nov 25/21
separate that bold segment VALUING LEFT BRAIN below .. most of this stuff is feeling sorry for us Thinkers! So first put credit to them (in bold ) for their LEFT TALENT .. and then maybe they will continue reading to UNDERSTAND our struggle a little ?
The image is PERFECT! A "BRAIN" with 2 hemispheres, therefore able to think but ALSO to act. This "brain" tends to be an inventor or a manager whichever is the larger side of neuron wiring. PERFECT TO BE A LEADER. That is not me! I just keep on THINKNG. very frustrating. So we need you if you can do both think AND act. But we need everybody to work together who sees something is very wrong today.
see below title thinker perfect
feb 17/22 from the problem
The Left Brain power structure considers Thinker (right brain) a hindrance because we slow things down. Is that why maybe we are"mentally" ill? Aren't so many brilliant inventors and leaders manic or depressed? If there is a stigma they can quiet us with it.
nov 25/21
Please try to accept that our Thinking skills are ALSO necessary .. not just your multi tasking Management and "get er done" talents. WE are slower and could never do your quick multitask managing. But using our plodding "cause/ consequence contemplation" would have prevented the many catastrophes we now face. Since Left Hemisphere Action Brains are fast, and just ACT quickly, you gain much of the power and control, like a warrior does.
We will try to be less angry and resentful of your "success" and power, but in return please begin to respect our TALENT, as we ALWAYS have yours. I for one always wished so much that I could organize and work quickly as you do .. to accomplish completion of projects. And you even manage MANY projects at once! I would be happy to just COMPLETE one, without veering off in some OTHER direction. So there has been no shortage of respect for your talent from us slower Thinkers .. even heading from envy, maybe toward jealousy? (and resentment for not valuing us.)
Please do not just minimize our struggle again .. and say we should "Just TRY HARDER!". Sadly, believe me .. it is not just a matter of SELF DISCIPLINE, we honestly DO try hard to focus better. I honestly try really HARD to stay on track and "just get er done" as you Left Brains successfully do. But it is like my brain truly has a "mind" of its own. ..? ; - ) ? I believe that all my "why? what if ..?" wiring is firing .. but there are few ACTION neurons still present to do their job. Just as your thinking wiring has now fried, and is unavailable. Our brain's wiring was more BALANCED even 15 or 20 years ago. Now the only way we will survive is by sharing our OPPOSITE resource.
Unless we work together with our missing brain side, its good night, lights out. Remember even a few years ago, we still EACH of us had BOTH sides of our BRAIN HEMISPHERE SKILL WIRING. The toxins of "progress" especially sugar (processed food) and search (simplifying facts vs learning knowledge to build INTELLIGENCE) have destroyed our brain wiring. Believe me WITHOUT DELAY please .. , this is 100% true. (add buffalo story, cheerio dust fried brains, plus common sense link)
PS Nope! No Far Left brain will take the time to read and UNDERSTAND this. We are dead.
see image
There is a stupid saying "we ALL have 24 hours in a day". I am sorry every one of those stupid sayings was created by an Action Brain! Sorry but "money isn't everything" is kind of stupid when you HAVE NO MONEY TO EAT!!
Re the "We all get 24 hours" shallowness. We Thinkers have like only half .. or 1/4 your Left Brain hours in the day! "That's crazy .. How is that possibly true?" you say. Read on ..
If we think we should have Ice cream even the old choc straw van takes us "thinkers" 5 min to DECIDE! PLUS the added indecision of .. I have no time to stop here anyway .. I have no money .. BUT its summer and soon I C season will be over! Imagine a BIG decision's agony. This makes life hell!
We admire and are jealous of your (Left brain) quick decisiveness .. but THEN now, you no longer value or respect OUR skill. Rep and dems used to discuss, listen to each other, learn from each other over a beer. Being at war instead is destroying America and the pattern exists everywhere.
In Important decisions our agonizing SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AND UTILIZED to obtain REAL success. This is why we are now going off a cliff! Only shallow success with no consideration of CONSEQUENCE has been ACTED on. And contemplation became less and less used, but worse and faster ever year. Until now .. Left Brains no longer have the ability to even consider consequence! Left brain Doers have lost the ability to hear , listen, think about and RECONSIDER an action with deeper input provided by us who sacrifice success. I suggest the thinkers are NOT the wealthy! But .. ONLY Fast ACTION with the goal of profit or power has done us in. Shallow uncontemplated "success" has destroyed us.
We respected and valued your management skill and decisiveness but you never respected OUR opposite Brain Asset. Which is a TRIPLE INSULT to a thinker .. 1) our life is hell, 2) we are disrespected, 3) we who warned you and ranted we are going the WRONG way were completely ignored. Now we too have to pay the price. "Told you so" is NO PAYBACK!
Text To poor osteopath naturopath receptionist! ..
"I am perpetually 100% frozen by SIMPLE decisions!! Horrible way to live! Wasted my work morning with the agony of indecision on cancelling this appt OR NOT!! !! 🙈 😱 thanks for your patience!"
Mon, Dec 6, 2021
I just spent the morning, unable to SELL .. so I said work REALLY hard and good on web site. It his now 11:30!! I have accomplished nothing, I mean NOTHING! .. because trying to decide if I should or should NOT go to 2 Rosedale Wellness Appointments. (indecision re Insurance $ loss, vs blown away by wind, have no time anyway! but will lose opportunity (year almost over), because insurance would cover now for 2021.) I wasted about 3 hours of my scarce time! Then I hate myself and feel like giving up completely. Do any other "too much thinking" Right brains feel that constantly happened? We are so afraid of making a mistake we do nothing! Meantime warrior action guys would have their website done .. and are MAKING $$$! Damn the HELL of the Right brain .. that no one listens to ANYWAY!!!
Mon. April 18, 2022.
going up TD elevator after this slow one here, I was TERRIFIED! Seriously! it was so so fast. If anything goes wrong, will I end up in space? or going back down .. I could end up in HADES! Now an OBLIVIOUS left brain does not think that .. or anything! How much less energy is wasted? I am jealous and angry they do not have ANY compassion for us worriers .. they only demonize us as negative! Now I am angry!
Nov 25, 2021
Sorry we Thinkers are the champions, but were dismissed and disrespected. So it is easy to demonize the other Left side revengefully. But Freddy goes on to say, that we are part of a TEAM .. not fighting anybody (like is true with sports CHAMPIONS .. where there must always a loser.) Right Brain Thinker is the champion because we would have had REAL progress that was SUSTAINABLE! Instead we have shallow totally UNSUSTAINABLE TO HUMANITY "PROGRESS". But now the only HOPE .. is if we work together sharing our OPPOSITE WIRING RESOURCE.
I believe Thinkers LASH INWARD (self harm) while Warrior Left Brain's LASH OUT? this seems so c lear once you see the world according to McGilchrist neurobiology research. But nobody has said this publicly. Will I be tarred and feathered? ADD TO QUESTIONAIRE .. see relationship
No .. I know someone who loses it very frequently and they are more ACTION Left brains. I think it is when he feels he has lost control and must quickly regain it somehow.
We are probably all TOGETHER .. in that we can not handle FEELING OUT OF CONTROL WELL.
So let's focus on REGAINING control instead of war with each other! Us against them should be US "little people" together against the "power structure" .. you now the REAL wealth and now sadly government. It no longer works for us. If we fight each other, instead of facing the REAL ENEMY (filthy rich vs poor) we are done.
But we have to seriously sacrifice the world we have now, and go back to a simple pioneer existence. We can use all our inventions just not the EXTREME way we have become used to. If we try to bring back our COMMON SENSE we recognize we have to sacrifice. Your choice .. but I can't do it without YOU. Even with you .. getting a complex, maybe a hotel where we build a community will probably be invade by the FORCE. (why is it called a police FORCE?) If we share, and are kind and act like normal humans .. NOT PHONE FACED SHEEP ANTS maybe we can survive? But instead of excess and extreme we must accept a simpler life. Without our BUY IN the power structure can not profit. ( But sadly my smart son says they will just print money for themselves.) We already see how they are replacing us .. self driving trucks ARE NOW delivering for Walmart. My HOPE is there are tons of rich people who have extra money and have been kind with it .. who will invest in our community.
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this turns out VERY NB .. where should it go? Nov 8/21
Of course this drives an ACTION personality crazy. A THINKER complicates, creating confusion, not a comfortable space for an action "warrior". But the over thinkng causes discomfort for the Thinker too, an always stressed life.
Contemplating the many directions of causes and consequences of an action, can result in CATASTROPH- IZING! Meantime Action minds just stay calm with "Let's do this". They think A .. B .. and "get 'er done". But the Thinker has begun agonizing all the past and future scenarios. A = B = C .. D, E, F, .. H = I = J and so on! No wonder we "hate on" each other! If we understand "the other" .. can we then demonize less?
If we are right handed we don't demonize left handers. This Hemisphere difference is also .. a brain PHYSICAL thing. Except this physical difference is frustrating because it affects our values and philosophies and ETHICS. Action CEO's and Management have one SIMPLE focus .. Profit, monopoly or power. Accomplishing that goal is so much easier an faster than taking into account ALL stakeholders, including the earth.
Yeah, sure this has become the new CSR promotional tool. "Our Company considers ALL stakeholders .. not only profit!" Oh? Really? So that's why your "help" in the community, consists of sending your EMPLOYEES out to volunteer .. and then YOU, CEO .. take credit for it. Everything is phoney "kind and nice" (white) washing. (find real name). This infuriates Right brain THINKERS. On the other hand the complication and confusion we thinkers create infuriates "Just get 'er done" Left brains. What to do??
besides sugar and then search frying our brain wiring, Ayn Rand and Friedman surely caused our fall. focusing on SELF .. creates a selfish society and making a business only goal to be profit will surely create the entire MESS we are now in. How were we so STUPID already in the ?70's as to think a "pure profit focus" would not DESTROY the American dream and the world as we know it?? ( Insulin was discovered in the 20's. Probably so was the connection to sugar and its not just wanting more but its destruction of not just health, But SELF DISCIPLINE, creating addictions. A disease of Unhealthy (diabetic) people creates a great sale of insulin. Greed was there long before Rand/ Friedman .. but they surely did change the culture to one of SELFISHNESS. McGilchrist explains the Right Left neurobiology, Rand the societal direction, and Friedman the THOUGHTLESS "profit economy".
If (Rand and Friedman), one person .. can so vastly change the HEALTH of society, why can't we change it back?? I dint want my name known so let's find a name for us. NOT socialist but ? The STOP .. and think-ers?
I feel I did this already but can not find where. Therefore only bullets.
night concierge/ me screaming how did my old phone tome change from Daylight saving??
she .. a bit curious but more focused on "just think that you never had to Bother changing it". Sure we have been taken over by apple who owns our very life .. but I am happy time change was convenient. eeeyihHHH
However .. it is only me going crazy .. nobody cares .. most are oblivious. Let's just breathe when we see insanity, and leave that particular worry till very focused and less stressed. The reality IS we have let the powers take over. More examples are like screaming every time the alarm goes off. GET OVER IT. FACE IT. Isn't that what I have been saying Left Action brains do. Stop being jealous and copy them!!
Thurs. Jan. 20, 2022 .. learning SOOOO much at chartwell!
If I would stop being negative for 2 minutes, I would recognize I have learned more, had more "Theory of everything human" epiphanies HERE .. than ever! Yes it is horrible, the biggest CON JOB of my life .. a total scam taken in by. But .. Shut Up already! Can I just STOP and see I should be GRATEFUL to the universe? The universe SENT ME THIS MISTAKE/ SCAM FOR A REASON! How much energy could I have saved, had I focused on finding the reason I was here .. instead of WASTING ENERGY thinking god hates me? How long am I going to go on wasting this energy. Like the rude phone guy in line ahead of me .. he got work done while I "head ranted" .. watch for you turn you jerk! Even if he was a second late .. I created negative energy that would last 99 minutes! Thinkers are GREAT at wasting resources!!!
off track .. (Omg my truth = a building parallel!.. thinkers keep building MORE walls once building is done! Doers put up 2 walls and a roof and think that is truth .. no there are more sides (perspectives) to the "BUILDING" or TRUTH!) disgusting we are not allowed to stay in touch because Miss Natalia was HUGE in her reminding me of perspective. NO!! Truth is truth, sure your viewpoint can differ but true facts ALL TOGETHER MUST BE WHAT WE AIM FOR. We see what is happening as truth declines into who screams loudest!
I have met more people here at this nursing home (supposed to beyond experience) and got close to a few probably since my last teaching in 1991. Working on inventions to license is lonely work .. especially when my Health focus turned to Total SOCIETAL Health. You rather need to connect to people to talk about society and why we sometimes really dislike each other. This has been an AMAZING learning. The universe (creator) sent it to help me but I just wasted time complaining! NO WONDER IT TAKES MY 10X as long to do things! and what a waste of scarce resources!!
Concierge's came and went. But building somewhat friendships with them let me study more character personality than just my sisters, ex, daughter and son. When I "worked" in Buffalo I knew and met TONS of people, had REAL friends .. but the focus was purely on ART TV careers for the Disadvantaged and REAL (not disease/drug) "physical" health. Now that the focus is on EMOTIONAL Health, these people show me how differently they handle life and stress. Yet there are only 3 or 4 types (think, do, still balancing BOTH, and zombies.) luckily I have met few zombies here .. so maybe stress makes people on the street just SEEM like zombies? Their mind is on all the juggling multi tasking they must do! so they run into me or are rude!
Re my ranting for 2 years .. raging at the horrible chartwell corporation .. Daniel lived in a total different reality than our family. Still the world we EXPECTED my kids might live in, a house, vacation place, trips, trends at bars .. the good life. BUT! Daniel would have made peace with the catastrophe of moving here and turned it to his advantage LONG AGO. With a still balanced R L hemisphere brain, he would have put himself first to build on his success. Somehow I have NEVER been able to truly put me first. (sure once in awhile I say "screw fairness .. I am buying a $6.50 Starbucks .. so what that some must feed entire family on that!" But I feel guilt, and to travel to NYC I must have a biz excuse .. so cruises and sitting on the beach for me were NEVER allowed.) My own worst enemy! Are you like that? We must quit OVERthinkng! quit wasting energy and treat ourselves with the same respect and kindness we give to others.
The universe works FOR all of us! .. not against us!! The magic magnet is there for our advantage but we thinkers make it a DISADVANTAGE.
We deserve and can HAVE the same good fortune as those living in a better reality . . But we MUST CHANGE OUR BAD HABITS! look after us, quit wasting energy ranting!
But the goal is BALANCE! NEITHER a ME or an OTHER focus. We need to BALANCE looking after OURSELF .. but ALSO have concern for others. THAT is what humanity is! We are losing our humanity! Unless this "me PLUS them", is BALANCED in most people, the resultant society will crumble.
They say put our own mask on first .. SO WE CAN HELP OTHERS! screw you Rand and Friedman.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
added nov 2021. YIKE!! Is thinking .. like praying?? .. not REALLY doing anything?? Is it true us Thinkers are just "virtue signalling" how wonderful and kind we are .. but really DOING nothing?? Yike .. oh dear I have to redo the whole website!! But I really have been working HARD tO BUILD A SYSTEM that works better.
we ruminate .. not PRODUCTIVE thinking, but destroying our energy. We often create CATASTROPHY first, without checking details or just waiting for the sky to fall FIRST. Let's all of us "Worriers" just take a 'chill pill'!
Really! They did! And it was the best day of my life!! Since I have been a different person. No need to cross the street when you see e coming anymore. I am no longer doom and gloom "Debbie Downer". Lah dee da .. the world is ending but love will get us thru, blah blah blah! No this is way better than that yoga new age stuff some of us will never be comfortable with! (Don't yell at me I know it is great and works but for some of us it is just not (comfortable) somehow.
No .. I am not a crazy old lady .. I think the DEAD really did talk to me! They all yelled at me (as I tried photographing their beautiful old home). They said " Yes, lady .. you were right all along, everything ends .. we all die and there is no justice or fairness in the world. GET OVER IT! Accept it! .. and quit trying to bargain out of it. Enjoy the beauty that you CAN find if you STOP! .. and look with appreciation. Only think of the evil at a time when you can also think of a SOLUTION. Otherwise walk on the SUN side, and ENJOY the light"
I think I heard this because all my life I thought I was on the WRONG planet. Nothing seems to work properly or be logical or make sense. Recently I found Neuroscientists, Archaeologists and Philosophers who KNOW THINGS, are experts beyond my intuitive complaining .. THEY SAY EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT!
GREAT! NOW WHAT? I get a trophy for being right all along? Never occurred to me that I actually WANTED TO BE WRONG!! Never ever contemplated what actually having experts AGREE with my rants would do to me. it was NOT fun. We have fried our brains and (god) may wipe us off the beautiful earth! I think I had found stages of grief and realized I was always bargaining .. if we do this and this .. WE CAN SAVE THE WORLD. I think there is a stage in LOSS and grief that is ACCEPTING. So maybe my soul heard these dead souls saying .. enjoy what there is while you can. We are stuck in our graves til ?Judgement day?
The positive uplifting affect of that beautiful old building lasted 6 hours. When I previously went to an area I found uplifting (the Gay Village) it only lasted a half hour. Other that NYC and Phila, I never found a place in TO that raised my spirits for so long! So I started to research this old beautiful building.
Be Damned!! How weird! It was one of Toronto's oldest MORGUES!! (Lombard St)
So I started telling people I was a different person because Dead People talked to me! It is 18 days later .. and I have STILL not felt the panic that gripped me every day I woke up for years now!!! Obviously there has to be more to the formula, to create this uplifting life changing experience. I think it is that I was researching Thin places, science and spirituality converging, heaven and hell existing together and us being able to CHOOSE OUR REALITY (Particle wave theory)
.. but without side effects! .. and so far the ?infusion has lasted 18!! days (Aug 25, 2021). I am going to try to find exactly HOW thus happened so you can get the same effect!! I am trying to think of all the ideas in my head that lead up to this life changing experience so anybody struggling in these AWFUL times can get the wonderful effect of TAKING A BREAK from the terror! I will just keep trying to explain what components caused the amazing effect of STOPPING THINKNG FOR A MINUTE. Please tell me which description was most useful to you.
mon sep 6/21 Just STOP .. STOP Thinking for a minute! Escape our "Thought HELL". There are 2 kinds of people depending on what side brain wiring they have the most of. More Right Hemisphere wiring remaining = Thinkers. Left Hemisphere remaining wiring are Action People, the CEO's and Managers. But "Action" has come to be generally focused only on results, or profit with no regard outside that tunnel vision. Our hard working friends who say "If he had just worked harder, (like me) he would not have been a loser."
Life is easy when you never think "what if .. ?" or are too busy managing and controlling to wonder or be curious about anything. Life is far more simple for Left Brain Action people. Creatives and real Inventors (not today's digital "inventors") are Right Brain people. But obsessed with our ideas we often are not as "successful". We never stop thinking, in order to decide and ACT. (Right Brain wiring wants to "understand" the world, while Left brain wiring focuses on "using" the world. See Neuroscientist Dr Ian Mc Gilchrist. Back when these were balanced things worked quite well .. but it was LONGER ago than I thought. Greece?)
Back in the day, Right and Left Hemispheres wiring was balanced in each of our brains. In Later decades we could at least partner with those opposite .. and LISTEN to them. (Think John McCain's respect from Democrats, and their ability to have drinks together though on opposite "sides".) We have lost our ability to consider opposing views. We no longer LISTEN, THINK about it, and then RECONSIDER our initial viewpoint. Ability to LISTEN and THINK is no longer the case. We are divided and will not LISTEN .. this means the enemy and war .. and means we will NOT survive for long.
Lots of $ and stuff is not MY definition of success or hopefully yours. If lots of $$ is your success meter, go to the Health link for Health success. Sadly, in American/ Canadian society, success is definitely measured by how nice your house and car is. This works's purpose is just feeling secure about money .. that good work will pay rent, food and clothing etc. without so much stress.
But this can no longer happened as long a jobs are removed daily. More jobs are always removed than new jobs are made! I do not even understand how old TV networks still dare to have the same commercials .. as if a middle class life can still exist for most! (At least once credit dries up!) Since I am old, I had that entitled life .. but it does not mean I do not feel rage that it is no longer available to my children! So many stressed, raging or despairing people does not bode well for our future quality of life or hopefulness.
But .. Brain dead self absorbed Zombies have no problem with life. They do not think "what if ..?" and "what about ..?" They do not worry because their THINKING BRAIN wiring has quit working or is GONE. They focus SOLELY ON SELF and ACT to succeed for SELF. We need to borrow their tactic as a tool to save us from the overwhelm! Their brainless life is EASIER, and it is NOT fair! We Thinkers worry about causes and consequences that would PREVENT big problems, and all we get is stress AND DISDAIN! So let's MAKE it fair .. we use their ACTION method as a trick to control our mind. We need some "worry breaks" to survive the problem overwhelm we see! We Right Brain THINKERS need mind LESS -ness as a COPING TOOL. We need to turn off our brain sometimes and be ZOMBIES too!
When I remember to be compassionate and thoughtful, not just simply "hating on" non thinkers .. then I remember so many people are in their "selfish action tunnel" PURELY as a coping strategy. The Stress of today is overwhelming. Just trying to simplify to cope with the overload is completely understandable. Simplifying is what us Right brain Thinkers MUST learn, in order to survive. (And certainly avoid hamster wheel thinking, That is just wasted energy on WORRY, going absolutely nowhere .. like in a rocking chair!)
ACCEPT .. that too much thinking makes our life hell. We can control our thinking with our biggest Resource .. our MIND! We CAN take control of our thoughts. Do Left Hemisphere ACTION brains just BELIEVE they deserve, and then not bother worrying? Then that old "Law of attraction" (The secret) kicks in and helps them? NO FAIR! Let's learn to use our mind to get what we too DESERVE!
We actually probably deserve MORE, because our contemplative thinking prevents injustice and future problems. BUT be sure to recognize there is good vs bad thinking. "Good Thinking" is trying to solve a problem, in an ordered logical manner. Bad "thinking" is the hamster wheel of MINDLESS worry! Stop the wasted time, energy and stress on circling worries! They say worry is like a rocking chair. Keeps you busy, but you go nowhere.
Even "Action Left Hemisphere brain" people will be struggling with the worry and trauma of losing home or job. So let's stop and breathe, before we just "carry on" .. somehow, but working TOGETHER. Unless we can se each other's missing wiring with compassion, there is little hope. We will just remain enemies.
Working TOGETHER instead of being divided enemies, is so much easier.
Connected with a common goal .. to "improve quality of life for all", the task will become much easier when working together, using our OPPOSITE brain and skill..
We must unite our R and L brain ASSETS, that we previously each had a balance of, in order for this coming collapse to be solved. "Thinker" vs "Action" people, must come together against the common enemy of our collapsing systems. Continued Division will certainly destroy us. The destruction of our Societal Health will end us LONG BEFORE Climate Change will.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.