Sat. Jan 15, 2022
The "Magic Magnet" that god made to SERVE us .. is LISTENING! The creator designed the "Law of ATTRACTION" to help ALL of us win a great life. But if we put ourself down it ATTRACTS FAILURE to us! We GET what we focus on. The magnet brings us our most frequent thought pattern. I wonder how this became just a fad .. we don't even talk about it anymore and it was such a big thing what .. around 2010?
The "action" Left brain guy focuses simply on his goal. He just does the work needed without any concern that he will fail .. or worry he is not good enough. HE WILL win! .. not because he is better .. but because he did not focus on his liabilities, or flaws. He did not WIN because he deserves to more than us! He won because he used the magic magnet available to all of us. We have to do the work .. but focusing ONLY on the goal attained brings success.
The creator did not want to be our puppet master or producer /director of our lives. How could a loving god bring some of us such losses and pain but now others? It is NOT possible. The creator loves all of us like his children but we have to focus on getting what he would want for us. It was not god who hated me but my own self sabotage that brought failures. Focusing only on losses will never bring success. Success need positive imagination. See the result you want. Don't be stuck in any word or thought that is bad about us. Because that magnet will bring that result. This is often SUBconscious so we really have to work at this! I do know I 3 times keep asking for 3 ridiculousbthings and I got them! (My lost car, a young man and a solution SYSTEM for better quality of life).
Instead of puppet master the creator gave us an awesome tool "The Magic Magnet" because he loves even those of his kids that feel no confidence! The confident OR those able to focus SIMPLY on what they WANT win. The guy who focuses only on his goal (not his worry) brings exactly what he is focusing on to himself! We who DOUBT ourself .. lose again and again! No more DOUBTING ourselves! Don't offer (the) universe bad thoughts! DOUBT .. is BAD!
Larry King did not become a famous interviewer because he was best, but because he believed in himself and his goal. He focused his life to get what he wanted. We have the same tool at our disposal as he did. We can DO whatever we choose .. AS LONG AS WE QUIT SAYING what I just did! I voiced to a friend it is SO HARD TO WRITE WELL. That is absolutely true .. but focusing instead on ability to help and doing so NOW not in 2 months when it is too late .. will get me my goal. We SERIOUSLY HAVE TO WATCH OUR WORDS AND EVEN OUR THOUGHTS. I know, I know this is just way way EASIER (not easy, but easy- ER) for someone who does NOT have a hundred thoughts always circling in the brain! Again NOT FAIR .. but we can spend our life like me complaining .. or just move ahead WITH A BETTER FOCUS. Yes, the world is surely collapsing but maybe we thinkers can just create a different reality where things do work better! NOW .. we change that from "maybe" to "We WILL change this mess!" and that becomes our ?mantra.
"WE WILL .. CHANGE THIS MESS!" If we smarten up and quit putting OURSELF down with bad words .. WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE SET OUR MIND TO!
Some people are confident and have a subconscious feeling of deservedness. But too many of us think of our many failings with guilt and remorse. This creates negative energy around our life! We end up bringing ourself what we deep down subconsciously BELIEVE about ourself. Make no mistake, there is a cosmic "magic magnet" that brings us what we focus on. Why do so many not that great people have "success". I think that "successful" people believe they deserve .. because they had even just ONE person around them .. who made them feel worthy and valued. Having this locked in your brain as a child is INVALUABLE.
Some of us never got that GOLDEN resource of supportively being valued! Many types of losses and traumas can affect some children's development. Those loses grow into an UN - Nurtured adult, who then struggles far more than those others. The dismissive words "Everybody has obstacles and struggles, just get over it already!" is horribly shallow and Empathy is what humanity was .. and we are sadly losing our humanity in our IMPATIENCE with others. And we are MISTAKENLY punishing ourself, for whatever we believe we were quilty of, to not have received support. God leaves no one behind. But he is not a puppet master so he created this "Magic Magnet" .. you get what you focus on. And when things don't go your way you think "It is god sending me I a new better direction. (I used to think god hates me ..because I always encountered LOSS. Now I recognize I brought it on myself .. and I see that the few times I was POSITIVE, BELIEVING this idea would work .. THINGS WORKED OUT GREAT!)
We are our own WORST ENEMY! We CAN! .. and we do NOT always goof up. Somebody mean made us believe that somewhere in our past and it is NOT true. God or whoever put us here for a reason, and we need a slap for not respecting whoever made the sky and trees NOT black and orange. Obviously the creator of the universe would NOT be CREATING someone who has no value! we need to. smarten up. BECAUSE People with way less talent then us arecgetting ahead because they are confident and think they are awesome. THEY AREN"T .. but because they believe they are it follows them. They create their success because they do not worry about things like we do. let's STOP BEING OUR OWN WORST ENEMY.
A sale is having answers, my answers come to me 3 hours later, like the slow TURTLE. I need emoji's! So used to them now!
Earlier said to someone, I am a terrible writer .. so slow and not concise but all over the place. Those words can not be offered with any expectation of having the work ready to sell. I will never feel ready if I even let that thought in my brain. It is true .. BUT IF I FOCUS ON THE "CARING" STILL MAKING SOMEONE FEEL A LITTLE SUPPORTED .. it can work out. My energy of wanting to help support someone might just jump through the ether?
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Sat. July 30, 2022.
Sorry .. but why are there very "successful" people that are not very smart or so talented .. yet there they are at the TOP? Why is that? I know very brilliant visionary people who are nowhere near the "top" as in "successful". A lot write books .. like Rachel Carlson .. ignored, re "Silent Spring"! Like Iain McGilchrist .. with his right left brain BRILLIANCE .. no one knows about. Yet once you know the research Theory, it explains so much!
I suggest a Left Brains belief in self .. makes the "law of attraction" (we get the goal we focus on) work beautifully for them! If I simply believe I am the best and deserve it all .. the Law of attraction becomes self fulfilling subconscious simplicity! Those of us who question everything including ourselves, are LEFT BEHIND .. powerless against the Left brain's control of politics, media and wealth and industry.
Self confident or self absorbed people feel they DESERVE. It is their natural state of mind! If there really is a law of attraction that we get what we focus on .. would it not be easier when it is just our NATURAL subconscious focus?
They will always be ahead of us never questioning self or their direction. Single minded belief in self cause things to fall in line as they are desired. Meantime we Right brain thinkers are questioning everything wondering where we failed, how we could have done better, what caused the problem we are trying to solve. Our Left Brin success stories just confidently made THEIR goal happened. And it was always me first screw you. Thinking of others, and the past and future is far more complex than "me, mine here and now" of a Left brain CEO or politician.
Our subconscious SABOUTAGE is hugely instrumental in our life. If we are thinkers we want to understand and help others. Left brain action people look after themselves, their own needs and goals. Perhaps even shallow Right brains do the same .. they simply are the opposing side in a "democratic" system that no longer work for us.
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Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Take a "2 minute vacation" compliments of TURTLE TV
Whether Flood, Fire, constant fear of Job loss, or just the terror of seeing that all our systems are collapsing .. we will die of STRESS! Stress increases the severity of every disease's inflammation.
Unless we find a way to calm our panicked mind, the total deaths POST corona will be far greater in number than any pandemic. The virus that will be more deadly than corona, is our inability to cope with too many stressors all at once. Back in 1929 in tenement days people still had community and connection locally. We have lost most of our old resources and think without $ we can't survive. Certainly without TIME it makes our struggle MUCH harder. Back in the day people at least had time. Too often today, people have 2 jobs and still struggle.
Your brain is the physical manager of your body and life, but your mind is your soul and spirit! ( I made that up because it works for my mission to destroy the idiocy of "mental" illness. When your brain malfunctions it is exactly the same as your heart or liver ad there is NO stigma in that!
Your brain is important but your mind is amazing. It can shrink tumours and help injured people who should never walk again .. be Olympic medalists. Try a simple trick .. if you are exhausted going up a few flights of stairs, next time tell yourself you will be fine and think "I can do this!" YOU WILL! I know you CAN because one summer I had no air in it was the hottest summer. I had no time to think about it, and although I hATE being hot and sweaty .. I noticed nothing!
I am telling you .. nobody ever taught us what and amazing CONTROL TOOL WE HAVE in our mind. And my brain is missing a few chemicals and apparently DISABLED (where are those emoji's?) but I can make my mind do MAGIC! I can't do much very well .. so if I can do it .. YOU SURELY CAN TOO. That will let us accomplish many things we at first think are impossible. Whether cleaning out a flooded basement or organizing a complete Business innovation .. we CAN train our mind to HELP .. vs hinder us. No more "I can't" for us! We are even going to build a whole new System where EVERYONE has a decent quality of life and we all are valued and connected working TOGETHER TO SUCCEED. Never mind our struggle today .. we will do great things together soon! (change your mind change your life, based on Murphy)
If we are living in HELL (or just the Dystopia we thoughtlessly created) step over into HEAVEN for a break. I am indebted to the lovely lady who suggested to me that heaven and hell exist simultaneously here and now! Since my recent obsession is "what is reality" and particle wave quantum science .. this was an amazing concept!
List the things that feel like heaven to you .. a great old movie? a walk in the park, sitting by a river, window shopping, savouring strawberries, listening to favourite music, talking to a good friend?notice they don't cost money. I watch TV now with our new jobless reality and wonder who goes on a cruise where they put heart petals on your bed? Everything is overkill! and with A I drones and robots talking 1/2 the jobs we won't even get to "cruise" to a far park, let alone have portals on the bed! Sure some will still be OK but the majority of us will NOT see the "American dream". So rather than be sad we need to re evaluate what is TRUE joy, not competing to be MORE or better than the next guy. That will never end and never make those trapped happy.
.. until it no longer functions properly! How often do we say as a tooth is paining us .. wow wish I had appreciated that little tooth before!!
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.