Sat. June, 4, 2022 .. sorry obviously never completed.
Mon. July 4, 2022 Akron Ohio protests. Jayland's parents (he want be peaceful .. ) Yup sounds like a HORRIBLE bad guy and family. I am getting REALLY scared of police. If I ran away they might even shoot and ld WHITE lady .. so CONTROL FREAK. As we question things they have gotten worse. Will check again any info in canada about 27 year old shot Bec carrying BB gun. UNBELIEVABLE! EVEN WORSE HERE! YUP! NOTHING! nothing more .. so they can kill you even if it looks like you MIGHT be causing trouble and you are never heard from again. Yes, surely everything is working JUST FINE, eh? .. simply terrifying.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Sun. June 12, 2022.
Sorry but if a person writes a BOOK it takes years and is very hard! It takes me 30 minutes or less to write a rant on my site. Why the hell should you LISTEN to me? What do I know? well I have been curious about all of this for many many decades and researched obsessively, but there is ALWAYS more to learn (or biases that must be unearthed, in myself too!) You find what you WANT to find, to agree with your view.
But here is an example of why I hate web stuff .. how do we know they know correct info? This article on Left and Right brain is HUGELY outdated and only talking about what McGilchrist SAYS to throw out! I contacted them and gave them a heads up to his neuroscience research. Will they revise their work? But sorry do not call yourself BRAIN FIT .. and not know all about brains. At least I have an excuse. My work is about TOTAL Societal Health which is all of life. And why we will need bazillions of Human INTELLIGENCE "analysts" to find the best INTELLIGENCE on everything .. so we actually get TRUE answers vs advertised junk "info". Basing the internet's info on advertising was the biggest mistake ever. (If I was better at sales my idea might have worked in 1996 when I first approached Bell Canada re our YELLOW PAGES.) Remember those days, probably not eh? too young!
Tues, Mar 8, 2022.
I could never figure out why MANY doctors and nurses never died? They handled covid face on, day in day out. ..?
.. and why did people look at me like I was crazy when I said Heart disease kills way more?.. and that is only old people .. while covid was said to be the cause when people were actually very sickly and would have also died from flu. So far more die from Heart disease but the numbers are actually not correct! But people look at me vacantly .. at least OLD people I should say. (What the heck is going on? "They" want to kill us .. by driving us insane, seeing NOTHING MAKES SENSE!
UNBELIEVABLE .. WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS .. yet for us zombies GOOGLE pg ONE .. is the word of god
"People also ask
What is a good upload speed?
Does upload speed matter?
Is 21mbps upload speed good?
4-6 mbps: Will provide a good Web surfing experience. ... 6-10 mbps: Usually an excellent Web surfing experience. Generally quick enough to stream a 1080p (high-def) video. 10-20 mbps: More appropriate for a "super user" who wants a reliable experience to stream content and/or make fast downloads.Jul 1, 2015
Even if google's info above was just an "upload vs download" complete MISTAKE .. THE NUMBERS ARE VERY WRONG. I have 20 gig DOWN-load and doubt it is great. Apple has been messing with EVERYTHING .. but still this 1/3 of the way down page one GOOGLE is terrifying .. what else have I believed I LEARNED that was total NONSENSE. Errors are fine .. I make a million, but I am NOT on page one of what should have been an ENCYCLOPEDIA of wisdom and expertise! Instead digital dystopia is just sharing anybody and everybody's garbage. I can NOT wait for the day when all my work is checked and rechecked by people PAID to find truth and correctness. sorry right now nothing is edited or even COMPLETE. We will get there! with lots of jobs created!
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
seriously .. I am supposed to ACCEPT we are brain dead zombies and QUIT complaining! Accept the fact. Move on. Yes I better, because my entire body is stressed at the stupidity. I guess my son loved her pancake syrup and it was a ritual for him, so he is saving his last bottle.
WE have lost our friggin MINDS! NOPE!! Not this time .. can't believe anything we hear OR read!! Just ignore everything! Be a zombie too. Aunt Jemma .. mammy, I have no time to seriously research but it would make more sense that back before Emmet Till was murdered .. her recipe would just be STOLEN. (She was just a model and her story was made up.)
Feb 1, 2022 .. from CTV News, Jan 24/22 ??
"A total of 16,151 Canadians died in 2020 due to COVID-19, making it the third leading cause of death that year. COVID-19 accounted for 5.3 per cent of all deaths in Canada, behind cancer and heart disease, which accounted for 26.4 per cent and 17.5 per cent of deaths, respectively." PLEASE .. tell me if I am wrong!
So 5X as many die from cancer and 3X as many from heart disease .. but let's shut the world down in fear!! Oh MY god!!
and let's be completely terrified of strangers .. yet we get in their car for a ride and sleep in their house (air bnb) ?? It is all so mind boggling! Please could I get OFF this planet NOW? This is my stop, Energy Transport!
They jerk us around with the BOLD heading .. totally opposite to the FACT statistic below! para 4?
seriously 6 inch long nails? oh well .. stop .. we can not change them .. just begin a new life OUTSIDE the nonsense. NOT as Victorian stuck up too serious people, just more AWARE of what has real importance
Tues, mar 8, 2022.
Non of these promote REAL equality .. there purpose is purely to divide. Diversity .. hah! you mean "keeping us all separate, hating each other?" Pushing people too far gets their back up .. or at least I am against no one .. but when you start shoving nonsense down my throat .. I get mean. Surely I am not the only one? OMG .. is that what happened in the south? Their shallow brains (Left brain Religious conservatives SIMPLIFY things) they feared blacks and the more equality was pushed on them .. the more REAL Racists dug in their heals. YIKE!!
Women's Lib has gone from fairness to women to UNFAIRNESS (demonization) of men. Gay compassion has gone to idiocy of questioning "feelings" at 6 years old. Myself, coming from the stigma of misappropriated "mental" illness, why do we not accept the PILL and all our other toxins have messed up our brains and sexual tendencies? Instead of encouraging questioning which sex a child "feels" .. we should be researching, and studying all the ways we have messed up our minds and bodies.
For centuries most people were either male or female and all of a sudden us SPECIAL modern humans have decided this M/F is not NORMAL? My different brain was considered ABNORMAL because I think too much .. causing despair and anxiety. That makes it something WRONG with me? But wanting sex with the wrong body match is not ALLOWED to even be considered ABNORMAL? That makes you a mean evil person. Why are people with different brain functioning STIGMATIZED .. but weird sex is just fine? We should be LEARNING WHY this has become so common .. instead of demonizing those who dare to say this is not NORMAL. No one should be stigmatized ... but REAL humanity (that is supposed to be INTELLIGENT) .. should want to know "WHY?"
Face it ! we have destroyed NORMAL and instead of investigating and fixing our failures we write it off that we are all special? We ARE all special .. special at having fried our brains so that NONE of us are NORMAL anymore. Normal is not a bad word! It lets us group things. Grouping things makes life easier because things are made more orderly.
I'm sorry but if 6 or 7 of 10 of the immigrants in this community are loud and seem rude and sticking together with their OWN language, then they ARE! generalizing is NOT racism. We are turnigneverything inside out! it is pure insanity. In fact it really has to be that this is a PLAN. people so divided do not work together against the power structure. Beware .. we may already be too late. So .. Don't go telling me I am racist or hate immigrants or whatever nonsense our MEDIA SAG (screaming attention getters) say. Just remind your friends to not be rude and loud just out of common OLD FASHIONED civility! Remember GENERALIZING is not "racism". Calling everything "racism" is entitled white people talking, who really have never felt such pain and sadness as REAL racism.
Fri. March 11, 2022 ("Good People" are those who consider other's wellbeing ..NOT just their own)
Maybe stressed people seem selfish because they are just trying to cope! Life is so stressful today. Maybe we get shallow (or stupid) because we have no TIME to even think! Always .. I need to REMEMBER and learn to be more EMPATHETIC to people who are just stressed seeming rude in order to cope.
The people the media focuses on are not so nice .. always extreme and yelling. We can't learn if we won't listen. Screaming makes me want to pay NO ATTENTION. But these people screaming indignities themselves about others failures just need ATTENTION I guess? Celebrity and "fame". The selfish ones are loud, the shallow ones are screamers and then we MISTAKENLY think this is all of society .. everybody is yelling at everybody. Is it a plan to make us give up? They give 2 minutes of the evening news to us. The kind giving volunteering people they belatedly mention is probably us Worrier / Thinkers. Kind, giving considerate people they feature for a minute! Media focuses on the loud ones wanting attention, the selfish, shallow screamers who make a MESS of our world! Our leaders are screamers .. NOT LEADERS AT ALL. Each wants their own way with no thought to compromise. It is true we really have to quit the news, since it twists our brain to make us think we are them.
There are definitely ordinary people who need to WAKE UP and look at their behaviour .. like the lady in the coffee shop that I was just in. WE remember HER .. (the awful people), and forget the 9 nice people that had CIVIL behaviour. "Sorry lady you are not nice .. if you are? USE YOUR DAMN BRAIN TO THINK ABOUT HOW LOUD YOU ARE! Do other people not matter? are YOU all that is important?" All you could here is her. I guess the other 9 people get no right to enjoy a quiet stressless moment? For us quiet thinkers she creates anxiety. Others were talking but in normal CONSIDERATE voices! Unable to hear each other of course.
So, Loud Lady .. are you purely selfish or just OBLIVIOUS? Want to be part of the community we build? OBLIVION to others well being is totally UNACCEPTABLE. We all make mistakes .. maybe get loud .. but an apology and more civil behaviour moving forward is what HUMANITY used to be. Have we lost our humanity? I fear that had I asked her to quiet down I WOULD BE THE PROBLEM, and altercation would result! Is that what a "karen" is? How backwards are we? This is why I have a website mostly saying we are purely selfish or just no longer smart. I must go back and remove a lot of this .. because I keep forgetting the LOUD ones are not the REAL PEOPLE. Us quiet mouse masses who still are decent "old Fashioned" people, who are considerate of others .. we are the REAL PEOPLE so there is still HOPE!
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
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Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
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How does that make sense? We lose our quality of life .. while others profit off our body.
In the 50's, I wondered why people ate Kraft Dinner or TV dinners with chemicals added, or chips and COKE!! How could they possibly be thinkng they were building a good body that would serve them well? What I did NOT know is we were on a path designed to have us QUIT THINKNG. Thinkng people are problematic to those in power. We figure out the flaws, and since their only goal is profit and power .. best to destroy brain wiring in every way possible.
A good body that works well must be built out of good BUILDING BLOCKS! Maybe that was always so weird to me because I loved Architecture and design AND had an interest in nutrition as well. But back then Health Foods were demonized, no, we were made fun of .. were we the hippies, wanting to eat off the land? Of course .. the purpose of sugar (and coke chemicals) were to make us addicted. Addicted people eat more and then BUY MORE. What we (or maybe they) never realized, is that it was WORSE than buying more cookies or fries! Destroying our will power and self discipline would serve the power structure PERFECTLY. Then .. also not being physically healthy they could profit off ways to supposedly make us better. Medicine began with a good purpose but has lost its way long ago.
I am very fearful that the immense damage sugar and chemicals have done to our BRAIN WIRING can no longer be reversed. Sugar has 54 (64?) different names and we eat many many times more of it today than as pioneers. As well search and stress have ALSO destroyed our thinkng brain wiring. And I do not see us quitting if even our physical HEALTH could not make us stop. So we are a society warned about the pitfalls of convenience food, and we paid no attention. I see old people in this "nursing home" (never NEVER go to a Chartwell) eat the garbage food they are used to, and most are on tons of PRESCRIPTIONS! And so many are senile. Maybe the purpose of me being scammed to move here (55 SEMI REIRED ACTIVE living (yeah sure) was to see how bad old people really are after decades FLOLLOWING THE AGENDA with no protest. (By PROTEST I mean SACRIFICE! Protests don't work! Quit buying their crap! When you buy you are part of it. They can't make us sick if we buy only REAL farm food .. not farms owned by Galen Weston and A D M. (Of course the problem is half of us can only AFFORD Kraft dinner. So it is even more important for those of us WITH $ to sacrifice!
.. we have NO MIND OF OUR OWN .. or we don't use it. Actually our brain is gone, so the only one benfiting is the power structure (government in bed with big corporations). Government was supposed to be BY the real people, FOR the real people. Hah! and you wonder why America is crashing? The Forefathers must be TURNING IN THEIR GRAVES! Exactly what they left England for (freedom) is what we just went back to. Controlled poor people. We are not "free". Only wealth allows "freedom". But instead of WAR .. lets use the 110 year old particle theory! Different realities exist in both time and space, and we can TAKE CONTROL of the reality we WANT, a fair, kind, and decent place for ALL. seriously it is ok for us to live in a reality were somme are freezing and can not feed themselves .. while some baseball pitcher will now be paid $25 million per YEAR? .. and he probably pays less taxes than we do? How do we still call ourselves "humanity"?
With "social" plus an ad industry gone crazy we just do what we see and is supposedly the latest greatest thing. The Internet meant we no longer really NEEDED advertising. If the web had been organized under topics, then if we need diapers we go to that section to see everyone's website .. NO ADS NEEDED!! I thought advertising could DIE, instead it has what? quadrupled? Feels like 10x more of it. We are totally overwhelmed. Probably we NEED to be brain dead just to survive the overload. Instead of thinkng we just follow the crowd. No questioning, no critical thinkng if this IS in fact a good direction to go. Of course those who own most companies benefit greatly from our "sheep ant" behaviour! Is not too late fo us to rebel? I fear so ! Please .. prove me wrong. But if we create a quaker community, "they'll"
say we are like WACO .. and come and break us up .. ?
Action wiring is what "a control structure" wants. Thinkers are troublesome. Action minds think black and white right and wrong while thinkers know everything is grey, .. usually "between". it is so much easier to simplify good/ bad .. perfect for police and military. So that is a great way to control us! Fry our brain wiring so those who tend to be action minds forget to ALSO THINK. A Balanced brain society worked. The result of "Convenience Food Fried brains" has destroyed us. Can we quit, will our brain wiring be restored?
We are very bad looking into the future. Guess most of us just go the same way the school of fish is all swimming. Sory .. but I think back in the day when we stay ed more put not moving from place to place .. people got to KNOW us and CARE about us. It is easier to care for another when we KNOW them, saw them grow up, know their brother or mom.know their story a bit. It is much easier to NOT CARE when we know little about anybody. Everybody moved for a better job, more "OPPORTUNITY" and other scams we were taught. Hmm .. I guess every one of these inventions or progress are fine .. WHEN NOT TAKEN TO EXTREME in EXCESS. That is what killed us .. everything we invent we take to extreme!! "social" and cell phones are awesome. BUT NOT WHEN THEY BECOME LIFE ITSELF!!
and of course trip mobility polluted the environment. Trips are ok but I wish we were more RESPECTFUL! Going to the corner store with our car showed disrespect for the earth. Use your damn feet and lose weight while exercising! no .. I was the weird on "why didn't you drive?". I bet us Thinkers were the weird ones all our life. Had anyone listened we would NOT be in this mess.It is that DISRESPECT for OUR ABILITES, throwing us out as mental because we do not succeed like them .. THAT ENRAGES ME to no end. Go to hell Left brains .. we respected you all these years, not REALLY realizing your TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF OUR WORLD. Let's separate ourselves from that OLD dystopian society. Simple and better is what we build.
William penn had it exactly right .. and of course he was a quaker.
Buffalo Elliot square building beauty, once elevator invented, not so tall.
Now = "penis" envy (mine is tallest!) and PURE unadulterated greed
incomplete .. Fri. nov 19/20
fascinating! Again new invention but forgetting OLD NEEDS always part of life though history creates disaster! PRISONERS had the latest INVENTIONS and best quality of life, but in solitary confinement, no human connection made them go INSANE! (link)
Sat. Mar. 26, 2020 .. another BIG problem than my original title! Old people can not even TALK to young people because our references would make no sense. Even kids who are 30! probably NEVER played musical chairs. Even my 40 year old kids probably seldom did. Video games were just beginning!
OK back to this topic (do you see why my life is hell? why I cannot get bills paid .. or follow a task list? My life is a HELL of curiosity .. flying around in my head! There is a good reason they used to say "curiosity KILLED THE CAT!" PLEASE take my work and use it to help people! It surely RUINED having any order or "success" in my own life.
Ok .. a "MUSICAL CHAIR" Global economy or even USA.
Back when we still made up games with IMAGINATION, we lined up 1 too few chairs and walked around them. When the music stops, you grab a chair and SIT. SOMEBODY gets left without a chair and is OUT of the game. I compare this GAME to countries or states who do NOT cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy. They are left out when the (money) stops. Seems to me if "money" represents resources, then in a GLOBAL world there are ONLY "x" resources
Friday Nov 19/21 .. Way to depressing, (Kiel rittenhouse acquitted, it is ok to kill people for chasing you or hitting you and Ahmad Arbury's parents ministers are a Lynch mob .. omg.) "The woke left" is the insult we get, for being so bold and UNPATRIOTIC as to try thinking about things .. looking for REAL justice. Have you noticed we get called Karen's when we just want common decency and manners. They are doing wrong, but if we say so, then WE ARE THE EVIL?? "Reverse World" we need you to escape to! I will try harder to iGNORE, to not even listen to "news" .. to ACCEPT there is a terrible reality out there but we are going to just STEP OVER TO THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET! Oh boy .. this is hard. Please ignore me except when I make you feel. BETTER! Peek at below .. then do something you love and see the GREAT Reality we will build for us.
Sat Dec 4, 2021, The Crumps .. parents of Benjamin who killed 4 kids on Thursday, are not even "humans" anymore! My son says I am too judgemental and it is not MY business about many of these things that I rant about. But these are the events and people that CREATE the Society we are forced to live in!! It is my business! In Fact, it is therefore EVERYONE's business, and shirking the RESPONSIBILITY makes it totally irresponsible human behaviour!
I say they are not human because they seem to have not one iota of concern, not just for OTHER'S wellbeing, but they have no concept of compassion and worry for their own son! who does not feel fear and pain for their son's well being? That is not HUMAN! Yes, guess MY so is right I am judgemental! But god wants us to try to be like him .. kind and giving, so it is awful to see such uncaring complexly SELFISH behaviour. The selfless selfish spectrum gone EXTREME! Had my son written a note like that, I would have been HORRIFIED on SOOOOO many levels! .. Not the least of which .. how much pain that poor boy was in! His parents obviously had NEVER listened to anything he said .. or CARED to even TRY to understand. Instead they thought it was cool to buy him a GUN? What kind of idiot brainless inhumanity is that? And then they protect THEMSELVES at the school saying nothing, brushing off that note .. while their GUN is in his backpack??
I have been ranting that parents do not parent .. that they should need many many classes PASSED before getting the PRIVELEDGE to create an off spring. O M G .. I had NO IDEA, a person, let alone a "parent" like this could even exist. I thought today's parents only teach how SPECIAL their brat is .. but nothing about self discipline or responsibility. I would be charging THEM with murder and their son as the accessory, and not the "adult"!! It is ALL their fault! But we know the justice system especially is IDIOT.
His note was creative, was he Right brain? Did he see the chaos of the world? ("the world is dead") Surely his parents are LEFT Brain .. simple minded tunnel vision, with NO empathy. That poor kid! But we will not study this .. we will simply blame anything and everything .. BUT LEARN NOTHING. Just like Steven King said 43 YEARS AGO! ("The Stand" Ending)
sure I understand you want to protect self against too big "big brother" gov't . But this is a bridge too far!! Seriously .. just after this 15 years old 4 dead mess .. this is what you post? Again .. totally INHUMAN!! I am .. my mouth is hanging open. nOpe just enjoy every day because armegedon will be UGLY .. VERY UGLY. And that man is a part of government? But he was ELECTED .. so you chose this self absorbed insanity.
?Idiocy saying "I need a gun to protect myself". Yes maybe in your home, but not on the street where you can be frightened and OVER REACT.
stupidest thing I ever heard of. Let's blow our crap over to the neighbour or down the entire street when the wind picks up the mess I am making.
unbelievable .. no problem taking MY eye out I a wind gust eh? self absorbed evil? or very STUPID!
Nov 13 /21
what chance did Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer even maybe Cuomo have to prove their innocence? They were "Quilty" by SOCIAL screaming. I bet Elliot Spitzer wanted boo fix a unjust economy .. all of a sudden GONE disgraced. I wonder how many "disgraced " people were trying to do good? We have ALL done things we wish we had NOT. Does holding us purely guilty 20 years later have any justice or humanity in it? I think not! Plus if your voice is louder and faster than mine I can be TOTALLY innocent but YOU will win. Prosecution ;lawyers are action brains .. us thinkers are slower, terrible at defending ourselves. What a fascinating study to see how many NOT QUILTY but in jail .. or today just totally ruined by "social" .. are Right Hemisphere Thinkers!
PLUS .. There are different perspectives! Hell! my own kids see/ believe things that are JUST NOT TRUE! Why could a woman not READ more into a word or touch than was meant? My kids could have me in jail for what THEY believe to be true .. yet those 2 childhood beliefs are just WRONG. HMMM! I wonder how often a Left brain action person accuses someone WRONGLY and now social just runs with the simplicity of good/ evil. (Truck stop and "child abuse" link later)
And the worst of no more justice .. is that often the social screaming is at people who are RIGHT. The restaurant in Kitchener dragging out the handicapped man/ service dog is probably DONE being in business. Yet there is no VIDEO of the man cussing them out because they asked about the dog. Sorry .. but girls who pretend they have a service dog illegally .. I hope you go blind so you learn how awful it is too REALLY need one! Don't USE life for yourself, in such a shallow manner! Until you learn to be considerate and stop screaming at others while you yourself are selfish, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME on our reverse world island. Do not cheat for your own selfish reasons.
Sorry I think I rambled to a new topic. The restaurant was bad, but not evil. The guy was mean and I hate dogs in places WHEN THE WORLD IS SHUT DOWN FOR GERMS, VIRUSES. The Disabled guy was probably having a bad day and FEELING OUT OF CONTROL HE LASHED OUT. Maybe we have to stop and soothingly ask .. "Why are you lashing out? What is happening with your life right now? I am sorry that you are so stressed". I SHOULD have done that with my son yesterday. Always the victim of ACTION quick doers .. I lashed right back, and the situation went south quickly. Hmm .. I wonder if that would have worked? I think we lash out when we feel out of control, and yelling, or storming away makes us ?believ we regained control. Maybe breathing and then calmly thinkng why am I so upset? what can I do about it? Maybe calmly explain .. "no, we can't get together now .. too much is happening." Vs "you did this and that" .. which can often be traced to a few misunderstood words. The whole thing escalates and NO GOOD COMES OF IT. Also many battles are fought today because we are so stressed and overwhelmed we are in our own world! I probably was NOT listening carefully enough and then to a son it feels like another loss of control. a mom demanding attention when there is just NO attention left. ( see ways of attending Mc Gilchrist)
This is seriously the most EXPENSIVE book ever bought. like 25$ but like 40 pages .. OF THE BEST LIFE INSTRUCTION EVER! science based not preaching or Buddhism etc. (add link)
link .. yet half the people who SERVE you are just that.. lowly minimum wage losers. Wish we could all just QUIT and leave YOU in a panic. What?? Nobody delivering my food with dishes I can THROW AWAY?
I said we should trade our skills and improve ALL our quality of life. WHAT?? Yes some of our skills are more in demand, like paying 200$ for a big music concert etc. But seriously? If the world reported that about ME, I would be MORTIFIED. I would be saying 90% of it goes to help struggling people create income, feeling like a greedy evil person. What has happened to our humanity? How do you sleep at night having walked by even an addict homeless and live with your self? Did you pay taxes? Donate to those less fortunate? And I mean in the same or MORE way as POOR people do! 10$ donated form someone who has nothing from you is about 10 million$, Mr. Pitcher!
AHHH! But people in sports are "win/ lose" mentality!! Same old Left brain focus!! $ 25 million?? I deserve that he says, all those years practising, and people come to see ME, lots of jobs from ME. I think those people actually do NOT think past .."You should have tried harder, worked long and hard like me." If they thought for even a minute they would realize not all of us have the same skills and resources. Being easy going, not worrying about things, focused on one's goals makes life a LOT easier. If one worries about everything, OR is curious and wants answers that leaves less time and energy to focus on SELF. Yet those are the people who find scientific formulas and invent things. The action mind is NOT creative .. so Gove us a little credit too, Mr Pitcher!!
I have no interest in sports but remember when the TO Raptor's won the Basketball (title) on what 2 points? I remember thinkng O M G -- I would share that trophy with the other team. How am I the winner take all .. they go away the LOSER. Yet SOOOO very close? I do not understand the world. If you do .. lucky you! You are probably saying those are the rules so why not enjoy the win? Yup .. you are Left Brain .. which is good, your life is easier. But also why we have wars and relationship breakdowns. Mostly because we don't LISTEN to each other. As long as you heard my point, saw where I was coming from .. we would be good. But IGNORING the contemplative idea is NOT ALLOWED in a humane balanced world.
Walmart has trucks ON THE ROAD with NO PERSON. Now they have added DRONE delivery. If 9% of jobs are driving, transport, postal, other delivery .. that is a BIG problem!!
of course .. the bottom one injured. Action Brains love it .. win/ lose, simple. Thinkers wonder what it WRONG with these people. Hah! I bet the sports lovers never worry about all the concussions or joint pain endured by their football "heroes" in later years!
Sat., Feb 5, 2022 .. not even first edited. (NEFE) or NEE1
Truck protest .. You are NOT talking about FREEDOM . You are selfish and completely OBLIVIOUS to others wellbeing. If you really are continuing that HONKING .. you are psycotic, completely unaware of others tolerance of NOISE. Some of us are sensitive .. sensitive to EVERYTHING. That is why we are the PROBLEM SOLVERS .. you are just the simple DOERS. NO thinking going into YOUR ACTION. Lucky you .. having sensitivity to nothing! This HONKING is like TORTURE to those of us whose brains are open to all kinds of things! Like what is harming OTHERS WELL BEING.
We may totally agree with you, that our freedom is being taken by alarmingly ridiculous and therefore questionable rules. But we do not then turn around and take other people's QUALITY OF LIFE AWAY. That just shows our humanity is disappearing. Use your brain! Do not stop thinking at A (mandates are WRONG) .. continue to B .. and then KEEP THINNG as far as is needed .. even to XYZ.
more than A .. "vaccine mandates are destroying democracy." B "Let's do something to stop them." Some of us go on to think C D E .. we KEEP thinking and wondering and evaluating. If the vaccine was truly something to HELP OTHERS of cause we would take it. But there is just something so very wrong with this entire covid deal. Was its purpose to roll in 5G without complaints? Was it to move us ALL online? (Enough with this 2 worlds .. the traditional REAL world, plus the new Digital one? Covid is not the FEAR it is made out to be. NEWSFLASH .. We are all going to die! .. more likely from cancer or heart disease which kill FAR MORE.
Why after masks for 2 years .. PLUS MOST VACINATED .. are we still seeing lots of covid?? So why are we taking 4 shots into our body of something that has had NO TESTING OF LONG TERM EFFECTS?
Sure I am a greedy evil person caring nothing for others health and safety. Completely untrue .. but what is true .. YOU accusing ME .. quit thinkng years ago and are now simply a sheep ant following a leader who does NOT deserve blind obedience. All of our power structures are corrupted .. no longer there to serve humanity. Our systems merely serve those with the most money and those who WANT POWER.
Sat feb 5, 22 NEE1 We can not find real true information re Ottawa protest. Is Terry Fox and war statue insult totally a LIE? A lie is if a few people were involved .. then should it NOT EVEN BE NEWS. If it is reported then, it actually becomes a LIE .. a twisting of fact to suit an AGENDA. Our life can not be the stress of insecure income, incessant change in every routine, AND A NEED TO INVESTIGATE EVERY IDEA FOR ITS TRUTH! It is too much. It seriously must be able to also make others too .. feel like just jumping. I know .. on the way down we would think our action at final frustration created a rather final "no way out" end .. but seriously just too overwhelming!! I wonder how many people commit suicide or even shoot someone in rage AND IMMEDIATELY RECOGNIZE THIS WAS NOT WISE ACTION? "EXTREME EVERYTHING" WILL MAKE US ALL INSANE! Add not enough truth, to not enough time (2 jobs) and still not enough money and the OVERWHELM will destroy us.
I bet a lot of us got vaxed, to not feel like outcasts, or to just feel like we are allowed to be alive and part of society. Some of us stick to our belief and refuse no matter how much we feel not allowed to participate in life. If we have not been taken over by Big Brother, then is it aliens are boss .. or just people who have no brain? The biggest question to me is if we don't want to spread this (flu) then why has nobody taught REAL HYGEINE AND SANITATION? Washing hands and sanitizer without knowledge just pouts our water and air more. Why do people set their groceries down at bus stops .. where people's shoes have carried dog poo and men's SPIT .. then go home and set bags on the kitchen counter?
We have lost our mind. Also when I remind a few .. Heart disease kills as many EVERY year as (often just BLAMED) covid took to kill EVERY age in !*!!! months. How fascinating how people's brains and minds work .. or DON"T. No I don't think my word is god, as my kids say, I just love questioning, and searching for better "facts". I am obsessively curious to find something closer to truth in everything? That is how we ALL should be! What happened to us? Why is it said we live in a "POST TRUTH Time"??? (But most often that "non truth" slant is directed at exactly those of us who still THINK and question.) Something is very wrong here.
I am not religious but is it END TIMES? Everything feels inside out and upside down. American Health is terrible, Education does not teach what we truly need to survive, "Jobs" are disrespected servitude or non existent. How is this the "American dream"? let's bring together our ideas and expertise and develop a new SYSTEM that actually transforms those not functioning complex systems we have created. Let's SIMPLIFY and create REAL Total Societal Health. We are the "thinkers". If we get our friends and family who are more "action" focused helping us, we have everything to build a SYSTEM that actually functions to create quality of life FOR ALL.Kind of revised capitalism where you can have your key and 2 yachts and 5 mansions .. but that homeless guy does deserve a roof and food. No socialism about it .. just the plain decency of restoring HUMANITY.
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Instead of trying to understand our earth as aboriginal societies did .. we disrespectfully purely USE it with NO forethought. Considering causes and consequence of EVERYTHING keeps it a resource and asset. But our shallow selfish decades have turned assets into liabilities. Is there really any possible solution to our ongoing lack of care and RESPECT? Can there really be any solution for modern ENTITLED Man's USING vs UNDERSTANDING his earth?
I suggest we are far past solutions. REAL SOLUTIONS would mean patience and SACRIFICE .. something Modern Man will never do. The Apostecen is here. It is of our doing. Boomers should have refused to partake in the rape of the planet. (Today's "Me too" guilty before ever proven so, juxtaposed to the way women dress shows our complete inability to actually THINK and be a responsible HUMAN. Easy and convenient is our watch word. Let's sue everybody, never bother to watch for an ice patch or crack in the sidewalk.)
The Green movement is ludicrous. Why? I may be wrong but has ANYONE suggested personal responsibility, personal sacrifice? Sure there were re-useable coffee and water bottles. But does anybody say USE LESS ELECTRICITY? .. just use less everything! Conserve everything. No .. it is "Go BUY an electric car". How about work near where you live and WALK? It helps our health at the same time! (But harmful when walking by truck and construction fumes and dust.)
Personal Responsibility is not taught by parents OR schools. We have now had generations of anything I want goes. Soon the greatest generation that MADE THE American Dream REALITY will be gone. With them we lose the wisdom of "Use it up, wear it out, make it do!" With those who are 80 now we lose the wisdom of RESPECT for others and the planet, PLUS TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO SACRIFICE FOR THE COMMON GOOD. I suggest the common good might find BASE Quality of Life more useful than convenience and special that depletes our REAL home.
We lost our "mind" a LONG TIME AGO. And we do not even KNOW the difference between mind and BRAIN. We began losing our brain wiring when coke was introduced. Discovering that dumb humans could be more easily coerced soon chemicals and sugar were added to every food possible. They thought we would buy more since addicted. But it went further. Those toxins destroyed our PHYSICAL Brain Wiring.
Through our "Competitive Consumption Society" we have lived only in the PHYSICAL .. a FIXED Body, Time and Space. The mass culture has lost respect for true spiritual and mystical, which are now our only means of "survival". Shallow yoga or veganism does not count. The serious Quaker? respect that might save us counts us all as god like .. not shallow Virtue signallers.
By living only PHYSICALLY we have depleted everything physical. The only solution is a higher level of consciousness. Those of us who tried to respect the earth and its energies, must move to a new reality. Luckily the existence of differing realities AT THE SAME TIME, was proven a century ago! But we got too brain depleted to listen and learn.
We have depleted the physical in every way, and direction. Our Resources are gone, we have destroyed space (toxins) and mutilated time. We still have only 24 hours but think we can add another days taks to it and survive. Even our Brain wiring is depleted. We (Entitled humans) no longer think .. and have become stupid. (link Iain McGilchrist) If there is a god .. he wants us OFF his beautiful planet.
It is far too late to fix the destruction our lack of foresight has caused. Rachel Carlson warned us in 1970. Since then we have increased our resource depletion with ever faster exponential speed. The only way out now, is to move from this Physical realm we have fixated on, to the forgotten mind and spiritual space we forgot. When I was a science teacher in the 80's we taught about the Atom .. a fixed entity. Why was THAT the curriculum when long ago it was discovered an atom is NOT fixed but made up of ENERGY, of changing space and time. Too hard for us to get our head around this mind bending discovery? Or .. we might get too aware and smart and STOP the ever increasing Capitalist quest for profit and power.
In 18 years of "education", (and tons of debt!) we never even learned the difference between the Brain and the MIND. The brain is a physical organ of our body that regulates everything else. No wonder many "mental" things can go wrong, the Brain is the most amazing thing ever created! It runs our life in so many ways and we never even notice or our grateful! The Brain is our PHYSICAL body, like our lungs, or liver or our right hand. We spent so much time demonizing "mental" illness, when it is no different than Heart disease or Diabetes. (More proof we have lost our thinking, logical, and reasoning Brain wiring.) While demonizing "mental" Illness .. a malfunction of our PHYSICAL body .. we forgot how important EMOTIONAL wellness is. Now we are all suffering EMOTIONAL illness .. a real depression of society's loss of hope and possibility. A DEPRESSION OF THE MIND .. not the brain as in the past. Therefore we must start giving respect to OTHER than just physical. Energy vibrations exist! We can choose to see (link) "the particle" or "the wave", walk on the sunny side or in the shade. It is our choice. But higher consciousness for centuries was termed HEAVEN. And I think to get our PASS to enter .. we do have to be DECENT Humans to get in. Not selfish, entitled "me first, screw you" non humans. So work HARD on your thoughtfulness to other's well being, rather than just your own. or .. the HEAVEN sign will say "No entrance without your kindness supplement" (vs a vaccine!) .. (hah? did we somehow get a vaccine against kindness .. and we became so self absorbed?)
Sat. Mar. 26, 2022. more work on this later
I see why my work is so disjointed. I have 100,000 ideas on PAPER in my place, but now those ideas get THROWN somewhere on my website in an effort to share MY QUESTIONS more quickly. Apologies!
Someone said they just saw the immersive Van Gogh exhibit. First I was jealous and then I started the ranting. "Is it not overwhelming? .. just TOO MUCH?" My friend pondered a moment and agreed it was even creating DIZZINESS! Hah .. more imbalance for our stressed lives! We lead lives of PURE imbalance, with the overwhelm of extreme everything. Can't anything be simple and plain anymore? Guess not.
Van Gogh's work is fascinating .. something to ponder over, the colours, the shapes, how he changed the normal style of painting. So let's take it and project it everywhere! I could see maybe doing 2 walls to make the smaller photos huge to enjoy on screen, but all dimensions of the room? .. so over the top! Sorry producer guy .. very creative of you .. BUT why so EXTREME? It's like everything in our lives MUST BE OVER THE TOP. It shows something is wrong. Shows we must not be happy with ourselves or our life?
Hah .. NOW I know what is disturbing about our society! EVERYTHING FEELS LIKE A COMPETITION, like a child always yelling "see ME .. I'm better, pay attention to me instead!" Maybe a society whose children were raised as "I'm special" would be expected to turn out like that! Never mind the OTHER guy .. I NEED all attention. So that is what is stressful about our society to quiet sensitive "thinkers" .. the incessant COMPETITION for attention! The "Screamers" are always ON.
Why does everything in today's society have to be MORE? If the real purpose was of sharing creativity in a REAL honest SHARE way .. it would be Wonderful. But today the extreme is never "look how cool this is, I want to share with you" it is INSTEAD a competitive "look at me, I am the COOLEST, the most creative, the most important." Today most things are not for REAL HUMAN SHARING AND CONNECTION, they are to show the producer as THE BEST .. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, EXTREMELY THE TOP, most CELEBRATED. Sharing in a competitive way .. is not the same as sharing found or invented joy TOGETHER. We can INTUITIVELY sense this if we PAY ATTENTION! If we go in a restaurant that is in it for the glory, the trophy .. it will not have the same wonderful vibration as the owner or chef who truly just wants to SHARE JOY. But not everyone pays attention to their inner voice, their intuition. And sometimes it is WRONG .. but more often than not it is right! A competitive society is a "WIN/ LOSE!" group of humans. I suggest sports fans may be the Left brains?The Warriors, the police and army people, the right vs wrong SIMPLIFIERS. we will build WIN/WIN.
We Right Brain worrier thinkers are not "win /lose" mentality .. we are "A WIN/ WIN sharing community" sensitivity. We all are winners and if we put our "special" talents together, we create a Quality of Life (QoL for all) Society. Everyone contributes and there ARE no losers! We share and some will do better, and have much MORE. BUT .. ALL our members will have respect and value and basic needs met, in a less stressed economy. We can produce cool exciting things, but NOT in a COMPETITIVE SPIRIT .. but a shared spirit!
Elevators are good .. save our energy. Taken to extreme in concrete 50 floor condo "homes", only serve to destroy neighbourhood and community which is the basis of our humanity. We completely destroyed neighbourhood before and learned NOTHING. We took the invention of the CAR to EXTREME. We never even walked to the corner store! Suburbs with big lots destroyed neighbour and small biz connection. Freeways divided old established neighbourhoods with pavement and added toxic fumes. It was not just lead pipes that fried our brains, but also ?40 years of LEADED GAS. (But just in case it turns out toxic, let's put that thruway thru the (Buffalo) Black section, or maybe white ears just did not want the noise or ugly fence?) And if that is too "woke"? for you .. go away. Wake up. Hmm .. maybe so many injustices have been created with the pretence of stupidity?
50% of jobs will be left by 2030 .. that is SEVEN .. 7 years away! Thanks drones and self driving cars and A I. Good luck eating, people, enjoy your tent. OR .. we have to take back personal RESPONSIBILITY. Refuse to work for "the man" unless he has HUMANITY left in his soul!
see .. mission
mega projects unused!!
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Did it never occur to us that her warning about our behaviour extincting birds could also EXTINCT us?
Sun, Mar 13, 2022.
Oh it is FINE .. only about 17% of our jobs involve transporting things. Half the young people I know are able to almost pay rent, because they deliver food (and now other things). Oh, but there is a pink robot monster in our area, practising to take over their income. We could always get a job in a grocery store or dollar store. OH! Wait! My Dollar store quit having ANY tellers, just a robot .. or screen talking to me. My bank told me to quit calling them to transfer $ to USA .. just do a Visa transfer online. I said "NO! I like talking to REAL people! You poor thing! They actually make YOU promote to ME .. what will have YOU losing your job!" That's it! We have to quit TD Bank .. and create our own "bank" ledger! PS DID WE WIN AGAINST THE PINK DELIVERY MONSTERS?? (Maybe they will be banned? Do Tech lovers have no brain left? Think past cool "A" to "B" .. and maybe even think to "C"?)
Why is this the end of the world? Because when I whine to people that what they are making me do is taking away THEIR job .. they look at me blankly. "Are you asleep, stupid? zombified? .. you think I am INSULTING you?" That means it IS the end of the world becasue we have lost our THINKING Brain wiring!
PS I think I had WAYYYY too much thinkng wiring and so I still can do it .. making me a total whiny complaining no fun person to meet up with. But never fear EVERY LAST ACTION BIT OF BRAIN WIRING is gone from my head. It takes me a WEEK to do what most do in an hour. Takes me 6 hours plus the week wrrying about doing it. So I am VERY JEALOUS of you ACTION people and your ability to get things done. I hate my thinkng too much brain becaseu it makes life hell. But I think there are others like me and I have HATCHED A PLOT FOR US. It involves quiet revolution which needs SACRIFICE.. so I fear I will have very few followers. Don't want to sacrifice? here is your option ..
Did it never occur to us that her warning about our behaviour extincting birds could also EXTINCT us?
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Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.