Wed. June 22, 2022.
If we can't STOP DEMONIZING EACH OTHER, and INSTEAD SHARE our opposing BRAIN Resources .. we are definitely out of luck. The toxins of our shallow "progress" have destroyed most of our brain wiring. We used to have a BALANCED "Think/ Act" brain of 2 FUNCTIONING Hemispheres. With much of our brain DISABLED, we are shallow, selfish and just simplify everything. Unless we SHARE and trade the "think and act" sides of our now imbalanced brains .. we will not survive the MESS we have made of everything.
Bandaid solutions for every problem will no longer work. Our simple "bandaids" on EVERYTHING (vs REAL solutions) have created a SOCIETAL EMERGENCY. Those bandaids have all fallen off, exposing a completely WOUNDED population with all of its crumbling "SYSTEMS". Those systems no longer work .. but they were never meant to really work FOR us. Everything in our "democracy" is set up to benefit only the wealthy and powerful. Or .. they too have become insanely stupid? In 1995 Philip Howard suggested the DEATH of common sense. 27 years later he should do a sequel .. the death of our INTELLIGENCE and Humanity. "Society" is a collection of people, exhibiting our humanity or lack of it. But our "society" is made up of 2 separate groups .. either an evil, alien or totally STUPID power structure .. plus us masses. But the masses are DIVIDED into screaming minions and us quiet church mice just trying to make a decent life. If we quiet "church mice" .. we who help each other, (the screamers are just selfish LOUD) if we all get together and go a different direction we can REGAIN our POWER. But it will mean sacrifice, and we will need to take personal responsibility and be very disciplined. We can do it! It beats what we are living now!
Unless we face that our brains have been totally destroyed by TOXINS (especially sugar, search and stress) we can not CHANGE our collapsing trajectory. Maybe brain wiring can come back if we step out of the toxins? But a more immediate ACTION is now necessary. We church mice must no longer support the companies that have NEVER had our best interests at heart. Shallow inauthentic CSR can NO LONGER BE ACCEPTABLE. We can only support companies with our new Certification of "FAIR R3 C6" (link). Unless we start taking personal responsibility TODAY, it is LIGHTS OUT FOR US. Here is why the 1929 crash will be like a holiday compared to today's collapse. (oh! since they twist the stock market, it could even seem fine, while we little people are struggling for our very lives. There is a complete disconnect between what we HEAR and what we actually experience. For example, I constantly hear there are tons of jobs, yet everyone I know has TWO and still can't pay rent and eat. ..?? ) Remember .. if we get together and SHARE, trade what is left of our brain's 2 hemisphere's functioning .. then we can STOP THIS COLLAPSE. If we HURRY, and willingly sacrifice our toxic "progress" for now, in return for a future better quality of life.
Here are 7 reasons why quality of life in this collapse, happening NOW .. will be worse that 1929. And I know nothing, not an "economist", just an old "HOME Economist" (link). I just listen to intuition and have seen it to mostly be true over 6 decades. Listen to your intuition and follow your OWN path to your REAL success. Do NOT follow the shallow unsustainable "success" path we have been fed, for THEIR
toxic "progress".
What is HOPE, but a sense that anything is POSSIBLE. We always had the dead of the possibility of a house with picket fence 2 kids and 2 cars! Can young people dream of that today? We have seen problems never be solved too often and now they are getting worse. How is it possible to fill so many jobs with screens and robots or drones instead of HUMANS .. and not see a COLLAPSE of quality of life? Those of us with a bit of Right Brain THINKING wiring still remaining, feel panic at the very uncertain future. The wealthy got WAY more so during the pandemic while we got way poorer. PLAN- ddmic anyone? Robots and AI are less of a pain than humans. Humans get sick or can strike. So get rid of those humans, that HINDER the god of profit.
But we do not HAVE to be part of the destruction of REAL resources. If they do not value us, let's get together and value each other .. trading ONLY with us thinking people. There are a few decent HUMAN companies left (surely?) that will PARTNER with us for REAL CSR
Globalization added TOXINS and WASTED scarce resources like fuel. Of course all for THEIR benefit. But we wanted our cheap stuff from China .. so now we pay! Our jobs PAY cheaply now too .. and we will now have to pay up for the terrible RESOURCE MANAGEMENT "globalization" was. (The short sighted stupidity of Globalization would seem to prove the power structure is BRAIN DEAD, maybe not so evil? Who transports everything across the world but an IDIOT. THERE IS ONLY SO MUCH OF EVERYTHING! Not just coal and oil or nitrogen? (batteries?) but clean air and water, now totally polluted even to the EYE!
I would think a connected global collapse of economies would be worse than the more American 1929?
More effort toward actual solutions in the early 1900's, meant that even in the 60's, I still learned the New England maxim "use it up, wear it out, MAKE IT DO". Today our "fried brain" digital society only slaps on simple answers with never a deeper thought to the actual causes of problem, or the possible consequences of the solution. We focus on fast, easy, and convenient .. not hard contemplative THINKING.
Our destroyed brain wiring structure has not been creating good solutions. Everything we do today is shallow instant "success" oriented vs the hard work and discipline of the 30's. We work hard too, but we are on a hamster wheel of overload and overwhelming EXCESS. That was not the case in 1929. People had common sense, logic and reasoning, PLUS intelligence .. sadly, assets all lost to us today. We prefer easy, fast .. CONVENIENT. Our rabbit hole of consumption ignoring any thought of CONSERVATION has probably destroyed humanity. Are you up for taking PERSONAL responsibility and changing same old .. same old?
The destruction of willpower .. addiction to food is the cause of the disabled brain causing all these further problems!
that considers OTHER'S Wellbeing not pure SELFISH.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
To be fair .. a great del of our shallow selfishness is caused by OVERWHELMING STRESS. Most people do not even have time to breathe trying to keep the rent paid let alone the luxury to have free thoughts to think of others. So compassion instead of judgement is needed .. but I find out so hard! Is that becaseu I do not value MYSELF so their rudeness confirms my fear and I lash out? If we feel unimportant disrespected and of little value and someone knocks us off the sidewalk , we may well lash out! Probably a well supported and nurtured being would feel SAD at their lack of ATTENTION. I guess I take it personally? Let's work on investigating what is going on in our mind. And the most important thing is for us to LOOK AFTER US. If I smash my purse into the zombie sidewalk stealer things will no doubt go badly gfor ME. Let's keep our cool for OUR own well being.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Those of us that can still think, can get together with the Left brain DOERS and using our DISABLED BRAINS together, we can still save ourselves. But not if we are demonizing the other. "Vax, vs no vax", "abortion vs no abortion" screamers. Why not LISTEN TO LEARN instead of pushing the opposing idea away? It took me 5 decades to see why an abortion is not a MUST. I shut the idea down to ONLY yes! my FREEDOM .. "no! you don't get to force me a birth, and punish me with a lifetime of responsibility for a bad but quick mistake not purposely created.
I realize now I could look after my health for 6 month growing a "baby", have the baby, and give it to a family that is praying for one. In that area of non thinkng I was totally LEFT BRAIN, I just decided with no contemplation. No thinking, discussing or considering other OPTIONS .. just NO, YES, good vs evil. To ME it was evil to FORCE the biggest job of ALL .. parenting onto a young, not ready to parent person. Of course the other side thought it was ME WAS EVIL .. taking a life. (by the way! NURTURING a child for DECADES is HELLA more important than BIRTHING it!)
Giving a child a life of hell with a terrible parent who never WANTED to be one is surely evil. But there are options to give up the healthy baby .. which I refused to eve consider. In hindsight I see I was far to quick to decide the choice for women. But this is what Left brain (republicans?) do with all things> Everything is simplified to good and evil. Life is WAY more complicated than a simple good vs bad. But sadly we seem to have forgotten that. Let's bring that concept BACK to the forefront. Plus we will LISTEN to each other to learn, rethink and maybe reconsider our initial belief. WE can trade our brain hemisphere resources for a better quality of life. If we accept that much of our own brain wiring is destroyed by the toxins of "progress".
Our daily struggle in Society has become too great. WE must either be extremely selfish or just simplify everything in order to survive. Therefore we are LOSING OUR HUMANITY. SELFISH OR STUPID are not hallmarks of our "human" supposed HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS!
Humans are the highest form of life, because we are more conscious (aware? intelligent?) than other life forms.
EXCUSE ME?? We do not do even ONE of these! we do not LISTEN!! we do not THINK about things! We do not then RECONSIDER our initial idea with new knowledge added. THAT WOULD TAKE TIME! No! No way! we want ONLY INSTANT, simple, convenient. Thinkng and reconnsidering would take patience and be SLOW. We want FAST. So we simply DEMONIZE ideas that are not the SAME as ours. (To remain hopeful, we must believe there are masses of us quiet mice, not screaming like those raging DEMONIZING PEOPLE. We quiet mouse .. hopeful MASSES are not being heard! We need to connect and take back our humanity!
Notice INFO (data) is NOT part of the equation. Info is facts and facts can lie! Slowly sifting thru facts eventually creates knowledge and opposing "knowledge" eventually creates intelligence and wisdom. Building a society on solutions that take opposing ideas (Inteligence/ wisdom) and then COMPROMISE .. SUCCEED. Each side loses a little, but actually WINS. To not create warring sides we must all feel we are WINNING. But we have lost any conception of WIN WIN solutions. Therefore our SYSTEMS are CRUMBLING. Which creates MORE STRUGGLE .. and less humanity in order to SURVIVE.
Too often different perspectives LACK KNOWLEDGE AND INTELLIGENCE. Left brain (the American Political RIGHT) tend to think simply in the NOW. There is little patience for the past (causes) or the future (consequences). Simplified problems create conservative LAW and ORDER jail, and NO abortions allowed. (A Human Life requires far more to become human than just BIRTH! Who will nurture this being .. if it is NOT WANTED?) Simple right vs wrong Laws .. have terrible consequences. We were meant to question and THINK .. which is confusing and complicated. SIMPLIFYING everything has created a STUPID, UNFAIR and TOTALLY UNJUST SOCIETY.
It seems fast action (unable to think carefully) Left brains run our SYSTEMS. Sadly they dismissed us Right brain THINKERS as negative, worriers just causing problems. (I believe they even built an industry to profit from us .. us termed MENTALLY ILL! Does that seem possible? Mental illness is no different than a problem with lungs or heart! Just happens this organ is the BRAIN. Yet we are DEMONIZED. Us lazy moochers .. meantime we are "losing our minds" because we SEE how stupid everything is! Our depth of THINKING lets us see the COLLAPSE coming.)
Never mind "mental" illness .. now "covid terrorism" has destroyed EVERYONE's EMOTIONAL Health. Was the con's purpose to destroy small biz? sneak in 5G? stop any REAL life and turn it ALL into SCREEN LIFE? Time to LEAVE the construct tTHEY have designed ofor us. We can probably have BETTER quality of life with outhouses and wood stoves. But unless we are BRAVE like UKRAINE and willing to SACRIFICE .. it is truly over. THEY need our scarce resources for themselves for their space travel. We are just "useless eaters" to them. Wake up .. A ROBOT and driverless vehicle DOES NOT UNIONIZE or strike! None of THEIR direction makes ANY SENSE!
Mon. April 4, 2022
See the viruses killing us, below ..
All are glaringly obvious in the Will Smith horror story.
Will Smith's behaviour epitomizes our societal decay, (see great thoughts from Charles Blow). This Image of reactions is from an old Oscar ceremony .. (REMEMBER THE INTERNET IS A BUNCH OF PEOPLE PRETENDING THEY KNOW IT ALL, wanting celebrity or just VIEWS.) It is time for us to REMEMBER THIS FAILURE OF DIGITAL SOCIETY! We must put our worship of "information" in the garbage, where it belongs! .. and come back to ACTUAL INTELLIGENCE AND WISDOM, .. ACTUAL searching to find closer to TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING!
incomplete .. We live Utter selfishness. "Me First, Screw you." is too often our behaviour.
moved from 2 sections above? relevant here? paragraphs never got copied!!
A "Me first, screw you" focus has destroyed us. Ayn Rand (self first), and Friedman (profit is all that matters) created a perfect storm of disrespect and irresponsibility for anything but greed. But if just 2 people's attitude destroyed us .. why can't WE together create good change. Hence our community of "YOUme" building a new "HUMAN system" can still save us. There are more of us and we have more power than we have accepted! As I listen to the screaming MONSTERS 11 floors below my window I wonder if we will crumble into insanity before we build our YOUme system. When an old entitled white lady wants to murder children we have a problem. (this children who scream murderously CONSTANTLY are not normal human beings. No doubt their parent fed them sugar all day in their spoiled existent and now society must deal with this INHUMAN behaviour. us old people and my kids have NEVER IN OUR ENTIRE LIFE TIME screamed like those monstrous beings. Their parents should be in jail for total IRRESPONSIBILITY. YUP .. I doubt parents will complain or hopefully LEAVE this community! I actually do not want members who have little children. How could you be so selfish as to bring a child into a world with no natural resources, toxins everywhere and no jobs. You sadly are a perfect example of fried brain and selfishness or total lack of responsibility. I should feel empathy but am to distressed by that constant screaming of your monster. To have a totally UNPARENTED Undisciplined spoiled monster child today is pure INHUMANLY selfishness. We Boomers are bad enough humans, not bothering to stand up to what happened over these decades now destroying everything. It takes more than hippy protests to make change .. it take REAL Personal RESPONSIBILITY and ACTUAL SACRIFICE!!
We are unable to see how our behaviour NOW, affects not only tomorrow, but also NEXT YEAR. We should forgive mistakes, but Will was so self absorbed and oblivious to others well being, that this incivility is difficult to forgive.
CSR .. ESG ..!! no more ! The "FAIR R3C6" Certification means REAL Respect, responsibility and REAL resource management! ALL resources not just PROFIT we never see!
This one for sure has DONE US IN AS A FUTURE SOCIETY. TO BE SO EXTREME and competitive is to be shallow selfish and STUPID. A win / lose world can not work for long. Sure we made "progress" and had "success" but neither were in the spirit of a humanity that (god) would be proud of.
"Law and Order" is yelled by those who want LITTLE government control .. ? Of course a Left brain will SIMPLIFY. Good vs bad .. simple .. put him in JAIL. We used to look at circumstances and try to find FAIRNESS or real JUSTICE. Now, since Left brain, "ACTION NOW" people have taken us over shallow punishment is the rule .. no learning how to FIX things. You are for the evil people if you want to find out WHY and fix it. We live in an upside down world. If I admonish people for having no manners or civility I AM THE EVIL ONE. That eventually enrages us! Then even quiet law abiding respectful people eventually turn evil. So watch out! We have created a PERFECT society to blow OURSELVES up in RAGE.
McGilchrist 2010, Psychology Today!! Why did we not pay ATTENTION?? Is it too late?
"What the left hemisphere offers is a crucial aspect of reality, that aspect which enables us to have fixity, and which therefore enables us to use and manipulate it. Without it, we could not reason in certain ways, exploit the world around us to our benefit, or have a civilisation at all. We need to be able to pin things down and ‘grasp’ them , as we say (not for nothing do most of us use the right hand, controlled by the left hemisphere, to grasp what is of use to us, and use our left hemisphere to provide that aspect of language with which we say we ‘grasp’ something). I value these aspects of our ability to engage with the world. My thesis is in fact based on the gathering of a huge amount of evidence, hard worked for by others and to a much smaller degree by myself, and depends on rational argument. We get nowhere if we disrespect or disregard systematic thinking. There is often too little, not too much, clear thinking involved in our attempts to understand the world. My argument is that we need to use what this kind of understanding gives us within a broader framework, which we can all too easily ignore, because that framework is not itself contained within, or even implied within, this way of thinking. Hence my belief is that we need both left hemisphere and right hemisphere ways of thinking. Our right hemisphere is aware of that. But the characteristic mode of the left hemisphere' s thinking makes it unaware of what it doesn't know. It thinks it can go it alone. That is where the trouble begins." Dr Iain McGilchrist
despair? results in lashing IN .. suicide .. or maybe death by cop?
anger .. a guy was walking on my side of the sidewalk, BUT ALSO WITH A LIT CIGARETTE! A cigarette just waiting to burn me, if I actually was stupid enough to expect human civility. Sorry, but I wanted to KILL HIM. When I shared with a friend how STUPID people are, I had to correc myself .. I very often do stupid things, but I am not selfish or uncivil! I think maybe we can FEEL the difference between stupid behaviour "energy" vs "ME FIRST SCREW YOU", energy vibration? The later ?intuition .. drives me into enraged lunacy. You want to be selfish, self centred, and absorbed thinking only of YOUR "SELF"? .. then get the hell OFF my planet. I think a lot of people have endured uncivil behaviour for so long they are now LASHING OUT non sensicly.
anger .. anger .. anger .. add link
Saturday Jan 8, 2022.
RAGE!!! .. at being demonized .. and after hearing there may be a vax mandate. MAID!!! here I come.
NOTHING makes sense anymore. Is there anybody left out there that lives by COMMON SENSE, LOGIC, AND REASONING? Would appear not! if we question, then we are conspiracy idiots .. and don't care about others. What kind of logical thinking is that? NONE .. no more ACTUAL thinkng exists in our society .. only screaming evil one to the other, never listening to new ideas outside our own.
If it "works" why are ?136 in hospital UNVAXED (but 106? who ARE VAXINATED????? I will probably never find that statistic again but it was 100% on the 24 hr canadian news. 100% sure. I know they say LESS ill if faxed but that seems a poor success rate for prevention. They are probably THREE x vaxed!
What kind of stupidity has a DR ranting how the epidemic is ALL OUR FAULT or not getting vaccinated. Most medicines are tested for YEARS before they are put out. But we are crazy. mean irresponsible people? believe me if I trusted those in power CONTROLLING US .. and I truly was harming others I would be the first to follow the rules.
HELL! In the beginning I thought it was fair if we old people just DIE ALREADY to save this hell for everyone else. Don't DARE TELL ME I DO NOT CARE FOR THE WELL BEING OF OTHERS! I would be dead if we followed my rules! Sacrifice some old people so young people can HAVE A LIFE!! Now you think you cn tell me I am selfish and care nothing for others well being. Stupidity is destroying the world .. NOT PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY USE THEIR BRAIN TO THINK!!
100% the damage done by this ridiculous OVER CONTROL and stupidity .. is devoting far more than covid will have.
Covid never killed them .. the fact we westerners are the normally MOST UNHEALTHY DID. Oh for that I am a crazy conspiracy theorist!!?? No!! people who think, actually SEE strange impossible to understand behaviours and beliefs.
needs edit! Feb fake news is taking a fact without all the other facts needed to create the REAL truth. Our human INTELLIGENCE used to be looking for knowledge or truth. Search began that decline and with A I taking our jobs, stress destroyed the rest of our desire to be INTELLIGENT .. seeking truth.
Sorry guys .. we killed us. I say "WE" not "they" because we follow right along. Today a few of us are protesting, refusing the forced tax. But where does that get us now, it is far to late. We should have been protesting the TAKEOVER, turning us into sheep ants for decades. wet should have said "NO!" and SACRIFICED. Of course back 60 years ago they were ALREADY destroying our brains with toxins so the game has NOT been fair. We can surely blame THEM, but we should have tried harder not to submit to their (. )
We made the horrible, simplistic, brainless, shallow assumption .. that an economy could survive FROM the RECURRING PROFIT of RE_BUYING DESTROYED QUALITY PRODUCT! To add insult .. along with a mindset that DEVELOPING A I MEAN PAYING LESS WORKERS (who are Liabilities anyway). What kind of "human" does not see the result of this is "the END" for us?? Sadly only already "no brain people" would be unable to see the cataclysmic result. No Brain to consider causes of problems and the unexpected consequences of solutions has been our western power structure for getting close to a century. Henry Ford surely never planned this! He was trying to be kind and look what he started! So maybe we need to be kinder to their one sided brain .. a LEFT hemisphere attention .. action vs contemplation. Ford's Assembly Line and first "car on credit" offer has been taken to EXTREME with the resultant destruction of society.
Without the Right brain's maligned wondering and worrying we destroy society. It is not possible to work in a mindset of MORE and not create vast problems. BALANCE should have been our watchword. But we wanted MORE, bigger (more extreme) and faster. It was the driving force of society .. the American Dream gone evil.
Do we still have the respected strength of character needed to say "NO MORE!"? No More .. We are starting a Community of LESS .. more simple .. a more Human existence. Those of us willing to try "Reverse World" together can have a BETTER life! Not by giving up everything but by QUITTING "THE EXTREME, EXCESS OF EVERYTHING Life"!
What do Fortune 500's and Large Corporations do with LIABILITIES? They minimize them since they reduce profit and productivity. Human (Intelligence) questions Managements actions, complains and sometimes act together to protest. This reduces the Corporations POWER and control. SOLUTION? Roborts, drones and A I. These not HUMAN "Taskers" can be overworked without the complaints or whining of "UN-owned slaves". Perhaps real slaves were sometimes cared for better than today's workers? .. a sick, maybe dying slave is a LOSS to the master. A slave who runs away is a loss.
But today employers can easily find another modern "slave" and get him to do the same disrespected, undervalued work because he needs to feed and shelter himself. Instead of treating humans with respect, corporations have decide to omit us from the picture. Trucking and delivery involve 17!!!% of the jobs in the "economy". There are already Driverless trucks out there being tested in one state. (I will find that link later)
We choose stuff over fairness to others. We choose $ stores where we could buy what should cost 10$ for 1$. We chose to pay those workers in other countries as we are now being paid .. a NON living wage. We cascaded this global phenomenon by participating in cheaper at all costs never ending consumption. We began the slide in quality and respect in the 60's. We Boomers did nothing to stop it.
So get involved and pay back the wrongs we did to younger generations. (link) I have no money, but if we did buy a hotel and convert it to a RE Pioneer Blockchain community .. my pension would pay for others to help me in my aging decline. A "barter" .. old people pay, young people contribute talent, skills, time.
We can start a whole new system actually utilizing the amazing possibilities of the Blockchain trading system. Bitcoin is proof we have no brain. Just another casino "stock" .. except for NO GOOD REASON 6 months ago it was using THE POWER ARGENTINA and its population use!! And you wonder why I say our brains are fried?
see image links below ..
If you are not selfish you can not have decent quality of life walking past people begging to be able to eat. You are unable to enjoy your shelter from cold rain remembering the many homeless tents you saw as you walked for your $6.50 Starbucks. (Left Hemisphere) Brains yell at us as "socialist" .. but I suggest it is more being HUMAN. How does one human drink an almost 7$ coffee while some do not have that to EAT ALL DAY? NO they are not LAZY.
Those unfortunate STRUGGLING HUMANS just were not as lucky as those who SAY they are LOSERS. Those who are "successful" ARE VERY LUCKY .. to have a simple, near sighted, closed minded BRAIN. It lets those inhuman souls focus SOLELY ON SELF. Life and SUCCESS is so much easier when your goal focuses on "Me first! Screw you". A Me, myself, and I (and MY friends and family) makes life so SIMPLE! Life is hard for those of us looking for fairness and future consequence consideration.
too much work to copy paste nov 14 /21 texts .. but "THE END" of family discussion. I see why Ken Morgan said no discussion of .. at Hot Dog day! see CBS Sun AM re "phone to heaven" .. coolest thing. In world of chaos and despair I thought it worth sharing with my kids. oh the TAKE DOWN. Ridiculous! but if I share bad .. "oh you are so negative". perfect example of CAN"T WIN even dying trying. Time for this "future selfless" (my mission is to build a system that helps .. have done 0 so far) to become more SELFISH. My fourth ACT should focus on ME! My so called "family" made me again question my ability to do ANYTHING right. Why continue my work .. my ideas are stupid. NO!! they continue the (psychlogical abuse) role modelling BULLYING, that they witnessed growing up. But unwillingness to look into this idea is UNACCEPTABLE.
Step out of our HELL to the kind heaven side. It DOES exist! I do see it all the time on their FAKE news. (see) Most people are kind considerate HUMANS.
but the examples above prove different! We must choose which reality we want to be part of . seeing GOOD .. seeing the LIGHT .. or ranting about everything on the FAKE (traditional) news is garbage. I guess to these people journalism is ALL bought and biased. They have no ability for critical thinkng whatever! Do I want to keep fighting or leave family behind?
Step out of our HELL to the kind heaven side. It DOES exist! I do see it all the time on their FAKE news. (see) Most people are kind considerate HUMANS.
Tues. April 12, 2022 noon.
Left brain Republicans want CERTAINTY, and they want to QUICKLY. Truth requires initial conflicting ideas and CONFUSION. This is very stressful for Left Brain people. they hate confusion and want simple CERTAINTY. Fast "knowing" means missing ideas and therefore not developing intelligence or wisdom. (yes people it is my way or the highway becaseu I spent months agonizing and you did not. My way is right. But not to those on my site becaseu you are genius and KNOW there is ALWAYS MORE TO LEARN. That is how we know we are INTELLIGENT. We feel we know nothing .. and more knowledge will always complicate the idea we originally had. Some Left Brain Warriors feel thoughts are lies becaseu they start the confusion and QUESTION simple right/ wrong. Good vs evil is far easier than determining the spectrum of evil. One "evil" is far less egregious then another. Simplifying takes heaven and hell to very simple framework. Morality HAS NO SPECTRUM they think. But SORRY .. that is totally wrong. And I am right because not thinking is not the mark of HUMAN .. no thinking is not the CONSCIOUSNESS we need to be considered human! BUT .. this is the society we now live in.
SADLY THEIR BRAIN IS UNABLE TO LISTEN!! .. actually DISABLED from the skill of LISTENING, Thinkng and RECONSIDERING! Most Action Brains are not mean or selfish or stupid or shallow. They are just trying to cope with the stress and just GET BY in a life full of struggle. My daughter is actually UNABLE to hear better solutions, UNABLE not unwilling. That brings a whole new level of compassion and empathy. But new habits must be learned. We can't just fall back into the "hating on" the other routine! We must stately remind each other we are ALL brain dead in 2 DIFFERENT ways. (and stop eating processed food and avoid toxins .. which is what fried our brain in the first place!
Thinkers are depressed and despairing. Action brain people call us NEGATIVE. We are whining pessimists. NO! If you had respected OUR skills we would not BE in this cataclysmic MESS. Your "success" has destroyed our world. Am I right if I say it is easier to be" successful" when is one focuses SOLELY on one's own goals and needs? When one considers others in the picture, it slows down our actions for our own success! So "Thinkers" already know we are at a FINAL crisis. Hopefully many still a LITTLE Balanced Brains will join us!
If you are a successful ACTION person .. will you add your Action brain asset to our investigative asset .. so we can both survive?
we rant about Health care .. but have no health .. no stability .. nothing but stress, overwhelmed and overloaded. Oh but great "progress" eh? STOP. Let's quit the "progress". Let's get some discipline back .. stay out of what has been shoved down our throat. But as sugar brain fried sheep ants I know that is next to impossible for us. Th alternative is NOT pretty. They are going to space .. leaving us to starve, killing each other to survive. Just think about it. I do hope they are only brain fried and OBSESSED with their power and profit. Maybe some will still join us? Watch secret millionaire and undercover boss for some hope they will.
physical (the body) Health, Emotional, (mind, soul, spirit) Health, and Financial Systems Societal Health
Physical, Emotional, Economic and Systems Health must all WORK for us to have TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH .. or Basic Quality of life for all. Don't worry NOT communism or even demonized socialism .. JUST REVISED CAPITALISM that also works for the workers that actually CREATE THE PROFIT for those in power!!!
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Tues. Jan 18, 2022. Our impatient, UN-thinking, selfish Society of instant CONVENIENCE.
I am embarrassed! We have become a "ME FIRST, SCREW YOU" SOCIETY. Now if that is because you are stressed out of your mind and overwhelmed .. that kind of blind selfishness is understandable. It is the Elitist rude Entitlement of people who have enough, that is truly disturbing. Or even those Boomers totally oblivious to young people's struggle. One lady in this horrible ad scam place I live in, was yelling "I am 80! I want my food at 5:30 not 5:00 and it is not HOT." Lady, people could barely get in to work with the blizzard, no buses, so some never showed up .. you are lucky some loyal workers struggled to get here to feed you at all! (probably because they could not AFFORD to not be paid). So self absorbed OBLIVIOUS older Boomers! You should be so grateful! You had probably 2 secure jobs in your lifetime vs 2 every 2 years like kids today! MY admonishment was met with "Too bad, they should all get their act together, we worked hard too." : <>
Even worse .. most people are whining how slow the snow removal is! Excuse me? Did you think there are little robots that get released, that are just WAITING to magically clear all routes for you? The REALITY? Poor Snow Removal companies, they wait a month with no work .. and then are supposed to remove nature's dumping faster than humanly possible? This is more proof our brains are FRIED. We have no common sense, making us very selfish and impatient which DEhumanizes both the selfish one and their victim. (because they will eventually lash back). Nature brought snow, showing us WHO IS BOSS! You think you are some queen or king whose servants should marshalize to create convenience for your highness? Disgusting! (If we are just not thinking how hard this is and feel silly from my rant .. that is fair too. It is the total self absorption, with never a thought to another's struggle .. that is the evil.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
(stolen from Benjamin Hardy book comment .. hopefully my site could help??
"I have a little trouble overriding an abysmal view of the future in general. It's really hard to figure out what version I need to create to do well in a weird, chaotic looking future. That's the biggest block for me. Any thoughts?" hope I can find her again and take time to have her critique my site)
Oct 5/21 ..This is not totally a fair paragraph .. our brains were fried by addicting us to processed food and the media twisted our minds with constant advertising .. but in the 70's we could have $ voted. we could have said .. "NO! this is Consumption Society is nonsense. We are not buying law this stuff." But as the sugar gluten and chemicals fried our brain it was harder and harder to be responsible. Maybe the next paragraph is for Boomers? .. who do NOT listen to me .. they are in their entitled bubble! Unfortunately though we are now stuck with their mess .. and to survive we will have to be disciplined and sacrifice to make our voice heard. Protesting does NOT affect profit .. not buying does. Do we still have the self discipline to SACRIFICE?
Re heading toward Civil War .. even if we don't kill each other .. we will inadvertently .. by letting crisis spill into catastrophe. We are selfish, irresponsible, and disrespectful, a combination that is disastrous. Make no mistake we are at the apocalypse .. of our OWN doing. Our past ever increasing irresponsible, self centred, disrespectful behaviour has led to the society we now live in. Maybe if we all truly WAKE UP, we can still remake our collapsing society? But I doubt we know how or are willing .. to learn to SIMPLIFY AND SACRIFICE. I can not see any other way collapse can be prevented. Can you?Working TOGETHER for a common goal .. means sacrificing always getting what you want! We have forgotten all manner of sacrifice, in our life of desiring ever easier excess.
These last few decades there has been NO Learning from our mistakes. The Stand is about the struggle between 2 factions that remain after most the population dies from a virus. The main characters were sitting overlooking Vegas burning from a civil war. They wondered if we ever learn to get along. The answer was "I don't know". It is my belief that in 1978 we still could listen think and reconsider ideas outside our own. We have lost that ability. Whether sugar, toxins, search, stress, selfishness or just the idiotic extremes and excess of our supposedly "developed" life we lost the spirit of the Pioneer.
Pioneers were responsible for themselves, yet created a community were all were connected and safe. They had no complicated systems, they had NOTHING .. yet built a great country .. for a time. Until greed and incessant "progress" destroyed their amazing new system.
In Pioneer times ONE system .. the Church, General Store, and eventual Library could provide all that was needed. They had no government, no "education" system, no " laws or justice" system, no "health" system. Human decency and consideration for others was all that was needed. Church provided community and connection plus HOPE, The General Store allowed trading resources, while the Library could educate. By LISTENING to others voices and wisdom all resources could be shared.
I know this is a rather deluded view of Pioneer days, life was definitely hard. But a hard yet GOOD Life .. is far better than "a good life", with "progress" but constant pure stress and insecurity for most. Even with an outhouse, wood stove and no convenience food .. I bet life was better without PURE DIVISION, and constant stress and lack of security. We need to RE Pioneer and build a REVERSE WORLD.
The REAL emergency is RE Learning (or climate change is done)
1) actually listening .. THINKING .. and reconsidering our initial idea
2) opening our mind to find REAL truth. "Facts" can be LIES!
3) learning to INVESTIGATE, analyze, evaluate, contemplate ..
4) NOT LET "SEARCH" BE OUR MIND, because we read the first link or even only the first PAGE
5) Redeveloping compromise and collaboration
6) Listen up America .. No one will WIN! Life is not a Sport! It is messy life, that should NOT have winners and losers! As "humans" everybody should win!
Compromise and collaboration means giving up things you wanted!
Sometimes it means LOSING, but happy people do not fear and kill each other.
Listening TO UNDERSTAND solves many problems.
But (Left Brain) Action people will have to attempt to use their Right "Thinking" wiring again .. or the end is truly here. This kind of NOT listening, only DEMONIZING .. is totally UNSUSTAINABLE.
I guess most could not face its truth. We never LEARN from our mistakes. We just go on with our battles of good vs evil INSTEAD OF TRYING TO UNDERSTAND. Simplifying TRUTH into a single fact is a formula for disaster. Yes it makes life so much EASIER, but it creates hell for those never understood.
and when we live in hell .. WE LASH OUT! so watch out for angry mobs!
Is it being kind, considerate and compassionate .. a HIGHER INTELIGENCE "being"? If it is .. we have LOST IT. We have become UN- human. How does Socialism become equated to being a terrible "lefty" human being, irresponsibly giving everything away? How does the definition of Socialism get so twisted? Revised capitalism would be HUMAN capitalism! How do you rape the earth, disrespect and abuse the people that GIVE YOU YOUR WEALTH and then demonize those who just want you to be HUMAN. Treat the earth with respect, give your workers a fair deal! NEVER FORGET, IT IS YOUR WORKERS WHO GAVE YOU YOUR WEALTH AND POWER!!
Aha! so that's why you want A I, robots and drones .. then you need not be yelled at for being inhuman! Yike on top of Yike. End times is not a term or crazy people yelling "Jesus"! it is truly upon us. No work for us menial people means no food/ shelter and more losing their mind with the stress. So the purpose of the vaccine must be to get rid of us quietly (MDNA) because we might get unions going. Oh dear .. oh dear .. I hope you believe in heaven? At least we will finally escape the UN- human wealthiest. You can be sure no matter how "religious" the REAL god will NOT let them into heaven! So put that in your brain you gun wielding, abortion preventing "Christians" my dad was a minister, I checked out every religion. 90% are a joke .. professing god yet not TRYING to be god like .. kind and compassionate. Quakers believed we are here to be part of God. I am in no way any kind of religion expert, I just know most churches do not really help those who need it. They are for the Sunday "mouthers". .
Heard a ?senator on TV "The Unions have to be shut down, or those leftists do gooders will put our country in greater debt with their SOCIALIST agenda!" What kind of human being does not want to fairly pay and give respect to those who do the ACTUAL work for your venture? Whatever marvellous business you invented, the ONLY reason you profit is because of your workers (and what you are stealing form the earth?)
Left brain does not think but is simple minded .. closed minded never listening to MORE facts and ideas. Left brain (Republicans) no longer contemplate or even consider anything but their own facts. This spells DOOM .. whether you want to hear it, listen or not. Demonizing the other, never listening never re considering an idea or belief spells the END. And it is NOT as simple as Lack and white , Good and evil!! You can push the MORAL agenda all you want .. life is NOT that simple!
Does it maybe have to do with stress? A Warrior fights faster and harder if there is danger (or stress) .. whereas a Worrier gets more fearful and even backs off. (Would it be logical to think Worriers are those who commit suicide while warriors attack in lashing out?) So if stressed, then Hoover was RUTHLESS .. but when things were calm he would be generous with his wealth?
It is true .. I am too judgemental .. no different than those on TV demonizing . BUT I do not scream horrible words like they do .. that is going too far and terrifying to hear even when not words put on you, yourself. Then again I had many republican friends (most have died) and I always tried to understand their ideas. That is the trick .. TRYING TO UNDERSTAND ONE WHO THINKS OPPOSITE. but it takes time, energy and PATIENCE .. Personal Resources in scarce supply today!
There is no common sense, reason or logic available any longer.
Without BOTH brain hemispheres in our head we will either worry and do NOTHING, or act without any foresight! This can not work without
With Iain McGilchrist's work we see Left brain people use the earth. They act to make things happened. too much thinkng slows progress. But progress has become our ENEMY. Without contemplating unintended consequences of actions .. true success is a DELUSION. Success today in return for COLLAPSE tomorrow is no way to run ANYTHING. Yet it is how our Economy, resources, and earth are managed. Thinkers sit on the sidelines and complain even protest but we did not act to gain POWER. So things move forward always with the Left Brain agenda, profit or power as the sole goal. We are now dealing with the results of closed minded short sighted decades of action. Progress and success for some .. but at far too high a cost to society.
We think too much AND NEVER ACT. Our great research and investigating to come up with detailed answers to causes and consequences go nowhere. Books are not read by Action people. they are the Managers and CEO's that use the world and its resources for profit and power. But nothing would be happening if us thinkers who never act were in charge!
Brain wiring is physical, like being left handed, or having blue eyes. Just control your mind to be successful is fine, but try saying I am going to see myself as 100 lbs instead of 250. It won't happened. We can change ENERGY, (the particles and waves things are made of ?) but we cannot grow a leg if it was lost in war.
I guess to find any hope whatsoever we must focus on the science of energy, quantum mechanics. The reality of our brains is that we will not get along any time soon. Action people have never appreciated "thinkers" even called us mentally ill! So there is resent,emet also because we try to think of everyone's well being while action people quickly move on to simple success. But it is shallow success and now it is all crash9g down!
But we must continue our efforts to fairness. If I can not decide and then act for the life of me .. why do I expect THEY should be able to STOP AND THINK! We are each disabled, each have a huge Liability a missing very necessary part of our physical being. If we could just try really hard to be compassionate and try to understand each other. Unfortunately Thinkers will need MORE compassion. Action people will find it hard to even contemplate our logic and common sense. WE began to lose that by 1995 .. so by now we are either stupid or useless! both disabled! where are those emoji's? seriously we are a bunch of disabled humans s hating each other for the opposite disbauilty
Shallow could be ..
Lots of stress, selfishness, simple "search" (instead of seeking truth), to produce Closed Minds
Less considering other ideas, contemplating, compromise and collaboration
Opportunity for either
Wonder .. or DESPAIR .. we chose the DUALTY (side of the coin) .. (WONDER? What comes next?)
Is it the end times?, armegedon, the apocalypse? .. things are definitely NOT working! However
we must CONTROL OUR MIND TO HOPEFULNESS .. as if our life depends on it, because it does!
I don't care what colour your skin is or what country you are from if you ACT uncivilized .. YOU are the one who is WRONG, not me for calling it out. We live in a BACKWARDS WORLD. Demanding logic and common sense is DEMONIZED. What the hell is happening here? Girl at Tim's .. touching seems of money .. then wanting to just do my coffee. When I complained she now makes a big deal putting on gloves because horrible lady is here now. Girl you touched every part of the kitchen with your dirt money hands and THEN THINK IT IS LOGICAL to worry about sanitizing? And for this we shut down the country? Is there honestly ANY hope??
Can we ESCAPE? Byu a town or motel and build our own REVERSE WORLD? Do NOT come here unless you want to work ar being a CIVIL HUMAN. We have lost our humanity .. being thoughtful, decent AND HAVING HIGHER INTELLIGENCE!!.
Screaming begging people destroy quality of life for all. It is Scarry to go out. But the sports field is PERFECTION, groomed almost daily. Weird priority. In my all window high rise, I see with my own eyes how OUR tax money is spent, USELESSLY. Seems everyday 3 trucks and 6 men are all over our sports fields keeping everything PERFECT for people lucky enough to be involved in serious sports. Sports are great to keep young people fit and busy .. but this is an area that is doing ok. The Elite just getting more of the $ that should help those struggling (because they worsen quality of life for all MORE than a less than PERFECTION sports field.) If you are calling me a damn socialist, come on now! You are a human being and we are losing our HUMANITY. Not all are as fortunate as us .. and they deserve a hand. I hope you are not a "christian" .. "a mouth that prays, is not as sacred as a hand that helps". hah! see thinker
A lady was ranting to me how those homeless should not get welfare because OUR money is spent on them . HMM? It never really hit me it is truly OUR $$ .. us "just getting by" people who pay for EVERYTHING! I rather feed and shelter homeless people than provide nice grass for the Yoga elite! They probably have accountants and pay less taxes than us making 1/4 their salary!! See Warren buffet.
regardless how arrogant and superior we think we are .. those needs still are the necessity of life. Without CHAOS WILL ENSUE. How do we wake up the sleeping OCD on profit power structure. While they are safely in their narrowly focused tunnel of power seeking .. the Western world around them is imploding. We lowly servants barely get to Maslow's 2nd level .. safety. 1 of 5 of us don't!
Think about it .. richest country in world? look at 4 people, the 5 th is wondering where next meal comes from and if they will still have shelter next Month. That is TERRIBLE! And we wonder why people lose it and LASH OUT (or in)? If you have connections, please spread the word about our B Corp PLUS partnership Certification (link). Those Fortune 500's who use our service get the CSR publicity .. but must work toward revised Capitalism. FAIR taxes are paid, Employees are RESPECTED, the earth NOT destroyed for profit, and still the corp is kind to the community with Philanthropy.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.