The most expensive ever .. 32 $ for 25 pages? but best ever to understand what makes people who they are. I have seen this division in my family .. but I just felt the "outsider". If only I had known about (DIVIDED BRAIN TVO) I have been Right Brain in a Left brain community! Maybe if I knew this I would not be constantly disappointed!? maybe I could eventually actually
best ever TVO link says "the most audacious and CONTROVERSIAL THEORY OF OUR TIME". HAH!! CONTROVERSIAL??? ... only by LEFT brain critics!! So when anything is diminished look to see if it is a Left Brain person. Sorry but Republican s are very Left Brain. they pooh pooh all our ideas, because they are uncomfortable PONDERING NEW!
OMG, this blew my mind! If you also add raised seeing only a (dismissive of mom) role model relationship, you have no chance of getting along! ie Left hemisphere basis of NATURE, and the person's nurturing sees ONLY dismissive relationship behaviour .. how can they possibly behave any different? Then add the Horoscope opposites, and even birth order and you have a recipe for relationship disaster.
Experts are scheisters, why should they listen to these ideas? It is so frustrating to even talk to Left brain because they HEAR nothing, their Brian is CLOSED and their mind refuses to consider even THAT concept!
I feel like an idiot! Is it possible I could hang on to this feeling of compassion and regret I have been so angry? When I think of the DEAF EAR analogy all of a sudden it makes sense. I am yelling in the ear she has NO HEARING IN! Like different functioning ears , my right brain lets me "multi think" .. but her left brain let's her "multi TASK". Just as I am unable to get organized, and multitask quickly finishing jobs .. she can not MULTI THINK. It stresses and makes her as nervous as multi TASKING, makes me! We are "deaf in opposite ears" but never knew it!!
That can also be their defence mechanism. YES! Warriors fight, worriers RUN AWAY. I run away from stressful multi TASKING, she attacks (like a warrior) the stress of too many complicated confusing words.
I never understood that, thought it very insulting. OMG .. so true because most MANAGEMENT is going to be Left Brain ..KEEP IT SIMPLE! They get things DONE because they keep everything focused on "get over it, and JUST GET "ER DONE!" They do NOT focus on causes? and consequences? and so because they are the managers EVERYTHING IS NOW HELL .. dystopia for sure.
A Far Right brain will go on and on, and with this website I se how LOST I get. must be so frustrating for a person who JUST WANTS TO GET THE JOB DONE! Where would we be without the ACTION Doer Left brain side. Iain McGilchrist is demonizing them because 1) In our society troublesome Right brain is almost thrown on the mental illness heap. 2) not listening to our MULTI THINKNG has got us into collapse of ALL systems. 3) The success of profit and power mean nothing with no beautiful respected world to live in.
But instead of resenting our treatment, dismissed for our brilliance and depth .. let's try to CHANGE our behaviour. Try to K I S S .. keep it simple stupid! When I think of a concierge job at a Nursing home I want to run away, so many things to do and JUGGLE. Gives me an anxiety attack to THINK OF. That must be how my daughter feels when I ramble all over. If I want her to be more compassionate of my slowness, and act different, then of course I too need to act different! I think maybe I am all over MORE living in the fog of senility here, hence we fight sooner and faster. Poor girl is a Ram .. so this too makes us opposites. I guess because I do not attack (or it is not my nature .. sadly with her it has become my bad behaviour) not being an attack type I find it very OFFENSIVE. But I have always know my blather is a PAIN to people. I guess that too can FEEL LIKE BULLYING!
So much to learn!
Buy this book to understand the people you do NOT get along with. Once we can pick them out with a questionnaire, it will seriously be better to avoid complete opposites. Sadly I have proof that NATURE .. birthing someone, means nothing in building a loving relationship. It has been my mistake to EXPECT THAT!! An offspring's PHYSICAL brain can be against us! PLUS the nurturing years of development with inside (role models) and outside forces (horoscope) can also make a loving relationship very difficult. Remember it is nobody's fault. It is like the bad relationship has one yelling in the deaf ear of the other and vice versa. OMG if I could say it good that is a beautiful analogy. Then we are mad and hate on each other for not HEARING. That is so sad! Why are we not being taught this?
OMG, she is complaining about a year or 2 of PAIN, and paying for solutions that DO NOT WORK. I said Of course, because you won't listen to me! Pain an discomfort comes form inflammation. Processed food inflames whatever part of our body is susseprible to disease. Cutting it out will stop most pain. NOP she will have non of it. How is that Logical?? She didn't say she quit sugar for 5 weeks but saw nothing. Good for her at least trying!
R L physical NOT mental health, like each can hear in only one ear and we each yell in the WRONG ear (Brain is simply another body part also with right and left sides, like ears.
Raptor's win .. so many questions!!
to Republicans, THAT IS A CRIME! Most are Left brain. Don't be confused they sit in the RIHGHT side of the capital .. has nothing to do WHERE THEIR BRAIN IS in their head! Confuses the hell out of me.
The questionnaire should be a spectrum .. very true / not true at all
very hard for Thinkers. easy for doer action minds
no and no and NEVER! I am a multi thinker
0 to 10 .. we will put all the LEFT brain questions together FIRST, because they will get IMPATIENT reading about OUR stupid idea. They do not like us slow thoughtful types .. and we are tired of their BULLYING warrior behaviour.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
aggressive, bold, cold, extreme, excessive, fractured, hateful, mean, selfish, simple
Are these words fair for a Left brain? NO!! BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT US!! except we ATTACK with ideas!! we caused it, we should simplify to have them not feel attacked? omg = why she attacks me! I started it .. my ideas complicate and confuse therefore feels like an attack to her and she must defend self!
maybe even a baby's birth should be planned!! No horoscope opposites!..?? My T.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
more later
is it from feeling undeserved? do most of us put others first because we feel undeserving .. sabotage self? BUT THEN WE ARE RESENTFUL!
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Used to be we all had 2 brain Hemispheres .. the Right and Left Hemisphere. (see Iain McGilchrist's neuroscience research, "The MASTER and his Emissary" or "The Divided Brain" on TVO). I previously spent a decade looking at how some people act very quickly, while others agonize decisions, turning over very possibility in their mind. HIs work is proof of my "Think" vs "act" opposite characters. He feels using the Left hemisphere ONLY has increased over centuries and in the last 60 years has speeded to our decline. He feels Left brain people, the "get over it and just GET 'er done!" minds USE the world. Meanwhile the slow "Thinker", Right hemisphere type wants to UNDERSTAND. That makes life far more complicated and makes decisive action slow.
We live in a FAST society. There is no time to consider all things, contemplate cause and consequence! There is profit to be made and power and control to be taken. Impatience with Right brain "Thinkers" has reduced respect for contemplative people who like to consider all possibility before acting rashly. It is true if we were all like me we would definitely be CAVE MEN still! Thank god our remaining brain wiring is a SPECTRUM. Of course the best is a BALANCE of Think vs Act Neurons and wiring. A balanced brain will be a successful Leader and REAL Entrepreneur. Sadly it seems our toxic quality of life is destroying brain wiring as we speak.
A person close to me used to be caring and considerate, a thinker but far more action Entrepreneur than I. 2 decades later they have changed, losing their kind, more thoughtful side to impatient simplification. People are far meaner today, than say in the 50's and 60's. Seeing this young man gradually change from kind to more angry before my eyes is shocking. Am I right that stress, sugar, search etc etc in a lifestyle of instant and never ending change with NO security has fried our brains? Certainly simplifying and acting quickly seems a TOOL necessary for survival today. But that survival is NOT ANY QUALITY OF LIFE! Yes we have more, bigger, better stuff .. but is our LIFE better? This website is for people who think we have somehow lost our REAL quality of life. Things must change to get it back.
Of course life is far easier if, as a Left Brain ACTION mind, you can simplify things into right /wrong, good/ evil, stop/go NOW. But some of us need to think carefully about everything. (It is us "Thinkers" that could have saved us from the collapse we now face! Is Rachel Carlson turning in her grave? .. wrote "Silent Spring" 1970).
BUT .. I am beginning to realize I guess a TURTLE would be a pain to have around, always HOLDING back the fast Hare, who just wants to finish that race (or project)! I guess my daughter would find decades of "but what about ..." truly exasperating! Yike!! And my jealousy at her capable project management and completion .. does not help either.
see an ABC .. XYZ .. example vs the easy "facts" that found and SHARED by a "Simple social SEARCH Society"
Does it seem like the guy who contemplates nothing, considers no consequences always ends as winner anyway? Most wealthy, powerful people never got there by worrying about others, like the homeless in their park. They probably wanted them gone, not there reducing their property value. Often successful people think the homeless or people not as successful as they, should just have worked harder .. like they did. They feel they deserve what they built for themselves and believe they have no obligation to share it. Does "the West" really live in a winner take all mentality? .. A kind of "me first, screw you" attitude? I suggest "thinkers" see numerous examples of this selfish behaviour even on the sidewalk. Every where we go, we seem not to exist as dogs and friends take over our side of the path we are on. Most people seem to be in their OWN WORLD .. even acting as zombies .. or mindless.
Since we thinkers thimktoomuch we get EXHAUSTED before we even accomplish our tasks! We need to STOP thinkng and just first be mindless and breathe. Once we empty our brain of our constant curiosity and the many questions that curiosity brings, maybe we can just BREATHE and focus on NOW. Thinkers are always in the past (causes?) or in the future (consequences?) and yes it is exhausting and stressful. Now that every system we have been concerned over really IS collapsing we truly need to find tools and build a COPING strategy for ourselves.
Now those quick action HARES must take the consequences of their uncontemplated actions. They won all the races .. got the profit and power .. but they never listened to us Turtles WARNING THAT THERE WERE MANY CLIFFS AND RAPIDS AHEAD. We now ALL must deal with those cliffs and rapids .. that we could have avoided had we ALL done some thinking and contemplated planning. Just the winning now is NOT going to be pleasant. Success and power with crumbling infrastructure, bad health and poor air and water quality is not so great. Profit is not so important anymore, when all these taken for granted necessities become pure stress for us.
It is already looking like not enough of us believe there are BIG problems to solve. Does Jeff Bezos really not see the insanity of saying we ruined the earth so we better get to space so we can save ourselves. That makes me not just exhausted but I think actually killed something in me. If the richest man thinks so "use" vs "understand", sorry sheep people .. THERE IS NO HOPE. How about we need to simplify our MORE faster lives and live with common sense logic and reason again. If our brains are too fried to see this .. hopefully particle vs wave theory really can let us each create our OWN reality!
Did THINKERS get called, Debbie Downers, negative complainers, losers? by the masses of ACTION minds? Probably, because we are too busy worrying! ; - ) .. and trying to design fixes to make ourselves rich! We need to develop a questionnaire to determine who has mostly right brain wiring left (a thinker) and who has mostly Left brain wiring remaining (action minded). We used to be balanced and even 10 years ago politicians could at least go for a drink and consider opposing views. Now the left and right in USA govt are just at war.
This terminology is opposite to our 2 brain hemispheres, denoting the SIDE of the Capital they sit on, when in session. Very confusing to me I apologize. The Right is left brain wired, the left is mostly right brain wired. The right hemisphere works to understand the world while the Left world to utilize the world. I once called my daughter a Republican and this is where my research began, how opposite the 2 American sides have now become. The 2 American political parties are enemies today, rather than people voted for and charged to do the best for the WHOLE country. This can only end VERY badly. Compromise does not seem possible and collapse can only result.
Wed. Jan 26, 2022. see image .. they are the SAME .. but a little bit opposite! That is a GOOD relationship success possibility.
Once you have been together quite awhile, it gets hard to leave because you don't want to hurt the other .. or even fear being alone? Maybe it would be best to discuss the future TOGETHER, so neither is unfairly left feeling bad or hurt? "I am wondering if we are the best match for each other? People are not TAUGHT to plan for a PARTNERSHIP. It is really like a business, but romantic too! I am not sure I am there for you the way you need .. and sometimes I feel the same, that you are not there for me. We should talk about what we expect in a PERFECT relationship .. to maybe understand each other better? If we could first think about what we NEED in the PERFECT pair, and then discuss if that fits the others goals? We could figure this out?"
Why were we never taught this? I myself am looking for business "partners" and I will need to set up QUALIFICATIONS before contracting them. A Romantic partner is more 24 hours total IN, than a business really is. Yet we just FALL into relationships? What the hell is wrong with us?? (especially when the internet should long ago have FIXED this problem!) The answer? We are shallow, stressed, selfish .. or not at all, brainless (seriously! we are completely brain dead) follow the "leader"no longer thinking zombies. Sorry .. let's just face it! NOTHING we do makes any sense whatsoever. Just pretend you are a wise owl and watch us from above. Would you agree?
We all NEED connection, to belong, to feel valued. But that can be from friends and groups we belong to, wherever we feel known and accepted. Being "in a relationship" takes a lot of SACRIFICE, time, energy, compromise, and some of us are just too selfish. We probably have a history of loss or abandonment or disappointment in those we love(d) because the biggest joy in life is sharing it with another. Someone who loves us as we are, but makes us an even better person. But not all of us are lucky enough to find that. And it takes a lot of WORK to see if you and another match well, before we should be jumping in! Most are in relationships that don't end up working! 1 of 2 end in divorce .. so very UNFAIR to children!
So for us introverts who LIKE to be alone, it just seems like a lot of trouble for a 1 in 2 gamble! that it will end badly! Relationships take sharing and SACRIFICE. Why bother with that energy? .. unless the PAY BACK is more than the sacrifice. I can get my connection and belonging from similar focused business partners or even clients. Or an inventor group. Or my Buffalo "street friends"! They were wonderful connections to share ideas with, anchored by a "feeling 60's, philosopher meet up NYC cafe". If you each shared a similar routine .. you usually met up and felt you BELONGED! Sadly I never got all those people's last name or phone number! Back then, at least in Buffalo, You could ask around if you never saw them .. check if they were ok. GOD!! That was STILL NEIGHBOURHOOD .. local community .. and it was only in 2017! Life is so different now, at least in Toronto.
Who knows, this is probably gone there too now. If I went back to Buffalo that could not be recaptured. (Sorry but it was destroyed earlier by new women owners bent on a gay focus, sadly making us old debaters no longer feel welcome!) Regardless, considering meeting informally but ROUTINELY is no longer possible. Does anybody still have a "routine" today? The way people work here (the evil TO. "nursing home" pretend semi retired ACTIVE living scam) .. here the employee's life schedule is in constant upheaval. What a mess of an UNCIVIL Society we have created! Our health is bad but you have seen nothing of how it will decline because of the destruction of our EMOTIONAL health. ("Mental" illness is a scam to sell drugs .. real brain problems are simply another DIEASE like heart or lung problems.) Poor Emotional health is stress that will increase all of our physical diseases.
Loneliness is already an EPIDEMIC! But a ROMANTIC relationship is not the answer. A REAL Human connection of like souls, (souls of like spirits, that "sing" at the same adventures and ideas), those Humans are always the best answer for connection. And if it turns romantic? FANTASTIC!
As usual I diverge .. the original point being .. Take your time. You are fine taking time to know you .. so you can find a GREAT match for YOU. That will take time and investigative work on YOURSELF and on the people you meet. Who are you? If you don't know that .. how can you find a MATCHING human?
Who teaches us that ? NOBODY! not parents, not school, not even 20? years of "education" teaches us to INVESTIGATE who we really are as a person!! (Maybe the Left right Brain chart above could get us started??!!) We have to know WHO WE ARE FIRST, before looking for a relationship! we have to REALLY understand what we love, what we hate, enjoy, abhor, before we can even consider thinking about what we NEED in a mate. And never mind stupid, shallow, (selfie instagram? stuff!) .. that shallow crap is why we are in a TOTAL mess with EVERYTHING!
Once we REALLY know ourself, only then can we start EXAMINING people we might spend lots of time with. Choosing a partner should be a carefully thought out DECISION .. not the way we westerners do it .. half the time just based on sexual attraction shallow! News flash .. sex is EVEN better when it is "MAKING LOVE" .. and that will never happened, unless you TRULY LIKE and love this partner!
Heck! (that reminds you I am an old lady, eh? QUIT WITH THE "F .. k !"everything .. so very very unclassy!) Hell .. We should have a Relationship LICENSE, like for driving a car!! Great idea .. start a business! Everybody would buy your questionnaire!! Do the work one time .. KEEP GETTING PAID by everybody who uses your research and resultant system!
If we are a sociable active person, we need a partner with similar interests. If people, party, city focused or if nature focused these interests need to be similar! If we are a total obsessed introvert, always thinking, creating, inventing .. we need someone similar that we can have deep conversations with. But the best is .. when that introvert partner is a little more relaxed than us, able to focus on NOW sometimes, and able to take a break from the "big picture" save the world work.
Beware though .. I said a little opposite. Extreme opposites will NEVER work. In fact, I promise you will grow to hate each other. (An extreme Right brain will be at war with a Left brain, so beware of an initial sexual attraction that tricks you in .. abusive relationship here we come.) But a little opposite is good, to help you BALANCE yourself.
cbs sun animals match APP .. if you go to the end if this video .. it talks about how the partner Lola got cocoa out of his hermitishness .. enjoying life with her. They are just the right opposite .. not extreme and overwhelming!
We GET what we focus on in life! But while we BELIEVE the right person will magically show up (link magic magnet), we should get to know ourself. It will work for personal INCOME, instead of a job too! And we should get to know all kinds of people, so we can find the one LIKE us .. but also making us better. Do lots of shopping before buying! But believing this person will just appear is an awesome resource. Belief is gold! And how very often do we HEAR stories like that. "I saw her and I JUST knew!" And it is 30 years later .. so very cool!
You definitely want someone LOYAL to you who sees ONLY you as the greatest! You must feel confident you are his biggest BEST thing, that he is NOT shopping for better. But that is completely different from just connecting with other humans! We should be allowed to share ideas and time with other humans, whether or NOT we are in a relationship. It is not JAIL! .. or at least it should not be! A relationship should NEVER be a fenced in lot, where you cannot be a part of the world or the partner gets jealous, and questioning.
I met a couple where they even go on separate VACATIONS. How awesome! They trust each other and are comfortable that their partner is not looking for better or new and different! I bet that will last more than the ?12 years. I knew I was not much for relationship sacrifice, when I met the love of my life years ago. I was talking TO MYSELF and wondered if god (his "Law of Attracting what you want" .. the magic magnet), if god said "you have choice, either him as your partner in TO. ... or live in NYC without him .. choose one". I believed this guy was right next to god .. believed I would do ANYTHING to have him in my life .. HAH! The answer was instant! Sorry .. when's the next plane to NYC .. "my died and went to heaven" place. Still waiting for NYC, 10 years later and with covid THIS IS HELL! But the dream WILL happened. (Don't worry there could never have been a relationship, there was far too big an age difference. Hah! I still have my rock star vibe. What? you mean I am NOT 24 anymore?? No way! I honestly get shocked when I realize in a few years I will be 80 .. seriously? . . who are you talking about? .. not me! Really it is crazy how you really can just have an OLD body, but are the same youthful person with hopefully a little more wisdom. You know, like Betty White.)
Back to the topic I lost .. as usual!! GeesH! will these supplements stop this "flying around thought" brain? I always thought of my brain like those BARN flies .. they get in the house and careen all over, while you hold the door for them to GET OUT, they are smashing everywhere BUT OUT OF the door that was their entrance. ie my original thought. What a pain those careening flies were! No wonder I drive my poor daughter CRAZY, with ideas going all over the place.
Ok Buffalo all my friends were older men. They all died last year, NOT of covid .. so very sad. But had I met a "partner possibility" and he complained about my time and FUN with my 20 year best friends .. he would be GONE in a second. "Those friends are part of ME .. we are a package deal! If you are so insecure that I can not keep my friends .. this will NOT work." (Sadly I think those are signs of perhaps ? the possibility of even a slightly "abusive" relationship .. but that is a fear that directs my life probably. Abuse can really kind of be just Bullying?)
I learned about men from these 3 plus old guys. EVEN old men are incessantly focused on sex. So girls if you want to be equal? grow some BALLS .. it IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to keep things in check. In fact from how sex obsessed men are .. it is MORE your responsibility. You can not pretend you are EQUAL and then whimper that he touched you. Plus .. dress with a little class! Do you hate men? it is like your friend is on a diet, but you put cake in front of him and say DO NOT TOUCH. Sluttiness has become the norm, so it does feel like women hate men. I LOVE men .. so I am going to start a MEN"S "Liberation group". Men are no longer treated as humans, but as monsters. And it is destroying our society "Ladies"! Why go extreme like you did? Women's Lib COULD have been a good thing. Instead it has become evil. But I forget again .. the screamers we hear in the media and social, are not the REAL good, nice people that make up most of society. Sorry .. there are so many nice young women I meet, that are not selfish and self absorbed, but treat ALL people INCLUDING MEN with kindness. Sorry I keep forgetting that recognition .. the loud ones who want 15 minutes of fame are NOT all of us, or even most of us!
So I guess we have to be comfortable letting our partner STILL be his/ her own person. And that is hard .. we need to have self confidence. BELIEVE we could not be improved on. I guess if we choose a properly fitting match for us, that would easily be true. But we are NOT confident, so jealousy remains to ruin things. Most of us are NOT self confident enough to accept our partner even flirting with others A LITTLE. I was friends with those 3 wives of my best friends and although there husbands were REALLY just friends, it is true that men will be men. Get over it .. thank god they differ from us. They are still built to be the protector and procreator of the species! I feel so sad for their struggle in this woman's world. It was MY responsibility to keep men friends in check. (and they never were bad .. just sometimes needed to be gently turned a different direction. maybe the worst one's Alzheimers was the problem?) Women have just gone too far down the AGGRESSIVE path and SOME are losing their kindness and ability to nurture. Life was definitely easier when families and support of the older generation was the norm. "New" is NOT always better.
Since jobs are "mean" today, get no respect or loyalty, let's create our own income! We are taught NOTHING of that in ALL THOSE YEARS OF EDUCATION. That is just VERY STRANGE. They want us staying SLAVE to the "MAN". We seriously must create our OWN "economy". Where we ONLY trade with each other. I will have nothing to do with a company (will add image or link) that is horrifying .. a beautiful room for 1000 phone customer service people .. ALL EMPTY because they switched to robotics .. robots that "feel" like people talking to you. My few experiences on line? just HORRIBLE .. I will give those companies NO BUSINESS. Let's create our OWN businesses with our own skills. Sure we will have to Re-Pioneer and live very simply but is this crazy life today really of any quality?? Think about it .. would simple not be better? We live in tyranny now anyway .. a sneaky power group of dictators, that have destroyed society. (but we went right along with it, so we better get back to taking RESPONSIBILITY again! What the Trucker's Protest and their supporters are now doing?)
With the relationship work above .. you found out who you are and what you love. Why not apply that to sharing it with others. You have to get to know yourself even MORE .. but above is a start. What are your skills and talents? People will pay you for them! Had I known 50 years ago, I love designing SOLUTIONS for problems (inventing) .. taking things that don't work and transforming their system to work BETTER. I am a solution ARCHITECT! My special talent is taking problems that are Liabilities and MAGICALLY TRANSFORMING THEM into ASSETS! Resources are assets. We no longer have ENOUGH resources! Imagine how much richer our world would be if we took LIABILITIES and turned them into assets. That means MORE RESOURCES! In the last century we did NOTHING but the opposite! (No wonder I always felt I was on the WRONG planet!!) We used our resources WITH NO RESPECT and just created garbage or solution with them. The creator would have forgiven some earth damage .. had we just used things up RESPECTFULLY!
An example of my "magic SYSTEM" .. of turning Liabilities into Assets! eg. 30 plus years ago, I began this talent discovery because my kids were "latch key kids" .. alone after school til I got home from my teaching. At the time, unknown to us, I imagined a few blocks away there was a lonely old lady whose family moved to BC, who would be thrilled to sit with my kids for an hour a day! Even without pay for her, you end up with 5 people who are now ASSETS to the community vs LIABILITES! Liabilities are 4 anxious humans and one sad one! .. Worrying = 2 parents, 2 scared kids plus one unhappy lonely neighbour! 5 humans that are Liabilities! IF I had the CONNECTION .. I could have turned us into 5 people ASSETS instead .. 5 happy people! But the internet was not yet a thing .. and now that it is .. we use it mostly for shallow selfish idiocy! Today we could connect LOCALLY in our neighbourhood, (forget the global nonsense) and have we produce calm parents, happy kids, and a "grandma" feeling respected and valued .. instead of 5 anxious people!!
OK let's start that community. There are empty buildings here! (Regent Park) Why are they not filled with us .. and the homeless out of tents. We build our own HUMAN economy, where people are respected as ASSETS, not considered liabilities. Sadly it feels that is what the power structure wants today .. to get rid of us liability resource eaters. None of this covid nonsense makes sense. More people die of heart attack .. and I am supposed to believe the same people who lied about FAT being the cause! Why did everybody go along with this biggest scam ever? Or else our power people are just stupid as hell? Brain Fried with sugar? Evil? stupid? or aliens? .. those are the only choices for the "world dictatorship" now happening.
Back to making our own income .. trading our skills vs a "job". Be a detective for what you love and are good at. Investigate what is EASY for you. What is easy for you, is probably 10 x as hard for me, and I will gladly pay you! But I guess I need to find somebody to pay ME so I can pay you! that is where the GOOD big companies or cities come in. They pay us to set up this template, the basis of our new trading "economy". Are there any still good and visionary organizations to help, sponsor and support us to build this skeleton REAL PEOPLE "economy"? AWESOME RESOURCE from Alberta, but I am nervous because the best one is GONE and they yelled at me for giving them PDF credit on my site. Worrisome (who wants us seizing our own power, eh?).. but they may just have made it EVEN better? It is just a little OVERWHELMING now. Maybe they divided that manual into segments? Definitely still looks good to think about your WORK.
Once we gather in one area, people will PAY us happily because we save them time and do the job better .. and it won't even FEEL like we are working. (because we love the "work" and don't even need a vacation because there is LESS stress and anxiety! .. as long as we can find our trade partners. But some people are great at SELLING .. so I will gladly pay them. We will first build a new internet community but LOCALLY. I know there are some out there, maybe we just partner! see PaPA. We can even just start with our POP UP "Church" Library Cafe General Store. That will become the template that is replicated to suit each area in which it is located. From romantic relationship .. to just saving our collapsing society.
Left brain keeps it simple just quickly USES info and resources
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
It takes me 6x as long as them to do ANYTHING. I hate it. it is NOT FAIR. I wonder about every action how it affects other things or people. They JUST DO IT. Who cares if it kills the planet and destroys the human in our being. And yes they have more time left for fun, partying with the fiends they had time to make. While I sat at my desk agonizing why? what if? what about? No time to party or even look after my self. I am too busy trying to save the world. Ohh but that makes me arrogant. No just very worried, like YOU should be!
Worriers and WARRIORS will never get along so MOVE ON .. even if they are FAMILY. Be civil .. and try to be empathetic .. but some in return would be nice. But Left brains are not nice they are SELFISH. They take the gas mask in the plane for SELF .. but do not help others! Or they do just to APPEAR nice. Shallow nice no longer cuts it, people!
they can multi TASK .. we "multi THINK" and get no tasks done .. always in our HEAD
Contemplating past causes and future consequences takes TIME. Meantime the action Left brain is DONE and has the business up and running while we right brains are still adding layers to the invention design.
Thinking is great for a long term successful system .. but not respected in the shallow, fast, instant convenience society we live in. Their FAST multi tasking always wins .. but then always fails in the long term vision . That END is NOW. Nobody listened to us since the 60's!
They steal my resources when their simple action, ignoring our concerns makes me ANGRY. Anger destroys energy! I am deflated so they stole my energy. It probably makes them feel powerful so they have MORE resources now. They also steal our energy by purposely putting us down as negative worriers. This also making us lose energy in being dismissed. But they have MORE "energy" from building themselves up!
This is true of other resources! While we try to be FAIR and not greedy considering the greater good .. they have built their company and their far greater PROFIT. Being kind and considering others well being DECREASES our resources because we SHARE and are ETHICAL. Left brain action people will always win more. Then they say we blame everybody else and pretend we are their "victims"!! Apparently we should just work harder like them. Yup, they created "Mental" illness to get rid of us pesky WORRIERS. They say we chose to be losers, that we also had FREE WILL just like them. HAH! But we had a THINKING brain that creates the struggle of opposing ideas. Humans take the conflicting viewpoints and try to COMPROMISE. Left Brain Dominant people have no such focus, are devoid of concern for others. They see only SELF, family and friends and use everything for that goal! We troublesome worriers (losers?) should not even exist. We just drain society with our lazy inability to be successful like them. 2 totally opposite ways of thinking. But it is the desire to UNDERSTAND in the Right hemisphere that makes us human.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.