ADDED Sun July 3, 2022.
Yes .. some people just get LESS struggle. How is that fair? The shallow response "Everybody has problems, we just don't know because they do not talk about them." is BALONEY. By the time I get to my #3 reason, why I get the trophy for worst life, those idiots would have a heart attack. Their trouble is their car's "dashboard" needing a reset, or their pizza delivery being too slow. Give me a break! Never mind my own life of loss .. so many young people today live with REAL struggle. If every month you are wondering if you will become homeless, how can your young health not decline drastically from the overwhelming stress? Health destroying INSECURITY, besides the inability to BUY HEALTHY FOOD, that is probably purposely more expensive will destroy the physical Health of today's youth. Never mind the emotional Health stresses that constant change and lack of consistency bring. I see all the struggle the young now must face, (plus having endured my own never ending LOSSES) and I look at people with a "normal" good life and I want to scream. Unfairness and Injustice for some, once you have seen it for 1/2 a century .. is ENRAGING! BUT .. I am just wasting our Resource of ENERGY, both physical and emotional by continuing to scream "It's not fair!".
I guess we need to ACCEPT the saying "Life is just not fair to all." Can we MOVE OVER into their reality? If we only focus on good for OURSELF will the "Law of Attraction" bring us good too? One thing is for sure .. I AM WASTING THE TIME RESOURCE "HATING ON" PEOPLE WHO HAVE LIFE EASY. Plus .. it destroys any positive energy that WAS there. Not very smart!
We must get back to putting more research energy into quantum physics .. how we can attract good to us as DESERVING THINKERS. If Wallace Wattles knew how, in 1910 .. and then "Think and Grow Rich" became so famous in 1937 .. my energy can help us MORE, focused there, rathe than wasting our RESOURCE, ENRAGED at injustice. "They" just are not sensitive to things outside self .. and therefore do not worry about INJUSTICE! "They" then have more energy to GET AHEAD FOR THEMSELF.
Let's start to look after us TOO .. while we continue to try to fix things falling apart for EVERYONE. WE NEED MORE BALANCE! Look after US too, not just worry about societal collapse. Their "balance" of "think" vs "Act" brain, leans toward ME. Our brain "balance" leans toward "US" not "me". You know, we focus on WE .. vs "me first! Screw you" which sorry .. is the focus of those with "success". We need to build a quality of life that we also get to enjoy, while we ALSO try to make things BETTER. But it is fair for us to feel that we DESERVE to win too. We like WIN/ WIN.
note .. I refer to 2 different "they"s. I should say "THEY" when I mean the power structure, and "they" when I mean just the "successful" Left brain Doers, whose lives work so well. (The minimal thinkers who end up with less struggle .. because they do not focus on it??). And again, we are a spectrum .. relatively BALANCED people can still be Right or Left brain dominant. BUT hopefully we can still LISTEN! HEAR! THINK! AND THEN RECONSIDER. That is how REAL success works .. with solutions and resultant quality of life for all.
Mon. May 23, 2022. EXCELLENT NEW LAYER!! but needs edit .. rethink of wording and order?
Yes I am totally jealous of someone who can say .. "It's not my problem .. I have to look after me and they should look after themselves." We more empathetic Thinkers are always worried how that may not be FAIR. Another person may have an even harder struggle, and needs our support. Our mind just does not work "ME FIRST .. SCREW YOU." Sadly society has devolved not just to NO MANNERS, we are no longer even civil .. considering the OTHER's well being. WE as in those that are LOUDEST and most irritating. Do we remember just tho phone faced zombie who knocked us off the sidewalk, and the screaming win/ lose influencer or even politician? Left brain selfish ACTION people are those we see and hear. We are the quiet kind masses struggling becasue we consider OTHERS and often forget ourself!
It's true .. if everyone looks after themselves .. then everyone actually HAS someone looking after them. What great logic! If only right brain THINKERS could just DO that. But our minds (BRAIN) work the way they do and we do NOT HAVE FREE WILL. It is VERY difficult for us not to consider others before we just consider OUR needs. It makes our life harder .. and with no choice .. it is a DISABILITY!
So instead of hating on Left brain more selfish beings, we must be empathetic .. that is the way their body works. They really are not mean .. their brain just focuses on "get er done .. NO EXCUSES!" They too are DISABLED from MAKING their brain work differently. It is almost like if we are LEFT handed, it is not our FAULT for this 'disability"!! (Disability .. because most things are set up for RIGHT handed people, creating difficulty for a Left handed soul.)
Our modern society is built by Left brain Action minds. It is developed to suit themselves, FOR themselves the DOERS. The SYSTEMS of our society certainly are not set up for thinkers. Thinkers always having a "BUT what about .. ?" or a "why?". We are just an IRRITANT to successful Politicians and Left brain CEO's. (hah! smart to invent "mental" illness to DISCREDIT us, eh? Hey, you selfish Left brain .. if you actually SAW the problems we have caused you would "lose your mind" too! But you are lucky enough to be able to IGNORE OTHERS PAIN!)
But let's THINK about this for a minute. The toxins of progress have fried our brain wiring. We have been jealous of their ability to be OBLIVIOUS to other's struggle and focus solely on "ME FIRST, screw you". But they are warriors that NEED to be in power and in CONTROL. They are always looking for an enemy, a new battle that must be fought. For a regular Left brain WARRIOR .. HOW DIFFICULT LIFE MUST BE always fearful of LOSING!! Unless you WIN you are a LOSER. That would kill a Left Brain Action soul. A warrior is STRONG and wins all the battles. Never showing weakness, must be a very stressful life too!! But lucky for them they are the sociable ones, while we thinkers tend to be introverts.
But the conclusion is .. both left and right brain struggle through life. Instead of hating on each other let's try to learn from each other or at least USE EACH OTHERS STRENGTHS. We USED to have BALANCED Right and LEFT Hemisphere .. and that is the ONLY way we can stop the collapse of humanity. Unless we listen, HEAR and reconsider .. so we LEARN from each other .. it is sadly the end of humanity. Adi think very soon .. hope you believe in heaven! And if you are a TOO selfish left brain doer .. you become evil .. and EVIL do not GET in heaven!
NOW .. does old stuff below still make sense? .. sorry I need like 48 hours in a day to be faster! Un dated means old and maybe REVISED view. yeah we THINKERS are wishy washy, unpredictable, (what is that word Republicans call thoughtful opposition were a mind is CHANGED with new info?)
You can't go wrong! Put in the work and you will succeed! Believing in your self, plus having that supportive belief from even ONE person outside yourself, ensures you will be successful. Even a somewhat sunny disposition along with some effort on YOUR part = your assured success. That is my theory and I AM STICKING TO IT!
Of course not all of us got either the sunny "talent", or that HUGE resource of a loving person. Myself I did have but they kept dying! Then we feel abandoned. even god does not love us.) Also, Left brain action minds will now say we are just whiners that stay in our own way, instead of getting over it! Probably true we should just MOVE ON. But was decades ago, that I decided the best resource possible in our life, is someone who believes in and cares about us. I mean where they actually might put US first in an emergency. Without that somewhere in our life, it is hard to feel we are valuable and deserving beings. Would you agree it is hard to just decide we are great without someone nurturing that belief within us somewhere in our life? Seeing our own value ALONE, is especially hard, if we are thinkers always wondering and concerning if we did something wrong. Yes, we are surely OUR OWN WORST ENEMY.
If we don't believe we have value, we won't feel deserving. Not feeling deserving in life means we SUBCONSCIOUSLY SABOUTAGE OURSELF. What makes it all worse is that "MAGIC MAGNET" that brings us what we focus on! (The particle wave theory? quantum universe? .. the 110 year ago scientific PROOF that different realities EVOLVE, depending on our focus.) Damn it! Left brain people are selfish and simplify innocent/ guilty, good/ evil making their lives so easy. No wonder they WIN more! it is not fair and we have to CHANGE THE DYNAMIC! A universe creator made us and he never made junk. We need to find our skill area and share it with our world. Left Action Brain people run everything so of course they don't want us bugging them with our curiosity and desire to do things in a better way. Why would they want little people to get any REAL education?
In today's world only work management and product success are counted, not the thinking and evaluation of unintended consequences of that success.
omit?move? Self confidence breeds success. I'm sorry but Larry king and Wolf Blitzer are NOT more fabulous. There are lots of fabulous people that got nowhere. King and Blitzer became successful believing they were good and that they deserved to be successful. (It also helps when you KNOW exactly what you want to do and apparently Blitzer had his goal already in high school! We can still do that now!)
Some of us are missing positive self confidence because we had NO ONE who ever believed in us or was a support for us through struggle. Some of us were unconnected through only the fault of our being more quiet, shy and introverted. We are probably the thinkers and it is our time to speak up and connect. It will take TONS of our talents to belatedly try to fix the world mess that left brain Action CEO's have made. Balance was what our brain was supposed to be. Our Think right brain has been missing in the ACTION for decades. The result of purely measuring success with PROFIT AND POWER, regardless of the consequences, may mean we are too late. We are deserving, have great value and are very needed if only Left Brain people would listen. Either having no respect, or maybe fearing us because we complicate their simple plans .. they avoid us or worse. We now are DEMONIZED for trying to find better solutions.a very curious society is out there now. Sad and losing its humanity.
A Character formation that breeds "success" ..
1) a sunny disposition and the confidence it engenders
2) A more balanced mind .. at least one that ACTS, not only thinks
3) Nurtured with at least one FULLY supportive connection
But these ACTION brain people have CEO'd and managed us to the cliff edge! Life is complicated, thinking it can be simple has caused all the chaos we now live in. Sure you can reduce employees making the rest work 50% harder to increase profit! But down the road you will have stressed sick employees who are dis loyal. I hope soon customers then leave your sytore to WAKE YOU UP. There is far more to life than more money!!
The THINKER or RIGHT HEMISPHERE person that is now demonized, wonders "But ..? What about ..? What if .. ?". We ponder and contemplate causes and consequences of possible actions BEFORE WE DO THEM. this is time consuming and complicated and CONFUSING. Left brains HATE that. They are warrior types and it makes them feel attacked. I guess that is why we now ARE attacked for questioning possible solutions or actions! I am now making this up .. it is studies done by scientists and experts with theories to prove. The ONLY part that is my idea is calling us think vs DO opposites. I do not believe they use those terms. Maybe it is where my research came from .. and I found all these supportive theories but with different terminology.
We need BOTH to think and then act and we thinkers are very guilty of INACTION. We would still be Cave Men if like me. Balance is best or communication and discussing to compromise direction. But we have lost this ability. And we must remember BOTH of us are HANDICAPPED. REAL Life and SOCIETAL success requires BOTH sides of our brain to balance but toxins have destroyed too much of our brain wiring. We have lost all common sense. The Western world seems insane because no logic or commons sense remains.
It is said the "power structure" wants to get rid of us so they have the remaining resources to themselves. I suggest they are very brain dead not recognizing they are completely OCD .. in an OBSESSIVE "profit tunnel" not seeing past its confining walls.Even with their millions toxic air, water and soil plus a destructive climate is NOT 5 star living.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Families are dividing .. warring in fact, unable to speak to each other because each side demonix=zes. Sorry but I believe the warrior side is the attacker. make sense. They feel attacked by our ideas they can not follow. we are angry we were disrespected so we are RESENTFUL. They are just normal attackers. demonizing is a fast simple way .. and they want ACTION. War is far easier than contemplating COMPROMISE.
So sorry but I see little hope. I am studying the law of attraction and particle quantum stuff. I want out of this never ending stress, chaos, and anger. Let's get riders island and create a reverse world of revised capitalism WHERE THINGS ACTUALLY WORK because we contemplate together and then COMPROMISE.
good life? by that I simply mean no bill worries, and food on the table with time for friends and ability to breathe without terrible overload and stress.
25 years ago on Disability from teaching High school, I discovered the Internet. What an awesome new way for my disadvantaged students to build new careers and better heath for themselves. We could pull together all our knowledge and solve all our problems. WE could build an "Encyclopedia formula of life!" There need be no advertising because we just pay specifically for what we need and want! EVERYTHING IS ORGANIZED IN "SPECIALTY TOPICS" AND WE CAN FIND EVERYTHING! Why would we need advertising, if we have a dog we go to the dig speciality of KNOWLEDGE. As you can see I was no salesman and we built a world that LIVES on advertising and INFORMATION. Hah! That is why I am mad at the world! It never listened (or listens) to me and I would have been an awesome GOOD Dictator. Today knowledge and expertise in fact are demonized. How is this possible .. useless "information" .. which can be anyone's blather reigns our world!
I guess I am a researcher curious about everything "quality of life" plus some kind of FAIRNESS with in it. One thing led to another and the web of ideas grew bigger and bigger. It seems if you throw problems together they often fix each other! Like what is an actual Liability can become an asset to someone else, missing that. I think I first saw that when my kids were little and needed to be Latch Key kids. (explain)
I think we can use that formula! Problems thrown together, can become solutions for each other .. to create a better world. But the world has become so BAD .. in every way .. that seems DELUSIONAL. But It has finally all come together as a "Theory of EVERYTHING" having to do with humanity and why there is so much injustice! If only I can pull it together for you so it makes sense, and is clear and concise. NO!! No more "bad talk" and not believing in ourself. I am going to .. as in I WILL .. share with you how we solve our problems. It is by working together, to support each other .. with this "Theory of everything"!.
Sat. Nov 27, 2021
Feelings of Belonging and love lead to feeling Self Esteem, WHICH LEADS TO TREATING THE SELF WITH WORTH and RESPECT! (Moving to more balance on the selfish selfless spectrum! repeat mask analogy.)
Truly! Gold on steroids! Can we somehow produce this .. or just BUY it somewhere? HEY! Maybe we could start a business? "Sunny disposition in a bottle". When we look at it we say " To hell with you OTHER lucky people .. we can be sunny too .. a whiff of this "energy" gives us what you were lucky enough to be born with! Maybe nice boomers would buy it investing in our SYSTEM?
Hah .. I watched Jimmie Fallon's "Only 5 nights til Christmas" last night. SOOO .. it appears Jimmie too feels angry and disappointed sometimes? But he LETS IT GO AND SWITCHES IT TO POSITIVE! OMG .. I wonder if he would sell our bottle? He sold me on the glasses that twist. I paid like $500 for 2 pairs of silly glasses for my kids Christmas so that 2 poor kids could get REAL glasses. We could use this to raise the funds to manage my Church/ Library Cafe in Food deserts.
Don't dare steal my idea!! I will HAUNT you. The money must go to helping others eat healthy at our Church/Library Cafe. Maybe we can put a drop of NATURAL honey in the bottle, sending sweetness and the energy of bees working together in a hive. Like us! Damn I have to patent this. Don't be MEAN and selfish and steal it you LEFT BRAIN! Your few right brain neurons left in your head, will be sad!
May 2, 2022.
Self confident + selfish + sunny disposition is a can't lose formula for success. When you are raised or develop the attitude to "just worry about ME", it makes life FAR SIMPLER. Those of us with less confidence, plus always thinking of others well being, not simply our own .. have a much harder time accomplishing. Fast action creates success .. but it is shallow "success". Those of us less lucky, having more right brain wiring SEE ALL OUR PROBLEMS THAT NEED FIXING which makes us worry. Worriers have a far harder life and then are demonized as "negative"! What do THEY lucky ones say to us? That we are just jealous of their "hard won" success, but were unwilling to work as HARD as they have. Supposedly we LIKE to be victims and always have an excuse. Sorry guys but anyone who still has a brain, would RECOGNIZE that confidence, self absorption and ability to be OBLIVIOUS to other's struggle will 100% create an easier life.
Yes .. they .. "successful" people did work hard. They persevered and kept trying thru many obstacles. But is there some reason those "winners" with their shallow "success" can not ADMIT that obviously with extra resources, their path would be 100% easier? Usually self confidence is built with a secure, and supportive family! Of course they are NOT able to admit that, because their Left Action brain only functions like the outer onion layer, the brittle brown skin. Their brain is missing all those (onion) layers of thinking that balanced brain hemisphere people have. Humans were onions. Now we are controlled by only outer onion skins with no depth of those layers of REAL (onion) humans. Think about it, it is a good comparison.
Trying to balance things to be FAIR for everyone, is always a slower effort. Meantime the fas action Left brain is already successful with some FAST SIMPLE solution. REAL solutions take time and are SLOW. The fable of the hare and tortoise no longer has been true. Us "Turtle thinkers" are today always left behind by the speedy hares. Over the last 5 decades the hare has won everything, but to our great destruction. Our collapse is because the Turtle's plodding thinking was always disrespected. WE could have begun thinking about our environment in the 60's! But action brains preferred to ignore Thinkers until now when it is too late! Yes Left brain action people have been successful. But look where it got us .. Total collapse of all our systems BECAUSE OF SHALLOW, SELFISH "me FIRST, screw you" ACTION.
CONCLUSION .. people are "blessed with" different resources, often making their ability to succeed harder. WE will focus on us who must struggle more since we cause trouble for the power structure. That power structure has been based on only profit for decades. Our VALUE as humans has been completely disrespected. Now THEY either want us gone .. or are too stupid to see that robots will destroy civil society.
May 2, 2022.
Seriously? We have a BIG societal problem when 75 year old entitled white ladies get so angry at ongoing INJUSTICES, that they want to "murder" people. YES! idiot brains there is a TON of injustice out there. Maybe instead of blaming us "injustice collectors" for FOCUSING WRONG .. you should MOVE OUT OF YOUR OBLIVION and work with us to FIX it!! I have had lots of injustice re equal RESOURCES in my life, that make me angry. Did god hate me and leave me out? Can not even imagine what even worse racial injustice would do to me ability to NOT lash out. I have worked for 2 plus decades trying to find a way to help young black males .. because I can NOT even imagine how MUCH I would lash out with their life experiences ON TOP OF my entitled white lady disappointments, they have experienced TOO. ie not supportive parent or too much early responsibility, etc. ..
Once we finally have too much of seeing or feeling unfairness .. we LASH OUT. Or we lash inward and commit suicide! Those who lash out are mostly men, so tired of having NO CONTROL over life. Men were meant to be the bread winner, the protector. Not even able to fend for self, is devastating to a man's ego.
When a 74 year old entitled WHITE LADY is CONSTANTLY ready to lash out in PURE RAGE .. we better figure out how to fix this now very BIG problem. Society is on edge and ready to boil over in chaos at any moment. I see it in the long walks I have always taken. Few people walk miles like I do, and so too many are unaware that we humans are collapsing .. at least in Western society? .. or for sure where I am .. in downtown TO.
Any "Decent Quality of Life" has been lost for most of us. Women can always whine and cry about it, but men are supposed to be strong and .. How are they supposed to cope with far far less tools available. Is a Macho man going to say "wait a minute, I will just breathe and meditate" .. or I will go to the spa. Men have become the disrespected undervalued demonized sex. This site is for you and any women who LOVE men just as they are .. DIFFERENT FROM US females, THANK GOD!
For decades I worked on how to build REAL Health. Then I realized more things than inflammation make us unwell. That Total health then evolved into TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH, because we can not be healthy when all around us is UNHEALTHY. Out toxic society is making us sick and now especially EMOTIONALLY sick. All this chaos and isolation and fear is killing us. For the last 3 years or so I have been trying to find tools to help us survive not so successfully. I still woke in terror every day though so obsessed with solving the problems we face.
When the dead talked to me I finally found a way to be more calm. They said .. "look lady stop feeling so sorry for yourself! We all get crap in our life .. AND THEN WE DIE .. so just enjoy whatEVER you can! You will just die anyway. Finally getting your trophy for worst life ever is not so fulfilling is it. So get over it .. and look for the good stuff and just ignore the bad stuff. Be more OBLIVIOUS .. or even better, be more disciplined with where you focus your mind!" I had felt a strange ELATION by an old building that day, and was so curious WHY (that euphoria happened?) that I researched the area's history. IT WAS A MORGUE in the late 1800's! HOW COOL IS THAT? A perfect example of historic energy vibration some of us are in tune with. Look for these sorts of weird things. Pay attention .. they can tell you amazing things! it is the universe or god looking out for you! So I made up the story of THE DEAD TALKING TO ME to make it fun and MEMORABLE! That actually kept me going happily for several months!
Enjoy whatever you can, look for the beauty and not the imperfection. It ALL will be gone .. even young, we could die tomorrow .. so we may as well smell the roses today and not focus on the weeds! I was happy for months remembering the dead talking SENSE into me!!
But then I began to question the whole "We all get Crap in life" concept. There are people who get great lives with VERY LITTLE CRAP! WHY? .. why do some of us get trauma and others get joy? Does god love them more? Are they more valuable than us? Sure everybody has disappointment and obstacles in life, but there is the disappointment of not getting the desired job, compared to always having the people you love die and those left only wishing harm. Yeah sure we all get disappointment but not quite the same SIZE eh? In fact that quotation from people makes me want to scream. (I now realize it is from a Left brain person who SIMPLIFIES life.)
So does god have a special love for Left brain, Action warriors. They seem to "succeed" more with the good life. Us Worrier Right brains focus more on the big complicated picture and that makes life harder. We try to understand the world while Left Hemisphere people just want to use things to GET 'ER DONE. we right Brains are the ones they should have listened to because had they we would NOT be in this terrible mess. God should be loving US more! This is backwards! Everything is backwards! (Hence the community last stage of the SYSTEM we build .. is called "Reverse World" .. no more backwards world .. UN- everything!
Back to dead talking and just ACCEPTING our life is terrible. Back to accepting SUFFERING and just surviving. No I disagree that a loving god would want us to ACCEPT and just SUFFER. He does not want us to survive in fear, he loves us. But some religions I think say life is suffering and only accepting him will save us to go to heaven. HOGWASH! Saying I am saved (believe in god) does NOT get you to heaven. Only being a decent kind giving person will. Sorry what ever your religion is .. god created everything and is the ONE thing that makes sense. Anybody who could create such an amazing earth doe sNOT want us to struggle. Like an awesome father he wants only the best for us.
come on there had to be a CEO!! plus these days heaven is about the only remaining thing to be hopeful over. Susan. apocalypse? oh well I have tried to be good .. next stop heaven. how can you just think it is over. I wonder how many atheists had no early deaths. for all my early deaths all I could do was hang onto seeing them in heaven again, maybe talking to them up there. Wow there are SOOOO many surveys I would like to take. Once we have a million people maybe a thousand would do surveys. I could not have coped with so may family members dying while I was young had my dad not been an evangelical minister and being at church every Sunday. Told my mom was in heaven at 9 helped make it a little easier. So I want to do the atheist survey and especially develop a left right brain questionnaire. But it is beginning to be more obvious to me who is who. What makes me very happy is so many more balance people! I am speaking of course of the extreme and their is a whole spectrum of more balance brain wiring between. Those are the people that will get us our of the mess society is in. Are you more balanced NOT really a thinker or a worrier, not really a warrior or a worrier? THANK YOU, thank you! please please help us save society from collapse!
Do you feel like me? I see no love from god .. 7 decades I have been waiting to see good come to me! Yup he hates me .. only bad luck ever happens in my life. Everything that touches my life is LOSS. If you are reading this maybe you identify. If we are struggling we have probably had a lot of disappointments in life. How is it fair some seem to breeze thru life with little trauma?
we do definitely have harder time surviving .. but there are those NOT struggling. How did they get so lucky?
DOES GOD ONLY LIKE THEM? no he does not pulls our strings like we are just puppets
8 bil puppeteering .. pulling strings on good/ bad chosen lives? NO! he gave us a tool. hate term "free will" we choose our life, but maybe L of A is what that is!
Does "Free Will" let more selfish people off the hook, so they need not worry about those less fortunate? Does it let those with the EASIER life just blames us for our own struggle? We all have FREE WILL! We "losers" did not try hard enough. We did not focus and discipline in order to be successful like them.
HAH! We need therapy while they go to the spa for yoga, breathing, mindfulness and mediation! Is that why there are few websites BETWEEN the shallow entitled audience ones and the the Mental illness ones??!! Well this is your BETWEEN SITE, for those who can not afford the shallow yoga group route and are not ready for mental illness. Do not misunderstand. 1) Mental Health help is awesome and we will get to the therapy when ready, (if needed) and 2) so was yoga an amazing centuries old method of improving life. Too bad it was usurped by MOSTLY elitist entitled people. So we will use all these methods because they work! But we will shape them a new way, just for us, truly IN IT TOGETHER vs just a shallow (mantra)
I never trusted "Free will" .. who wrote that anyway? Probably a selfish, Warrior, Left Hemisphere brain person. (Every one of those 3 theories works to prove my years of research.) And who says the Bible was not written to keep people in line, are we SURE its gods word? Seems to me different churches focus on different Aspects creating division anyway. That is NOT what god would have wanted. My family demonizing a kids bday party because he was catholic .. not letting me go? Nah that did NOT make god happy.
I used to think "sure we chose addict and loser! NO, wrong! .. free will idiot idea!! We all want to be .. we don't CHOOSE to fail. Yes everybody struggles but some of us WAY more. Especially if we are thinkers or worriers .. that makes life way harder than the Left brain guy who SIMPLIFIES everything. "Let's fire half our staff and make more profit" is easy and results in more profit. But what about the consequences down the road, sad and angry people in your community, nobody wanting to work for you because you are mean. Thinkng about these things before ACTING makes life complicated. So Left brain people find us right brain worriers a pain. They are action Warriors and just want to get the job done fast. Our whining always slows things down.
OUR WORRYING MAKES OUR LIFE HARDER. Worriers also worry about doing wrong in the pAST = guilt = feeling UN deserving!
add more .. Fri. Nov 19/21 .. Help me prove this is true.
Iain McGilchrist knows this through tracing our history as a NEUROSCIENTIST. see also the "selfish/ selfless spectrum" and warrior vs worrier. All match up with the "Divided Brain" see TVO.
If they are even a bit more selfish than us .. that breeds confidence, and deservedness. If they spend less time thinking, less time contemplating, it gives them. more TIME to just get the job done! Less contemplating ALSO means less guilt re past, or worry for future! THOSE are what make us "Thinkers" doubt ourself! Doubt over our goodness and deservedness lead to sabotaging ourselves! WE ARE OUR OWN WORST ENEMY!
Wed. Jan 19, 2022
Young people not wanting to get out of bed? Heartbreaking!! So very very not fair for young people!! Great idea! Let's TAX old people, up the (wazoo) and spread that money to young people who can never retire or maybe HAVE jobs .. humans replaced by A I ! That is how "smart" we are, we don't even recognize replacing humans will destroy society! Hah .. and we talk about a smart (?revolution), just the opposite a total COLLAPSE OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE! So sorry! living in a nursing home is giving me Alzheimers, I keep forgetting words. so sorry! Hah! thanks for reminding me! I MUST SUE FOR THAT, the lying Chartwell.
Sadly, though the tax seniors idea is GREAT .. in living with old people they are either selfish elitists, totally OBLIVIOUS to today's problems and would never agree .. but then most have ALZHEIMERS and think the world needed if their supper is late! But I must remember all the people who quickly moved out (the huge decision making of moving, gives me a heart attack) they were the volunteers .. the NICE people who actually considered OTHERS well being , not just their own! So there ARE none seniors .. maybe not here. but then that is not fair, since I have NOT had time to get to know them and am being a shallow judge.
I have been ranting for 5 - 10 years that old people should get an UP- CHARGE, "no senior discount (soup) for you!" (the soup nazi from ?"Seinfeld" show). My Tim's and Mccafe barista friends loved me for telling them over and over, The senior discount is backward .. YOUTH should get the discount! We old hypocrite hippies stole everything from you! .. and you get to clean up our mess?? No wonder I get TMJ!
But I have wasted enough TIME feeling guilty and ranting and wasting ENERGY screaming "this is not right". With your joining this community and your skills and resources or HUMAN ASSETS, we can maybe still change this mess? (and if not .. I have a new theory for us to research ..
What is Heaven? and are there different "realities" here? Do Heaven and Hell exist at the same time?? We will step to the Heaven side. Screw the Hell DARKNESS.
Lash out in rage? Lash in .. rather be dead? This is not good. I bet the majority of us feel getting up is not worth it. Even if we have a job, it is completely insecure and probably our skills are not respected, and our STRESS is overwhelming. I would think many of us either ".. want off the world" .. or would like to blow it up? And now the police will investigate me and I will go to jail. Or worse .. I must be a terrorist. Terrorism was the first effort to make us afraid of everything. Fear keeps people in check, powerless. DADDY WILL LOOK AFTER US. Wow .. we may have A I .. but sure have lost ALL our H I! Intelligence is nowhere to be found .. we live in a NON- I world, no REAL intelligence anywhere, only FEAR and BELIEF "big brother" will save us.
Yup .. I would truly not be surprised if those words are completely true .. I mean that the police are on their way. A year or 2 ago, in this evil Nursing! (pretend ACTIVE semi Retirement) "home" .. I said that a world full of lies is not worth living in, and "they" almost committed me. The police dragged me away shortly after they CAUSED another girl to jump off her balcony. You would think they might have learned they were CAUSING suicide .. from that 911 call gone wrong! Terrifying! (and TO. has said no more about that poor girl's horrible end. She got no help .. only further struggle.) Here, in our (at first on line) community .. we are going to give each other support .. what the police FORGET to do. so sad!
Just so you know I have no gun, don't know where to buy one .. and not even a CAR to use as a weapon. Besides I am 74, (OMG .. 75? I do not REMEMBER how birthdays work! It's the confusion of covid! not Alzheimers!) OK police and mayors and corporations .. you better listen up .. because when 74 year old ENTITLED (ELITIST? ok for $?) WHITE LADIES .. are in a RAGE at stupidity and injustice .. there really IS going to be trouble. But like John Lewis, let's create GOOD TROUBLE to stop the decline of our quality of life.
Far, far too many young people do NOT want to get out of bed in the morning. That is just a horrifying travesty. Not wanting to get up feeling despair, is ok for me .. I will die soon and had a decent life. But Young people have this worry in front of them, for their whole future! How do we leave our children a life of hell like this? Even worse how did we HYPOCRITICALLY still keep saying we want better for our children? Then leave them a totally DYSTOPIAN hell? Are we Boomers evil? If not, We need a REVOLUTION .. but my REVERSE WORLD "revolution" involves those still human Corporations sponsoring a new TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH SYSTEM ... Quality of life for all .. in a new non "silo system", a REVISED idea of Capitalism. (You have BASTARDIZED the concept of socialism! Just be DECENT to others! .. and we don't care about your millions!)
Don't worry you FILTHY rich guys can keep your mansions and yachts, just start respecting ALL of us are actually resources .. ASSETS! that make your world BETTER .. not worse as your "OCD on profit brain" believes. The talents and skills of the masses make your life inordinately better. You must relearn how we benefit you, that we are NOT LIABILITIES, but great assets or resources for you.
As You "filthy rich" learn more about this REVERSE WORLD, you will soon recognize that KINDNESS to even strangers, will give you far more joy than a Bugatti Noir. Besides, you soon will have no place to drive that Bugatti because road systems are crumbling, plus there will be no power source, rest stop or clean water for you to drink. That is probably why you are trying to kill us FIRST .. not enough natural resources for all of us. Or .. your life spent in fear of us, living underground, is just not life worth living! Nor is even driving a street where there are no cafes or shops. Sure Mr Jeff and Google CEO .. you may OWN us, and you can have the "economy" all for yourself .. BUT IT WILL BE LIKE IN STEVEN KING's "The STAND" .. a world completely destroyed, devoid of any joy. Your Action brain has gotten you all the $ prizes, but you COMPLETELY FORGOT TO LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE .. the MOST valuable things are NOT profit! The world you have created is hell .. and unless we revolt .. you will be alone in it. We will have killed each other or ourself. Is that your plan?
Readers .. can you anonymously send this to the CEO of your company? Ask him to sponsor building a "Church" Library, Cafe General Store Template. It will create local personal income in Health Coaching and Human Intelligence organization .. replacing OUR "HUMAN INTELLIGENCE DISABILITY" .. purely "search face" .. no evaluation or analysis of info creating stress and division. Nor are we present in the REAL World!
If we are Left brain WARRIORS .. we would like to "kill people" .. our rage has become so great at the injustices, we are losing our mind. (Tues. Jan 18/22 Homeless man in NYC throwing someone in front of subway train seems an example .. lashing out in complete rage, no logic whatever that this person derived any such thing) I fear the Warrior Left brains will today resort to more violence, especially when as a "thinker" usually lashing INWARD .. I too have felt the terror of complete lashing OUTWARD RAGE that knew no logic or discipline. Some how I was lucky .. probably because of a wonderful stranger who talked me down after listening to the injustice. We need to be very careful .. our admonishing rudeness may hit the last enraged nerve of a person totally on edge. We might get attacked because we were complaining about civility. YIKE! I need to listen to MY OWN TEACHING!!
If we are Right brain worriers we just want to NOT wake up .. to run away. We are not FIGHTERS like warrior Left brains are. Is whether we lash OUT or IN based on the same FEAR? Fear of having lost control? .. of having no power. We actually lash out or in depending on which side of our brain still has the most wiring. Much of our brains, Right and Left hemisphere balance has been destroyed by toxins in what we think is "progress". Is that why people go in the army? .. rationalizing "simple, he is the bad guy .. the solution is to lash out". Police or even people in the justice system should NEVER be a Left brain character! Nothing is ever as simple as good vs evil. That is a CHILDLIKE OVER SIMPLIFICATION! Wow! No wonder we live in hell .. we let Left brain Warriors take everything over. See Divided Brain., and "Warrior /Worrier" spectrum
Gun people feel they have control with a gun in their (purse). But so very many mistakes can happened. And we never learn ANYTHING from these incidents .. Jan 18/22 synagogue incident. We just call him a terrorist and police kill the threat. Was he? .. or was he just one of us, losing his mind at no control, or justice .. ever in our life. Yes true .. some of us get more upset at things ("just take a chill pill already, lady") because we were unlucky enough NOT to have the golden resource of a sunny disposition. But Law enforcement .. why not learn from us THINKERS .. instead of simply shooting everything that seems "bad"? We don't shoot someone having a hear attack .. why do we just easily shoot someone "losing their mind"? Like the homeless subway man. What we could have learned from that! No more police hired with Left Brain prevalence!!!
I hope this site can let us feel we are so very not .. alone today.
Another day spent either wanting to lash OUT or IN (suicide) .. or just GIVE UP! .. at the stupidity and injustice we see. Civilization is collapsing because we have lost our CIVILITY, never mind MANNERS! "Progress" is not REAL progress when it has only taken us to Dystopia. I suggest that Dr Iain McGilchrist's NEW research on our (used to be BALANCED) brain Hemisphere's can explain what has happened to our collapsing society.
If those screaming in the media are the extremes of this "Think vs Act" brain use .. maybe most of us actually still have a balance of THINK before acting or doing?? That is a truly HOPEFUL thought! My family represents what I see in the opposite media outlets, division turning to DEMONIZATION. I have forgotten that many strangers I meet or even hear of from Steve Hartman (CBS) are kind, thoughtful, not selfish people. I am surrounded by right / left extremes and it has become truly DESPAIRING. Closed minded People who will not listen to new ideas (facts?) .. create despair for us thinkers? .. at least with today's purely destructive division.
Now that I see more hope, much of this website ranting must be deleted. Please bear with me until it is perfected by the spring. If you read a ranting page .. just move on. Probably 2/3 of 2 years work should be culled! Einstein said if you can not SIMPLY explain it .. you do not yet fully understand it. Hopefully better understanding now of this THEORY, helps us SEE a bigger POSSIBLITY FOR HOPEFULNESS! More balanced mid spectrum "think AND act" people CAN still get together and communicate! Hearing each others ideas, we can still alter our speeding "progress" toward collapse.
lashing out! subway "murder" Nyc sorry but the guy is not evil .. if we had a system that respected everyone and shared our resources fairly this would not happened. Now everyone gets the same luck! If I am slow to accomplish, worry a lot, and tend to obsess (be addicted) should I just die?? I had a lot I could have offered!!Ut there is no system to fairly trade resources. There should be! everybody contributes .. but everybody ALSO gets what they need .. even if it is constant support and reminding.
from Harvard Business Review .. "How selfish are people .. really?"
"Emotions such as love, loyalty, and outrage, like a sense of fairness, have little or no place in most of today’s utility functions; a narrow selfishness is pervasive. Undoubtedly, as Simon says, this construction is one of the impressive intellectual achievements of the first half of the twentieth century; after all, he is one of its architects. It is an elegant machine for applying reason to problems of choice. Equally certainly, however (and again following Simon), this Olympian stereotype is also a wildly improbable account of how human beings actually operate, and a preoccupation with it is doing economists more harm than good."
Hah .. so as I was thinking when you SIMPLIFY only for SELF life is much easier and you more likely succeed. Thinking of how OTHERS wellbeing is affected by my action takes time, analysis and MORE thinking. But the part were he says "..How humans ACTUALLY operate (as in cooperation)" is HOPEFUL. We twisted our brains to suit self and gaining wealth and power.
revised Mon. July 4, 2022.
it is NOT fair for us to have to pay taxes for "pretend work" on snow .. STUPID work on snow .. hockey fascination .. ridiculous. I will cheat on taxes NOT PAY FAIRLY now that I see how art hard earned money is just WASTED on friend contracts.
NO! re hockey .. MY $ are going to museums, art and parks. So we start using a Blockchain Ledger .. and we can vote on EVERYTHING .. even our budget spending. wonder how many decades that change will take. But we can create a TEMPLATE in our Collaborative, Reverse World community.
My city "Rep" spent $2 mil on a DOG park $2 mil on ART for her gay area ..but .. $ ONE mil on the homeless. Unbelievable, real Nice. That's when I QUIT voting, she was proud of this in her newsletter! I quit because voting is a joke. In Future we should be able to vote how we want taxes spent. The Majority rules .. not just once every few years to put in a new person who wants to feel powerful but does nothing good. It makes me ill when I hear THEM rant how we must vote to take power. Sure yeah .. there are FEW politicians who care about US actually. they do want to be reelected but most people are asleep NOT PAYING ATTENTION, as McGilchrist says.
I wanted my scam "NURSING HOME" neighbour to just BE QUIET! Until I realized they DRUGGED her into a vegetative state!! All of a sudden my be nice to others was HYPOCRITICAL
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.