Sun. Jan 30, 2022.
(so how many revisions and edits does writing take? This is revision 2 and still nowhere near done!)
If we have a good "heart", we are kind, giving, understanding and considerate! That "heart" reference has NOTHING to do with our "body Heart" pumping erratically or being strong! These are 2 totally different ideas using the SAME word! One Heart a physical body organ and the other "heart" is a ?soul or character behaviour. One heart misfunctioninq, can quickly kill us, or it keeps our body alive every minute and we never even think about it! The other "heart" word we use, makes us human. Maybe I am just weird, but it seems we have a very UNCLEAR way of communicating. I also have no real idea what a soul vs spirit is. Once we get our communication going, I look forward to learning more from all the special knowledge you all have.
Our brain is exactly the same .. but it feels like we have no real clue what mind vs brain really is. Our Brain is a body organ that mostly functions to make our body work and keep us alive. Our Brain function is AMAZING, more complex than any computer! But it is a physical component of our body .. not our soul or spirit. "Mental" illness is NO DIFFERENT than heart, lung or insulin malfunction, except it involves the BRAIN! woooo .. so terrifying. Of course our fabulous MULTI job Brain can malfunction! Why ever should this be shocking, Scarry or involve stigma?? Very strange indeed.
Unlike our Heart .. Our MIND does evolve from the Foundation of our brain. Our MIND or maybe our soul? or our character evolves from our brain. Our Character comes especially from whether we have more Right or Left hemisphere wiring. The toxins of "progress" have destroyed a great deal of our brain wiring. We are no longer as smart and in fact DISABLED. Is that not a more hopeful thought than we have become EVIL?
Compared to our Physical brain .. our MIND is more changeable. The brain's wiring and function can be improved with supplements, and exercise etc, but it takes a little time to reshape. But our MIND we can change in an INSTANT! We say .. "use your brain, stupid!" .. and that can be true. Our Right brain THINKS, while our Left brain ACTS. Sadly, we have become a society of "Doers", quickly wanting results and "success". We use our thinking brain hemisphere little. Those in power are OCD or short sighted on profit. Those trying just to survive, overwhelmed .. have no time or energy to put into past cause, future consequence analytical thinking. Mostly using our Left brain is what has collapsed all our systems. Short sighted "success" is not REAL success that will create REAL Quality of Life.
The mission here is to rebuild our quality of life to BETTER than it was .. even before covid destroyed it further. Understanding how our physical brain affects our behaviour helps a great deal. Then we can work to fix it! Not even knowing .. we just continue to bumble along BLINDLY. had perfect later I will relate this. perfectly to Myopia, and HyPER opia .. partial "blindness". Those with some BALANCE left in their brain are the ones who can make this happened, help us be able to SEE better! Able to balance thinking with acting, these are the Leaders that can help us reduce our missing hemisphere LIABILITY .. by working together even turning Liabilities into ASSETS. If there really are far more still balance brain people .. we have no problem getting ourselves out of this impossible mess we created.
But the reality is, we need to use our MIND more. We can CONTROL OUR MIND MORE EASILY AND MORE QUICKLY. So right now as any thinker feels completely HOPELESS .. we must recognize our MIND is our greatest tool. We have a choice to control it! It is harder for Right brain Thinkers who are always floating in the clouds thinking, creating, designing, or inventing. Get some self discipline, guys! I have NONE .. so I know this is our problem, but we CAN do it .. it IS possible. (examples)
Our BRAIN character (R vs L prevalence) does control our patience and ability to multi TASK .. vs multi THINK. Once we know our character flaw, too much of either R/Think or L/Do, INSTEAD OF THE BALANCE NEEDED .. we can use our MIND to do it a little better. And we utilize the more balanced souls to mentor and coach us .. to balance our community's goals. Just work together, just love everybody is very shallow, and only POSSIBLE when we begin to UNDERSTAND each other. Right now we only demonize each other. The basis of this battle is our R/L focus difference! We drive each other crazy, because of our OPPOSITE approach. The Right is too slow to act and the Left too rushing and it makes us Thinkers nervous. Understanding is step one! Now we can feel compassion and start working together!
We are losing our humanity in the stress we have built into our unsustainable society. OR .. have we already lost our "Humanity". Our "soul? hearts" are not as kind anymore, as our great grandparents were. But then, no wonder! We are stressed out of our MIND .. just in trying to survive. There is no more security of any kind and this destroys our humanity. We need to be able to feel calm at the end of a working day. Hmm! Is our soul our "heart MIND"? We have destroyed our physical body (our brain wiring) but as a result also our ?"heart mind"! oh no! We are idiots! What the hell were we thinkng?
We were not thinking! .. or at least the "successful" Left Brains would not listen to our ideas, or give us credence. Power is always taken by fast short sighted Left brain souls) We used to be kind and caring of others (many many still are!) but too many of us are rushing around just trying to stay afloat. Civility on the street is gone, never mind MANNERS! Totally overloaded it is HARD to not be selfish and focused only on our own welfare. Let's change this terrible picture now. Let's form a Co-operative were members share like in the old Pioneer days. they had no police, courts, government or even MONEY. But they survived in less luxury than we have. let's get back to basics and FIX everything!
This theory of everything is mostly about how our brain has affected our societal decline, but how our mind gives us INDIVIDUAL control to change it!
Our BRAIN, a body part that functions to make all the pieces work has a flaw. But a flaw in our heart body part or our lung body part has no stigma. In the words of TO Mayor Tory "We don't LOOK DOWN ON people who have any other diseased body part! It is our BRAIN .. a physical part of our body that is flawed, disabled .. it is NOT our mind! Yes we get frustrated and irritated at old dementia people but I think they do not get the same "fear and loathing". Am I right that their brain wiring is no longer functioning properly?
I would say a person who can seriously say, and BELIEVE that a freezing homeless person should just have worked harder .. is far more "mentally ill" than a BRILLIANT manic depressive thinker (me and other leaders and inventors!! sorry I have been put down forever .. guess I better build my SELF up.)
P.S. hah! Do us Right Brain get "manic" when we think of all the possibilities!! we can invent and design? Then we SEE all the problems and struggles of many in our reality and fall into despair? The trick is to remember the magic magnet. The creator (the awesome CEO .. developer of the cosmos) wants all his "staff" to succeed and be the person he meant them to be. Even a janitor has GREAT value, or just a floor sweeper. So no falling into despair .. just know this society is NOT the one the CEO planned.
Our Society (people together) is supposed to be more like Paradise and LESS LIKE HELL. But for ALL of us .. not just Paradise for Left brains who are those most able to succeed. Only looking straight ahead and NOT toward OTHERS, allows you more easily to reach your own goal. Thinking of others makes accomplishing far harder. Those able to think of ONLY "self" and "NOW" win. But with no VISION to the future, or LEARNING from the past the win is temporary. As we see now, all our Systems are collapsing and "success" was a figment of our imagination. For true, lasting REAL success, Right Brain hemisphere (thinking) is a total MUST. Our brains are no longer balanced. We are all Brain Disabled but on a spectrum. Let's share our imbalanced brains (Liabilities) and working TOGETHER turn liability into ASSET. The ONLY thing we need today is MORE RESOURCES. Find an opposite brain spectrum person that you are ABLE to work with and we can fix this mess we made!
P. P. S .. too much of a difference between you, on the think/ act spectrum will NOT work .. so chose carefully. it is exactly like choosing a business partner, a visionary works with a Manager type, but too far apart think vs act will only be BATTLE. We have NO time for that. This business of saving the world or at least western society is URGENT!! Now think thru your connections who can you help and who can help your brain be more BALANCED again.
need new title?
So why the stigma? I say it was to dismiss those of us who think too much. we are always a PAIN to those in power. they want Doers to just work for them and not consider unfairness, or better ways.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
3:00 pm, April 11, 2022.
elevator buttons .. I was searching for these new horrors where you must choose your floor OUTSIDE the elevator and then you are at the elevators mercy with no other choice of control inside .. NO BUTTONS AVAILABLE! It is KIDNAPPING, evil CONTROL .. and should not be allowed. And .. after traveling 1 floor at about the speed I could RUN the stairs in my SLOW "old folks home" elevator, those TD elevators 100 mph speed is terrifying? What if they don't slow to stop .. I will be SMOOSHED into the ceiling or onto ground floor .. eeeyiih! Never thought downtown visit would be a NIGHTMARE. The whole BDO office floor, office after office, kitchen, lounge, beauty view .. ALL EMPTY .. devoid of any human for at least 10 minutes. What is happening? This is NOT rational?
Forget mental illness, = a not properly functioning brain. Forget 'depression" needing prozac - still stuck in same old STIGMA! we are ALL DEPRESSED TODAY .. you know like feeling despair and hopelessness, fear for the future? We lost the real word "feeling despair" to something needing a prescription! Obviously fear of not paying rent or ability to eat .. or even being ABLE to work creates anxiety and panic. Why the HELL would we go to a psychiatrist or therapist!! If we have bother subconscious struggles to work through sure .. someone who studies behaviour and can help us change our habits is great. But if we feel fear and sadness today please don't insult us with suggesting therapy or needing a prescription! If we are still HUMAN this is how we would feel. Only someone totally selfish or brain dead does not see the struggle of the masses today .. and its worsening in future.
Now .. after this interestingly COMPLETE covid disruption of our lives .. we are ALL EMOTIONALLY ILL! Everything is changed and unstable. The overload of stress OBVIOUSLY affects our stability.
repeated from home page?
Our Mind can create HOPE. Our brain is like our heart or liver, it just does its thing, making sure everything works. When the brain malfunctions we have DIS- ease. Our body functions will not work well. But our MIND we have control of, and with practise we can use it as a POWERFUL tool to improve our life!
We can scream at a RUDE citizen .. OR .. wonder if he is having a really bad day? We have CONTROL over our mind, which sends commands to our brain, which then controls our body. We can RE Learn SELF DISCIPLINE .. and take back control over our life. We don't need to live a life of more STUFF, but LESS and less .. actual "Quality of Life"!
But this does mean we have to take more Personal Responsibility than we have for decades! Sorry, but we really CAN blame irresponsible Boomers. But if we wake them up to the damage done, they will help us build a NEW simpler better SYSTEM that actually works! Really old Boomers remember a life of "Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do!" and we can learn from their wisdom. Those decades were so unlike our later complete disrespect of actual RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. The Natives respected nature. We came along and had less and less respect for anything but "self". Obviously now we must pay the price with collapsing systems and resources.
We were not taught the difference between brain and mind also to the detriment of mental illness. If our brain is not working correctly, we do not stigmatize a poorly working liver or heart! Why then is lack of chemicals causing depression etc. stigmatized? Brain chemistry too is just another PHYSICAL body FUNCTION,so why would it be stigmatized in INTELLIGENT humans? (Another example of how we really are no longer very brilliant?) Never mind, mental illness will be forgotten, because now MOST OF US ARE DEPRESSED. You know .. the kind of "depression" when you lose something and are grieving? The kind of depression considered NORMAL before the invention of Prozac and its prescription to everyone.
HAH! I wonder how many extra prescriptions are written because of covid despair? STOP! You are just destroying your body with their toxins for their profit. OF COURSE WE ARE DEPRESSED! We think about things, and have a heart even for sadness for others! Let's create our own HOPE, instead of a prescription! Let's create a new SYSTEM where we come back to REAL community and help each other like the Pioneers did! Cities and condos and high-rises have destroyed the neighbourhood and disconnected us. Reverse world Community will give us a way to get back together .. not just surviving but IMPROVING OUR QUALITY OF LIFE!
Our BRAIN .. is not our "MIND". Our brain is a physical body organ, where our mind is our spirit, our soul? Our Brain has 2 Hemispheres, the Right Hem. wants to "understand everything", while the Left Hem. just "USES things" to get the job done. The 2 Hemispheres used to be balanced, but now we have lost most Brain wiring through the toxins of "progress" and the few neurons left in the majority, create our character. If you are an action, DOING person life is easier, things are simple. If you are curious and questioning, contemplation takes more time to accomplish any decisive action.
We are now a very Divided Society. This is caused by loss of normal balance of BOTH hemispheres within each of us. The prevalence of OPPOSING brain Hemisphere wiring within far too many of us is causing our DEMONIZING the other. If we do not use the value of the other, there is NO HOPE FOR SOLUTIONS. Each side is necessary. The right thinkns and analyzes, the Left brain gets it all done. Most managers and CEO tended to more Left hemisphere wording. Whereas inventors and creators had more right brain wiring. Our only hope is to collaborate and share the ASSET each of us has. One hemisphere alone .. not balanced is a LIABILITY!
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Our MIND can create HOPE. Our BRAIN on the other hand is like our lungs or liver, but the brain makes sure that our body parts function automatically. When the brain malfunctions we have DIS- ease, and our body functions will not work well. If our heart is misbehaving we can probably not WILL it to work better. But our MIND we have more instant control of. With practise, we can use it as a POWERFUL tool to improve our life!
We can scream at a RUDE person on the sidewalk .. OR .. train our mind to WONDER .. if he is having a really bad day? We have CONTROL over our mind, which sends commands to our brain, which then controls our body. We can RE Learn SELF DISCIPLINE .. and take back control over our life. We don't need to live a life of more STUFF, but LESS and less .. actual "Quality of Life"!
But this does mean we have to take more Personal Responsibility than we have for decades! Sorry, but we really CAN blame irresponsible Boomers. But if we wake them up to the damage done, they will help us build a NEW simpler better SYSTEM that actually works! Really old Boomers remember a life of "Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do!" and we can learn from their wisdom. Those decades were so unlike our later complete disrespect of actual RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. The Natives respected nature. We came along and had less and less respect for anything but "self". Obviously now we must pay the price with collapsing systems and resources.
We were not taught the difference between brain and mind also to the detriment of mental illness. If our brain is not working correctly, we do not stigmatize a poorly working liver or heart! Why then is lack of chemicals causing depression etc. stigmatized? Brain chemistry too is just another PHYSICAL body FUNCTION,so why would it be stigmatized in INTELLIGENT humans? (Another example of how we really are no longer very brilliant?) Never mind, mental illness will be forgotten, because now MOST OF US ARE DEPRESSED. You know .. the kind of "depression" when you lose something and are grieving? The kind of depression considered NORMAL before the invention of Prozac and its prescription to everyone.
HAH! I wonder how many extra prescriptions are written because of covid despair? STOP! You are just destroying your body with their toxins for their profit. OF COURSE WE ARE DEPRESSED! We think about things, and have a heart even for sadness for others! Let's create our own HOPE, instead of a prescription! Let's create a new SYSTEM where we come back to REAL community and help each other like the Pioneers did! Cities and condos and high-rises have destroyed the neighbourhood and disconnected us. Reverse world Community will give us a way to get back together .. not just surviving but IMPROVING OUR QUALITY OF LIFE!
Our BRAIN .. is not our "MIND". Our brain is a physical body organ, where our mind is our spirit, our soul? Our Brain has 2 Hemispheres, the Right Hem. wants to "understand everything", while the Left Hem. just "USES things" to get the job done. The 2 Hemispheres used to be balanced, but now we have lost most Brain wiring through the toxins of "progress" and the few neurons left in the majority, create our character. If you are an action, DOING person life is easier, things are simple. If you are curious and questioning, contemplation takes more time to accomplish any decisive action.
We are now a very Divided Society. This is caused by loss of normal balance of BOTH hemispheres within each of us. The prevalence of OPPOSING brain Hemisphere wiring within far too many of us is causing our DEMONIZING the other. If we do not use the value of the other, there is NO HOPE FOR SOLUTIONS. Each side is necessary. The right thinkns and analyzes, the Left brain gets it all done. Most managers and CEO tended to more Left hemisphere wording. Whereas inventors and creators had more right brain wiring. Our only hope is to collaborate and share the ASSET each of us has. One hemisphere alone .. not balanced is a LIABILITY!
Alone, only thinkng or only doing .. we each are a LIABILITY to the earth. Just thinkng get s us nowhere! but acting without contemplating consequence is worse then NO simple minded "progress". Together, thinking first, acting second we are ASSETS to our community, we become RESOURCES for implementing solutions.
WE are not each other's enemy, the toxins that fried our brain neurons are the enemy of both of us. We need a new "War effort". A war against stupidity, division and not listening.
We used to EACH have BALANCED RIGHT plus LEFT HEMISPHERE BRAIN neurons or wiring. Get it together, people! Our boat is sinking while we do not listen to each other. All we do is argue and demonize "the other" (action vs thinker character). Hearing "THE OTHER" always makes for better solutions, because it was our NORMAL body, before we poisoned it with toxins. (Sugar in processed food, search simplicity, overwhelming stress, or just or just plain "I am special" selfishness.)
Missing our opposite Brain asset or Resource, (to think PLUS to act) will not work. Then demonizing those who could solve the problem is ridiculous! Thinkers don't get things done, but Action Brains "do" before thinkng things through. What was the cause of the problem? What are the unintended consequences of a quick uncontemplated solution? Action may be worse than inaction. If we were still just the Natives at least we would have clean water and air and our trees alive. Ohh .. but that is not considered "success" eh? Silly me. I have long hated myself for my indecisive inaction! Used to say if everyone was like me we would still be cave men. HAH! No More! thank you for letting me share to gain a new understanding. Creatives and visionary inventors have long been considered (weird) even mentally ill. Yet we would not have destroyed the planet! Quite enraging .. breathe .. be calm. Anyway.. unless we share our opposite ASSET, they are liabilities and we will DIE.
Listen, open our minds to opposing ideas. If an old lady all her life thinking one way ONLY about NO guns, and Yes, abortion can CHANGE her viewpoints .. or at least BE MORE OPEN MINDED, you certainly can! Yet I find myself in some areas still being very LEFT BRAIN. Left brain is closed minded, short sighted, not open to other facts or possibilities. Left brain people SIMPLIFY. So we all do that in many areas in our complex overwhelming lives today.
Maybe that is where racism comes from. HAH!! Interesting! Southerners tend to be Republican, I have always thought them (Left Brain) IMPATIENT ACTION people. So if others are taking their power or job away, and many of them are black skinned, it is nice and SIMPLE to demonize them. ("racism") A "warrior/ action" brain finds someone to blame, where a "worrier/ thinker" wants to understand (and finds something to agonize over!) Thank you for "listening" to my rambling curiosity! (That is interesting, eh? "I'm talkin' to you!" .. what movie is that quote from?)
We all want to be safe, secure, respected, connected, to belong and be cared for and valued. If we all want the same thing from life why are we enemies? I believe most humans are GOOD. Only a very few are truly evil .. those who underpay workers and treat with disrespect, so the have yachts and jets. Then disdain someone who is struggling saying "They should have worked harder like I did". That is true evil. How do they sleep at night. From undercover boss and secret millionaire those just obsessed with profit see they are HAPPIER being fair and treating those less fortunate with kindness and respect.
Why is "Vax, no Vax" like a war? Some who fear it, must take it because their job required it. Some who fear it feel not tested for a long enough TIME. Sometimes it takes years for bed effects to show up and too often they are not shared with us. Why can't it be an evil plot .. I mean Bezos admits going to space to get more resources and polite there instead.
Most non vaxers do NOT want to harm anyone else! They just want to educate people that our normal vaccines were tested for years before use. This fear creation through numbers including previously ill people and the rush to control everyone, just all seems very strange. It certainly feels like a desire to kill small business? .. or is just not far sighted enough to see the damage being done that will still exist LONG AFTER COVID IS FORGOTTEN (we have short memories) And why did this happen right when 5G was rolled out. Something that will do worse than the virus to our brains and body. THAT!! I find very very terrifying. 5G is terrible for us .. but we were too busy worrying about covid. (By the way it took 6 months longer to kill the same number of souls as HEART DISEASE does EVERY SINGLE YEAR. and covid could be blamed when it was poor lungs or diabetes that left a very unhealthy body knocked over by covid. So the covid numbers were absolutely inflated, yet heart disease kills 50% more? To be terrified of their vaccine is just being awake and THINKING. But if your brain is closed registering only right wrong good evil then we can not talk, discuss, debate LIKE WE USED TO. Do you not see things have gotten progressively worse every decade. Society can NOT work like this.
We Don't HAVE TO CHANGE OUR MIND, but unless we LISTEN and contemplate other viewpoints .. how can the BEST IDEA WIN? There is a reason we can no longer listen and think. "Progress"! The TOXINS of the "progress" that we think is so cool killed our ability to listen and think. The TOXINS of "progress" fried our brain wiring and we are left with only a bit of one of the hemispheres that USED TO BE BALANCED IN FUNCTIONING HUMANS. Are we still human if we don't function like one? If we turn every differing idea into INSULT and battle instead of DISCUSSION?? Is that still a human? Maybe robots dont need to take us over? maybe we are already unable to contemplate zombies?
We actually stopped thinking about 3 DECADES AGO ("The death of common sense" written in 1995!!) Where you paying attention and you worried as you watched all reason and logic leave our society. THAT creates real panic and loss of hope. But there are more people left who will listen than I have believed. I was in a family situation were NO IDEA was given credit .. I forgot that not everyone was raised in the same UN Nurturing childhood. Many people CAN still stop and listen with an OPEN mind. There is hope!! So I have to redo ALL my websites because I have had NONE. Thought if I could find tools to survive at the lowest ever ,it could surely help someone. but now ..
It is hard to find HOPE, when every day is conflict with no end in sight
There is no common sense or logic. Nothing makes sense. And if we try to suggest a better way .. we are DEMONIZED. This is actually because our brain wiring is fried. Right hemisphere can not ACT or DO what is needed, but Left hemisphere brains DO things too quickly without contemplation of possible problems. When we thinkers throw ideas it seriously confuses Action Brains .. frustrating and angering their warrior tendency. Instead of sharing the balanced brain sides we USED TO HAVE we frustrate each other , and then lash out. With so much not listening, and anger how is it even possible to hope/? seems delusional or just SHALLOW. Thos who today say don't worry, don't be so negative are not very samrt sorry to say. But unless we find something to be hopeful about .. it is definitely over.
I got so obsessed with finding why my family and I can not discuss, and I feel demeaned and disrespected. All I cared about was finding a reason. I thought all ?republicans? just hated discussing and simplified everything. I thought they just wanted to "get over it, and get er done" (hah! they do NOT like victims do they!) When I found our about the left right research of McGilchrist I forgot everything else. I honestly thought it was th end! But the LEFT BRAIN Action warrior brains are DISABLED from thinkng. the wiring has been destroyed by the toxins of progress. So we need empathy for the other. But what I forgot, being OCD on "the divided brain" OTHER THINGS MAKE UP OUR CHARACTER. Birth order, horoscope, geography and energy vibration, connections and belonging (NURTURING). Brain hemispheres is purely the PHYSICAL aspect of our character. (my family demeans me because it is the only ROLE MODEL behaviour they saw growing up. It is unconscious because it is all they saw and learned! That worsens the ability to LISTEN< THINK AND RECONSIDER. A Put down is far easier, than the CONFUSION of actually contemplating conflicting ideas!! Left brain Warriors want action .. thinkng is slow and wastes time. They get their "success" as CEO's but at what cost!!
As you read below .. remember that once we UNDERSTAND what is happening with our disabled brains .. it is far easier to see OTHER than only collapse! There IS a possibility of HOPE! I have forgotten I live with EXTREME right / left brain opposites .. but most of the world is still more balanced! We hear only the demonization in the Media .. but most of us though different, can still listen to each other for new ideas. We are NOT like what we see on TV .. totally divided. There is truly still a possibility for hope!
Sun? Jan 16, 2022
Seeing our MESS today .. It is actually very NORMAL to get tired of living. Calling it "mental" illness shows how very little we understand the BRAIN and mind it is connected with. Pretty ridiculous! The brain is PHYSICAL. If it does not work as it should, a DIS-EASE is present and our medical INDUSTRY will prescribe a drug. Our "depression" today has NOTHING to do with a chemical imbalance or missing ?seratonin. WE NEED NO DRUG! We NEED a return to common sense Human INTELLIGENCE and reasoning! I guess when we invented A I we decided we did not NEED H I? (HUMAN Intelligence)?? Our DESPAIR has everything to do with SEEING our reality of injustice, unfairness and pure stupidity. Our depression (or RAGE!!?) has everything to do with Thinking, wondering, creating and suggesting solutions, but never being listened to by those in power, failing us.
Without seeing any possibility for hope .. it becomes hard to go on. I propose we are the "Thinkers", with mostly Right Hemishere wiring remaining in our depleted brains. "Thinkers" (vs "action" managers) .. are usually less social, too busy investigating ideas and trying to design solutions. We are the visionary, the REAL inventors. But our "why's ..?" and "buts .." have NOT been appreciated by those who quickly just want to get the job done. THE COMPLICATIONS of past causes, or future consequences slow things down. The Power Structure mostly lives in the NOW, immediate simple minded action. We cause (past) / consequence (future) Thinkers frustrate Action people who like to simplify, to attain quick "success". We live in a society valuing instant, convenient simplicity, filled with extreme excess. We saw it was a formula for destroying REAL quality of life. Do we really think our life today is BETTER than when we had few conveniences?
Because we Thinkers feel alone, unconnected, not belonging .. it is easy to think of ways to get out of this hell. Our skills, Thinking, contemplating future consequences .. along with our creative designing of NEW systems have gone unappreciated. How many of us warned of this "apocalypse", but it's prevention fell on deaf ears. The "Action people" just went ahead anyway with their mindless "progress", no consideration of its affect on our future. What we foresaw is now here .. and it is an un-livable society, or DYSTOPIA. no (friggin!!) wonder we are depressed!!
For me .. the worst is now that I understand Left Brain, Action Warrior fully, I totally see it playing out in my family. I sadly know there is no hope to "talk sense" into FAR Left brain people, whether our parents, adult children, or friends. . (Instead of "talk sense", I should say .. help them see a more REAL truth, rather than just using one misleading "fact" that suits their purpose.) It is truly NOT "my way or the highway" or that I think my word is "god". A clearer, more CORRECT "truth" would just make life more livable. At least for us Right brains who want to UNDERSTAND the world. (see McGilchrist link below) And sometimes we know CLEARLY "their" beliefs are wrong .. they are ACTUALLY LIES. A world filled with LIES, we constantly must decipher .. is very hard for a Right brain "Thinker" to bear. Left brain Action people simplify to make their life easier. A Left brain Warrior has an enemy .. life is simple. We want to know why is he the enemy? "Truth" is hard .. and GREY .. things are usually not so easy as good vs evil, right vs wrong. "Truth" is complicated confusing HARD WORK, requiring confusing conflicting thinkng! This definitely makes our life HARD, and makes Warrior left brain hate our complication. Simplifying definitely makes the life of an Action Left Brain person FAR EASIER.
Truth is hidden today. This makes life purely constant stress, overwhelm and sensory overload. For many of us .. this is hell .. unbearable. We start to look for ways out. Since I lack any courage, and am good at whining and ranting .. I have been attempting to find other solutions than accidentally falling off a wharf. I hope something here might speak to you, if even just that many of us feel the same. Connected together we feel BETTER, and eventually it will be a REAL local place where we have a community for BELONGing.
Will we be able to stop Left brain Dystopia? (awesome Mc Gilchrist article) If we honestly just prefer to die, let's connect, create a community, and feel we belong .. at least here. Let's try, see if one of these 12 ideas can maybe help us feel a little better? (I have seen no point to continue living now for several years, but I hated leaving my "work" not even helping one soul. And my disaster apt suite (hoarding knowledge) should not be left to an enemy to clean up .. certainly not to my son! So my disorganized life and MESS has actually saved my life .. really for decades now.) And I guess my dream of somehow helping has stopped me .. but mostly I am just too scared? Jumping would surely leave me in a wheelchair for 3 more decades!!
So I do totally know how DESPAIRING you feel. And no prozac will help us! Ongoing Loss, Injustice and feelings of unworthiness are hard to deal with. Our Thinkng brain makes life more difficult. Left brains think of SELF and can more easily shut out others, at least those unconnected to them. We need to feel deserving of looking after OURSELF too, not just others. whoa .. forgot! This despair can also turn to RAGE .. lashing out! More on that shocking experience later. IF you feel rage stick with us too, I have felt that too. If a 74 year old entitled white lady can feel LSSH OUT rage we need to find some solutions! So we are going to BELONG here and support each other .. eventually LOCALLY, in our "CHURCH" .. Library, Cafe, General Store. I will see how we go about setting up a way to connect communicating for now. Hmm .. did "meet ups" turn into zoom meetings? hmm .. this is giving me new ideas!
Ok here are 10 ideas .. maybe a couple of them could help us feel better? We need YOUR skills in our community, because we are going to trade like in the old days. Nice rich people will be "share" holders too.
When we get too stressed and all over the place, we need to STOP. Clear investigative, analytical thinking is awesome. But how much of our life do we get trapped in questions or Scarry answers flying on a hamster wheel, but really going NOWHERE intelligent? That is not REAL "thinking", that is worrying and we MUST learn to quit it, and find DISCIPLINE .. or these days it will kill us! It will give us all manner of crippling disease. NOT a pretty way to die! WE have to find discipline to look after our own health. We can not help others if we have lost our mind .. or our health. Our mind is our brain controller.
So .. think about anything you love and focus on it. Cars? clothes? flowers? (I walk by a historic greenhouse but I never go in! We need to treat ourself better!) do we love architecture? books, old movies, birds, pets, jokes? What raises our spirits? If it is sunny, blue skies that make us feel better, but it is dark and dreary look at beautiful photographs on the web! Go on a HEY GO tour!! You can travel the world from home! Really!
Escape into whatever makes you ?high. After the blizzard the cold day today was gorgeous, snow still on the tree limbs. For some reason I felt high .. although I only know that from bipolar NOT Marijuana. Lucky me .. free high! See! we have to flip our thinking from negative to positive. BUT IT MEANS SHUTTING OUT THE DYSTOPIA WE KNOW IS OUR REALITY. Ignore! be oblivious. Why do non thinkers get to just be calm and cool about our disappearing quality of life? Not fair. Yet whining and raging will not make us FEEL any better. We NEED Self Discipline! We will learn MIND control! .. and look after US. We deserve to feel OK too!
Tues. April 19, 2022.
Mind control is a bad word ? used in the war or something? Well WAKE UP .. our mind has been controlled since advertising began to take over and we began eating TV dinners in the 60's. Soon they realized that adding sugar would fry our self discipline wiring, and we started with the ever increasing debt paying the banks ever more and more interest! We have been living totally mind controlled lives, ESPECIALLY with covid. Mindfulness and meditation are nice words trying to take back control, without getting in trouble with "the man".
Let's call it what it is. MIND CONTROL! Our mind has been controlled more and more especially today, by "THEM". WE need to take back control of our brain if it's not too late .. but I think we still can rescue our MIND.
I just went to grab a coffee. It is heading toward the END of April, ONE MONTH THROUGH the 3 months of spring. I sear I have recently been freezing MORE THAN IN WINTER. I have not changed my clothes, same coat I wore all winter, no spring clothes under it. I am freezing! It has to be that our mind is registering SPRING! YEY! FINALLY .. but then our body is saying "what the hell .. this is crazy!" So our mind ON ITS OWN is tricking our body! Can't we use this in ways to help us? Like the opposite in summer when dying of heat .. we just ? think of winter and then not mind the sweating? When I go out again I will try to FIX MY MIND .. focus NOT on feeling cold. Maybe we feel cheated becaseu we are MISSING spring! We don't even want to go out becaseu so miserable. So I will focus on the DATE not the temperature and I will BELIVE I HAVE CONTROL. I have definitely made this work in other situations. (later, explain subway stairs and summer HEAT experiences). Say I am carrying home a very heavy purchase. If I focus on how hard it is .. it is HARD! If I move my brain onto many of the questions seeking solutions I carry in my head .. I forget all about the heavy weight I am carrying! WE can be in control MORE of our life .. by controlling our MIND! But you have to believe it and FOCUS with SELF control!
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Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
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Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
damn .. can have no 12 box!
11) hwejekell
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.