No .. we are talking big picture, long term with the law of attraction. AND .. things do network how we want them to immediately and may seem they are going the worms way. The later we find we got exactly the vision we wanted, the detours just added to the journey to perfect. Once you start paying attention the universe sends us so many many things we need to get where we want. I have a 20 year library of books .. 1/3 to half of which were universe sent, perfect to take me a step closer to the goal .. a new "system" .. basic quality of life for all.
But a lot of set backs and losses happened. I was NOT being negative as some suggested. Negative thoughts will bring you negative events or things. But I suggest worrying, contemplating consequences of actions can cause many obstacles to fall in our path. Solely thinkng of your own personal goal never letting the focus wander WILL GIVE YOU SUCCESS FASTER. But some of us have wandering brains .. and that wandering has been what REAL PROGRESS, invention and transformation of humanity has been built on. Most philosophers, inventors, artists, scientists became more well known later .. after years of research, and then were often not wealthy our mark of "success" today.
many of us sabotage ourselves because we put others welfare first. (see selfish selfless spectrum) So we do not attract good to ourselves.
see this great article explaining the quantum physics of it, link button below
I have tons more research to do into the whole science where you see the light as a particle or a wave in the Slit experiment. They have determined the difference of whether we see a particle OR wave, is solely DETERMINED BY WHAT WE EXPECT!! Is it possible this is how we create our different realities? I mean we live in the same world yet experience it so differently! Are they just better using the law of attraction, seeing MY SUCCESS, vs worrying about everything? great explanation of the science/ history of quantum concepts.)
Some of us struggle mightily just to get by today. We try hard, work hard but the good life just escapes us. Yet others easily make it to the top. No doubt they have some personal resources we might not, (sociable, good talkers, deal with negotiation well, have an answer for everything, keep the focus solely on profit or personal success) but why exactly do some even jerk, not so great people seem to always win? I suggest they see the particle .. as ME, myself and I. Perhaps us less successful see more .. how others, and the environment will be affected.
Action Warrior people just want the job done, the goal reached, to accomplish. This is more SELF oriented. Thinkers (Right brain worriers) want to understand which would include all affected. If your brain is wide open to all the components affected by an action, the decision to act is much slower. Slow decisions do not make fast profit, BUT instead consider the unwanted consequences of actions.
Climate change is happening because "progress", profit and power are more important "successes" than GETTING IT RIGHT. When you focus solely on accomplishing your task you are more assured of success. If you see far more than a particle (a goal) analyzing and evaluating future consequences complicate the outcome. Is it possible "Mental illness" was a stigma to get rid of troublesome worriers ad creatives that thought and contemplated concepts more deeply?
It is far easier to be successful with a "me first, screw you" attitude. For too long we have forgotten the second part of the mask idea, "Put on your own plane mask first .. SO YOU CAN THEN BE ABLE HELP OTHERS". Today too many help themselves with never a thought to the common good. see, "Thinkers"
Concern for others, leaves us less time to BE SUCCESSFUL for ourselves!
Left brain Warriors focus on the battle. How can it be won quickly? Left Brain is the hare, while right brain thinking Tortoises are slow, but contemplate cause and consequence.
Nobody wants to be a loser!! Whoever thinks that sorry .. but is a non thinking IDIOT. We all want to be valued and respected. We want to be worthy and admired for our ability. But some of us have e more talent in the inventive creative area, not the management area. a few decades ago we would partner our opposing skills and build amazing new businesses. But as brain wiring became more and more damaged be "progress", this collaboration has become less possible.
They had no part in the excess, consumerism, disrespect for nature that us westerners did. How can there be a god if he harms those who did nothing. And how does a law of attraction work here. They never wished harm on themselves. But they SAW the mistakes of our disrespect for nature and were no doubt concerned. Does CONCERN and worry, paying attention to MORE than self not allow the best for us?
Selfish, profit obsessed people WIN because it is their SOLE FOCUS. And they feel deserving of all good. But right brain worriers feel guilt and remorse which I suggest then brings them a bad reality instead of good.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
The attitude of wealth .. "I am a success because I worked hard! Why didn't you try harder?", creates dehumanization and injustice that ferments. Running a Homeless Shelter is more SOCIETAL SUCCESS than Financial success that respects only profit and gaining power.
The Division of the "successful" from the Losers, or even the struggling masses from those with a thrice daily 6$ Starbucks, has become too great. Anger and eventual rage will explode when a resentful gun owner sees a $350,000 McLaren car, while he has 2 jobs but can't cover living expenses. Be careful Power People .. when a 74 year old entitled white lady wants to invent a bullet for " feeling superior LOSERS" we have problem.
My "bullet" invention would paralyze them. Once the fear of dying had them thinkng "wow what a jerk I have been, I am going to be a kinder more compassionate and FAIR person!" .. then they would get unparalyzed, un "frozen".
That would be SOOOO much fun! Especially the 2 McLaren "non humans" I just saw, who of course sped away loud as hell to call attention to their superiority. Had I seen them get in their cars I would have yelled "you still don't have any balls!". Crap .. I need to start looking after myself again .. I don't want them to ignore little old lady. I'll never look like Cher or Jane Fonda but at least not "old lady" to be ignored!
Executive profiles – A company is only as strong as its executive leadership. This is a good place to show off who’s occupying the corner offices. Write a nice bio about each executive that includes what they do, how long they’ve been at it, and what got them to where they are.
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.