Mon. May 9, 2022. (..Fri. June 17, 2022)
Those self centred Left brains are absolutely right .."We can CHOSE what we want to focus on, OR .. we will HAVE TO learn to in order to survive! The selfish Left brain says to us "If you want to focus on sad .. that is your choice, but don't whine to me about YOUR CHOICE!" (Yes lady, that is EXACTLY why we now live in DYSTOPIA! To focus on "ME! HERE! NOW!" is always easier than being concerned for others WELLBEING). However we are now so far into Dystopia .. will we even be here much longer? If the Doctor said "You are dying very soon." would we spend it crying? .. or grab the last earth joy that we can? hmm .. ??
Do we have a TERMINAL DISEASE (toxic "progress") and "THE END" is near? Feels like it, eh? So much stress and insecurity causing anxiety, with no HOPE in sight. So then we really must use the crap the mean ones throw at us, the FREE WILL CRAP. For our sanity and SURVIVAL we must "Just STOP .. just RE Focus, reframe our viewpoint" in order to survive the day.
There is no more time to waste despairing .. time has become SO limited .. and is perhaps expiring? We have a LIMITED BALANCE "bank" account of TIME. Let's waste none of it on any negative emotions. They empty our (bank) account of energy and we may as well use the scarce for all the BEST we can think of. It is true .. it is our CHOICE and why lose any more than we already have. They who never worry have had a great time! While we worried about the consequences of our lack of discipline, respect and responsibility for our LIMITED resources. It is our turn for fun, so choose to be OBLIVIOUS and joyful. It is the only LOGICAL thing to do now.
I have just begun to think maybe those of us WITH clinical Depression now have REAL life despair PLUS the clinical depression. I just fell into deep despair after a glorious NYC Hey go tour with Patrick and Aaron. Not sure which "depression" that is .. who cares .. all I know is I felt so sad, such loss, grief .. darkness. Guess I for 45 minutes actually felt like I was in my beloved NYC!! When they signed off, I felt like I also lost my best friends, not just my THIN PLACE.(link) But I am so happy I was writing about the RIGHT Brain "FREE WILL scam" this morning.
Apparently We are just LOSERS if we have no discipline and are UNABLE to pull ourselves out of our despair. As I said those people are not Thinkers, they are selfish Left Brains who look after themselves above all. BUT!! if there is only one or 2 more springs .. I damn well better QUIT WASTING SO MUCH TIME SAD. I am letting the Free Will Jerks steal the VALUE of my energy. YES! I am right it is HARDER for us. But we must ACCEPT they will NEVER admit that. So if we want a trophy for perseverance .. all they will give us is loser status. They believe We Worriers just spend our lives in EXCUSES. Yes .. we always THINK "But.."! "But .." is not an excuse it is THINKING! You know .. like THINK before you act? We worry what caused a problem and what a fast SOLUTION might cause in the future. PRE thinking consequences can prevent unintended consequences!
But we have to learn how to set that worry aside, calm our mind and just relax for our own health.
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Thurs. Jan 27, 2022
Hah! IS THE BASIS FOR OUR ONGOING DESPAIR because there is no more LISTENING to each other? .. and trying to find out what is really the truth? "The Truth" is very hard to arrive at! When we hear differing ideas, we used to discuss and debate the pros and cons of each side! We now get another "D" .. but today instead of "DISCUSS", we just DEMONIZE the other's opposing idea! Seeing this inability to even make an EFFORT to hear or listen to a differing idea is just so sad. Maybe it is that at the core of our loss of HOPE? We have lost our ability to COMMUNICATE and THAT spells war. No wonder we feel despair! Being a "Thinker" Right brain is HELL.
To survive we really do have to SHUT DOWN OUR BRAIN! We just HAVE TO BE OBLIVIOUS for a bit. It is our "survival tool" today! For a moment juts breathe and PRETEND society is NOT collapsing. The best advice I ever got (Thanks Manzur!) .. was "DON"T THINK ABOUT IT." I told him "What ?? I thought it was my JOB to worry?" Yes if more people HAD worried when greed took us into this mess, we would NOT BE IN DYSTOPIA!
But now, in actual DYSTOPIA .. unless we be a little selfish .. unless we stop and breath and let the stomach cramp or jaw tightening LOOSEN .. WE ARE GOING TO DESTROY OURSELVES. Just stop and breathe OFTEN throughout the day. We are the ones who can maybe save us .. but not if we die of stress induced body malfunction!
How can we improve COMMUNICATION? How can we fix things? How can we make things better for EVERYBODY, if we can not even HEAR each other, let alone CIVILLY discuss our differences? And the very worst .. is that "the other", those who will NOT LISTEN TO HEAR .. do not even RECOGNIZE this is a HUGE problem. Maybe the only way is to just SEPARATE from all this, build our own world our "Reverse World"? Some of them will see that we LIVE LIFE BETTER .. and want to join in OUR RULES. (link) Above revised Fri. June 17, 2022.
Re Communication and DISCUSSION, I am telling you .. we are SERIOUSLY brain dead! Or at least half of us are? Would I be correct that the American Right tends to just decide something simple, but not consider its causes or consequences? I need a gun because 200 years ago they said it was good. No contemplation of how life has changed and what the result of guns today could be. Simple ideas slavishly adhered to. How can we build a quality of life if there is no REAL communication? .. simple facts thrown like daggers, regardless if they are CORRECT. Truth or solutions are HARD, and many layered. What happened to our brains?? (See the Divided Brain .. Iain McGilchrist knows, and I say sugar, search, stress etc. are the cause of our brain's DEATH.)
Every time I see evidence that there is NO MORE COMMON SENSE OR INTELLIGENCE in the West (or the world?) I find it fills me with despair and loss of any hopefulness. I guess we just have to imagine we are drowning (in despair) but there is a RAFT we can hop on. That raft is a BELIEF that gives us a glimmer of hope! The loud ones that create despair are NOT the majority. The majority are wonderful good people .. but we do not hear their voice. If we can work together we can change the hell we have got ourselves into.
Can that belief of possibility be that we only HEAR the Screamers .. those who never listen, just yell their "facts" which only make us question more. Unlike these fame seekers, there are millions of quiet, kind, considerate .. THINKING people that are the REAL backbone of our society. I have spent a decade terrified of our decline into deaf, blind madness .. nobody listening or seeing the cliff we are coming to. But that focus was on the powerful .. the greedy, the ones only interested in their control of us, for their biggest profit. Becoming obsessed with the damage Friedman's "profit as God" has done can only create horrible despair and loss of hope. Have we gotten STUCK in a rut and we can't get out? Are we stuck on repeat .. of only unfairness and injustice? Everything we think and worry over is true but focusing on it just brings us MORE!
Instead lets DAILY, Hourly focus on the people who make sense, the people willing to HEAR other ideas and consider them. Let's focus instead of on the EVIL (the power structure), put our mind to the good people that do kind, sharing, thoughtful deeds every day. There are SOOOO many more of us! There are probably 99 of us for every 1 "greedy profit zombie". Then maybe focusing on the GOOD which is by far the majority, we can try to understand the EVIL is actually a DISABILITY. We too are disabled .. probably do not look after our SELF well. The Power structure only looks after self and forget to help others. If we think we are both "blind" can we be more compassionate. They are NEAR sighted (MY-opia .. hah!) and we are FAR sighted (HYPER- opia, so ironic eh?) Those who focus on near and now focus on self. Those who look far .. to the future focus on others and the planet. For future long term "success" this FAR view is the ONLY possibility
The selfish selfless spectrum, you know "put your own mask on first in the falling plane, THEN you can help others" should actually be our WAR EFFORT MANTRA. There is definitely a war going on between the powerful and the powerless, we need ONE enemy we can fight TOGETHER. Neither of our vision alone will stop us from societal collapse. Only if we stop being blind and deaf to each other can we move ahead. Those who only see NEAR .. must listen to us who see the future problems we are creating. But we far sighted must appreciate the action and accomplishment of the doers in society. They waste no time worrying and just get the job done. Worriers or far "sighted" thinking people tend to be indecisive, always wondering "but what about ..?" and "if .. then ..". Both the "near view" (me) and "far view" (you) have value, but alone, NOT BALANCED only HALF our sight is a LIABILITY. Liabilities reduce resources and we are already short resources. Together our liability becomes an ASSET increasing the possibility for good vision or success.
I feel so hopeless I am not even sure, but I think today is Holocaust Remembrance day? I am. embarrassed to say I have never had time to research this entire story. Sorry but my background is German (Swiss) and I hate Propoganda and when they began calling the kids killing themselves the suicide bombers TERRORISTS, simply demonizing them I always wondered but WHY? why does a young person kill themself? They must REALLY feel a lot of injustice and hopelessness. So when we went to war with someone, I always saw "the other" just as a kid like me, wondering how different their life must be and how things had gone so badly as to go and KILL in the name of. something. How are we any better? When a soldier kills all he knows is that he was TOLD TO. If he still has somme Right Brain left he will get PTSD from the guilt he feels.
Oct 5/21 .. or maybe we can look at it like the same STREET .. but there is the sunny side and the shade side. But do you need shade to cool down .. or sun to warm up? So BOTH sides have value!
"2 sides to the same coin", usually one is good, the other bad. Hah! No wonder we are toast! We are divided into RIGHT! LEFT! .. Republican (Conservative), Democrat (Liberal) .. good / bad depending on your viewpoint. But life is WAYYYY more complicated than a coin toss! Heads the right wins, tails the left wins!! O-M- G! Life is compromise, collaboration .. when both sides get something nobody is elated .. life is just COMPLICATED!! 2 heads are better than one, but it does complicate the wishes and desires. The right and left politically AND Brain Wiring wise both are assets that contribute knowledge and idea resources. But they are ONLY resources, if appreciated and used as tools to balance concepts. If we are enemies we don't listen or hear and we become liabilities to the earth. When we USE each other's difference to LEARN we become ASSETS, building resources for the earth. Demonizing each other destroys resources. We are very good at wasting resources.
Duality example .. I have raged at the Chartwell "Retirement" scam, causing the need to move again .. this was to be my END move .. the last ever. (Moving again just creates total overwhelm!) But looking at this horror through the concept of DUALITY, I DO need to pitch FAR more. It just disciplines me to "GET 'ER DONE!" This last move will save my kids the hell of pitching my stuff when I finally bite the dust. Chartwell did me, or especially my kids a big favour! Instead I focus on wasting energy at the unfairness of it all. Good grief!!
I guess DUALITY is just perspective, seeing things from another angle? We need to learn to "Look for the silver lining", TRAIN OUR MIND TO SEE THE GOOD IN EVERYTHING!
For most my life, I felt DESPAIR at even the thought of Fall, leaves turning and lost, dark winter coming. What the heck! I never once thought of the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE! (Probably all the Right /Left BRAIN hemisphere McGilchrist obsession made me finally pay attention to "hemisphere"!) While we are enjoying a wonderful summer, the Southern Hemisphere of OUR earth is stuck in winter. Now it is THEIR turn to enjoy glorious summer freedom. Strange, how I never ever thought this is only FAIR. Hah! makes the loss of leaves and light so much easier to bear! How many other things do we look at wrong? For example.. I just met a guy who LOVES my area that I have NEVER liked. So I must have moved here expecting a certain BAD energy and I GOT it! So interesting. Let's see what happens when I EXPECT his opposite belief.
Let's try to think what could be good of all the obstacles and negatives we find. We need all the tools we can gather. Duality .. opposition or contrast is our new word to find examples of.
Beside my apt door there was a big black mark on a light gray wall. Very irritating! Especially since I forego the cleaning that I pay for in my rent, for this god forsaken "Semi Retired ACTIVE Living" Chartwell NURSING home! At least keep OUTSIDE my door decent! It was there must be for a year, no cleaning staff noticing it .. all 3 or 4 inches of it.
Finally I did remember to ask a cleaner to please clean the mark by my suite. Since the poor staff is so over worked I never expected it would actually get done. One day the lovely girl I asked for the favour reminded me she had done so. I was floored .. never even noticed, so no gratitude. I ran out to buy her chocolate.
the moral of the story is STOP FOCUSING ON BAD UPSETTING THINGS! I was obviously now more focused on other and never even noticed black mark was GONE. Let's spend more time appreciating and less time whining and complaining. YIKE! That is probably the mark of a thinker "Right Brain". It is true! I used to imagine in Buffalo where I knew the Main Street people, maybe they saw me coming down the street and ran away. (They knew the Whiner/ complainer had arrived.) Hah, so only other Thinker people stayed to chat with me? To not leave everybody sad I used to send them to Dr Joe and his Schuman Resonance article.
move this ..
And there is the problem. We have become so extremely one side brain wired we can not even discuss. Unless we somehow can take responsibility and DISCIPLINE ourselves .. we are doomed. Remember the stand is NOT good vs evil .. it is Left Brain "action people" vs Right brain Thinkers that are enemies. Only the BALANCE of both types of wiring will work! If we lost the opposite we MUST use the resource of the opposite type of PERSON to find REAL success. But that is hard because Action People won't listen and Thinkers don't ACT
?? boy do I bounce around .. ? We need to hear the opposite viewpoint and CONSIDER its value. Instead we do NOT listen, hear or even TRY to understand anything outside our closed viewpoint
Mon. Jan 30., 2022.
So I was so excited at finding the 3 words that are our ONLY ENEMY (Extreme, no BALANCE) and therefore the solution .. is BALANCE of everything. And excited I that ONE commandment we van live by simply .. (better than "just be nice to others!") .. is to BE FAIR! That excitement was short lived before collapsing to despair again! I was so busy getting sidetracked by "fake news" I missed how it seems CENSORSHIP is on our doorstep. I have NOT been paying attention! Go away you stupid simplistic "FAKE NEWS" ranters!
Text sent "I am a SLOW learner .. but just realized the CENSORSHIP we are heading to with the vax horrifying!! The Spotify (Neil Young) is terrifying me .. "they" want to control every communication about corona!! Now that I realize what is happening, so depressing! How can we win back CONTROL over our life, if we are not even allowed to communicate? Quality of life is everybody's right not just the 1%.
Somehow we need to take back control .. but lies and untruth seem to always win! Help us (god)! Those power people really do seem to want us DEAD! .. or in jail .. at least cut off. Now I have to reexamine what happened with Trump. Damaging a historic structure is DEMON to me .. but we need to get back to taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Somehow we have lost that .. also in the idiots causing problems in the Trucker Protest now in Ottawa. What idiot harms a Terry Fox statue!? .. get a brain dumb dumb!
Yup, probably some evil set up, by those power guys .. to make the truckers look bad. How do we live in a society where everything must be questioned and CYNICALLY evaluated .. and nothing can be trusted?? It just feels like too much work and for what. All us old people are like .. "just get me out of here." But hat is left for the young people is so very UNFAIR! All I can think of is building a "heaven" reality here so we are ready when the end comes. We can make a GAME of it, like I saw advertised re building a city! .. give us something positive to do until it is LIGHTS OUT!
I was so busy hating on the stupid “fake news” idea, that I was not paying attention to creeping CENSORSHIP! How about taking "info" and doing some thinking with CRITICAL ANALYSIS!! You know .. turn stupid INFO into knowledge .. intelligence .. wisdom! The “Fake news” term is just the easy way out .. simplifying to laziness, into a term throw around. Fake us out ranting "it's only the "fake news", silly!" I actually thought fake news was my beloved traditional media. Do people using the term to insult even KNOW what they mean by it? Instead of INVESTIGATING facts and ideas for truth let's just scream "fake news!" (OMG .. was it put out by "THEM" no less?.. to confuse those silly SHEEPLE more! So with Censorship (their decision what is ok and not ok to pass on) we won’t even have the choice GET to THINK things through with Propoganda analysis. Instead .. Just have big daddy shut ‘er all down for silly little CHILDREN ! The Neil young idiocy gets unthinking people's attention!! People should get to make their own decision on what HAS MERIT and NOT be censored!! Those not smart people just want us vaxed, no logic or common sense wanted.
It is not fair for old people to say "I GIVE UP. Get ME OUT OF HERE!" let's build an imaginary heaven that could be REAL if we stick together I our COOPERATIVE community. (link)
add to 911 tools? Thurs Feb, 24, 2022
The problem causing so many subway assaults, unprovoked street attacks .. sirens 5x a day .. is every negative emotion falling on us at ONCE.
Sad! ANGRY! isolated, FEARFUL, alone, worried, hopeless .. all at once with little positive to balance ? .. the last one .. HOPELESS is the OVERKILL. How do we expect anything to get back to "NORMAL" when we have no hope?
There is utterly NO sense in the world .. NOTHING MAKES SENSE! I just went for a refinancing. NO! .. so ?? .. you would rather make me GIVE UP, go bankrupt .. which never even entered my mind until I talked to my stupid bank! Rather than reduce 25% blackmail interest to say 12% .. you rather steal ALL HOPE and get probably ZERO?? That really makes NO sense. How do we exist in a world that is totally UN- reasonable?? Well I hope I find some HOPE somewhere on this site! ..
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Watching 60 minutes and even Equalizer with its great description of how blacks feel (unheard re guilt, or involvement, those millions little cuts eventually turning to rage) .. if we are oblivious to new knowledge life would be so much easier! Can we learn of these new disappointments and then SET THEM ASIDE, NOT let them pull us into despair? Maybe we should think of our brain's storage like a library. Imagine if we got sad or angry at every fact we learned in those books! We would be a basket case. Let's learn new unfairness but not ?attach to it. Just file it in our brain shelves for use when needed.
Sorry, my brain fries when people want the right to have automatic weapons. I have graduated to accepting hunting rifles and the desire for protection in the home .. but automatic weapons???? What person in their right mind needs that?? Sorry guys if you want that .. you stopped thinking at "protection". Get rid of the closed mind and simplicity. especially with the added stresses of today's culture this will never end well.
Everything today is either an exaggeration OR very diminished, whichever best serves the corporation involved. Decency and ethics is a thing of a quaint past we used to have. Those of us who think about the world find this very despairing.
The worst day in my life was when the police dragged me away, MAKING me want to kill myself rather than be seen going thru the lobby on a stretcher accompanied by police like a bad guy. I had said to I thought a "friend" I can't live in a world where everything is a scam or a lie. I had just moved to a supposed 55 plus semi retired active living senior complex .. but it was really becoming a Nursing home. These were the RULES of the establishment. Management wanting no responsibility to use their brain for logic, common sense or REASON had me dragged away. For a CONVERSATION .. a discussion about how messed the world is with everything being phone, shallow or an outright lie. That is a Horrible world and anyone with a brain WOULD NOT WANT TO LIVE IN SUCH A SOCIETY. How totally BRAINLESS do you have to be to pull a police "suicide" stunt for this? Proof positive we have a million rules and laws replacing common sense. It makes life Scarry because if I was really SMART I would watch every word in this insanity we call a society of great "PROGRESS"
Shelve the negative bad stuff we learn about, on the bottom shelf of our brain library. The wonderful events and people we keep front and centre .. right at eye level to be reminded of again and again. Hey thanks people .. Sunday nite TV made me so sad angry .. but we will just stick with the positive REALITY. Another 60 minute segment was about Heroes, what is in their brain to make them save someone with no regard for their own safety? Also, Carnegie who created this award like 120? years ago was filthy rich .. but he created LIBRARIES too. He can't be evil then RIGHT? Those are the ideas we will focus on to keep us going. NOT the bad. Let those gain dust. WE create our "heaven" reality. Those lucky should born with a SUNNY DISPOSITION just naturally do this! No fair .. we will just have to discipline ourselves to et a little of that benefit. 60 minutes had sunny and shadow parts. we will just FOCUS on the sunny side but keep the shadowy in the back of our brain to be AWARE and NOT oblivious.
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Forgiveness works better! When you think this FURTHER .. we are ALL guilty of failures, (ALL blind)! but I only saw that on 4th reading!! (mind bias)
Sorry, all I did is only to pull together many people's divergent ideas to came up with a HUGE SOLUTION! It happened totally unexpectedly with the universe or god putting together all the correct parts to the formula. Without the universe sending everything together, I would never have solved the problem. If nothing has EVER worked to stop me falling into deep despair .. I so hope this can work for you too! Because now is REAL despair .. no "chemical imbalance" crap about it! Maybe this will help end the stigma of "Mental" illness because now we are all DEPRESSED and going insane. HAH! "Depression" was just a disease like any other .. heart lung, disgestive, except whoo ..oo, dealing with the brain scared everybody. Another thing I found stupid about the world I inhabited.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.