? Say it here.
Resources are things we have available that are NOT time or money OR THINGS! that our society has become fixated on. ..or .. climate resources concern WAYY way too late!
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
moved from pg 1 July 6, 2022 see section ABOVE .. "don't understand what resources are" .. order? combine!!??
Or maybe the layers (YEARS!) of GATHERED INTELLIGENCE are like a FLOWER gradually opening? Is our flower (new system formula) finally full on OPEN, so we can clearly see its beauty? These (book) sites began as HEALTH, but Physical Health depends on your Emotional health your feeling of belonging. But how do you be healthy always insecure with $? So it moved to creating personal INCOME. But now existing in CRAY WORLD there is not even HOPE! The last few years have been an effort to create a source of some kind of hope against hope. Anyone who is not sleep walking knows our society is on the verge of collapse. All the mindfulness and breathing sounds so INCREDIBLY SHALLOW. I have been floundering trying to create supportive words! But I think I am finally at the LAST "be all" of discovery or layering people's wisdom and intelligence.
Learn from my MILLION MISTAKES. At 75 I realize every crazy thought I had .. with absolutely NO KNOWLEDE was actually true. correct! I spent a million $ on books every time I found one agreeing with my INTUITION. I realize know if I just trusted myself, respected my brain and run with with my blather .. I would be a stupid INFLUENCER by now! Who exactly is the stupid one. Them? .. rich and "powerful" or me, poor and exhaustedly ready to give up?
But usually not available to introverts and hermits. Life is hard when navigated alone. We like aloneness, enjoy our own company. But EVERYONE needs supportive ears and sometimes assistance. We all need each other. So We will be like a FOREST! Every tree is special, different .. UNIQUE. BUT! it Weill not survive without the connection of the fungus in the roots below. Fungus are what keep a forest healthy. The tree may be beautiful and special .. but withit the fungus CONNECTION they will not survive!
The mistake parents make when they teach their undisciplined BRAT how "special" they are .. is that a society of that type of self absorbed personality will only be HELL. Yes! We are each very special with our own talent to contribute to society, (EVEN if it is just great floor sweeping or doing dishes). We need everyone's unique expertise but we need to feel connected as ONE single purpose group MORE. YOUR well being comes before mine. In that if I feel like SCREAMING, I do NOT .. becuase it would give you a heart attack. If I feel like letting my dog free range I do not becaseu you may not WANT q dog running up to you. YOU come first .. hence "YOUme" replacing today's "me first, screw you" which is causing a societal collapse of not only civility but humanity!
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
WHAT HAPPENED TO TRIANGLE!! PDF in web site with food on home page
Money is NOT a Resource. It is just a paper to make barter easy. Money is purely an easier way to TRADE our REAL Resources. The “Blockchain” will give us ways to trade .. JUST between us. Each one of us owns 3 REAL RESOURCES or ASSETS .. With JUST trading these resources, we can create a good life. Be Excited .. we can create a new Society! OUR HEALTH .. OUR BIGGEST ASSET Health OUR PERSONAL RESOURCES PYRAMID Time 24 HOURS each day Skills and Talents Our Personal Resources .. - skills and talents - expertise, special knowledge - character flaws, or advantages Health and Time are even more important, then our talent or expertise. The 24 hours we each get daily .. can NOT be saved. If we are feeling awful, that Time to accomplish is LOST, never regained. The smartest choice for us to use this “free” time? .. REAL HEALTH .. LEARN WHAT INFLAMES YOUR BODY, and what prevents problems.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
In case they are stressed out of their mind .. we should TRY to be gentle, even kind. maybe they just lost their job or another terrible stress.
Tues. May 10, 2022. .. copy to ENERGY!
Being sensitive to the world and its struggles and unfairness, can LOSE us our energy, our hopefulness and positivity. These are ENERGY as sure as a nap or our sleep gives us physical energy. Are they maybe spiritual or emotional energy? We are not taught their importance!
UNLIKE MONEY WE CAN CREATE EXTRA "EMOTIONAL ENERGY" RESOURCE FROM THIN AIR!! OR .. WE CAN CHOOSE TO LET IT BE STOLEN! we can't just make extra money .. but like MAGIC we can magnify .. increase our human energy vibration bank account. Maybe that is what they mean when they say that SHALLOW "all you need is love"??
I hear a brat kid screaming and it is not just losing my focus, but making me ANGRY. Sorry to be mean but WAYYYY to many kids are UN parented!! and WAY too many have AUTISM, which is probably never even admitted by way too many NEGLIGENT parents. What person even would HAVE a small child today, unless totally unaware of the mess we have made of everything. Why would you bring n unsuspecting being into this stressful insecure chaos? I feel bad I had kids and they are 40! They will never see retirement or security.
A kid is not a toy, another belonging to compete coolness with! A kid is a RESPOBSIBILITY to grow and TEACH (DISCIPLINE!) into a "respectful of others" CITIZEN. You know, to be part of a HUMAN society where everybody has to work together and consider the OTHER'S well being?? Kids are brought up as "I'm special!" as in "me first, screw you". No, little brat! .. you are nobody .. you are not special, no more "special" than EACH and EVERY person is special and important. You are part of a forest where EVERY tree is special but MORE important by far, is our CONNECTION! ( fungus underground connect all trees, and trade and provide the chemicals every tree needs. The CONNECTED as humans is FAR more IMPORTANT than the "special". Except in our Blockchain LEDGER where we trading our SPECIAL talents and expertise, FOR THE GOOD OF ALL.
SCREAMING BLUE MURDER ALL DAY LONG DOES NOT CONSIDER THE STRESS IT PUTS ON OTHERS! I can't wait until I have enough nerve to scream the hell out of that kid who screams ALL RECESS LONG. Give it a heart attack for once for a change. Except then I will have no voice for a few days. Their vocal cords do it all day. Guess we will not be having children on our Island till we get back our society's HUMANITY ?
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Wed aft June 1, 2022.
Human resources are those resources that cannot be touched or felt, rather they are found in human ingenuity of the population but this is perhaps the most important type of resources for the effective functioning and coordination of a country. Human resources are the most important and vital for the economic development, they are the agent of development. They act as an asset for coordinating other resources due to the wide knowledge. from Jotscroll.com
excellent .. why people are not resources .. but we humans HAVE resources within us! And that is why it is unfair tithing we all have the SAME value of resources! A person with no family, no healthy genes, no supportive kindness does NOT have the same ability to succeed as one who does. Even being a selfish Left brain is a HUGE resource! If I did not worry about others well being how easy my life would be! Being kind and trying to understand problems to solve them is a RESOURCE to society but a LIABILITY for the person! Proof why Left brains have all the power! They just "get er Done" with no worry what caused or what consequence may be of the beast action. Why do you think we are in such a disastrous mess? Those in power never thinking with a WIDE perspective .. only a narrow focus on profit.
Shockingly I can find nothing on a list of resources a community can have, kindness, forgiveness, putting others first, HR has taken over the ?Lexicon!
virtues?? not really .. but a start .. we have away more ?values maybe
human values? getting closer .. but I want something that shows why "FREE WILL" as an excuse to not be kind to those who are struggling! Do I have to make something up? Like my "bank account" idea? Some people had a FULL bank account besides money .. when they were born! Loving parents, a stable home, few tragedies or losses, a sunny disposition, supportive people = feelings of confidence and deservedness, ability to simplify and look afterTHE SELF first. These abilities make life a HELL OF A LOT EASIER.
YES!! AWESOME This is horrifying becaseu it took me like an hour .. seriously? THEY really do want to keep us STUPID, powerless and out of control. there is TONS on HR which of course is corporations taking control of THEIR resource .. disrespected us. AHA! We have an HR dept was the FIRST Virtue signalling (pretending to be DECENT)
Everybody knows we give our time for money OR pay money to save our time. But maybe having "CONNECTIONS" is an even more golden RESOURCE!
cash, bank accounts, stocks, bitcoin, lottery winnings, actual ownership, Real Estate, pay check, a salary, pension, Disability etc., inheritance, life insurance, property, but all are simply $$ that need to be spent to live or for the 1%'s luxuries.
Use it to help other people and they can feed you. Use it to cook from scratch and it costs 1/4 as much. having NO TIME NEEDS MORE MONEY. People already work 2 jobs to make ends meet so they have no time to do things in a cheaper way. CONVENIENCE costs money! (I get the trophy for slowest human on the planet. YOU have 24 hours I have about 6 since everything takes me 4 x as long! where is TURTLE emoji?
"I know a guy" is a very valuable RESOURCE. When you are sociable or your family is, you have connections to others who know or HAVE things we can USE. A friend with a restaurant will give his friend's son a first job. Then a good recommendation to others, gets the SUCCESS ball rolling. A family of introverts will have NO SUCH RESOURCE. "Connection" is a very valuable foundation for building MORE VALUE. (Sociable people can stay with friends when traveling, reducing costs greatly.) hermit? = -
There are so many things that have value .. or are assets .. to our "bank account" of life.
How did businesses come to believe their only vale was $$? Stupidest thing ever. It is the WORKERS that make a business succeed. If they are treated well they treat customers well and are LOYAL to the business itself. Having lost any feeling of value employees no longer care! Customers know quality is no longer important so they also do not stay loyal. EVERYTHING is a RACE TO THE BOTTOM! But without the resource of a brain and the ability to think with broader vision .. our success was short li
But in our society, Thinking is UNWANTED, negative, a pain in the neck. It creates problems wanting solutions! They want us stupid and subservient. They have TRAINED THE MASSES into shallow sheep ants with no QUESTIONING or demanding improvement.
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My LIABILITY, "ranting" .. can help businesses improve, before Their money is wasted
10 cranes destroying my view. APPRECIATE! I feel I am losing my sight! Sometimes so blurry. No ranting. Be glad I can at least SEE those damn cranes. Sorry those LOVELY hard working cranes building cement Neighbourhood Destroyers. A SUNNY DISPOSITION is a GOLDEN resource. But a thinking brain, DEEP philosophical thinking, is a CURSE! It is a LIABILITY IN LIFE!
Undisciplined is bad BUT .. What about a mystery shopper .. the person who checks what is wrong at a store so it can be FIXED?
sorry this is actually a MENU page
Add a footnote if this applies to your business
mind mangement can save energy. J not getting his $, ignoring it, (AND THEN FORGETTING is terrible), but by doing so I can focus on trying to get a $ parter. The energy destruction of the extreme WORRY of our off spring's security, takes away from productive writing or work. The trick is to not REPEAT sad (my kids not even wanting to get out of bed) but do come back to it and ASK how they are.
Where possible let's share locally. It saves transport energy or internet power use for distribution. Have we forgotten our enormous increase of energy use since connecting computers globally? No .. Let's just blame cows instead of US for cow gas increasing CO2 emissions. UNBELIEVABLE! (Seriously? We use Argentina's power for Bitcoin (no more than a Casino gamble like other stocks) and we DARE to blame cows for our problems? Those "cow blaming people" are lucky I am not the CEO of our planet. I would just wipe the planet clear of its stupid "humans". We can be FAR meaner and more CLUELESS than animals
We all need clean water and air and what we do in a big city affects the farms far away. We must quit the Friedman Rand "economy" (me first, screw you) and build our own REAL economy that includes us. The economy of the last 6 decades has less and less including us masses as EQUAL partners. WE are VALUABLE ASSETS .. and without our participation in their old "only profit matters" system they can not survive. And their quality of life declines because it is our music art and small businesses that create beauty in their world.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
The only way to survive is to control our mind to believe we CAN create change. It seems impossible because society has gone too far to the other side (Hell!)
Glad Frankl was able to write "man's search for meaning". Some of us do not have the energy to even stay alive when the struggle becomes so great and THERE IS NO HOPE FOR CHANGE. There will be no change unless WE do something. Not irritate other people like the truck protest .. but TRYLY sacrifice. The truckers certainly are and we admire them for that .. but do not in protesting lost freedom .. then take away OTHERS freedom to quiet sleep or work or study!
WE need to protest by QUITTING their agenda .. complete control of us. If we quit buying their stuff or participating .. we can just trade what we need with each other. Com on it worked in pioneer days. They will make it impossible but if we put our Brauns AND minds together we can create positive solution maybe better than BEFORE the covid takeover. (They must hate same business! They want ALL our business to further control us.) The truckers are sacrificing for now but I suggest we must turn ourselves bak to pioneers and quit falling for needing a million things.
We need only 3 things ..
Notice the list has no apps, no 1 inch nails, or restaurant images competing who had the coolest meal. Without the crazy things we have come to believe we need .. we can survive .. and more calmly than with the supposed "help" of big brother!
Walter the cat no expensive truck buying needed .. the CAT is the star "That's amazing! ... I meant the CAT!"
We can affect other people and our environment with it!!!
add somewhere .. "whatever will be .. will be" worrying about it just WASTES precious resources! Not a SMART choice .. MANAGE your assets!!
OPEN!! never mind stores being open .. OPEN YOUR MIND. More important try to bring along people who could maybe still SEE BIGGER? Closed minds are destroying our humanity! An OPEN MOND is a RESOURCE .. but sadly SO complicates life! It is an ASSET but also a LIABILITY at the same time!
Our skills, talents, energy, patience, perseverance in our special area
Thursday, Jan 13, 2022
We especially WASTE people's talents or ASSETS (resources) like curiosity! perseverance, persistence, (ability to work quietly alone .. being driven). We demonize our Liabilities, when instead they can be USED to advantage .. turned into VALUABLE ASSETS. Like the stories of Autistic adults. They have amazing talents but we think they are not normal just because they have an abundance of a certain skill, but lack the BALANCE of others. We just do not think contemplatively or "out of the box" anymore! That means we WASTE enormous valuable resources that could be at our disposal. Probably our impatience and desire for instant conformity is the problem? Yet we hypocritically say everyone is "special." (" Hah .. what? just YOUR BRAT kid is "special", entitled lady?"
I see this waste of human RESOUCES everywhere, especially irritating when park is littered with fallen branches or a garden that needs weeding, something someone would find soothing and give a feeling of be valuable to. Instead we give disability or unemployment. NEITHER create REAL well being .. and believe me! most of us do NOT want free money. being needed and connected to a mission is far more valuable to Total Health. Is the covid nonsense's purpose to destroy us feeling unconnected and of no value .. OR valued but utterly exhausted? Strange strange times we live in.
Don't ever think conspiracy people have no basis in truth. So so many questions of things that just make no sense in this whole global shut down. I for one would have been fine with us old guys dying, if it meant young people could have a more normal life. We had our time and took MORE than our share of resources. Time for a new group to take over .. but so sad the mess we left them .. so so unfair. The reason? Thinkers .. Right hemisphere wired people were disrespected for decades. We were the screamers about environmental decline in the 60's! But nobody listened. Instead they listened to Rand and Friedman .. simplifying everything into a profit focus. Good luck with THAT DISRESPECT OF EVERY SINGLE RESOURCE EXCEPT MONEY.
incomplete .. my intuition, sixth sense, dead talked to me and Philly Ley Lines. My fiends never had that! Even MANIC is a resource. once took a drug .. no THANKS! It is awesome to be ebullient, truly excited over even little things! (I think Jimmie Faloon has same brain wiring as me, he is sincere in his excitement .. not fake.
Sunny disposition? so unfair to not have!! life is so much easier if this is just your normal! I have a friend who feels she is "lucky". For sure! She is wise beyond her years, always able to refocus on NOW, with a hopeful attitude. I was excited about remembering if the worlds ending WE ARE HEADING FOR HEAVEN, (if we areas evil "socialist"). She just kindly reminded me .. yes .. but you are here NOW .. so enjoy the GOOD that is here. And when I DO that .. people smile and are kind and the "world" is reflected BACK in my positive energy.
But damn I keep falling back into to the "thinkng what if .." panic. This is very hard and habit changing difficulty for me. For her it is something internal, something that just comes naturally. A HUGE, HUGE resource .. but one she could use to help people like us worriers to get smarter. There are people who yell at "thinkers" .. stop your incessant negativity but that only makes us feel bad .. it does not HELP us or lift our spirits. Why do we not CELEBRATE our resources (assets ) more and use them to balance liabilities of others. She is missing out on a fabulous career .. that in turn would reduce the disdavanytage or liability of a worrier. Once new habits are developed THEN the thinker as ASSET is useful.
I spent so much time resenting THEIR resources (a balanced brain or ability toNOT worry! ), that I forgot to give mine the RESPECT and admiration my own resources deserved! Let's make our ASSETS more known and hopefully they can now be envious of us! we are the inventors, the visionaries, the ones who design new and better systems!
at first just virtual, then one all inclusive space, then a whole living community like the old co-op neighbourhoods near the Don river in Toronto. (Bain Cooperative!)
Since covid we have no"freedom". A lot of us are kind people who would never HARM ANYONE and put our SELF first. Yet we are screamed at for masks when the lack of real hygiene knowledge is ludicrous. If you think a little nothing salut covid makes sense. Taking all our power certainly does .. leaving us no jobs (robots) isolated and sicker from 5G. We need to pay ATTENTION .. to think about things.
Why can't we use the blockchain to vote for WAY MORE THINGS THAN WE DO?? My Toronto rep spent 4 million on dogs and art and 1 million on feeding poor people. I would NEVER have voted for that. Poor people do not CJOOSE to fail. They somehow never got equal resources to us. I had a lucky break being a we'll paid teacher. People good at sales have a fabulous resource and will always succeed! If someone never got the breaks they will fail. NOT BECAUSE THEY WERE LAZY or did not TRY hard enough. That nonsense is such shallow thinkng it is INFURIATING. Stupid? You are off my Island. (Damn wish I could buy one and be the boss of pitching off selfish thoughtless not kind people!)
I say church because I love architecture and in a downtown you see so many of these remnants of history in their glorious design. Can we maybe re use them? Whether synagogue or temple .. "church" to me is just a term for a place to HOPEFULLY feel like we are ACCEPTED, a place to feel we are connected and belong.
Wed. Mar. 30, 2022
Some of us are born already with a MINUS balance! Don't tell me we all have FREE WILL. That is a bunch of CRAP. I do not care if you were poor and succeeded, or even if you ALSO had an alcoholic dad but STILL succeeded. If your birth "bank account" is already too depleted, it is one hell of a lot HARDER TO SUCCEED.
It is also a load od CRAP to say .. we all struggle .. you should just have tried harder. There is struggle and there is STRUGGLE on steroids. And if you are closed minded and insensitive the exact same things could happened to you and you are fine. But a sensitive, worrying person will have the same obstacles or trauma and lose their mind. How dare those Left brain simple minded WARRIORS compare a thoughtful sensitive Right brain thinker to their own obliviousness of others!!
I hope some of our ?conservative friends will come with us and RETHINK their easy judgement of "losers". Nobody WANTS to be a loser OF COURSE. But if you think a lot you are more sensitive and things get to you. It is far easier to shut them out if you are LEFT BRAIN ACTION. Just as life is far easier of you were so lucky tom just be born with a "sunny disposition. Do you not think us worriers would LOVE to more easily do that? We have to STRUGGLE to learn it .. while you lucky people just blithely find it easy. It is time we understood this and gave more respect to THINKERS. Had we done that and listened over the last 60 years we would NOT be here now!
Wed. April 20, 2022. see MY HOUSE section.
If my "I need" vs "I give" (UBI) BLOCKCHAIN LEDGER just uses a given formula, (say I need 10 (P) for shelter, 4 (P) for food and 2 (P) for fun so I must TRADE 16 (P) of my resources or assets) then this article paragraph messes with my brain!! Yike! Ok .. how about we just add that we NEED an extra 10x for pension, travel or buying the perfect home. oh dear it is all so confusing! and I was trying to make it EASY and less stress. PLEASE HELP ME!
PS .. P stands for our "money" replacement. Stands for PRISM because the resources we trade often INCREASE total value (like a smile or kindness increases total quality if life!)
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Fri. June 17, 2022. We need a separate heading for this OR add this to my OTHER website.
Tues. April 19, 2022.
I must by today's price have a million $ sitting around in notes, even in 2 storage lockers!! I have to quit obsessively making notes or it will bankrupt me! I have always used the good notes for rough notes later by using the back. I just figured I was using up less poor trees. But now I must remember to WRITIE SMALLER, no making the size of note writing = to the epiphany's import. Maybe do red if a GRAND IDEA? Damn it senility is HORRID! I had a NEW way to save money and by the time I created this spot I have now forgotten it!
AHA!! I remember! Everyday I make a task list that NEVER gets done ..I just keep obsessively hamster wheeling thru the asame notes I think. After maybe 100 times it finally reamins and is clear? Dyslexic or ?what. In the old days I would say I am retarded .. today is pretty stupid becaseu THERE IS CERTAINLY SOMETHING WRONG MAKING ME SO SLOW! YES! I invented the Digital Dystopia "theory of everything human" but you could have done it in 4 years not 60! But you would have been smart enough to also have a life! I had none, just totally OBSESSED. And now that I finally have Einstein's "if not simple, you do not yet understand it well enough" .. it seems too simple I do feel idiot for it taking a LIFETIME! Let's hope I can make a diff like Friedman, Rand and Corbusier BUT POSITIVE INSTEAD OF THE HELL THEY CREATED!
I will put 2 days tasks on one page split lengthwise = HALF the paper! brilliant eh?
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
duty to CONSERVE. Not even to save $ .. but to use less water to be treated in the sewage system.
We should have listened in the 50's
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.