Sun. July 31, 2022.
Everything we Humans now do is so hopelessly idiotic. We had a million rules to follow with covid .. but uncontrolled "deep fakes" development is just fine. No Laws to follow there! I mean with deep faking we could create movies without hiring actors. That is a totally important NEED, right? The fact that it makes a world already full of of lies .. 100 times WORSE to find truth .. is no problem, right?
We are 100% certifiably insane .. and those of us who see this INSANITY are losing our minds in an even more destructive way. I mean allowing 5G to destroy our brain wiring is ridiculous enough, but just allowing deep FAKING to multiply, surely proves our brains are gone . for sure .. at least in those who are in power. It is easy to gain power when the only thing in your mind is "me, mine, here, and now!" Contemplating past causes of problems and future consequences BEFORE acting, really COMPLICATES life accomplishment.
Being oblivious, shallow minded and selfish is EASY .. an easy way to live life. But living life envisioning consequences AHEAD of time, is HORRID .. especially when no one will listen to the serious alarms we raise. We somehow have to immunize ourselves TO KEEP OUT the effects of the disease of stupidity all around us. If we let the disease (of the disabled right thinking brain) overwhelm our mind .. it will eventually destroy us! Thinking can be a curse .. especially in a world run by those who do NONE of it!
Let's try to shut out thinking as much as we can often. Live NOW, the past is gone, the future too Scarry.
Life IS hell .. and we never even caused it! Nobody listened to our concerns .. they just kept on going the WRONG way faster and faster. Now we are at the cliff and it could have been prevented if they listened to us "negative" worriers. So are we going to waste energy sad, angry, resentful and ready to battle them? Or save ALL our energy .. and just go our own way .. create our OWN reality? ACCEPT it is all a mess, stop fighting it .. and find beauty, comedy or a smile in whatever still can please us the most. We MUST look after ourselves!
I think there are MORE of us quiet questioners! The screaming demonizing right left nonsense is not the nice kind people I learn of or talk to. They WANT us to think everybody is horrible. And some of us are just horrible because we are STRESSED selfish and shallow. Life is hard, everyday is a struggle .. so lots of people must simplify just to get by with their mind intact. Once they know we are here for them they will become kind again and able to discuss and compromise.
Even if that focus is ZERO .. nothing .. nada .. ! We slide down the "open" window our thoughts and our brain is now CLOSED. Closed for maintenance .. as in cleaning out the worries, anxieties, panic .. just breathe. The disaster will still be there, BUT this CLOSED MINUTE gives our brain wiring a moment to RE-group, get off that hamster wheel of terror.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Tues. May 24, 2020. Memorial Day USA weekend ..
If it is hard to BREATHE because awful, after awful is piling on you with no end, at least know YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I just saw that the MONSTERS parents who think their kids are "special" are raising, invaded TO beach Sunday Nite. What kind of monsters throw firecrackers, caring nothing about injuring people never mind the fear caused by the sound and danger?
These sefish self absorbed NON humans are STEALING our quiet kind QUALITY OF LIFE! NO MORE!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO STEAL our total SHARED RESOURCES of nature and quiet. We are going to start a WAR against the REAL enemy .. selfish, self centred oblivious to others needs MONSTERS!! If you are selfish just to cope .. "stressed selfish" and shallow having to simplify just to survive .. sorry you have to return from OBLIVION. Wake up to oTHERS. We are already living in enough hell worrying about rent due .. we do not need to add to our worry unable to safely go outside for a break. Smarten up and consider others well being OR get off our ISLAND!
Those of us will to consider others and be kind and considerate, let's try this quick COPING TOOL RECIPE :
Step 1 .. WE CONTROL US .. feel it first with our body and brain, that will let us control our MIND
Step 3 .. FOCUS .. What can we do to fix this problem first? the other problems can wait, we are FOCUSED.
Step 4 .. Design the plan.
Step 5 .. Execute with kindness to our SELF in mind. WE DESERVE TOO!
Step 6 .. Pat ourselves on the back .. we are AWESOME. Take a little break and then do the same with our next problem and then our next. One at a time, things get a bit more manageable. especially NOT alone.
We little guys have 7 million worries and it is totally overwhelming. Let's remember to pull the "Tree of STRESS and overload" APART and work on one twig at a time. Those in our community are the Forest FUNGUS, that actually KEEPS THE FOREST ALIVE. We are each SPECIAL unique trees, but can only be healthy with the actual CONNECTING fungus underground .. that supports our TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH.
Wed. April 6, 2022 pm
Left brain ACTION people live in the NOW. They do not think of a problem's past (causes) or their ACTION'S future (consequence). Left Brain Life is EASY, only in the NOW especially when ONLY CONCERNED WITH THE SELF. We Right Brains are anxious and worried because we ALSO consider others well being and our future is not looking good!
To survive the day or even the moment, we must come back to the NOW. Shut our brain down, calm ourselves and STOP thinking "what if .. ?" or "It is not FAIR". ACCEPT the world is crazy for just a moment. Every hour maybe we should just BREATHE and look after the SELF, coming back to BALANCE. It used to be a person had both brain Hemispheres, we first thought about a plan, analyzed its consequences, and THEN acted on it. In our "Instant Fast Society", more Left hemisphere people have NO PATIENCE for that slowness! They act fast, but with dire consequences that we now live in. No CONTEMPLATION of an action .. results in many flawed outcomes! We are left behind with the anxiety of our unutilized cause (past) and consequence (future) investigative thoughts. "They" win in "success" and not being STRESSED like us. So we must learn to STOP, shut down our brain .. breathe and clear our thoughts of panic. HMM! If we have a computer meltdown don't they say just shut it down and start it up again. HAH! We must do that for our own sanity!
WE have been living in the fable of the Tortoise and the HARE .. But in our world the hare won, NOT THE TURTLE. Fast and UNTHINKING has horrid results. We have to take over becasue the hare's win only leads to Toal collapse. To take over we must stop ourselves from having a meltdown. We must be selfish too .. for a minute .. look after OUR SELF! We Right Brain THINKERS usually forget OURSELF while we worry about everyone else. How easy for Left Brain warriors! They just turn the other into the ENEMY and attack. Meanwhile we try to UNDERSTAND everything and it is EXHAUSTING!! Stop .. take some time now .. and be BRAINLESS. Train your mind to TAKE CONTROL .. a holiday from thinkng. Just see beauty and appreciation
"They" say we failed are losers becaseu we did not work hard like them. HAH! our brains never stop working wondering how e could help solve problems and Create better quality of life FOR ALL. They are concerned only with self and family or friends. That kind of "not selfish" does NOT COUNT. God wants us to be kind and share with strangers too!
feels good to feel not alone!
The jerk that took your sidewalk may be stressed, late for his 2nd job .. or if just evil selfish, why let "them" steal our joy in those spring leaves popping out of the ground. Giving them our anger means they took a resource from us! They STOLE good energy from us. They already stole our sidewalk .. and now they stole our positive energy vibration. SCREW THAT. No More! Let's not let that happened anymore. They leave us with less resources and if JERKS they won! If stressed they NEED our good energy.
All energy is shared. I was wrong in the 70's, teaching my science kids there are atoms and electrons. EVERYTHING is actually shared energy! We can either WASTE it (angry) or pass it on to help people! Hah! if nothing else, in pretending you are "listening" to me and we are LEARNING, maybe my writing will just make ME a better person? When my market friends raised my spirits yesterday, I came outside and everybody was nice and I helped others be nice by sending them positive vibes! it was a transformation because the market "support" raised my spirits and then it got passed on. The magic magnet found like kind people!
We need to keep all our resources to share between us .. not let them EVAPORATE to jerks who do not deserve our kindness. Do not take it personally .. they may just be overwhelmed, not mEAN. Let's give more people thatbenfit of the doubt .. and give them POSITIVE energy as they apss. They may feel it, be cheered and be NICER TO THE NEXT PERSON!
The segment above re energy vibration gives us a lot to think of. We were not taught this in school of course AND we were made to feel it was "airy fairy", not for SERIOUS people. Hmm, another way to reduce our power or control? It is probably the only thing now that could save us, since we have messed everything up here! Coming together and BELIEVING that good begets MORE good .. is about all the resources we have now! We have wasted just about everything and destroyed civility, replacing it with division and rudeness.
Is it like our "energy vibration" is both heat and light? and we can use it up (be angry) .. or pass positive on .. leaving us all, MORE energy. Is that something like what monks speak of and believe? We are terrible at using resources well, we have no clue about CONSERVING! This is a great wake up .. how we have wasted so much .. and continue to do so!
Can we think forgiveness instead of blame and anger? More likely than not that horrible person I have sworn at for 5 years (the rude uncivil greedy one) is truly thoughtless. Stuck in his OWN tunnel because of the overwhelm. Do you agree if the person is STRESSED selfish or STUPID it is far easier to be compassionate? I always envision them thinking I am not important, I do not exist, the world (sidewalk is ONLY for their SPECIALNESS. I guess that is what after years .. turns you to raging "murder". My son says I am judgemental .. maybe THAT is what he means, instead of judging this rude person as totally self centred. It can instead be "stressed selfish" or even stupid as a COPING TOOL. That person gets my empathy. And in return I STAY CALM. If you are like me we really do need to take a CHILL PILL!
Sun. July 31, 2022
I woke up today not feeling so distressed. To hear so many young people are ?suicidal .. or feel something new .. just no longer caring to go on .. the struggle having become too much. To hear this .. is surely the lowest point we can be at in despair, for the world we horrible old people have created.
I don't feel as despairing as yesterday .. so maybe we can be hopeful to at least reach a point of NUMBNESS? I guess I am just the perpetual coaching high school teacher .. because for some reason young people CONFIDE. I guess my "purpose" to move to this horrible Chartwell "home", was to get to know so many young EMPLOYEES! Not just THEY themselves, but many of their connections do not want to get up in the morning any longer. Does anyone in charge even KNOW this is happening? I do not hear ALARM BELLS and there SHOULD be! For now let's try to use forced oblivion as a tool to cope .. just being numb to all we see and not letting it even REGISTER in our mind!
Fri. June 17, 2022 .. I moved this first because it seemed more SOLUTION STEPS rather than more ranting?
Sun Dec 19, 2021. not yet edited .. see below .. "Gift of Calm" video .. stop and BREATHE
"Feel gratitude" sounds so shallow when we are wondering how we will pay the rent. But it really is true. What if we were also in a wheelchair, or almost blind, or could not hear birds singing? We forget to appreciate so many things, until we LOSE them. Then we are sorry we were not more grateful and POSITIVE.
Those who say "It could always be worse", either have never had it really rough .. OR .. they are one of those SO LUCKY SOULS, that always seems to focus on the sunny side! I am so jealous of those most lucky people! They own a RESOURCE that is golden! Have you ever thought of that? ".. could be worse" is better than a million $, because if you lost the $ you would still gave hope! Instead of crying that god hates us because we were not so fortunate to naturally only see positive .. we must LEARN to be like them. We must DISCIPLINE our mind to see only the coming sun .. and ignore the dark side. Or at least realize the darkness will pass for us too. Just BREATHE. Then we feel we at least have SOME control .. in our new life of NO control.
We see the world is falling apart with so much demonization and disrespect for TRUTH. It all seems hopeless. Luckily Science and Religion are finally converging today. Apparently we can have heaven and hell realities at the same time! Let's step over to the "heaven side" .. the "sunny side of the street"reality.
I find myself seeing only the negative and forgetting any positive. 9 people on the street were CIVIL to me .. but I rant about the 10th who was worse than no manners. A BAD way to run my life if I want to ENJOY it! It harms me and the people around me that I give BAD energy to! We seriously have to ACCEPT there IS hell now, but we focus INSTEAD on the wonderful people trying to be kind and do good. we CAN discipline our mind to be in OUR control. We can see more of the GOOD, and possible.
The above street example gets me a horrible community mindset, when actually way more people were nice and CIVIL. we SEE what we focus on. those of us always THINKNG must quit with that at our OWN peril. But we also take others down with our "Debbie Downer" (SNL). Yike I need to remove half this web site. Yes, it is TRUE that we are no longer as civil a society. But repeating it over and over helps NOBODY!
Ability to believe in the "LAW of Attraction", would also give us hope as we focus more on the GOOD. It is TRUE .. All our systems are crumbling and all we do is demonize each other. We should instead be listening to and learning from each other, to solve our problems with our opposite brain assets. (Right hemisphere brain people think, Left Brain act. Opposite resources that used to be balanced in our head!) If we can only scream at each other, where is there any hope for solutions? We do get what we focus on, so those of us who feel born under a black cloud will find examples to prove it. (But we actually just are the "thinkers" .. which makes life far more messy. and we often sabotage ourself!) Action people simplify, making life easier than the confusing complexity of contemplating everything with care.
Remember that "sunny disposition" person I am jealous of? They think LESS, and focus MORE on seeing good and acting on it. Unreasonable as it seems in today's failing society .. looking for the GOOD is our ONLY means of survival. The other option is being sad at having won the trophy for being right! "Stop! the world is crazy, nothing makes sense!". Looks like I was right all along, (confused for 60 years!) but wow .. it is no fun winning that trophy. (Seriously! I keep ranting at all the injustices and illogic .. like a crazy lady arguing about a cancer death sentence. Why not get life in order and then ENJOY? It is insanity to instead waste more time arguing!! (In other words, enjoy the time left, if it is really END TIMES!) :<>
Or .. if you love music it can raise your spirits. Whatever makes you feel a bit lighter, do it, frequently. Then try again to stop, breathe, appreciate and now, we can set about an action plan. What can we do to change things? Why not start by doing things you are great at, for others .. BUT CHARGE them. There are jobs that take me hours and you could do better in ONE! You think I would not pay you to save me some time? Most of us do not have enough hours in the day ..but waste some doing stuff that is so hard for us. Why don't we trade what is EASY for us and we all get more time? hah? Better than a BLOCKCHAIN Ledger because it takes no electricity. (Bitcoin uses the electricity of Argentina. Did I not say we are insane? There you have a perfect example.)
It is such a waste of energy to argue that if it is end times it is just not fair! If you had a terrible tumour and months to live would you waste it crying .. or just get out there and say good bye to friends and places you enjoyed? Kind of a waste to yell and scream "not fair" .. yet I wasted my life doing that. But I had no one to tell me I was being an idiot. You have me! Don't waste the time we have left, like I did. We do not know the future, it may be far better than our worry is suggesting. Accept and EXPECT we can somehow change the direction we are heading.
I was feeling all excited and working well yesterday, but saw what looked like an amazing TVO documentary about "FASTER .. Humanity's quest to save time" this part was focused on malls. Sounded fascinating so I took the time out to watch. Even 24 hours later seeing a image of a vandalized mall I felt great despair. Leave it alone already! We know that all we had as ritual is gone .. replaced by screen and selfie competition .. why re open the wound?? Am I stupid? yes! ACCEPTING, truly accepting means NO MORE descending into gloom on seeing yet another loss in what was a normal life. STOP ALREADY. I guess they call it .. DETACHING! Focus on the POSSIBLE other, or just NOT on the END. Maybe we can DETACH from our thought or premise taking over life, by imagining it as an ANCHOR weighing us down. BY DETACHING we envision our constant focus on (world end) as an anchor keeping us from getting out of this dystopia!
We KNOW a life of drones, AI and screens is NOT quality of life .. so why cry every time we see another loss? BE A ZOMBIE .. ignore! Be OBLIVIOUS. Why do others get to enjoy an entire life of oblivion and we can't even use it now as a COPING TOOL!?? Come on people .. we are going to detroy our health unless we GET DISCIPLINED! Practise MIND CONTROL! Yes I have NO DISCIPLINE EITHER , but it is either we find it or we will kill ourself with worry. Stress destroys our health. Our concerns, worry, anxiety can kill us by making all our physical AILMENTS worse! ("Anxiety" is just a new term for worry, so "they" can PRESCRIBE and profit from drugs. EVIL .. or just total "profit zombie" stupid.)
With Expectation we can rebuild our hope along with a new system that works better. There REALLY is a "Magic Magnet" that can bring us what we focus on. Sure .. we still have to WOK for it .. but it will come easier if we BELIVE in it! Thinkers often bring themselves a dark cloud. We must ACCEPT that was not a smart attitude and we sabotaged ourselves! Meanwhile those who simplify and act with confidence get what they need. We must treat ourselves more fairly and use this scientific law to OUR OWN advantage. God or the CEO of the cosmos, thinks we ALL have value, NOT just those with MORE profit (cash) and POWER! Left brain action people just believe in themselves more, because they QUESTION less.
This website is based on Dr. Iain McGilchrist's work, a neuroscientist .. see "The Divided Brain TVO"
Working together, sharing our opposite Brain RESOURCE, we could still save society from collapsing. Do you know people who are not extreme opposites like my family? I only hope the MIDDLE of the Right/ Left Brain Hemisphere spectrum, more balanced, is actually where the masses are. opposite ends clash and now even demonize each other. I cling to the hope my OPPOSITE EXTREMES family has made me despairing of ever working together. But that most out there can still listen to other ideas that differ.
Do you know people who can listen and learn from each other? .. people who hear a new idea and at least consider it? .. sometimes even changing their viewpoint? Please bring them to our community! All we do today is scream and demonize the other. Probably because the constant change and STRESS has destroyed all of our Emotional Health! To solve BIG problems we have to listen to and learn from each other! Consider cause and consequence, then compromise and collaborate. Can we still do that? America is COLLAPSING and their politicians will NOT even hear each other. Very frightening! I think our future survival depends on listening to OTHER ideas and working TOGETHER .. what do you think? the closed mind
Why don't we trade what we have or are good at .. instead of working for "the man" DISRESPECTED? With the internet and all our apps and blockchain why can't we build a system to trade not one on one but like our own RECEIPT money was based on
Looking at and trying to understand the experience of people in the WAR in Ukraine is horrifying. Plus some of us feel there is even more dire happening WHILE WE ARE DISTRACTED by this. Rather than wake again sick with worry what if we FOCUS on this being a Theatre of REALITY. One or a few BAD GUYS .. making life HELL for all the citizens of at least 2 countries (plus those on boundaries. But instead of saying "how typical .. we all pay big time while the power people feel little negative effect!" why don't we focus on the fact that regular people are AMAZING. The People of Ukraine who stayed are strong and brave and have COURAGE. The rest of the world has immediately come forward to help in whatever way they can. Do we want to stay stuck in Putin is not hared by no Apple or Spotify .. his people never started this war! OR .. do we want to FOCUS our mind on the brave and kind MASSES. Do not let the pwerful we hear more of steal our mind. We can make our mind work FOR us or against us. Let's discipline our selves to ALWAYS MAKE OUR MIND WORK FOR US, never against us. I think we as the right brain THINKERS tend to let our mind work AGAINST us. No more! we look for good and focus ONLY on that .. but also fixing what is wrong.
Thurs. June 2, 2022.
you will hate me .. but in all honesty, those MONSTER children below my 11th floor apt. are not human. Sorry .. but even animals are not so "uncivilized", very seriously. Perhaps the 2 or 3 with autism? have got the whole group of them screaming murderously for their entire lunch hour. With all honesty if my behaviour was destroying the quality of life of the whole community PLEASE put me in the asylum! I have no right to stress 100's of people becaseu I happened to enjoy screaming like I a being murdered for hour on end. I am NOT special and if I destroy others well being I am OUT OF SOCIETY. But sadly we live in a SELFISH self centred, self absorbed society. Or at least those screen faced zombies who like attention are next to evil!
Ahh .. the monsters are gone, I can actually breathe now, without stomach cramps, so tense from their completely ABNORMAL behaviour .. to complete later
Is anybody even noticing .. or are we mostly just screen faced sheep (followers!) ant (worker) ZOMBIES?
Overload and overwhelm have created a need for "Stressed Selfish and Shallow" behaviour. Just to survive we must keep tightly self focused not even noticing others. This decline to selfish is the spectrum toward EVIL. It has already destroyed civility .. the common decency in our society. Instead of civil Human Beings we pass mostly OBLIVIOUS ZOMBIES on the side walk. (At least I feel like a ghost because they always run me over.) Selfish "me first, screw you" attitudes do not create social good. The Left Hemisphere (action) brain has taken over the POWER STRUCTURE. Only balanced right (think), left (act) hemisphere creates quality of life. The toxins of shallow "progress" have destroyed our brain wiring. What is left is NO LONGER CREATING QUALITY OF LIFE. Are we seriously going to let this continue? Everyday in the pandemic, a new billionaire was created, and the old ones increased their wealth by 42%. While we struggle. Are you going to continue being a "sheep ant" or REVOLT .. quietly .. taking back our power?
If we get together we can work to build a new system that RESPECTS OUR VALUE IN THE "SYSTEM". We do all the work and get NONE of the respect .. in fact they prefer to replace us with robots. Will robots buy their stuff. They too are seriously BRAIN DEAD. They totally forgot all the crap they produce we USE. Oh .. except from the article above .. a horrifying new realization! O-M-G! I am not voting this year (today) .. becaseu "they " are all the same! They do not work for us they work for THEM. So it is worse than I even realize from article above. Those we vote for take OUR TAX MONEY and give it to the billionaires.
Guess they actually do NOT need us .. but then again .. HAH!! ROBOTS WONT PAY TAX. Even if they just print their own money, while we starve .. they will see how boring life is without us. No Art, no music, no cafes or celebrations. Everything fun is RIGHT BRAIN. Left brain are the action, manager, CEO's worried ONLY about profit and power.
We actually do not have much time .. we are turning more and more police state. Why have we heard NOTHING more about the pellets gun guy the police murdered? Oh, but there were scared parents the police had to help out. Well, I hope they are FINE with it when the police just shoot their own kid .. because he looked Scarry. Sad, how we never even noticed how FEARFUL, OBLIVIOUS TO ALL ZOMBIE we became!
With a little SACRIFICE we can RE-Pioneer a BETTER SYSTEM. Do we still have the kind of courage and patience the pioneers had? Are we still brave enough to not need fast, and convenient, our every desire attended to instantly? If we are brave and sacrifice we can build a new SYSTEM from all our BACKWARD broken ones. It is possible to build a new simple SYSTEM trading our VALUE in a "FAIR SHARE" BLOCKCHAIN Ledger. Not a single one of our systems work for us. Not Health "care", Not "Education", Not Law and "Order" or our Justice system .. none of them actually work for US, quiet church mice.
The SILO systems were never meant to work for us, but I am a VERY slow learner. All my life I screamed "why does nothing work?" My mistake .. works fine .. just not meant to work FOR US! OUR capitalist "democracy" works only for those who profit or gain power. See article above how wealth catapulted for them while we struggled during a "plandemic". That's what we get for being ZOMBIES. Although that too was all their plan. Wheat and sugar and then stress and search FRIED our brains. Hopefully together we can REBALANCE the Left action and Right FIRST THINKING hemisphere functions.
With our individual expertise and talent we can build a non silo system that works better. We CAN do it if we all get involved and it WILL work better. "Be sure to vote" is a distraction .. what good does it do? they ALL look after their own interests. "$ Vote" by REMOVING your $ and LACK of support for their brand. Dollar voting is the only WEAPON we have .. plus refusing to work for evil companies. We will trade our skills with each other .. and those companies who are still HUMAN. But it will take SELF DISCIPLINE! That is something THEY worked very hard to DESTROY in us! Link Can we still WIN? Let's at least try! It gives us a new hope!
WE have lost all REAL quality of life. Our EXTREME shallow society of competition leads only to overload and OVERWHELM. Without financial SECURITY, CONTINUITY of routines, and real CONNECTIONS, it feels more like Digital DYSTOPIA. We have APPS and "tools" for everything imaginable, except to feel valued, respected and SECURE in our REAL needs for life. You will notice I keep saying "REAL" becasue nothing seems to BE the word it forms. Health "care" is drug profiteering. Education is a source of debt (where no REAL Life managing intelligence is focused on.) The "economy" only works forTHEM as does Law and order and "justice".
Does it seem reasonable that if we treat each other with respect, and do not act selfishly, that less people WOULD act out? Police are there for people we have failed. A human has genes which can cause trouble but more important is the norture, the other resources he received at birth. Some people receive NONE and of corse their life is harder. But seeing others struggle and being kind, can save their life literally. Working together and sharing our resources, even just being supportive means so much less is wasted! NYC spends 1/2 million to incarcerate!! Could that not be better spent to prevent the bad behaviour to BEGIN? Sure there are people whose brain is evil because it lacks "compassion wiring", but they are few and far between.
Fri. June 3, 2022. (edited)
Nothing worked because it only involved showing up. No self discipline was taken to REALLY make change. The only way anything changes, is if we MAKE it change by taking responsibility. Lots of us quitting things that destroy our future WILL be heard! Quietly .. everybody thinks loud is the answwer. No, we will quietly take charge by bowing out.
Sadly boomers were happy "just love everybody" hippies, but then sat back and let everything go to hell! OR worse .. selfishly helped it! We left you this MAJOR mess which is mass UNFAIR .. but unless we quit supporting Corporations that run our lives .. nothing will be different. You can take a Sunday protesting, BUT it won't work. The only thing that will work is our taking responsibility to SACRIFICE some of the nonsense in our lives. Mennonites STILL do it. Surely we have the courage left to quit Amazon or anyone who is not a GOOD global citizen. 5G is destroying our brain faster and faster. We need Steven King's dome! Maybe Elon Musk would sponsor it for us?! Our creativity and invention together can still fix this!
If you have nothing to do with those companies that have taken over our lives .. they can NOT succeed in the same way. They will have less control. But it would take SACRIFICE, an ability Western Civilization has probably lost. Please PROOVE me WRONG right now! I know it is hard .. like me telling my kids NOT to shop Walmart 20 years ago, when it was the cheapest they could find with their budget that was half of mine! But wherever you can support small biz OR companies that are decent .. like Costco, who was long before C S R became a trick marketing tool, paying employees FAR better!
Let's prepare now for next May 1st, 2023. Isn't that the historic "Workers Unite" date? we can ALL STRIKE together and stop the world. WE, not they .. are the real ones who make everything happened. Corporations would have almost a year to partner with us .. to be CERTIFIED FAIR R3 C6. They get the SPONSOR value of working with us to restore quality of life! We get funds to build a REAL "church" Library cafe location for us to connect, and re learn basic LIFE SKILLS. And later we develop a full CO-OPERATIVE Community neighbourhood replacing the "systems" that do not work for us. Corporations and Govt's partner for the license of our TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH system .. which includes Health subscriptions and "Gift of Calm TV" produced by PTSD Disabled Veterans.
Sun. July31, 2022.
When will I learn to be smart like GEORGIO??? I continue trying to teach the "Ralph's ! BUT THEY ARE UNTEACHABLE!!! TheirRight thinkng listen hear learn think reconsider ABILITY is GONE!! Why have I wasted my life talking to those who can not HEAR new hopefully BETTER ideas? I am an idiot. Do NOT be ;ike me! what a waste of resources .. no wpnder I am depressed all the time. I deserve the TROPHY for best WASTER!
"Take a 2 minute vacation" to Stop, Breathe and Appreciate. Apparently the most important part of deep Breathing, is the SLOWED EXHALING. Slowing down breathing OUT, actually PHYSICALLY helps the body calm down. Once WE FEEL IN CONTROL of our body, we can work on controlling our mind. Some of us have already lost everything. But we can still be grateful we at least can either still walk? see? hear? or be able to THINK to build solutions. We do still have many RESOURCES, and THE CHOICE TO HOPE!
Breathe! Once our body is in our control it makes us feel we HAVE control .. we can manage this! do something for 20 minutes and then check yourself. Us Thinkers can get lost on the worry hamster wheel going nowhere. Our energy is a RESOURCE to be respected, no wasted indiscriminately!Breathe! Once our body is in our control it makes us feel we HAVE control .. we can manage this! do something for 20 minutes and then check yourself. Us Thinkers can get lost on the worry hamster wheel going nowhere. Our energy is a RESOURCE to be respected, no wasted indiscriminately!Breathe! Once our body is in our control it makes us feel we HAVE control .. we can manage this! do something for 20 minutes and then check yourself. Us Thinkers can get lost on the worry hamster wheel going nowhere. Our energy is a RESOURCE to be respected, no wasted indiscriminately!
What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.
Mon. Mar. 14, 2022. 11:30 am
Everything we thought we knew about Right / Left brain hemispheres is pretty much wrong .. this article shows it is STILL misunderstood. (I must connect with them) They have not studied McGilchrist's more recent NEUROSCIENCE, and are still stuck in the old ideas (myths?). eg. “It’s absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right. But people don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network." explained the study's lead author Dr. Jeff Anderson. NO! WRONG! Once you read McGilchrist's work .. you start to see a pattern in people. Definitely there are Left (action) or Right (thinking) character tendencies. Once we understand McGilchrist's work, plus adding my (think vs do label) we can see it fits behaviour as we get to know people! Or we recognize why we struggle in certain relationships! Definitely we used to have more BALANCED Brain hemispheres, Now we must share the asset of both to balance thinking first, to then act with more knowledge! So we must read or listen WITH AN OPEN MIND to everything. We must rethink new different ideas, analyze, evaluate, investigate further and just study the REAL world around us. A whole LOT of work to find truth, and the HUMAN INTELLIGENCE it creates.
Yes, Truth is really hard to find and INTELLIGENCE takes patience. Maybe people don't LIE purposely .. maybe it just beats feeling confused? And Left brain Doers HATE feeling confused, so they attack. Right brains just turn confused into a constant state of WONDER and CURIOUSITY! This is very frustrating to someone who just wants to get the job done.The constant war is Thinkers jealousy at our inability to be fast and decisive like Left Brains .. but they hate our complicating and confusing everything. Shallow Right brains and Left brains are what cause our demonization of the other side. Instead we used to STOP, in an EFFORT to understand each other's point of view. Screaming at each other, will never allow the compromise REAL HUMANITY REQUIRES. We all get stuck on "facts" now .. instead of listening to how each could be partly true.
Sun. July 3, 2022.
Our Resources are scarce .. why waste them on UNDESERVING PEOPLE and USELESS ACTIONS? Exhausted .. and for what? Who is calling who stupid??
What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.
What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.
What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.
What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.
Breathe! Once our body is in our control it makes us feel we HAVE control .. we can manage this! do something for 20 minutes and then check yourself. Us Thinkers can get lost on the worry hamster wheel going nowhere. Our energy is a RESOURCE to be respected, no wasted indiscriminately!
Worrying about the future or regretting our past decisions only wastes our energy. Think "what do I need now" to "win", like Left brains do. Except our Right Brain System is "win/ win" .. never win/ lose.
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Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Our society, or ?culture has declined so rapidly in the last few years that I am finally afraid to go outside. Not because a "bad guy" will attack me .. but because so many completely RUDE, self centred, self absorbed people WILL TURN ME INTO THE BAD GUY! The lack of common CIVILITY is by now ENRAGING to me.
A smile, holding the door for the BIG delivery guy, letting a car into difficult traffic instead of OBLIVIOUSLY walking in front at his only opportunity MAKE SOCIETY a pleasant place to be .. a RESOURCE THAT ADDS VALUE. No doubt a stressed selfish and shallow population is oblivious to those around them and I should be kinder and more compassionate.
Lifting our spirits INCREASES our "energy " vibration! Thinkng negative worrisome or regretful thoughts lowers our energy vibration. We have lost enough! Why CHOOSE to lose our energy? Things are very bad .. but how is thinkng it going to make hot better? Damn I wasted my life this way! Please do not be an idiot like me! You deserve better because you have also been screwed by society. I was just screwed by my life and self sabotage .. youbahd a whole system screwing you over. So smarten up! learn from my idiocy .. and maybe from wanting better for you I too will learn to STOP the stupid worry guilt nonsense.
I was just napping in my beautiful "relax room" ( my bedroom/living room since real L R is my office .. $ store beauty decor, that I am so proud of) feeling guilty while others worry about becoming homeless. I yelled at me .. how does my feeling guilt help anybody? It steals my energy and when I get up to work I will be DOWN .. instead od re energized to get mopper writing done for you. Pretty stupid behaviour!! slap me! OK. let's quit with the. worry and guilt recognizing that STEALS RESOURCES WE NEED! We need to INCREASE$ our resources, never decrease them.
lonely old lady plus my latch key kids .. 5 liabilities turned to 5 ASSETS!! explain .. ..
Boy did I miss my consulting work specialty expertise! I could have been Tony Robbins or somebody "special". Never mind .. you guy's talents will be my "special" connection instead, my missed life vicarious. Nobody taught us to look for our special skill! They just said we are all special in that SHALLOW we all got so good at.
No depth to anything in our Extreme society. Yes, we all have "special" talents to provide and add to our community assets but WE are NOT special .. any more than EVERYBODY is special. Boy did we make a mess with that shallowness. Instead of giving everyone value to share in our community we created self absorbed monsters like the kids I hear screaming all day long BECAUSE THEY HAPPENED TO FEEL LIKE SHREIKING every 5 seconds. Parents .. you created horrible little monsters and if they are Autistic .. gt then help .. the rest of us gt ro have quality of life too!
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Friday, Jan 14, 2022
If you just want to go directly to your interest area, see the menu and drop downs above. This web site is a "BOOK", and the Drop Downs are the CHAPTERS, AND HEADINGS. Instead of waiting til 2031! for my ideas to be perfected, maybe it can offer a glimmer of HOPE? .. even as PROTOTYPE? Sorry, I had NO CLUE how hard writing a "book" is! I may have a million ideas .. but the trick is brief concise and IN ORDER! Just skim this incomplete and UN-EDITed beginning .. to see if something speaks to you for now. It is 2 years work so some things are no longer even my belief. Like that politically Right people are evil .. their Right (Thinking) brain hemisphere just got FRIED. They ACT, speak without thinking so that much BAD consequence results.
Sat. jan 15, 2022
.. we ALL have no more ability for balanced contemplation (thinking).. PLUS then follow through action!
We need a new "war effort", a war against division .. the "EFFORT" being to learn to work together again. Each of our brain sides used alone spells the end! Only a BALANCED thinking before acting brain creates real success. But that balanced brain we began with centuries ago is now IMBALANCED. Balance is probably the solution for everything! Certainly today's demonization of EVERYTHING does nothing to help save our society. It ONLY serves those who want total power over the masses! Division keeps us from attaining REAL quality of life.
Brilliant "thinking"but missing action also destroyed our society. We let the ACTION brain people take over! They are NOT eveil .. just more comfortable with DOING something. Protests by thinkers is NOT enough! a tiny step to start but takes decades to see something happened! For example .. The evil that is our Canadian destruction of our ability to buy Nutritional supplements requires ACTION .. not purely worry and ranting. But we "worriers" spend so much time mulling past and future injustices .. we never ACT! Definitely we should all have been at our Government's Health office letting them know fiercely this is unacceptable! Torn with so many worries, "anxiety" .. I DID NOTHING! AHA!! so that is why worrying is now termed a "disease"!! Take a pill, don't thin you are just smart and see our collapse coming. Wow! Just wow .. it IS definitely hard to live when EVERYTHING, absolutely everything is a scam to take power instaedc of be a decent human. (All the focus on voting is nonsense .. then once in power, politicians today just serve their power structure.)
YES! I must REFOCUS this whole website away from the "warrior" or "action" brain hemisphere being evil. It is the IMBALANCE, the huge need for BOTH hemispheres present in one person that has destroyed western society. With no think vs act ABILITY in our brain .. we are ALL collapsing society. Can we possibly start to LISTEN to each other? But unfortunatetly the THINK part must always come before ACTING. Will Left Brain Republicans and CEOs be able to listen? Can we Thinkers follow through and ACT? We used to have leaders who could do both! The toxins of "progress" .. especially sugar, search, and STRESS have completely FRIED our normal BALANCED brain wiring.
Those quotations seem enragingly SHALLOW when you can't pay the rent and eat .. at the same time! Or .. are worried sick about something else. That's what we used to call it "worried SICK" .. guess now the word is ANXIETY! And of course it need a PILL! Do not be fooled .. they fry our brains purposely for their profit.
I used to think good Health was absolutely the most golden Resource to have available in your life. Nope, wrong! If you happened to be lucky enough to be born with a "sunny disposition".. your life will truly be GOLDEN! You have the amazing ASSET of being able to focus AWAY from problems or concerns you see unless you are acting to solve them. Some of us are ALWAYS thinking of problems of society .. but we are also the ones who come up with inventions to solve them. Notice how there are no more REAL inventions? we could fix the failing SYSTEMS, but the ACTION brains in charge have no VISION. They do the same old thing .. only focusing on money. But there are sooo many other resources we HUMANS have. maybe that cn cheer us .. we EACH HAVE WONDERFUL RESOURCES OTHERS WOULD LOVE TO USE .. a way for us to create our OWN job! NO more stressing for bosses who do not respect us or give US loyalty.
Betty White had a sunny disposition, with no patience for those of us who complain about things. Finally .. like 65 years too late .. I have figured out why we "Thinkers" got such an UNFAIR life of loss and struggle. I always thought there was a black cloud of bad hanging over me. Why is Betty White (and the other "You should take a chill pill" people .. why did they get to be so lucky?? t is because things just go right over their head! "Can't do anything about it .. why talk about it." is their excuse to not WORRY. But shouldn't we try to fix (it)? Isn't it our JOB to worry and try to change things? (yes BUT! we ALSO need to stop, breathe and care for US! We deserve care too .. not just others!)
Does god (I mean the Creator, the Cosmos CEO) does he hate us? They say he LOVES EVERY ONE of us, so why do we feel he hates us? .. giving us so much bad luck? I always thought this is so .. it is just NOT FAIR! But now, I finally realize us "bad luck and LIFE people", really and truly ARE our own WORST ENEMY! We have to face that we must change our FOCUS! While we look for solutions to so many problems, we too MUST!! LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. The dark side will KILL us. it is totally UNFAIR how the Betty white's got the sunny natural disposition and we have to WORK SO HARD JUST TO STAY AFLOAT. But unless we just BREATHE and refocus we will drown. Is that REALLY what we want? Now that this new Brain Neuroscience will eventually KILL the stigma that calls worriers "mentally ill" .. we will be greatly in demand for our visionary creative solutions to BIG PROBLEMS. We will become the ones in charge .. if we can control our mind's focus.
PS! This is NOT a Religious site .. just searching for some way for us despairing "Thinkers" to keep going! Those " look on the bright side" luckies have it so easy! They are mostly OBLIVIOUS to the problems and struggles we see everywhere. You Left Brain luckies know who you are! You are already bored with this, so just skim it, use drop downs above. OR .. since you are not struggling this site may not be for you .. invest in us! We are the great inventors and researchers that will solve the problems you created. By the Power Structure ACTING without considering consequences .. all our Systems are now collapsing.
Power Structure people get what they focus on! They only allow "nice" into their reality and they do go on to get the good life. It's all god's fault for giving us a brain more wired for CONTEMPLATION and that takes TIME and is full of conflicting ideas! Being simple minded is so much easier than considering all the "but what about IF ..'s ". But along with our inventive designing brain, he also created an awesome tool for us to use to our advantage. There is a "Magic Magnet" .. just like the law of gravity, that we are NOT using!
The Creator did not want to be a Puppet Master, simply pulling our strings, himself shaping our lives. Instead god created a Tool to help each and every one of us build a good life for ourselves not even needing him! You used to hear of the "Law of Attraction" which I will call a "MAGIC MAGNET" (and we'll try to learn more about it thru quantum (physics), particle vs wave REALITY THEORY.) God did not forget about those of us who STRUGGLE .. OR send us extra obstacles! He just is not the director / producer of our movie! WE ourselves are!! Maybe that is what (that hated by us with less self discipline) .. "free will" is?
I guess he let's us create our own story line in our LIFE play? It is just HARDER for "Thinker" (Right brain hemisphere) people. Those lucky Left hemisphere Brain action people magnetize good to themselves! We worry about things, so we bring what we are focusing on to ourselves! NOT FAIR!!
We need to learn to productively "worry" and then with FAITH build the solution we have in our mind! By decades getting nowhere .. I KNOW mysibconscious by now is saying "it will never happened." Guess what? The magnet sadly hears our subconscious energy and drags us to trouble!
It feels to us like he helps the others who "succeed" with luck and MORE RESOURCES. Their lives are less stressed with so many more Resources available .. sunny disposition? social connections, plus good social skills creating more financial opportunities. Why did god forget to give us those valuable resources? Maybe he did not .. we have OTHER skills, perseverance, obsessive research into problems, ability to work alone for long stretches, a visionary mind set. Every one of us has special talents that are needed in society. BUT! maybe we just don't believe in ourselves, maybe we are better at most things than we believe! Maybe we never had anybody on our side when we were growing up to teach us self CONFIDENCE?
The worst luck for a child is to grow up never being told "you are awesome and you will do great things". A supportive loving adult as we grow up, helps develop all the Resource skills we need. And if we don't do a lot of thinking .. then we don't even IMAGINE all the ways we can fail. The world is falling apart because too few people THINK .. before acting. But thinking .. all the time! .. is EXHAUSTING! And those worries are what destroy our SUNNY DISPOSITION! YES! Thinkers, visionaries, inventors have a HARDER life because they have to learn to STOP thinking. Contemplating cause and consequence is SOOOO needed, but we have to learn to take a break and SMELL THE ROSES too! see video below. .. and surely do not get into hamster wheel "thinking" not real thinking, just useless circles of WORRY turning to panic.
Smart deep thinkers are given a heavier load to carry. Unless we were supported in our childhood development, our contemplative thinking will DRAG US DOWN. It is far harder to think positive when your brain is constantly thinking "BUT .. what if ..?" and "what about ..?" Our thinkng brain can STOP US FROM USING THE MAGIC MAGNET god gave us .. to our OWN ADVANTAGE! God loves us and thinks we are great! so we should quit INSULTING HIM by not respecting ourselves and treating us with the kindness we would show to others. Now .. breathe and go to the video below?
Mon, Jan 17, 2022.
Glad to hear I am not alone, thinking I must be getting Alzheimers!! .. no .. I think this is a young writer!
the crazy way it has been handled. Sorry it is all VERY very strange. Why did way more people die from cholera, typhoid small pox etc ... the world was not shut down! Yes we never traveled back then but this all is just INTUITIVELY wrong. I guess from day 1 .. I was still angry about the Heart attack FAT LIE. I am supposed to trust the same people that lied forever about fat?? Every single year FAR MORE people die from heart disease (covid #s are high because people have bad health and they die because even FLU would kill them!) But the worst is how people just let big brother boss them. Park
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.