Wed. Mar. 23, 2022 revised .. is anything "true or false" .. that is the same simplifying as good vs evil!!
Duality! Everything really is good and bad. I have HATED the idiot control of masks saving us from something that kills less than heart disease does. I spent 2 years HATING those masks. Now I can take it off and I want it back. Now I have to check my teeth for food, and brush to be sure my teeth look clean, and worry there is a horrible black witch chin hair growing and people can focus only on my horrifying chin or the wrinkles that show my age. HAH! Am I too late in learning we should just be calm and take everything as plus and minus .. but always focusing on the PLUS!! .. ?? Do not be a slow learner like me! Focusing on the PLUS side to begin with .. would make life so much EASIER!
HE IS NOT EVIL EITHER! I have read only 3 paragraphs and his words are VERY reasonable! I was so angry because he wrote a book "There is no free lunch". (what? he does not even want to feed starving kids? What an EVIL man!) see 1975 interview below re "Freedom" and laws on our PERSONAL freedom.
"The only people in the United States who have effective freedom of speech are people like me who are tenured professors at major universities on the verge of retirement; we don’t have much to lose.
Suppose one wants to go out and ride a motorcycle without a safety helmet, is he free to do it? No. Why shouldn’t one be? It is his life, isn’t it? What business is it of the government saying that one mustn’t threaten his life by NOT putting on a helmet?
Remember that if an individual goes out on a motorcycle without a helmet and splashes himself all over the pavement, a government subsidized ambulance will come to pick him up and take him to a government subsidized hospital and bury him in a government subsidized cemetery and provide government subsidies of welfare and relief to his wife and children.
The government has a real vital interest in how you handle yourself. You don’t belong to you. You belong to the government. When you say is the battle of freedom being lost, there is just no doubt. "
Milton Friedman from
Maybe it was taken out of context and to extreme?
Even a family Dining business must stay in the black! Employees must NOT give away free lunches, or waste time or food. Everybody must get paid fairly, plus customers treated well so they come back. "profit" or at least a little left over after everything is paid is a MUST to stay in business. If people lent you money for a BIG restaurant they are shareholders and they also want payment for investing. The profit given to them is their "pay" for investing. So profit is NOT bad. HAH! NOTHING IS BAD .. only when taken to EXTREME is anything bad. I always forget this TRUTH with respect to Medicine. I demonize it and forget the wonderful things it can do.
Amazing surgeries and drugs that actually help disease are wonderful. But I forget because I too am closed minded and simplify. Our lives are too complicated and overwhelmed .. so we SIMPLIFY areas we have made decisions on. Then we divide into opposite camps. If we stop and breathe and Speak and LISTEN calmly
Our new focus to avoid demonizing anything .. is maybe there is always good and bad in everything. Cars were an awesome way to get around without a barn and horse. But too extreme, forgetting e had LEGS TO WALK WITH! .. we created toxic gas fumes and had everything PAVED over.
I especially hate the INTERNET now. We took it to such stupidity and DYSTOPIA. Yet I am then losing out on the amazing things it CAN do .. IF USED IN MODERATION. I mean look at my "book". I can "publish" a book with barely any cost and I can share it YEARS before it is complete or ready! I can add pictures at no extra cost .. colour photos that a decade ago were too expensive to print!
Is it possible the WEST is hated for our extreme lack of balance and moderation in life? We go to extremes I every single think EXCEPT .. Thinking!! The toxins of our shallow "progress" have made us stupid? insane? or evil? By "US" I mean our society, "us" as a population. Time for us quiet "mouse masses" to stand up and be counted. We have to sacrifice extreme convenience and comfort if we expect to survive our demise. The "maker" thinks we are jerks, so we better hurry up and show some respect for his creation. If you have not heard science and religion are now converging. The sciences see a higher consciousness level may be next and that can be "heaven". We want an entrance PASS rather than stay here if dystopian hell. You can keep your Siri nonsense .. I want a community that takes back our sanity and humanity!
Thurs. Mar. 24, 2022.
It was Natalia that REALLY cemented my obsession with "Truth". I mentioned something about "Truth is Truth! You are not allowed your own version of truth!" She suggested others have a right to their own perspective. I was HORRIFIED! Kept fighting with her IN MY HEAD forever! Either something is true or NOT and you are not allowed to take only HALF THE FACTS to suit YOUR AGENDA. Somewhere in these pages I tell a story of "the Daughter and the Thruway rest-stop", will link here later. For example if 3 of us were fighting and I pushed 1 who fell and hit head and died .. that I MURDERED him is NOT really true! I WAS the cause of their death but certainly no MURDER was intended. We have become a society who SIMPLIFIES everything into LIES. Half facts are LIES! A society too lazy to find out the REAL TRUTH, willing to accept LIES .. will not survive long. I guess we are all so overloaded and stressed we HAVE TO SIMPLIFY to just COPE?
Here is a perfect example how facts can be LIES!! Yesterday T's pets ALL slept through everything .. very abnormal. It freaked me out. I imagined they were exhausted from us crazy humans and just had to catch up from the FATIGUE of trying to cope with a crazy world. Animals KNOW when something is not right, and our society is definitely DEHUMANIZED. Instead of anger and frustration I must remember it is from younger generation's 24 hour stress .. aka "progress" So when I saw this article I JUMPED TO THE CONCLUSIONS that suited my agenda or perspective. I used it to suit my OWN proof required. (See.. I am right! .. Even Pennsylvania Deer are going crazy not just TO pets!) Had I not taken TIME and patience to ACTUALLY read/ THINK further .. this would have become one of my PROOF points that "the end" is here (Sorry, but .. It is!) However the point here is to show how some people run their ENTIRE lives .. those Left brain trouble makers that ruined our world! (McGilchrist link). Left hemisphere brains want to get the job done .. never mind investigating. Just get on with managing the task at hand .. (?demonize us for being slow whiners?)
"Deer are leaping to their deaths in northwest Pennsylvania" Philly Inquirer
Perfect .. I just told my daughter the animals KNOW something is not right in the world! Thank you universe for sending me this proof! 25 deer leapt to their death! They KNOW too that the world is ending very soon.
HAH! If you care to take time to READ and think (listen) ... this happened over (2?) years! Plus they were scared by traffic. The people who have to smell their poor decaying bodies want a barrier put up. A story that does NOT prove my point! This is why I have said whatever I say today will be wrong tomorrow. But do not write me off as not worth while. Instead should we not all be open to finding the REAL TRUTH in anything? Should we not be aware that what we first think could be WRONG? Would not be a BETTER world if we were more open to NOT being right at the very first try? Flip Floppers, HAH! I first began to think something was WRONG with the American political "Right" when they called Liberals indecisive flip floppers. Thinking intelligent people are! We change our mind when we LEARN MORE "FACTS" that change the original picture! Why do I have to preach this?? This should just be a NATURAL human thing. So SAD!
REAL "Truth" is hard to find and takes time and patience. And sometimes there are just 2 sides and "truth" is somewhere in the middle .. not really a truth at all. It is usually DUALITY .. an idea has 2 sides or perspectives like Natalia said, but we must seek to find the closer to truth. Then to find the SOLUTION the HARD part is the COMPROMISE which we have completely lost any skill I .. again talking politics not really just individuals.
Would ONE commandment not usually help in compromising truths? Don't be hard others, don't be mean! I know life is way more complicated than ONE commandment, but it would be a simple start. I want quiet, my neighbour is LOUD. When I realized they have given her DRUGS .. I finally realized the being kind truth "don't be mean or LOUD" is not quite so easy. Well, at least we solved my point that facts can be lies, with the deer story. YES! 25 deer killed themselves, that is a FACT. BUT .. the details totally change the ? perspective? The deer did not sense that the world was ending!
I hate perspectives! They are so damn much work to INVESTIGATE!! Tamara is RIGHT. I always have a "BUT". But .. hah, the only way we can "just get along" is if we try to listen and HEAR the other point of view. It may change our mind .. or at least we will UNDERSTAND. We have spent 50 plus years "using" the world, never taking time to understand past or future effects! Now in order to clean up the mess we made, we have to stop and UNDERSTAND things before doing something. Quick "success" only creates SHALLOW quality of life that does not survive. we are paying the price now for our decades of quick "progress" providing ONLY shallow "success".
.. at least make EFFORT to UNDERSTAND. Understanding can create compromise with OPPOSING ideas! Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022.
When we have opposite viewpoints and get angry and demonize the other .. we are showing how LAZY we are. We are a society that wants everything fast, instant convenience. Taking TIME to think confusing ideas through is most important. If opposing thoughts are only seen as OBSTACLES it is a very bad sign of a decaying society. We will only survive if a few of these lazy people come around to discussion vs SIMPLE Demonization. Unless those who are SHALLOW realize they MUST put more energy and TIME into LISTENING society is over. Learning about different viewpoints, is a mark of humanity. Without LISTENING toward compromise, there can never be collaboration. ONLY CIVIL WAR CAN RESULT.
LISTENING, Learning, Re Thinking and reconsidering is what makes Humanity INTELLIGENT! Changing one's mind is unnecessary .. but for Humanity to continue, we must at least listen kindly to new ideas with effort to UNDERSTAND. This allows us to feel respected although we have different viewpoints and perspectives. We can disagree but should not dismiss ideas without effort to FIRST UNDERSTAND them. It is the EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND and calmly and KINDLY refute, that allows for compromise and collaboration!
DUALITY! What? .. so much to learn! is everything good/ bad? If sun, wind and water are both monster and saint, then EVERYTHING must be BOTH GOOD and EVIL! This article will need many many readings to understand fully! FASCINATING.
Fri. May 20, 2022.
If I ruined an experience about 5 different ways but was put in a situation not prepared for .. does the other person also have some blame? If we are thinking, considerate, people, we tend to always take the blame. We are always feeling guilt (yes sometimes if angry we just blame the other guy, but I think more often than not we are the ones feeling bad, wondering how we failed.) Meantime Left brain action people (which makes them shallow and selfish) they just LET US TAKE all the blame. We need to shift our perspective! we deserve kindness too. And kindness to ourself is the FIRST learning. We deserve compassion and empathy .. not to be thrown out with the first big mistake. So everything is good and bad .. WE do not always need to take the bad. More selfless people tend to forget to be a little SELFISH .. look after OURSELF too!
REMEMBER, if the failure situation is SO BAD it could REALLY take us down to despair.. we must think of the opposite .. what can we blame on them? It is seldom ALL one side of terrible, usually the other side was also flawed. We should consider it like when we must analyze and evaluate to make a decision. An Apt we want to rent is glorious and perfect for us .. BUTin the wrong area and too much money. Is a failing situation with a new person like that .. good PLUS bad? If we feel DESERVING and not always needing to take all blame .. we could actually say "Hey, even if it was ALL my fault, it was never I desire to do harm so FORGIVNESS would be human.
If this glorious person can not be compassionate and forgiving who needs him. If that apt is glorious, but makes me so poor, I am not able to eat or see a movie .. who needs it. Does everything and every SITUALION have good and bad? We just need to evaluate and if the good is better than the bad total we stay on the path. BUT WE FOCUS ON BEING RIGHT! Do we Thinkers kill ourselves with overthinking .. with worrying? Stick with the guy, or the apt, or the job you decide has more good than bad .. BUT FOCUS ONY ON BEING RIGHT. Visualize then greatness of our decision. The that magic magnet god gave us can attract what we thought of. Well it would be awesome if I helped you cause I helped me to quit thinking of the 5 ways I failed and instead think how wonderful a forgiving person is. And the unforgiving are thrown out of our reality. Of course we can only expect forgiveness if we were not completely selfish, mean and cruel ourselves.
Sat., Feb. 19, 2022, 11:30 am. ?proud of this writing? how does edit look at it?
Seriously? God gave us a brain .. PLEASE try to use it by THINKING "A+ B+ C .." .. vs just "A", full stop. Thinking only to the first "A fact" in life, and no further is what has destroyed our society's quality of life and hope for any future. Because "A" can ACTUALLY be a LIE when used in this particular way! The power structure uses lies to confuse and direct us in the way that suits them.. ALL the time. Let's not FALL FOR IT ANYMORE!
Read the title again .. true I guess 90% maybe are vaccinated. BUT WHY????? Because we were BLACKMAILED into it! "Want a job to pay rent and eat? Then GET VACINATED, or you lose that job." So saying we think Truckers concern about us losing all our FREEDOM is wrong, and therefore is a LIE. Many of us AGREE with the truckers ALTHOUGH we are vaccinated. We may NOT agree with their loud tactics .. but talking and NOT being a bully, has got us nowhere. We at least have to respect their sacrifice and perseverance. And their money being cut off early? EVERY ONE OF US SHOULD BE HORRIFIED ATTHAT LOSS OF FREEDOM!!Never mind fake "woke" REALLY! We better actually WAKE UP becasue we are a dictatorship of people wanting power and celebrity. The loudest voices control our life! I guess the truckers are fighting fire with fire? If we could get a survey .. I wonder if most would agree with this paragraph about truckers and our loss of life control?
The first spring of covid when the screamers yelled at us enjoying a park OUTSIDE .. if I was dictator I swear I could have solved the problem better! ; <> You whining people saying we are evil to be outside .. you stay in forever to protect yourself from THREATS of life. You have things delivered, work at home .. the rest of us will LIVE OUR LIFE AND WE MAY DIE. But life imprisoned is NOT REAL LIFE. I would even have been willing to give up hospitalization and die .. rather than live for what could happened ANY DAY. We could DIE .. of anything .. a car .. a roof .. cancer .. Heart attack .. which by the way kill 2x covid numbers when you don't LIE.
Sat Mar 5, 2022
Study says .. WHAT? no way! Is that to twist worried parents brains so they quit worrying about the social isolation of 2 years? So much is wrong with the common sense of that statement. They said those who felt BETTER at home rather than school had less bullying. So did we have NO IDEA how much bullying actually goes on? Britain? 1400 kids .. most better at home? can not find source to link yet. CP24
Dakota Apt sale .. selling for $7 million!! but to my understanding it is 2!! units, which from its description in NEW YORK CITY sounds very cheap! And he only bought it in 2015 .. for 6$ million, so value has increased little. Headline felt like "Look at this high priced place!" .. but it sounds more like NYC Real Estate value is declining? I will find more examples of twisty headline for examples. Once Facebook is up .. members could add their INTELLIGENCE .. because we don't want MORE INFORMATION. We want HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. We are going to get rid of A I and the whole ARTIFICIAL IDIOCY .. "the NEW A I"
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Jan. 17, 2022
Just trying to shock you .. racists surely believe their ideas are TRUTH! So that brings us to evil .. are racists EVIL or just so STUPID, they can't see past their nose? We are ALL human .. why would skin colour or place of birth, devalue a human? Strange "thinkng". My theory is that everything STUPID is based on fear. Fear now runs western society. Fear is anxiety, and fear is worry and stress results. When we are stressed we do NOT behave well. When feeling fearful we either attack or retreat. "Thinking" (more Right hemisphere wired) people retreat .. but "Action", (more Left Brain wired) people LASH OUTWARD. (See the Warrior / Worrier spectrum.)
Thinking often and a lot, brings different perspectives and let's one brain (person) see it is never as simple as black and white. Action brains just go ahead and get stuck on the FIRST idea! Like there are 9 ducks in the image! Some things are just FACT .. and there is no perspective to them! To see more takes PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE ..and once we see ALL THE PERSPECTIVES, truth is no longer so easy to find. If only life was as simple as FINDING THE DUCKS!! That is exactly what makes life hell! More Left Brain ACTION wired people see 9 ducks AND MOVE ON. More Right brain wired "Thinkers" wonder "why such a silly question? there must be a trick here? what is going on with this?" Mean time the Action people have moved on to get a REAL task done. 2 hours later I am still pondering how this proves Left brain are impatient but Right brain are persistent .. especially in finding NEW BETTER ANSWERS
see IMAGE .. got this on Facebook ACCIDENTALLY (HAH!! .. NO! Universe sent me!!!) .. along with the new MILLION TARGETTED ads. Kill myself!! and I thought with an internet "encyclopedia INTELLIGENCE on steroids" there would be NOOOOO need for advertising. Why not employ people to investigate and study .. you need diapers .. you go to! Advertising is information WHEN YOU NEED IT!
A society were nothing can be trusted, where nothing can be believed, is PURE DYSTOPIA.
"Facts are facts" can be a total twisting of reality. It used to be evil manipulative Con artists LIED wanting us to buy or believe something. But now is just the way we live it seems! A LIE IS MANIPULATING FACTS to suit your advantage. A half truth can be a LIE. It is NOT ok that we have adopted this horrible practice as our sole means of communicating!
SADLY .. now it is also that we "lie", .. or simplify, just trying to cope! Stressed and overwhelmed, people trying to simplify the information OVERLOAD. Not listening to more facts and reconsidering complicates and is confusing. Simplifying yes/no, good bad is a coping tool.
We never needed more INFORMATION! We needed more intelligence, and now we are trapped in extreme excess needing sifting and contemplation. Most of us do not have the time and PATIENCE. Simplifying without common sense and logic added is the recipe for collapse of society.
Sometimes in a conflict each thinks the other "the bad guy". I lost my Broadview apt because I did talk / ask too much, but I am NOT a terrible problem tenant. he seemed like a total jerk not letting me measure but in light of his MISTAKEN impression .. does not NEED a possibly problem tenant. The building is always full. So we have a war .. maybe they get NO tenant (people don't move over winter) and I wasted so so much time on investigating tenants and the area. (see how my life is hell! I was going to say "stalking" tenants and you would think me awful. I would walk around that block and ask people how they enjoyed living in the area/building. They were always happy to. share .. so I spent so much time trying to be sure I was making the right decision. What a jerk that super was! But .. looking from his PERSPECTIVE I. can understand where he is coming from.
BUT!! .. everyone has to start thinkng that way! Wondering .. contemplating .. evaluating .. analyzing .. and THAT way conflict does not turn into WAR. But sadly Left Brain people are DISABLED from this ability. HENCE .. we are screwed!! Please go. and study quantum, particle wave, differing realities. It is the only thing that lets me SLEEP at night, vs nightmares. Just like they in the past, never knew the earth was round (terrified of falling off) we are terrified our ship is sinking but THERE REALLY ARE OTHER REALITIES HAPPENING. We can breathe and feel hope! we just don't quite understand it all, quite yet.
At first I thought superintendent guy was just horrible not letting me measure, before the family moved in. But as I thought about it I saw how I should have talked less, asked less .. not to give a wring impression. I gave him the benefit of the doubt because he was stressed with a move added to all his regular daily tasks. But sadly .. the Left acton brain NEVER stops to contemplate, or even listen to apologetic explanations. He wanted ti give me price, show give papers and go away. And talk non stop so I could not even pay attention to the place! If those majority? Left brains won't give us any benefit f doubt and consideration .. battles will just continue. There will be no end to battle, and no peace or calm.
Can we hope that enough people still have SOME thinking wiring left? To save despair and hopelessness, we MUST believe the zombie reality we see .. is not the ONLY reality. Truth is .. everybody seems to have lost their thinking brain. Like zombies they walk into me on the sidewalk. (Am I a ghost?). But if I try hard, can I step into the positive reality? .. FOCUS nice and people will BE nice?
great medium article, not about truth but the division that is destroying us. but each SIDE thinks they are right and therefore the other side is evil. Especially "Left brain action doers" simplify to good vs evil. Life is never that simple. Life is complicated, so you have to be open to "the other" NOT being mean or evil. "but what about IF .. " should be our go to .. NOT simple good evil. That is just LAZY and selfish. na there I am judging like my so accused. I am NOT judgemental I said. But when someone does me wrong I guess that is the go to mode! So writing is just PREACHING .. now I have togo out and live it which I NEVER said is easy OR that I DO IT. You listen to me .. pay attention .. I only know more because I am obsessed with KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING. NOBODY ever said I can DO what I learn .. but lets work on it together. And once I can hire someone and have help we'll set up a conversation were you can call me out. Now I feel too alone and afraid to even have shared this website! & websites later still no promo .. but once I get that partner and some input I promise to let you call me out. hell I get enough of to from myLeft brain kids! But calling people out must be nice. Constructive criticism helps. "your ideas are stupid!" helps NO ONE! .. including the bully because obviously they are not happy with THEMSELF or they would not be mean.
"NYC .. crime is NOT up" a perfect example how we can make things fit what we want them to fit .. true? half true? twisted? .. maybe we never even MEANT to lie? maybe we just NEEDED to believe it? Whoa TRUTH is even ,ore complicated than I thought. Arguing things are not black and white leaves out OUR OWN BIAS!
Nov 4, 2021 am
"I am so happy found love of my life". "yeah but he is SOOOOO ugly." I do NOT need a friend like that! it may well be truth, but a friend who says "no I am not sorry I said that .. I SPEAK THE TRUTH. TOO bad if you can't handle it!" But this is where we have lost our HUMANITY! That may be truth but a fully conscious supportib=ve human says "how wonderful! you must be so happy! congratulations." Not "Wow you could onto find such ugliness?" Our answer SHOULD be .. "sorry BEING (ie lost your humanity) .. with friends like you WHO NEEDS ENEMIES. Take your "truth" and shove it .. !" Besides, a REAL friend would be deep enough to recognize a person's attractiveness is in their soul and spirit, not a shallow Beauty contest.)
So yes truth is very tricky. The friend is not LYING by omitting the unattractiveness. Similarly if I just goofed up again .. losing my apt opportunity .. a friend does NOT say the TRUTH, "you never do anything right! you are an idiot". This is maybe the truth .. but who need a friend who only mirrors our own self sabotage? Sometimes NO FRIENDS is better than mean friends. And a REAL friend would be deep enough to. recognize a person's Beauty is their soul and spirit.)
But then again .. go to why we have lost our brain wiring (link later). Most often these MEAN people are just so overwhelmed they simplify and move one. They can't see the big picture .. how their words will hurt. They are not really horrible, just trying to cope with today's overload. When the mean person is family, we must try to be compassionate .. their brain is disabled. They are UNABLE to slow down to consider the damage "true" mean words do. yes the truth hurts .. but sometimes we need someone to remind us we ARE worthy, not remind of all our failures.
I read this "pandemic is messing with us" .. just happy to see I am NOT the only one LOSING MY MIND? BRAIN? HEART (soul)? or whatever .. just glad I was not alone. BUT WHAT IF IT IS THE VAX DOING THIS?? Or maybe in a vax fog we ALL ARE DRAGGED ALONG VAXED OR NOT. Seriously .. WHY.. just WHY did twice as many die from the (old epidemic .. will find my notes and clarify) YET THE WORLD WAS NOT SHUT DOWN??? Sorry .. but if you actually STOP AND THINK .. none of this fits .. makes sense .. or is LOGICAL. It really DOES make more sense when you see a group who runs the world pulling their evil strings or with their utter STUPIDITY. They either WANT to DESTROY us .. OR will .. in their stupidity. How the hell do we get our power back having been blind sheep ants consumers of THEIR concocted story for so long?
needs redo! Fri. Mar 25, 2022. Yike June 4 2022. no CLUE, sorry .. needs edit
copy from below or will lose
look more closely!! Crazy how a quick "9!" shallow look or THOUGHT gives the WRONG answer! Think about that! How many times have I argued everything in life with my daughter to. MAKE HER SEE THE 12. "I am right, you are WRONG" BUT .. meantime she already moved on and created her OWN income to pay her rent .. not lucky like me with pension .. able to research and argue on and on. We are in trouble! The "mean" people are just trying to COPE and have no TIME or energy to figure everything out because the world is moving on and we have to STAY AFLOAT IN IT.
Sat. June 4, 2022.
Left brains have NO INTEREST IN UNDERSTANDING, where right brains can be overwhelming in their curiosity. "But's" and explanations are EXCUSES to Left Brains. But remember we are ALL BRAIN DISABLED from the toxins of our SHALLOW "progress". Right brain's disability is indecision and we are SLOW or UNABLE to act. BOTH Brain hemispheres balanced is the only way to solve ANYTHING!
Sat. June 4, 2022. HILARIOUS. Little guy wants big guy to UNDERSTAND. Big guy does NOT care! Just keep it simple! I have to watch this ad every time I get exasperated. Also must READ THE ROOM as my daughter says .. why even bother trying. That Dog is way smarter than me! "Listen to me!" will not work for Left brains who only want simple. (See American politics and GUNS. Republicans won't even discuss. Discussing is RIGHT brain. Political left /right is OPPOSITE to our HEMISPHERES= confusion.)
look more closely!! Crazy how a quick "9!" shallow look or THOUGHT gives the WRONG answer! Think about that! How many times have I argued everything i
NO!! if we try to listen, analyze and evaluate, sometimes BOTH can be true! Instead we simplify to avoid confusion. Right /wrong, good /evil is SO MUCH AN EASIER LIFE. Since our lives have become so complex .. most just SIMPLIFY TO COPE. So let's stop seeing the OTHER as evil and all slow down and LISTEN TO HEAR each others viewpoint! We are not as opposite as we are led to believe!
an email I received .. The $78 Trillion Pension Crisis: Time to Get Prepared
By Robert Kiyosaki
For many years, I've written about the coming retirement crisis that the baby boomer generation would face. I didn't do so with any type of glee, and often I hoped I would be wrong. But it sure doesn't look like that's going to be the case.
When I was growing up, there was a common narrative for most Americans. You would go to a good school, major in an area where you wanted to build your career, get a good job at a reputable company, work your way up the corporate ladder, and retire on a nice pension in your 60s.
For the most part, this was the stable reality of the majority of Americans. There was an unspoken contract between corporations and their employees. You spend your life working hard for us and we will take care of you in retirement. It was the norm to spend 20 or 30 years with a company and uncommon to move around.
But this is no longer the case.
Pensions have become a hot topic for politicians and unions while a crisis grows before our very eyes. It's not just bad for taxpayers, it's bad for pensioners. If you think local governments won't take away the pensions they promised, you aren't paying attention.
A report from Citibank estimates governments around the world are short $78 trillion to pay their pension promises.
One question that every citizen should be asking is, "If millions of workers contributed trillions of dollars into these pension funds, why are these funds going broke? Who got all that money?"
Maybe the question should be, "How are the rich getting richer among all of this tension?"
When the market crashes, as it always does, the poor and middle class get wiped out. The rich simply borrow money and buy back workers' shares at bargain prices.
It is no longer enough to save money, as higher inflation and taxes wipe out your earnings. You can't rely on a company pension because most companies don't offer one.
Instead, it is expected that you contribute to a 401(k) plan that may or may not provide you a secure retirement and that is simply a glorified, tax-deferred savings account that benefits the rich, not you.
Governments may issue more debt to make up the difference or cut benefits all together. Eventually, these promises made over the last 45 years are going to be broken. The more debt we issue now, either for bonds or pensions, means less flexibility to deal with whatever the future brings.
My concern is, the old guys like me are sitting there with their retirement plans, which are broken. The California retirement system is broke, Hawaii's retirement system is broke, Chicago's retirement system is broke, and if and when the entire U.S. retirement system comes crashing down, my generation is toast.
If you're a boomer, this news should be a wake-up call for you. The good news about a wake-up call is that it also presents an opportunity. Before you get too far down the path of financial ruin, take the time to honestly assess your financial position.
In a world where you can't rely on a pension, you need to find another source of income in retirement. You need to go from thinking like an employee to thinking like an investor.
The way out is real financial education, not that fake financial education. That is: go to school, get a job, work hard, save money, and get out of debt and invest for the long-term. Real financial education will teach you how to break this cycle that no longer works and finance your retirement in a way that makes sense today.
I agree with Kiyosaki, I have felt fearful for some time, even looked into more equality for our younger pension benefit paying teachers. OTF is the biggest pension Fund in Canada, but refused any input. That is Scarry in itself!
So when I researched further from the above and saw a link "don't be swayed by Kiyosaki", see below, I thought who is this evil guy .. one of "them" obviously TWISTING facts. BUT .. when I took the time to read AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND .. they actually BOTH are right. Like my battle with Natalia, "NO!! Truth is truth .. there is no PERSPECTIVE about it!!" which began my obsession with "what is truth"? .. this is a PERFECT example! But sadly, kind of like Kiyosaki saying "the Titanic is sinking, its your fault not making it safer", where Jaffe says "But we did this, and that, and the other to make it safe" THE FACT REMAINS THE TITANIC IS SINKING!!
add more here .. fascinating! Tesla not god, Edison not evil!! inventions are built on other inventors who can first! each trying to solve the problem. not fair re Netscape! But EVERYTHING is like that. Another battle whose fairness we will NEVER CHANGE!! What a PERFECT QUOTATION "Life is unfair .. deal with it!" If only I had faced the quotation's UTTER REALITY earlier, and quit trying to turn a DOG into a cat! UNFAIR can not be made FAIR. A Giraffe seeing far, will never be a sloth seeing only the ground. But the question is will those of us who hate unfair ever stop fighting for it .. or will we die first? horrifying. However Edison Tesla clarity is a hopeful explanatory thing to CLING to!
please go to Walter jan 13 2021, comment!
toronto star truckers/ anti-vaxers are evil .. why because we have a brain and THINK?
Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022. (no edit 01)
Who said THE BIBLE is not the same as what we see today in "Mess Media"? You chose a few words and stick with them, never mind that the TOTAL more complete idea changes everything. For example .. DETAILS of "info" or "facts" can change the whole picture! "I hate him because he killed my brother!" This can be FACT, or truth. .. YET AT THE SAME TIME .. A COMPLETE LIE! Never mind the FACT that the brakes on his car failed, so he had no control to stop! Let's just pick some "facts" and run with them. Take what suits "our perspective" aka SIMPLE LITTLE MIND, and just run with that 1/4 "truth". That's what happens when people lose their BRAIN, lose their RIGHT HEMISPHERE .. WHICH GIVES THEM THE POWER TO THINK AND THEN UNDERSTAND. Brain loss and "Mess media" leads to "wacky world". Wacky World = OBLITERATION.
text .. "I decided THE BIBLE was the FIRST “fake news”! 😂 What do you think of this term I just made up? “Mess media”? 😇👺 💩 🙉
us to be like him .. trying to be kind and considerate always.
No! Kindness to OUTSIDERS and empathy is needed!
Nor does reading the Bible!! We are starting our own religion!! The Reverse World's Forest (all are special), Fungus (BUT all are connected to succeed) Cooperative "Church" Library cafe general store
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If you are not completely OBLIVIOUS, or shallow .. sometimes there IS no bright side. With the collapse of every Societal system .. especially the collapse of our brains and with it our HUMANITY .. I guess the ONLY bright side is if you were lucky enough to be raised with belief in heaven or a "hereafter"!
I met someone who believed when it was over it was OVER .. nothing further existed. I should have asked if she ever had to face death of loved ones. That sure causes belief. A way to hang onto the lost one being HAPPIER and that we WILL see them again one day. How does one live without that raft of hope in turbulent waters? But she was the beginnings of my obsession with right and left POLITICAL sides. HMM! Does not really fit because Republicans are mostly very ?Christian?. But it would certainly fit my think vs act sides. Believing in heaven can get VERY complicated if you think about it! But it helps us understand time space convergence. Think how crowded heaven is and how do we find each other?? Time and space no longer divide in the hereafter. If all is energy we just take another form of energy!
Mon. Mar. 14, 2022. 11:30 am
Everything we thought we knew about R L brain is pretty much wrong .. this article shows it is STILL misunderstood so I contacted them. They have not studied McGilchrist's more recent NEUROSCIENCE, rather than stuck in the old ideas (myths?).
“It’s absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right. But people don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network. It seems to be determined more connection by connection," explained the study's lead author Dr. Jeff Anderson. NO! WRONG! Once you read McGilchrist's work .. you see a pattern. Definitely there are Left (action) or Right (thinking) character tendencies. Once we understand his work, plus adding my (think vs do label) we can see it as we get to know people! Or we recognize why we struggle in certain relationships! So we must read or listen WITH AN OPEN MIND to everything. we must rethink new different ideas, analyze, evaluate, investigate further and just study the REAL world. A whole LOT of work to find truth, and the HUMAN INTELLIGENCE it creates.
Yes, Truth is really hard to find and INTELLIGENCE takes patience. Maybe people don't LIE purposely .. maybe it just beats feeling confused? And Left brains HATE feeling confused. Right brains just turn confused into a constant state of WONDER and CURIOUSITY! The constant war is our jealousy at our inability to be fast and decisive like Left Brains .. but they hate our complicating and confusing everything. Shallow right brains and Left brains are what cause our demonization of the other side .. instead of STOPPING to really understand each others point of view. Screaming at each other will never allow the compromise REAL HUMANITY REQUIRES.
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.