This is not an exaggeration. If you are still reading this website (manual) your anxiety and worry has been telling you this for a long time. It is horrible to be aware of slow motion decay toward collapse. Those of us who (?unfortunately) still have Right (think BEFORE acting) Brain hemisphere wiring MUST learn to TURN OFF OUR THINKING! We will not survive if we hold the panic of our failing systems in our mind at all times. We need to take a break and step over to the EASY life of Left brains. "Me, mine, here and now" is how they took over power and profit while we continued to try to explain the error of these ways. Our ideas and research analysis have fallen on deaf ears for more than 50 years! Their life is so easy, selfish and shallow) while we are losing our Physical health thanks to the stress of seeing that our future is so bleak. If you are feeling especially sad or ANGRY .. PLEASE GO TO SOLUTIONS NOW. You probably already know this next "intel".
It is a FACT that our BRAIN WIRING has been destroyed (DR Iain McGilchrist) while we obsessed with bigger, faster, better, MORE. The toxins of our "progress" (please note the quotations .. we had the NERVE to call natives "savages" yet for 12,000 years THEY respected their universe! We arrogant whites come along and destroy it in LESS than 300 years!
(OMG .. finally somebody saying my exact thoughts! re McGilchrist,) I rather be FREE and UNSAFE, than "safe" with big daddy controlling my every move. We have given up all PERSONAL Responsibility in order to have a SYSTEM look after everything FOR US. We gave up personal responsibility to SUE everybody for everything, no personal responsibility necessary! The damn HIPPIES stated it all .. with throwing off all responsibility, free love, etc etc.
P S .. I use quotations for words that have LOST their VERY meaning! Our idea of "Success"equals shallow, phoney WINNING ("me and mine, here and now") that has by now destroyed our world. Our idea of "progress" is totally TOXIC and solves no REAL problems. Our inventions are the shallow desires of a lazy IRRESPONSIBLE public. But that public is the SCREAMERS, whether Left brain or minimal thinking Right brain demonizers. Our idea of progress is severely FLAWED. 40 years ago when I could buy my daughter no formula becaseu it was Sunday and everything was CLOSED was a so much SMARTER world. Families could get together
AM Tues. April 12, 2022.
What kind if INTELLIGENCE .. as in HUMAN .. is that? How are we supposed to live with no job? Bosses, CEOs of companies seriously do not UNDERSTAND (?) that with no income .. NO ONE CAN BUY THEIR STUFF!!! Sure we have A I .. but all (H I) is gone. HUMANITY has lost their brain! There is no THINKING going on! ONLY shallow ACTION leading to more profit, but NO Quality of Life for really ANYBODY. Are we too late to SACRIFICE, take RESPONSIBILITY and fix this NON SENSE ourselves? "THEY" have lost their "Thinking" brain wiring so we must take control .. or perish!
Mon, Feb 28, 2022
Don't you find it strange after people complained about 5G being dangerous to our health .. all of a sudden we have covid terror forced o us and 5 G is quietly rolled out. I have been reheating my Tim's coffee in its paper cup for years but I guess I heated too little and the cup BURNED. I never knew microwaves could BURN things! yet when they first came out in the early 70's everyone old like me continues to say .."stay away from the microwave door! .. the Electro magnetic waves are bad for you!" Even in buffalo a year ago my old housemates were admonishing me.
Guess what guys. We have a MILLION of those going thru our brains and body ALL DAY LONG! Do you sleep by your phone. Stop it! If the web is anywhere near you at night TURN IT OFF! My (box) was by my head for a year before I woke up to it .. and I am still SENILE brain fried, though I have tried hard to unplug EVERY NITE for 2 years.
Yup us old guys used to take pictures on film rolls of 24. We took care to grab SPECIAL photos. You guys take phots of every stupid second of your life and then FLY THEM THRU MY BRAIN. Stop it! do you ever organize/ EDIT those photos? We never did either but at least they were in a SHOE BOX .. not CLOUD FLYING THROUGH MY BRAIN!!
But there is even WORSE sorry to say. Elsewhere I write how the evil "Controllers" must want to kill us. Well 5 G surely will along with all their other plots and plans. But scariest of all .. I also suggest they must be STUPID, I mean what is life without us creative inventive thinkers they will kill? Stupid it is .. on STEROIDS! Cause guess what? How do they avoid killing themselves? On the street to the office or driving to their YACHT .. 5 G also flys thru their brain. I know there are protective things but I think they are still visible and we would WONDER what was going on, with rich guys walking around in protective gear.
I wonder if the vacine's purpose is to inflame our disease tendencies and bring them on earlier? Not a lot to be happy and calm about eh? My daughter says stop repeating it all and just think positive? I guess she is right .. we are tied to the train track and the train is coming. We may as well take last joy in the trees and blue sky!
We are going to die one day! Maybe now it is planned we just get out of their way a little faster .. but what if they are giving us 20 years .. and I am thinking 2!!?? I have always expected things to happened in a couple years and 15 later it is just BEGINNING to happened. So maybe we have lots of time and we thinkers are giving ourselves a heart attack NOW. My mom died when was 9 but I remember she had a friend who the psychic told was going to die. She got so terrified SHE DID. So our job is to take a CHILL PILL, relax and calmly enjoy every day we get. I just never knew being right (this world is CRAZY) .. would be so HARD to accept. Those of us who were intuitive things just were weird on this planet .. should be giving ourselves a trophy. oh well Let's just start to IGNORE our brilliance and become OBLIVIOUS! Oblivious to problems and how they could be solved is SO SO much easier!
I used to think sugar and processed food were FRYING our brains. I never thought that 5G was LITERALLY !! Brain fried to zombie is GOOD .. no worry no stress .. just an empty brain which means no MIND to control. See image below.
Tues. March 1, 2022
Every time we see something and think .. "seriously?? Is that how idiot we have become? " not only do we waste energy, but we lose hope! So brain dead SELF DISCIPLINE it must be for us .. especially me. I have exasperated my daughter for almost 4 decades. She is right .. GET OVER IT .. MOVE ON.
But then I will see something like an AD for Plenity and start ranting all over again! Take this pill and you will lose weight! What the hell happened to some self discipline? we just want a pill instead of thing about how we are building our precious body that does EVERYTHING for us. We have so little respect for our brain/ BODY that we just give control over to some DRUG company? Hey .. if we could really BUY DISCIPLINE in a bottle I would be first in line! But we need a BRAIN adjustment .. our to build some MIND control. Manage ourselves better .. we have to stop expecting everything to be easy, convenient and simple. Unless we reaalize things are hard and take time (when done in a HUMAN not robot way) we will never survive the MESS we have made. Unless we are willing to take far more RESPONSIBILITY than losing weight takes .. there is no coming back from the mess "humans" made. Are you in?
Plus .. if we get back to critical analysis of all the CRAP lies fed to us is PLENITY not just a full fledged SCAM? Now the drug companies will put me in jail for libel. ; <> See what YOU think. They want us to drink 2 glasses with their 3 pills before a meal. If I drink 2 BIG GLASSES of water before my meal .. I will eat LESS becasue I feel full .. not from their magic pill! But I should pay 2$ per day for their scam? For 50 years I wanted to write a book about (NO "diet") about SAVOURING instead of gobbling our food. years ago I started a website and damn it YES you pay me for my years of research and experience. But there was no con. Come to my 5$ monthly website instead of paying 2!! $ per day for a PILL .. and they will say but you get all these support tools too. Our (REAL Health .. not "care") system will also provide coaching .. as personal income for you (no more "jobs") , creating rent $ for you, my partners! 2$ to a drug company is almost 60$ per month .. wait was it per meal?? OMG .. so almost 4$ owe day. evil .. just evil.
Unbelievable .. yet they have been frying our brains with their toxins of "progress" for so long, we just fall for anything. perfect for them of course since profit before people is always the game. WIN for them LOSE for us. We are going to cut them ALL out .. and start a community of us and still GOOD Fortune 500's where the goal is WIN/WIN for BOTH. No more "heads I win, tails you lose".!! Our system is rigged and lacks humanity. We can collapse, at least collapse FIGHTING like Ukraine. OR .. maybe the quiet mouse masses will WIN over the GOLIATH big brother SYSTEM? If we work hard together and sacrifice .. we could do it!
OMG .. you can NOT trust anyone. Joy Bahar is an NBC Nutrition consultant and Plenity Chief of Nutrition. I am so disappointed. But here I go again NOT FACING REALITY. Everything is a scam! At least if it is BIG .. we MUST just stick together with each other. We must listen to and buy in to ONLY our members and partners. We have to believe there are still companies willing to TRY HARD to just be DECENT .. still HUMAN.
Just try to get back your common sense and trust yourself. Critically analyze EVERY SINGLE THING YOU ARE FED, BY ALL mediums of communication. Every seems to have an angle .. a SELFISH or GREEDY one. We want nothing to do with ANY of this nonsense. Pioneers survived by sharing each other's resources. They had NONE of the systems we have. They had NOTHING .. but they survived. I don't mean we can't use electricity or the internet, we have to just start using our "mouse masses" MIGHT! Without our buy in everything they OWN and control will collapse. We have power .. but we have to stick together and sacrifice. We do not buy in unless a company shows REAL respect/ responsibility and resource management.
We will everntually build our own encyclopedia of HUMAN INTELLIGENCE so life does not need to be so overwhelming. I do not want to have to question every single thing i hear! Is it a HALF fact and therefor a LIE. Is it partial truth needing more resaech? Is it a scam?
Plenity even puts down SUPERFOODS! If you think only eating blueberries and kale will make you healthy you have bigger problems than physical HEALTH. Your brain is not working. which it is NOT .. for most of us thanks to the TOXINS of "progress". But of course Super Foods are WAYYYY better for you than chips or even a snack bar full of chemicals and filler. And they are even better than just an apple or banana. BUT that's all some of us can afford so they too are mini superfoods .. better than any crap the supermarket has on 90% of its shelves .. well .. for sure 80%!!
Mon Feb 28, 2022
I did not have enough coffee in the cup I guess .. it BURNED AND SMELLED LIKE A FIRE!! 5G is a million that thru your brain ALL THE TIME. We don't NEED to send a million photos to everybody .. they are all going through your BRAIN. Think about it! We need to quit think more bigger faster is better. Yeah better at frying our brains! We will die of EXTREME. Simplify or die .. whoops .. sorry too late. I am old but I was NOT the one at all into more bigger is better .. don't go blaming me anti boomer. (or you should be anyway .. boomers were such hypocrites. or some of them anyway.
Sat., Feb 19, 2022 10:30 pm
Everything in the Western World seems backward. Too much of what is NOT needed, simplifying with search, selfishness, stress, but not enough listening, reconsidering, finding truth, compromising and kindness. Let's try a calmer backward world, reverse everything. More of CALM, good and empathy, and less self absorption and shallowness, perhaps from stress. Let's try less extremes and more BALANCE.
The problem is INFORMATION OVERLOAD, missing intelligence. Imagine the careers we can create restoring the stress of "information" overwhelm controlled by A I. Real HUMANS investigating, researching analyzing and evaluating the areas they are fascinated with. We restore personal income while we restore Humanity's Intelligence and wisdom. The toxic destruction of our brain wiring allowed some of us to go in a Dystopian direction. If Friedman and Ayn Rand's (Profit is everything) could DESTROY us .. why can't we quiet "mouse masses" resurrect our civil society? We Re-Pioneer supporting ONLY those Corporations willing to try a revised type of capitalism .. "SHARE .. be FAIR"
steps to intelligence
a fact? information, discussion, researched, knowledge, opposing ideas, investigation, contemplation, evaluation, bias consideration, revision, a beginning of INTELLIGENCE, (compromise toward a solution), wisdom is what we strive to reach.
Sun. May 29, 2022.
Excess profit would be when you make a piece of garbage, because you have cut the quality to NOTHING. In demanding your extra profit, we have lost the past CARE of good work and PRIDE IN QUALITY. Maybe to begin, THEY (the evil corporations) just wanted more profit and reduced quality to TERRIBLE. But then they realized .. WOW!! Now customers have to buy a NEW desk chair ever 2 years! Imagine our profit! It is now10x! Planned obsolescence was like a new iPhone but we live in a recurring nightmare of rebuying what our parents kept for DECADES!
Guess what in 1970 I was in the first CONSUMER STUDIES CLASS learning about dollar voting and planned obsolescence. Guess what .. of course such a class NEVER SURVIVED. cab NOT have people actualy learning and being EDUCATED. Di you really wonder why people turn into mass shooters? If they come to realize everything is a SCAM sometimes duped too often is ENRAGING and we "lose our mind"! Maybe THEY should stop doing EVERYTHING that eventually makes us lose our mind or the DESPAIR kills. Yup they SURELY DO want us dead!
It is good to not waste, MANAGING all resources in order to make the most profit. A Smoothie cafe gave me a sample of a leftover smoothie. It was so good, I went back to say "why don't you SELL it as a new thing, the "BABY Smoothie" .. at like 3$ and you make more profit!" I would buy it for sure to try different flavours. Usually when I see the price I do not bother with a smoothie, because it's like 10$. Knowing how deliecius it is you are more likely to spring for the expencse.Sadly I bet she never took my brilliant idea. sad.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Sat. April 16, 2022
But that is only the basic FOUNDATION OF OUR UNDERSTANDING of humans. The worst human is SHALLOW and simple minded for convenience, worst no matter if Right or Left Brain dominant! because shallow = demonizing, = simplifying to good vs evil. The reality is that life is far more complex, at least in our messed up society! left brain like to simplify .. hate confusion and complexity so they do tend to take less effort to uNDERSTAND everything. Right brain Thinkers want to understand everything by their natural CURIOUSITY.
Entire website must be re done .. Right Brain thinker is NOT perfect .. Thinking, and able to DISCUSS types of people are human "perfect". Simply demonizing opposing ideas is NOT HIGHER LEVEL CONSCIOUSNESS or human behaviour! Right brains also demonize. Stopping with their one opposing idea ONLY is ALSO BAD. 2 opposing ideas with. NO LISTENING AND LEARNING will always have a horrible end! No discussion, just opposing ideas full STOP, and demonize! That is too many of us and this SIMPLE behaviour can only result in civil war! Humanity THINKS and DICUSSES opposing ideas to create INTELLIGENCE which to me is a understanding CLOSER TO A TRUTH! We have lost our humanity .. or too many have! There are LEFT Brain people who STILL CAN DISCUSS. It is not left that is evil but unwillingness or INABILITY to discuss. Inability requires compassion. Left who lost their RIGHT THINKING WIRING!
BUT THE SIMPLE BRAIN IS THE REAL PROBLEM!! minimal wiring left! Not really the Left brain = evil. Therefore must redo whole focus of site demonizing the Left Brain person!! Not listening to other conflicting ideas is the evil! We may have to kill people unwilling to discuss. (Shocking? Ukrainians are KILLING Russians, sometimes could be family! If our existence depended on it would we kill the people destroying us? TERRIFYING to wonder about eh?) Hah .. simple .. don't want to think of others and only self .. OFF OUR ISLAND .. we do not need to kill anybody they are just no longer a member of our community (but they will come back like in King's "the Stand" and KILL US! Damn this is COMPLICATED!! .. why I need all of you partners brilliance!
See last sentence McGilchrist, why my site has blamed Left brain DOMINANT wiring types .. from "Psychology Today" 2010 .. we better LEARN THIS!! It is definitely getting too late!
"What the left hemisphere offers is a crucial aspect of reality, that aspect which enables us to have fixity, and which therefore enables us to use and manipulate it. Without it, we could not reason in certain ways, exploit the world around us to our benefit, or have a civilisation at all. We need to be able to pin things down and ‘grasp’ them , as we say (not for nothing do most of us use the right hand, controlled by the left hemisphere, to grasp what is of use to us, and use our left hemisphere to provide that aspect of language with which we say we ‘grasp’ something). I value these aspects of our ability to engage with the world. My thesis is in fact based on the gathering of a huge amount of evidence, hard worked for by others and to a much smaller degree by myself, and depends on rational argument. We get nowhere if we disrespect or disregard systematic thinking. There is often too little, not too much, clear thinking involved in our attempts to understand the world. My argument is that we need to use what this kind of understanding gives us within a broader framework, which we can all too easily ignore, because that framework is not itself contained within, or even implied within, this way of thinking. Hence my belief is that we need both left hemisphere and right hemisphere ways of thinking. Our right hemisphere is aware of that. But the characteristic mode of the left hemisphere' s thinking makes it unaware of what it doesn't know. It thinks it can go it alone. That is where the trouble begins."
.. Those REAL Humans that were always DISMISSED by the powerful, are now at LOST OUR MIND STAGE ready for chaotic REVENGE. We are actually what remains of HUMANITY. But seeing the world can not continue with Left brain control we must either win the WAR .. or now take our revenge for our decades of disrespect.
Every horror story of clashing tribes ends with annihilation of the (hopefully correctly evaluated) evil one. So far Left brains took over everything and their simple closed minded fast action gave them all power and control. There way is not true SUCCESS. It is shallow "success" that has now not only destroyed the environment but our Health and even all society
Back in the 60's Rachel Carlson began ringing alarm bells. She saw that we are losing our natural environment and wrote her "Silent Spring". It is 60 years of damage later and some people still see the destruction of our natural environment as not our fault. Their brain wiring has been fried by the toxins of their "progress" and they can not see past their single minded viewpoint. These are Left Brain wiring people and they take no re sponsibility but for PROFIY or more POWER. ONly this is now a GLOBAL problem. WE are under the control of Left brain greed or followers of that power structure feeling the only value is money. Our unnatural "progress" has destroyed our common sense, our logic, and our ability to reason. Those in charge see only immediate goals .. the NOW instead of focusing on past causes of problems_ and Futiure (consequences). These are right brain wiring skills, and we have either been SILENCED or are just naturally not the screamers we hear. Those that amke us believe the world is divided and demonizing of the other side. I believe MORE of us are QUIET .. wondering what the heck is the matter with the systems that supposedly wr created to improve quality of life.
Right brains have been screaming quietly that our actions are not creating REAL success. But we were always ignored or worse ..silenced. We were troublesome to the power structure in charge. I suggest they went so far as to lable us "mentally" ill .. who I think are the more sensitive and thoughtful among us. If we research Dr McGilchrist's work we learn that the power structure has been more and more taken over by LEFT Hemisphere brain types. Right hemisphere people are trouble to THEM, because we want to THINK and understand .. do things that work FOR THE FUTURE using mistakes of the past TO LEARN FROM. But that is NOT a comfort level for LEFT Brains.
Sorry that is the FINAL STRAW. So if we actually USE our brain to think and see injustice FOR OTHERS, are sensitive to others plight and feel compassion .. we are injustice collectors? Unbelievable. Complete prooof we are controlled by Left brain simple minded INSENSITIVE .. "me first screw you" excuses for humanity. It may be too late but if we stick together and completely shut them all out, we can still WIN THE WAR. Anyone unwilling to at least TRY TO UNDERSTAND every thing .. is off our Island. Our planet, health and life depends on US winning. They take every opportunity to be sure we CAN NOT. I fear we may be too late .. but if we get off our rear we can maybe Win. Especially if there are different realities at once. We will move to our higher CONSCIOUSNESS, and they can stay behind in the HELL they have created.
A part of our "home" is the SOCIETY we must walk in, whenever we LEAVE our home. That society is no horrid scary and not a place of quality of life for all. Action Left brains are in control, they have had the power for decades if not the century. With their SHALLOW selfish solutions, quality of life has declined. Enough already, Simplifying to shallow "us / them" vs discussing opposing ideas, has destroyed America, and its SOUL!
I suggest mass indiscriminate murders are NOT evil .. their brains have exploded at the unfairness and injustice. Or they have no Right brain hemisphere left .. making them unable to be empathetic. You can not thwart a thinking human over and over UNFAIRLY and not expect them to lash out. Sorry .. but I believe god would even take them to heaven because they may even subconsciously feel death is better for people than living in a total ZERO sum game. They may subconscioudly think they are doing a favour. OMG .. I just remembered from 50 years ago .. my brother commit suicide but I think he wanted to go home and first kill his family .. TO SAVE THEM FROM THE SHAME THE LOSS OF HIS BUSINESS HAD CREATED FOR THEM. He irrationally believed killing his family was more merciful than making them live with the shame he felt he had created. Horror! My brother was awesome. What young man brings his little sister from the farm to the big city to a Santa Parade, to stay with his friend's family while he himself was in University residence.! Yes WRONG thoughts CAN have disastrous consequences.
Thurs., Feb. 17, 2022.
So much is wrong with our world, or I should say Western society? I spent years wondering what our worst or REAL BASE problem really was. Which are the few things that if REMOVED, could bring us back to some quality of life? DIVISION? STRESS? CHANGE on steroids? Information? A I? STUPIDITY? (our brains have been fried), digital overload, selfishness, search, simplifying to cope, struggle, unfairness, injustice, overwhelm, sensory overload, zombification, convenience, easy, fast, new, bigger, better, profit, greed, capitalism, irresponsibility, entitlement, drugs, sugar and processed food. "racism" (how about just division and injustice), virtual reality ... eee yyyiihhh!!
To survive .. let's combine ALL these into JUST ONE PROBLEM! Make it easier to cope with.
Every problem above, when NOT to the extreme has some good to it. Even (struggle) makes acheiving something that much a greater joy (than for the person who just had it easy). Even stupidity is not a problem, if I am really smart I would not sweep floors .. so who would help us manage our buildings. These people used to be part of the COMMUNITY, beloved .. not looked down on.
Almost everything works if BALANCED, even change becasue it means "progress". When extreme and never ending ever speeding we grow to hate it. At least those of us sensitive to our environment. The insensitive ones always win .. they focus on their goal and can move forward bling to all but their OWN focus.
Things can be inherently good .. but taken to either side of the pendulum it is ALWAYS BAD. A good invention, idea or social group becomes bad at either end of the pendulum's extreme. In the last decades we have totally lost any concept of BALANCE. WE destroyed every good concept by taking it extreme. We stopped thinking because our physical BRAIN wiring was fried, first by processed food (sugar) in the 50's and now our MIND is "SEARCH stupid".
Our brain used to be balanced with both right (thinker) and left (action) hemispheres working together. If BALANCE is EVERYTHING, instead of the destruction of extremes .. the this brain destruction is the biggest cause of our societal decline. Our brains are disabled because the toxins of progress have destroyed much our normal neurones. Whatever hemisphere has more wiring left is where we focus, thinking or acting. Simply focusing on self and USING resources to do the job gives an unfair advantage of speed. The power was taken by left brains while we agonized how others would be affected by our actions!
Thinking, Learning from each other, finding something close to TRUTH is Human Intelligence. We can not simply state "facts" because facts can be LIES when left incomplete. We seem to live with a lot of facts today. Then those "facts" are used to not just divide us but DEMONIZE the other. "Getting Vax-ed is the decent thing to do." vs "Forcing the vax takes my freedom". But neither of these are TRUE .. or even intelligent! They are both half truths or even 1/4 truths or 1/10th truths.
None of our thinker ideas have been respected or acted on.
Absolutely if it would prevent harm, I would get vaccinated. But what if there are SOOO many reasons not to trust the "power structure". They lied and said fat caused heart attack for DECADES while they pumped us with (54 different names of sugar) that causes all manner of disease inflammation. They own the drug companies too that profit from our diseases. Lots of us would be first in line if we were TRULY protecting others. Most of us thinker/ worriers are NOT part of the "me first, screw you, freedom is ALL that matters" Left brain hemisphere side. (Dr Iain McGilchrist)
Compromise and collaboration FIRST NEED EFFORT to understand a problem's causes and the impacts of its solution.
McGilchrst feels our left brain has become dominant .. the part that USES, not concerned with understanding. To UNDERSTAND we need to constantly CONTEMPLATE causes and consequences. This takes time and makes DECIDING slow. Left Hemisphere action brain people just want to "get er done" so they are the ones in power. They have been impatient with the more Right Hemisphere "thinker" who wants to understand possible results fully before acting.
We see this in every major problem .. especially Climate change. This is now a disadter waiting to happened, but we right brain thinkers were screaming for 50 plus years!
I suggest we tend to be writers and researchers vs politicians or CEO's. Thinkers do tend to be LEFT POLITICALLY (more altruistic) .. but not the EXTREME characters that tend to be in Politics today. (Do not be confused as I have been for a few years .. the brain hemisphere is OPPOSITE to where republicans sit on the RIGHT in the capital. They 100% are more LEFt brain focused.
If one quickly chooses a viewpoint based only on quick facts, another could just as quickly come to the OPPOSITE conclusion. It seems Liberals want all vaxed .. whereas Conservatives want "freedom"? But there is much discussion to be had on these opposites .. and for clarity there needs to be a COMPROMISE of ideas. Instead of stopping to discuss, debate and compromise .. we simply start screaming, taking sides and demonizing. I must revise this website because real thinkers keep thinkng not taking screaming sides. However when we are rushed or stressed SIMPLIFYING becomes a COPING TOOL . So right brain thinkers can certainly take stupid sides .. or we may even just do so because our thinkng wiring is only there to choose a side opposite to the left brain quick action we are jealous off.
?? .. If you take time to think about ideas or options you can not act quickly. Quick action means not enough time to consider all causes and consequences. But the job gets done which = "success". Unfortunately that "success" is always short lived. We see our systems collapsing because less contemplative brain pre project work, results in flawed action for the long term. see Dr Iain McGilchrist Left Hemisphere dominance HAS MADE a total mess of our world! (from 2010!)
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Intelligence .. how HILARIOUS we call it a "smart" world. Who the hell seriously thought A I would be smarter than a HUMAN? facts and knowledge sure, but the is NOT intelligence. It should have been called A K (artificial KNOWLEDGE) which is memorizing facts, which CAN be lies, if only half there. Our intelligence includes being considerate kind and empathetic. Sorry I want a HUMAN for that never a robot.
Please join OUR side (not the selfish or powerful) side .. join our effort to be the good thoughtful (and trying to COMPROMISE and be fair) side of the divide masses.
Fri, Dec 3, 2021. All the wonderful creations of true INVENTOR Brains in the last century, have been taken to extreme .. all with negative result. Henry Ford must be turning in his grave! He wanted everyone to be able to afford an Automobile! HIS assembly line to reduce costs and his "pay over time" allowed his mission to succeed. But look what we have done to his wonderful creative invention! We have Robot assembly lines destroying all jobs! (those silly PEOPLE are troublesome.) AND his effort to let everyone benefit from owning a car? .. we have used it to create a population deeply in debt for useless things we NEVER needed.
Poor Henry! But today, good intentions are always taken to BAD results .. by a now gone "Thoughtless Society". Closed minded greed for profit and power will always take good INTENTIONS to bad results. But are these people who benefit from quick action "success" .. truly evil? or just brain dead? They are BRAIN DEAD .. OCD in a tunnel, focused solely on better "profit margins". Their Right "THINKNG" Brain Hemisphere is gone. This Leaves them only with poorly thought out, uncontemplated ACTION. They completely forgot "profit" is far more than just $. Profit (or an ASSET) is also Employee loyalty, Customer pride in your being part of the community, and "profit" is your creation of quality of life for all involved in your own success. Power people forgot they only get success through our WORK to fulfil their goal and OUR purchasing it. You .. Power People must reevaluate your THINKING (or LACK of it!) .. and very QUICKLY before it is way too late.
Our culture is one of total "EXTREME, EXCESS IN EVERYTHING". Even worse, there is no thought process relating one invention's effect on other things and SOCIETY as a whole. The Internet could have been a totally amazing "invention" .. but instead taken to extreme excess, sorry, but it is a MONSTER! The term "woke" has been stolen by the side wishing to DEMEAN everything a THINKER contemplates. To be AWAKE is to NOT be a ZOMBIE. To be a ZOMBIE and demonize those who contemplate consequences .. is the sign of an insane completely DIVIDED society. WE are divided into THINKERS (worriers) and DOERS who give NO THOUGHT to a cause or possible CONSEQUENCE of the action. "Doers" are decisive and fast. Guess who gets to run the world. But our "success" has long been shallow and enjoyed by few. Hopefully those with money, recognizing it REALLY DOES NOT BUY HAPPINESS .. WILL COME AND JOIN US AS INVESTORS!
"The Death of Common Sense" was written in 1995. More than 25 years later! .. our ability for reason and logic is completely gone. Or at least it is in those who are in POWER. Those screaming loudest about the "socialist" (communist) "woke" Liberals make it surely seem we have NO ABILITY to be logical and WORK TOGETHER.
Ideas should be discussed not DEMEANED! This will surely be our undoing and collapse will follow very soon. THINKING about causes and consequences of our ACTIONS .. does not equal trying to tax away rich people's money. It is being HUMAN and using the OTHER part of our brain, now gone dormant or destroyed. The side of our brain that should be used BEFORE we ACT .. is missing in those in power. But Thinkers are often NOT doers .. too indecisive. We need BOTH sides of our brains, so now we must use our OPPOSITE resource TOGETHER. The only way forward is to share our opposite brain side's advantage, with those missing that side! Not working together, to balance our assets will collapse our planet and Society. Luckily let's hope that most people have a still somewhat balanced brain! (Unfortunately my life experience is the FAR OPPPOSITE sides on the spectrum, Inventor creative, vs Manager CEO types. Those of us who see our DIVIDED collapse is near, must get together and grab anyone with a still more "Balanced Brain". There are MORE of us than the closed minded "Profit Power Structure"! We can build a better, simpler system for REAL Quality of Life!
Now a Concierge is the person at the ONLY Lobby desk in a Retirement home, and in my experience RUNS THE PLACE. MANAGES 5 jobs at a time. Let's take the nice sound of "concierge" and just make that person look after everything, solve every problem. Improve productivity .. if you are brainless. Didn't Hotel Concierges help you find a restaurant you might like or call you a taxi? The Concierge here does a mountain of tasks .. PLUS is given extra jobs in case they have a free minute to breathe. As a Business owner I too would keep my employee busy, but not juggling what should be 2 people's jobs! That will NOT inspire loyalty to me, OR the Business I am trying to build. USE SOME COMMON SENSE, PEOPLE!
Just about everything we THINKERS look at today is entirely DEVOID of common sense. Because sadly the "Management structure" in charge of us, has one goal only, PROFIT and the power that goes with it. Have people really quit jobs? .. showing who the real boss is? The only reason rich people are rich .. is because of those of us (not appreciated) workers that do ALL the hard work FOR THEM. If we could still be able to eat and shelter .. we could show them who is THE REAL BOSS!
Let's build a new System with all the kind good people as Partners, but using the BLOCKCHAIN. It allows us to trade skills and receive our needs right within OUR own Community, no bank needed. There are Food co-ops and Housing Co-ops, even banking co-ops. We will develop the first "TOTAL LIFE CO-OP" Template, that others can replicate in their areas! I believe most people are good. Those who have just got carried in the tidal wave of NO THINKING will join us and invest in our new System. (Revised "capitalism" .. a more fair REVERSE WORLD of better quality of life for all.) NO FREE MONEY given, we trade our skills and TIME for what we need. U B I takes away any feeling of worthiness and making a valuable contribution. Self esteem is based on feeling a needed, connected part of a Community. Our Member's Emotional Health will finally improve, through security and belonging .. not the poorly paid servant labour of recent decades.
Sadly, the EVIL Developer probably has just lost all his THINKING Brain wiring! He can not see past his nose .. short sighted and closed minded to ALL BUT MORE PROFIT. NYC's new pencil building condos are a ridiculous example. "Just one house stood here. I am going to build up 100 stories and multiply my rent by 100x !" Hence destroying the NYC skyline with stupid skinny "pencils" sticking up intrusively in the skyline of past BALANCED beauty. I swear Developers have "penis" envy .. "mine is bigger than yours." Whatever ; < .. your "growth" looks ugly and feels ridiculous .. "people energy" wise!!
Why are our appliances, phones and doorbells SMART? .. YET WE ARE DEFINITELY NOT! Maybe we have our goals and Societal Mission totally out of whack? Do you find yourself asking all day long.. "but why? why not .. instead?" You are a THINKER and we sadly will be the ones sent to their "NO THINKING ALLOWED" Insane asylum. Whatever we are complaining about .. no doubt it was the short sighted less expensive way. Action brains WORSHIP "increased productivity" .. code for creating GARBAGE. yes, their goal was completely counter productive. We may have a more "efficient" world, but its QUALITY is nowhere to be found.
Has Mental Illness just been a conspiracy to dismiss and demean Thinkers and their creative UNIQUE ideas? WE of course are the complainers when "big business" ie greed .. goes in the wrong direction. We are a pain always protesting closed minded uncontemplated ACTION. Maybe people termed "mentally ill" just see too much injustice and idiocy and lose their mind with the worry and panic? Dismissing our skill as a LIABILITY instead of the ASSET it is .. makes short sighted greed far easier to accomplish.
There is only one solution. Stop buying into THEIR System and we only TRADE with each other. If we are willing to sacrifice A LOT .. we really CAN build our own better system with the Blockchain. But it means giving up much of what we expect! It means RE-Pioneering like a Quaker or Mennonite! It means for a time, taking ACTION (instead of useless protesting) by simplifying our lives. But that means sacrifice and we no longer have the BALLS that the Pioneers did. Imagine how terrifying their trip to the unknown must have been? We won't even give up our tiniest convenience. Please prove me wrong and join REVERSE WORLD. Guess I should change the name, WESTERN world .. there may be some areas we have not INFECTED with our disease of EEEEEEE. (Extreme Excess of EVERYTHING .. instant or convenience.) But devoid of cause consequence contemplation.
We can even become HEALTHIER as we simplify our lives. Right now 5G flies through your brain all day long. Would that not destroy our Brin wiring along with all our other toxins? We can get healthier and show left brain ACTION power people WHO IS REALLY BOSS. We definitely need to sacrifice instant convenience and simplify. We don't need to give good inventions up. We just must stop taking ALL THINGS to EXTREME EXCESS OF EVERYTHING!
But there is so little time. All our jobs will soon be gone to A I robots and drones. Bring your friends together and lets vQUIT SUPPORTING THOSE WHO CREATE GARBAGE WE MUST REBUY EVERY % MINUTES. I bought 150$vwaking shoes that lasted 4 months. She yelled at me for using them too much, walking 4 hours perday? Seriously? shoes used to last a decade, and clothes were passed down! So was furniture and house looked great after 150 years. I live in a 2 year old building and it looks like a piece of garbage! and believe me NOTHING has ver worked (Never go near Daniels or Chartwell .. the worst quality in EVERY AREA including treatment of staff. Is this the world we want to support? Let's move into a closed hotel and build our own better working SIMPLER SYSTEM. Societies with complex systems ALWAYS HAVRE FAILED (Joseph Tainter)
IS FEAR of covid a perfect Tool to mask the REAL virus?
EEE-CCC is the REAL virus that has destroyed Western Society.
Extreme Excess of EVERYTHING MINUS Cause, and Consequence CONTEMPLATION! Was Steven King more prescient than we knew? (Is King Physic or very intuitive? Was Captain Tripps really the virus that was destroying brains and with it our humanity? The end asks "Do we ever learn?". King was still hopeful .. but apparently the miniseries had a different ending?
The novel from 1978 is about DIVISION. "Do we ever learn?" is SO RELEVANT because if we did .. we would be LISTENING! THINKING and RECONSIDERING previous thoughts! If we would actually STOP "scream bullying"! and LEARN .. we would see the other NOT as our enemy. But the west lives mostly in a WARRIOR mindset. there is always an enemy to fight off .. or so the power structure has made us believe. There is always a bogey man to FEAR .. instead of us lowly masses working TOGETHER!
texas .. banned books .. censorship .. division vs learning from new viewpoints
This image is perfect! See our Education system .. even University we go in debt for. If we question the behaviour of irresponsible women who want free EQUALITY we are ? sexist .. sorry I can not keep up with the demonizing. Only remembering these screamers are not US .. the quiet "mouse masses" keeps hope alive! The screamers are everywhere so it s easy to forget us quiet MM's are the MAJORITY. Maybe we can be the M3 .. mouse mass MAJORITY quiet but still HUMAN with some INTELLIGENCE.
Do companies that get rid of all their employees have any brain? How can people use their service if everybody gets rid of jobs that PAY customers they NEED? An awesome idea to feed Blacks well in food deserts .. but is there INTELLIGENCE here? No! just shallow following the latest "big thing" .. only leading us OVER THE CLIFF! How many jobs could have been created?
But lets just scream about gun violence .. instead of having created those jobs. There would be LESS Violence, if PEOPLE were valued as ASSETS to a business, instead of Liabilities. Let's educate only to have aspiring entrepreneurs join the profit over people focus. intelligence QUESTIONS. Memorizing knowledge shuts down brains. The Digital world Information focus was perfect COVER .. for freezing our intellect. Can we unfreeze our brain .. go back to questioning and investigating.. actually INVENTING better. All we invent today is for a WORSE quality of life. Even those organizations helping but BEGGING for funding are NOT moving us forward. We need to create our OWN INCOME .. make the old system buy in to our new system. (add to mission link)
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
The last guy will always be left out. (Damn I think I spent half an hour searching site to finish that segment and I probably could just have REDONE it!) Anyway our economy is a HOUSE OF CARDS .. dominoes falling over now. The only way is to save ourselves is ONLY TRADING WITH EACH OTHER for our real needs. Some still human companies and cities will join us to provide our necessities .. but they must become certified R3C3 plus, or FAIR in a QoL for all economy. If we simplify and sacrifice we will actually LIVE BETTER, but without the extremes we have become used to. If you NEED 3 inch salon nails and 50 face cream choices this community is not for you.
No wonder people hate the government and don't want to pay taxes! If some rich guy wants an ART WALL produce it .. be my guest. But taxes MOSTLY taken from struggling people .. go to help us! NOT those relaxed enough to luxuriate in a lighted changing wall. We can't afford a dog to feed, hoe is it possible a park needs 2 MILLION $ in renovation? SICKENING. But let's give 1 million to those who can not eat because they maybe did not get the same life resources as we were BLESSED with. Poor people in Ontario pay 15% tax on everything! Like that matters to the wealthy. But to those struggling it is HUGE. And if you have 2 jobs you probably have to buy convenience food so even eating is taxed. PURE EVIL.
And you think your government works for you. You think you should be sure to vote? Sorry "they" do NOT work for us! "They" work purely for themselves and twist our brain with democracy and "freedom" scam talk. Perhaps we should just take EVERYTHING .. and UN- it .. because every single thing is twisted. I am not being negative, sadly I am speaking TRUTH. Everything is a scam and not FOR us. Not "education", not the law and order "justice" system, not Health "care", and sadly not even "democracy". Maybe I even voted for the witch choosing such evil use of our tax $.
Don't get me wrong .. in good times nice things are great for the gov't to do .. but not NOW when our MAJOR needed systems are all collapsing. Who the hell needs a better dog park or lit up wall? Fine for THEM .. not for us sheep ants beneath them. And who needs children .. to give child tax credits to? Don't have them, you selfish person! Those of us here now will struggle enough. How totally selfish (or STUPID) to bring unsuspecting offspring into the world of today. Guess a lot of you left site now? Good. I am sad and feel guilty that I brought my own kids (in their 40's) into a world we so destroyed. They are the ones who have to suffer at our stupidity or selfishness. They are the ones who have to fix the mess we old guys made! Awful, just awful. How can someone even CONSIDER having children today? With half our jobs gone in 7 years and NO SOLUTIONS ON THE HORIZON.
Time to step up and sacrifice .. no relationship to anyone or anything that does not resect, take responsibility and better utilize our resources especially PEOPLE. No utilizing any biz that does not contemplate past/ future, compromise and collaborate in MORE THAN ONLY PROFIT.
add triangle
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
PLEASE .. remember this site is in NO WAY done .. it is a skeleton, some bones in the wrong place, some are malformed and some bones are yet MISSING! But HOPEFULLY maybe something here even in Prototype form, can bring you some moments of less anxiety? Though an incomplete Prototype, why not share my search for new tools for HOPE, found as I was "losing it". I recognized I was right all along .. we really have gone insane or brain dead! .. but a trophy for being right, just produces MORE panic!
If you have been paying attention .. you are in a panic or at least very worried and anxious about WHERE THE HECK WE ARE GOING TODAY! Please don't be like me, and continue to wake up for YEARS feeling sick, terrified what NEW lack of common sense will horrify us. Or worse .. I hope you are not waking up and wondering what is the POINT of getting up?! It is especially terrible that young people would need to feel that way! You are supposed to be excited about your new life to be shaped. But us horrible old people ate everything .. before you even got to the table!!
Some of us "evil boomers" truly do feel great guilt over the MANY mistakes we made. I may as well have lived that entitled "luxury" life, instead of investing in my inventions, since I helped no one so far! If I do not soon at least help a few people with my decades of obsession, it will have been a total waste of every resource .. money, time, perseverance, friends .. all at the expense of any NORMAL life! I always felt our Western world was very strange. Why is our quality of life so terrible? .. yet I hear we are the BEST of EVERYTHING? Confusing! The aim of this "Total Societal Health System" innovation, is to create better quality of life for all. By pulling together all the experts in many diverse fields, we can design a Formula to help us .. a kind of RE-EDUCATION System!
If you are AWARE and feel fear for the collapse of society, don't let anyone tell you that you are depressed, and need PROZAC! WE are REAL word "depressed" not the kind expecting DRUGS. We who are not oblivious feel DESPAIR because we see our SILO systems do not work for us, the REAL people. We feel hopeless because everything seems to be collapsing, especially ability to make a DECENT living. Even the wealthy will NOT have a great quality of life .. with all of us BEGGING, and homeless because there are no jobs! Depression from the stress of seeing so many problems, is certainly NOT a "mental" Health thing! Thanks to covid's handling, we are all losing our EMOTIONAL Health.
From here on we will call it Emotional Health since "mental" has been stigmatized and was always a PHYSICAL BRAIN/BODY disease anyway. Today WE have NO disease, (depression) we all just feel there is little hope! We are aware and have common sense, which should NOT be considered a disease! But I guess being Thinking and logical beings makes us strange? Some people simplify everything and are closed minded, making their lives easier. We "thinkers" need tools to cope, because we SEE too much, and are too aware! (We will need learn to shut off our brain a bit, to SAVE OURSELVES!) Hah, "Left brain Action" people's OBLIVION .. is a RESOURCE that we do not have! No fair! ; - < (McGilchrist)
I have finally found some solutions for us! I hope they can help you a little, because I felt (feel) exactly the same. The Universe sent me ideas and solution formulas I want to share, to hopefully help others not waste their life worried, how insane our society has become. Once that "the Dead talked to me" I was no longer quite as afraid of the world ending. No I am not a crazy lady .. I just began paying attention to energy and how places can affect our mood. The morgue ghosts said "Lady we are all going to DIE .. you are wasting the little time you have left arguing instead of accepting! ACCEPT .. THAT WE DID OURSELVES IN, because we never thought about the consequences of our actions! STOP arguing, ACCEPT .. and Enjoy what is left to ENJOY." Seriously! all of a sudden life felt so much lighter. If we were given 6 months to live, hopefully we would not spend it arguing how UNFAIR it is!! Those Morgue ghosts were a godsend to me. Finally less panic. (more details later)
Luckily for me, I was one of those awful Boomers who stole everything from young people, 2 jobs in a lifetime, with a great pension. Unheard of today. So, I had the luxury of assured income, but later the liability of guilt. I was sick for my kids future and the future of all the young people that we stole everything from. It is our fault because we merrily followed along, instead of taking responsibility and saying "no way, this will NOT work in the long run". Sure, I was NOT a shopper or real consumer, but I should have done way more not participating. Sadly the powerful (Left brains) just make us feel like complaining WHINERS. So some of us Boomers (Left Brain) do bear MORE responsibility than others. (McGilchrist) But of course the very ones taking NO responsibility whatever for our destruction of society .. are the very people who disparage our fears AND did the most damage. (Much of the work we do will be based on our Right/ Left Brain division and its resulting demonization.)
I never understood why we were doing things the way we were, and I always felt I was on the wrong planet. I think many of us feel that way? BUT .. at least now my years of curiosity and solving problems with new design solutions has a use. My complaints and whining have now been developed into better systems. My ability to put time and effort into these inventions, leaves us with some POSSIBILITIES to experiment with.
Sunday Mar 6, 2022
Just PLEASE do not be me! I have wasted the last 10 years ranting about it all instead of ACCEPTING it, and spending MORE energy on how to FIX it. I had taken a course on the strange goings on in the world that surely seem the few wealthy families want to take complete global power. I kept Taking the U of T course over to learn more .. but after a while I realized these were all old ranting people repeating the same crisis and catastrophe over and over. I began thinking "DAMN IT. why don't you DO SOMETHING instead of more "stuck in a rut" circling whining. I began working on solutions, first to STRESS reduction and Health but then also to economic INDEPENCE. No more working for the man getting NO RESPECT.
But the reality was .. I did exactly the same as the others! Spent most my energy complaining, whining, worrying and ranting about the RIDICULOUS and unfair workings of our world. Please don't like me! From here on Let's be like Ukraine and STICK TOGETHER to win against an unfair power structure. We can use social as our WEAPON to connect us like minded souls .. BUT then our power is LOCAL. We share and trade only with our "willing to take responsibility and sacrifice" MEMBERS. Our decentralized organization can WIN like the Ukrainian "David" against the Golliath of global monopoly corporations. With out our buy in we can WIN the war against them. Yet out mantra is WIN WIN, not the win Lose we have been forced to live with. Our member all win losing. We build a new "system" where things work better.
Pioneers came with nothing because they wanted freedom to worship as they saw fit. We are done worshiping extreme and excess and living with similar demonization faced when pioneers decide to leave their homes. But our demoniztion is not just reliegion but almost every thought is demonized until confusion reigns. Our commandment will be put others first bs the me first screw you we have come to live in. A SHARE .. FAIRLY .. community where all have a basic Quality of Life. (QoL for all). By RE Pioneering we REVISE capitalism back to HUMAN. Once our community is created digitally and we find partner Businesses we will build local CHURCH .. Library Cafe General Store communities. We will RE connect RE educate and build a co-operative of TOTAL societal health. We can do it! Because each of us has skills that together will create a more "Heaven" reality, since we surely now exist in hell.
We can run away like many Ukrainians did .. (like we did with being shut down for 2 years with a pandemic killing far less than Heart disease) .. or we can FIGHT. Our power is gone unless we revolt. we will revolt quietly by not buying in ANYMORE to ridiculous "progress". "Progress" that has cost us our Total Health. Total Societal health consists of
Will we be brave like the REAL Ukraians who stayed? or "run away" just accepting more control taken by the global "power few". I am sorry but they are like Putin. Fine go back to watching that singer on SNL last nite with 3 inch nails. If you seriously can not see we are insane .. you will NOT fit into this THINKING group. But as long as we continue to BUY IN to their agenda things will remain WITHOUT the quality of life even pioneers had. With an outhouse and no heat but fire their REAL humanity was better than ours is now.
You still have a choice .. everything has been taken from us .. our health, our security, our connections replaced by DIVISION, and our "community" (replaced by a screen) .. you cn choose to start a NEW SYSTEM. We start with a hub of a basic Formula (win /win QoL for all) and we all add our expertise until will replace their A I nonsense with our HUMAN INTELLIGENCE blockchain community.
The brace Ukrainians CHOSE to believ they could win against the mighty Goliath. Imagine an old grandmother making Molotov cocktails! Shame on those people who ran away. It is YOUR country, not every other countries problem. Take some responsibility! But you just leave your men behind to suffer alone?? Some Ukrainians RETURNED home to help. Sorry to be mean but I have never unstop refuges. Fight for your country! When you come to Canada you sure seem to love it not learning the language or our customs. Feels like women who want to be equal except when it is inconvenient.
Now .. if I lost some of you in anger, I HOPE I am speaking some truth. Nothing is all truth, so of course there are exceptions .. but I am just so impressed and proud of those Ukrainians who love their country and are willing to SACRIFICE for it. I wonder how many of us will sacrifice, the latest craze, bigger, better, faster .. in order to take away the power structure's ridiculous extreme waste of REAL resources. Imagine the garbage we create with our excess of everything.. our SHALLOW consumption. Let's repioneer and get back our REAL quality of life. Time to relax with our friends becaseu we feel SECURE, time to take in nature .. not just the shade of concrete towers, where we know NO ONE.
choose our attitude .. more of us!
We can CHOOSE to believe we can win against "them". Do not ignore that we too are in a WAR! Where do you think our jobs will come from? Driverless is all the rage .. but 17% of jobs are tied to transport! And you can't even get a job in a dollar store .. the cashiers are ROBOTS or A I . Why do we need unbiased newspapers journalists or even TV news .. there is enough Propoganda to fill our mind. Where do you thonk we will get jobs? We are a PAIN to the power structure. We complain not paid enough and we get sick, do you really think they want us around. I guess that's why they made us sick with their sugar and chemicals in all our "food" .. once we die off .. they can use the fuel for their jets and not worry about us needing any.
So be very sure .. we too are in a WAR, just as yet safer than Ukraine .. but starving is just a slower way of dying than a bomb. If we stick together and share the talents each of us was given we can still FIX THIS! But we have to BELIEVE it!! With more RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, and RESOURCE MANAGEMENT we can WIN .. a better quality of life for us all! There are still a few GOOD Corporations and they will parter with us to IMPROVE THEIR BRAND, from fake CSR to REAL caring for others rather than just profit!.
John Dickerson CBS spoke of Frankl with respect to Ukrainians today. I have used his thought above. BUT .. as is usual when MORE research is done I do nt have the story quite right. This article (Logotherapy) is more like the serenity prayer .. if you must ACCEPT what is .. AND CAN NOT CHANGE IT .. we must change OURSELF. So I guess first we will be like Ukraine and try to fight ALL our control over life being taken from us by those few POWER families that OWN everything. We may NOT win .. and then we will have to change direction .. but first let's have the same courage and sacrifice that Ukraine is making for their freedom.
Our freedom has slowly been eaten over the last decades. Now our ability to live INDEPENDENTLY is being taken away faster and faster. How do we live without jobs. If they give us money will we need MORE passport checks than just covid .. like a lobotomy so we are NEVER a problem to them? We were FORCED to get a vaccine we did not want JUST TO WORK Vacine's take 8 years to test. Why was this one ready in a month? 2 choices .. it WAS ready and needed a covid .. or at least it was NEVER tested long enought o be truly safe. But since our brains have been fried with the toxins of their "progress" we have NOT been paying attention! Let's do our very best to get our independence back, by forming our OWN systems.
Pioneers had nothing, the CHURCH was probably FIRST. Our "CHURCH" is our share FAIR community, nd then we will build NEW systems.. the first pioneers did it we second pioneers can to. Except we see what complication and silo systems has done. OurSYSTEM is not silos .. it is a HUB of ASSETS of PEOPLE .. HUMAN Intelligence. Our many resources other than ($) can be traded to hav everyone win. The original Pioneers never came to build another WIN/LOSE system. Our members including our corportae partners ALL win. Instead of FAKE virtue signalling CSR .. our partners really DO want to revise capitalism to be HUMAN. If Friedman and Rand could destroy our siocity (profit is all that matters) We surely can bring back a BETTER reality. We have MORE brilliance than them and leaving behind those unwilling to follow our mantra we will do GREAT! Our mantra is the opposite to today's shallow, fake, extreme "me first, screw you" society. If we RESPECT all and TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, we can certainly manage our resources better than "they" have. We can restore our quality of life working together.
Frankl Logotherapy Right now this is too complicated and new for me. BUT .. I wonder if my ranting about why we are never taught what we are good at .. instead of all the stupid useless education we get?? (Hey! I was a teacher of the most NB subject (HOME ECONOMICS!) and it was taken OUT of the curriculum .. to keep us stupid about MANAGING OUR RESOURCES? Any wonder I am angry about education?) So Frankl's focus is our "search for meaning in life" .. which I have NEVER understood! "I want "meaning in my life" just NEVER spoke to me.
See how we shut out things that we do not quickly understand! Now that I skimmed that article link .. I think MY whole obsession with finding our skills and talents is just another approach to finding our (meaning) or PURPOSE to our life! That really is quite evil it was taken away from us, with useless education! I guess my thinking was I want to be useful and valuable in some way if I am going to use up resources of the earth. Amazing how we sometimes can NOT "hear" each other! yet if we COULD we would LIKE what is being communicated. Wow I hope you learn just a quarter of what I learn in "talking" to you. we communicate on paper or digitally too. What a complicated life we now live. no wonder we simplify!!
Sorry! If you are worried about paying rent my blather is so irritating I am are! please feel free to bounce around this website and you will find repetition so skimming is good. As yet it is totally prototype not even complete or edited! If no jobs are available or you are sick of no respect fro employers, please go to ALIS. It is an Alberta website AMAZING at teaching us to investigate what we are good at! In our community we will trade our skills but using the blockchain it will not need to be one to one trading! We are building a whole new system with our ASSETS .. HUMAN assets that have been totally forgotten in our being ENAMOURED with STUPID A "I". Intelligence hah sure .. more like IDIOCY.Hah lets make the I = IDIOCY. That is awesome because it is EVERYTHING wrong with our lives!! ARTIFICIAL IDIOCY! Everything we tough and do is artificial .. and then we have the nerve to talk AUTHENTIC!!! OK I am buying that name!
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
This child understands better than us .. or at least me. I find it so hard not to over and over whine that it is "just not right! not fair! there is no justice!" It seems selfish Left Brain really have taken over the world, those Warriors more comfortable with fighting than the PATIENCE that understanding and compromise take. We should be empathetic .. because their brain is sadly NOT EQUIPPED WITH PATIENCE FOR CAREFUL INVESTIGATING TO UNDERSTAND. A quick WIN? LOSE battle is much EASIER and FASTER for their brain wiring. Perhaps we have to learn compassion and accepting they tend to WIN, while we investigate truth.
When I finally researched the "Let it be" song's FAME .. I thought how true, I am always staying sensitive about things wasting energy Brain "hamster wheeling". Perhaps Left brains "let it go" and get back to work on their action task completion. it began to take on new important meaning to waste less time being sensitive. After learning Victor Frankl's work was to help us ACCEPT what we can NOT change this video clip took on TEARFUL new meaning. How sad but true. What a wise intuitive child, cheering adults in the bomb shelter in Ukraine! see serenity prayer below.
Sat. Mar. 26, 2022. more work on this later
I see why my work is so disjointed. I have 100,000 ideas on PAPER in my place, but now those ideas get THROWN somewhere on my website in an effort to share MY QUESTIONS more quickly. Apologies!
Someone said they just saw the immersive Van Gogh exhibit. First I was jealous and then I started the ranting. "Is it not overwhelming? .. just TOO MUCH?" My friend pondered a moment and agreed it was even creating DIZZINESS! Hah .. more imbalance for our stressed lives! We lead lives of PURE imbalance, with the overwhelm of extreme everything. Can't anything be simple and plain anymore? Guess not.
Van Gogh's work is fascinating .. something to ponder over, the colours, the shapes, how he changed the normal style of painting. So let's take it and project it everywhere! I could see maybe doing 2 walls to make the smaller photos huge to enjoy on screen, but all dimensions of the room? .. so over the top! Sorry producer guy .. very creative of you .. BUT why so EXTREME? It's like everything in our lives MUST BE OVER THE TOP. It shows something is wrong. Shows we must not be happy with ourselves or our life?
Hah .. NOW I know what is disturbing about our society! EVERYTHING FEELS LIKE A COMPETITION, like a child always yelling "see ME .. I'm better, pay attention to me instead!" Maybe a society whose children were raised as "I'm special" would be expected to turn out like that! Never mind the OTHER guy .. I NEED all attention. So that is what is stressful about our society to quiet sensitive "thinkers" .. the incessant COMPETITION for attention! The "Screamers" are always ON.
Why does everything in today's society have to be MORE? If the real purpose was of sharing creativity in a REAL honest SHARE way .. it would be Wonderful. But today the extreme is never "look how cool this is, I want to share with you" it is INSTEAD a competitive "look at me, I am the COOLEST, the most creative, the most important." Today most things are not for REAL HUMAN SHARING AND CONNECTION, they are to show the producer as THE BEST .. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, EXTREMELY THE TOP, most CELEBRATED. Sharing in a competitive way .. is not the same as sharing found or invented joy TOGETHER. We can INTUITIVELY sense this if we PAY ATTENTION! If we go in a restaurant that is in it for the glory, the trophy .. it will not have the same wonderful vibration as the owner or chef who truly just wants to SHARE JOY. But not everyone pays attention to their inner voice, their intuition. And sometimes it is WRONG .. but more often than not it is right! A competitive society is a "WIN/ LOSE!" group of humans. I suggest sports fans may be the Left brains?The Warriors, the police and army people, the right vs wrong SIMPLIFIERS. we will build WIN/WIN.
We Right Brain worrier thinkers are not "win /lose" mentality .. we are "A WIN/ WIN sharing community" sensitivity. We all are winners and if we put our "special" talents together, we create a Quality of Life (QoL for all) Society. Everyone contributes and there ARE no losers! We share and some will do better, and have much MORE. BUT .. ALL our members will have respect and value and basic needs met, in a less stressed economy. We can produce cool exciting things, but NOT in a COMPETITIVE SPIRIT .. but a shared spirit!
Elevators are good .. save our energy. Taken to extreme in concrete 50 floor condo "homes", only serve to destroy neighbourhood and community which is the basis of our humanity. We completely destroyed neighbourhood before and learned NOTHING. We took the invention of the CAR to EXTREME. We never even walked to the corner store! Suburbs with big lots destroyed neighbour and small biz connection. Freeways divided old established neighbourhoods with pavement and added toxic fumes. It was not just lead pipes that fried our brains, but also ?40 years of LEADED GAS. (But just in case it turns out toxic, let's put that thruway thru the (Buffalo) Black section, or maybe white ears just did not want the noise or ugly fence?) And if that is too "woke"? for you .. go away. Wake up. Hmm .. maybe so many injustices have been created with the pretence of stupidity?
50% of jobs will be left by 2030 .. that is SEVEN .. 7 years away! Thanks drones and self driving cars and A I. Good luck eating, people, enjoy your tent. OR .. we have to take back personal RESPONSIBILITY. Refuse to work for "the man" unless he has HUMANITY left in his soul!
see .. mission
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.