I like how you said let's take care of our ‘mind AND body’ (that’s where our brain is). We are not even taught the difference! Our MIND we have quicker control of .. if we learn to DISCIPLINE or control it, eh? THAT is the dilemma .. have we lost all self control?
add .. brain? mind? yesterday jan 17/22 a streetcar? was stuck at queen and sumac. I lamented all day how that could be possible. how could it be stuck so long? no engineers? broken track? why could the SNOW not be removed? It was not until this morning it DAWNED on me .. QUEEN STREET CARS were out of commission because of this .. and how could a bus even safely PASS this obstruction to try to replace service. But how did it take me 18 hours to think of this?? wow turtle brain? fish mind? or what?
Feb 19 not revised yet .. We "control" nothing! .. because other's surround us, over which we have NO control! We CAN MANAGE OUR MIND BETTER TO KEEP OUR ? SANITY .. all web site needs an edit to revise this intelligence or wisdom arrived at!
But we are not even taught what our "mind" is! We are just bombarded with "Mental" Health nonsense. Let's take control of that dismissive mentally ill "Depression /Drug" agenda. Brain and Mind are NOT the same. Maybe kind of like our heart .. a pulsing tool that pumps blood through our body .. OR what loves, what is kind to others, what gives us our spirit of connecting HUMANITY. OUR BRAIN serves the function of running ALL our body functions. But our mind can fly out of our body, imagine, create and defy odds. It does more than make our body work, like our brain. Our mind can create our reality by focusing only on positive.
However the Brain's 2 main parts .. Right and Left hemisphere confuse us because the Right "Thinks" and wants to understand. That does seem like the more soul "heart " or mind. The trouble is that Right vs Left Brain wiring can NOT be changed, a Thinker/ worrier can NOT become a Action Doer no matter how much we summon our SELF DISCIPLINE. Just like a deaf ear or one blind eye.. we can not "will" it to funtion OR switch sides! Whichever brain side is prevalent WILL affect our character. Our Mind however can be changed and is more under our control. (although it does require much discipline and difficult habit change!) We can get better together!
When something goes wrong with our brain it is NO DIFFERENT THAN HEART DISEASE OR LUNG DISEASE. Some part of our brain is not working properly and there is NOTHING Scarry about it. The "mental" illness stigma is pure nonsense, showing us as .. a not very smart society.
There should be no more stigma for say schizophrenia than there is for Diabetes. Actually Diabetes is caused by terrible food choices (often through a minimal food budget), just as most DIS -eases are caused by how we build or INFLAME our body. The Clinical "Depression" we have been faked with for so long should now be exposed. Covid can do one good thing. The STIGMA will be destroyed. The difference between COMMON SENSE depression (despair) .. and the Brain body dysfunction of "depression" as disease, will be clear.
Despair would seem to show "humanity" .. empathy for others struggling even more.
With Prozac Brain Depression you have no control. I was told I needed drugs and wondered why anyone would not feel sad at my losses. But I met a woman who had a nice husband kids, beauty house on the water AND she was BEAUTIFUL. Lady! What the hell do you have you be sad about? That was when I began to understand chemical imbalance. HAH! that is why none of those drugs worked .. I was suffering logical LOSS depression .. no chemical imbalance needed.
We have somehow lost that despair from loss and trauma, and the resultant depression is very natural! There is real DESPAIR at too much change, too much stress, life completely out of control. That is no disease, that is being HUMAN! Today, (Right Brain) Thinkers are very despairing. NO DRUGS ARE NEEDED. I hope mental illness will be lost and replaced by EMOTIONAL Health. ("mental" is purely a PHYSICAL Disease like all the others .. stigma destroyed.) Yet now many of us have poor Emotional Health because so much has been lost of the world we knew and expected to continue.
What we need instead of prozac for our DEPRESSION .. is solutions to our societal COLLAPSE. Is it too late? We Thinkers are sad and the action (Left brain) people think we are just SNL "Debbie Downers". They are able to focus on their task and get it done because they KEEP IT SIMPLE. But life is NOT simple. It is complicated and confusing! And takes time to understand both sides so COMPROMISE can happened. But Left Brains who are usually in power (the wealth?) are not patient enough to think GREY .. everything is black and white to them. Instead of learning details to find truth they will glom onto ONE fact .. by itself UNTRUE. Why do we think the law/order/ justice system is in RUIN? Simplifying good vs evil with a closed mind will do that to a Society.
Yes! There is more alcoholism and turning to drugs. More overdoses, and suicides. Those of us who watch, learn, listen, think and reconsider our knowledge, wonder if it is too late to stop our demise. Only working together sharing our opposite Brain Resource will work to prevent the imminent collapse.
We must face that BOTH Right and Left brain wiring used to be BALANCED in each of our individual brains. With so much wiring destroyed we are left only with what was the majority Hemisphere. So we are now DIVIDED by how those 2 DIFFERENT sides behave. BUT We have NO CONTROL OF THAT Hemisphere's behaviour!
My daughter can not slow down, stop and think any more than I can SPEED up and get DOING. Perhaps because some of us had the "mental illness " crutch, we then labelled the other as MEAN and unempathetic. It will be hard for us to recognize that successful ACTION people can not prevent their warrior like behaviour either. They too are TRAPPED BY THEIR PREVALENT BRAIN HEMISPHERE! Can we feel compassion for each other and work together? It is almost like the old Turtle and Hare story .. no wonder we drive each other crazy. But if we begin to understand how and why we are so different, and we can not control this .. then compassion will become easier.
But our MIND we have MORE control over. "Mind Control" was given a bad connotation so we would NOT UTILIZE IT. "We (power people) can't have our sheep ant zombies be in CONTROL of themselves, can we now." HAH! Start now to control your life through your mind's focus! We really can create our OWN Reality!
Fri., Feb 18, 2022.see bold above .. re revision
Maybe our mind is more like our spirit? or our soul? Does our Left vs Right brain (body) prevalence create our base character? .. but then we can discipline our MIND more in the direction we want? Our brain gives us more discipline if we are Left brain. Left brain (action) focuses more on self, where the Right (thinking) brain in wanting to UNDERSTAND is more focused on other. Focus on self and action would seem more matching to self discipline. (Are obsessive, addictive and unfocused (ADD) people Right brain? Hey! we are also the VISIONARIES, inventors and creatives!)
Fri., Feb 18, 2022.
Our THOUGHTLESS "progress" has created many kinds of toxins that have destroyed our brain neurons. Why else would we do things that make utterly no sense? Why would we have NO COMMON SENSE whatsoever? Treating our earth home with respect is just common sense. Our many types of thoughtlessness will cause our extinction (now called the age of "The Anthropocene" man's destruction of his earth.) so it surely is not a voluntary human thinkng process. A depleted BRAIN .. a body part that makes everything run has DISABLED us. Our MIND is not like our pumping heart .. but more like our "heart'' soul. we use one word to describe TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. She has no heart is obviously stupid if thinking blood pumping.
Maybe our mind is more like our spirit? or our soul? Does our Left vs Right brain (body) prevalence create our base character? .. but then we can discipline our MIND more in the direction we want? Our brain gives us more discipline if we are Left brain. Left brain (action) focuses more on self, where the Right (thinking) brain in wanting to UNDERSTAND is more focused on other. Focus on self and action would seem more matching to self discipline. (Are obsessive, addictive and unfocused (ADD) people Right brain? Hey! we are also the VISIONARIES, inventors and creatives!)
Shut off that thinking (or circling hamster wheeling) brain. Take control and empty your mind. They call it "mindfulness" in entitled ? white lady circles? Too bad the yoga groups are allowed to kidnap the concept because it has been practised in ancient cultures for centuries, and has our great respect. Our "shallow" progress gives everything a fake polish and ruins everything! ; <>
We can make our mind work FOR US .. OR AGAINST US!
"Manage" your mind to be YOUR ASSET .. NOT YOUR LIABILITY! Hey that is so good I am repeating it as HEADING!!
Tues, Mar. 8, 2022
For example I was looking out the dreary brown leafless winter window. When we MANAGE our mind to work FOR us .. as a LIABILITY, we get S A D seasonal affective disorder. We get sad, dreading more cold, dark days stuck inside. Instead .. if we make our mind our ASSET (as in RESOURCE MANAGEMENT) we think yeY! I am warm and cosy inside, watching movies I have no time for in summer. Time to add a hot chocolate, hot cider or mulled wine. Can't enjoy those spirit warming things in summer! Think of the GOOD.
Then as spring approaches we can say "can you imagine .. those brown dreary tree trunks will soon create a sea of GREEN? Amazing." We can be in WONDER at the miracles of nature. Thank you god CEO, or Cosmos Developer, that you never made trees ORANGE all year and never made water red! How anxiety producing! Then again the weird things my family has been experiencing with WATER .. maybe it SHOULD be RED .. as a CAUTION sign! But THAT is exactly the mind management we, (me at least!) have to learn! Try to think more that the cosmos is in our command, vs THEY have ruined our world with shallow EXTREME toxic "progress".
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
edit Sept 23, 2021,
Do you remember HOW to breathe? We are so stressed from overwhelm we may not even remember how to breathe! We sometimes hold our breath when stressed, and tighten our stomach. So loosen those stomach muscles and breathe in deeply. Then breathe out. I will need to check the video below .. even a few years later our stress is now even more on steroids. Apparently the breathing OUT is most important. It helps the body relax. I think I always said "breathe in good vibes, breathe out bad". Hmm .. Ok that could still work! There is so much to worry over today we could focus more on "OUT .. bad energy!" Thanks people who may be "talking" with me just now! (I have no friends! They all were in Buffalo .. so with border still closed from TO., I have to pretend I have friends.)
Sorry .. but we are either DONE .. or we finally accept Science and Spirituality are converging. So why not relax? Enjoy today, enjoy tomorrow. It will either get far worse .. or better. So we may as well relax! We can not stop FLASH FLOODS any more, or stop big Corporations from being evil. (The utter NERVE! Wasn't Google's statement "do no evil"?? Yet they are MOST evil because they own what we think/ believe .. by putting it first on Page one of search! Our fault though for paying no attention to our sheepification!)
We will do the best we can to fix or improve the problems WE created .. together. See below for a "Gift of Calm" video. It helps teach you what you can do yourself anywhere any time .. NO CELL PHONE NEEDED. Just pay attention to the beauty around you! We miss so much of the glorious universe in our zombie state. it could be GONE tomorrow.
We probably found them an inconvenience in our busy important life running to try a new bar with 175 beers. Instead of appreciating the power of nature and RESPECTING it, we pretty much ignored it unless it inconvenienced us. Well I guess now we WISH we appreciated a previously well behaved Nature. Nature is mad at us .. maybe we should wake up.
We do not appreciate most things until we miss them and remember how important they are. Like our teeth or even our TOES. I am as guilty of all my preachiness as anybody, please remember that. OH GOD HOW DEPRESSING .. almost 8 decades and I never even ONCE appreciated my toes. This summer with my usual long walks I was so happy .. no more blisters. meantime my toes were getting defaced with corns and whatever! such discomfort! Badaids don't work and corn pads are useless. Finally discovered toe socks are AMAZING, like 5 BANDAIDS for all your toes! Too bad I never have the patience to put them on!
So Nature behaving should go here? .. be grateful that it usually does! As I write this sept 7, 2021 there is a new flash flood warning for the NE. Those poor people who flooded will always be terrified now. Poor things, so stressed!
Big Gratitude is also, being able to see the moon and a scene of trees and water, or a garden! .. to hear concerts and birds singing, Feel the smoothness of satin and the beachy-ness of sand. We must remember to feel grateful that we can smell cut grass and baking cookies. But we forget! I am so so happy I am mobile (stuck in a scam "nursing home". Sure! nice "semi retired active living" LIE Chartwell! ) but those OLD PEOPLE with walkers .. everywhere always in my way make me ANGRY! I must breathe, calm down and be grateful that I am not them! Yes, even though I am terrified we will soon all be homeless, with jobs so difficult .. THERE IS STILL SO MUCH TO YET FEEL GRATITUDE FOR!
Seriously this is such a SECRET nobody shared with us! No wonder .. we could take over the world with that knowledge. Please don't waste your life not developing and using this skill. If you managed the 3 above .. you controlled your mind! This will be our new BIGGEST RESOURCE, MANIFESTING what we want .. like MAGIC. It is truly possible! try it .. I just keep losing focus .. so my SELF DISCIPLINE and personal responsibility needs WORK! Connected working together on this is just EASIER. Not conception but SUPPORT!
add .. stairs heat
We can not just worry about others, we must take time and care for us. we will get nowhere unless we do. The Law of attraction .. (the magic magnet) will never bring us good as long as we do NOT feel deserving of it. This can be SUBCONSCIOUS! So get over it! You are as great as ANYBODY you think is good. You might be your own worst enemy. Gather your courage and face you deserve just as much as anyone else. You can do it, but you must believe you can and are worthy. Maybe that is what the "I am saved" is about? If so .. good on them! we need to do that. I know once in my life I was totally convinced I was the answer to a client. I git the biggest sale I have made in my life. I hope I have regained that confidence and belief .. so that YOU are able to read this!!
Put yourself in your "thin place" .. where you feel peaceful and can take real joy in simple things .
Every system here is collapsing. But luckily we never paid attention to how science has evolved enormously. We can now see how all science have connected and now spirituality even fits into the quantum science. I do not really understand it yet, but SOOOO fascinating. Start watching for little weird things that happened. There is more out there than we have been taught! As a science teacher I taught atoms .. but the "particle vs wave" theory was invented in the 1800's! Why was a teaching stationary atoms when light and energy changing depending on the OBSERVER was long ago discovered? Why are we so slow to accept new ideas? We CAN create our own reality. What have we got to hang onto in this bleak insane time. I would rather be deluded at this point that face the ugly true reality of societal collapse. We were greedy and disrespectful and now nature is showing us who is boss. Plus our financial and governed systems only care about their power and thing NO LONGER WORK FOR US. Let's stick together and SHARE OUR RESOURCES .. build new FUNCTIONING SYSTEMS!
You have skills and talents no one else has. Other people will be glad to pay you because time is MONEY. If it takes you an hour to dust my house better than me taking 3 hours .. I am glad to pay you a lot. link)
Should I quit my 500$ life insurance some believe will never pay my kids anyway? should I move to a basement apt, just read, watch TV and finally just face defeat in my "biz"? Feeling you are sinking financially with no options to choose from is very stressful. Brain storm possibilities. My friend lost his decades old job and went to Vietnem to teach English. He turned desperation and despair into an adventure! Ended up meeting wife and has raised his family there! Crazy! because I believe he worked in Auto Parts .. NO relationship to new career and possibilities. Whatever our problem .. brainstorm .. make it fun and MAGIC .. any old idea .. creative and even sounding impossible. Then imagine how you could make it reality.
I know "big brother" has destroyed most of our options. BUT for self preservation we must focus on different realities existing AT ONE TIME. Let's "step OVER" to the good reality more and more frequently until we just IGNORE the dystopian purgatory reality most of the time. Sorry that is NOT DELUSION .. today, that is self preservation!
We used to call them dreams and goals. maybe with everything in freewill for the thinker/ worrier DREAMS have become a missing part of life. let's get our dreams back .. different realities DO EXIST simultaneously! so we are going to move over to our dream goal reality!
sep 6 .. HMM? sure mindful .. for SELF only!! Hah, that is what has always disturbed me about monks! What are they doing to help the world in their monastery? Mindfulness is a sneaky word for "selfish"! True though .. we must look after ourself before we can help others. So my jealousy of these people who look after themselves FIRST, must be reined in. We too, MUST learn to look after us first .. we are deserving too! And in neglecting our own needs we can eventually help no one. And now controlling our mind from worry and neglect of SELF, is a matter of SURVIVAL!
Mind-LESS .. is a nice way to say UN thinking, OR .. BRAIN -LESS. Let's be real .. to be BRAIN- LESS is to be STUPID. The "Death of Common Sense" was written in 1995, so we are now way past the loss of any logic or common sense. Nothing makes sense any longer, there is no reasoning! There are way too may laws instead of us taking PERSONAL responsibility and using our OWN COMMON SENSE. To be fair our lives have become so stressful, that perhaps a closed mind is the only way for the masses to survive. Simplifying with action tunnel vision, can be a coping tool to survive in the struggle of today's "24/7 ON" complicated Digital Life.
I have looked for reasons our society is collapsing, but every reason seems NOT very smart or logical handling of each problem. For example sugar was fine IN MODERATION .. but to allow it to be added to every food with 54 different names was NOT SMART for our health! But I must accept that was the psychotic plan all along! (Sugar inflames our gene propensity for disease and Health CARE is a 3 trillion $ industry .. to be the sickest country. There really ARE a few families that control everything. And I just could not face until now, how evil they REALLY are. Always had a sixth sense that buildings do NOT collapse like World trade did. 9-11 really was a planned demo. (see McMaster University structural engineer study plus.) That kind of evil is not even human. I now see why some suggest those controlling us are aliens. We need to take our 6th sense more seriously. It is usually correct .. at least if we discipline ourselves to THINK a little.
There are many reasons our brains are fried and all systems are collapsing. No invention or "progress" is a problem in itself, as long as used in balance. But everything (in what we believe is "progress") is in excess or EXTREME. Extremes are never good, yet today everything is now way, way extreme. Sugar, search, stress, competition, (toxins), selfishness, ever taller high rises, are each ok in balance .. but we no longer know anything but excess, ever more bigger, smaller, better, easier, faster, all to the destruction of our resource use in mindless destruction.
The purely profit vs ethical systems we have built, are not FAIR to society. But we gave up all our Personal Responsibility as a dollar VOTER, we went ahead and just bought into everything. Nope we were just sheep and followed along STUPIDLY .. with everything that was thrown at us! Do not participate anymore! Even your FEW $ do count. The wealthy buy more but there are SO FWERER of them. We are the "masses" that create the consumer society. We are the masses that can change it. Take back our Personal Responsibility, or I promise you we are dead. Those in power have forgotten how to think. They are OCD in an instant profit tunnel, while it has caused the future to collapse. You do have power in your purchases. Why do you support Amazon and Google etc? Car companies used to be biggest. Now those that own us are biggest. Google is turning all Toronto into a "smart city", no input fro citizens. They only pretended to quit the plan. Just follow along with everything like a sheep, to our apocalypse .. or .. we try a different simpler way of life, where "inventions" are remarkable TOOLS .. but not life itself!
To survive in the mindLESS world we experience, we must take some breaks from being the Thinkers, breaks from the cacophony of stupid .. by ourselves being mindLESS. Temporarily shutting down our brains (as others have done permanently), will give us a break from the noise of mindless "progress". After a MINDLESS break, we can return to solve our pressing problems.
addenda Mon., Feb 14, 2022.
hah! re read above .. it is good! below are some examples.
plus .. Why the hell do I have to do this! I have been agonizing mind?? brain?? help! for longer than months. I had 18 years of "education"! Should I not know the difference between mind and brain? But maybe with McGilchrist now being so important (Left Brains have destroyed the world) .. this is where the difference now becomes very important to a collapsing society! If Toxic "progress" has destroyed our brain like heart disease destroys the heart .. then the mind vs brain clarity becomes VERY IMPORTANT.
original addition .. Hmm .. mindless ? Is that what I am when I am deep on my obsessive "why can't things work better . there IS a solution!" tunnel. Interesting .. I have told these stories but never realized I was just MINDLESS. I was not CONTROLLING or managing my mind!! I was just hyper focused on my obsessive mission. One summer was the hottest ever. I hate heat .. missed the whole thing. Maybe that was the months I almost had success in Phila so I would be uber hyper focused. This year is SO cold .. if my mind is solving a deep rpeoblem I DO NOT NOTICE THE COLD EITHER. And when I used to go up the Subway stairs I first discovered this by noting sometimes I felt I would fall backward so exhausted from the 3 flights. Why did I someyimes completely miss beef exhausted? same stairs different day! That's when I realized if your mind is elsewhere you are oblivious to even very PHYSICAL body things!
I guess then those in power would lose their control? Breathe/ Appreciate, to gain control of your body, then Faith, Hope and possibility become easier. Act only with this new BELIEF.
1) loss is inevitable, deal with it, no more whining and ranting!
2) others are a pain, we are all zombies, our brains have been fried so we are rude.
3) Yes .. nothing works, everything is insane, all is collapsing, BUT .. see the beauty, focus ONLY on it because you surrendered and accepted we are in DYSTOPIA.
science, spirituality
particle wave
law of attraction .. what you see is what you get!!
Seeing non functioning products and systems, observing constant unfairness and injustice becomes DEBILITATING. You become a miserable screaming person, or a "Crotchety Old Lady" like me.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Thin space breaks .. whatever lifts our spirits.
Think about it! if you were raised with heaven at the end of the "trip" imagine how crowded it is by now! and mu mom and dad would never know who this old lady is because last they saw mr I was a KID! I want to die in NYC so if I travel to heaven from their they will never see me if they are relaxing on our old Canadian Farm! How can i see my buffalo friends if I die with my new NYC friends? Do you see the problem? Plus people from 200 years ago would be running around. When I visit Phila. so cool to see Ben Franklin and Willian Penn. But there you are! Time and space has to collapse. Most my family died before I was in my 20's and I had always been raised in the church with heaven to hang on to. So the science of time/ space convergence creates diffenrt realities and we get to choose what we see. Ben Franklin and Penn don't want to see me .. plus it will be WAYYYY to crowded up there. So everybody gets their own realty up there!
REDOING more positive!! If this website sounds pessimistic, go to the other sites, health and creating your own job. Sorry I am doing 4 depts work .. HAVING NO EXPERTISE IN ANY .. sales? tech? managing? Imagine of we shared our skills. Mine is just developing systems, but not even communicating them so well! Help me! I once had a lovely person edit something .. OMG so much better. We need to TRADE OUR SKILLS. Screw the money society "they" created. It is NOT working for us! We should even skip the blockchain since it uses TOO MUCH ENERGY! Think! us silly people. Let's go back to a Pioneer General Store ledger .. they had NONE of our silo "systems" but maybe had an actually better life!
This website is for those of us who see that we have lost all common sense. There is no longer any forethought, or ability to consider consequences BEFORE we act, do (or even say things!). This is for those of us who KNOW earth and our Society can no longer sustain our stupid behaviour. We are at the point of Societal collapse.
If it is over relax, if we work together maybe we will rescue us, and maybe there is a HEAVEN and we are headed there. That will be calm fair and kind and blue skies. Choose those options instead! You are in control of your mind. we have lost ALL control over our lives .. but "they" can NOT control our brain. Well they CAN but let's borrow the Left brain tactic .. BE OBLIVIOUS!! life is much easier!
Sing Bob Marley's song. I am being serious because for about a decade I have been WORRYING. Now I see I was right and nothing makes any sense any more. Nothing works as intended ... it works only to give power or profit to those who control us. It is so bad now .. unfair ticketing injustice everywhere that we have 2 choices .. GO MAD? seriously insane .. OR RELAX. Let it go .. either it will END .. or hopefully we can start to work together instead of demonize each other.
Seriously!! The TOXINS of our uncontemplated "PROGRESS" has fried our brains. We have NO common sense left! That is MY theory, and from a different direction Iain McGilchrist has proven it. He has not focused on processed food or 5G I dont think .. but has shown the result so very clearly!! And Philip Howard agree with NO COMMN SENSE in 1995. Imagine 27 years later!
Can we quit with the crap? .. live simpler lives and regain our brain?? hmm .. LET'S REGAIN OUR BRAIN!!
Those who are Closed minded, will listen to nothing, think everything is either good or evil .. will never listen. Their brain is shut down from normal human ability. We must be compassionate. we must feel EMPATHY like we would if they lost their RIGHT LEG .. OR ARM. That would be awful .. but somehow it is harder to feel empathy for a person who refuses to listen to common sense, logic or ANY reasoning! Let's try together and keep on starting over when we fail. Having no Right (Contemplative ) brain is a DISABILITY. (Hell, us Right brain creatives are often termed MENTALLY disabled because we are obsessive, ADD and often don't get jobs DONE.)
Lack of right brain is worsened by birth date and placement basic character (selfish selfless, warrior or worrier. So some people will be completely UNABLE to compromise and collaborate.
So sad .. Bob Doyle may be the last of the great statesmen, McCain and Colin Powell. EVEN BUSH! Wow! back then I did not like "know it all" Republicans, but I had no idea how WORSE it would get! Politicians DISAGREED, but then had a beer and DISCUSSED CIVILY. How low we have sunken. Probably from hiding behind "social" BULLYING! Let's HOPE we only hear THE LOUD BULLIES, and there are lots of us civilized humans quietly saddened at society's demise.
Thursday eve, Nov 17, 2021
But then, everything today is SHALLOW. Let's have "a WAR on SHALLOW and selfish behaviour". Instead of the (silly cancel culture?) let's "take down" those who speak, think, act so shallow creating a Society with no common sense, or DEPTH of thinking. I know .. I should be compassionate because much of this is just a way to cope with the over LOAD of this Dystopia.. a way to reduce overwhelming stress. Simplifying everything surely makes life easier! Once we get our blog comments going you can yell at me there. It's true! I always forget the other side! I am preaching BALANCE but rant about the negative side and forget the positive. If we Thinkers would get more shallow, and look after OURSELVES more .. our life would work better. AND I WOULD SPEND LESS TIME YELLING AT THE OTHER SIDE! Thanks.
Sun. Jan 16, 2022
I just realized for years I have been figuring out what to do, when this panic HITS! .. unsuccessfully. BECAUSE I MADE NO ACTION PLAN! .. NO plan to create order and SELF DISCIPLINE. Trick is us thinker, creator, designers, get in our head with ideas, swirling around but never with actual STEPS TO TAKE! .. but maybe what I never did was create an actual ACTION PLAN that changes habits! I wake I terror and have NO PLAN .. still NO ACTION. No wonder Action people find me so frustrating. OK let's DO this .. change our habit .. TAKE CONTROL OGF OUR LIFE!!
1) BREATHE .. deep breath in, then a long extended exhalation. Breathe OUT those negative worrisome thoughts. Release them, we do NOT need them, then breathing IN positive hopeful possibilities. (You will choose your hopeful ideas further along). The breathing .. which we mostly FORGET to do, somehow gives us a feeling of CONTROL over our life. Society, the country can do what it wants .. we are giving ourself OXYGEN to fuel our lungs and heart to create our life. WE are in control .. at least of what we FOCUS on.
Mon. Dec 20, 2021
Those of us struggling to survive, with no extra $$, have to find our own way to cope without yoga classes! If it all gets to be too much, we will lash OUT or IN, with a resultant 911 call. For us who are not entitled, there is always jail, (a mental institution?) or we can just get the same old stigmatized help, for our "MENTAL" illness. What? Seriously? We see constant disrespect for us workers who created the "great" American Society. Feeling sad, angry and resentful at the "master / worker" injustice is absolutely reasonable. But in return, our pain and panic deserves only a shallow pre covid website for finding "mental"counselling?
There needs to be a coping tool "BETWEEN" Rich people's "just breathe" yoga mindfulness class, and simply accusing us "poor", of being incapable of handling life properly! Forget "mental" Health, we are all suffering from declining EMOTIONAL Health. We need a Tool especially for us, that we can utilize, but is not SHALLOW like those who say "we are all in this together". (Surely it is harder to handle life when doing 2 ever new jobs, yet still unable to cover rent AND food). That, compared to a life grabbing a 6$ Starbucks or 10$ cocktail to relax with. But then we have lost all logic and reason, so this stupidity should not surprise us.
(see photo link to enlarge, return here, to (home or) survive dropdown.) Maslow created a pyramid of what we need to survive. We need far more than food and shelter. We need to feel important, valued and like we belong. With screens and robots taking over "humanity", we can feel pretty UN-NECESSARY and therefore HOPELESS.
We can't have yoga and mindfulness class, or smoothies and gluten free cookies, but surely we can have more than an old city website saying "go here for "mental" help". Instead we will be each other's "therapy" .. a caring connection that EVERYONE needs. Knowing you belong to a group that has the same struggle to survive, (where we really ARE in this together) hopefully will give you the calm to focus on breathing more deeply, to relax just a little. With that feeling of some CONTROL over life, we can move ahead. We will work to solve our problems together.
Those who DO have money are welcome .. if ..
they can SEE the rich vs poor inequality injustice and want to HELP. (Left brain people just say we should have worked harder. That is not acceptable. It is very shallow simplification, with no effort to empathize.) We have created a chasm destroying the middle class ever faster in the last few decades. Worrying over securing a roof every day is NO WAY TO LIVE. It is the cause of today's lost Emotional Health, leading to poor physical Health, plus constant chaos in society.
The "Mental" Health stigma involved the brain and its PHYSICAL function. Today we are rightly "depressed" because nothing makes sense, or is FAIR! There is NOTHING wrong with us "mentally" .. because we see this fact. It is insulting to send us to depression therapy that was purely a way to prescribe drugs and gain profit PRE COVID. Anyone who THINKS, or contemplates society's failing systems is despairing today! There must be a LOT of people who do NOT think! They believe we just don't try hard enough, or all would be fine with us! No wonder our society is COLLAPSING, so many OBLIVIOUS entitled people.
Perhaps this is a Maslow's Hierarchy of NEEDS updated for our digital DYSTOPIA? (see photo/ link). Our NEW SYSTEM is built on 2 new Scientific understandings. First .. Our brains are no longer balanced, with both Right and Left hemispheres available as they should be. The toxins of "progress" have destroyed much of our brain wiring. The resultant more exaggerated brain hemisphere imbalance causes opposite personalities, which also causes great division. This division, turning to demonization will surely cause our societal collapse.
With our systems crumbling, the only way forward is compromising opposing ideas, in order to move ahead with solutions. Since "Left brain DOERS" will not listen to "Right brain Thinkers" there is no ABILITY to work together to solve problems. Inability to compromise, is a fatal flaw to our entitled, extreme excess of everything Society. With our "I'm special" attitude, we want only instant convenience, OUR own way.
The above new understanding of constant conflict leaves us little hope. The only hope is to learn more about .. "you get what you focus on". Thinkers are more introspective and therefore critical even of the self. This lack of deservedness serves us poorly. If we accept that WE GET WHAT WE FOCUS ON, then lack of deservedness will SABOUTAGE us! Action "Doer" Left brains simplify .. making their life far easier. (LR Brain) Simplifying everything to whatever creates more profit or power is a recipe for success. But that "success" is short term. Without contemplation of cause or consequence, especially UNINTENDED consequences .. NOTHING WORKS IN THE END. That is the point we are now at. All the short sighted "success" is collapsing.
To improve our quality of life, we must try to bring those with a still somewhat BALANCED Right (think) and LEFT (act) brain into our community. WE will have more success with greater numbers. And we can share our opposite resources .. thinking vs doing. awesome article! concluding segment clarifies McGilchrist work.
Then .. another source of HOPE for us is the converging of Science and Religion, and of space and time reality! We must learn more about the "new" sciences of Quantum Mechanics (particle vs wave theory) that allow for different realities to exist at once. We actually can build our YOU-topia, while Left brain people unwilling to join us, stay in their digital DYSTOPIA. YOU-Topia meaning a community where we at least CONSIDER other's well being ahead of our own. That was what a CIVIL Society WAS! Balance is the most important aspect and it is what we have lost in our extremes of everything society. You-topia is regaining more balance, and less division with its blaming and bullying. It is reverting back to older CIVIL times, from our "me first, screw you" "modern" existence.
Try to keep returning to these steps .. especially focusing on WHAT WE WANT .. quality of life for all. DO NOT FOCUS on the dystopia we now exist in. We truly CAN create a better reality for those of us willing to listen, think and reconsider our FIXED ideas. "Learning" is listening and contemplating new unfamiliar ideas. (Luckily Science has moved forward in leaps and bounds in the decades since I taught it, feeling a fake.)
We are NOT alone in our feeling of despair. There is nothing WRONG with us .. not bad "mental" health! We are just unlucky enough to still be AWARE! ("Mental" Health is just ANOTHER DISEASE OF THE BODY. Our BRAIN is just a body part though most amazing.) Later we can destroy the stupid "mental" health stigma REFOCUSING on today's EMOTIONAL Health .. which does NOT require drugs! But read Lynn for her perceptive take!
We forget to BREATHE. Our body needs fresh air deeply in our lungs, not the normal shallow, almost forgetting we NEED oxygen. Somehow deep breathing is calming, maybe because it feels "I can control something in the world, at least!" Breathe out the toxic thinking that the world is collapsing. Breathe in that we will create a BETTER reality where all have DECENT quality of life.
Find something you enjoy looking at. Study every detail. I find beautiful architectural detail, cloud shapes and sky colours, or even a weed and wonder why we do not notice and focus on its BEAUTY. As you study the beautiful detail keep breathing deeply. You will start to feel your muscles loosen up, reduce a sore neck or TMJ stress. While we look at the beauty, we should recognize how little we appreciate things we should! We can SEE! We can hear birds, we can walk. We forget to appreciate so much .. until we lose it. And then we complain .. "damn, why did I not appreciate my teeth BEFORE they started aching painfully, or my HEAD, before I got this stress headache?" We do have a lot to be grateful for, but we forget in our stress overwhelm!
Sure our societal systems are falling apart .. ACCEPT it .. and think what you could do to FIX it. Thinking can be "worry" or finding solutions, same word but 2 complete opposites! And if it really is world end .. how can we make the most of the time left? Why repeat AGAIN how evil the power structure is? Focus on what you enjoy instead! Makes way more sense!
We GET what we BELIEVE. Sorry, but the "law of attraction " is a LAW, just like gravity. Accept it .. or .. MISS OUT! Don't be like me and spend your life not ACCEPTING this fact. (that's kind of like ARGUING gravity .. "why don't things also fall UPWARD, it's just not fair!" Rather ridiculous .. right?!) Left brains receive success because they simplify .. leaving them feeling deserving, without subconscious sabotage. We get what we FOCUS on, and YES! We still have to WORK hard to get what we want. But BELIEVING the magnet of the cosmos helps, makes it SO MUCH EASIER. We Think too much, sad or quilty about the past, and then we do not feel deserving. Left brains keep it simple, just want to get the job done .. and DONE = success.
If we are worriers, we have spent our life using these sciences to our DISADVANTAGE! How ridiculous! Let's switch the script .. make our life EASIER for us. WE DESERVE TOO! (I am considering more extreme Left Action brains have long ago left the site. We are left with us Right brain Thinkers?) "ghost talk" is uplifting.
Their mind is empty but for their goal .. probably profit or power. Therefore their focus is clearly on their action and the magnet helps them .. not us! God or the CEO/ developer manager, who made everything .. wants good for all of his creations. He can't be the puppet master, so he created the magic magnet for us, to attract what we need. Don't thwart the law of attraction by feeling undeserving or clouding the focus of what you want. there will still be obstacles and struggle .. but it will lead to where we need to go to reach our desired goal. useful article? this authour and their org INSTITUE FOR NEW ECONOMIC THINKNG seems awesome. spec. read the last segment of Lynn Parramore here
Thurs. July 28, 2022.
FREE WILL .. is a hell of a lot easier when your brain is EMPTY! When you think of others, past causes, future consequences of a decision, FREE WILL becomes HARD! To A SELFISH shallow (nice word for STUPID!) Left brain "free will" is so EASY .. it just focuses on "me, mine, here , now". Simple! Success could be mine too if I could just MAKE my mind focus only on me! I choose to look after me or be a homeless addicted LOSER, right? NO! the life of a thinking person involves choosing the best solution for EVERYONE .. not just "me". That often gets so COMPLICATED we get lost in the options and there consequences, unable to choose the best for most people. Free will is a COP OUT for selfish people. Life is simple for selfish people. BUT .. being jealous, angry and filled with revenge because they never listened and now we are in DYSTOPIA .. only loses MORE of the fewer resources we received.
Wed. May 4, 2022. .. put on MEDIUM!!
I am so so sad I have not gotten my NYC energy infusion for plus 2 1/2 years now! I used to joke I need it within a few months not there! For me .. NYC (Phila) are "died and went to heaven"! If you said you can live 5 more years in TO or 1 in NYC .. no question of the easy decision. So being transported to my favourite Bryant Park "virtually" I guess, and realizing it will be a long while before I can now even AFFORD to go, never mind vax .. began to make me DEEPLY SAD. You know .. when you start plunging DEEP into despair and some how have to find a way to stop feeling like you are drowning or can't breathe? Well I have a choice .. the FREE WILL to choose to be sad .. OR .. SHUT DOWN MY BRAIN .. and be happy I was ever there and able to TRANSPORT the experience with technology which I mostly ate. Everything is duality .. good AND bad. Here is a place where we focus on the GOOD of the digital dystopia. I have the choice to cry and weep and MOURN my loss of New York energy infusion. But it steals from my life bank account and I get NO good value from it. This is not clinical depression .. that we have NO control over. Hah! That is the reason this is confusing .. YES WE HAVE FREE WILL .. we can chose to be grateful we ever had money to BE in a place, chose NOT to be sad we are so missing it. Now If one is clinically or PHYSICALLY BRAIN depressed you have NO choice.. NO FREE WILL whets ever .. it would be like somebody yelling at you stop having that heart attack .. there is FREE WILL! (copy this to a topic on "mental" illness nonsense! Do a MEDIUM article!!) O M G covid plandemic may at least do ONE GOOD THING!! people may FINALLY understand the con of mental illness. it is not a choice! do you CHOOSE cancer? With the societal Health destruction left by the covid plandemic we have every right to feel depressed (grief loss despair). But we can CHOOSE to say .. screw it .. just wastes my energy plus if the world is ending we may as well enjoy the last days not scared or sad. You have NO CONTROL when your brain is not functioning right just the same as EVERY OTHER DISEASE. Why should "mental" illness have a special name? It is exactly the same as every other disease where some body part is damaged or not functioning properly!!
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.