The injustice of our Boomer great quality of life, accomplished by leaving only insecurity and problems for our youth .. is very hard for a THINKING person to deal with. But .. How does my being FROZEN by quilt solve ANYTHING. It actually makes things WORSE by my being negative and bringing others down. No good comes from worry, guilt or remorse unless it is followed by ACTION. Being frozen or drained of all energy helps NO ONE .. even ourself! We become a drain on resources!
Maybe if I stop feeling guilty at my luck to have a great Teacher Pension, I would not need naps every hour? Maybe if I quit the GUILT of my entitled white Boomer priviledge I could actually accomplish something in an hour? OR MAYBE EVEN IN A DAY? Does anyone else get thwarted by OVERWHELM? Probably lots of us? I feel idiot to write this, if I am the only WEIRD total waster of Personal Resources! But hey, (one?) other person agreeing .. thanks so much for the therapy of feeling supported and connected. Journals be damned .. we need to CONNECT .. and feel we BELONG. First on a stupid screen digitally, and then in Local communities .. REAL WORLD connect! Start Meet ups, and then involve community groups with anything that makes sense to you about managing our shared Resources better.!
This is RIDICULOUS! And some call this behaviour virtue signalling. Actually .. I guess maybe they are right .. what is ever accomplished when quilt and sadness destroy the energy to ACT?!! Sounds like PRETENDING that you care.
Can we remove RIDICULOUS from our life? Accomplish more by breathing, being GRATEFUL? Appreciate that we have secure income, and luxurious surroundings compared to homelessness, instead of wasting energy in guilt remorse and sadness at injustice. We are back to QUIT "thinking" so much!
Gratitude has to replace energy stealing guilt and panic for others injustice and insecurity. Instead we MUST say .. "We are so lucky to be more secure. (FOR NOW! .. ? everything could collapse for us entitled Boomer Pensioners too!) While we have this security, BREATHE, control our mind .. and ACT with steps that can help those less fortunate."
"Thinkers" downfall is thinking too much, and "Action Brain" people's downfall is ACTION. The only brain that "succeeds" long term is a BALANCED Brain. Therefore the only way is to SHARE our opposite resources .. or work very hard to rebuild our missing Hemisphere wiring. Right and Left must be balanced .. BOTH thinking .. and only THEN ACTING.
If we don't even REALLY know what truth, intelligence and ? productivity MEAN .. we have a problem. I was just beginning to think I understood duality .. and zap .. I'm totally confused again. I guess I should just accept a curious person who wants to UNDERSTAND will go to their grave CONFUSED!! For our purpose I am going to use duality to mean that most things can be both bad AND good? I guess even kindness can be bad?.. if you forget to LOOK AFTER YOURSELF. The main word we need to live by would be BALANCE? Hmm .. even self discipline can be bad. There are so many times I was totally undisciplined and IMPULSIVE. Although I had 24 hours work. to do in 8, I would be drawn away from my work regardless. BUT .. my usual walking (for exercise excuse as escape from responsibility) turned up some AMAZING new knowledge or contact totally relevant to my work! I call it "universe (god?) sent"! How else to explain my impulsive lack of responsibility to CONTINUE WORKING .. providing me with sometime very valuable?? This has happened time and again! So my lack of discipline was VALUABLE in these instances. Bad = good! Damn life is jus too complicated for an old lady. Lucky you are young and have more energy. Just please use the energy I have put in DRIVEN to find answers.
KNOWLEDGE .. is just a collection of info! We call it the "Information Age " but we forgot information is NOTHING .. just a bunch of words. The Internet gives us all the information we could ever want. But is it true? Is it knowledge learned with depth. Is it investigated, analyzed, evaluated? Knowledge which education usually falls to .. is NOT the gold star.
KNOWLEDGE .. is just a collection of info! We call it the "Information Age " but we forgot information is NOTHING .. just a bunch of words. The Internet gives us all the information we could ever want. But is it true? Is it knowledge learned with depth. Is it investigated, analyzed, evaluated? Knowledge which education usually falls to .. is NOT the gold star.
INTELLIGENCE is the gold star, putting knowledge to work! Intelligence is using knowledge to build new ideas .. create new solutions. So we live in an "Information World" were information is not even as valuable as knowledge .. but we are giving up our intelligence TO COMPUTERS! Why ever would we be so enamoured with A I which has no INTELLIGENCE. It purely sifts information faster than we can. Good luck with our not even considering consequences of our LAZINESS. (A I) IS NOT (H I) .. and Artificial "intelligence" is doing us in!
Artificial "Intelligence" just sifts information faster than we can. It does not have our MIND and SOUL that creates .. with the knowledge (lots of info). HUMAN Intelligence can NOT be replaced! No Matter that big biz is trying to get rid of us EVERYWHERE .. the world the powerful will soon inhabit will be SOUL-LESS. (Oct 16/21 Luckily people are starting to strike .. maybe we can get society back from the mindless move to a passion for A I human destruction. If you don't look at the problems a new invention may create .. you are doomed down the road. Unfortunately we are at the END of the road.
Do not use self check out in stores, wait in line. Soon there will be no people outside, just working and shopping inside their home. we will forget how to interact on the street. Those on the sidewalk are already ZOMBIES, either selfish B's or just stressed out of their mind. In a few years us old people will be gone and there will be no more returning to SANITY .. because it will never have been experienced!! Those who are in their early 40's are the last who have any memory of a SANE human decent society. Manners were slowly ending 10 or 15 years ago. Now even those who saw manners growing up, have lost even their civility. This is what the stress and overwhelm of never ending change will do. It brings out the worst in us.
I am FREE to scream at the top of my lungs right this minute, right? NO I am NOT! Am I a human being? Not even sure that "animals" do that. Back in the day we called bad people ANIMALS, but seriously feel that is reversed. Many people behave like no animal EVER did. If I scream "blue murder" (whatever that meant back in the day!) I could give the person beside me a heart attack.! What the HELL would make me think I am more special than the other's well being?
A discussion in the shoe store, saying people do not have the right to be unvaccinated because it harms others .. made me reconsider my thinking! I do not want the Vax because this is all so weird and makes no sense (650,000 EVERY year die of heart disease .. it took covid 1/2 year MORE TIME .. AND those numbers are INFLATED! Those are facts so I do not appreciate the "world ending" on conflicting ideas that actually make no sense.
BUT! I certainly do not have the "freedom" to put others at risk. (I just do not believe the risk is so great and we are being controlled like sheep by the POWER structure. But the discussion woke me up to these people who say "my body, my rights. I am free to be INDEPENDENT." Sure if you have no care whatever for others and only YOU matter. You are not joining my group sorry. This group is only for people who put others BEFORE self as in the SCREAM AS LOUD AS YOU WANT .. because YOU happened to feel like. What is the matter with you? And we have the nerve to have called natives primitive or even SAVAGES. That is insane! WE are the ones who have BECOME savages .. selfish, self absorbed, destructive of earth ?aliens. At least by buying into the corporate stuff .. we were COMPLICIT, right?
Oh well, 2 of the 3 of us were able to Listen .. Think .. and RECONSIDER. That would be a majority of nice people. (The other was just demonizing UNvacinated .. vs learning more about it.)
Even though I greatly FEAR the Vax's purpose, beginnings, and side effects (not able to be studied yet)
.. we are ONLY Free to do whatever harms no one else!
Some can be awesome .. but many are shallow and followed by people not using their thinking and analysis and evaluation skills. Remember "FACTS" can easily be a LIE. Kelly ann Conway was right .. there ARE alternative facts .. and they sometimes totally change what seemed to be true. I knew something was very wrong with Society when everyone jumped on her for that. (I was NOT at all a fan of the Trump years .. but how about thinking and evaluating ideas no matter who or what "side" they come from? Instead we are BULLIES just because an idea came from the opposite side!
We gave up HUMAN Intelligence preferring that of computers thinking for us! We are now so BRAIN DEAD (the Toxins of 'progress" fried our brain wiring) that we take google's answer to a question instead of truly investigating to find TRUTH. We accept the ideas of "influencers" because they are famous, or have lots of followers. I know we are overwhelmed with the OVERLOAD of everything but is this really how we want to obtain how we think and feel? Do we really want to be sheep led by google, and "important" but SHALLOW influencer people.
HEY!!! how is (only google plus influencers) any different than when my kids yell at me for listening to the "fake news"?? Of course traditional news is slanted and has Propoganda, but some articles have merit and further research will check validity. Journalists beat google's answer or a damn person "famous" with a lot of followers. They feed us their slant of ideas just the same as the "fake news". Stop beating on my traditional news system! We used to be taught analysis and evaluation were always necessary .. but yes some old boomers are HORRIBLE sheep zombies. Hopefully it is they you are bullying. it is possible to watch the tradition and routine connection of a new announcer and be aware to be CRITICAL.
EXCUSE ME .. how many pages of google do you search? are you like me and sometimes check just one? That is terrible! More and more though you must go to page 5 of google before anything new and different from THEIR agenda will pop up.
"TRUTH" is closer to a possibility when we .. research, investigate, analyze, evaluate .. which takes time and patience .. something our "easy convenient society" is totally DEVOID of. We want instant answers .. which will NEVER give us truth. Do NOT follow the loudest voice, Listen to much, think carefully, and then reconsider your initial ideas with your new knowledge.
Is it a verb when you "wonder about something?"? But then a noun when you are AMAZED at the wonder of a star or the blue sky or a flower? So wonder can be "WORRY" or "amazement" 2 opposites.
There is wondering about an idea, questioning it in a civil DISCUSSION manner .. vs the negative challenging where one feels the playing field is not equal. A debate is a civilized discussion. A question challenging an idea has a different ENERGY and tone. It is bent on dismissing the original idea.
LISTENING, Learning, Re Thinking and reconsidering is what makes Humanity INTELLIGENT! Changing one's mind is unnecessary .. but for Humanity to continue, we must at least listen kindly to new ideas with effort to UNDERSTAND. This allows us to feel respected although we have different viewpoints and perspectives. We can disagree but should not dismiss ideas without effort to FIRST UNDERSTAND them. It is the EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND and calmly and KINDLY refute, that allows for compromise and collaboration!
Info can be a bunch of crap. Who wrote it? Me when I am angry? Do I know what I am talking about? Sometimes we are just throwing ideas around to try them out. But THEN we need to research, investigate, analyze, evaluate, find opposite input, compare AND THE PUT IT OUT UNBIASED. That was what journalism kind of was (with some Propoganda thrown in). Now we have millions of mega tonnes of info .. words on line but they have no proof of validity. I just wrote 17 % of jobs are transporting which will soon be HUMAN LESS. I believed it to be true because somewhere it IS in my bookmarks. But I could not find it and only found 9% of Jobs. So sometimes we lie without even meaning to! The web is a mess! I knew in 1996 the best man for info on ship weeks in Lake Erie would be page 150,000 in google search becasue we is not SEO knowledgeable. I do not think that has changed
and WORSE .. do any of us go past page 1 or 2 of google? I want a survey!!
Maybe it is just knowing that .. IT"S COMPLICATED!! Mcgilchrist .. why are we not LISTENING!!!! O.. M.. G.. !!
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have you noticed most of the stuff now "invented" is garbage? stuff doing ZERO to make life better? Stuff that does NOTHING to solve our REAL dystopian problems ever faster collapsing onto their shallow self absorbed selves.
Sat. Jan. 22 /22.
True we are OVERWHELMED with so much IDIOT info! We FORGOT!! Info is NOT INTELLIGENCE and we are considering data as GOD! To be arranged by ARTIFICIAL means .. are we STUPID? the answer is surely YES! At least those in power certainly are .. or evil? And the answer to everything is always Mc Gilchrist!! Left Right Hem. depletion explains everything. Those in charge are NOT thinking ... or at least clearly. All their behaviour .. their action is DESTROYING US! Social and A I and screaming louder is NOT what a CIVIL SOCIETY is about! Civil society is about LISTENING to ideas, considering and reconsidering them, evaluating and analyzing them in order to clarify our OWN possibly biased perspective.
We are so excited about having the ability to develop our very own radio, TV, newspaper, we forgot JOURNALISM used to look for truth! Now we just have a billion IDIOTS spouting their own beliefs. (I am no different I guess except my CURIOUSITY always keeps me in check. The result is CONFUSION. Are any of your social connections writing CONFUSED ideas? If they are .. GO TO THEM! They are probably confused because they are seeking (the) TRUTH, not so clear, conflicting but at least TRYING TO FIND FAIRNESS AND JUSTICE!
But why do we even waste our time on all this crap? Had I looked at the bottom of this article first seeing that only a few souls saw or read it (see bottom post) 33 retweets? .. I would NOT have wasted my time!! OOOOH .. Forbes .. I better read this. Maybe our FIRST THINKNG STEP IS .. WHAT are we putting contemplative time into (reading? listening? or just talking in our head)? Does it warrant our valuable SCARCE time. Certainly half our self talk is garbage. Build self discipline! For me, somebody's blog or arrogant BIAS words will no longer get my scarce and very valuable time! we have REAL (thinking) work to do .. STOP WASTING TIME! We are going to make the web FABULOUS like it could have been .. if we make it a HUMAN Encyclopedia Brittanica. no more CRAP wasting our time or BRAIN!! we are going back to my late 90's version of google and DESTROYING advertising.
I lived on a farm. When cows chew grass they chew and chew and chew, over and over again. That is what ruminating in thought must be .. going nowhere, just churning around in my brain / mind like in a cow's mouth! Except for a cow it helps digest .. for me it wasted almost 1/18th of my day!! (minus 6 hours sleep).
RUMINATING is like a cow chewing its grass. The cow is accomplishing! We are just wasting time! Unfocused! all over the place! We want directed, or BIG picture think. This is what used to be called worrying and is now termed ANVIETY? Yes we have a worried society .. at least this of us who do more than act to get the job done. Those of us who contemplate are sick with worry. Now the prescribe for ANXIETY. Seeing the mess we created need a SOLUTION .. not a drug! But that is how we solved every problem for 50 plus years .. pit some make up on the terrible skin. No attempt even to find cause and PREVENT.
incomplete .. focus and ACTION .. not mindless hamster on an endless wheel
thinking ACTIVELY solves problems creates solutions, MINDLESS Ruminating wastes time AND energy!
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
deciding which facts or idea mare truer
more directed thinking, unlike the "worry, wasting time hamster wheel "NOT thinking" thinking.
STOP THINKNG .. DECIDE ALREADY! Thinkers get lost in their curiosity and searching "but. !" and "what about". Thank goodness I for once looked at my Horoscope and it said "enough already .. get on with some ACTION!" Pretty universe (god) sent eh?
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Thinkers ACT or accomplish goals too. But it is designing the architecture, the PLAN for action to solve the problem .. they DO WORK in building a SYSTEM to solve a problem. We DO as well but it is multi THINKING vs multi DOING or tasking. THINKING IS ACTUALLY WAY HARDER WORK THAN ACTION, doing! No wonder our society is in collapse! We want EASY, CONVENIENT IN EVERYTHING! Thinkng is hard not convenient so it got forgotten!!
not sure how this relates? my excuse to gallivant? it raises my spirits AFTER thinkng a wondrous new idea , OR a horrible collapsing idea , scam or LIE. walking raises spirits and sometimes clarifies THOUGHTS.
I am not gallivanting .. I am MULTI TASKING! Getting exercise, seeing beauty and history of architecture, connecting with people, AND picking up onion rings! HAh! "Not all who WANDER .. are lost" .. I have a tote bag that says that.
move elsewhere!
MULTI THINKING! is my specialty .. and multi THINKING is exactly what drives the opposite Action brain totally CRAZY! it complicates and confuses. Action people want SIMPLE and confusion brings out the WARRIOR in them. They need to attack the enemy causing complication, destroying the aim of simplification.
.. As long as it is not hamster wheel RUMINATING! And that too is on a spectrum. We can be FROZEN IN PANIC "thought", or just anxious and stressed from "thought". Either way WE ARE ACCOMPLISHING NOTHING. Remember .. WE control our MIND. Instead .. WE are letting our mind run wild like a wild horse. It is too our complete detriment. Pioneers loved their horses but disciplined them! Make that wild horse more well behaved TO SERVE US BETTER!! (Those horse enjoyed being useful .. they were seldom mistreated. (so go away vegans. Don't simplify everything.)
We need to RE- LEARN SELF DISCIPLINE and focus on feeling good .. which comes with ACCOMPLISHING. I feel bad ALL THE TIME, because I never accomplish ANYTHING! Step one is think more positively .."I CAN accomplish action!". Then set about even something fry small like vacuuming or tidying that impossible Kitchen counter. I bet if I do that later .. when looking at it with pride I will accomplish more anon tomorrow! I forget the million jobs I have sometimes each only take 20 minutes. The time we take worrying and hating ourselves was way more than that!!
PS .. see this above? I just figured out why action people hate us! They are completely intimidated so they bully us, put us down. Hey we CAN be a great pain in the rear. But really .. they can FEEL that our work is more important are envious and feel threatened. But we get NOWHERE without their focus on GETTING THE JOB DONE. WE need to remind them of that more and be more compassionate and less threatened by their bully, or dismissive BEHAVIOUR.
We are the inventors, the creators, the artists .. sorry but nobody remembers CEO's . We remember great LEADERS and they are the ones with the BALANCED BRAIN! They are visionary, see distant big picture .. but can also do or manage what needs to be done NOW and first. Maybe CEO's have been demonized for so long we need to praise their managenet skills more. And then ask for their PARTNERSHIP in accomplishing our solution. Maybe a lot of inventors do not care about glory .. as long as attribution for the creativity is given to them. Like the lady who invented libraries, Carnegie gets all the glory!
MOST NB YET!!! Tues Jan 25, 2022
ABOVE needs edit .. just written and already WRONG!! Tried to create a spectrum of think act of a BALANCED BRAIN. In so doing, I see there are MANY steps an Action Manager, CEO must take!! Above somewhere I said it is EASY to act, just do it completing a task ruers many steps . Think architect vs developer. I presume he must devcide who must come first, maybe the construction guys do it all? Yeah .. probably CEO just gets glory, plus developer who has $. Hard work is done by designing architect and construction! Whoever plans who needs to come and do each step in order .. has a huge hard job .. the Project Manager! SEE how hard it is to reach TRUTH??? I thought action simple .. then many steps .. then oncenagain we little guys get no credit! Only the CEO who bosses everybody and the Developer .. who has the money to eat up all the beautiful history. Meantime little project manager and freezing construction worker get no respect!! Strange world eh? But truth is simple??? way crazy! I need to research the religion right!! you guys are STUPID sorry! Quit eating wheat sugar and processed fooo and frying your brain with SEARCH. Maybe your thinkng hemisphere will regrow? In meantime .. YES!! I am jealous of the success and adulation you do NOT DESERVE!
NOPE!! Back to square one. Investigative and Creative THINKING TAKES WAY MORE Curiosity and WONDER, PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE, TIME and ENERGY, than any project, task, or action. Even building a stupid "penis envy" (tallest) condo that destroyed cities. If only we listened to William Penn .. no structure taller than Phila City Hall!! Civility could have remained and Cities and Society could have survived. Nah, wrong again .. the virus of EXTREMES infected everything!
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.