Mon. Feb. 28, 2022
I live in a very immigrant area. I am constantly asking why the heck would you come here .. your country seems it would be nicer. One friend told me all about how it used to be in Eritria .. work relax enjoy family time and friends. It sounded wonderful .. mom's stayed home and actually RAISED kids to be good neighbours, everybody knew everybody and went to the cafes after work .. having each others back .. sounded HEAVENLY. But I asked again and she did say things had become westernized and more rushed. Probably still NOT like here. I wonder how many who come, thinking it is wonderful find they were sold a "bill of goods" whatever that means, a lie? Western ways are NOT good .. they have destroyed the planet with disrespect for nature and lack of care for consequences of actions.
Thurs. Mar 10, 2022.
Thinking is looking for answers that are correct .. answers and solutions that are TRUE. But if we are REALLY THINKING we may find the opposite to what we were looking for! writing article LUMEN
"Be Ready to Change Course As you narrow the scope of your research, you’ll be finding out things you didn’t know and encountering perspectives you hadn’t considered. Resist the temptation to ignore that which contradicts the conclusion you were heading toward. You might actually change your mind in the course of your research, and that just shows how flexible your thinking is. You can also keep an open mind about how you’re going to present your (argument)." By LUMENCANDELA .. OMG I must read this whole huge article .. I should DEFINITELY be PAYING for this knowledge (HUMAN INTELLIGENCE)!! No wonder I do NOT know how to write! I never knew I WAS a writer .. til 7 decades too late!! Don't let our "education" system mess you up .. like it did most of us! (THAT WAS THE PLAN! .. stupefy us so we are easy to CONTROL!)
Stupid is forgivable. EVIL is NOT. Even tunnel vision on profit excluding ALL OTHER LIFE ASSETS like HUMANS!! is forgivable. But physcopathic evil is not. I guess it should be because I forgive serial killers in that SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG with them. They would not WANT to be hated. But the power structure that has systematically destroyed us .. brain and health wise .. I hope are maybe ALIEN? They would think we are ants. If we set on a few ants we don't usually feel too sad. Hopefully they are alien, but I guess if they are Psychotic they also serve empathy? DAMN .. life has got just SP too complicated .. with our SHALLOW "progress" of only EXTREMES .. no more REAL invention and vision in last few years!Yes! The internet truly fried our brains. We CAN't THINK we just search and take the first fact. WE are so done!
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Mon., Feb 28, 2022
or at least those after putting their own plane oxygen mask on, actually DO help others. Somehow we forgot that second part to the analogy, in our "Me first, screw you!" society. This selfishness includes EXCLUDING anyone suggesting we all have "free will" and that homeless guy should just have worked harder. Well lucky you that you got so many personal resources like perfection and self discipline. Not all of us have those resources! Less disciplined our mind wanders and guess what we INVENT amazing things! You could NEVER do that because your mind is disciplined to purely get the job done. It makes you selfish .. and PURELY selfish people are not allowed in our "heaven".
We all goof up .. but at least we don't judge others harshly for failing. We know life is HARDER for some of us. Those 3 little brothers with the business, the oldest now having 17!!! college acceptances did not get their success on their own! They had wealthy doting parents who helped them build eve more resources like connections and ability to sell because of the confidence they acquired. Seriously you can with honesty say those kids did not struggle LESS than most? I can see them grown up .. "I worked hard .. you failed because you did not try .. why should I help you?" Nope (god) will send you to hell .. I HOPE .. or .. I quit god! I am going on strike against the bible!
Sadly half? of us have lost our humanity. Is our humanity contained in our RIGHT brain .. the part that wants to UNDERSTAND and not just USE everything? Not listening to ideas outside our own, to AT LEAST consider, is the first step to losing our humanity. The second step to losing our humanity is where we now are .. instead of thinking, contemplating conflicting facts or ideas .. we simply DEMONIZE the other. Bully them and say negative things.
I would think that means we are at the END of humanity. I see that many have no interest in thinkng about ideas outside their own simple conclusions. One can research for months, come up with conclusions obsessed with a question .. yet still be ignored and demeaned by left brain characters. I guess research and investigation no longer has value? Not only have we destroyed our environment and nature with this "not listening and considering OTHER ideas" behaviour .. but we have also destroyed our systems. Even worse refusing to listen, think, and reconsider ideas is destroying civil society. Humanity won't exist without civil society.
Are people who think deeply about things today, just considered trouble makers? pessimists? negative catastrophe imaginers? Is our value diminished by fast action opposite personalities, as those who just want to slow down the process of getting it done? (I suggest we are even considered losers because "those idea people" never really get anything done, they just complain and worry. This can be true. A university group old people proved on my return to still be complaining. Their ideas were great (that "power" cares nothing for our well being, only profit matters) but several years after discovering them what had they ACTUALLY done? protests and angry papers often don't count much in changing problems. Who promoted get out and vote? today you have to do a WHOLE lot more. Like ACT to sacrifice not participating in all the Systems not set up for citizen's true well being. Keeping a democracy is constant work! we have not been taking PERSONAL responsibility. Run away if you don't like that. BUT .. only if we can get enough people on the corn field side of "the STAND" (thinking).. NOT the Vegas side (Warrior action) side .. will we have any HOPE at surviving. I think half the population has NO CLUE how close we are to armegedon. End Times. No Bible needed .. just looking at every system crumbling .. not working for the "average Joe"
So am I a Thinker Loser to? ("A hand that helps is more sacred than a mouth that prays")At least I was imagining that by joining those with more expertise than I, in a new "TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH SYSTEM" we could create a simpler solution to all the collapsing systems of complexity. My talent is taking divergent problems and throwing them together to MAGICALLY create solutions. But if I only complain and worry .. it is true I am being a LOSER! ACTION is always necessary. a decade ago you could find a Biz partner with your opposite Brain skill. Demonization, overload and stress have made connecting with any Management Team to partner with next to impossible. In an age of so many ways to communicate .. I suggest we communicate LESS than even the mid 2000. (we communicate more .. but of FAR LESS IMPORTANCE)
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
nov 8,21 NO! wasting time! rocking chair, past guilt, future worry wasted energy
simple, fast, convenient and PROFITABLE "solutions" have been our watchword. Some problems are simple .. Senior mom needs ride .. taxi? uber? husband /son, neighbour? lots of just these problems stress our life leaving little time for the BIG ones. Comparitively .. "Why is there Racism, and how can we end it?" is at 100 on the scale of complexity. For complex problems we must consider ALL the causes on BOTH sides of the equation. Then when solutions are considered, we must contemplate all the consequences .. ESPECIALLY the unintended ones. so much work! and it takes time focus and concentration. Left brain people are impatient to get to work, and get the job done. This is great, because right brains are too slow and agonizing. IF WE BALANCE EACH OTHERS SKILL .. it is a great combination. It used to work even in government, just a few years ago. Liberals (right Brain worriers) and Conservatives (Left Brain wArriors) could actually discuss and compromise using each others asset. Let's think about this PLUS let's get er done TOGETHER work great. Screaming alone, the other demonized instead of USING each other TO ADVANTAGE is going nowhere. No wonder politics today goes nowhere! Demonization instead of appreciating the other's skill WILL KILL US!
.. that we are taught little about
To often Thinkners get frozen .."O M G this is a CATASTROPHE" Thank god for Doers .. to whom brainstorming is an ACTION task. But today this too often stops at the fastest best solution FOR PROFIT.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
All of these are parts of REAL thinking. They take patience and time and energy! For too long we have NOT been THINKNG OUT our problems. For example, the problem of a Company not making enough profit. They only created SIMPLE FAST solutions .. let less valuable workers go, increase the tasks of the more capable others. All this did was create DIS loyal employees who did not care about the company because they had to save their own stressed lives. Now it is even worse .. let's just replace those pesky employees with A I robots and drones. But if we are all homeless who can BUY YOUR STUFF. Pretty brainless ACTION, would you not agree? But Action brains stop at A and B. Whereas Thinkers make the B a BUT what about going on to C contemplate consider compromise collaborate A B >>> C >>> beats A B every time. Yes us thinkers would still be Natives with little progress .. but lots of us are beginning to wonder .. at least we would not be in this mess!
I thought we had more time to maybe wake up. The despair of seeing our loss of brain power never stops, but somedays are worse than others. Apparently when you put together Uber drivers, taxis, bus and subway, Uber delivery and all the other delivery services, linen delivery, transport of supplies .. 17 .. 17!! % of jobs are driving. 17% of all our jobs will soon be gone because if Walmart can use a truck that has no human, so will everyone. Sure, a driverless fleet is an expensive investment, but we humans are just a pain to Corporations. We could be sick, go on strike or just quit if we think you are too mean. An AUTOMATED worker is even better than the "modern slavery" jobs have been devalued to.
Come to think of it, how often have I said to a teller "I refuse to use automated check out because it destroys your jobs". Their answer is "oh there are still jobs, we do more on the shelves and a person is there helping the automated area." OK so even if you quit school at grade 12 .. 4 machine checkouts and 1 person helping does NOT divide the job by 4? 1/4 the jobs .. well at least half the jobs GONE (since all tills lines are used only at busy times). Told you are ability to THINK even when it COMPLETELY AFFECTS our own well being is gone. Please go below and learn how to do ALL THE COMPONENTS OF THINKING.
We take NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING! Finding someone to blame and sue is our habit.
Society is made up of people .. but those people have to be PARTICIPATING in that society. If they don't participate it also reflects who they are. The we decided we wanted cheap stuff, no matter how many thousand miles and oil were needed for transport, and no matter the people making our stuff were PAID 50 CENTS A DAY .. WE WANTED CHEAP STUFF that WE COULD USE FOR A WEEK, PITCH AND THEN BUY NEW COOLER. Face reality .. that is who we are, Selfish thoughtless beings. But now we are screaming at everybody else, lumber/ paper companies for clearing, oil for drilling. Who is USING these resources and then leaving that old desk by the street or pitching the take out in the garbage. We are a sad state of "humanity". First take responsibility .. and then start to THINK first .. BEFORE taking bad actions!
Sadly the ONLY thing that will turn around the mess we created .. is discipline and SACRIFICE.
Do we still have any of either? I mean except for lent, or discipline to go to the gym for OUR desire? Can we still think outside the SELF? "I am special!" got us in this mess. "Me First, screw you." will be the end of us.
I have an awesome teacher pension. Where did I think the money to pay me came from? Stocks that had PROFIT. So for me to scream about corporate profits too high is HYPOCRITICAL. And most Boomers don't even go so far as to worry about the injustice of 8 Americans having the same money available to live, as HALF of the ENTIRE population. That is a human? How do they sleep at night? Hopefully obsessed, brain in a complete TUNNEL to profit .. or .. complete evil. No you did not work ANY harder than we do, to get your money! You just had LUCK of resources we were not so fortunate to have. Like connections, the gift of gab, family and friends, sociability focusing on decisive action vs contemplating consequence etc etc.
When people give up all PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, and live a life of blame and suing .. things fail fast. Even protests and 20 years later women ACCUSing men, fall flat. Take responsibility, no politician or law or legal system will fix this! We have to fix it with SACRIFICE. We have to take part in our life, take responsibility for what is happening. Just screaming and suing later does NOT cut it.
I am very, very afraid that "SACRIFICE" vs blame and protest is a bygone lost discipline.
Sun., Feb 27, 2022
First communication with you, page one, I said if they put concentrated sugar in the vax .. we all just die "NATURALLY" .. BUT .. much SOONER .. with no questions asked. Was I right? Did the Davos Men just poison us? Why were we such sheep, to just blindly follow daddy's orders?? Not completely our fault, since we have been poisoned faster and faster the last 100 years. It began with coke .. then adding sugar to EVERYTHING to fry our brains and lose our discipline for going in DEBT. Then TV dumbed us down, made us sheep of only EXTREME consumption and COMPETITION focus. Now search is perfect to stop us from thinking AND to just demonize the OTHER who thinks opposite . We were stupefied and quit having any personal RESPONSIBILITY to think a LITTLE! Listen to ideas!! Think! Reconsider, contemplate how new "facts" change our open mind's VISION, or perspective. The aim is NOT to always win .. but fairness in ideas and actions! If we are still "human", we all SHOULD have the same goal .. decent quality of life for ALL!
the biggest change to prevent EXTINCTION .. is to THINK better! Think cause? consequence? unintended consequence? what about..? what if..? but, then .. ? Yes! it is complicated, but if we are too lazy .. it is very soon too late. And I don't mean climate change, I mean us killing each other in disagreement .. and frustration and rage at injustices.
For god's sake .. no! not for god, for(our own survival's) sake .. start to THINK before you ACT! Stop with simple closed minded profit or power goal decisions! What are the WIDER implications of this ACTION? Profit will not buy you clean water and air! neither will power. well .. have fun on Mars Bezos .. personal I think that is hell. Give me our beautiful earth with decent just thinking humanity. we are fast or already have .. LOST our humanity. Decent humans do not just live with unfairness and injustice.
Refuse to deal with any company or person that is not thinking BIG PICTURE. Short sighted focus on profit has destroyed what is most important. Like maybe clean water, and not drowning in it, like air that is breathable, and not ignoring trees and the sun that sustain us. We need these resources to survive. But living without fear, should be available for all. Quality of life is necessary FOR ALL .. for the wealthy to have 5 star quality of life, Quality of life is necessary FOR ALL. Walking amidst begging people, or tent homes is NOT quality of life even if I can go to my nice warm safe home! DECENT caring about others "humans" feel sad at the injustice of OTHERS struggling. in our overload and stress we need to find our caring again. The overwhelm can surely make us act more selfish.
We need to showRESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY for others, for nature, for the environment, and for the future. Having neglected this self discipline for decades .. we may be too late. Listen to the DINOSAUR .. and then STOP and listen to each other, RE thinking and RE considering. Facts can be lies. New facts can bring us CLOSER to a real "truth". Only when we all listen to each other do different viewpoints become more clear. Just yelling at the guy who thinks different gets us EXACTLY NOWHERE. Let's change our behaviour NOW before it is very soon too late. we do NOT have 10 years!
So .. we destroyed our air and water (kind of needed, do you agree?) because of our love of mobility .. the beloved car? NO! and don't go blaming my farm cows either (stupidity!). WE are to blame, we just USE STUFF. never a thought to respect for it, nature, the people who produced it. we have never focused on ANYTHING but what we want, new, bigger, better, faster, cooler .. whatever competition. We just use up everything .. and when its gone how can we replace it.
How about we RESPECT the resources we were given? We have destroyed most but if there is a god maybe if we change our selfish way he will PITY us? Instead of doing the same old thing with lithium in the Nevada dessert as we do with everything .. (use it up with no thought to the destruction we wreak) .. maybe we should just DEMAND less??? why do we have to drive to the corner store? If we had walked we would be less obese and have oil left for fuel. So now we just make electric cars but nobody is pressing for behaviour change.
I QUIT recycling or caring about helping you. I will be dead soon .. to hell with it! When we are a society who throws away every meal utensil and sometimes even the cooking utensil (those bowls with? sieves?) at EVERY MEAL, we don't deserve to live. We use batteries for even our tooth brush .. and I bet don't even recycle. Oh that would be inconvenient in our rushed lives.
and resource management!
It is a societal EMERGENCY, so bring all your friends and family with you. More links will be added to help us.
Erin wins D A,? bec Dad is commissioner of police = DYNSTY. If he resigns she is using his legacy. Not sure if meant can not win or better if he resigns so she can be looked at MORE favourably. But it seems "you can never win" has become part of the screaming?
Richard Wakely .. no question an incredible work of beauty and COLLABORATION. BUT!! .. for what? You ruined that soil by adding sand. You wasted all those markers and the transport and the energy . Why not do all that work, use all those resources, BUT for something that does actual GOOD .. vs a momentary "AHH .. wow!" Like Toronto's many home less people .. but let's spend 2 million on an ART Wall. Insanity. That is a beautiful wonderful project .. when people are not dying! However Wakely's is way better .. involves collaboration of MANY for a month.
A Rule followers that breaks rules .. is the person I want on my Re Pioneer team. The rules are there to simplify. Walk on the right side of the street. But if friends just met and they are taking over my side, I can go to the left side and pass them. But if someone is on their phone running into me I keep going and glare at them. FOLLOW THE RULES. What if I am enjoying the day and world, I am on my side so I do not need to look out for you. but obviously if someone came out of a blind doorway I will slow for their entrance to a busy sidewalk. Follow the rules, but be ready to be kind, and if it does not matter then who cares. Walk down the middle of the summer street in the very early morning. A cop better not give you a ticket, because he still has COMMON SENSE AND LOGIC.
For example right now I am having a (conniption) ..(a fit, damn I need to learn young people speak, this writing is making me realize I am OLD! no Thanks! but nobody must even understand my OLD people words!!) Ok this moment's WORRY is that I must give my locker number to management. But I have TWO .. and have only been charged one. I just pretended one was included in rent. But pretty sure the manager at the time was just my favourite kind of person. SHE WAS SMART AND USED COMMON SENSE. In an empty new build, there were tons of empty lockers. I was overwhelmed with the move and thought I could put what needs to be pitched in one EXTRA locker, and then just pitch once I got settled. It was so nice of her to let me do that.
With a biz there is always more to do than get life organized .. so I just never got to it. She could have been mean, FOLLOWED RULES and said "no way" but that would ONLY have accomplished giving me huge stress (therefore probably be more rude snapping at other employees). Now years later, I feel guilty .. like I ripped off their profit.
But that is untrue .. had I had to incur the extra expense, I just would have had to re prioritize my time. maybe pile the one locker 9 feet high? Pitching it back then would have benefited NOTHING. But it would have stolen biz energy and positive mindset. She broke the rules but DID NOT HARM HER EMPLOYER. I would simply have had to pitch stuff right then. Because there are still empty units, now I will be evil and hope they don't notice .. but if they do .. I will quickly empty the second less NB locker. HAH! Left brains will say I am stealing! not true .. but I am prioritizing resources. If I can I would rather work on this project for a Holiday Partnership .. rathe than waste EVERYONES resources pitching old notes and empty boxes.
OR with SUCCESS finally being PAID for 25 years of research and invention, I can care less about 50$ .. because my expertise at "saving the world" ; - > .. is far more valuable, and finally PAYING ME.
People like That lovely Manager, able to use common sense, break rules while not harming her employer's both line is the type of person that will save us! Most people today just FLLOW THE RULES because actually THINKNG, evaluating consequences is far to hard for them. Can we avoid those toxins killing our Brain Wiring? Can we restore our common sense, reasoning and logic?
Change is BAD .. most of the time! If you can't say IMPROVEMENT instead of just accept "change", then it's STUPID. Change for change is idiot behaviour. The only CHANGE we should accept is BETTER! .. new because it works better! Unfortunately most new, works WORSE! I lived in a 40 year old apt. I always had hot water, I set the thermostat at the beginning of heat season and NEVER TOUCHED IT AGAIN.I moved into a NEW Daniels garbage building by Chartwell .. and absolutely nothing works. For old people a thermostat you must hit one of 7 buttons 8 times before heat is set?? I fight with it 4 times a day .. still always cold or hot. Shower. cannot continue to give us HOT water or pressure. Seriously? new? Change? just deal with it? NO!! It is making us CRAZY.
My latest LAST I hope iPhone had to be returned 5 times and still it does not photograph what I see but I guess how apple wants reality to be seen.
add change re manners
electric cars ???
Tues. Mar 22, 2022
I just heard 2 support workers here, talking loudly in their language. How rude! You are in a country that speaks ENGLISH .. if at work or in public you SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF YOUR COUNTRY. (French in Quebec). Sorry that's my rule .. get off my Island if you don't like it. This dropdown or chapter is called THINK A LITTLE! "Diversity", still speaking another language and always hanging out together only DIVIDES US. Celebrating our DIVERSE CULTURES is wonderful .. but speaking 15 different languages, while in PUBLIC .. is ridiculous NON- sense. For example, if we hear someone is lost in the city, we can speak up and help them. Once I heard someone say to their friend "watch out for this truck coming!" I swear she saved my life! When we can communicate .. even in broken (English) we can create better community. The Tower of Babel could not be completed because gid made everybody speak different languages. "Diversity" is meant to destroy COMMUNITY, coming together as a CONNECTEDto fight injustice.
All I hear is 10 different languages on a bus in Regent park area. How can we be a community when we are just rude and selfish. A Language connects us and helps us share and solve problems. Speaking another language is RUDE and says you do not REALLY care or want to BE in this country. And sorry I do not like Cnada for that very reason .. an American is PROUD to be American! Speak English in PUBLIC. Hold more cultural festivals or markets .. I will come and enjoy your culture. (Even if I was only travelling I would never go to a muslim country an walk around in wester (slut) clothes. If we can't say wake up .. we should say "start Thinking again" .. STA!! I feel people speaking other languages have no pride or respect for the country, so I keep my distance, don't become friends .. perfect for employers and all those in power to KEEP US APART. "Diversity" is another TOOL of the power structure used to DIVIDE us.
........hayhoe Sat may 7, 2022. (NBC inspiring people) .. only 1 of 4 people are DISMISSIVE!
this thing looks AMAZING .. cleans everything fast and crazy good! But what about the water use, what about the (soap) pollution created? IF .. we had any respect or VALUE for our RESOURCES at least we would say for some jobs "it is supposed to POUR on the weekend .. why don't I get out right after the storm and use a big Bristol broom? Saving tons of water and using the energy of the storm." Nobody thinks at all that way and hence we are now TOAST. Had we been respectful of our surroundings and VALUED EVERYTHING, instead of just $$ and CONVENIENCE .. a loving god (CEO) would have forgiven us.
Can we still reverse and get more human with our natural resources? Can we still VALUE something other than the $ or more time? Are our "stressed selfish and stupid" brains now no longer ABLE to THINK TWICE and act once?
MORE contemplation and compromise could save us. Can we still each SACRIFICE and do our part?
Why have we not been taught about our 2 brain hemispheres? I know this research was only published in 2009, but that is 12 years we systematically FASTER AND FASTER destroyed our existence! I have spent perhaps 8 years pondering why my daughter and I are always at war? Luckily, I questioned this very unnatural interaction with great obsessiveness .. and final found proof of my "think vs act" character foundation!
A few years Earlier I had another theory that our brains were becoming FRIED with the toxins of "progress". I think the 2 directions are actually ONE. The loss of much of our brain wiring is the source of ALL our problems! Loss of all common sense, and lack of contemplation is the result of less Brain (matter or) neurons.
I never did understand why nothing really worked as it should. Why should I who know NOTHING figure solutions to problems I really know nothing about? .. except that there existence is so stressful. I found many different versions of experts agreeing our brains were being affected negatively, especially by processed food. Has processed food destroyed our Common sense? Yes, plus search and stress and selfishness and other TOXINS TO HUMANITY.
My 2 obsessions belong together because they completely affect each other!! Discovered earlier we could have stopped our collapse. everything has speeded faster and faster since 2009, Is it now too late. Oct 25/21 .. sounds like it is for climate change and I am afraid our demonization of each other will take us down first. Let's create a reverse world location that works so awesomely that our disagreeing Left brain friends will want to see it. Maybe they will want to join us, come on board, when they see we have a simple but BETTER quality of life .. by sharing responsibility and trading our Human Resources fairly. Not a commune, just RE -Pioneering! "Reverse World" .. base "Quality of life for all" with a simple system of revised CAPITALISM.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Did we really think this would not catch up with us? What did walking on a cloud expect me to do with their shoes .. look at them. Sure they were sparky but so very comfortable and I was 3 or 4 hours a day, sometimes more. Were they a piece of art for my closet. Don't be mad at me when I return if they break . YOU should not be losing money, the company MAKING them should!
Now there is a new dilemma! I have started buying all .. shoes! but why if they just expect them in the garbage within months? But they are SOOOO comfortable;e! On a tiny scale it is like the max. If one does not SUBMIT (to the DRUG people decision to invade our body) .. one is not allowed to LIVE .. one is not part of society. Tons of people must SUBMIT their body to assault (because of not long enough study and testing) because it is too hard being unable to be part of society and humanity really. No concerts, museums or meeting friends for a drink. (oh but all is A-ok for shopping at malls) Similarily how much can I affect the bIG shoe company by refusing to use their very COMFORTABLE shoes. Yes it is weak knee-ed, hypocritical, disingenuine?
What a dilemma .. why does life have to be so complicated today? Just decent logical human behaviour would solve EVERYTHING!!
Don't worry! we are NOT building Communism or even Demonized socialism .. JUST REVISED CAPITALISM that also works for the workers that actually CREATE THE PROFIT for those in power!!! To work with us you must become B Corp PLUS Certified. (
regardless how arrogant and superior we think we are .. those needs still are the necessity of life. Without CHAOS WILL ENSUE. How do we wake up the sleeping OCD on profit power structure. While they are safely in their narrowly focused tunnel of power seeking .. the Western world around them is imploding. We lowly servants barely get to Maslow's 2nd level .. safety. 1 of 5 of us don't!
Think about it .. richest country in world? look at 4 people, the 5 th is wondering where next meal comes from and if they will still have shelter next Month. That is TERRIBLE! And we wonder why people lose it and LASH OUT (or in)? If you have connections, please spread the word about our B Corp PLUS partnership Certification (link). Those Fortune 500's who use our service get the CSR publicity .. but must work toward Revised Capitalism. FAIR taxes are paid, Employees are RESPECTED, the earth NOT destroyed for profit, and still the corp is kind to the community with Philanthropy.
Natural Resources are wasted by ALL of us, with impunity. PLUS .. People are no longer considered assets. Some have quit the stress of an endless struggle. Too many of us are now liabilities, addicted and unable to function OR so unhealthy we also do not contribute. But everyone .. even the slowest, least able should be an ASSET in the Human Community, unless they are sick. And taking responsibility for our health can even fix that.
Hopefully we are not "managed" by aliens or pure evil greed .. but by actual Humans who have just lost their balanced Brain wiring. Hopefully those in power are just simple minded because they are in an OCD Tunnel fixated only on power and profit. The unconnected silo systems of the powerful, are ALL about to collapse. Only by coming together in a more FAIR SYSTEM, can we survive impending armegedon.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.