We have to focus ONLY on the light, and be oblivious to the fear the darkness can create. Yes! there is so so much to fear .. but enough with only creating nations of anxious terrified people! We will find our HOPE AND FAITH AGAIN.
The people who are already oblivious to "darknesss" .. have life so much easier. They focus on what they need .. and do not look any further contemplating future effects, or what has CAUSED the problem to begin. This simplification certainly reduces stress and increases success in life. They focus only on what needs to be done for themselves and with that FOCUS they get to their goal. It is their OBLIVION to other's struggle that lets them get further ahead because all attention is on their own goal. No attention is given to cause or consequence of actions. Sadly this is why we have destroyed all our systems, considering nothing more than the immediate goal. Yet if we indecisive "thinkers" want to get anywhere .. we too have to learn to shut more out of our mind, and just get our job done! I usually am paralyzed with doubt .. which is DEATH to a goal! Probably the whole goal of this website is .. DON'T BE AN IDIOT LIKE ME AND WASTE YOUR LIFE!
We "thinkers" need to take on "Action Doers" simplified attitude more often! Feeling guilt over past errors and worry over future mistakes creates far better action plans, BUT is very stressful. And usually NOTHING GETS DONE! We need to "take a chill pill" .. breathe .. and look to the LIGHT, with less attention to the darkness. We also deserve some time to just think of US and OUR OWN NEEDS. It is not selfish to look after our OWN wellbeing too! Those who value "the greater good" first .. tend to neglect our own Health.
a chill pill? the "gift of calm" video
without pre Jan 14? date .. is probably WRONG! Or at least WHINING, Blaming and demonizing like everything today. I think I was more trying to teach WHY this McGilchrist (espec. read below the staircase image .. more understandable) "Left Brain" power structure collapse has happened. (the toxins of "progress" .. search, sugar and STRESS etc.) Our "progress" is littered with TOXINS .. and they have fried our brains. But pre mid Jan 22, I did not recognize how much of a "pain in the rear" we Thinkers have been to those action brains who are just trying to get the job done!
We are not the sweet, kind and considerate people I have always believed. We bully people with our words of gloom! My poor daughter has felt assaulted by my "preaching" more and more as the years went on. She was just trying to survive the stress .. to get the job of paying the rent done. But along comes (SNL's Debbie Downer) mother. Yes .. many terrible things could have been avoided had we Thinkers been listened to in the beginning. But it is NOT kind or FAIR to always dampen the mood with dire ? reality? Worrying about the future, ESPECIALLY with ideas for SOLUTIONS is NOT negative, it is very necessary. But there is no need to CONSTANTLY bring others down. There is a time and place to teach the apocoplyse is here. ; > ) Meantime .. take a chill pill us worriers!
So my apologies to THEM, the WARRIORS .. and to you .. because everything I have been trying to do .. needs to be redone! Please skim things .. if the words whine and blame .. move to another segment. We Thinkers need to take responsibility for maybe preaching, "this is crazy" too much? Hopefully there are still things in this site that can speak to you and be helpful. There are topics where I get less opportunity to rant that should be OK. But corporations that think only of the asset of PROFIT will always get a rant re "NOT VERY SMART!".
We have so many Resources .. so many assets to RESPECT .. that are NOT money! (Bitcoin is just another form of stock market .. except it uses more energy than ARGENTINA!!) Yes .. I still think we have ALL .. lost our mind .. gone insane .. surely at least we can say common sense, logic and reason are no longer a characteristic of Western Society! We ALL have damaged brains! So we need to use each other's Right vs Left brain hemisphere RESOURCE to BALANCE what must be done. I need to redo this, recognizing we all have failed by not working together .. NOT JUST LEFT BRAIN ACTION DOERS. When our brains are damaged, we lash out at those attacking us with words, or we lash IN .. in despair. Neither .. are going to serve us well!
Sat. June 18, 2022. aft
I do not LIKE "religion". Is its purpose to didvide us? I'm sorry but I BELIEIVE God wants us to be good to each other .. to be kind, considerate and generous. He will let us into heaven if we are decent humans who try hard to harm no one, even in LITTLE interactions. This article says we are EVIL .. and getting to heaven says NOTHING about being decent only reading the bible and praying and worryng about SIN and being SAVED. Nuts to that .. I am giving up all my families differing religions and MAKING UP OUR OWN!! One commandment. BR A DECENT PERSON! Harm no one and nothing, try to make your world BETTER by contributing and not DECREASING value.
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New Yorker article
Sun. Feb 20, 2022, 8:00 am
link def of thinking or RE describe here
First we THINK about things .. ALL the time. Left brains have to try to MAKE our destroyed Balanced Hemisphere brain
Or maybe better to compare Autonomous vehicles? Its like a driverless car EXCEPT WE KNOW WHERE WE ARE HEADED. Positive thinkng or Autonomous ? spirit? FIRST Our H I plus our "autonomous spirit" .. (positive thinkng) plus our human intelligence can create our SUCCESS. H I plus A S = REAL S
we either thought tooo much or just went ahead toward success without thinkng consequences .. or any wondering WHY the problem existed to begin with . eg party of LAW and ORDER. Why is there DISORDER? Fix THAT! then you need no LAW!!
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The TRAIN is the conflict we see, the division into good bad demonization of anyone who thinks different, any new fact thrown in the mix. Humans are supposed to SHARE ideas. looking at differing viewpoints is what lets us then compromise and collaborate. This loss is truly making us worse than animals! Animals kill because they are hungry not because they hate you! The capitol insurrection and the words now hurled by?"patriots" are evil. But those Unthinking bullies no longer have all their brain wiring to allow them to contemplate ideas other than their own simplification. So much today makes NO SENSE. I agree with many ideas of the "OTHER SIDE". But when they turn bully or worse what the hell has happened to our humanity!
my daughter and son say think I am god .. I thought we were were created in god's image, and SUPPOSED to TRY to be good and kind like him? we all fail but if we keep trying hard to be good to others I think THE BOSS would be happy. had we polluted the world BUT WITH RESPECT, (trying hard NOT to) I think he would have let us get away with it. But too many of us were disrespectful, greedy and irresponsible .. and now we have to pay the HUGE price. Our behaviour has been so hellish we have created DYSTOPIA. maybe that is the purgatory spoken of when you are not yet ready for heaven? I am ready for heaven! So what is it?
My dad was a Minister and when my mom died when I was 9 in 1956, they said she went to heaven. Raised in the Evangelical church, I surely knew about heaven and hell but now of course it took on a whole new importance! If I was GOOD .. someday I would see my mom again. I guess when my beloved big brothers died in my early 20's (early 70's) .. I REALLY got hooked on heaven as a source of hope. When I die I get to see them again. In between .. when my cats died I got yelled at by my oldest sister, "ANIMALS DON"T GO TO HEAVEN!" But before she died in the late 70's she apologized and agreed animals are nicer than some humans! (I went on tho study all religions by attending there churches .. and found the truest kindest to be METHODIST. Too many "religions" just judge others and are NOT kind and giving. Nah .. not my belief of god .. who most wants us to put others before our self. Of course today's society is very "Me FIRST, screw you." There is little care for the common good and considering others before self. BUT .. let me re think that .. those we HEAR about tend to be greedy jerks. The quiet people who make up the masses ARE good and kind! Sorry.
Recently I began studying quantum energy particle wave etc. Only beginning and have no clue .. but time and space collapsing got me thinking about heaven again. In 2020 all of my closest Buffalo friends died (not of covid!!) .. so I no longer felt much connection to earth. Everybody kind and loving had moved on! So I began to picture what it would be like in Heaven. My Buffalo Residence manager believed there was NO SUCH THING. But I don't think I could have survived all my losses, without this idea to hang onto! (I wondered if she had experienced no close deaths?)
Re Time and space collapsing .. OBVIOUSLY! that is exactly what HAS TO happened in heaven. Oh sorry .. it is an awesome beautiful place just like here .. except WE ARE ALL NICE AND KIND TO EACH OTHER! No! it I not angels with harps on clouds which used to make me question if I did really want to go there. and FOREVER? are you kidding .. what the hell is forever .. boring! but I guess this energy light science would explain it all. Anyway .. Time and Space must collapse into a million REALITIES and here is why. When my father sees me I must be in my young 20's in order for him to recognize me .. and he must be in his 70's for me to recognize HIM. On the other hand his young brother who died in maybe 1915 .. would find my Dad if my dad was a TEEN! .. and in Switzerland .. not Canada like me. My Dad would need to be in many TIMES and many places all at one time as we pass each pother in this MULTIPLE Heaven reality. I would find my Buffalo friends in "Buffalo Heaven" and I would be pretty old like them. My Best teen friend would find me in Stratford in the 70's. SEE! Heaven is just here .. but with time and space collapsed into walking along into MANY realities all at one time!
The next thing I want to study, since we are getting close to (end times?) is if we can actually TRANSPORT ourselves to another time and place. I SWEAR I RECENTLY HAVE BEEN DOING THAT!! It is not like REMEMBERING a fabulous empty lot garden in a NYC neighbourhood .. it is like unexpectedly BEING there!! So very weird. It has also happened taking me back to my Highschool and also to our old farm. Often in areas of NYC or Phila I am unsure I could find but they were amazing experiences. It is just very strange lasts only a moment and is just not the same as when we say .. "OH! I just remembered a place ..". It is like I was LITERALLY TRANSPORTED THERE. And once I study time space convergence maybe I will have a clue? It is a very very Cool EXPERIENCE!
Wed Jan 12, 2022 .. see Dr Iain McGilchrist
add where? .. T finally has pushed me to be horrible back ..
saying terrible things .. but I don't start it and this is decades after the bullying began. I understand better because it is worse and worse as stress grew more and now as I UNDERSTAND, empathy feels like she must be weak and that is totally unacceptable to a Warrior.
I have spent a decade researching why my daughter and I are ALWAYS at war. Dr Mcgilchrists research explains it with Neuroscience. I simplify with 2 parts of our brain creating character opposites. We used to have balanced Brain hemisphere's but the toxins of "progress" fried our brain wiring. (sugar, search, STRESS etc etc). There is a "thinking" side to our previously balanced brain .. that hopefully THINKS (contemplates consequence) BEFORE the "action doing" side takes over. Sadly with only our stronger side functioning society has acted, done projects without any forethought to how it affects the environment or the society.
Sadly Ayn Rand and Friedman fit with our selfish nature and took over Western Society. Profit became everything .. while society's quality of life declined and the economy no longer worked for the masses. More and more stress was added to our lives making it easier to cling to an attitude of "I will look after me .. you look after you." Sadly this does not take into account
It helps to realize "the other" .. the one we demonize is not evil .. not even really as mean and bullying as we may have thought. I finally believe after decades of hell .. that my daughter gets FEARFUL when I talk and talk (philosophize). As an Action person ("Just get over it! and just get 'er done!")my talking is always a BUT .. and excuse. To me it is a reason, curiosity about why and what and how in everything. But ti a hare a turtle is MASS frustrating. I am slow to decide and act .. she would have been DONE the task 4 days before I made a decision! obviously not a way rot run the world, especially the fast paced changing one we live in.
While us thinkers whine about this being a BAD direction.. action minds have built the companies and employed a few. Meanwhile we thinkers plodded along worried about the demise uncontemplated "progress" would eventually cause. A turtle WORRIER's slow indecision and inability to act, so frustrates a fast action Hare. And I believe all our "thinking" ideas create confusion in the Action mind. It is far easier to juts ignore us, and move ahead with a project. But the oblivious thinker keeps hammering away, excited to share what they have learned. with a stranger things would not go this far but with family they end in the ACTION Hare feeling bullied with words!
It is far easier for the Warrior (Hare, Left brain) to simplify, closing the brain to worrying about possible unintended consequences. The confusion of conflicting ideas creates FEAR in an action mind. As a WARRIOR opposite to a Worrier it is more comfortable to LASH OUT. Lashing out (bullying?) gives a feeling of control .. a feeling of opposing the weakness questions ideas shows. The previous balanced mind did not feel WEAK wondering or worrying if we had carefully thought through implications. The PRESENCE of more thinking neurons and this feel more comfortable. Is it the discomfort action wiring people feel that makes them feel weak and out of control? A warrior can NOT handle feeling WEAK .. and immediately lashes out, fires people, cuts benefits, evades taxes. There is NO ABILITY TO CONSIDER FURTHER IMPLICATIONS OF THESE ACTIONS. It is like a Thinker considers a, B, C ... D .. E.. F, but the Action Brain stops with a or b and DOES whatever is necessary to make the project happened.
Even if it is just a discussion of this topic .. it is far simpler to say "this is stupid", "what makes him an expert?", or " You have no idea what you are talking about". That shuts down a conversation because it is confusing to a person who just wants to get the job done!
very cool .. higher consciousness .. = heaven? .. being nice to everybody, considerate society?
Sunny Disposition = HUGE resource! but some of us are missing that balanced brain wiring. Jimmie Fallon .. more
Focus on the beautiful stories of kindness. Accept the ugly and stupid stories are there to bring us down .. but we do not need to listen! Do like my daughter .. ignore what you do not want to hear and push it away. maybe my biggest mistake is trying to TEACH wheat I have discovered! O-M-G!The people with thinkng brains KNOW .. I do not need to teach them! Those who will NOT listen, never will .. because they can NOT. They are Brain disabled. Just as we are! We can not STOP thinking and just get the job done.
If we were all like me WE WOULD STILL BE CAVE MEN. Luckily in the past when brains were still more balanced, a more thinkng character would get together with a more action Warrior and the 2 would forge new inventions. Those who still had 2 functioning right AND Left Hemispheres were the TRUE Leaders or Inventors or Entrepreneurs. Without this working together of talent and skill do you notice we have had NO great inventions these last decades? Think about it! Another stupid app for smart appliances or measuring your hearts NOT a great invention .. just one that STRESSES US MORE.
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marshell .. Facebook .. see definition of "thinking"
Fri. May 6, 2022.
You know .. just focus on what you want AND IT WILL BE YOURS. Just do a better job of focusing on what you want because whatever you focus on .. you will surely get. YOU CAN MANIFEST your vision right? Think ONLY what you want because you GET whatever you think most about. Great us thinker WORRIERS are DOOMED!
Sounds ridiculous but I think it is actually TRUE. What the frig! Why the hell did I come to call my new revised capitalism SYSTEM .. REVERSE WORLD?? Just found out .. If the earth's heartbeat speeds too much faster, earth will stop rotating and then REVERSE!! Is that world end then? Would it be heaven, END TIMES? My son suggests I am delusional to think this paradise could be built, by JUST BEING NICE TO EACH OTHER. This article beautifully explains Schumann Resonance and the speeding of time. I never understood why clocks are still right, if a day now REALY only has 16 hours NOT 24! Sure feels like weeks speed by like wet ENDS used to! It makes your hair stand on end when you realize how, this is scientifically happening. But then the even WEIRDER .. is me calling my concept REVERSE world .. and that is probably what will happened soon! The earth will REVERSE it spinning. Will it be quality of life for all then? .. "Total Societal Health" .. or what we call "heaven"? No, son and daughter!! I do NOT think I am god, but I think we damn well better DO something, before this ?whatever, all EVAPORATES into thin air in some way.
So I manifested or SPOKE my "Reverse world" into a possible reality. The thing is, I thought you had to BE AWARE of .. what you were asking for and EXPECT it, envision while believing. Not true! There are many instances in the last 10 years (since "the Secret"(link) was all the rage) where I GOT what I voiced, BUT WAS I WAS JUST JOKING! Scarry how fast we lose ATTENTION! Why did we lose touch with this amazing LEARNING .. "the Secret" and the Law of Attraction???) Hmm .. it was a conspiracy .. those greedy power families did not WANT us taking the POWER ourselves. They need us to be their little "slaves". HMMM .. a new question to be solved! Anyway add here .. (my CAR and my "dock at the bay" dancing nights, leaving early explanation "I have to go work on "saving the world". I was 100% TOTALLY joking!!! Yes I was working on Total Health and soothing "Gift of Calm TV" creating new careers .. but the system today IS 100% effort to improve quality of life for all, in a NEW partnership for good. yes it is now an effort to STOP our collapsing society! I spoke it into existence but never knew I was ACTUALLY working on THAT vs just my REAL Health. (My "health" work kept evolving adding more layers to be TRULY HEALTHY. I was really working on an upgrade to Maslow for the digital DYSTOPIA. That is crazy!! 10 years ago I had NO idea!
Let us start right now using this NEW SCIENCE for our benefit!!A MAGIC MAGNET, giving us what we think about. We need SOMETHING extra a new TOOL .. to add to our HOPEFULNESS!
Even if you believe there is NOTHING more when we die, today things are so bad for so many of us .. even moving to "NOTHING" is maybe better? Death plus nothing may feel easier than living in complete insecurity. Constant fear of no food, or homelessness, or even the struggle of 300 "job" rejections, or the resentment at serving coffee when we have 2 degrees with all their debt makes life NOT FUN. Heaven is certainly a fun move to imagine! (No death wish, just a dream of a somehow easier life.)
We have an APP for everything, and supposed "convenience" of everything is possible .. but working 2 jobs, disrespected at both .. just to keep up with food and rent .. is NOT QUALITY OF LIFE. The news won't tell us the TRUTH .. but there must surely be a HUGE increase in suicide, murder from rage, and death by cop. The UN-Entitled are at a breaking point. (see 911 help)
The Mission of this site, "Total Societal Health" is to improve 'Quality of Life' for the masses. We have gone the WRONG way with our supposed "progress". Maybe we can still come back to more SIMPLE, more common sense ways and save our society? All our systems are crumbling. A new SIMPLER, devoid of complexity "SYSTEM" might save us. The Pioneers, Quakers, and Mennonites lived simply .. with NO Systems, no police, no justice system, no "economy", no bank even! Mennonites still exist because they do not have the COMPLEXITY that has made every earlier society COLLAPSE. (see Quakers)
When we walk down the street we can see the dark shadow side, or choose to focus on the bright sunny side. It is a CHOICE, so it is a control, a POWER we still have. We have the power to choose, even thought it feels our freedom and "democracy" have become non existent.
Today there is really very little to see that is sunny. That is .. if we are actually PAYING ATTENTION to the state of our Society! But in order to continue coping with the stress of insecurity, WE MUST CONTROL OUR MIND. We must take back our power and focus our MIND on the good. Let's only focus on our problems, when we are actively BUILDING SOLUTIONS for those failures.
Without HOPE and a belief in possibility, people lash out. When we see no reason to believe the struggle will ever get easier, we will either lash out or inwards. Forget good/ evil simplicity. When you push humans too far with unfairness and injustice worse than chaos will ensue. (add old white lady RAGE story)
We feel so awful because we feel we have no CONTROL whatsoever over our lives. WE must do whatever we have to (put poison or worse in our body?) if we want to WORK to pay our rent. If we are treated devoid of any human respect, and complain to a union. next thing in America at least a Union is SOCIALISM .. the mark of the beast. I fail to see how treating employees like nothing .. when they are the ones helping you get rich .. is "human" behaviour? Most not Entitled people feel very powerless.
NBC News Thurs. jan 20/22.
.. she is not rich .. just getting by, but now people give back to her more, to now help others. She feeds the body but also the SOUL. What a woman .. we should all try to be like her. Damn I hope this finally takes off so my millions from licensing the PTSD Vet Art TV can create our "CHURCH" .. Library cafe general store
She just got hit by a stupid woman in a car!!!! This girl is more worried about the car and woman's guilt than her own pain. A saint for sure. Truly thinkng of everyone not just self, in fact .. speechless .. I just want us to take care of others well being not just our own being selfish. THIS IS OVER AND ABOVE CRAZY!! If my son says I judge and blame.. oh my god this girl is soooo amazing. I want her leading our community!
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There must be a COSMOS CEO who managed building this fabulous universe! There was even a CEO who managed this Retirement complex where I live. Their CEO did a TERRIBLE job with this poor quality tiny project. Those who say there is no god .. are you serious? Are you telling me an amazing and ginormous project like the universe, has no CEO manager? I am telling you there HAS to be a Cosmos CEO! Otherwise the sky might be red not blue, trees might be black, and sand might be orange. There would be no calm in nature if a benevolent kind and wise CEO had not managed the WHOLE amazing project. Unlike today's CEO, this CEO loves and RESPECTS all his people. The god CEO loves ALL people, truck drivers and janitors equally to wealthy power brokers. He wants good .. a decent quality of life for every last one of his people.
But unlike many "religions", this ONE Cosmos CEO did not want to be a puppet master of billions of puppets. God does NOT hate some of us bringing us pain and struggle as the master. He understood he could not control everything, nor did he want to. So he created an amazing tool .. a MAGIC MAGNET. Whatever his beloved people wished, along with effort and BELIEF, would eventually come to them. He gave us a tool to create good in our life.
But if we do not BELIEVE we deserve good, we will bring our SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEF of UN-deservedness into our life. Since we think he brings only some of us loss and pain, we conclude he hates us because we are bad people. No! We kind of hate ourselves, but may not even recognize it. The creator loves us, mad us in his image to be good and kind. (I always wanted to help young disadvantaged East side Buffalo youth because their upbringing could have had worse struggle than I did. I decided I was horrible (undeserving) because I believed I killed my mom. Children get crazy ideas in their head and it can go on to destroy their whole life!) Feeling undeserving make us our OWN worst enemy! Our words and thoughts create our life!
Why do jerk selfish people usually "succeed"? ie tend to be able to pay rent AND eat with relative ease? Why are NICE people often struggling? I believe it is because nice people are thoughtful of others well being, not solely focusing on their own needs. This does not leave us as focused on getting what we need for ourselves. Kindness just to friends, family, neighbours does not count as much .. as worrying about EVERYONE being OK. Action people who focus only on SELF, can still be generous, just not to outsiders. We who feel undeserving think we have badly failed somewhere in our life .. and we feel guilt for it. That guilty verdict and its resultant feeling of undeservedness brings to us exactly what we THINK. The Magic magnet is science just like gravity.
I believe we tend to be the kind compassionate empathetic ones .. and we are usually not the billionaires. They believe they are deserving and the magic magnet brings it to them. Sometimes these "successful people are not even that great at their job .. yet there they are AT THE TOP OF THEIR FIELD. It is because god's MAGIC MAGNET brought them what they believed .. "I am great .. I deserve". We need to BE MORE LIKE THEM, believe in ourself! YET .. maintain our empathy and desire for respect and fairness to all.
Tuesday Jan 4, 2022
One of the most important functions of our brain is to BALANCE our THINKING (Right Hemisphere) with our DOING (Left Hemisphere) brain wiring. Neither hemisphere can work successfully alone. Thinking but never acting .. nor action, without first contemplating consequences, will work well for REAL long term success. Balance is probably the word that solves ALL our problems.
Our brain wiring has long been fried with the toxins of our progress. We have been speeding ever faster to a collapse through all of our unintended consequences. Those of us with mostly THINKING wiring have screamed for years "Watch out! Such disrespect, and poor resource management will have dire consequences for our future." But quick action creates the business and the profit which was the sole goal since Friedman took over minds. No Left Brain CEO's listened to us worriers, the just focused on profit.
Because much of our brain wiring is destroyed, no longer BALANCED, we are left as either "Worriers" or "Warriors, who just get the job done". We are so opposite that we do NOT like each other. We can not much change our brain .. but we can change our MIND! We have control of our mind and we can use it FOR us or against us. Some of us look after our SELF, where others worry over EVERYONE'S well being. That makes our life more complicated. But at least we can discipline our mind to THINK POSITIVE, not let the injustices take us down. Let's find what has gone wrong and change it TOGETHER. Think of our 2 Brain Hemispheres like our 2 FEET! We need both a right and left foot to move forward IN BALANCE. Missing one foot does not get us far. So let's Left and Right brain hobble along TOGETHER .. or we will both lose the race out of our apocalypse!
Using our right and left opposite resource together, for BALANCE we still may be able to get to the goal .. Total Societal Health .. or quality of life for all.
or is it OCD thanks to
So all we can do to make life better is take responsibility. But together it will be so much easier.
Apparently smiling and laughing create chemical changes in our body. I am focusing this site for men, because they have so much less support than women. If women re feeling down and go to therapy or yoga etc., they are smart .. but if men want help .. they are weak or effeminate! That disrespectful judgement is not a sign of HUMANITY! That is just so UNFAIR! I totally understand why some men are fed up with women .. we can appear very selfish (especially the screaming ones in blogs and "take downs" they instigate, while taking no responsibility. You want to be M/F equal? then BE equal. You can't have it both ways, ladies, just choosing where you are strong.) The many women who LOVE men, those normal masses I must redo this site for .. are so welcome here. But the EXTREMES I am writing about in as yet unrevised pages are not welcome until you learn to think and balance all ideas.
So please go to this site my men .. and do not be deterred by it being a woman .. she seems COOL (very nice) and has great ideas. I had no idea our body is physically affected by smiling and laughing. We need all the help we can get today!
Fri., Feb 11, 2022 (not great segment .. move better? first)
The Magic Magnet only works if we BELIVE in it ! We have to ACT different, different words and even THOUGHTS .. always what we WANT .. not the bad we see and have come to expect. If we EXPECT good things they really will happened. (Remember the "sabotaging subconscious" we used to talk about? .. us being our own worst enemy?) It is hard for Thinkers (worriers) to STOP seeing the problems, BUT STOPPING, IS THE ONLY WAY WE WILL SURVIVE. There is a science quantum physics law we have never been taught. Like the fear a flat earth must have involved .. this new learning can STOP OUR FEAR of arriving at the "the END".
Let's open our mind to possibility and HOPE. Sounds ridiculous today, I know .. It is easy to focus on the much that is terrible, and if we are a worrier, we think our JOB is to worry or be aware of it all. But because our mind is a MAGNET .. it brings exactly the worry we focus on. There are some people even today who seem to be doing ok .. living "the life", even amidst today's chaos and extreme stress. So we absolutely have to learn their SELF DISCIPLINE and MIND self control! .. for our SURVIVAL. Or .. if they are just zombies ..be that! They say science and religion are converging. It is surely more fun to think of a caring (god) than just some metal magnet. I guess we can chose whatever side suits us .. "religion" or science. Now it is thought they are one .. just different types of stories. ; >
Our mind must be the MASTER of us .. WE are in control of us. We have let "them " control our minds more and more. (Media and social gives us THEIR picture .. i.e. their AGENDA.) The power structure and media makes us fearful and stressed and we no longer behave in OUR own best interests. We now behave ONLY in their best interest, addicted to extremes. Protests won't help .. actually NO LONGER participating in the agenda is what will create change. We need to actually SACRIFICE extreme consumption, to bring back quality of life.
So let's focus our mind on the QUALITY OF LIFE we WANT! We can RESTORE or even IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE by no longer following a shallow, competitive consumption agenda. But it can't be a protest today and back to normal nonsence tomorrow! We can't protest a vax passport when they blackmail us with a JOB loss! We need to make our own income and then trade! Let's make a new REAL Quality of Life the focus, vs same old stressed life. Our health is going to decline enormously from these 2 horrible years! So Total Health will be one of our Career focuses. (See Functional Medicine (all DIS-ease is inflammation you can track .. strangely it disappeared again .. oh yeah .. we NEED those diseases for their drug profits!)
"I can manage my mind .. TO GET WHAT I WANT." I know .. sounds stupid. But it is true! Why do you think many JERKS get the nice job, partner, house and car? It is not because (god) favours them! They SIMPLY more easily focus on SELF and what THEY WANT for THEMSELF. We are too busy worrying about the state of the world to focus on what is most important. HOW WE WANT TO FIX IT! Focus on the result we want, but it should be doable too. Envision the end picture but then focus on what is first. Like if I took my own preaching I would focus MORE on our REVERSE WORLD TEMPLATE PICTURE and less on terror that Western society WILL collapse. Instead of even focusing on this website I should be focusing that I HAVE sold a Partner on joining! I think our feeing not deserving SABOUTAGES US!
Enough SABOUTAGING OURSELF! We deserve great things too! We need to be more SELFISH .. thinkof us too not just the world we are trying to improve. New thoughts and words .. ONLY of the REVERSE WORLD picture and steps we use to CREATE it. We will solve our BIG problems by putting our minds to work as MAGNET BRINGING OUR GREAT IDEAS INTO REALITY. Inventors and desiners and creators are less skilled at simply WANTING a result that serves us NOW, today. We are the visionaries who look to the future. It is time to make our MIND MAGNET bring us the solutions we envision sooner, not later
PS I only BELIEVED 3 times in my life (no sometimes I NEVER really believed just kept imagining it, or even SAYING it. So weird .. magic car, a guy, and event hei "save the world" formula. more later. But more specifically when I believed in MYSELF I made the biggest sale of a lifetime that was then leveraged to even BIGGER. My amazing PHILA experience. My hotel had terrible photos on their Lobby by elevator screen and I said "that is terrible .. you need my ART TV" and what went nowhere forever in Buffalo was sold in 5 minutes in Phila. (but the poor Buffalo brains are disabled by Cheerios dust .. 100% serious!. So we focus SMALLER. We will get my first partner who NEEDS my work this week! The I won't go bankrupt and can FOCUS on helping us here!
Come on! .. how can this earth and sky be so amazing without a (Designing Developer Manager CEO?) But he is NOT a Puppet Master controlling us. We do have free will in what we want to focus on. If we BELIEVE this "boss" DOES want only the best for us there is a magnetic force that will bring it. But only of we believe it exists! The Magic Magnet will only work if we BELIVE in it ! We have to ACT different, different words and even THOUGHTS. The magnet is actually our MIND. For those of us seeing the enormous problems we face today this is HARD .. so let's QUIT SEEING THEM! Quit focusing on the screamers and focus o the quiet kind good people doing so much to make the world a better place. Along with them we can fix this. And in focusing on SELF and getting what WE need we at the same time make society's (other's) quality of life better
We have a responsibility to OURSELVES and the planet, to look after ourselves! We do that today by BELIEVING that (god) does care about every single one of us, and he wants good things for EACH of us. And he does not WANT any of us suffering overwhelming stress.
Magic magnet. Mind is a magnet
has anybody said to you "you are your own worst enemy!"? When I think of the AMAZING OPPORTUNITES I have had .. that I let my undeserving sabotaging subconscious DESTROY .. it makes me sick to my stomach. It is horrible to so late in life STILL be trying to change my own destructive behaviour. Those damn people who are just able to focus on getting what THEY want AND NEED .. IT's JUST NOT FAIR. SO WE MUST ACCEPT IT IS HARD FOR US .. BUT CRYING FOUL WILL NOT HELP US! ACCEPT, DETACH FROM THEM and recognize we CAN DISCIPLINE THAT WAYWARD MIND of ours! I guess I myself did not believe this .. but the few times I REALLY DID IT .. were magic.
Start watching your life .. have you noticed when you are hopeful and more believing things are possible .. and what you need often appears? Things will not appear like a magician's hat it can take YEARS, but at the time the universe has finished its magic, the solution then appears. Sometimes there are obstacles first .. but the BELIEF it will work out, is what is CRUCIAL.
Mon., Feb 7, 2022
Left Brain wiring people are more toward the selfish vs selfless spectrum. We all need to look after SELF but this is just easier for a Brain naturally focused near sighted. If we feel deserving or we feel the only goal is to succeed with self, then the belief we will succeed comes more easily. If I feel I deserve it is easy to believe I can produce exactly what I need. If I believe life is a simple, a matter of SELF survival my sole focus is making it so. This sole focus makes the attraction of the magic magnet work successfully. With less "Thinking wiring" to intrude, it is easy to single mindedly keep one's focus on personal needs. But this also creates a selfish world. Quality of life declines when one focuses solely on SELF. A BALANCE is needed .. look after me .. but also care for others. (This is missing in the vax debate. what if care for others but just see this as FEAR for an agenda that best suits THEM. maybe no more small business? All is controlled by them?)
can't compromise if not listening .. we'll never get along.
Elevators were a great invention .. until we created concrete cities in the sky, instead of normal welcoming neighbourhood communities. Even Depression "Tenement Houses" had community! The Internet could have been our UTOPIA .. instead we took it shallow, selfish EXTREME and made some of us avoid it as Dystopia. Yet utilized as a valuable tool .. BUT USED IN BALANCE .. what an amazing invention the Internet is. So even my avoidance and demonization is just more of what I am complaining about! EXTREME BEHAVIOUR! (Talk about "preacher" as hypocrite. sorry.) Extreme is always bad. (except maybe in sports .. written when olympics and Super Bowl were on at same time.
We have lost any concept of the pendulum at rest in balance . We always seem to go extreme! we went from women not respected allowed no vote to now no respect for men! Men are humans too! Why don't we just focus on making society better for HUMANS. Why extreme focus on gays, women, immigrants .. lets jus focu on our SHARED HUMANITY. Al the rest is actually for the purpose of dividing us. DON"T GALL FOR IT! "Diversity" is a wathc word for division which helps the power structure keep their hold on us! Let's stick together as HUMANS, respecting all, taking personal responsibility and managing our resources better.
Mon Feb., 7, 2022 .. see "How to use this site" under SOLUTIONS drop down menu.
These Titles may change and the site is always being changed .. to hopefully one day come closer to a bit of "perfection". Sorry for the current disaster. selling (finding partners) cantake my entire day becaseu I am so bad and slow at everything. Some things we just have to accept .. and I am just a TOTAL TURTLE. No matter how hard I try I will never be a HARE bounding along.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.