see being a member Certified FAIR R3 C8 .. above Fri. July 1, 2022
Rich STRESSED people buy yoga classes and learn BREATHING. Poor people (most of us these days!) stressed worried people, get sent to some "mental" illness website or City department. There is nothing wrong with our BRAIN .. it is our "heart" that is breaking because there is NO MORE HOPE for a day when we will be secure and can .. "JUST BREATHE".
Half of us have TWO! insecure jobs and still can't pay the rent AND eat! The old "just breathe" or "Just think positive" etc. ARE RIDICULOUS shallowness in this situation of our failing systems causing overwhelming stress for NORMAL people. THINKING people also know their job will be gone to A I, a robot or drone tomorrow! There is no future for young people! FAR TOO MANY TELL ME THERE IS NO POINT IN LIVING. That is the most horrifying thing I have heard in 7 plus decades! yet boomers tell me the whiners should work hard like they did. OOOOHHH .. murder .. time for civil war!! But I have built a SYSTEM that does not (yet) involve violence. Let us try the good, calm, smarter way first.
We INSULT struggling people by sending them to "mental" illness sites if they feel like screaming or smashing. Of course the NEVER ENDING overwhelm causes lashing out! We have no more common sense to even UNDERSTAND each other .. or are just stressed shallow and selfish! "Mental" illness is a BRAIN problem a PHYSICAL body malfunction, just the SAME as liver or lung. PHYSICAL brain malfunction "depression" is when you are beautiful, rich and have loving people .. YET ARE SAD! We are sad because we have no money or HOPE but have lots .. of stress! We need to help people regain hope and BELIEF that there is a possibility for a less stressed future. Losing the house with picket fence, 2 kids and vacation is HARD. especially when you have huge student debt that gave you NOTHING but another $$ worry. Young people will soon revolt. Let's give them another direction BEFORE YOU MUST DEAL WITH WORSE CHAOS.
Of Mental illness
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Sun. May 29, 2022. CBS Sun Angela Davis
If she could do nothing with her following, what makes me think I, a nobody, can create good?
It feels like our "society" is built ONLY on ..
this should be our daily focus. Don't demonize an idea! It probably has value in some way!
C .. compassionate, H .. Human ..., I .. Intelligence .. TRANSFER .. a CHIT
Fri. Jan 21/ 22
..but most our inventions today are NOT of much importance .. same old .. another APP .. etc etc (Do I need to check my heart every hour .. yes if in danger .. but most do not .. just a craze .. Will I get lost and die walking? probably not. Do I need a ring doorbell. For all the TROUBLE .. in old days you never got broken into ANYWAY! Today .. I rather be free of all that SURVEILLANCE and believe people are or would be mostly GOOD .. if treated fairly! APPS are just another way for me to be disorganized!!! ; <> )
BACK TO THE TOPIC!! Daily .. looks cool .. what? a REAL invention? .. a REAL truly better way?? crazy .. They tout it as a BENEFIT which is true! as long as no penalty! There IS HOPE, the possibility of reversing backward from the CLIFF of simple minded (greed) focus that we are at today!
Wed., Feb 16, 2022.
The COLOUR captured my attention. why not being used? there is a bitcoin version! can we use it to "pay" (share) tasks, needs, when not IN our own community? Future research and invention needed here.
Mar 1 .. no QR for me .. that was the EVIL vax passport!
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Things are looking VERY bad .. nothing makes sense. We shut down the world fearing viruses and germs but teach NOTHING about hygiene or sanitary habits? Sure wash your hands every 5 minutes and polute the water table with soapchemicals .. but no clue how filthy the graound and shoes are? You mean I am supposed to learn a special way of sneezing so I do not touch my mouth .. but it is ok to bring men's sit off the sidewalk in my house. I am the only weirdo I know who RELIGIOUSLY removes shoes before entering my actual germ free place. People's germ habits are disgusting.. you place your groceries on the sidewalk or store floor then on your counter. Why are you not dead from disease transmission, dog poo and those incessant spitting men?
I know we are brain dead .. ALL of us. Why? This behaviour has disgusted me and kept me from having anyone in my home forever. YET .. it was only recently I realized .. ohhh! BRILLIANT me, I am such a SAINT removing shoes and washing hands, disinfecting anything entering my ANTI germ capsule .. when do I clean my bathroom tap? Never? when did I clean my cell phone? (I do now) but still forget to clean that tap every day! Brain Dead .. even those of us who LIKE TO THINK, who question dn wonder and our curious hoping to finally find truth .. we too are BRAIN DEAD. (see reasons link later)
So here is the mission of this site .. in a word "to restore basic quality of life for all (QoL for all)"
whether unintended consequence of more profit OR pure evil malice? .. maybe some of both?
the goal for only profit .. was SHALLOW success
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
We all want the same .. but left brain is faster and less patient. Please learn from our painstaking research and investigation!
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
" He says so many modern evangelicals lack long-term memory, (LACK RIGHT HEMISPHERE??) which comes from having a clear Christian identity shaped by the gospel. This Christian identity is not just individualistic, but shaped primarily through community—the church. " from this article
why did women's lib have to become a demonization of men? Another gone too far extreme .. of our "progress" society that has no common sense or reason.
men and women were NEVER designed the same (thank god!) .. different basic foundation! even THAT we have no respect for. Men STILL are basically hunter gatherer, protector. When they can't be .. they feel failures.
Only a new Foundation for learning .. doing things a new SIMPLER way will work. More like re-pioneering and then a REVISED Capitalism where no one starves or has no shelter. But it involves using SCIENCE, actually learning about people's OBSESSIONS and using them to our advantage. Instead of distrusting the experts. Yes Harvard lied about Heart Disease cause .. but that means investigate, do not just believe, what is the agenda of this "information"?
Life is so complicated today because YES! most things are lies! A Left Hemisphere brain will just ignore all complication and move ahead. But that is why we are IN THIS MESS! Without using what we all used to have .. RIGHT HEMISPHERE brain wiring, we will not survive. The Right hemisphere of our brain wiring contemplates causes and consequences. It thinks about The RESULTS of ACTIONS BEFORE PUTTING THEM IN MOTION. Sadly most of that RIGHT Side Brain Wiring has been destroyed by "progress". Continuing down our selfish thoughtless path ensures our DEMISE.
Things are so bad in our society because our brains are no longer BALANCED. The Thinkers hate the action Doers and vice versa. Because this seems completely hopeless, the only possibility to save us is FINALLY USING WHAT WAS DICOVERED what? 110 years ago? The quantum universe! we get what we focus on. Focusing on self, and our own desires of course will magnetize a better life! Worrying about consequences and wondering about causes is harder and creates indecision. Our only hope is believing we too deserve decent quality of life .. and stemming our fear and awareness .. seeing only the possibility we can build a better society CONTEMPLATING AND ACTING together.
Thurs. Jan 20, 22.
You tube divers found mom missing 4 years Waco Texas. .. what? police gave up? Why did youTube guys find right away? No real care or respect by police maybe? .. "Just pay me .. I really have no respect or care for my job" ...?? Good, thanks for sharing now get out, and ONLY thinking Right hemisphere people MUST TAKE YOUR PLACE. No Left brain should EVER be in then Law and order justice system. Good/evil is NOT black and white simple. It is GREY. But then neither choose an extreme thinker, choose balance but toward right brain person. A pure Thinker would just have a heart attack with worrying they got it wrong.
She had discussed suicide and police never checked roads to drive car into lake? Her poor kids, nobody cared. She was white but poor?
Health Coaches teaching FUNCTIONAL medicine .. (My Body Detective) MbD, not MD Disease/drug
B Corp PLUS .. fair taxes paid , Employees respected, natural resources managed ethically, yet with philanthropy to others CERTIFIED .. (to use our products or) in order to be identified with us. (sponsors)
Total Societal Health RE-education with "Gift of Calm" TV also provides a way to communicate with our "Church Library Cafe" SIMPLE community!
see Willian Penn's Philadelphia .. Quakers
Instead of extremes (black vs white, "fast, instant modern" vs old fashioned slow) why not middle ground .. GREY, instead of black or white extreme opposites? we seem a society intent on being EXTREME with everything, we have, do, or say!
Watching the movie Amish Abduction made me realize "No thanks, I could NOT live THAT simply." But why must it be "either our ridiculousness / or intense simplicity"!?? Why can it not be "BETWEEN" the insanity of our digital DYSTOPIA and the austerity of (Mennonite) life. Maybe we can be more like the "Hundred things" people? (sorry but for me ONE of those things is my thousands of books and magazine's. THAT COUNTS AS ONE FOR ME!! You be quiet about use an iPad instead .. you keep your iPad out of my sight! Ok you will no doubt have your 100 shoes, or ear rings obsession)
Except our mission is NOT mere words on a page like most today .. so sad! We will actually work to create these goals. Ethics have been replaced by mere survival, making it harder to look out for others .. OR PURELY SELFISH GREED.
Never mind the Environmental mess that we Boomers have created .. our Social and Economic SYSTEM'S HEALTH are also in free fall! WE have destroyed REAL quality of life for all. (QoL for all)
Sun. Mar 13, 2022. To my new 'Future Friend" .. Ignore this section and move on if a RANT is NOT what you need right now. Be sure to just skim this site .. to find what you need, when you need it. Hmm! brilliant new idea .. maybe this is a RECIPE book, where you choose what looks good when you feel like that ?recipe or formula. ie ranting, calming, or just steps take for good (food or) life. (Book) Site will be in constant revision and correction phase for now. See the dropdown "chapters" at top of web page. If I wait til this is perfect to publish who knows what will have befallen us. We may be living in SPACE by the time this is PERFECT or close.
To Survive the mess we have made, young people will have to sacrifice (FOR A BIT). How fair is that? Totally unfair! .. since it is us old guys who never listened to any common sense ever? We went right on ignoring anything that slowed "progress" and profit .. regardless of the enormous damage we were doing. We damaged EVERY SINGLE THING relating to QUALITY OF LIFE. A bigger cruise ship, or more glamorous car, or bigger house in the suburbs is NOT what creates quality of life! We destroyed our TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH with our shallow extreme desire for bigger, and better. If we only collapsed society for us .. fine .. but what about those coming along after us?
How interesting and STRANGE .. we spoke of wanting BETTER for our kids .. what HYPOCRITES! We acted ONLY with no thought to consequences, which surely makes everything worse. I know, I know .. we were not the CEO's making decisions, but we went right ahead and bought in to all we were "sold". Our only OUT from total GUILT, is that I truly believe there was systematic plan to fry our brains. Sugar destroys brain wiring, why does it have 64 different names? So we really can't avoid it? Less brain wer in the masses gives big corporations more control! With simple brains we would pay no attention to what was REALLY happening.
I wonder if subliminal advertising was ever REALLY stopped or just the beginning of all the never ending SCAMS we were sold? We even let Corporations take over Education and taught only what fit the agenda of the multinationals. But University was what you had to do for our own hopeful success, right? While all the most important courses were removed. (I was a High school teacher so I watched it all happening. You must go to college .. yet recent grads of even Business Degrees are delivering food! I know Tim's Coffee people who are ENGINEERS! So it is a generalization to blame us boomers but we were surely asleep and CERTAINLY NOT PAYING ATTENTION or THINKING FAR.
Even those of us old BOOMERS pretending we never really were part of this agenda are QUILTY. I lived a simple life and had NONE of the luxury mentioned above, BUT my Teacher's Pension surely benefited from Corporate greed. I once asked at a Annual shareholder meeting why we did not lessen our own pension payout, since there would not be enough left to pay the young teachers. What an idiot .. I was totally oblivious to the fact there was ONLY one agenda .. tunnel vision toward PROFIT NOW .. no REAL vision to the future. FAIR was never a part of the world I delusionaly lived in.
But rather than evil .. did corporate brains ALSO get fried? We created so many toxins with our shallow "progress". Maybe they never even realized they were frying their OWN brain wiring TOO. Sugar, search, stress, simplifying to cope .. everything destroys our brain wiring today. But the scariest is 5 G. If microwaves were considered bad for us .. do we not even understand what 5 G, a million x worse will do to our HUMAN INTELLIGENCE? Those (EMF's) are flying through our brain NON STOP.
Focusing on 2 people's belief of "me first screw you" destroyed western society. Can we rebuild it with a NEW commandment, CERTIFIED members and investors .. and our "church"?
We ignored Rachel Carson and kept right on disrespecting our planet I wasted 70 years WONDERING and complaining .. "but why does it not work? It is not fair!" So before I leave the "party" .. let's USE all the ideas I had how things could be better and then YOU can keep on replicating whatever REALLY WORKS! I wanted to be an Architect, Design spaces for living comfortably and conveniently but also beautifully. Only recently I am realizing I just broadened the desn the architectural system design to include the human community instead of just one family's space. Here is complaint #1 .. why am I only learning what I am good at 7 decades later? What kind of an Education system is that? Besides studying OURSELF we should have been taught how to BUILD our health. Our body is ALSO our house! And we can create one like the old architecture lasting 100's of years WELL, or build with today's garbage and fall apart in a few years! I have not even looked at this site for years but there may be something there for you .. my first OBSESSION. (link)
Mon. May 23, 2022.
Enough with the phony "virtue signalling". Like when a company takes credit for all the work their employees did on their OWN time, like finding donors for a race they went into to raise funds. Then the corporation promotes it like THEY are the good one, when it is their PEOPLE that are the kind giving ones!
For us to buy from or work for a company .. they must work to be CERTIFIED FAIR R3 C6. Imagine if uncertified companies could not get workers! Amazon with no WAREHOUSE staff .. yey!
FAIR R3 C6 Certified
R3 = Respect self, others and the environment. Take Personal Responsibility for self, others and the environment. Focus constantly on far better Resource Management.
C6 = consider opposing ideas, contemplate causes and consequences, compromise and collaborate
Friday, July 1, 2022.
no C 8 .. conclude the "thinking" as in DECIDE and act. Plus most important CONSERVE what we have and even create NEW RESOURCES, instead of destroy everything as we have.
Thurs. May 12, 2022.
If you read my old writing pages, undated, there is way too much complaining and SEEING everything that is WRONG. The I spent time trying to organize those thousand stupid things I saw
Is there a common denominator? This is a rough unfinished page but the BASE problem has to do with a Focus on SELF (profit?), and SHALLOW EXTREME solutions, causing great quality of life insecurity and its overwhelming STRESS. A SHALLOW, SELF ABSORBED, UNTHINKING society can only collapse.
Let's leave out the unthinking greedy ones from our Community! Those that say "He is homeless? He should have worked hard .. like me!" ARE NOT WELCOME. They can FIRST try harder to RESPECT others.
Everyone of us, even very autistic or disabled has things of value we can trade. those people with (. ) are the happiest most loving people and we will all NEED that as we struggle to right the upside down world! No matter what faults or "disability" we have, We ARE all "special" with different special skills, talents, expertise. OMG!! THAT is our DIVERSITY, not M F , gay, latino or aboriginal. Those DIVISIONS and demonization's are all the SAME. But if we separate us and pretend it is diversity the power structure is far safer from us STRIKING against them. Our DIVERSITY is in our different ABILITIES! Together they can create a society FAR MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN WE HAVE HAD. If we put those DIVERSE skills together, we can create a society that has QUALITY of LIFE FOR ALL of US!
STOP LETTING THEM DIVIDE US UNDER PRETENSE OF "DIVERSITY". It is just another CON to keep us POWERLESS and controlled! There are MORE of us kind, considerate still THINKING beings, than the LOUD, self absorbed, wanting fame and power mean people. The ones we hear screaming are NOT US! We are the quiet church mice, never seen or invited .. JUST DOING ALL THE WORK (? of keeping worse critters under control?) WE QUIT GUYS .. the masses .. do all the work .. keep everything going .. yet get ZERO RESPECT. We will strike by sticking together. All our time and skills are shared in OUR bank or stock market! Blockchain ledger will let us do that .. or something like it using less POWER!! There are still good companies that will partner with us.
We build our OWN Monaco right in our community. But our WEALTH will be quality of life NOT stupid $, that do not even allow food and shelter for its workers. We are not protestors or a disruptive force .. we just take back our Personal RESPONSIBILITY which THEY counted on us losing. As others see how we'll our SYSTEM works, they WANT TO become individual Members and Business Partners
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.