damn .. I AM controlling! My kids were right! BUT .. If I spent 6 months studying a problem .. I know the BEST solution! Just do what I tell you!!
This is HOPEFUL!! Gen Z is smart and aware ! They had only 1/3 as many kids as before! 2 of 3 see .. no FAIR to dump kids into a decaying "humanity"!
Wed. Mar. 9, 2022
Someone influential answered my anxiety about past/ future problems with "Just don't think about it!" That seemed ridiculous, but I was left with the question "Don't I HAVE TO WORRY? Is that not my obligation in life? Isn't it my job to wonder and worry?" But unless it is CONSTRUCTIVE REAL THINKING it is a useless LIABILITY
Wed. Mar. 30, 2022
Saw an old "post" about cranes in from of my beauty view. I think there were 6? Guess how many now? 10!!! Ten freakin cranes obliterating my view toward water and Island! My kids can not afford those condos! All the young people I talk to are doing 2 jobs to pay university debt. Get those evil condo cranes out of my sight! Anyway .. once again inam wasting energy and time RANTING for what purpose? APPRECIATE .. be grateful! There are not yet 15! plus I feel I am losing my sight! sometimes so blurry. No get appreciating I can at least SEE those damn cranes . sorry those LOVELY hard working cranes building cement neighbourhood destruction.
A SUNNY DISPOSITION is a GOLDEN resource. But a thinking brain, of DEEP philosophical thinking, is a CURSE! It is a LIABILITY IN LIFE!
Sat Dec 4, 2021 .. or .. watch "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" again. Although it may make us sad because life was still way nicer then. I went to Seneca Falls where it was shot and actually met the little girl actress now old too! They make a whole weekend of it in early December. It is near the Finger lakes in NY.
Sat., Feb 19, 2022 5:00 pm
All the things we expected, house with picket fence, relaxed little family, 2 cars, vacations .. they seem to exist no more for too many of us? So Let's stop being sad and just think .. "Phew I do not have the hassle of maintaining a house" .. or whatever is the negative of the dream we expected! Never got a partner? Hell we can do whatever we want whenever! .. NO compromise needed! We are truly FREE!
I realized this DUALITY about 7 decades too late, thinking what a joke windows everywhere are. I thought it would be the MOST awesome thing. Sure but maintenance never CLEANS them .. those windows are disgusting. So if I never got my window dream I should just be saying I could barely see through them anyway if I got the dream. I should have REVERSE ENGINEERED MY THOUGHTS. But you can still do this trick! I always wanted SUN .. a southern exposure. OMG all my books are destroyed .. bleached to death .. and when it is sunny I need to wear a hat for glare! What a pain and all these decades I was SAD I had not reached my dream. Why did I waste energy sad, not achieving my dreams?? They ALL have negatives. I am beginning to wonder if even HEAVEN has negative? Is it BORING?
Hah! I lived my life backward. Do not do anything for yourself like I did. Just do everything OPPOSITE to my life, really use my too late for me old wisdom for YOU. The only thing I did right was teach friends to REALIZE they did NOT need company or a partner to do stuff. So many feel like they stick out like a sore thumb ALONE .. like they are a loser with no friends. No way! That is the one thing I definitely succeeded in .. people copied my INDEPENDENCE .. going anywhere, doing anything ALONE, never worrying or feeling insecure. ALONE? AWESOME! You can come and go AS YOU PLEASE. YOU NEED TO ASK NO ONE .. " Sorry, I'm bored, are you ready to leave?" Guess I am just selfish or an introvert. No, wrong word because I LOVE going out and talking to people .. and if you are WITH someone, it is rude to just talk to others! (At least it sure irritates ME .. "Girl, I gave up MY INDEPENDENCE to spend time with YOU .. you better focus on ME!" ; < ) Anyway many friends thank me for giving them confidence that it is FUN to do things alone .. INDEPENDENT and FREE.
So whatever you dreamed of that seems not to be coming .. just think of all that NEGATIVES that would be part of it. No more sad .. problem solved! Like for example we have no money to retire on. What is the matter with these boring retired people? What the hell do they do with themselves all day!? No wonder they turn into miserable selfish grouches. Can you imagine the BOREDOM? I hate where I live! .. and they don't even have the decency to VOLUNTEER. Those kind of selfless or at least kind volunteering people all moved out. Soon as I have time to throw all my old notes out .. I am gone from this negative place!
And shut down that EVIL brain of ours! If we like to investigate and learn .. we will find things that are VERY concerning .. so right now! right now we need a BREAK, or we will seriously give ourselves a HEART ATTACK> we can not wake every morning in utter panic at the CRAZY world will live in .. and not expect to be DESTROYING our health! Do we really want to worried AND sick .. have pain or discomfort too? that is what this stress will do to us! We need to MAKE ourselves OBLIVIOUS like our lucky left Brain opposites are. They merrily go about their life .. no problem. While we see the coming apocalypse and miss out on life. AND IT IS ALL THEIR FAULT! So they are winning in EVERY WAY!
NO WAY FOR THAT! They can NOT take away our mind! we will control our mind .. and focus on FUN .. pleasant enjoyable experiences we can create!
You could even photograph the beauty you find! Take different perspectives of the gorgeous scene. Maybe later my "gift of calm" Art Gallery TV will commission some of your ART for license! But even just walking, even in dreary winter is Coll. I study the beaches of trees, the different shapes of trees. Are Left Brain people Poplars, closed minded, one direction? Maybe Right brain extremes are weeping willows, not even lifting their ideas to the sky. Regular more BALANCED Right brains are maples, many branches, many twigs (many ideas). It gave me something to study on winter walks .. so boring for decades!
we won't be in our graves .. there will be no one to bury us!! We BETTER have FUN!! Stop thinkng and worrying and imagining those evil aliens killing us and just enjoy NOW .. RIGHT NOW! re Loud music? but use head phones with respect for your neighbours
Tate Modern Accidentally turned to Bloomberg BRILLIANT IDEAS and came upon this awesome artist who instead of ranting and raving like me CREATES something beautiful that hopefully makes people come to the conclusion I WANT .. "we are going the wrong way .. maybe too late!!". But he probably creates far more success with his scaffold signifying constant London construction, vs above garden seedling all different, stepping back to nature vs a CONSTRUCTED SOCIETY. Amazing.
Diverge in new directions from your usual. Find new ways to be amazed. We really may have only a little time left! do we really want to spend it ranting on the same old same old?
I know .. money is always the problem. Let's build our OWN income! (see Alberta) Work hard on investigating and finding our special skills and talents. People will pAY us very well to easily do what takes them 4 times as long. I am looking for an apt. I could have told those developers in 2 minute what could have saved them years of complaints or people moving out. The idiocy in most of their floor plans is ridiculous to me .. Yet I never knew I should be a design consultant! missed an amazing opportunity. And knowing I was GOOD I would have had some CONFIDENCE.
The biggest sale I ever made, of my initial ART TV concept, I said "Your Lobby TV is terrible. You need my "Gift of Calm" work" In like 2 minutes I had a BIG sale! Well maybe plus a later 15 minute meeting? (15 years going nowhere in buffalo!) But I should have learned from that experience you must be BRIEF, CLEAR and confident. It just feels in al that "education" no one pushes us to look for what is easy and second nature for us!
These ideas below are awesome, but so hard to ALWAYS DO! (My whole 8 decade life was BAD HABITS, those white arrows!) The yellow arrow is what we must change to! Go the opposite direction! We must change our "Go to HABIT", and that is so hard. We can do it TOGETHER though! Please do NOT waste your life as I did!
Is it possible this is the ONLY thing we need to remember? Instead of the attitude of "There is a dark cloud over me, and bad stuff will always happened." switch it, reframe! The guy who designed our beauty world wants good for you! He is not a puppet master so he made a "magic magnet" to help us get to where we focus. If he sees us going the wrong way he gives a nudge to re direct. It feels like BAD .. but is really the guy who wants good for us HELPING. I am not into religion but jealous how some have great ideas!! (god) loves me and wants the best for me sounds pretty good these days!
Wed Nov 17, 2021, REDO!! ?? We are the universe, the cosmos. The creator? wants the best for us .. so when things don't the right direction the CEO of us throws something to change the direction. Down the road we will see it was GOOD. Wallow in disappointment for a (minute) .. and then remember the headline above. Whatever happened was meant to be. MY Nov Horoscope is awesome advice for ALL of us, EVERY DAY! Thank you MR Cainer!
Your November Monthly Horoscope: There are various options open to you if things aren't going as well as you'd like this month. You can get anxious and worried, or you can smile and celebrate. Why would you choose the latter? Because, if you trust the cosmos, you know it has your best interests at heart. If you face an obstacle, it's because a diversion will lead you down a path that's beneficial; ultimately, you'll end up in a better place. If you're flexible and open to learning new things, you'll find that you're well on the way to winning what you truly want. Important! Find your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your 2022 'Guide to the Future'. (runs from right now ..
But pay attention to GOOD stuff thrown at us too! Like the guy who out of the blue reminded me The universe (god) watches out for us. I asked if he may leave the desk job I loved saying "hello" to him at. His answer "I will be where god sends me." A perfect reminder to me that some things fail or we get obstacles but the new direction will be better. BUT THIS WAS SOMETHING AWESOME THROWN AT ME JUST WHEN I NEEDE IT MOST. Might I not have been paying attention and missed its great significance? I COULD have stayed stuck in "damn I wanted to move to this building". I had said "I would move here just to say hi to you every day." So I could have stayed stuck in the "damn, god always takes away everything good I find". Instead I found it amazing he reminded me of this concept. The universe or god sends stuff to change our direction .. or to wake us up .. OR just amazing new ideas and connections we NEED. Although where I live has BAD energy .. it has the AMAZING connection energy of sending me just the right idea, book or person when I am stuck and need that for my "System Building" writing.
One of the things I say most is "the universe sent me .." this person who said this, this book that taught me that. Usually short little things .. but why did I see the huge relevance of these things yet believe god hates me? We do not think very SMART much of the time. so lets yell at ourself like our BEST friends and watch for the higher best friend to send us messages. like the book falling down on me form a top shelf. seriously? unbelievable. see link later.
I figured I could copy and paste out of a photo's wording .. idiot! (OK, no more of that ! we would not call our friend an idiot. QUIT BEING OUR OWN WORST ENEMY. No more bad talk!!) Even for mean people I feel guilty talking about them "behind their back" .. so why talk bad about me! Do we treat ourselves worse than we treat MEAN people?
It is true though. Yup day to day I am totally clued! BUT! I am pulling together brilliant minds to help us create "the theory of everything .. HUMANITY" together. So I have TALENTS and skills all these organized successful people DON"T. Seems to me the only 2 times I was 100% successful even the most QUICKLY .. is when I was feeling that confidence! We each have special talents .. mine is definitely right in from of you smarts or getting bills paid or organizing my piles of writing. But pulling together problems to create solutions even with the Liabilities is pretty cool .. and what I do best. What do you do best? That is what you should be contributing to our cosmos. What is second nature to you? Quick thinking and talking? You would be great at sales .. which is my most terrible INABILITY.
"Sad/ Mad think" just wastes energy. How does rehashing guilt, sadness, disappointment, anger and even fear .. make anything better? Just breathe and RESET your mind. You have control over your mind .. no one else does. Sugar and processed food companies can fry our brains, destroy our self discipline and make us STUPID. But our mind is like our spirit, our soul that will float to heaven EVEN IF THEY KILL US! No one can control our mind because it is part of the cosmos .. part of the "ONE MIND" Larry Dossey writes about. so let's stop wasting it. We don't need to be sad or mad because in the end we just DIE anyway .. might as well be happy and wonder what that will be like.
Just wasted another 3 hours sad or trying to fight the family bully. Wake up .. bullies will NEVEr let us win. They too are struggling they just have an ATTACK way of doing it. Thanks for "listening" .. I forget that and start to HATE. It is too sad when you start hating on family. We also must remember it is fried brain wiring. The bully FINALLY after what 6 or 8 years threw in I was right about carbs inflaming. The admission had to be HIDDEN amidst a new battle, where I may not really notice its "giving in". How sad .. so a discussion or debate is a battle to be won. And then I am called "my way or the highway" control. freak. True sometimes if I studied something for years and you did not! But usually I am OPEN even to HUGE things like guns and abortion. but it is true .. to simplify we close down SOME discussions (for me the previous). I guess when someone keeps saying can't you just listen and think and reconsider at least .. if the brain wiring is gone that is like telling an amputee to juts run. Get over it stop being the victim .. get on with it. But in this caseTHAT is the Left Brain action brain .. DISABLED from real contemplative THINKNG.
The point is .. you would just run away from these bully Action types of people! When they are family .. just cross the street back to the light, the SUNNY side. DO NOT LET THEM STEAL our SELF CONFIDENCE. Their aim is to bully us into thinking we are the loser. ? maybe THEY feel loser .. but their way to cope is ATTACK? Hmm .. so let's try to remember compassion .. though they will have none ever in return. Remember it is us Right brain thinkers that make the world a kind not WARRIOR place.
Feel yourself plunging into despair. Be ready with "Other side, Other side!" If we quit hiding and let people know us .. most will LOVE US!
savour EVERYTHING. Doesn't that just mean appreciate all the things we take for granted. There is all the gratitude quoting .. but it does not speak toward me. But I think I better hear, someone saying .. slow down, breathe for a minute instead of worrying or feeling anxious, look at what you are missing. Be glad for it! You know, like when how when your tooth hurts we feel mad at ourself for not appreciate our properly functioning teeth. So let's appreciate ahead of the too late. It's Nov. Flowere and leaves are almost gone. Did I really stop and just SAVOUR their beauty or was I too busy constantly being anxious or worrying about one thing or another!
We are collapsing because our society is one of excess and EXTREMES. The progress we have made could have been great but we took everything to its EXTREME, making it TOXIC. BALANCE is the magic word in everything. Every complaint or protest or latest fashion is destroyed when extreme. I was for my best friend who was gay before people knew the word .. felt such empathy for his struggle. But sadly today's venom and complication has turned me away. "get away from me! who you sleep with is NONE of my business. just leave me alone!
Sunday, Dec 12, 2021
Is that what an illicit drug .. or cannabis? is like? Sorry, but I think I am pretty lucky that I am manic (bipolar). With NO drugs, I used to usually be "high". Unfortunately when old, (or society is collapsing?) the highs seem to have shortened and the despair lasts longer. But today was such an EXQUISITE, sunny day, that I am hopeful of everything! It should probably be COLDER (global warming) but we have to REFRAME THAT DUALITY. We can worry what is wrong with this winter temperature in the north, or just revel in the glorious too warm day. Then .. refreshed, we go back to work designing solutions to try to prevent our Societal COLLAPSE! If we are anxious or panicked we are probably "Worriers" (Thinkers/ Right brain) vs Action "warriors". We have to learn to TAKE A BREAK FROM WORRYING. We "Thinkers" may believe it is our JOB to worry, but we ARE allowed coffee breaks!
I was thinking that in winter we go DAYS without seeing the sun .. and it is the SUN that made me manic today. You have heard of S A D, Seasonal Affective Disorder .. it is completely real. At least for "miserably sensitive to EVERYTHING" types. So how do we get that HIGH, when there are way more DARK winter days to be DOWN in?
I totally forgot my original INVENTION!! Quiet Impact TV or the "Gift of Calm" .. stress reducing ART TV. Maybe we can use my ART TV to PRETEND we are out in the sun, adventuring down a side street or new area. OR AN OLD AREA looked at with fresh appreciative eyes!
That was the mission of the ART TV .. to help Disadvantaged youth find beauty in their impoverished areas. While they gained new appreciation for finding calming beauty amidst decay, they were to build a local Wait Line or Lobby TV network. (Great 20 years later, no one has the patience to wait in line and apparently we will not meet each other in real life .. just on screen. It was for Waiting areas! Our ENTITLED society will have NOTHING to do with waiting. Patience is a GONe resource for us. So now I am horrified to recognize the opportunity for those new jobs has passed us by. NOW I AM DESPAIRING AGAIN! I am going to my untouched for years video VIMEO website .. to see if it lifts my despair. Is it possible we network builders just must focus more on Individual personal ART TV vs waiting areas? I was always licensing B to B but maybe must reverse Otto up B to C? With Netflix as partner we could destroy nonsense "mental" illness and sales of prozac! .. and create REAL Total Health. (see health site) video is here! but site not even looked at years!!! sorry .. I need help!
to change our HABITS!
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
danial in traffic
Daniel moving!
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
If we continue to DEMONIZE anyone who thinks the opposite, our society will literally collapse. There is a reason they actually believe what seems strange. In our rushed society we do NOT th=ake the time and patience to try to hear and think about their opposing view. Saying "that is crazy" is faster and far easier! Sorry but it will be like saying watching the boat sink is easier than trying to bail out the water. Unless we listen to each others ideas we sink.
Whether we survive, or go the way of the Mayan temples, is totally up to us. We used to isyten to the other, even up to John McCain days in 2010 or so.
We used to have a brain wired for 2 things .. think! and then act! But our brain wiring has been destroyed by the TOXINS of "progress". We used to be somewhat BALANCED to first consider ideas, and then to DO what we had contemplated. (causes?consequences? then ANALYZE and EVALUATE). But with the loss of brain neurons we are left with only whatever we had more of, Right hemisphere, "THINK!" or Left hemisphere "ACT!". This is the cause of our division .. we frustrate each other. Thinkers feel doers are too quick, and doers are frustrated by the worries and indecision of a thinker. In a society of SPEED .. we terrify each other.
Hence the enemy .. the demonization.
We can NOT think or ACT more, we are UNABLE so why are we yelling at and hating on each other. Does anyone remember what a TWO LEGGED RACE was? I think we tied together 2 people's opposite leg to the other so they had to run together as one, able to use only opposite legs dragging the other leg in unison. I will try to find a photo!It is like we can only get to the WIN .. TOGETHER IN BALANCE, but instead we just yell at each other instead, then wonder why no trophy. Sure Action brains have their success, but having destroyed every system we need to function .. is that REALLY "success",
We each have only one leg (brain side)! We need to OTHER leg side to balance moving forward oil the race. Unless we race TOGETHER, BALANCING each other .. we will NOT get to the finish line. But in this case the trophy is survival.
.. and FRUSTRATING a "Thinker" is to a person who just SIMPLIFIES. "Action brains" just want to "get over it, and get er done!" Our 25 but .. what if ..? what about ..? create complexity and complexity slows action.
KISS exists for a reason. If you are inventive, you are probably selling to an opposite Action Brain, so Keep It Simple, Stupid! We thinkers have a job to do too! Yes, action brains must STOP and THINK MORE OFTEN! But we Thinkers must calm down and SIMPLIFY, because we confuse the hell out of successful Action Manager CEO's.
My son has said some outlandish things (OMG he too has lost his mind?) But remember, because of stress we must simplify to cope, and simplifying can make us look pretty stupid. Because I slowed down to CAREFULLY listen to the ?logic, I finally understood! .. after weeks crying that he had lost his mind. Something about "thoughts are evil", said to the person researching that we are collapsing because we QUIT THINKNG! He simply means those ruminating, or worrying about past or future uselessly types of "thought". in the LEARN THESE WORDS drop down I discuss how the word "thinkng" is very complex. There are so many types of "thinking"
move elsewhere! MULTI THINKING! is my specialty .. and multi THINKING is exactly what drives the opposite Action brain totally CRAZY! it complicates and confuses. Action people want SIMPLE and confusion brings out the WARRIOR in them. They need to attack the enemy causing complication, destroying the aim of simplification.
8 .. 7 .. 6. .. that world will sadly still BE there, so choses a new focus .. reframe your view again
Well .. some are the SAINTS among us (lady whose garage is a food bank) but others are just kind people or even youth going OUT OF THEIR WAY TO BE KIND
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
We do need to take back Personal Responsibility .. and then develop our OWN Career. (The Site is incomplete but the "ALBERTA SKILLS PDF" is awesome).
First a "Church/ Library" Cafe (general store) location .. later .. a full "REVERSE WORLD" LIFE CO-OP neighbourhood. Fund those initiatives and volunteer there later, to repay the great life Boomers got.
We are only beginning with a Digital community, but we must build a whole REAL COMMUNITY CO-OPERATIVE Location. We will build a simple "system" to TRANSFORM all the old no longer functioning silo systems. It will be a Template others can replicate. Society is collapsing. We need a simpler new "system" that actually functions for us all. How about RE Pioneering with the Blockchain? (site incomplete .. link later). UBI Universal Basic Income is a TERRIBLE idea. We would feel USELESS, that we have no value. People don't just want free $$ .. they want to feel NEEDED and IMPORTANT.
Mon Nov 22, 2021 ..Total Health includes Societal Health. REAL Health, TOTAL Health consists of 1)Physical Health .. from Functional Medicine not the Traditional "Health" system, plus 2) Emotional Health (includes connecting, belonging and community). But without 3) Economic and Societal SYSTEM Health .. the stress of life will just destroy the other 2 components of Health. (Mental health is a stigma to get rid of .. nothing more than PHYSICAL Health. Our brain can be diseased just as our lungs or liver can!!)
Most of our "mental" problems are emotional and societal. (A lifetime of bullying creates lashing out .. not "mental" illness). Some of us are lucky to have more coping tools .. the result of MORE NURTURE (not nature). Nature, includes ALL of our Physical body functions, including our BRAIN .. it is physical! Our Physical Health is destroyed from stress but even more important .. our Emotional Health is destroyed by lack of nurturing in society. (R/L Brain hemisphere destruction is a PHYSICAL problem but affecting the emotions too.) We need a whole new System of REAL Health .. not "care". (see This site plus below)
coming later .. page revised nov 27/21
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.