I am talking (writing) to my not really imaginary friends .. because all the wonderful people I have spoken to over the years, ARE NOT IMAGINARY. My "Future friends" are all the random people .. wherever I go, kind enough to listen to my rants .. and seeming to understand where I was coming from. You have let me know I am not alone, lots of us feel the world is WEIRD. We are not as ALONE as we think .. so many people feel the same. That something is very wrong and we must change it .. by being nicer to each other and working TOGETHER vs JUST SIMPLIFYING IDEAS and demonizing "the other".
I have done the same myself to McGilchrist's Left brain Warrior people. (whole site needs revision now!) Like us, they are just coping to get by. Their "Let's just get the job DONE!" warrior behaviour, is just a COPING TOOL not meant to demean us slow Worrier "Thinkers". We are all really JUST TRYING TO GET BY, somehow dealing with the overwhelming stress we have created by our "progress". Since we say we have 564 Facebook "Friends" the term friend now seems fake.
Our site will eventually be REAL friends, because we will CONNECT like we used to in CHURCH locally. You will have a "Church" Library cafe in your neighbourhood to meet with our members .. like a Legion but not for warriors! Like in Founding Father days (will check what called in Phila. SALON!)
Let's RE-PHILA!back when the Constitution was developed people actually got together to DISCUSS ideas .. to contemplate new and different thoughts, to LISTEN, THINK and RECONSIDER. How far we have fallen! We need to get back to that! Way more simple than the "progress" of "social" digital that is destroying TOTAL Societal Health. Digital destroys our heath physically especially now with 5G, destroys ability to interact with real people OFF SCREEN, and destroys our ability to create income to live. By 2030 we will probably have half our jobs left (link new book) .. so just how do we expect to eat? let alone pay rent? Our SALON .. "Church" Library cafe like Benjamin Franklin's will consider how we can create a more responsible life. Philadelphia began so many of our amazing systems. Those who founded them are truly tossing and TURNING IN THEIR GRAVES. Our systems are on the verge of collapse no longer serving the needs they were developed for. Our "Forest" will be duplicated after it "Phila Forest" founding.
Let's RE-PHILA!back when the Constitution was developed people actually got together to DISCUSS ideas .. to contemplate new and different thoughts, to LISTEN, THINK and RECONSIDER. How far we have fallen! We need to get back to that! Way more simple than the "progress" of "social" digital that is destroying TOTAL Societal Health. Digital destroys our heath physically especially now with 5G, destroys ability to interact with real people OFF SCREEN, and destroys our ability to create income to live. By 2030 we will probably have half our jobs left (link new book) .. so just how do we expect to eat? let alone pay rent? Our SALON .. "Church" Library cafe like Benjamin Franklin's will consider how we can create a more responsible life. Philadelphia began so many of our amazing systems. Those who founded them are truly tossing and TURNING IN THEIR GRAVES. Our systems are on the verge of collapse no longer serving the needs they were developed for. Our "Forest" will be duplicated after it "Phila Forest" founding.
from science direct ..
"Human beings are able to make judgments in the face of subtle nuances and ambiguities." So have we lost our humanity? We jump on a half fact and run with it demonizing anyone who has a question! If they have a compelling additional point that changes the fact, they become "the other". If someone has an OPPOSITE idea, they are demonized instead of the thought being considered, analyzed and evaluated in a civil manner.
What happened to DISCUSSING and LEARNING from each other?
Does that mean we are no longer human?
Stupid .. is someone who is stressed into being simple minded .. so I am WRONG to be mean about it! STUPID is a DISABILITY, a loss of normal brain wiring, to THINK before acting. SCREAMING is action or doing. Just slow down and THINK first, without screaming. Whoops I do it too! People with dogs taking over the sidewalk .. I think they are selfish zombies or evil. I walks forget the stress is frying their Brain which is REALLY STUPID .. since I have been ranting the stress will kill us for DECADES!
Thinking and finding truth is hard and I know you are stressed .. but it is OUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to use our brain MORE, and ALL THE TIME. Maybe we can regain some of our lost Brain wiring by exercising it? I do apologize at my frustration with those who do not think. I get very frustrated because we have no time for shallow NONSENSE. (It makes no SENSE to be shallow worrying about our fake eyelashes when our head is about to be chopped off). Think of deeper possibilities at every turn. Our shallowness will destroy society .. if the screamers continue owning the air. Yike am I a screamer at Tim's (coffee) when they do not de germ their hands? Yike, again .. all above applies to me? Is this back to the "karen"? I am just REALLY angry, because I was always a germ freak my whole life. Covid could have been a godsend to my germ hysteria. But we SHUT DOWN THE WORLD .. yet no one taught re watching out for GERMS and REAL (sanitizing)?? proof of PLANDEMIC much? Ridiculous and we just went along like sheep. But the evil, alien or completely brain dead "power structure" blackmailed us with our jobs! Terrible! so we will make our own .. share our assets (skills) ONLY among us .. REAL Blockchain here we come!
I guess people don't appreciate me saying we are STUPID!? So I will try to say "shallow stupid" .. our brain wiring is missing, so we are DISABLED from thinking FURTHER. Like store owners, could you think a bit PAST your commendable but shallow mission? This destroys the jobs you could have added in your community! Rather .. you wanted to be COOL. sad!
sun 500pm, Feb 20,22
for decades I used interchangeably! wrong! We are all today totally OVERLOADED. In a society of extreme AND excess unless you live in a cave you are probably overloaded. I don't have my phone on, don't look at email anymore .. nobody can reach me in an era of unbelievable way to communicate. All OVERLOAD on STREOIDS! Of course we also become overwhelmed ..but overwhelm = anxiety and panic. I doubt someone with a mansion a chef, houskeeper and nanny would be quite so overwhelmed. Even someone NOT working 2 jobs just to pay rent. So overloaded and overwhelmed go together but not always .. as usual the wealthy are less stressed.
"Depression" failure of the BRAIN wiring, hormones, chemical FUNCTIONING .. vs Thinking about all the ways we have messed up the planet, AND RIGHTLY BEING SAD! With A I killing half of our jobs, how will we even live?? Consider "depression" of the body (brain) so the Health "care" industry has 15 names for the "disease" (ADD, OCD, PTSD, Bipolar, etc .. PANIC ATTACKS?) so that we can be PRESCRIBED 15 different DRUGS. Our power structure is the biggest "drug pusher". There is "depression " of the physical body/ BRAIN and old fashioned REAL depression .. despair .. how "THEY" never listened to us stigmatized DEEPER Thinkers, as they destroyed our society for profit and power. There is Depression of the body and of the "heart", the MIND or soul.
an ABUNDANCE of remaining L R brain hemisphere wiring
"[Cancel culture is] a synonym for ‘political correctness,’ where words and phrases are taken out of context to bury the careers of people. A mob mentality.”
— Man, 20s, Liberal Democrat from PEW research .. will add more later
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
N E P .. Feb 6, 2022.
Do we not understand how our arrogant disrespect for natural or god of "progress" is destroying everything! Everything part of everything else! Mess with one thing ? it affects all other. Why is my blanket black. I just washed it .. there is still a BLACK (cloud) on the bottom half. My curiosity and detective work says it would be my black socks! Washed before wearing. washed many times .. but made by our evil LORD .. Galen Weston who owns us (most food stores and drugstores, plus clothing and even "banking". If you buy the same socks you do not need to match them after laundry .. they will all match since same. When toe of one goes thru still have matches.
Why would this sock dye rub off on my blanket when I nap? It seems to be so what else is affecting everything else? Plastics give off fumes. I will add more later but you get the picture. We think we have progress in a fast convenient lifestyle. (I only support the evil LORD who owns it all because I have no time to actually shop .. I just grab the closest solution. Sorry to make you hate me .. but social and competition who had coolest dinner is where you waste your time. I am actually trying to solve a big problem and do like 5 jobs! So don't go judging me saying I am a hypocrite. Would seem to be TRUE .. but not if you decide my time is better spent working on this than SHOPPING.
NAH .. let's change this to NOT EVEN PROOF READ!! is proof read even checked if sensical?
have begun instead of using paper and ridiculous immediately dying pens to put notes right on the site. sorry .. but maybe the idea will get YOU thinking and sharing .. even though this is like ideas scribbled on a napkin in the OLD DAYS. Sorry NEE#1 is missing in all earlier work .. so for now just SKIM this site for ideas. You are seeing the beginnings of a ?manuscript
feb 20,22
also stress shallow selfish? maybe we could make it BAD S, karen became a bad name .. why not a bad letter? "S" sugar, stress "stupifying search"! C! is the good letter consider, CONSIDERATE, contemplate cause consequence, compromise
We are the quiet mouse masses balanced getting things done! The screamer politicians and power people make us think the world is ending. NO .. us quiet "mouse masses" will build a new better society. Where the hell did the word mouse come from it is perfect!! go to ( ) spirit world
note .. as usual those darn christians are totally opposite to natives who RESPECT mice! Christians have only negativity. Today they also think hood / evil is SIMPLE. No way .. I will add some examples of where you would NOT want good evil if it was your child was being accused. There is a spectrum of evil AND of good. We may not be angels or saints but we can be kind and even compassionate. Mice are cute .. and great in the spirit world .. inventive and persevering. is MICE masses better. I am a member of the MOUSE TRIBE .. ?
Feb 5, 2022. Afterlife, the maker, Therese's (finally remembered! HIGHER POWER) .. se that lost it again!
Thursday, Feb 3, 2022 .. not even edited 01
"Mess media" or LIES .. or just plain STUPIDITY leads to our collapse .. EVEN if we ARE BRAIN Disabled, through no-fault of our own. Our collapse happens even if we were purposely made into zombies, oblivious to the MESS we have made of EVERYTHING! Tell me ONE thing that WORKS today, please. Tell me how we get our Brain power back .. our ability to think and understand even SIMPLE things?
Would even realizing our attention to MESS MEDIA is a problem? Maybe we can go back to focusing LOCAL? .. people to people vs hiding humanity behind a screen? Don't they say BULLYING has greatly increased because of our screen life? Digital is NOT human! Human, our humanity, is many kinds of ENERGY vibrations and these energy vibrations are no longer able to be present, EVEN in zoom! people to people is normal and natural .. not frying our brains even more with 5G!!
The Internet = More "info" by the trillions = more Mediums of Communication = less communication! and FAR LESS TRUTH. What a mess! More info, more ways to spread info does NOT = knowledge or intelligence or TRUTH! Mess media .. makes a mess of society. Everybody picks what they want and leaves off the details!! It is ridiculous!!
DETAILS of "info" or "facts" can change the whole picture! "I hate him because he killed my brother!" This can be truth. .. YET A COMPLETE LIE! Never mind the FACT that brakes on his car failed so he had no control to stop! let's just pick some "facts" and run with them. That's what happens when people lose there BRAIN, lose their RIGHT HEMISPHERE WHICH GIVES THEM THE POWER TO THINK AND THEN UNDERSTAND. "Mess media" leads to "wacky world"
(God) a quick word for the creator, the higher power, a divine force, the universe .. and the names of all the other Spiritual Leaders. But especially for (god's) Law of Attraction, "the Magic Magnet", a tool he gave us, because he never wanted to be our puppet master. (God) our further study of how (quantum physics?) is his GIFT to help us manage imperfect lives.
He (god) is the CEO of the development and Management of the Cosmos .. except he is the CEO we aim to replicate in US, in our "Reverse World". A kind compassionate NOT GREEDY FOR PROFIT manager and LEADER. ps if my saying he is a "he" this site is not for you. Enough with the demonization of every little thing!
The opposite to evil
selfishness, lack of considering "the other", judging extra struggle and lack of success as simply laziness. No compassion or empathy. Ability to focus purely on self and gain success with no anxiety for other than self. But the reality is this is a BRAIN DISABILITY .. a loss of much of the right hemisphere brain wiring.
But this is wrong or at least again A SPECTRUM!! The spectrum of evil (add Magnum P I story of woman getting insurance on homeless people, only to kill them and get 3 million .. sorry pure evil OR she has a Ted Bundy DISABLED Brain with NO EMPATHY .. Bundy "I feel sorry for people who feel GUILT". Wow, no wonder = a serial killer, he enjoys killing, so he does it with no empathy for victim or guilt for loved ones! .. !!
big brother, daddy, the power structure, government and corporations working together not for our benefit, those who just assist are ON THE EVIL SPECTRUM .. the "them" keeping us powerless today.
Located in Food deserts, a community where simple snacks are available and cheaper necessary goods. Where trade of everything happens without money but in a RE pioneering spirit of neghbour helping neighbour. A Template that is replicated, but with uniqueness to the area located in, always turning liabilities into ASSETS, to INCREASE AVAILABLE RESOURCES. A re-education place for human intelligence. Where CONFLICTING ideas are considered, analyzed and contemplated
.. getting old and senile sucks. (I actually said "(Getting old) is a bugger" but I knew too, the young people I talk to that too .. is just too ancient a term.)
.. yet we ALL said them! Now that I am more removed from "old people" and speaking with the younger generations much more than my own .. I listen to some of our olds QUOTATIONS .. and they make NO SENSE WHATEVER!! I will add when I remember some!
.. getting old and senile sucks. (I actually said "(Getting old) is a bugger" but I recognized, the young people I talk to, that too .. is just too ancient a term.) But I am NOT for the no class way we talk today. I can always spot a movie pretending to be done "back in the day" .. they will use the "F." word. WE NEVER SAID THAT!! Go to Hell, and "shit" was a bad word for us!
So lets get back to more classy behaviour .. sorry we have now all gone LOW CLASS. We have NO CLASS which used to be blamed on the poorest people. (Even though "low class" itself will be cancel cultured by those who should NOT be on this site .. until willing to THINK!) Instead of stupidly shallow screaming, we have to look at what a person actually MEANS! (20 years ago he said "... niggers " proves we have LOST OUR BRAIN WIRING! what was the context? has he changed his thinkng? get over your MEAN "Gotcha!" attitude. Our society is imploding, and YOU are the thoughtless EXTREMES making it so! Put your energy into connecting humanity .. instead of following the plandemic .. and helping to DIVIDE US.
I have no malice in my heart for the LOWER CLASS. But why do I have to waste this time explaining?? Our boat is sinking and you are wasting my energy from BAILING?? You will drowned too, idiot! In fact most of us are now IN that group. PLUS .."low class" have recently had a far harder struggle and 25 YEARS ago my aim was to HELP! This is now all the inventions and "solutions systems" wrapped in a nice package. So to take me down for being an entitled arrogant white lady for saying low class is IDIOTIC and proves my shallow stupid behaviour in the EXTREMES of our society!
?what am I talking about?? no clue for now. title is good .. example ? no clue
Martin Luther King "eye for an eye" .. no forgive .. NEVER UNDERSTOOD he is saying we are all GUILTY and will also be PUNISHED! all blind .. see lift spirits
We majority of people .. are quiet .. but MIGHTY. WE are the backbone of society, not the idiots that get bent out of shape over shallow NONSENSE as our world careers to extinction. The screamers make us think there is no hope. WE forget about us QUIET many scurrying about our lives still with kindness for others! If we quiet "mighty mice" all get together, we can rebuild the COMMUNITY of neighbourhood .. lost in concrete "progress". We will be the Leaders .. NOT the Dystopian power structure caring only for profit or power!
Sat., feb 11, 2022. not edited .. needs links
Each of us is completely special, like the uniqueness of every tree. Each of us is completely individual like a snowflake. But why not say a TREE? Trees are beautiful and we see them every day! Why unique like a snowflake? (The world is WEIRD says "Karen on steroids"!) But those beautiful trees are all connected underground to share what they need. And we give fungus no respect!!
Like trees, far more important than individual uniqueness is our connection. The fungus ARE MORE IMPORTANT than each special tree. Yes we are each SPECIAL .. but more special is what connects us as humans. Kindness, sharing, caring how our behaviour affects others .. is far more important than our "specialness", how cool we are. Our specialness is important to trade with others for THEIR special talents and skills. But if we do not put what connects our forest FIRST .. we will not survive.
Let's somehow call ourselves forest and maybe we trade "fungus"? Our share system is fungus? .. screw money .. we'll just use it for what we HAVE TO pay the dystopian world like electricity and 5G that will kill us. A FUNGUS trade will give respect to a forgotten important part of nature! We have lived in a society that puts the special tree first forgetting what holds us TOGETHER. We see what is happening from that mistake, society (our forest) is collapsing.
Nah, don't like it .. maybe our SYSTEM is "Fungus" .. our blockchain? Maybe our $ replacement should be a "mouse". Those in power do not value us mouse masses. We will show them just how valuable we are! Even our liabilities will be "Mouse" assets! My "karen on steroids" could have been an awesome mystery shopper or a consultant to tell businesses what was wrong in their systems. I ranted to the wrong poor ears .. my poor kids! Why does education not help us seek out our special skills? But unless we have someone to make us FEEL important, valuable and needed we will waste out talents. Every person needs someone who thinks they are very special. But YET .. teaches manners and civility. They have to go TOGETHER. and both are needed to create quality of life for all. Those who struggle in society? .. I bet any money they never had someone BELIVE in them. WE are going to be that community that creates quality of life for all. No fake church .. e will build the REAL "church" where we get everything we need. You know Maslow for the modern world.
Mon, Mar 7, 2022
Even the word AUTHENTIC has been stolen to be SHALLOW and fake. What is the matter with us? How did we get so completely simplistic in a BAD WAY. We want simple ..but TRUE SIMPLE .. like Pioneer life. It was HARD .. but it was real .. everything today is RIDICULOUS. Sorry but you will be very sad you never listened to us old people. I can't even watch TV anymore .. it is the EPITOME of EXTREME! SNL singer Charly whoever, whatever, mar 5/22 .. just kill me PLEASE. Those nails make me WANT to die, seriously, we self absorbed humans are so over. And she is not even American? when I write "save the world" I always think sure the rest of the world is still NORMAL. Hah! dream on!
PS!! sorry .. forget AGAIN .. SHE!! is not US. We are the quiet mouse MASSES, depressed at shallow self absorption. But it is only the SCREAMERS making us think society has gone INSANE. We us (mouse MASSES, "QoL for all"ers , us middle or NON extremists WE ARE THE REAL PEOPLE. Could we call ourselves ..
I need to pay for a voting site? send your ADDITIONAL ideas and we vote. Unlike "democracy" anybody can send a "candidate". Then we cut it down to 20, then 10 then 5 and the group name with the most votes wins. Da Dah! REAL democracy. Except sorry .. I am almost 75 and worked on these questions (REAL Health, truth?, justice?, what IS evil, why? etc etc) for my lifetime .. so some things I WILL be a dictator with! not many .. but there may come a time. ; <>
you know when you are in your head going NOWHERE? like that wheel a hamster goes fast on .. but nowhere. We spend a lot of energy on the hamster wheel in our brain! We are the WORRIERS and all it does is waste energy! Stop! get off the wheel! and no more Hamster wheeling! Think how much energy we will save .. and we can use our brain for actual creative PROBLEM SOLVING THINKING ... VALUABLE THINKING
Doubt it. Please prove me wrong! Bring along your friends that will at least LISTEN to new ideas and RE-consider their previous thinking.
Monday, Feb 14, 2022.
"low class" cancel cultured .. stop SCREAMING and start THINKING again!
People are not evil or greedy .. just STRESSED out of their mind. Maybe S4 can also be STRESS on steroids?
The overwhelm makes us stressed, so we need coping tools. Simplifying is a must .. BUT that means SHALLOW behaviour. To cope we have to focus on ourself to get it all done, just to SURVIVE.
Tues. Mar 8, 2022The screamers .. the ones who call us out when we are trying to go back to some COMMON SENSE, logic and reason. The ones yelling at us for trying to go back to a more NORMAL humanity .. the social screamers purely NEEDING ATTENTION. The SHALLOW minds that have destroyed humanity, have no REAL interest in improving quality of life! Their only goal is their own importance, their "celebrity". Political screaming is those wanting POWER. It is so hard to remember that is NOT us quiet mouse MASSES. Whenever I talk to REAL people I realize only maybe 2 of 1000x's speaking with strangers have any been the MEAN you see in the media!
All the M/F nonsense is crazinesss! Just be kind to people .. but I don't give a damn what the frig you do behind closed doors. I don't even want to talk to "gay" people anymore .. I might get yelled at if I don't say "them". What the HELL? We have lost our minds for sure if we are worrying about such NONSENSE! The planet or at least our idiot society is going to surely COLLAPSE .. yet we waste energy and focus worrying about if I accidentally thought some guy's son was a girl. (I almost died when he yelled at me, son dressed like girl .. but was boy!) OMG if someone told me my child was beautiful, I would say thank you and be proud! instead I got yelled at .. UN. >>>F >> BELIEVABLE!
Could we please just treat everyone with respect and kindness!! .. and put our brain AND mind to work in solutions to BAIL OUR SINKING SHIP!! .. ??
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.