added April 27, 2022. duality article!
wow, awesome clear today! !
Tues. Jan 25, 2022. that supplement is awesome for me anyway, this is amazing below (focus formula)
Great image! Near view = 1's and 0's. Taking the Far view or ?perspective = beautiful water and its waves. PERFECT image eh? see below, re Myopia vs HYPERopia (far sightedness!) Also I have argued that truth = truth! You do not get to have a PERSPECTIVE on real truth! Guess this proves me wrong! .. or at least shows how OPPOSITE 2 "truths" can be! I actually meant some things are just actually trie and you can not twist it around with your perspective. I will add an example later.
How is our REALITY (Not our "truth" but our surrounding ?society? space? community? or) our experience maybe? how is this shaped or created? Some people seem to have a good life and others seem to just see a lot of loss and obstacles. Surely the REALITY you construct would fairly be affected? Does your reality begin with seeing the good AND bad side of everything .. but always choosing the nice thought or idea? Not dwelling on struggle or loss or obstacle but focusing forward? maybe sticking with NOW is an awesome advantage! If our brain automatically goes to past and Future worry, our life will obviously be more difficult than a person who naturally stay in the NOW. (Of course those with mostly Right brain remaining, think cause / consequence of everything while Left brain sees near and acts. Far sighted must take in more.
Remembering there IS sun behind that cloud, and focusing on its return, is a better focus in forming our reality. Always choosing the good thought, if there is also a bad possibility makes the day better. A wise focus is a staff member who says "I enjoy the afternoon shift because it is quieter.", instead of "I have to worry about getting to work all morning .. it ruins my whole day!" This helps our reality be more positive. Focusing on the personal research we can do, while on the over night shift, instead of worrying about the damage it does to our sleep rhythm will keeps us positive. (IF .. there is no choice to do over nite work, because it is how we have to pay the rent, focus positive. Otherwise your future Health consequence comes first, and WORRY is good!)
Mon. May 2, 2022 .. Is EVERYTHING good and EVIL? When you think of it in MODERATION or balance most things are probably good .. even being selfish?? It is true you can NOT help others if you have neglected your own well being. The sun is good but it can destroy things, your skin included. Water is our life but it can drown us. Cars were great but disrupting the environment with our brainless oil and paved land consumption was not! So maybe everything in our modern world is good and BAD .. but we forget that and then simply push EVERYTHING EXTREME. ECTREME is always bad. There was a saying in the 70's BUT WE FORGOT IT. NO! Those Propoganda media machines pushed the opposite so hard we forgot it . EVERYTHING IN MODERATION was a mantra that could have saved us. Instead even food is extreme consumption.
How many Americans are obese? Huge %, and that was my original obsession .. a "diet" where you eat NUTRITIOUSLY in moderation but not with deprivation. Eat what you love but not OFTEN and savour a little. Routinely you eat well for your health not your sliminess. Deprivation just makes us eat more. AH!! OMG!! That is why they pushed diets so hard. They were all stupid to me and made people fail .. but of course they WANTED us to eat more. Sells more, more bad health, more LEGAL drug sales. Our brains quit thinkng in the 60's. I never did LSD or drugs but obviously mine is gone too. Feeling deprive dee fail our diet and pig out. Wow we are idiots.
Fri. Mar 25, 2022 .. rest of (page) not revised or edited
see image above .. re pricing .. For decades I went to lewiston NY .. to ART PARK
When a person is born with a SUNNY DISPOSITION they just easily always see the light. They do not focus on the dark or negative FACTS. What an amazing resource! It is even better than good health, I think? Which would you choose? Being healthy .. or easily seeing the good, the positive side and NOT WORRYING? We Thinkers got screwed! We have the heavy far sighted view while Action minds merrily just focus on their near sighted goal, usually me and mine? If the brain is still BALANCED between Right and Left Hemispheres those are the awesome KIND volunteers and leaders. They can stay positive but still see far sighted (visionary) ideas. They have a Kind of natural "don't worry .. be happy!" spirit or soul. Then us worrier Thinkers get stuck with a seemingly negative focus .. when we just are naturally CONCERNED about EVERYONE'S FUTURE WELL BEING! (see warrior worrier spectrum LINK)
Thanks for demonizing us for worrying about OTHERS today AND in the future!! (I have been taking brain supplements and this is all just finally clarifying for me. Scarry how some herbs and stuff can make your brain work so much better! .. yet we don't make it a habit to learn and follow through!) SNL's Debbie Downer was worried about the planet and society I think .. hopefully not ME/ Me/ Me concern! I think Worriers worry less about themself, but their concern is for others and society?? At least I know I always forget about me. Are we the ones that end up in abusive situations?? Hah .. a new thing to investigate!
Iain McGilchrist would agree Right brain would not have made such a mess of the world .. the "me first, screw you" society we have, would not have happened .. had we stayed more BALANCED BRAIN. McGilchrist does not categorize like my "think vs act' extremes, but by R L hemisphere dominant people. (He compares a "use" vs "want to understand" hemisphere opposite). Let's always remember I live in an opposite extreme brain hemisphere circle, and the media depicts only extremes. I have to remind myself to be HOPEFUL .. there are masses of still basically balanced brain people quietly out there!! That is what can still save us from collapse.
Anyway .. yup .. we Right H Thinkers, are HATED for worrying big picture .. yup HYPERopia! (Far sighted (people) .. so IRONIC .. HYPER!! Hah! that's me, hyper lady. (A stroke man met me a few times at this evil "nursing home" scam place, and told me I should "take a chill pill". Hah! That was amazing! Carl makes me smile to this day!) How quickly he "got" me .. but how long have I never taken good advice! That is because our brain won't really let us change? It really is very hard .. maybe kind of like if we are Right Handed trying to be left handed????!!! My daughter often said "Can't you just be a mother?" Sad .. poor kid .. all she got was a curious, investigative, complaining, can't decider. But the brilliance of the brain supplements, is the realization of the "Right vs Left HAND switch" difficulty comparison!! No brain correlation to hands, just that it is NOT!! simple to switch brain side dominance effect. Possible I guess, but very hard. I had kept trying to tell her that it was so HARD for us to "just do it!" re "mental" illness. But .. quick question .. why does she not switch to THINKNG, if it should be so easy for me to switch to ACT?? ("just do it!!" ?? .. Of course Reagan was a Left brain Republican!! remember it is opposite, they SIT on the right side of the Capital building.)
But even today this R L knowledge will mean nothing to my child. So I myself just have to alone try compassion, and not get so angry at NEVER being heard. And I do recognize in my obsessive state that I myself am NOT listening carefully either. But I am not dismissive or mean .. just not very attentive. To a Left brain that is an excuse .. to me it is cause or reason, worthy of consideration. Wow, no wonder the kid hates me! She always said I never apologized because there was always a "BUT .." Sorry for the personal .. but this is the only reason we have this discovery, I wanted to discover WHY I INSULTED MY DAUGHTER .. I called her a Republican .. back when idid NOT like them. I thought if I could discover the cause of our constant conflict, we could prevent wars. HAH!
The "sunny disposition" ones may have MYOPIA .. they are NEAR sighted .. worry about NOW! here! Which is great daily focus BUT when we had a balanced brain .. we ALSO considered the FAR big picture. Now .. the only way out is toSHARE our liabilities so they become resources. BiFocal our brains by sharing!
Great guys .. you are the reason we are in a mess .. we are the ones in trouble all these years for screaming. Now we got to live in dystopia with you .. but you caused it .. you were the "don't worry about it" CEO
Someone said "Heaven and Hell exist at the same time .. in the same place and time dimension. so then. are there TWO REALITIES and all we have to do is focus
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aaha .. the sunny side can sunburn and blind you when the sun's glare is in your eyes. At nite the dark side .. the north will be cooler! It's too complicated! No wonder Left brains give up and just want to get the job done! If my type of brain were the only ones we would still be considering what was unfair about the wheel. Yup we thinkers are a pain in the neck. But we are not as quick to judge as Action Left brains. Simplifying to right wrong makes life easy .. but creates enormous injustice. That injustice is now coming back to bite us!
awesome article!!
NO! THEY .. just use the "Law of attraction", the magic magnet the creator made for us, more to their advantage. It is EASY for them because they do not OVERTHINK! They believe may not feel confident but in their subconscious they believe their worth. Even not so confident that subconscious feeling of DESERVEDNESS brings them what they need. They have obstacles, just like us OVER Thinkers. But instead of wasted energy on negative thoughts and worries and guilts they move ahead NOW. They run the world or at least have an easier life because their foundation DIFFERS.
If our life is built on curiosity and wanting to understand everything it becomes a life shaped by causes and unintended consequences. Our investigative mind wants to share our findings. we want to share our discoveries with others. but our discoveries often consist of GUILT for certain actions of the past, oR concern and worry about the consequences of our planned actions. For the people who just want to find a quick solution we are a huge pain!If they ignore us a plan can be set into action and quick results attained. Since our society is built on fast and convenient they win. Since their brain wiring does NOT focus on past or future they GET THE JOB DONE. They ace the interview and land the job because they believe they deserve. Their subconscious does fight off anything that makes them fearful. They are WARRIORS not worriers, ??{so they find the new job OR subconscious feelings of deservedness}
confidence = EXPECTATION of good
Without that how do we feel we are a worthy valuable person?
Those not so good at focusing on positive get a 3 start heaven. Us who think there is a DARK cloud over us .. get what we put out .. 3 star hell?
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Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
thought changes water and plants!! like dogs too .. they sense
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.