Tues. May 24, 2022. 12 warning signs above .. I suggest this article is dealing with mean, maybe cruel people. Evil is even further on the SELFISH SPECTRUM. "Stressed selfish and shallow" is step 1 on the SCALE TO EVIL. Just to cope we must SIMPLIFY usually meaning focus on SELF and complete tasks in a SHALLOW manner. Our society makes too many of us stressed selfish and shallow leading to STUPID. Stupid is solving problems with no past CAUSE or future CONSEQUENCE being considered.
We live in a fast easy convenient obsessed society. The formula for future collapse. Unfortunately that "future" was noticed decades ago and now like with our environmental DISRESPECT .. it may be too late. If we who are still kind, considerate people BAND together against those selfish, mean and cruel we still may survive. If you are "STRESSED SELFISH AND SHALLOW" .. wake up, TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY and join us in a return to our HUMANITY. Without sacrifice and personal responsibility we and our society will NOT survive.
How about we forgive instead? .. Revenge will not undo the act, you will still be grieving a loss regardless.
Forgive ? .. Especially considering their Right brain hemisphere wiring is MISSING! they are shallow and can only think of THEMSELF.
Wed. Mar. 23, 2022
Duality! Everything really is good and bad. I have HATED the idiot control of masks saving us from something that kills less than heart disease. I spent 2 years HATING those masks. Now I can take it off and I want it back. Now I have to check my teeth for food, brush! to be sure my teeth look clean, and worry there is a horrible black witch chin hair growing and people can focus only on my horrifying chin or the wrinkles that show my age. HAH! Am I too late learning we should just be calm and take everything with plus and minus .. always focusing on the PLUS!! .. ?? Do not be a slow learner like me!
HE IS NOT EVIL EITHER! I have read only 3 paragraphs and his words are VERY reasonable! I was so angry because he wrote a book "There is no free lunch". (what? he does not even want to feed starving kids? What an EVIL man!) see 1975 interview below re "Freedom" and laws on our PERSONAL freedom.
"The only people in the United States who have effective freedom of speech are people like me who are tenured professors at major universities on the verge of retirement; we don’t have much to lose.
Suppose one wants to go out and ride a motorcycle without a safety helmet, is he free to do it? No. Why shouldn’t one be? It is his life, isn’t it? What business is it of the government saying that one mustn’t threaten his life by NOT putting on a helmet?
Remember that if an individual goes out on a motorcycle without a helmet and splashes himself all over the pavement, a government subsidized ambulance will come to pick him up and take him to a government subsidized hospital and bury him in a government subsidized cemetery and provide government subsidies of welfare and relief to his wife and children.
The government has a real vital interest in how you handle yourself. You don’t belong to you. You belong to the government. When you say is the battle of freedom being lost, there is just no doubt. "
Milton Friedman from Hoover.org
Tues. May 24, 2022.
Have been HATING ON Friedman and RAND, and now saw this! WHAT??
I am beginning to see a pattern .. do people think of GOOD ideas and then they somehow are always turned evil? can't think names right now .. I believe Neitzsche and ? Marx and Engels now are considered EVIL .. but their ideas were perverted, by media Propoganda and politics? .. not their original thoughts! (Today socialism is made to seem evil .. what is wrong with EVERYBODY eating, before I get my 3 mansions and jet??) Yike a very SCARRY THOUGHT.
THIS means our good ideas are never listened to because the aim is WRONG. All my life I could not understand why things did not work for the common man. Is the game really to keep the masses under control and losing? It surely seems that way now with covid. If things never made sense in the 50's now they are insanely STUPID. We are run by Evil, Aliens or STUPID beings. Chose one .. there are no other choices. This is depressing .. why were all these people's ideas twisted unless the aim is success ONLY for those few on top? OK! if you follow ME .. they can no longer DO that becasue we are all promoting this together NOT their Propoganda machines. I am NOT on google or using search to get found. I am using REAL people and REAL organizations providing them a toll or PRE published BOOK>
Maybe it was taken out of context and to extreme?
Even a family Dining business must stay in the black! Employees must NOT give away free lunches, or waste time or food. Everybody must get paid fairly, plus customers treated well so they come back. "profit" or at least a little left over after everything is paid is a MUST to stay in business. If people lent you money for a BIG restaurant they are shareholders and they also want payment for investing. The profit given to them is their "pay" for investing. So profit is NOT bad. HAH! NOTHING IS BAD .. only when taken to EXTREME is anything bad. I always forget this TRUTH with respect to Medicine. I demonize it and forget the wonderful things it can do.
Amazing surgeries and drugs that actually help disease are wonderful. But I forget because I too am closed minded and simplify. Our lives are too complicated and overwhelmed .. so we SIMPLIFY areas we have made decisions on. Then we divide into opposite camps. If we stop and breathe and Speak and LISTEN calmly
Our new focus to avoid demonizing anything .. is maybe there is always good and bad in everything. Cars were an awesome way to get around without a barn and horse. But too extreme, forgetting e had LEGS TO WALK WITH! .. we created toxic gas fumes and had everything PAVED over.
I especially hate the INTERNET now. We took it to such stupidity and DYSTOPIA. Yet I am then losing out on the amazing things it CAN do .. IF USED IN MODERATION. I mean look at my "book". I can "publish" a book with barely any cost and I can share it YEARS before it is complete or ready! I can add pictures at no extra cost .. colour photos that a decade ago were too expensive to print!
Is it possible the WEST is hated for our extreme lack of balance and moderation in life?
EVIL .. universe sent!!! Is it Seth Meyers late show? was all over Bush’s slip of the tongue. Iraq war .. evil.
Weird! Why asking Re epidural? Less tolerance for pain = greater sensitivity. And Being “sensitive”, Makes life harder in MANY ways. (Yeah yeah, excuse) Thank you! I am building a KIND vs selfish begins EVIL spectrum! I always forget how NB sensitive is. ☹️ 🤑 👺 or 😚 😇
Shrink next Door To be a (shrink) you would have to be Left brain .. or other's traumas would eventually destroy YOUR own well being and Health.
Fri. Nov 26, 2021 .. can we be more compassionate for our now divided IMBALANCED brains?
Philosophers are the Thinkers wondering about the BIG picture of us. Psychology is about the SELF. It has become less about Humans as a whole, in our "I'm special" society, less about considering other's well being too. I wonder had I had time for "therapy", would anybody have helped me learn to understand my daughter's behaviour .. or just allow me to demonize and then separate .. while paying big $$?
Does IaIn McGilchrist's work also affect Therapy? Psychology? I had to gain this understanding of family conflict through years of research for myself. I am gradually beginning to see why ever .. my daughter would say I am abusive! Before "Divided Brain" that sounded idiotic and offensive having lived a life of REAL abuse. Throwing the "abuse" word of trauma around .. nonsensically was very unacceptable to me.
Now I realize I ASSAULT with too many WORDS and ideas. To a Left brain it feels like an attack trying to overwhelm, complicate and confuse. A Left brain "Warrior" (link) must then lash out in defence. Hence my constant "You are MEAN .. I am not". I feel assaulted when someone talks fast or does stuff fast .. like in the restaurant chooses the food and beer (of 145) quickly .. wait a minute! This is too stressful for me ! slow down already! We are stressed in opposite ways!! Kind of like the Turtle and the hare race. we are quiet and slow EXCEPT if we are on a "thought roll". Then we drive even more "Balanced Brain"people crazy. But I have focused on my own trauma, not the trauma we Thinkers cause for others, more goal focused approach..
This new understanding also changes all of my King's "The Stand" good vs evil thinking. I think maybe instead it is right vs left brain conflict. (yet written before 1978? Hmm .. there has always been good vs evil .. Is it now just a difference in brain wiring? I can NOT behave differently, more " just get 'er done" no matter how hard I try. Why do we expect "them "to stop simplifying to accomplish the immediate goal?
If we are constantly told we are "crazy", delusional, can't see reality, "think too much", expect too much, are judgemental, always have an excuse .. eventually a right brain begins to believe it . In discussing "the Shrink Next Door" on Jimmie Fallon someone said "How can this actually happened to a person? .. I guess "DEATH BY ONE THOUSAND CUTS!" Isn't that kind of the effect of (mental) Emotional abuse? If your Thinker detailed ideas are DISMISSED over and over for years .. eventually you lose your sense of worth and value. So stay away from extreme opposite relationships! They will always be a struggle!
movie comments .. scroll down to comments .. is it my take below from yesterday .. OR ..today (Fri. Jan 21/22) on re reading .. is the girl saying terrible movie, the one who is AWAKE and thinking??.. and the others are just sheeple? I am too old for all these questions! If I get no partners soon .. I am going to a mountain or beach to "relax read", never mind more of a life of RESEARCH .. no more trying to figure this world out!! I will leave it to you now, your turn. I voiced "tired of this confusion myself now". I have assaulted my daughter wiyj it all her life and now I finally feel like she must feel! Assaulted with CONFLICTING confusing ideas. Is that why the old people here are so horrible? they are just tired of Brain mind WORK (action)? .. "Just let me relax now and look after me .. finally!! yike this is new! I hope a partner grabs me soon .. my perseverance is coming to an end. If you are connected, get me partnered if you think this has value!
this first person commenting on movie sounds like my T. if I rant about how good something is, she will say opposite. Do they feel a need to be different? Sadly with her it is ONLY me that is forever wrong. Others are ok .. so she does not even really fit .. or maybe all her friends are more balanced brain than me! Hah! Poor kid .. spending a lifetime with a curious never stopping the "what about ...?" could drive one crazy. I am learning to be much more empathetic and take half the blame. I think it is. combination of dad accounting genes, horoscope opposite AND the Left Brain. That trifecta probably makes it IMPOSSIBLE for us to ever agree.
Thanks kid, for thanking me that you have apple care (sarcasm!).. after I was told for years how stupid I was. Now you use it one month before it expires. OMG if it was expired, I would be the one in trouble. But it does feel good to know it its NOT MY PROBLEM. I have tried to be decent and that is all we can do. If the bully wants to keep bullying we have to learn to IGNORE .. or go home a different way .. just because we hate conflict NOT because we are weak. It is just very sad to have no relationship though. Glad she does just fine with lots of friends and biz associates. Her dad was the same though. treated me terribly .. yet my whole family loved him.. ? So watch out .. do not invite Left brain into your life if you are right brain!
As usual I diverge .. movie comments above .. I am so curious why this person sees movie so differently, his upbringing? people were always hard on him so now he is hard on others? Was he first and now wishes he never was so critical? is he looking at the movie with fresh eyes now? or is he now AT WAR WITH THESE STUPID PEOPLE WHO LIKE IT?
OR .. are the positive comments from those "sunny disposition" people, who always see the good in everything? That can also be OBLIVION which can be SELFISH! Are the nice comments from people who think I am a Debbie Downer (SNL)? Yup, I am sick to death of being the bad guy! Sick of always thinkng .. OR? .. BUT? and "what about .. ?". Can I just live between Phila and NYC and study their architecture and history? Take my art TV, I am FINALLY sick of this, bored of same old! Just give me enough "system" ROYALTY for my kids pension and security and my rent in NYC/Phila. You can have the billions. But if you do not USE IT FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF THE DISADVANTAGED .. I will haunt you HORRIBLY .. even in hell!!
NBC nightly news Thursday, Jan 20, 2022 ..you know, ordinary don't matter, people like us .. just GONE by suicide or murder or maybe accident. This mother was not cared about by "LAW" enforcement for 4 years. Usually nobody in power or "law enforcement" cares. Does that tell you what is wrong with the WHOLE SYSTEM? Yes! Too many laws, too much "order", but not enough CARING. Guess there is no epidemic in disappearing? Interesting .. I wonder why we never shut down the world for THAT VIRUS ???? Am I conspiracy -ist crazy lady? No .. I think FAR too much gets past us with NOBODY questioning the very strangeness of it all!
"Conspiracy Theorist" is a derogatory term created to dismiss "Truly Thinking" curious people .. so their questions WILL NOT GAIN ANY TRACTION. Wake up people, we have been asleep far too long.
Another proof we are asleep or WORSE, totally STUPID? .. we act like little children expecting DADDY (Joe Biden) to solve everything! Are you an idiot? .. you think your president is magic or god or just a parent you believed when they said "don't worry, baby I will always keep you safe". Grow up people! I am sick of being the ADULT .. since I was like 8 years old, wondering about your very strange COKE habits. ("I'm thirsty .. get me some brown .. sugar water." I would have invented bottled water 40 years before its time, were I an adult. So a child in the 1950's was smarter than we are today?? YIKE!!! I also wondered why we built our precious body with Weston's white bread and Kraft dinner and ketchup .. I swear I was about 8 .. and loving architecture already, I figured bodies should be built with quality (bricks) like buildings, in order to serve us well, and showing our respect. Today everything is planned obsolesce and we create garbage even with 200$ coffee makers used once!! We deserve to be wiped off the creators earth. (But DAMN IT .. why are tsunamis' etc always hitting the cultures that never caused this horrible devaluing of resources , and human. Does anything make sense?
I rant about us LOSING our brain wiring due to toxic "progress". So what made brains increase before we built symbol communication? so may questions! Smithsonian see second paragraph
Spell check is SO TERRIBLE, that I swear it is a PLOT to not let us communicate! When I write, I just go fast .. like the flying thoughts circling in my brain's thinking. I have BRILLIANT ideas to share with you! ; < : > ? When I come back later sometimes even NOT weeks later, sometimes shortly to edit .. I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THE HELL THE IDEA WAS. I am not great at typing but surely I should be able to decipher what was mistakenly typed? Words will have no meaning in the sentence. I swear their A I is catching me in my great thought .. and saying "whoops we can't let people be thinkIng about this idea she is spending catching us in our SCAM. We will just make the idea unintelligible!" One word sometimes is kind of the Lynch pin of an idea. And off I go to my tree twigs .. in our stupid society are we not ALLOWED to say LYNCH pin .. or the "Screamers" and WOKE "police" will shut me down? OMG .. so we have big brother ro watch out for .. but maybe even worse .. our own people!! Those who "think" they are improving the world .. SO SORRY .. but your actions are SHALLOW AND STUPID! Try to re learn how to think and go a little deeper into human INTELLIGENCE again. I know processed food fried our brains but you are helping THEM win. Please come back to OUR side .. the good thoughtful (and trying to COMPROMISE and be fair) masses.
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.