A Rainbow .. straight up and down, no curve.. only alone on the horizon with no other end to it .. and no reason for it? I'm confused. Now, if we did not take 7 million photos I could find it!
a few Snowflakes meandering about .. but it is not snowing!! .. ??
after 3 years finally seeing niagara escarpment from my window .. why now?
Maybe S4 vs A I? Stupid, selfish, stressed, shallow .. S4 humans. A I made us S4 H. But my masses are awesome people. Please try to bring any S4 friends along. Maybe we can still ?unfreeze their brain? Maybe their neuron wiring is NOT fried but just? dormant? If there is hope they will LISTEn and learn from us .. we need even MORE people. BUT .. if they have 1 inch long glued on nails each being art .. sorry .. there is little hope for your shallow friend. ; <>
Reverse World is NOT an open community! One must prove, they still have a somewhat balanced brain to be part of our Co-Operative. Locals would decide that .. by whether dicussions are civil to LISTEN.. THINK .. and then RECONSIDER IDEAS for the well being of both
Thurs. April 14, 2022.
There is really no longer enough food for us .. we may as well commit SUICIDE as to slowly starve to death. OMG this morning there was a person sleeping by the Tim's door in Regent Park, yesterday AND day before someone SCREAMING on the street. Usually I must go closer to the shelters to find this despair. Yike .. Conditions are ever worse and worsening even more quickly.
Prices are going crazy and shelves are missing food groups. The worst is not even here re Ukraine's wheat.
Sun. June 5, 2022.
Is it because we are the MOST selfish? Only people who feel undeserving, also seeing the pain of others commit suicide. I made that up .. does it make sense? In my experience with suicide, it does. Selfish shallow people focus only on their needs and success .. they have no concern for others. AND .. they were lucky enough to have the RESOURCE OF DESERVEDNESS! "I DESERVE success!" A huge resource to have, and it proves Left brains so shallow when they say "I worked hard .. you should have TRIED HARDER LIKE ME." It NEVER occurs to them how much easier supportive people who instill CONFIDENCE make life much easier for them.
I believe the LAW OF ATTRACTION IS THEN THEIRS to utilize too! positive thinking brings them good .. while we considerate Right brains WORRYING for others, bring ourselves only negative. A lot of successful people are jerks .. people lower on the success pole tend to be kind and giving. Kindness without judgement, means Right brain UNDERSTANDS it has been HARD for some, and they DO NOT JUDGE them as LESSER.
Spell check is SO TERRIBLE, that I swear it is a PLOT to not let us communicate! When I write, I just go fast .. like the flying thoughts circling in my brain's thinking. I have BRILLIANT ideas to share with you! ; < : > ? When I come back later sometimes even NOT weeks later, sometimes shortly to edit .. I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THE HELL THE IDEA WAS. I am not great at typing but surely I should be able to decipher what was mistakenly typed? Words will have no meaning in the sentence. I swear their A I is catching me in my great thought .. and saying "whoops we can't let people be thinkIng about this idea she is spending catching us in our SCAM. We will just make the idea unintelligible!" One word sometimes is kind of the Lynch pin of an idea. And off I go to my tree twigs .. in our stupid society are we not ALLOWED to say LYNCH pin .. or the "Screamers" and WOKE "police" will shut me down? OMG .. so we have big brother ro watch out for .. but maybe even worse .. our own people!! Those who "think" they are improving the world .. SO SORRY .. but your actions are SHALLOW AND STUPID! Try to re learn how to think and go a little deeper into human INTELLIGENCE again. I know processed food fried our brains but you are helping THEM win. Please come back to OUR side .. the good thoughtful (and trying to COMPROMISE and be fair) masses.
died in police custody?? something wrong there!! Dr Atkins also died strangely. Sorry guys I am not a conspiracy "theorist". THERE IS! 100% a conspiracy to keep us sick! 100 % .. I have left the total health area the last few years focusing on SYSTEM COLLAPSE .. and these claims against anybody who dare s to QUESTION or ideas profit scheme is destroyed! PURE EVIL! No conspiracy there just pure truth! We are expected to not question a system that gives you a disease name plus drug and sends you off. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH FINDING THE REASON AND REMOVING IT???? No profit to "THEM" of course.
OUR Functional Medicine HEALTH SYSTEMS will only make money with income for our Health COACHES!
I have this theory that Thinkers more easily go CRAZY .. you know "mentally" ill. I mean an Action brain just gets the job done. meanwhile a right brain Worrier thinks of what caused the problem and how the quick action could cause unwanted consequences. And we notice things and are sensitive to things Left brain Action brain do NOT. Obviously we are more stressed anxious and panicked. But we are the smart thoughtful considerate ones! If we are OBSESSED with a problem or invention .. we ar? manic or bipolar or just ECCENTRIC. How about all great leaders and inventors new termed those "mental" things.
First of all "MENTAL" illness is a total CON job. It is simply a problem with the BRAIN, no different than if it was your lung or liver. not working right! Yet mental illness has all manner of STIGMA added to it. Sorry guys if your brain can NOT multi task .. but can multi THINK circles around others it is simplybwe are skilled in different areas.
My theory is that we Thinker Right brains QUESTION the actions of left brains that tend to be the powerful in charge. They tend to be management and in politics. So for us to question and suggest more well THOUGHT OUT SOLUTIONS is a great irritant to them! we slow down their fast action. Our complaints get others questioning them. So lets label SLOW thinkers with a stigma. Not only is "mental" made SCARRY but when we are so busy trying to better solve problems we often do not succeed as easily. I wish I could do some lab test .. I bet those termed "mentally" ill not only have a higher functioning RIGHT brain hemisphere .. BUT there are less of us THINKERS in positions of POWER. We are more focused on understanding and finding the correct answer, than adding to our power and celebrity. Maybe someday a McGilchrist (link) following Researcher will be curious and develop a test. Creatives and writers and philosophers are no doubt not the people McGilchist feels have destroyed our humanity.
Back to demo ..CRAZY. Do they like to DEMNSTRATE we are "crazy". Is that why the stupidity of a stigma when the most complicated of our many parts does not function well? Actually now I truly believe this. Why do you yell at me if my brain is slow with action becaseu I am still THINKING. If I am not fat in a sport and fail you do not stigmatize (as much). It really makes NO SENSE when you understand FUNCTIONAL medicine. Inflammation causes our body functions to nt work well. Sometimes removing the inflammation can stop the DISEASE. NO DRUGS NEEDED. Imagine hw many drugs they get toSELL in proving how crazy we are!
I suggest the ACTUAL CRAZY (or brain dead or stupid is to NOT be panicked about our world today..
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Thurs. April 14, 2022
If that terrifies you, stay in your home! Order in, talk on line .. just stay away from those of us who realize life is FULL of dangers. We do not want to live our life terrified because that is NOT life. No smiles, no hugs, no handshakes? Ridiculous! My death from heart disease kills MORE YEARLY than any REAL covid death. Covid numbers are greatly exaggerated because so many have BAD HEALTH. A huge part of the #'s "called covid", use ALREADY sick people deaths. People who could not handle one more body struggle (covid) on top of their other health problems. That is NOT a fair number to promote! That is a phoney scam, as almost EVERYTHING is.
why? because Not one thing works for US .. not education, not health, not the economy, not democracy. It works for onlyTHEIR benefit and NOT ours any longer. America's Founding Fathers are turning in their GRAVES! For my saying this .. my site will be shut down and I will be VILLIFIED no doubt.
But sadly so many people's THINKING brain wiring has been destroyed .. they can not think far enough to UNDERSTAND the points I am questioning. Left brain people need CERTAINTY, simple fast answers. They need to avoid complication and the confusion conflicting thoughts create! Left brain people have destroyed our society and the only hope is if us RIGHT brains can pull together MORE of us .. to build a COMPLETELY NEW SYSTEM for SOCIETY. No "Economy", capitalism or even "democracy" as is .. they have all become SCAMS NOT providing quality of life to WE THE PEOPLE.
The real WE, the good, kind, FAIR WE are going to recreate a NEW SYSTEM that works for US not "THEM"
Thurs. April 14, 2022
All day long breathing in covid after covid virus? from not just one but MANY many people.?
If you have a brain and still use it to think .. some of this is such pure NON - sense! so many questions I can not think of one just now. must write here right when I ask it.
I was a germ freak LONG before covid. What I see people terrified of "covid" doing, is HORRIFYING .. they have NO CLUE whatsoever about germ spread. They scream at me for no mask but ..
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
We were so busy wondering and worrying about this P(L)ANDEMIC we forgot to protest this BRAIN DESTROYING REAL DANGER.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Added April 27, 2022 .. what 1 person has covid and you shut down a city of 1 million. have you all lost your MIND??? Can those people not revolt? that is utterly TERRIFYING.
incomplete .. PLUS I have no clue what I am talking about re china politics etc etc!
Instead of nobody thinkng one smart FAIR guy leading might be better. our democracy has FAILED. And why is socialism (just acting HUMAN) demonized
OMG!!! There is so much Propoganda twisting our mind! I am going to question everything from now on. Why did I think you are thrown in jail for practicing religion? Maybe I am stuck in 1978? when they relaxed their laws? Sorry I have NO CLUE about China except the Propoganda I have been fed. When I heard last night (Oct 23, 2021) they will allow 3 hours of gaming per week for a child and 30 minutes of (Twitter) a day, I thought they still have a brain! I am moving to China!
If we are too stupid? shallow? or stressed to contemplate the consequences of our "screen sheep" brain .. maybe we need an organization to get us in line? But then I want pioneer times .. and then there WAS no government! Does that make me an "anarchist"? If things (democracy) are not working should we not try better ways. Now I need to study what an anarchist REALLY is because in case you never noticed .. the Propoganda machine (is THAT the fake news?) TWISTS every word that goes against their control of power! I think it is too late for us to wake up .. but get a group going in your area. Unless we think more and then ACT in new ways .. worry we are TOAST (Armegedon and the Anthropocene await!)
When I moved to my new area I knew I would hate it. (I felt that people who stick to their own customs and language, also making me feel the outsider, do not care about the country they have been welcomed to. That makes me angry, but I could have the wrong perspective. I moved here knowing I would not like it because it fit many other needs especially being central to get to all the locations I frequent.
Recently I went into a hidden cafe downtown. In chatting with the owner I discovered we live in the same area. He began describing how much he loved it and ranted about how kind and connected a community it was. I felt like he was from another mistaken reality. how is it possible he loves my area and I hate it??
Did my original PERSPECTIVE .. lead to my PERCEPTION????? Did I go out every day EXPECTING to find rude arrogant people .. so it is all I see? There have been days when I was pleasantly surprised! Where those days when I was manic high .. and saw good everywhere? Can we do that whenever wherever we want and choose the GOOD perspective? Can I go out thinking young people are awesome, and we will figure this mess out and FIX it. Then I usually meet all kinds of wonderful thinking people. But mostly I go out thinkng zombie oblivious rude people will knock me off the sidewalk. Guess what I get? I forget about the nice kind people I SHOULD have focused on. As Right brain Thinkers .. it feels shallow to just positive "Don't worry be happy" seems a cop out. But maybe that focus gives us a BREAK .. so we then can get back to trying to creatively solve the many problems.
OK now my brain is REALLY fried (from REAL "wonder" not WONDER BREAD processed food destruction! (hah that is when we began losing our brain, sliced white bread!) .. Yet Left Brains who have lost their capacity for curiosity and WONDER .. will just see me as a crazy pain in the rear.
1) beer falling off the pub counter .. what??
2) rain only on the bottom of a balcony door .. see vimeo
3) and even WORSE, my " Abbot Elementary" premiere, NO AUDIO, but only for Teachers talking?? .. only for ME, no complaints online. And PARTIAL audio loss only for that show! No other show, nobody complaining online! both TV provider AND Best Buy Tech .. no clue how this could be. There is NO WAY I imagined this, I wondered how select audio could be missing EVEN IF IT WAS TO THE ENTIRE VIEWERSHIP.?
But no .. even worse, just to ME apparently! Ok the ghosts have taken over or god or the universe has. Things no longer make sense rationally. Here is MY theory. I was a teacher .. it was the universe telling me "Talk less you preacher! LISTEN more." Hah, but it is always listening to new ideas that gets me never acting or doing! "Are you telling me I am missing something new now? by talking too much, Mr CEO of the cosmos?" Ok how you told me is so shocking maybe I can STOP talking so much? But I really do listen .. that is why never a decision or real ACTION. Always pondering new. "But .. criticism accepted god (CEO of the cosmos)".
THERE IS NO REALITY! THE BEST TO DO? LOOK FOR THINGS THAT ARE "FOR!" US .. STOP LOOKING FOR THINGS TO BE AGAINST US. (Stop SELF SABOTAGING!) That CEO of the COSMOS WANTS OUR SUCCESS. Like in (the Broadway show Annie) "The sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow .. and tomorrow is only a day away". Make that our daily BELIEF. Whatever obstacle we find, whatever new struggle, is NOT our bad luck .. but is just the CEO (Our DAD .. you know "god the FATHER) pointing us in a better direction. This reframed attitude makes life SO much easier!!
Fri. July 1, 2022.
WAIT! But it is the WRONG Hand!! Why is my left hand hurting even more right now? Is it sympathy pain? Can my hands EMPATHIZE, feel compassion for each other? That is crazy, the pain in the palm of my hand and wrist gets crazy if I forget to stop and write obsessively. But I was just having one of my hundred naps .. and I felt such pain .. but it was the WRONG HAND. All has the inflammation pain from processed food and gluten moved into my wrists an mid palm? There is no more knee pain . . I think maybe it has moved to my arms?? More research .. I quit gluten and my arthritis disappeared. But I have been terrible with processed food of a few years .. still no problems! But!! Hands and wrists are BAD. So is the answer hands are alive and can feel compassion .. or evil PROCESSED FOOD is just attacking another area.
By the way .. you think I exaggerate that sugar is in everything. Good luck to you. I am even an idiot to think peas from GREEN GIANT .. you know .. the vegetable company? Green giant buttered ready to microwave peas HAVE SUGAR IN THEM. I have been addicted and pretty much live on them! It is even worse than I thought! Oh dear god .. let's just live on berries and seeds like the natives! (I wish I could find out what has happened to this man. Apparently his horrible residential native school experience still causes him problems?)
Is that true? #1 I do not know if that is true, but if it is .. I have a Theory. Of course it relates to brain hemispheres. I think Natives had very balanced "think, then act" brains that considered past (cause), future(effect) and others vs our "ME, MYSELF AND I". Being kind, thoughtful and respectful they could probably not even IMAGINE the inhumanity they were treated with, in the Residential Schools destroying their culture. This damage of evil triumphing over good, would affect their mind and brain so negatively forever it seems.
I have a theory that Thinkers lash In-ward with suicide .. or become drug addicts or alcoholics .. vs maybe "Doer" left brains lash OUT ward. If they can join the army and KILL others are they the murderers too? (I think those vets with PTSD are right brain. How do you kill people and NOT be affected? Only if you are shallow selfish and insensitive .. will it NOT bother you. Much less concerned left brains. Just a theory .. but it would match respectful Indians who existed for 12,000 years without problem .. before white man greed and stupidity destroyed everything! But we thinkers are at fault for simply GOING ALONG WITH THE PROGRAM. That makes us no better. Even proetst are shallow. You have to DO something like not buy from or work for evil companies. Mennonites DID something. They stepped out of the whole value system!
I want to research this much further. Awesome article only skimmed. Her mom was in the schools and it "killed" her long before she DIED. As a small child I never have understood evil, fascinated by it .. can you imagine the effect it would have to live IN EVIL growing up? Left brains, usually the Power Structure are selfish and like power. But they seem to not even UNDERSTAND (link McGilchrist) how horrible they are. Do they deserve compassion? that is what is so confusing .. but a kid who stole money is in jail. What a very STRANGE world we live in.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
NOTHING MAKES SENSE! I am not asking anymore .. it is TRUE .. they are testing us! Yup, it WAS a "Stupification" System all along. First they discovered sugar in coke addicted us, why not add sugar to everything? = more profit! "Hmm? sugar seems to actually affect WILL POWER! These sheep ants buy EVERYTHING, not just sugar stuff! Wow we can sell all kinds of crap .. even MORE PROFIT EVERYWHERE". Now why would we want consumer masses being smart? .. we better decrease the effectiveness of the Education system.
Sorry I am VERY BIASED on this .. "they" took away my courses, Home Ec, Family Studies which were really the ONLY courses actually IMPROVING QUALITY OF LIFE. I taught SCIENCE which I had not looked at in 10 years and was NEVER proficient in. Began Hating the "SYSTEM" back then .. ? 1980 .. these poor kids had a teacher "educating" them who had no clue. And why would teachers be teaching kids how to succeed NEVER HAVE SPENT A DAY IN THE REAL WORLD? Most teachers have ONLY LIVED IN A "NON-eduction system" their entire life! My teachers would spend at east 2 years REAL WORLD before daring to believe they could educate youth!
I believe how illogical everything is today .. is a test to see how BLATANTLY controlling the power structure can now become. They have really already taken all control over our life. REAL Humans can be kind and considerate WITHOUT laws and control. If the virus FEAR was real definitely we must care for others wellbeing more than out own "freedom". BUT .. none of this makes any sense except as a means to take TOTAL CONTROL.
"Primitive" Real Humans respected all, and took PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for all. They managed all Resources, both personal AND natural in that spirit of RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY. Oh. but they were just "primitives" needing the Rulers (those always wishing more power and control) to teach them. The Conquerers should have learned from the conquered?? Steven king said we never learn in 1978! (The stand)
Wed. April 27, 2022.
If I yell at someone for being totally rude ..IT IS ME THAT IS THE EVIL ONE!? What the frig??!! What kind of upside down world is this??
ridiculous!! they are so brain dead, have such SHALLOW (only outer brown onion skin brains) thinkng layers that they are intimidated by our contemplating truths. Easier to call us virtue signal hypocrites! This world is freakin TOO confusing! But the answer is for us still THINKING (onion layers left) in our brain to stick together with empathy for those demonizing who have SERIOUSLY lost their brains ability to THINK.
Alien parachutes .. May 9, 2022, 830 pm
aliens .. any more doubt we are controlled? .. our skies are no longer nature's (HARP?)
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.