Sat. June 4, 2022.
HILARIOUS. Little guy wants big guy to UNDERSTAND. Big guy does NOT care! Just keep it simple! I have to watch this ad every time I get exasperated. Also must READ THE ROOM as my daughter says .. why even bother trying. That Dog is way smarter than me! "Listen to me!" will not work for Left brains who only want simple. (See American politics and GUNS. Republicans won't even discuss. Discussing is RIGHT brain. (Political left /right is OPPOSITE to our HEMISPHERES= confusion).
Sugar, search, stress, EMF's, hurry, more with extremes, etc. etc. have fried our brain wiring. First, we lost our common sense and logic, and now we are losing our intelligence. Humans used to THINK before ACTING but now too many just act "consequences be damned". If we actually face REALITY we have become to stupid to exist much longer. The balanced brain, used to think and THEN act kept "humanity" more in some discipline. Now we are OUT OF CONTROL. Is it possible to bring back our destroyed brain hemispheres? Is it possible for RIGHT brain THINKERS to work together with LEFT brain ACTION minds? DR Iain McGilchrist (Divided Brain) and many many other scholars think we have become TOO divided. They offer no solution to the HUGE problem so we must try to find one.
I spent almost a decade to find why there is constant WAR between my daughter and my self, thinkng when I found McGilchrist we could then stop wars .. finally UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER. But the very division is the CAUSE of the inability to understand! Right Brains WANT to understand. But Left brains just want to get on with the job at hand. We need their management and ACTION skills but inability to listen and learn new ideas to AT LEAST consider is the very root of the problem and ALLOWS no understanding. I wonder if the solution must be just the right brain UNDERSTANDING and backing off. if I know your alcoholism/ drugs etc will kill you and you REFUSE to listen to any reasoning .. I may as well SIMPLY enjoy my last days with you instead of arguing through those last days before you die. I am wasting my energy if you will NOT LISTEN AND LEARN ANY NEW FACTS THAT DO NOT SUIT YOU. maybe right brain thinkers have to stick together and just USE those left brain ACTION minds. We NEED them. Face they can not change and they can not even HEAR what is WRONG. They will shut you out becaseu their brain works only with a shallow layer.
But the DIVISION happens where SHALLOW right brain "thinkers" simply oppose the idea of a Left Brain. This is where we are! destroyed brains latching onto opposing facts and WARRING over it. Are there enough of us still with Brian layers to think learn and discuss opposing ideas? This is what American politics used to do until the last 2 decades became ever WORSE. Now .. Nothing will get done. The old guard that could be on opposite sides could actually hear each other and compromise. With our brain wiring mostly gone .. this no longer happens! With shallow thinkers and action minds only demonizing NOTHING will get done. NO PROBLEM WILL BE SOLVED. The problems are URGENT. Instead of bailing the sinking ship politicians yell at each other as we DROWNED! They dismiss one another learning nothing in order to COLLABORATE and solve our destruction of Quality of Life for all. U B I will never solve the problem. People want to be useful, needed and VALUED. We do not want to be fed but trapped like pets. Are there enough of us still THINKING right brains that can connect with not SHALLOW Left brains to save ourselves? I just met a woman who yelled at me like my daughter. Ye she made me see her wisdom. She was a little less far on the LEFT spectrum. Can we work together with those different but yet OPEN to save the world? I do forget my poor daughter has the TRIFECTA of not getting along with me. Our Horoscope is ENEMY, she did always tend to be a tough warrior Left brain even as a little child PLUS her upbringing in emotional abuse of mom made this simply a subconscious behaviour. I must remember she has a lot of obstacles to HEARING me .. and learn to be lore patient and calmer and kinder. That is hard when one feels bullied .. but if we can just REMEMBER the bully's STORY empathy and patience is easier.
What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.
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The RECIPE for a solution of our civil war is making a great "meal" and the SHALLOWS will at least TRY to join with our community.
perfect example .. not much dept of thinking LAYERS went into this artists idea. Greaa for "ME! today" .. but not for "OUR future". saw the environmental damage this will do and the waste of resources to be COOL for a minute.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Sat Jan 15, 2022
We can only succeed by sharing our now SEPARATED assets. We used to have both Think AND Act brain wiring hemispheres. But the toxins of our "life of excess" destroyed much of that Brain wiring. By 1995 we had already lost our common sense. Instead we developed rhemes of LAWS where lawyers developed cases, instead of using logic and reason in society. An entire predatory Legal System was formed instead of individuals thinking, evaluating and being REASONABLE Human Beings. We gave up responsibility to be replaced by suing everybody .. at least in America, and Canada is copying. From there on logic and reason declined further, especially with "search" substituting for REAL Human intelligence. Plus, the stress of our lives now requires simplification, just to get through the overwhelm of info and "communication" OVERLOAD. Our brain wiring is fried and we are left with only that hemisphere side that we had more of.
This leaves "action" (use) vs "thinking" (understand) individuals, with perhaps few left with the balance to do both think and then act. Is that why we have been such sheep over these 2 years? We can not follow the other's brain method, it confuses us. So we demonize each other. A Thinker causes great frustration to an Action brain, by never getting the job done. A thinker also confuses the action brain person with too many ideas .. words feel assaulting! So they lash out and attack, especially verbally or threateningly! WE each handle fear differently, Warrior (Action Left Hemisphere) by lashing out, worrier (right) by retreating. An Action person works too fast for a Thinker, and creates stress, so we want to run away, and avoid. it seems FEAR is the problem of each .. we just react differently. One attacks, one retreats (and is called a victim or loser?)
At first as a Thinker, I thought Iain Mcgilchrist's "Divided Brain" showed Left Hemisphere people as the enemy. BUT US RIGHT BRAIN PEOPLE ARE DOING NOTHING! All of a sudden I realize in the last 10 years, I have accomplished NOTHING! I have 7 million notes (thinking, inventing .. good DESIGN development of transforming our "quality of life" silo Systems) but without getting the concept OUT THERE .. NOTHING WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED. I have demonized the Action managers for not thinking, while not noticing I have lost ALL ABILITY TO ACT. Stress has shut my brain down even more from acting or Doing. We need each other! But we have got so far into demonizing, that we are no longer even able to discipline ourself!! eeee yih!
Thurs. Mar 3, 2022
Today's overwhelm and resultant stress, requires simplifying in order to cope. Right Brain "thinkers" EXASPERATE Left Brain "just get 'er done" action people. Before Digital DYSTOPIA invaded our society, life was more calm and we could work toward BALANCING our opposite assets. Action minds were the managing CEOs but hired VISIONARY "thinkers" as new idea partners. A few lucky people still have balanced Right/ Left Brain Hemispheres, which is a golden Resource.
Our info overload makes us shallow, easily frustrated with ANY complication .. including too much THINKING! When we just want EASY and convenient, contemplative thinking just adds to the stress. But not thinking about "causes of events" = unfairness. Right brain Thinkers can be shallow too .. with some of their protesting (Black lives matter?) then causing alienation. When we are "SHALLOW Thinkers" we then demonize me for saying that .. although NO malice was ever intended. Of course ALL lives matter! Black lives just seem to matter way LESS. Not thinking through all the possible consequences of our actions .. is the CAUSE of the DISASTER we now inhabit. I began this website believing the fault was all the LEFT brains, and Dr McGilchrist agrees. But a SHALLOW "Thinker" Right brain only causes DIVISION. . solving NOTHING. We all have a RESPONSIBILITY to THINK things thru carefully or we end up with our world today. No common sense? No future. Smart Cities? Hah!! Dumb/ dumber
I found this on my bathroom cupboard shelf .. had a nervous breakdown .. sent a screaming video to my kids that there is an evil (ghost) spirit in my suite. Where did all that Lip balm go? .. and WHERE IS THE LID?? My daughter responded "Lid fell off and It evaporated .. move on!!" That is such a perfect example of our EXTREME "Think" Right brain, vs "Act .. just get 'er done!" opposition Left brain behaviour. Isn't she curious? .. doesn't she care to SOLVE THIS BURNING and IMPORTANT QUESTION? She has moved on to work on her marketing project to pay the rent! Meanwhile I have completely lost focus .. AND AM OBSESSED TO KNOW the answer. Doesn't she want to know?? She recognizes there are priorities. I am lucky for pension or I would be HOMELESS!
Then .. when I have researched and investigated all avenues and come up with the ANSWER .. she has no interest. WHAT??? "I did all this painstaking work and you don't care? How disrespectful. Yes, you have no respect for me and that means no LOVE. In fact you hate me. What kind of daughter does not listen to her mother?" Too bad it took me so much study to see this pattern! Chill Pill! Sometimes getting the jobs needed DONE, should just STAY the PRIORITY! Focus wayward thinker! (WE are probably jealous of Left Brain's DISCIPLINE.)
I still have no answer for the spirit monster in my place . If the balm exploded it should be seen on the shelf. Even if the lid somehow came off .. where is it?? My belief is it was SERIOUSLY "the universe". It was (god?) sending this perfect communication example to help me understand why Left brain's get SO EXASPERATED with us slow unfocused Right brain Thinkers. (But we are the inventor's and visionaries .. we have value too .. not just the Managers!)
Sat. April 16, 2022. May 2 added image McG notes .. this not read
The end .. THE explanation why Left vs Right Brain hemisphere people are SO VERY DIVIDED .. from Neuroscientist Dr. Iain McGilchrist Psychology Today mag
"What the left hemisphere offers is a crucial aspect of reality, that aspect which enables us to have fixity, and which therefore enables us to use and manipulate it. Without it, we could not reason in certain ways, exploit the world around us to our benefit, or have a civilisation at all. We need to be able to pin things down and ‘grasp’ them , as we say (not for nothing do most of us use the right hand, controlled by the left hemisphere, to grasp what is of use to us, and use our left hemisphere to provide that aspect of language with which we say we ‘grasp’ something). I value these aspects of our ability to engage with the world. My thesis is in fact based on the gathering of a huge amount of evidence, hard worked for by others and to a much smaller degree by myself, and depends on rational argument. We get nowhere if we disrespect or disregard systematic thinking. There is often too little, not too much, clear thinking involved in our attempts to understand the world. My argument is that we need to use what this kind of understanding gives us within a broader framework, which we can all too easily ignore, because that framework is not itself contained within, or even implied within, this way of thinking. Hence my belief is that we need both left hemisphere and right hemisphere ways of thinking. Our right hemisphere is aware of that. But the characteristic mode of the left hemisphere' s thinking makes it unaware of what it doesn't know. It thinks it can go it alone. That is where the trouble begins."
Sat. April 16, 2022 .. OMG everything is wrong on my site .. it is NOT right vs left brain .. it is SHALLOW SIMPLE NO DEPTH ZOMBIE BRAINS! Bring that think "A!" and then others that think "well then, what about B?" Opposing ideas like face masks or abortion. Just people screaming at each other. "you are evil" vs "you are stupid". Like NORMAL not zombie human beings used to DISCUSS things. "Why do you think it is ok to kill a living beginning being?" Then we could discuss how NURTURE is actually far more important than nature (birth). We could figure a compromise! I am the last person to not consider the others well being .. yet masks are stupid in a society with NO CLUE ABOUT germs or REAL Hygiene. I notice the most frequent word I use? .. is REAL. Nothing is what it seems! Everything is inside our and backward! Hence let's buy;d a REVERSE WORLD back to "normal" sanity.
Today .. We seem to worship ABNORMAL. NO! Normal is GOOD! Normal is THE MASSES. And the masses get a voice too! It is "Opposing sides type" people UNABLE to discuss, that are UNACCEPTABLE. They are OFF REVERSE WORLD ISLAND, not welcome. Only those able to think through opposing ideas, DISCUSS vs DEMONIZE are welcome! Simple, shallow, convenient non thinking "facts" are destroying society .. and this needs to be STOPPED or perhaps already TOO LATE.
Instead of MERELY jailing the "criminals", and violent protesters .. perhaps LISTENING (why so angry?) and DESTRUCTIVE will give insight and be more beneficial than SIMPLE good vs evil! Mass murderers are just killed, instead of investigated and researched so maybe we can PREVENT THE SAME HAPPENING OVER AND OVER AGAIN!! Start THINKING again if your brain is not yet destroyed to "walking dead zombie" as so many ARE.
EVERYONE'S Responsibility = LISTEN! RE-Think! Re-consider the original idea
Oh no! Is this our brain? no longer fresh firm onion LAYERS of ideas .. but collapsed together .. CARMELLIZED .. yes! from sugar!! O M G!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2022.
That leaves us with hope we can HEAR each other .. we can listen, think and then reconsider our original idea with fresh input! You know .. discuss ideas and plans like we used to?!! Hopefully what we hear in the media is just the loud posturing people? All we hear is demonization and disrespectful language.
It feels like Action brains have quit listening in their desire to simplify and reduce confusion. But trying to find truth or to compromise is always full of conflicting ideas. Living in society is always full of differing ideas, but never to such assaulting conflict as now. Warriors (action brains) attack and worriers run away. This won't work, but if the majority of quiet citizens can STILL discuss differences and come up with collaboration, then we can still survive. There will not BE all out civil war! Maybe the media power structure just WANTS us to feel we are enemies?
I have become so confused because I thought Left brain "use" with no thought to consequence was evil. But my family and a new friend, also of "action type" began calling "thinker me", the perfect, kind, considerate, greater good ME .. evil! What .. but they think SELF while I think what about the other guy .. how am I evil? All our avalanche of ideas create great discomfort for those who just want to get the job done. What a shock they feel assaulted by me .. I am abusive. The first time I thought that person was a little insane or calling the other what THEY are. But as I heard it more it became more clear that even too may ideas can frustrate. I get anxious with their speed of action and multi tasking. They get anxious from my MULTI THINKING. More work is needed to understand each other.
from book about President HOOVER I have .. not yet read.
I thought it would be either / or ruthless vs generous? How can it be BOTH .. Both ruthless and generous? Is that kind of like how we have good and evil in us? This requires new obsessive study .. actually is EXACTLY what I have already been studying! .. right/ Left Brain as a SPECTRUM. WHOA!! maybe instead of a spectrum it IS "both and" .. 2 SEPARATE gradations that CHANGE depending on the day and its stresses and overwhelm? .. OR the day's calm!! Most of us do not behave well under great stress .. so am I judging fast action more "me first" people too harshly? Is it purely jealousy because we thinkers are less able to just put the SELF first? So many questions! Probably the box above helps with this one?
Our problem? DIVISION, caused by an"opposite focus" SPECTRUM .. re do this .. messed up "Thinkers" focus on considering causes and consequences, opposite ACTION brain is just get it DONE! but luckily on a spectrum! i
Ideas and curiosity are like BATTERING rams to LEFT BRAIN .. they feel attacked !! Being Warrior types they FIGHT BACK. Fear of looking silly, not in control makes a left brain "crazy". Plain ordinary fear? Watch out. I read to sell to CEO's with Grade 4 approach decades ago! Is that why nobody returns my call or communication? They have no clue because I do not simplify to ONLY .. PROFIT or their gain in publicity or power. I blather on about quality of life. THANKS! for listening .. I just reminded myself through you .. to TRULY simplify this week's proposals!! Without a Partner or DISTRIBUTOR with money we get NOWHERE with this SYSTEM!
customers into loyal ones.
From Dr. Iain McGilchrist Psychology today 2010 .. we should have listened!
"What the left hemisphere offers is a crucial aspect of reality, that aspect which enables us to have fixity, and which therefore enables us to use and manipulate it. Without it, we could not reason in certain ways, exploit the world around us to our benefit, or have a civilisation at all. We need to be able to pin things down and ‘grasp’ them , as we say (not for nothing do most of us use the right hand, controlled by the left hemisphere, to grasp what is of use to us, and use our left hemisphere to provide that aspect of language with which we say we ‘grasp’ something). I value these aspects of our ability to engage with the world. My thesis is in fact based on the gathering of a huge amount of evidence, hard worked for by others and to a much smaller degree by myself, and depends on rational argument. We get nowhere if we disrespect or disregard systematic thinking. There is often too little, not too much, clear thinking involved in our attempts to understand the world. My argument is that we need to use what this kind of understanding gives us within a broader framework, which we can all too easily ignore, because that framework is not itself contained within, or even implied within, this way of thinking. Hence my belief is that we need both left hemisphere and right hemisphere ways of thinking. Our right hemisphere is aware of that. But the characteristic mode of the left hemisphere' s thinking makes it unaware of what it doesn't know. It thinks it can go it alone. That is where the trouble begins." Do Left brain Dominants just dismiss us as slow, negative and obstructive .. while we are actually the creative, system designing BRILLIANCE?
April 18 ..add the easter "hot take off coat" RESPONSIBILITY laugh
Sat Mar 5 2022
But if I studied a problem and came up with a solution no one else had the patience to develop .. should I not share it? I thought that is what consultants do .. give solutions to problems and get paid well. AHHH .. if only I had lots of confidence I would be out there getting 250$ hour consulting to organize city agencies or even corporations with a new department "Total Health". My only answer earlier was "Don't we have a responsibility to LISTEN to and LEARN new ideas if we are still HUMANS, supposedly better than other life?" He thought I had no right to tell corporations they are jerks looking only for profit. I am not the boss go of the world. Hah! If only I WAS! Things would work better I swear .. just as they would if most our people took over. Common sense works wonders in FIXING THINGS! I know it is all HARD .. compromise always is.
Hmm .. interesting, perhaps I am still only a teacher to him and therefore the teenager in him does not want to be told what to do? Back in university I learned about the INNER CHILD. We no longer hear about that but I think it is probably always present, even when we are old. Do I have the right because I want to share how we can get a better quality of life for all? And yes .. you listen to me I whopped on this long and hard! If I spent decades obsessed with this I should have the right! True, but the problem is .. I get NO PROMISE anyone will listen, and maybe they will just think I am IRRITATING. Hopefully .. a few will think the System design is good and partner with us. We build a template location, or even just have a good connected SHARING community. We will share all our MANY Resources in a FAIR more Human way.
Left Brains certainly just do whatever they think is right and listen to nothing .. and they are the reason we are now in this huge mess! So why do I need to listen to all my NAYSAYERS? (They don't listen, why should I?!) We gather those who want to do what is good for ALL of us. We gather those who want to know Causes of problems and all the possible consequences of an action .. especially unintended consequences. We need to look into the PAST and consider the future too, not just act for NOW! I believe Left brains maybe REALLY only consider NOW. That does NOT breed true LONG TERM success. Left brains have been the CEO's and "successful" wealthy .. but now everything they built is collapsing, literally (.. as in even Fla. condos! .. heart breaking, just heart breaking on SOO many levels!) Yes! right brains need to act faster sooner, but Left brains need to slow down and THINK more FIRST! No one is even doing anything about MORE CONDO LAWS!! What is the matter with us zombies??
The health CARE industry purely exists for profit. Our Pain and Disease is never prevented. It remains purely as their tool for ongoing residual income. Let's transfer all that income to us! Share our own body detective stories and help people OUT of their pain. Those who have money but are still somewhat human .. will invest in our system. It will create new careers and REAL Quality of life. (QoL)
Note especially Robert Kennedy and the first PRAISE quotation.
Their brain is fried! But so is ours and we must learn to ACT .. "get er done!". Hopefully the many somewhat still "balanced brain" people can help save us from societal collapse?
revise this Oct 23, 2021
They seriously can NOT multi think just as we Thinkners Can NOT MULTI TASK!! sorry we are screwed .. a bunch of seriously "BRAIN DISABLED people" that can no longer work TOGETHER. We used to at least be able to SHARE our OPPOSITE BRAIN ASSETS. No BRAIN Hemisphere balance in EVERY person's head is bad enough. But demonizing the other Brain hemisphere asset, instead of using BOTH OF OUR ASSETS and working together .. spells THE END .. and very fast!
Hello. I will not say "How are you?" because if you are awake and still THINK even a little bit, you are "BAD!" and not fine! If we now EXPECT "fine" for a SHALLOW answer, why are we asking? Don't ask if you just want a shallow fine from those too kind to say "BAD!"
Me? I bring misery everywhere, because I actually SAY it. Everybody seems to be asleep .. unaware, oblivious that "the sky is falling". (I mistakenly live in a nursing home). I guess I better not say "sky is falling" since it means hysterical and inciting fear in others. If you are NOT fearful, unless you are willing to listen and learn you are lucky to go on your merry positive but oblivious way) It is hard to be positive and not pessimistic when hell surrounds us .. or .. we are dying of a SLOW FRIED BRAIN DEATH.
The latter .. we are all dying of a slowly FRIED BRAIN would seem most true. How do we explain our lack of reasoning and logic? .. our total LACK OF ANY COMMON SENSE? Even worse .. most do not even REALIZE that our Common Sense is gone, because they no longer even understand it! My Theory is that toxins (sugar, stress, search, and selfishness to name a few) have destroyed most of our brain wiring. We have Right and Left hemisphere wiring (or neurons) that do opposite jobs. We are left with only what we had the most of. But a society that FUNCTIONS, needs people that have both types of brain wiring, both think AND take action wiring.
Our society honours and respects only ACTION wired people, thinkers tend to be demeaned. We are written off as Debbie Downers, pessimists .. or worse ? mentally ill anybody? My aim is to destroy the stupid Mental Illness MISCONCEPTION. (A physical brain problem is exactly the same as a heart or lung problem, the same as ANY OTHER DISEASE!) Emotional Well Being on the other hand is totally different, caused by Societal problems or their solutions. We now have all Societal Systems collapsing at once, Health, Education, Career building, the Economy, infrastructure plus the Law and Justice systems. We are now living at the cliff of mass Emotional Health Breakdown. When a rebel who would go anywhere anytime regardless of admonishments regarding safety is now finally fearful to go out .. we have a problem.
So the mission of this site is to help us find Coping Tools .. help us find new ways to cope with this mass distress society is experiencing .. at least distress for those of us NOT regularly able to buy 6$ Starbucks. The American Dream and its middle class society was exciting because we all had HOPE .. we believed we too could have a good life. Instead now 2 insecure poorly paid jobs just leave us stress and with debt for bas living. We need to find new hope. There is no OPTIMISM were there is no POSSIBILITY for better. We need to either build a completely new simpler "SYSTEM' Hey! the Pioneers did it! They had NONE of our COMPLEXITY, only a General Store and barn raisings! .. we can do it! Or .. we have to look to the convergence of science and religion. Space is actually spirituality .. and William Shatner's profound experience shared is exciting! (written Oct 13/21 .. he was the only QUIET one, just taking in the enormity of the experience being in what us old timers often thought of as HEAVEN. Maybe Hell and Heaven exist together, here and now? Maybe we have to take breaks and escape the hell into beauty and peacefulness?
much work needed here!
redo ..? I extended page and copied short page .. image (Does black absorb light (thoughts)? and White reflects, NOT absorbs thoughts? Call us pessimists? ) link on photo is not best yet??? meaning more research needed. nov 7/21
white reflecting colour ignored shadow and darkness. We absorbed everything .. while they bounced off anything against their goal .. but nw we must pay fr that SIMPLIFICATION.
OPTIMISM IS BAD when it simplifies and ignores looming problems!! But we thinkers get DEMONIZED as pessimists, Debbie Downers, always negative or WORRYING. well it beats being the WARRIOR on the thinking vs action spectrum!!
link on photo is not the best YET
must be re done .. nov 7 /21
woke up to find phone had magically changed , no wifi or cell. what the frog goes through our body from apple everywhere all the time!!! desk girl was very positive .. "but at least you did not have to go thru hassle of changing it!" No Thanks .. I will take the hassle! What the frig is connecting my phone controlled BY APPLE, no electric wifi cell .. just magic waves.???
sorry but minimizing with a positive spin does not change the fact that we are SO BEING CONTROLLED. You know what I mean? even today apple does not send a program fix .. we have to do it. What connection lets them change my time? no one had an answer. SEE what I mean how simple the life of a NON CURIOUS PERSON IS?? Oh well .. it makes life easier is NOT an answer!! To heck with your positive spin, optimism .. do some damn CRITICAL THINKNG!!! We have traded immediate simplicity and convenience for toxins that fry our brain. Modern "slaves" too stupid to complain, paid little and disrespected can actually be worse off than some well treated, loved slaves of the past. Mistreating "property" was probably more considered than today's unfair big employers consider sheep ants well being. (They want us to be "sheep ants"!)
Every statement can be screamed at. Of course their are small businesses just trying to keep family and a few others employed. They do their best and often have to overwork and underpay. They are only EVIL if they pay them selves 100x, then say "sorry we just can't afford to pay you more. Shareholders would revolt"
Left Brain Action minds look at the positive because it is EASIER. Way simpler than agonizing what is connecting that phone to change its time. they keep life simple and smithy have more time to accomplish. The I hate on them for their accomplishments because they won't listen to the research I did while they succeeded.
Fair is fair! If their talents are admired by most .. how about paying a little attention to the talent of a CURIOS investigative person who finds reasons and solutions for problems! No lets just simplify .. and IGNORE. 6 or 8 decades of that have destroyed everything. Why do you think nothing works? Seriously pioneers had better quality of life. sure no shower or bathroom .. but really .. do we NEED 3 million apps and 7 trillion ? instagrams? so what? It is alll a competition, see me .. mine is better. We HERE are going to be working forever trying to find the best INTELLIGENCE to share so we understand things better. 4 colours of hair and a new iPhone or watch IS NOT BETTER QUALITY of LIFE!
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.