Tues. May 10, 2022.
Humanity is connected! Like by the fungus, connecting every TREE in a FOREST. when something is missing every tree suffers. When something is toxic it is passed to the forest. Mean stress energy can take down a group of people .. but kindness or even a smile can LIFT EVERY ONE"S SPRITS. This INCREASES the resources available to the WHOLE group. We can MAGNIFY or increase our energy or decrease the energy vibration by "taking each other down" with meanness.
But they are really made up of ENERGY .. a vibration .. and I guess the vibrations are all connected, so that we really CAN affect things and beings. (mood ring and "pendulum psychic".) feb 5/22 unedited page
Mon. May 2, 2022. So very much to learn here. Fascinating .. trying to find out about different energy balances.. can we make MORE energy?? .. if we smile and show kindness seems we should "INCREASE GOOD VIBRATIONS". If we are grouchy and "negative" (there is a time and place to talk about our existential CRISIS and it is NOT when it will ruin dinner, bringing everyone DOWN) it will decrease our energy balance I would think.
Quantum Physics is also about different realities. This is starting to get Scarry .. because I am seeing weird things I have never seen in my life. Like the jets regularly flying by, getting bigger, whiter and easier to read. What? Did they buy all new jets? I did not think Porter Airlines was doing well? Things inanimate things making noises, like near my fridge and a cleaning car ; <> .. ok I am literally "gone crazy" ..but I prefer to think we are moving into another level of CONSCIOUSNESS. ... : - < ??
Oct 23/21 .. I have no idea what I am talking about. I have just begun to hang onto (quantum mechanics?) all the science and spirituality converging stuff, and I am making stuff up just to keep myself going. Sorry .. if we can not listen to each other, in order to share our opposite hemisphere Brain Asset .. I see no hope. Both Hemispheres, "thinkIng and then acting" are REQUIRED BY ALL of us, at the same time! Especially big actions require contemplation of causes and consequences. because we no longer do this nothing makes sense or is just and fair. It is just not so simple as Goof vs evil but that surely does make life easy. Hence profit is good .. and in that OCD tunnel many many mistakes are made. IT is actually TOO LATE. Only this new science stuff is possible a way out.
Without hope we see little reason to live. So I am just grabbing anything that can either give a feeling of CONTROL or some light at the tunnel of HELL end .. out of the Digital Dystopia we have created. All of this ?,.m/////////////quantum energy area is my new obsession, but I wish I had more time to research it. Until then, please forgive my ramblings until we get a better UNDERSTANDING of what is NOW POSSIBLE. My fear is that no one will listen to McGilchrist's Biology DISCOVERY. Then my making that science into an everyday "conflict formula" can NOT save us. I could have the solution to NOT falling off the cliff but if no one will listen to another direction .. off the cliff we go. Maybe particle wave energy lets some of us go a better direction AWAY form the imminent cliff.
Thinkers take the time, energy and perseverance for curiosity and new discovery. If only Action minds could respect us enough to listen and CONSIDER other facts! If our discoveries can NOT be listened to, contemplated and more simple ideas reconsidered with more depth .. Action Brains will take us over "the Edge". That makes compassion hard! But we must build it. We would not yell at a guy in a wheelchair for having a hard time getting down a curb. That is our friends who have ACTION wiring brains. I so hope there is still some balance left in many of the masses.
Saturday, Oct 23/21
Just had the weirdest experience AGAIN. The very weirdest was when the dead talked to me about 3 months ago. Today, I went to our St Lawrence Market which on a Sat. so busy, feels a bit like stepping back in history. But it can not compare to my beloved Phila and NYC. I have not been where I would have my energy replenished every few months for 2 1/2 YEARS!! I am going more crazy than I usually am! I made up the fact about the energy infusion .. but it did FEEL like ?Prozac on STEROIDS? so I would tell people about it. The infusion was not physical energy but spirit or HOPEFUL energy!
Strangely when I am in my (Thin place .. where heaven is closer to earth!) nothing can bring me down. And the things I am sensitive to in Toronto do not bother me. I go from Crotchedy miserable complaining yelling old lady to "it's all good" singing Bob Marley "don't worry .. be happy". In sharing with you I realize how NOT ME THAT IS!! I get the trophy for worrying! So Phila NYC energy vibration FOR ME .. raised my spirits such that it continued for weeks once back to Toronto before wearing off. Luckily different people find their PLACE in other areas. Mine is the east coast where America was founded, probably why I want to REBUILD a pioneer colony for us to survive with simplicity and less complex "systems".
So to replace my regular NYC/ Phila energy infusions, I have been searching for mini places that lift my spirits with SIMILAR good energy (see Thin Places). Since paying more attention to good vs bad energy vibration I have been noticing new things. Do you ever feel like you have TRANSPORTED to somewhere else?? I never have until covid made us prisoners! Every once in awhile I FEEL like I am somewhere else. just for a moment but I can feel the energy of that OTHER place. Since I have been paying more attention it is happening MORE. It is not like the memories we are used to always having, as in "this reminds me of .." .
Strangely it was more like I was floating and I FELT like I was actually somewhere else. For a brief moment I felt like I was in Phila's Redding terminal, or Union Square NYC or then walking in Northern Liberties. it was so strange because I just FELT like I was there .. not so positive exactly where, but almost maybe how a ghost would feel, floating around. In writing this to you .. it is making even more of an IMPRESSION. HOW COOL WAS THAT?? Maybe when the "dead talked to me" (link) it really did lighten me up? An old guy with a bad stroke, in my nursing home who barely knew me (but we hit it off) said "TAKE A CHILL PILL, lady". I laughed so hard .. how could he perceive me so correctly so fast. Between him and "the dead people" maybe lightening up let's you see and FEEL new things? How cool is that.
Let's work to learn how to "TRANSPORT OURSELVES" ON CUE! .. whenever we want to ESCAPE!!
Sat. Feb. 5, 22 .. first iteration! no even rough edit
Saw his name on CP24 .. terrified he died .. just sold his songs .. is still ALIVE!
strange .. my first LOVED song .. sobbed so hard because remembering listening on the radio or maybe first "walkman"? walking FAR to the neighbours on the farm. Life has changed SO MUCH. The losses FAR outweigh ANY stupid app "progress" we think we have made into digital DYSTOPIA. Why could e not use the amazing internet as a TOOL instead of turning it into bevel itself, sure google, just Scarry! Don't be evil as you are most evil of all! (Re APP stupidity, Except maybe Shazam! recognizing a song to then hear again or buy it .. is so awesome!)
what was strange is my BODY could not sing! My MIND had stolen the ability of my PHYSICAL body. I mean I wanted to be a rock star! because my mind was broken .. not my BRAIN .. my mind could actually take away my ability to sing! I do not need to listen to my mean kids. Sure I was only in a SMALL festival but I was the second best singer ALWAYS. Darn that Rosalie Acheson!. If you took the worst person at Karaoke .. in this GRIEF moment although I was attempting to give that song what I loved .. NOTHING in the notes was working. Weird .. so this proves do NOT INVOLVE YOURSELF WITH THINGS THAT WUILL BRING YOU DOWN. Just stop listening for now .. come back later ready to withstand the grief. You can control your mind to overpower the grief .. but only if you are ready .. not when it seizes your mind UNEXPECTEDLY. So Guard your mind .. that is why they say "watch your thoughts and words"! Your mind will sneak off in directions you lose CONTROL of. Can we think of our mind as an UNTRAINED DOG? We need a LEASH to watch where it goes .. but also DISCIPLNE. We need to train dogs .. but first we should put energy into training our mind. (maybe then dogs would also be better disciplined!)
Ok the grief in my MIND seized control of my BODY so let's reverse this or use with the BRAIN. My brain goes to worries and solutions so I should use my MIND to sometimes STOP this physical activity just breathe or take time to look after SELF. If you are Right brain you forget yourself, your SELF is important too! If I can stop my singing I should be able to stop my usual activity seek problem/ find solution. My BRAIN just does that like some of us can easily play the piano. STOP the worry (find solution) ACTION .. and TAKE A BREAK .. take a chill pill. Our MIND CONTROL can be the chill pill. Right now .. stop what we are doing and let's actually feel our body BREATHE. And CLEAR your mind .. literally .. like when we turn our computer OFF to get it to work better! Hah .. good analogy eh?
others feel the same .. comment from "brokemyhip" ?2008?
"My father's last night on earth was Dec 18 1997. I got the call he was being made to be comfortable. I walked in an knew it was going to the last night. This was one of his favorite songs. So I loaded my portable CD player and played this song using my headphones. I set the headphones are N top of his head. My father absolutely relished this song into his soul. This was a comfort that I could offer as it was my way of saying goodbye pops...he laid there smiling. It was an unexpecting surprise because very few people knew it was his favorite song. He passed away 4 hours. I hope that this song resonated through eternity though the outer limits of time. Miss you always Dad. See you on the flip side."
3? sides? Thanks Sean at TD bank .. very insightful. In today's division apparently there are only 2 sides. Eg. Cashews are good (for "depression") or BAD (shells are toxic to workers .. so you are EVIL for eating them!). Damn, it is all so CONFUSING. So they (Shallow brains) demonize sides .. mask no mask .. when life is FAR MORE COMPLICATED. Lucky people who can simplify it so easily.
vibrational ENERGY
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Your October Monthly Horoscope: Why are the simplest things sometimes so difficult? Why do we end up wrestling with problems that we should be able to sweep aside? There are lots of different theories. Some people think the cosmos consciously clouds our judgment. Or creates situations that test us. That may, or may not be true. Yet, every so often, we get a lucky break. We see what's going on, we know what we need to do, and we can make everything OK. October brings clarity. You'll find yourself able to sort out your difficulties and fulfil a dream! PS. With 4 planets turning direct this month, transformation is the cosmic invitation. And with 50% off all in-depth personal chart readings, the time to bless yourself with a very special gift is now! Plus three free Tarot readings and 14 days free access to our 5 Star Service.
Saturday, 16 October 2021
Your Weekly Horoscope: When Mercury begins to move forwards, you'll know as much as you need to know. Will that make you more content? Or will you still think you need to know more? If you can stop thirsting for additional information for long enough to process what you've already learned, you'll realise that you're perfectly positioned to draw a conclusion. It's time to stop wrestling with imponderables and instead, have faith in the fact that you're on the right path. You have everything you need to start reaching for your innermost heartfelt goal.
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
We believe we have a lot of knowledge, yet in reality, we don't know as much as we think. This has nothing to do with a lack of information. Sometimes, the facts can be staring us in the face but we still can't see them. Our biases and our presumptions are too powerful. Even if we sense that we've misjudged something, our minds overrule our feelings. That's why we sometimes trip ourselves up. The Full Moon heightens your sensitivity. Learn from the events that take place today. Have the courage to follow your instincts. They're right. -- Sent from my phone PS. With 4 planets turning direct this month, transformation is the cosmic invitation. And with 50% off all in-depth personal chart readings, the time to bless yourself with a very special gift is now! Plus three free Tarot readings and 14 days free access to our 5 Star Service.
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.