This is a new tool for Police, before we either lash out in rage at the injustices, or lash inward taking our own life. Many died from poor health, NOT covid, the "Plan-demic" was just the final STRESSOR! CV deaths will pale compared to the deaths caused by our LOSS of ALL Emotional, Financial, and Societal Health.
help when we are ready to give up .. you think they might want to use my work to stop wasting money on police .. while they only "look for bad guys". You could stop the CREATION of bad guys who are just people who have GIVEN UP .. but instead of suicide they are people who LASH out. (Left brain, lash OUT .. right brain = suicide? "lash" inward)
below .. gone "mental" off topic!! Balanced brain use was Right (We) plus Left (ME) equal consideration. But Stress has made us SIMPLIFY to cope. The result is stressed selfish and shallow not creating a model society. First we become oblivious of others to cope, moving on to selfish, then to mean, eventually to cruel, and pure greed to end in just evil! But IS it a choice .. free will? or just less and less Right brain wiring available for contemplating kindness compassion? Selfish is the beginning of a path to EVIL. But is it missing brain wiring just like if our heart or lungs don't work? But of course it is much easier for us to just SIMPLIFY TO GOOD VS EVIL. Yet it is strange. Many that speak good vs evil label the BAD .. but are not so good themselves. Going to church does not show you as a person of god! Understanding and kindness do! She never go near a church but are more god like than many who make it a habit!
Sat. May 28, 2022.
People do not set out to be evil. EVERY "normal" Human Being wants to be loved, respected, and valued. But our brains can be damaged in many ways ..
Our Brains create our mind and our "heart" or soul. Any malfunction in the most important and amazing function in our body can cause HAVOC. Most other parts of our body have one function. The Heart pumps blood, the lungs help us breathe, the womb grows a baby. Meantime, our brain makes all those organs work PLUS helps us THINK through our right hemisphere, and then ACT through our Left hemisphere's functioning. These 2 hemispheres used to be balance so that we had human INTELLIGENCE. This has been missing for a few decades.
Our heart or lungs do not remember everything .. yet our brain makes them function and THEN creates good and BAD habits and has memories offer life! It let's us smell and hear by connecting to the nose and ears. All our organs are run by our brain. It is our most amazing body organ. We must be totally BRAIN DEAD to think it is weird and Scarry that something could be wrong with our brain. Our lack of common sense has declined for decades. Is our current "mental" illness stigma any better than those witch trials? That is basically the stigma we put on the brain if it malfunctions or has a DISEASE.
We do not put stigma on any other failing function or disease .. we feel supportive respect! What possess our "intelligence" to think the amazing brain could not have MANY things go wrong and why ever would that make us some weird monster? EVIL .. maybe our brain is just missing empathy and compassion wiring? But you have heard that before and chose to ignore it. The stupidity enrages me .. sorry, but get a brain. Oh Right! But then we have lost our brains to the toxins of our self absorbed "PROGRESS". There IS no "mental" illness it is a physical disease like any other. EMOTIONAL illness, now that is an ILLNESS we will be stuck with probably til chaos soon destroys us. We prefer the progress that has fried our brains to a slower calmer life with INTELLIGENCE.
Blaming insane behaviour like killing children on "evil" is ridiculous. Why do we not wonder and find answers to WHY a person becomes "evil"? No, so much easier to just blame guns, or bad parents or school failed or the police goofed. How about our selfish self-absorbed culture of power and profit is the failure? The stress of a culture valuing ONLY profit and power is too much for the servant employees to handle. Hopelessness and injustice can become RAGE. And we will now see the results of a society giving no respect or value to the very BEINGS that created that "progress" yet never partook in its "success".
But us quiet kind people who are not screaming in the media or useless in politics, WE can get together and start over. We build our own "share and trade system" with the blockchain. Unlike the Internet Dystopia selfish Left brains created, we can use the "distributed Ledger" (that is far more important than "information") for actual creative IMPROVEMENT of our lives. But to begin we will need to sacrifice our conveniences. The Pioneers sacrificed everything to build a new system in a new land. It needs a revision, and we have it far easier. Are there enough of us ready to connect and build a new community and STSTEM that can at least give us basic quality of life .. vs never ending STRESS and lack of security.
PS .. Yes these shooters are mentally ill, but let's QUIT with that stupid STIGMA terminology .. the brain is a body organ like any other .. it is a PHYSICAL disease if a BODY PART malfunction. If societal STRESS and lack of nurturing that caused, then let's cal it EMOTIONAL illness. (psychological illness purpose is to give us a pill, or 3 or 4). So let's see if we can give us what humans need instead, security, love, value, respect etc) Do you not find it STRANGE that all these disease names never existed when we had outhouses and pumped water to wash? Maybe our luxury self centred personal bathroom is not worth the stress and security it created in our lives? Is a RING doorbell really worth the fear and lack of safety so many struggling has created. You don't steal unless you are struggling or angry at all the injustices.
May 18, 2022. Harvard Psychiatry!!
check "irrational RATIONALITY"! (No Right Hem deeper thinkng WIRING. He is DISABLED .. missing a NEEDED body part and its FUNCTION!! .. Perfect! Therefore to HIM, buffalo killings makes sense!! "The world is falling apart .. I am losing my American Dream! I must root out the ENEMY!" Black skin is easy toes .. like old cowboy movies ..bad guy in BLACK .. good is WHITE!
more food theft! .. sad
CAHOOTS .. 30 years old program! why not duplicated everywhere? makes NO SENSE as usual. And we are called whiny Debbie downers? I hate the western world! insanely stupid!! 2/22/22!! It SHOULD end .. a society too stupid to live. The ARROGANCE of "Missionaries" and (re calibrating) those original inhabitants of N A .. hah .. THEY were the smart ones!! (link Canada's native children graves evil)
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
stealing food? it will only get worse with all the idiotic A I, robotic, and driverless job destruction!
Sun. Nov 14/21 .. should this go under "about"?I don't like it!
Feeling Despair? they say .. just go to this Mental Health site. What? We are not 'losing our mind' and struggling "mentally" any more than rich yoga girls are!!! They just have far more tools they can afford and call on, to help them cope! Any thinking person sees these are very troubling times, and surely is feeling despairing. mental Health help is great BUT so many of us feel to vulnerable and just struggle alone. Then we are more likely to lash out .. or inward. Please keep reading here until we add our own communication tool. But for sure go to the many counselling places when ready. It just seems weird there is so little BETWEEN "mental" Illness and the very many elite tools for support. For me .. they are great and work .. but for us really struggling .. even breathing and meditation seems SO SHALLOW.
If you see everything as just fine today, you are asleep or OBLIVIOUS. (Or .. I am jealous at your living in an alternate reality that I want to join!) So why would we need Mental health help. We are not suffering depression we are feeling loss, grief and no hopeThe trouble is we forgot there is depression and DEPRESSION. One is a chemical imbalance .. the other way worse is a loss of hope. There is NOTHING WRONG with our brain .. and therapy and prescriptions will NOT help fear of our systems collapsing. The mental health organizations are great if people did not feel a stigma. So this site is for those who won't go for "mental" health help. We need tools for coping with stress, but even more important new ways to build back our HOPE. Can we find a way to rebuild HOPE. I think I have found a few possibilities.
Some have a budget for massage, spa treatments and classes teaching meditation and mindfulness. We don't have that budget and we are struggling TEN x harder, wITHOUT assured money. The Yoga people have no money or income problems. How the hell are we " ..IN THIS TOGETHER"? Where do we get sent if we struggle? We need to get Mental Health help right? No .. sorry this is the "BETWEEN" web site, a kind of "Mindfulness and meditation for Dummies".
If I check the well meaning depression and stress mental health sites for us .. I want to run away. I don't want to call anybody and I don't want to make an appointment. Without hope it does feel of no use to live .. BUT I REALLY JUST WANT TO HEAR THAT I AM NOT ALONE. I want to feel there are others like me .. in total panic about the world and my future in it.
I believe there are tons of us without money for the elite despair solutions .. but not ready to go the "mental" illness websites. While we are at it, let's KILL that stigma of "mental" Health. NOW .. everybody's EMOTIONAL Health is suffering! mental health was always just NORMAL health .. a DIS-ease of the BODY. The brain is no different than the liver or lungs but we treat it like in mediaeval times. I thought we were supposed to be such a society of "progress" .. ?? Depression drugs were supposed to be for chemical imbalances, a disease called "depression". So enamoured of a quick solution for every body problem, we just wanted a pill. There is no pill for sad at loss of any hope, or angry at all the injustices. We have to find solutions, not a drug or even a psychiatrist. For the old depression of course these are excellent, but this is NEW. Society's EMOTIONAL Heath is collapsing because MOST of us are not rich an can't afford a holiday to de-stress
I am perfect to build our community because I'm OLD, feel very guilty (I am secure with a pension but I feel terrible that young people will never have that, yet having worked 10 x harder than us boomers. Not Fair at all.) But OLD makes you more wise sometimes, and I was a Home Ec teacher so angry they dropped the most important course, MINE. No ego meant .. just that it taught how to handle everyday life and best use our scarce RESOURCES. That is important.
I spent 2 or 3 years everyday waking up to "what is the point?". But more so, a TERROR for my kid's uncertain future. Who has children today, when seeing jobs are eaten by robots, A I and drones. How do you live without income? How do you live without clean air and water? Waking in terror is no fun. (since I spent all my money plus hundreds of thousands in debt trying to get my inventions off the ground, my kids have NO BASEMENT to crash in .. should their finances collapse. They are very capable and hard working but the "economy" is not set up for ordinary people. Only connected souls can do well today. Hermit moms do not provide the resource of connections for their kids. Guilt .. so much guilt .. I had to find ways to cope so with a few choices I so hope something will be useful to you.
a great (Horoscope) FOR ANYONE TO USE ANYTIME ..
"Pisces .. Your November Monthly Horoscope: There are various options open to you if things aren't going as well as you'd like this month. You can get anxious and worried, or you can smile and celebrate. Why would you choose the latter? Because, if you trust the cosmos, you know it has your best interests at heart. If you face an obstacle, it's because a diversion will lead you down a path that's beneficial; ultimately, you'll end up in a better place. If you're flexible and open to learning new things, you'll find that you're well on the way to winning what you truly want. Important! Find your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your 2022 'Guide to the Future'. "
.. SEE JONATHON CAINER .. Horoscopes so weirdly always seem to make me feel better .. try it! This one is AN AWESOME FOCUS FOR ALL OF US, TO ATTEND TO EVERY DAY.
maybe this is really the whole mission of this site? seeing things in a new positive way, hopeful, believing in POSSIBILTY = BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE! Better quality of life for you and for me and THE OTHER .. ultimately = better quality of life FOR ALL. Isn't Conflict and trauma usually caused by someone NOT feeling hopeful and peaceful ? When we feel threatened and out of control, or feel unimportant .. WE LASH OUT. Is this why those people say "I am saved .. and my life immediately changed" ..? Do they feel like "Yes somebody cares, Yes I too will now get my share! I need not worry" Hmm.. we just solved the problems of the world!
Science and Religion really are converging. The "cosmos" above is just heaven and earth together. and .."the cosmos has your best interests at heart" is interpreted as god plus the other names in other religions. But sorry .. the earth is so awesome and the sky, sunrise (cosmos), and the trees and waterfalls and .. SOMEBODY had to organize this all! I doubt a Developer Management Team .. would have done such a great job. Sorry, but I think ONE CEO managed the whole Universe "Development. BUT that ancient CEO unlike most of today's .. is awesome. kind unselfish, and wishing good for EVERYONE. He is the ultimate loving soul. (Go away if you are complaining I said HE .. we have a HELL of a lot more important to worry about! Like Armegedon. Of course it could be a "she" but I am sorry men and women are different, and that is just how ut will always be. Do you seriously want everybody the same. Why can MF be a spectrum for gays .. but then not for management?
CORRECTION! He sent those obstacles or disappointments FOR me .. not TO me! He or the universe created the problem to turn me a different direction. Thinking that way is SOO much eassier than "I FOR SURE get the trophy for crappiest life ever!" Seriously that was my attitude. No wonder the "magic magnet" gave me exactly what I focused on! .. a disappointing life! Remember how big the "Law of Attraction" was years ago? Why did it lose popularity? We need it now more than ever! Add to it the science of different realities existing AT THE SAME TIME, and we have a perfect HOPE FORMULA.
Read the horoscope (good for our entire life direction) above .. again.
I Guess when they talk about "FREE WILL" maybe that means choosing to AVOID what you just re read? When bad things happened to me I think god did them TO me .. instead of FOR me. Attitude is everything! So Free will .. which I always hated maybe just means you have the CHOICE TO BELIEVE the statement above AND FOLLOW IT, or not. This is where feeling UNDESERVING and the Self Sabotage that follows, is the most destructive Life Pattern ever!
Those of us who feel the world has not treated us fairly HAVE BEEN OUR OWN WORST ENEMY! When things went bad we felt it was another punishment, another failure because we are not good, or smart, or fast, or wHATEVER THOSE HUYSWHO SEEMTO ALWAYS WIN ARE. Yet .. I am sorry .. I often think damn it I am smarter than that guy .. why is he always successful while I LOSE yet again? Because he feels deserving and he EXPECTS to get his success.
No matter what we didi or did not do when we were little or even as an adult .. is we are worrying about it we are GOOD PEOPLE! We deserve the (blessings) god wants for ALL of us.
Sadly subconsciously few of us FEEL SO CONFIDENT AND DESERVING as LeftBrain Action Brains do. But if we have any belief in a LOVING god .. just remembering the horoscope above would solve our problem. God or the cosmos HAS OUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. Latch onto that and CALM DOWN. Whatever failed today is moving us closer where we need to be! That BELIEF can RESTORE OUR HOPE. (That plus realizing different realities actually do exist at one time.)
OMG!! Do 3 different realities exist in the basis of my whole Iain McGilchrist work??? OMG!! Our world or reality .. the one that is collapsing! .. is the Right Brain / Thinker world. But the one were people are back to cruising and flying and drinking with friends is the LEFT Brain REALITY that we "thinkers" feel will collapse. They are in a different world. How they exist at once I don't understand BUT is HEAVEN the third reality they say we are moving to .. JUST BACK TO WHERE BOTH BRAIN HEMISPHERES WORK TOGETHER making quality of life awesome, because we THINK, contemplate carefully BEFORE ACTING! Is this making sense to you?
Does it not feel as you watch ads or TV shows there is a world us terrified struggling people do NOT inhabit but it is right here? If we change our focus, believe we are just as DESERVING as they and that the creator DOES NOT HATE US .. can we sneak into their reality .. but maybe TOGETHER creating ? heaven. Isn't heaven AT this point in history .. a GOOD QUALIY OF LIFE?
I always thought too boring, rather stay here on earth . Not anymore! Here where we are is HELL. This made me really start wondering what the HELL heaven really was? My mom died when I was a kid, then my animal friends so I really began to latch onto heaven. Early 20's my beloved big brothers died. So for some 60 plus years HEAVEN was really something to latch on to. I will see them in heaven. Maybe all my Buffalo friends dying also made me start to focus on ADULT details. (8 in spring of 2020 .. NONE of covid??)
Way, way more people are considering suicide because earth is a pretty sad place to be. So then if we don't like boring clouds and harps let's reimagine heaven. Or at least pay attention to what it would be.
Ok maybe heaven is like a hotel in a certain place. But maybe there are 3, 4 and 5 star hotels! I don't even care if I only warrant (do not say "deserve") only 3 star! has to be way better than here now. Maybe 4 star heaven is for those people who are giving food and shelter to those less fortunate. ACTUALLY out these dealing with the problems. Have not yet read the Andrew Carnegie Biography ("Meet you in Hell" .. re the Frick conflict) but maybe he should be in the 5 star heaven? He built our Libraries, has the everyday heroes Foundation 100 plus years later helping them.
So what is my 3 star heaven ( for those who were kind and tried to think of others before self IN EVERY DAY ACTIONS!)
Then heaven is also all different TIMES and PLACES together at once! Otherwise how do we find and recognize each other? And there is your answer for the SCIENCE of different realities occurring at the same time. 110 years we have been throwing quantum physics around but you only have to believe I heaven to see how it works. add explain see dad in Stratford 1957, he needs to see his young friend who died in Switz in 1920!! all while running into me in Hamilton married and grown up. Problem solved. Heaven proves different realities exist (time space collapse). So why is that not true here? Those planning their next cruise certainly live a total different reality than you and I. BUT .. we have a choice. By believing the cosmos is for US TOO, we can move into a different reality. Yes we have to work hard .. BUT the belief, deservedness and confidence is actually more important
Mon. May 2, 2022
It would be fascinating to research this. Left brain people ACT quickly .. on a more warrior like basis. Would that be the reason for lashing out in quickly and shooting someone with no subconscious WORRY considering what the consequences will be? Right brains are the WORRIER Thinkers which would produce DESPAIR, more often than anger. Loss of hope could trigger suicide .. or perhaps death by cop? Why is no one studying this? Do you notice mass shooters are usually just killed, instead of making a great effort to bring them in and then study their BRAIN. Please remember I am generalizing right and left brain. Most of us are on a spectrum, but extreme warrior (Left brain) or worrier (right brain) mark life difficult. A Balanced brain made us more human, more high level conscious .. able to think! and only then to Act. Now shallow behaviour of BOTH brain types just creates division, and the collapse we are facing.
Sorry .. once I get a paying partner .. I will add relevant numbers for their area. This was started when NYC flooded ?in the fall.
pix 11 sept 2021
never mind "mental" wellness .. "mental illness" was always a PHYSICAL Brain abnormality. We are all now DEPRESSED, an emotional problem NOT physical. At least covid can do one good thing. Destroy the stigma of brain disease. It is just like HEART or LUNG disease. But now. our EMOTIONAL wellbeing is gone. Whether trauma from "rain flooding", homelessness or the fear of joblessness 80% of us now live in fear. That ongoing fear of loss stress can not be survived in a healthy manner.
Sat. Jan. 22. 2022
McGilchrist .. we are so far behind!! Wake up people! Learn this.
Injustice in Policing .. poor don't matter .. More Right brain police would solve.
Constantly searching for a job, can make one feel out of control and get very despairing. Try another direction! Create your OWN personal income! We were never even taught to look where our skills and talents actually are! The link below helps us work through what areas of life bring us joy. If we love what we are doing it does not feel like work. But we can do it easily and quickly, while others without our skill struggle. (add link to my other site)
Would it not be a better way to manage our personal resources if we trade what each person finds EASY? Why struggle with stuff we are not good at? With the BLOCKCHAIN we will be able to do that .. build a community where we trade skills for base quality of life. At least we would know we have a roof overhead, and can eat. We can always do more than just skill in/ needs out, to obtain luxuries .. but at least we can breathe and feel secure. Like an insurance community! Any feeling of Security is completely lost today, and causing us enormous unrelenting stress. 2 jobs at once, lasting less than 2 years is COMPLETELY UNNATURAL and the recipe for complete collapse of Health .. ALL HEALTH .. TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH. Quality of Life consists of Physical Health/ Emotional Health/ and Economic and System Health.
While we work to restore these Health components with a new Simpler System, Check out and add your interest. Then start collecting all the things you enjoy doing and find fun and exciting. They CAN create persona income! The Calgary awesome website below will help! Scroll down to ALIS .. "ASSESSING YOU"! This is is such a great tool .. one that should've been front and centre in our "EDUCATION". Who are you? You have skills and talents I do not! I would pay you to save me frustration .. for things you can EASILY do! what a backward RESOURCE MANAGEMENT World society we live in, makes no sense. We have lost all LOGIC.
Then .. this is the Community for the rest of us. We can use "Breathing and Mind CONTROL" too, but in a way that feels more comfortable for us.
Please don't get me wrong .. lots of us totally BELIEVE in the BENEFITS of mindfulness and meditation, yoga and much of New Age concepts. But we just don't really feel comfortable with it? This website (Formula) is for the rest of us. Maybe for us less "entitled" masses, or those ?(feeling less deserving?) .. or just those of us feeling some of the above can seem very .. SHALLOW?
Sorry, but 2 jobs, still unable to pay rent .. leaves us little time for unrolling the matt and calmly doing (downward dog?). There are many thousands of websites and books for the yoga, New Age people, while we "slow learner laggards" are mostly without direction. I hope this site can collect us, to support each other. Yoga people with open minds are most welcome, we can learn from you too. But you must be open to OUR ideas too, and reconsider how yoga can feel entitled and divisive.
Hopefully my years researching, investigating and inventing different approaches, can help you .. as it FINALLY! has me. We need to find a catchy NAME for us .. "not New Age", (yet actually believing in it) weird people. We want to make those age old concepts more accessible to those of us suffering loss, but without a Starbucks budget to soothe us. Maybe we are the "N E New Age" .. the not entitled New Age community? How about Turtle fish? slow and back and forth because finding truth and understanding is confusing and complicated . That is us Right Brain THINKERS. And we are a "pain in the neck" to Action Brains who just want to GET THE JOB DONE. I'll be "Turtle Fish 001" .. we are the "turtle fish"! Any takers? sorry contact is not yet completed.
Sun Mar 6, 2022
Dentists say more patients are arriving with broken teeth, and TMJ, (tightened jaw) a sign of tension creating actual physical body problems. WE are living in stressed times and our bodies will pay the price. Concentrate on your jaw and shoulders and try to loosen them. Breathing deeply, as in REMEMBERING to breathe, will also send more oxygen to our brain, so it can function better too. As well the feeling of taking back CONTRL of our body is uplifting, because it feels like "I DO HAVE SOME POWER, I DO have some control over my life". With that energizing thought, we can STOP the worry thinking and start organizing our thoughts for all the possible solutions. Check the "gift of calm" video beside. While watching CALMLY and breathing DEEPLY, think of all we should be GRATEFUL for. #1 .. We don't live in Ukraine!
In this case the "them " is just the shallow people who don't think and just jump on a fact, and then demonize anyone wondering about its validity. We are people who question everything, and want answers, and then we worry there must be more questions. The people who are screaming, dividing everyone and demonizing .. ARE A MINORITY. We have to KEEP REMINDING OURSELVES OF THAT! We are the MASSES.
Until I finally REALIZED THAT, I was always despairing .. for YEARS actually. What we see on TV and in social is awful .. creating "give up" sad/mad despair. But one day I WOKE up from being a "screen zombie" and realized all the people I talk to are not LIKE the shallow silly people you see on screen. I talk to a LOT of strangers since I have NO FRIENDS. I "steal people" on the street and in stores, to pretend I have someone to share with. (I am a quiet loner?) On screen even the divisive politicians we see are shallow thinkers. Us REAL people who can think a few steps forward, on PAST fact #1 .. are the MASSES! We are the MAJORITY! .. still thinking about things, discussing opposing ideas vs demonizing. We do not simply act after we get one lone fact, OR the next opposing fact to demonize. We can still discuss and consider different viewpoints civilly!
How did I forget REAL people and get so stuck with the SCREAMING screen people as being the REALITY of society? WE are the reality .. the 2 minutes at the end of the news showing braveness and kindeness of regular people. Sadly we remember the 28 other minutes (actually 18 news minutes counting 10 minutes as ads). So no more .. we are going to hang together and make our brave kindness a connected community! never mind global .. we want REAL Humans LOCAL. AWAY with 24/7 screens. They fry our brain, you know!
Options for solution POSSIBILITIES come more easily when we are able to breathe and feel some sense of control over our future. The Ukrainian people and those in Poland helping are SO INSPIRING. The only way we can build a new Income System Trade (NFT's, Crypto?) for ourselves .. is by sacrificing. We can only support the Corporations that also want to REGAIN quality of life for all. There are some monopolies tahtmay ot agree to support us. Then we must QUIT them. It will be so interesting to see if us "entitled" Westerners would have such courage to sacrifice. I hope I do .. yike, I probably have to quit my Tim coffee. EEE!! : < Let's definitely use Ukranians as our Role Models! Let's manage our minds to find new possibilities.
We quiet mouse MASSES are NOT those divisive LOUD protesters we hear about! We are Thinkers who want to SOLVE PROBLEMS not simply divide, with 2 different "facts". This article shows the idiocy of so much we hear about. We need to wake up from our zombie OVERWHELM COPING TOOL .. SHALLOWNESS. We need to start to listen and think again or .. we are done. This will be our LAST WORLD WAR. Will we be able to bring along a few friends, who still have the ability to think PAST a "fact" or 2, to find TRUTH?
This article shows the stupidity of the "screamers" .. those that make us very worried. All the Corporations quitting Russia, the Visa, Apple, Spotify removal does NOT HARM THE GUY WHO STARTED THE WAR. As usual, it just hurts the little guy .. The people / like US! That seems like just terrible phoney CSR promotion.
Protesting the Russian Tea Room in NYC, only has the employees now losing their jobs. Boy, you guys are REALLY hurting Putin! Is there a sarcastic emoji? Such SHALLOW UNTHINKING ACTION gets us nowhere good. SHALLOW UNTHINKING ACTION sadly seems the way of the Western World .. or at least those in power? or .. those wanting attention or to feel good about themselves? Listening, and Thinking together, we can HEAR and COMPROMISE. We can develop BETTER solutions and build BETTER systems just us together, than we have in the last 50 or more years. Left Brains have NOT provided lasting success. We Left Brain Worriers will do better working with our less extreme Warrior opposites.
Thurs. Mar 10, 2022
WE NEED TO LEARN TO MANAGE (or discipline) OUR BRAIN AND MIND. "Manage" makes me feel in control? "Discipline" sounds like something I need to BUY badly. So strange becaseu as a teacher for 25 years first day of school I said the only thing that really matters to learn .. is SELF DISCIPLINE. YIKE .. here I am. at 75 still with minimal "discipline"! We are going to work on learning to MANAGE our lives for our OWN better future. Guess what I never realized 50 years ago was that just because something is TRUE or important it does not mean we will not STRUGGLE with it our whole life. But think how boring life would be if everything just WORKED. Thanks .. wow .. if only I had thought of that like 50 years ago I would not have wasted it ranting "Why does nothing work right?!!" If we could easily LISTEN, compromise and be FAIR, life would be easy. So let's think life is hard because that is what makes it INTERESTING? If heaven is an angel on a cloud playing a harp .. BORING! So let's even think positive about how hard everything is today, and how good we will feel when we are the REAL Leaders who FIX IT to be BETTER.
5 Ideas that can help us get through just today .. and then let's replace "democracy" and capitalism with a new blockchain system that works for ALL of us! We can build base QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL. But our partners can still have their private jets and mansions, we just won't support them unless they RESPECT who MADE them!
That hamster in that wheel is working hard .. BUT GOING ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE. That is what anxiety or worry is, a waste of our ENERGY. So stop the wheel. We can do it. Our MIND is amazing but we were NEVER taught that we have magic CONTROL OVER OUR MIND! The "power structure (they)" do not WANT us to know what POWER us little people have in our MINDS. (Add the magic magnet that (god or science?) gave us and we can focus positively on what we want and it does eventually come.)
To get our MIND MANAGEMENT working best, we need to exercise that control just like we EXERCISE any of our muscles or body parts. Our brain is a physical body part nut our MIND is spirit, soul and we can make it lighter if we choose. Us thinkers worry about past and future so we must borrow from those in control. They think only of SELF and NOW! Makes their life damn easy .. no wonder they own it all.
But their goal is only "win/ lose". We are going to build a WIN/WIN community. It starts with us shutting down our flying in circles mind (brain). We must FIRST empty our brain of all thoughts. If we come to "here and now" it is the INTELLIGENT thing to do .. sadly right NOW is ALL that we have ANY control over. When we feel we can't breathe with all our stresses and worries, we FIRST have to just STOP. Emptying our mind is STEP 1 .. to improve on the struggle THAT HAS BEEN CREATED FOR US. A WIN/LOSE Society won't work!
Focusing on breathing gives us something to do while we empty our mind. Being able to PHYSICALLY feel control. .. by adjusting our breathing starts to amake us FEEL we have a littel control. meanwhile we are learning also to discipline our far BIGGER MIND. Without our lungs and breathing we are dead, but at this point in society unless we CONTROL OUR MIND .. we sadly will also be dead of stress and the physical body harm it causes. Worry and Anxiety not only feels awful NOW .. it will kill us in future with the disease it made WORSE.
(PS We had a bad family battle last nite, if I do not make this work the $ stress will create war, Unknowingly my neck has been scrunched for an hour and now it is totally ? cramping in pain. Stress affects us PHYSICALLY too. I can no longer move my head!!)
GO to the video above .. turn on full screen while we practise taking control over our OWN BODY AND MIND. Let's just Breathe and empty our mind of all those worries that waste our energy.
Instead of thinkng about the hell we are in and the bleeck future, think of sky, trees, seeing, hearing, walking. There is so much we take for granted until it TOO IS GONE. Let's appreciate more of those very valuable things that we forget about in our stressed lives. Now we should be starting to feel a little control, gratitude and with iit a beginning of hope and POSSIBILITY. There is also a "Magic Magnet" that (god) gave us so he need not be puppet master .. so that we could bring good TO OURSELF though our focus.
We each have special VALUE. Not the horrifying rude "I'm special"phoney "value" of kids today (don't say no) parenting article .. ARE YOU SERIOUS?? Nice recipe for collapse of humanity!! except as usual .. if we OPEN our mind, this article is actually very interesting .. about Linguistics. I took one fact A, and ran with it toward horror, which is EVERYTHING wrong with our world today! Think B and C .. not just A, it gets us into division and stupidity! FAST is shallow thinking. thinkng and truth are SLOW. But for now we need to focus on US .. be a little selfish by focusing purely on OURSELF instead of questions about all of us! Left Brain action people will have no patience for this formula to "UNDERSTAND AND TRULY FIX" but bring along anyone willing to try!
Tomorrow we will have built a SYSTEM that shares our resources .. only with us and partners willing to help BUILD A NEW SYSTEM. Unless we revise capitalism we are done. We have destroyed our resources and respected nothing. Hopefully there are a few (less OCD or greedy) Fortune 500 corporations that will partner with us. We will trade our skills somehow using the new Blockchain or WEB3. Each person has value they put into our share LEDGER, not just time but skill and talent to trade. Just like a bank account they put in their VALUE but then they also get to TAKE OUT a basic quality of life. Call it a universal basic income except it is really just revised capitalism that we CONTROL. EVERYONE WINS .. but some win their yachts and mansions .. just not at our LOSS!!
We SHARE RESOURCES FAIRLY, Resources in, other resources or needs OUT .. quality of life for all. Warren Buffet complained yers ago he paid less taxes thanks secretary. Sorry! Truly ONE EVIL SOCIETY! How do these people sleep at night. Unless they get Un-evil we buy NOTHING from them and we do not work for them. Our work will be trading our skills and value with only each other! Our Partner sponsors will help us build our Foundation for our "Reverse World". The choice is society collapses with our greed and extremes .. OR .. we find a new way.
OUR new way is sharing Resources fairly with Respect, Responsibility, and BETTER (Resource) Management. To be a member or partner requires DESTRUCTION of the present "me first, screw you" society. Our selfishness and extremes have to go. The selfishness is often just an overload Coping Skill when stress becomes overwhelming. So we should give selfish people a break and try to bring them on board with us.
I wondered AS A KID already .. what is WRONG with this silly planet ??!!.. we drink brown sugar water when thirsty and then wonder why we have diseases we need drugs for?? EVERYTHING .. seriously EVERYTHING is wrong with our world today! NOTHING makes any sense if you are a logical THINKER who has common sense and REASON. So very frustrating, to live in a world of NO COMMON SENSE! (link).
However I must now go thru my writing and REMOVE half of it, if NEGATIVE. We need to focus on the Serenity prayer below. Why rant about what we can ntchange? Like the hamster wheel what is that solving .. it only WASTES OUR RESOURCES .. enegy, attitude, persistence curiosity Despair kills everything good. NO MORE DESPAIR. We focus positive because although the world IS definitely ending .. there ARE possibilities and HOP available to us! Let's work on how changing our OWN Behaviour can help us. First we focus onyl on the POSSIBLE .. our new system. The we focus on DISCIPLINE to sacrifice "buy in" to companies that continue to be evil! we can talk each other out of that snack if the company won't; partner to " JUST BE NICE! BE FAIR." We are not talking about a struggling little businesses, (who are just like us, maybe stressed selfish?) .. we are talking about the Amazon's google, apple, the banks and those who want to make money off our ill health!
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.