choices .. let the screaming minority steal our society .. or take personal responsibility and REFUSE to be part of the EXTREME culture any longer. We don't need to be global or on a screen. we need neighbourhoods that are linked for the good of all. We need to let go of those people with the "me first, screw you" agenda that got us here. That involves most in power. Ranting about our obligation to vote is nothing but a way to make us FORGET we should be Voting EVERY day! No involvement with Corporations or governments that have us by the balls. I know I am dreaming .. but at least we can start a plan .. and all of our human Intelligence SHARED together will beat their A I shallow! Don't take their jobs and don't buy their crap.
It will take sacrifice and maybe the shallow power structure will stop us, though we are doing NOTHING illegal or "terrorist". These days being and doing good has NO PROTECTION from the insane "Law and order" system they built to keep us in line. Those laws leave no room for COMMON SENSE!
I wonder how many of us would actually sacrifice to improve REAL quality of life? How many of us would actually try building some kind of modern Quaker or Mennonite life? We can still have the internet/ cell phone .. just not it taking over our FACE and life. I envision us taking over Rikers Island and rebuilding it to show how compassion and "FAIR TO ALL" can create a YOUtopia! No one wants to be "bad" or take a homeless handout! We all want to feel valued .. and we each want to contribute our varied skills. If we share our resources among us, we will have all we REALLY need. A kind of "etsy" + Angi + Blockchain TRADE for daily life! Do you REALLY think an addict or homeless person just did not care to try? No one wants to feel like a failure .. a Loser. Makes NO SENSE .. Think just a little FURTHER .. if that is your attitude. Free will only works if your brain is not DISABLED. You would not demonize someone if their heart did not work perfectly!
They are not evil .. they have honestly lost the wiring necessary to DEBATE. We need to feel empathy for us brain DISABLED people. The loud who simplify would have us believe we are ready for civil war. But they are the MINORITY. We who can still discuss are 60 or maybe even 70% of us. While I was falling for the media's propaganda and listening to the Screamers the quiet kind people were keeping the world going. Let's join together and create a new society of more HUMANITY and more INTELLIGENCE SHARED. We CAN do it! Some Fortune 500's still have a bit of Humanity! Instead of "woke" shallow, FAKE CSR .. they will sponsor our new careers and industries by joining our SYSTEM.
Thursday, Feb 10, 2022
Are we following whichever BULLY makes more sense, just like sheep? IN Canada neither "get vaxed or you are evil" or .. "I want my freedom!" makes any sense to me. There are many logical reasons NOT to be vaccinated to a reasonable person .. and NOT being vaccinated if it protects others should be the human thing to do. Both sides have valid points, but the truth is complicated and often confusing .. and COMPROMISE way hard!
Intelligence would be patiently sifting through the different facts to try to find some truth in the middle. But we have forgotten how to discuss and debate! Humanity that is compassionate, sees the other side's viewpoint. Do we still have the ability to ADD more "facts" to our viewpoint? Some people are just naturally closed minded and like to keep things simple for everything. Like "religions"people that think life is as simple as good vs evil? I am jealous of the simplicity vs complexity to find REAL fairness or justice.
But to those of us who want to UNDERSTAND everything (Right hem brain).. life is COMPLEX and confusing! Good for those left brain people able to just simplify everything. I am so jealous! But there would be even MORE wars and conflict if we just simplify. Right brain people want to understand while left just want to accomplish the specific decision or task quickly. (Remember the Turtle and the Hare story? Who knew that could be a "thinker" vs a "doer" (Left Brain )parallel. Those Hares (doers) get the job done faster, the race won. But it is a shallow success .. our path solves more problems to be REAL success at the conclusion.
Our Humanity comes from our ability to think, and investigate conflicting "facts". Once we find some semblance of "truth", we can empathize and then COMPROMISE. Aren't we considered the most intelligent of the species? Have we lost our intelligence and humanity? We do not take time to understand others so we can feel sympathy for their plight. We probably just want and INSTANT answer like everything in our life .. an Instant convenience shallow competitive society.
OR .. is that just what I think from watching TV and the LOUDEST voices. It is not what I see when I actually talk to real people. And I do that more than most I think, on the street so there is an air of truth allowed, with no big brother connection to fear. Those in power too are loud and UNREASONABLE, very divided with no effort whatever to compromise. Our systems will never survive that for much longer. Half for something, half against solves NO PROBLEMS! So cheer up .. we are going to build a completely NEW "SYSTEM" .. but one that has no silos and will actually work because we ALL are part of it with a REAL vote.
So those in power and those loudest, make our society seem like DYSTOPIA. Meanwhile us mouse masses quietly go on, living our lives being kind, compassionate and considerate. THAT is what quality of life in a society is based on. And that is the REALITY behind the facade the media wants us to believe. They push fear and cruelty and struggle .. until we think that is who we are now. Fooled me for way too long, and maybe you too? .. and now we must quit wasting time and start rebuilding together.
The loudest and most powerful have taken over. Us quiet mouse MASSES must take back control! We do that by working together build a NEW SYSTEM. Bring along anyone who is willing to at least TRY TO LISTEN, THINK, and RECONSIDER new ideas. Our systems were beginning to crumble when based on knowledge, and "Education" was merely memorized. But now it is worse! A society based on a jumble of unverified information .. "facts"? that are not related or contemplated just spewed loudly, will NOT thrive.
The Internet was supposed to be the INFORMATION AGE ..
.. instead we have DIGITAL DYSTOPIA.
We have gained information .. but lost truth and intelligence. And with our impatience for "instant", along with our overwhelming stress .. we have lost our compassion and ability to COMPROMISE. Definitely Dystopia. But we can change it .. there are MORE of us!
But animals do not harm each other like we do. The stress is really making us insane. Selfishness becomes a must when survival is at stake. But still the LOUD and Scarry we pay attention to is the extreme edges. Most of us still hang on to our humanity AND intelligence regardless of the enormous stress today.
You know .. when we disagree vehemently? If half think yes and half think no ( Vax or whatever) we will get nowhere EVER. Doesn't having HUMANITY mean sitting down and seeing what the other guy thinks and then mulling if an idea is a TRUTH or a Half fact so then it is a LIE. There are so many things in life I believed TRUE .. but after considering ALL the facts I finally realized my ideas were WRONG. Right now we are in the battle of sa lifetime that could even lead to Civil War. It is already dividing families and friends!
Life holds many disagreements. The only CIVIL way is to LISTEN, THINK, and RECONSIDER our thinking. Now if the other side won't even LISTEN to thoughts outside their own .. bye bye .. WAR will result. We all struggle to listen and actually HEAR better. But there are people with closed minds and simple viewpoints that LISTEN EVEN LESS.
The rest of my website must be REVISED. I thought right Thinkand left act were a continuous spectrum. You must do a LOT of thing before any DOING. But then I realized the WOK left was destroying my whole hypothesis. I think I always end up in the middle of every disagreement. bECAUSE TOO MANY PEOPLE NO LOGER THINK ENOUGH. Of course this makes sense! we have been bombarded with the TOXINS of "progress" for generations now. Any progress is EVIL whenever it is taken to EXTREME. We live in a society entirely built on EXTREME. Nothing we do any longer is balanced.
The "mouse masses" quietly creating our remaining QUALITY OF LIFE are the true REAL humanity. The crossing guard admonishing me to take Mass Transit because it was too cold and icy to walk. The little kids helping me do my first chicken order on the Wendy's A I screen, The other crossing guard making me WONDER "if masks are so important and they STOP COVID .. then why are we still doing it 2 years later?". The security guard reminding me those truckers are giving up their time and money to fight for those of us who want to go back to LIVING. The BDC concierge who went out of her way to help me try to get in .. because covid has made us "screen sheep" with no more life in our beloved HERD.
These quiet as a mouse, (not screaming on social), these NICE humans are who the REAL people are. These kind people are not looking for POWER AND CONTROL as politicians and corporations are .. they just want to help us together create a kind and considerate SOCIETY! And thank god WE are the MASSES.
Yet we are DEPRESSED because from the media you think we all hate each other! NOT TRUE, just what THEY want us to think so we blindly choose a side. Do not choose sides try to see the value of each sides idea. Whatever the media says >> it is for THEIR agenda NOT OURS. Listen but critically analyze everything told to us. Big brother has far too much taken over our entire life
Because we are stressed it seems we live in UTTER DYSTOPIA. (So sorry, I must revise all my websites now that I realize we have let the noisy mean people make us think THEY ARE US! THEY ARE NOT. When I ambush all kinds of strangers daily to chat about the state of the world .. 95% of them end up loving me! We disagree but come to compromises! Unfortunately I have lived in extended and nuclear families not as interested in looking at all sides of a problem. Damn I wasted decades thinkng people were getting worse and worse, but sadly my family are more the ACTION side less to the Thinkng side.
It is true .. when you are just trying to survive you have little time for the luxury and time of contemplation!
thinknot looking for power just helping us each create a kinsd, considerate society
We really must be compassionate to each other. We would not hate someone who has heart disease or Diabetes! we should not be "hating on" someone who can not THINK. I am working on it and forget ALL the time. It is so frustrating to explain something and be left with the exact same WRONG FACT. The person literally CAN NOT think! Their mind has been destroyed allowing only SIMPLE, closed minded "facts". But a "fact" is often a LIE .. when only half of it is presented. because we have a disease ..the DISABILITY of reduced brain wiring
Let's cut out the NOISE and stick together and create our own new "basic quality of life for all" System. Perfect I do not know where "mouse" came from in this writing but CHURCH mouse fits pERFECT! We are building a "church" . not at all a traditional church with a devisive religion but a co-operative where everyone has value and SHARES it. We trade our inteligence, skills and talents to build a thriving connected community. We'll plan it on line but then use wasted resources to make it REAL. (In TO We have a whole low income housing project by me .. why does it not house the homeless .. etc .. etc.. waste)
They are the extremes the minority .. and they need pity not hostility. A sickness, disease or Disability does not create anger in Humanity .. but COMPASSION and empathy. We must sympathize and be grateful to be lucky enough to have not been as affected by the CANCER of extreme "progress" and desire for "success". Watch as little media as possible. ALSO WATCH LITTLE ON LINE (It can get even MORE bullying!) If we watch traditional "news" remember the insanity and cruelty is the extremes. Most of it is Propoganda or fear mongering to keep us in line. The last 2 minutes of traditional news usually features us! being KIND and doing wonderful good deeds .. making the world a better place to exist in! (see below .. add Steve Hartman CBS etc.)
Fri. Jan. 21/ 22.
I always, since a kid, wondered why things could just not work better, if Humans are so brilliant. Why do so many things make no sense, if we are GOOD smart people, supposedly higher consciousness level than animals? Animals are never as mean as we are! They only kill if they are hungry, or attack if they are scared. AHA!!!!!!! That may be a whole new key! Or at least I never focused on clarifying that part!
Like animals, people become MEAN and ATTACK when they are scared or FEELING THREATENED. (Hmm .. that even explains 9 hours Emmett Till documentary, just finishing last nite. They are not really Evil .. just Balanced Brain disabled and SCARED. Blacks feel like a threat to White's entitled? power! So a Left brain WARRIOR lashes out!) Wow! There truly is NO END to learning. And do try BRAIN supplements, because after only a few days, I swear my brain is working LOTS better!! (Putting everything in logical order was SO HARD before.) Still not GOOD at all .. but hey, I am thinking positive and SURELY AM SEEING IMPROVEMENT!
"The Theory of EVERYTHING .. HUMAN" explains everything! It explains our current demonizing the "other", our power struggles, (and even relationship problems), it explains Racist behaviour, Inequality, Injustice, Republicans today, why so often UNDESERVING people keep winning .. and it even explains EVIL. To me EVIL is GREED ON STEROIDS. The "Theory of Everything .. HUMAN" is based on the "Selfish / Selfless Spectrum", the "Warrior/ Worrier Spectrum" and McGilchrist's Right /Left Hemisphere Brain understanding IMPROVEMENTS. IT differs totally from what you may THINK you know about our 2 brain Hemispheres .
Our "progress" has created so many different classes of TOXINS (sugar, search, stress, selfishness, 5G etc) that it has destroyed our brain wiring. With far less brain wiring sometimes only what was the majority hemisphere character results. If we are extremely one hemisphere (Think vs Act) we are disabled! And it becomes hard to get along with the opposite character. Sound like American politics? Except that makes it very confusing because it is opposite to politics. Republicans sit on the RIGHT of the Capital while democrats sit on the Left. With our brain it is OPPOSITE. But since The political right is considered the Business people, that they are ACTION minds vs thinkers (left) would make sense.
I still confuse left /right because of the political history we have with the R and the L . Just remember Brain hemisphere is opposite to politics. Less ADD than me .. you will not be confused. I ran away for so long .. and then found McGilchrist's NEW work was the answer to our struggle today. PLEASE go and research his work. It helps for personal and business relating and certainly for understanding people a little better. Or maybe it is my take .. his is more focused on history and society .. where I was always looking for PERSONAL conflict answers. I thought if I could solve my family conflict, we could just enlarge that understanding to bigger WARS!
So less brain wiring and especially only one side hemisphere wiring remaining, creates huge problems of conflict in our society. Instead of trying to understand the other, the demonization does not allow compromise and collaboration .. or any real success with solving our complex problems. If we realize an improperly functioning body part creates a DISABILITY, hopefully we can learn to be compassionate vs hating on "the other". It is hard and will take self control to change what has become automatic habit to "hate on" but we can do it!
Understanding is the first part of the problem solved! In the beginning I thought us Thinkers were the saints and doers were the devil. But that is wrong! thinkers can assault with ideas. Action minds want simplify and we cause confusion. They lash out and attack, but we should have been more considerate and not overwhelmed. Certainly their multi TASK skills totally overwhelm me and I want to run away. We must also give respect to keep things brief and concise for managing types so their brain type can understand. No .. thinkers can be a totally pain in the rear, never deciding and never just getting the job DONE.
Recognizing and addressing our shared PHYSICAL Health DISABILITY can save our impending societal collapse. My hope is that actually MOST of us still have still somewhat BALANCED "Think before acting" Brain Wiring. IF .. we can work harder to listen to each other, actually carefully HEAR, with an OPEN mind, thinking and then re-considering our initial idea .. we may still save humanity. Hopefully division and demonization is ONLY the goal of the media and NOT the reality! We must take back control of our society. Only by changing our "Me first, Screw you" appearance, to one of putting OTHERS welfare in the picture, can save us from our projected selfishness DISABILITY.
weak ending .. redo
My website mistakenly STAYED FOCUSED ON the R (think) / L (act) extremes of character, and needs REVISION. Whichever brain side's wiring is still dominant will affect our character. Balanced is best and is where good leaders lie on the Right/ Left SPECTRUM. Forgetting that there are still many MOSTLY balanced R vs L brain people, creates great despair. This is what is causing demonization and the media is using it to keep us SAD! The extreme of think vs act people creates the feeling that THE END IS NEAR. If we recognize the media WANTS us fearful .. then we remember there are so many GOOD people and we have more time to fix the mess, than I thought thru most of this site!! (hence a total revision is necessary. PLEASE IGNORE ANY DOOM AND GLOOM! Just skip onward, (maybe to the Health site prototype).
We DO live in extremes, and I apologize that my previous work did not recognize how the media (plus my own family) made me forget all the wonderful people in the MIDDLE of this Brain spectrum. Those of you at least still somewhat balanced with Right brain THINKING, and then LEFT Brain ACTION .. will save the world from collapse.
The media has us believing we all hate each other. I forgot that everyday I meet wonderful, kind, good people that are NOT extreme, that still behave in a CIVILIZED human way. (Remember it always seems when I am happy I meet nice people, when I think people are horrible .. that us what I see.. think about it! .. a magic magnet!) Looking with a more sunny disposition, I can recognize maybe the people who selfishly knock me off the sidewalk in their zombie rudeness .. are probably just STRESSED STUPID! Our "progress" has created so many toxins it has destroyed our Brain wiring. It has created such overload the stress is too much to bear. It is hard to be humane and civil when you are stressed out of your mind.
Even if some of us have a little more R/Thinking wiring and some of us have more L/Action, we can work together to gain the balanced brain we each once had. The screamers in the media at the OPPOSITE extremes are NOT us masses! In spite of the screamers and the power structure's effort to delude us, we will return to QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL. We will build an even better TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH System, TRANSFORMING our old non functioning SILO Systems. Now that we see the REAL base problem (a toxins of "progress", fried brain DISABILITY) .. we can solve all the problems that result .. TOGETHER! We in communities and neighbourhoods and waiting in line at Tim's .. do NOT demonize each other! We will restore our quality of life soon, by sharing our different talents!
We can not succeed for the future unless we think carefully before acting. "Just do it!" .. ACT .. to get more profit has been our simple mode for 50 years, and now society is collapsing because we never bothered to first THINK of unexpected consequences. Thinkers are inventors and visionaries while Action doers are Ceos, the Management that makes things happened. Without somewhat balanced brain wiring, we used to listen first to those that do think a LOT, and CEO's acted according to ideas for the future rather than just profit now. Unfortunately we have become extreme think OR act character and can no longer listen to each others ideas and compromise. Luckily the masses hopefully have more BALANCE. We are going to put YOU in charge to make my blueprint reality. A Blueprint design for base quality of life for all .. a TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH System replacing the no functioning silos. A Reverse World of less extremes, less excess .. but more logic .. Personal Responsibility, Respect and Resource management. (add JFK quote).
If we recognize extreme thinkers think too much, and extreme Action doers act too fast without thinkng causes and consequences .. maybe some still balanced partners can talk sense into all of us. Extreme Left brain people have lost their ability to LISTEN, Think and Re-consider. But Right brain Thinkers do not decide or act .. and cause great frustration. Even a final design or system plan is ACTION. A developer first uses and Architect (thiner, designer) before he uses a construction worker and engineer ACTION person. We need to get back to listening to each other to BUILD A BETTER SOCIETY. A develop is the perfect example of coordinating the right and left hemisphere of our brain!
Always wondered why things seldom worked as they should. People seemed mean, or not caring, or just shallow. Seemed even as a kid, there was too much unfairness or silliness in the world. How can people who have everything, sleep calmly at night, knowing someone is cold and homeless under their palace window? Are they still "human", are they EVIL or just completely stupid? .. as in oblivious ZOMBIES. Eventually I realized even my family was weird .. whatever racist means in Canada .. and certainly hating on other religions. Why could I not go to my buddies Grade 4 Birthday party? because he was CATHOLIC he was evil.
This curiousity and struggle to find answers to meanness continued in marriage and with children. How do your children that you birthed possibly turn out so different from you. Then you can no longer simplify and just say this is evil .. my kids and family were not evil. So why do they behave in a way that harms others? I do know I harm others every day by being neglectful .. (because I am obsessively working on trying to solve this societal injustice problem and create new careers for disadvantaged groups.) But day to day I am useless at helping others, so we obsessive thinkers are NOT saints. But at keast I know I was not mean like Warriors are. IF I die not getting my investment out there to help I will be SOOOO sad .. guess that means hell for me. "No help on earth? .. no lady, you do NOT get entry to heaven, you just ate .. used .. contributed NOTHING!" where is that crying emoji!
This HEALTH journey began in the 50's and finally I thought medicine would be upended with the Gluten Inflammation revolution. Funny how Functional Medicine is still nowhere to be found .. Our health is controlled by Drug companies. My daughter suggested there was far more to Health than gluten .. so I began to realize how important, connecting, belonging. feeling valued were to our TOTAL Health. Adding my invention of stress reducing ART TV, brought in the "Mindfulness and Meditation for DUMMIES" section.
But how do you tell people to just BREATHE when they are going to be evicted? So I had to find ways to build our OWN income, no more depending on being GIVEN a job! We are not even taught to evaluate what we are really great at in decades of "education". Others will pay for those skills they are missing! My website is a RE Education CURRICULUM bringing together expertise in all the areas we need for TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH.
Perhaps re inventing Maslow in a digital Dystopia, is a "Base Quality of Life for all" Reverse World. We gather experts in each area and rebuild our HUMAN INTELLIGENCE! By also SHARING OUR INDIVIDUAL TALENTS (ASSETS) with better Resource management we reduce our human liabilities! Realizing we are neither evil or stupid but Brain Disabled, makes it easier to understand and HELP each other! We may be stressed selfish and stupid (How does reducing human jobs HELP our common quality of life? .. stupid?) .. so maybe instead of my evil judgement of STUPIDITY and my exasperation of the past, instead we can KINDLY wake each other up, and help the reduce stress for each other. Hopefully this "website/ book /manual /Re-eduction curriculum" is a place to start. ( I have lots of work to do to learn to be less exasperated with STUPID, ie not thinkng of unintended consequences and then not LISTENING when one is WARNED
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Wed. Jan 12, 2022
Unfortunately, our world has been taken over by horrible people. They aren't TRULY evil .. they just no longer have the use of their Right hemisphere brain wiring. Our brain hemispheres were balanced before, and we would first THINK, and only THEN .. would we ACT. But the toxins of "progress" killed most of our brain.
The Right side THINKS while the left side of our brain then ACTS. But if we use only one side .. of course ACTION WILL WIN! Meanwhile us thinkers are still sitting there pondering like Rodin's statue!Perhaps it is easier to use the Warrior Worrier spectrum instead of the Neuroscience? Or the selfish selfless spectrum.
Ted Bundy ( ) said he feels sorry for people who feel guilt. The ACTION Brains who are REALLY in charge of us feel no quilt for people who have less than they have. Their belief is they should have tried hARDER, should just have worked HARD like they did. No need to feel quilt they are freezing outside and hungry .. they had the same opportunity to succeed.
They had "free will" and chose to be lazy and disorganized. Is it possible they are speaking of THINKERS? We feel guilt because we think of the greater good, wondering how we are lucky enough to have a warm bed but they somehow failed to have the resources we were lucky to use. Maybe we had just a little more self discipline? .. or maybe we were just lucky enough to be on Disability not having to worry about rent.
processed food, sugar, wheat .. search stupidity, 5G etc etc .. there is no more logic or reasoning to our actions. No contemplation of causes or consequences .. just jumping on right /wrong SIMPLICITY! REAL life and therefore SOCIETY, is complicated and therefore confusing. Simplifying makes everything EASY .. but is totally destructive of quality of life for all.
With so much wiring destroyed we are no longer as Intelligent. Common sense already gone by 1995 and things have quickly even WORSENED.
2 sides of our brain, 2 jobs. one side "thinks", one side "acts". All kinds of problems build, when we do not THINK before acting! Simplifying creates demonization. When we are vilified we eventually lash back and hate the BULLY.
Left brain simplifying makes it easier to gain profit and POWER. Everything is easy when you just KNOW. Requires no r research or investigation you just RUN WITH YOUR DECISION. Great to make quick profit and take control .. not at all great to develop quality of life for all. Left brain simplifies .. those losers should have worked hard like me. But right brain was considering EVERYONE, not just SELF.
Thinkers are demonized by "doers", because the right brain complicates. The simplicity of good/bad ,takes life far easier than contemplating cause and consequence. We now live in a society lacking any common sense or reasoning.
Putting others before self is how a "human" society SHOULD work. Too many put the "self" first. (Also self comes first .. probably because non stop STRESS makes selfishness the only COPING TOOL!)
Or a Thinkers concern for injustice creates DESPAIR. + Mental illness, addiction, inability to make decisions = hoarding?
no cause consequence contemplation = societal collapse. Left brain are sports enthusiasts win lose (regardless by one point? I am the winner .. you are the LOSER!) Police, Veterans but PTSD are right brain wrongly believing they can kill another because the government said .. BAD .. must kill.
Wed Dec 8, 2021
I wasted my whole life questioning EVERYTHING "human". Instead of having fun, socializing, building friendships, having RELATIONSHIPS, travelling, enjoying some of the long list of adventures I have made under "when I finally have time" .. I kept wondering, questioning, investigating, researching what is a "human". In my day we said he's an animal if someone was horrible, but I always thought animals were nicer than some people! Finally I expanded the project with my other obsession, Health .. into TOTAL Societal HEALTH .. developing a better way to live, so ALL could enjoy base quality of life.
At this moment, I am questioning that my lifetime of curiosity and wonder, and subsequent System Design .. is it a hopeless effort and far too late? The toxins of our "progress" have destroyed our BRAIN and with it our humanity. The bullying we now do online is just NO LONGER HUMAN. Have we truly lost our humanity? Are these awful people just the "screamers" and many of us quiet souls are actually in the majority? "I would love to rip of both her T ---'s and watch her bleed out" .. all because this human questioned an idea????? Apparently today there is accepted (dogma) and questioning it scores you a death threat. Of course it is not a REAL threat .. but how would we feel if that was the response to a simple case of WONDERING? .. as most of my site is. Now I am afraid to even share. I can handle you saying its stupid, idiotic, do I think I am god, I am ?evil .. but not this total AGGRESSION .. what apparently is now a WHOLE SIDE of the internet. What a sad sad state of our existence. see article
O!M!G! even worse .. Boebert!! elected official? O- M- ever lovin'? god! seriously? Now I am hopeless of any way forward! These people (republicans sadly) do not even understand that they have truly lost their (mind) Their BRAIN actually! .. although we should jail them for MINDLESSNESS. And if I have Republican Left brains on this site they will be threatening MY death? ABC
What has seriously happened to us? I have wondered since a kid what was wrong with us .. why did I feel on the WRONG planet? But I had NO CLUE WHATSOEVER how right I was 30 years ago .. and now the RESULTS of my fears are being EXHIBITED, BUT ON STEROIDS. I had no idea "I told you so" would be SOOO! debilitating and HORRIFYING. Is it possible if we quit the TOXINS of "progress" maybe our brain wiring will come roaring back? ?
Can I take my own recipe and use it? I will try .. I tried to make a simple formula for us to follow BUT NOBODY SAID IT WAS EASY TO CHANGE OUR HABITS of constantly wondering and thinking. STOP THINKING me .. just focus on my idea of stopping the formula of humanity's extinction .. or at least WESTERN Society. We are the ones with the problem! OK will try again .. the "Theory of everything" is ..
R plus R plus R requires S+S+S .. self discipline to SACRIFICE and SIMPLIFY our life. Any takers? I bet few would actually quit our entitled existence. Why is everything ? alliteration??? I did not work on creating this strange thing .. but after awhile I did notice the R, S, and C's constant predominance. The universe later sent the E's .. as is most of this concept .. pretty much UNIVERSE SENT. Somehow something very relevant always appeared just at the right time! Or .. maybe I am just so obsessed that I turn everything into my concept! Oh boy .. NOT good .. no wonder my poor daughter says "can't you just be a mother?" Yike, poor girl! Obsessive behaviour is good to persevere on decade long wonder and curiosity .. BUT NOT TO BE ACTUALLY PRESENT AS A PARENT.
We don't know how much time we have. We should do a lottery where you win if you chose the time MOST people think we have left. Is it 2 or 3, to 5 years? But we are getting more and more aggressive (STUPID!) almost daily, so that we have only 6 months before we kill each other? (see gun kids Christmas card above in the week a 15 year old KILLED 4!)
I want to set up a "Church Library Cafe" location for a community, but it could be a pop up anywhere. The most important part is getting together with like minded people. Hopefully there are still wealthy people with a functioning brain who would sponsor us with space or investment?
OR .. choose our own EXPIRATION DATE and have a "home going" celebration?
canada .. mental ill??? wait til Mar 23? HAH we are the only SANE ones, sorry!
niagara death?? .. others put in danger, if suicide NOT FAIR .. do like Canada.
Sun. Nov 29, 21. (Dr Iain McGilchrist link or TVO " The Divided Brain")
The Right Hemisphere "thinks", while the Left Hemisphere "does, acts". It used to be .. in that order .. think! THEN act. Also these 2 sides USED TO BE MORE BALANCED so we could both think AND act to decide what to DO. Things worked MUCH BETTER when we did a little of both theses NECESSARY processes of life.
Some people are MORE wired to ACTION, while others are more wired to think long and hard, before deciding the action to take. But with a BALANCE OF THE 2 HEMISPHERE'S we could come together over a beer, and discuss our viewpoints. We could LEARN FROM EACH OTHER! Then we could work together to COLLABORATE and COMPROMISE to come up with the best solution to solve the problem! Unfortunately a few decades of EVER DECREASING ABILTY to LISTEN/ THINK/ and Re- CONSIDER the ideas of "the other" has turned us into FAILING ENEMIES. If we can't figure out how to stop this division western Society will collapse.
Our brains have FRIED and along with it our ability to HEAR each other. The with more not human behaviour we demonize each other. Those of us who had more "thinking wiring" still have some left, while those more action oriented also having a little "doing wiring" left. With these imbalanced DISABLED from NORMAL brains, neither of us will survive alone. The only way to save our sinking ship is to BAIL TOGETHER. We each have a brain hemisphere resource available .. but only 2 hemispheres more balanced can truly solve problems. The ONLY solution for our ship to not SINK is to accept each other's opposite resource.
WITH GRATITUDE for the OTHER, and not fear or jealousy .. and to together set about fixing our failing society.
Toxins like ( ) must have destroyed our brain wiring. Even back in the 90's Philip Howard saw that we had no more logic or reasoning capability. By 1995 (The Death Of Common Sense) he felt Laws had overtaken any use of common sense. (link)
We don't NEED 10 million laws! We just need to each think of how our actions affect others and if it is negatively .. reconsider doing it! Instead we live in a "me first, screw you" society where "I'm special .. you don't count" seems the foundation. Do you think Manhattan would have become so amazing had they behaved so selfishly, crowded as they were? They had to compromise and work TOGETHER to become great! Being an Island helps it seems, (I am constantly saying "get the hell off my island" to UNCIVILIZED people out on the sidewalk's of TO. today. If they just were asleep .. no problem, but if self absorbed selfish jerks .. then "OFF the 'island' with you".
Dominant 'Thinking Wiring' garners a character who worries and complains. Dominant Action wiring, sadly .. GARNERS SUCCESS! BUT IT IS SHORTSIGHTED AND SHORT LIVED "SUCCESS" as we can now surely see! Things are NOT simple, NOT black and white. Life and FAIRNESS is complicated and complex. A simple Action mind was taught by Rand and Friedman the only thing that matters is self, and profit. SO VERY WRONG, IF YOU WANT A STABLE SOCIETY, with base quality of life for all.
Short Sighted simplified action produces TOXIC SUCCESS. Yes, contemplating causes and consequences is far more difficult and slower, but would have ended with REAL success .. REAL quality of life vs fake .. but with 135 kinds of beer! Sorry if we Thinkers are now very resentful and ANGRY. (We boomers had 3 types of beer! and I think we were happier .. and yes, this is all our fault! We should be UP-CHARGED, NOT HAVE SENIOR DISCOUNTS!)
Simply acting without contemplation, causes all manner of unintended consequences. FAST ACTION only causes NEW PROBLEMS! Yes, simply thinking means we wold still be cave men .. maybe happier cave men? We used to be balanced brains, and then at least could discuss AMICABLY. What has happened? .. we never even noticed the constant conflict and CHAOS we now live in. especially in AMERICA.
We need to relearn to BOTH Think AND then ACT! To have a balanced brain like we always had. Each of us is now DISABLED! But together we have what we need to succeed.
Can our Brain wiring be restored by improving our health? Everything would work better so a great thing to try! By eating less processed food that surely is the culprit that fried our brains would wiring return? By reducing stress? or by giving up the simplicity of search "facts"only? and 24 hours glued online for nonsense? rethinking our life choices is a good start to preventing our IMMINENT COLLAPSE. We can't just demonize each other. That war will be CHAOS!
Can we exercise our brain by trying to do more of the OTHER HEMISPHERE WORK? We could COACH EACH OTHER! OMG! Instead of hating on each other .. the OTHER has skills we lack. Gratitude instead of dislike for them and more RESPECT would help us manage our shared resources BETTER!
Maybe we are all OCD? Action minds are obsessed with "Get over it .. Just GET 'ER DONE!" doing will breed immediate success. Thinkers are obsessed with thinking, "but .., what about..? what if ..?" , all with flip flop indecision. Very frustrating for the Manager Mind. But how frustrated do you think we are .. now able to say "I TOLD YOU SO!!" about everything. It was very depressing when I realized yes! I get the trophy for being right .. since I was a kid "why is everything stupid? .. and nothing works right?". It does not, correct .. and so? Now we have to live in the Dystopian result!
Say we had either only a left or right LEG .. vs brain hemisphere. (Remember! The brain is a PHYSICAL part of our body .. no MENTAL about it! Like lungs or liver our physical brain is no longer functioning) It is like a two legged race, and we each have only opposite legs. Perfect! we can use each other's leg (brain) resource that is missing in us. The only way we can get to the finish line is together .. LEANING on each other! see photo above. Back in the old days we HAD races like that, but you young 'uns will have no clue. see image above. Without our previously more balanced brains, LIKE A ONE LEGGED PERSON, we are DISABLED individuals. Only working TOGETHER can let us get to the goal .. saving our collapsing and divided society.
Patience .. not something available in an "Instant Convenience Society". We only love fast and easy. Relearning to not Hate on each other will be difficult. We do not lIKE how the other handles life. I for one am TOTALLY jealous the simplcoiety of minimal thinkng affords. You know seeing a homeless person and thinking he should have worked hard like me and feeling no guilt or empathy! I do not like you "Action (sam I am's)", I don't like you here there anywhere! So this will be HARD .. but I think understanding they TOO are disabled helps be compassionate. Of course we just called mentally ill .. there was no compassion for us! So resentment must also be dealt with.
Sorry to tell you .. we also will have to start over with a new SIMPLER SYSTEM. All our silo systems are collapsing, not functioning for the good of all whatsoever. Complex Society's have ALWAYS failed.(Tainter? link) Those really seriously part of our new community will build a re pioneering "Reverse World" .. of revised capitalism, and less extremes. But the result will be basic QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL .. or Total Societal Health. Together we CAN do it.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
JLP? justin HOW is this possible to believe such a WRONG idea????
no common sense. conflicting ideas = complexity and confusion. SIMPLIFY and just get the job done. stop complaining making excuses and playing victim. JUST DO IT. Hah .. republican of course!
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
When I was a kid I thought if I do nothing wrong I need never worry about jail or police or anything ..nothing bad will happened. Once you realize how NAIVE and childlike that is life is not so fun or easy any more! recently it has gotten even worse. Police who are Left Brain should never be on the FORCE. And why EVER is to called a "force". That makes me feel sick right there.
OMG .. and the kids are running the "camp" .. they TOOK OVER from the adults .. had a COUP to gain POWER!! OMG .. now I am really afraid
LEFT BRAIN MUST LISTEN .. or think for themselves!
If we were still cave men from thinkers non action .. we would not have climate change, or OUR NATURAL RESOURCES DEPLETED. If we still had our outhouse and no running hot water, we would not have 24/ 7 stress and we WOULD HAVE the community of neighbourhood resource.
With thinkers listened to .. we would not have ridiculous tall buildings throwing shade and creating wind tunnels, or pavement everywhere destroying everything natural. Willian Penn was a brilliant QUAKER. but we never listened. Like King feels we never do and "the Stand" is in its last stage. No wonder I could never find it to see the upgrade from 40 years ago.
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Sat. June 4, 2022. HILARIOUS. Little guy wants big guy to UNDERSTAND. Big guy does NOT care! Just keep it simple! I have to watch this ad every time I get exasperated. Also must READ THE ROOM as my daughter says .. why even bother trying. That Dog is way smarter than me! "Listen to me!" will not work for Left brains who only want simple. (See American politics and GUNS. Republicans won't even discuss. Discussing is RIGHT brain. Too bad political left /right is OPPOSITE to our HEMISPHERES, conf.
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.