from web intro page
No Job? Homeless panic? next meal? We must find better ways to COPE.
Our Most important Tool, is LEARNING THAT WE CAN CONTROL OUR MIND! And we can TRADE OPPOSITE resources to support each other!
(re J) needs edit .. Instead of giving you a fish, (food) .. if there was a way to give you a Tool that let's you get your OWN fish .. let's you create your own food (and rent) source .. we still could not make us use it. Sometimes we sabotage ourselves stuck our thinkng or habits. HARD to start new ways definitely .. but .. LETS NOT BE OUR OWN WORST ENEMY! (Yes .. Sam talking to me .. but I bet lots of you are the same and I do NOT want you think I have it figured out. Actually I kind of feel like I do BUT it is like 60 years LATE! So I hope you can USE my years of wondering and worrying to your advantage.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
How is my forgetting any different from T shutting me down with MY negative! (ie Don't repeat bad things! Just work to fix) Yike! MUST THINK THIS THROUGH. Ok where this was supposed to go was .. the energy destruction of the extreme WORRY, takes away from productive writing or work. The trick is to not REPEAT sad (my kids not even wanting to get out of bed) but come back to it and ASK how they are. T just leaves it .. leaving one feeling unconnected .. but how do I differ. Mine is just forgetting vs not caring. And maybe she has always felt ATTACKED for that .. no different than MY forgetting. Man, parenting is hard .. no wonder I want to scream at parnyts today .. they seem to do NOTHING, let kids scream etc etc.
OVER .. load, OVER .. whelm = life today! Let's SIMPLIFY, take back control! wonder how much is allowed here?
This was my try 1 .. Sep 2 .. the day after .. and this is ridiculous. What can I even say that can help someone that has lost most of their treasures and memories, and maybe also their income (Their UBER car for creating $?) sep 24, It is always amazing how the "news" moves on .. yet your lives will never be the same. Do NOT be like me .. I refused to accept all the losses for like 65 years. What a waste of energy to bargain "it is so unfair? if only I .." Accepting, surrendering to the new life that will evolve, would have been a better way for me to live. For you especially important now, when our future is very uncertain.
" .. In this together" feels so very phony and shallow. If you are sad because you can't get to your fav Starbuck's because of the flooding, or covid closed it, I will ask you to invest in our "Quality of Life for all" System. To be part of our community, TRULY IN THIS TOGETHER .. you must invest in the rest of us struggling for our very lives. No "donation" making you feel special, no! We have not created the society Franklin and Penn envisioned. Everybody was supposed to be valued. Not just those supposedly "successful" (lucky) people with more personal assets than some of us with liabilities!
When "Starbucks Yoga people" actually share their good fortune without judgement, then we really will be "in this TOGETHER" .. helping each other build a better, less stressful life. There is no reason I should be walking past a HOMELESS person with a 6$ coffee .. when he never had that to EAT for the WHOLE day. We need to stop ignoring those struggling .. pretending they did not work hard enough. It is a lie we made up to make Left Brains feel better at their selfishness. (Left brain people "USE" the world, and become successful. Right brain want to UNDERSTAND it and often don't.) And with the East coast flood devastation now, we truly need to share even more. On top of the great organizations providing food and water, let's build "Fishing Poles", because the fish only feeds us for one time. There are new Trade Systems we can create today.
But .. we must face our new life can NOT yet have the luxuries we expected in the past. We must face we must now SACRIFICE the existence we were used to. Our brains have been fried by "Toxic Progress" and we have allowed ALL our Systems to decline .. now to near collapse. But working together, sharing our Resources and helping each other, I PROMISE WE CAN ACTUALLY HAVE A BETTER .. though more simple life. We will take back control and RE PIONEER a new simpler, but better "System" for quality of life.
Our common enemy is loss of Thinking Power, thinking only of simply "A" .. not the consequences of it .. "but what about ..?" (contemplating ABC .. DEF with more depth). All of our Systems have become shallow "get "er done, cheap as possible". Never mind it all will collapse because of lack of quality, and SILOS that do not work together. Fried Brain .. lost thinking power is a HUGE problem for Manager Organizations. They did not recognize poor quality also destroys the environment with miili tons of GARBAGE. Also not RESPECTING Employees, replacing us all with robots, drones and A I shows NO CONSEQUENCE THINKING! Does anyone with a FUNCTIONING Brain actually think that replacing people's livelihood is a GOOD idea?
Did anybody consider who will have money to BUY from a cashier less sales terminal .. WHEN NO JOBS ARE LEFT to give us the money to SPEND? WE don't want a Basic Income we want to be valued and respected, enjoying working together! WE can do that by building our own communities, trading only with each other. It is possible to trade our skills and talents to survive! They did it in Pioneer times! Sadly this? slow motion apocalypse needs something drastic rom us. Way too late for protest.
We are going to quit supporting everyone who does not respect LOGIC and common sense, or who are SELFISH. Most of the wealthy people got that way from worrying ONLY ABOUT THEMSELVES. There is a selfish selfless spectrum. We need to worry more about ourselves .. Take responsibility. But successful people got that way with a ME FIRST (screw you)? attitude. Time to get back to more balanced thinking.
Yike, we will have to live on baked potato and a banana. If we buy huge Jane's salt we can share and it is cheap. Seriously, it beats supporting the huge Corporations that are NOT FOR US, caring not if we live or die. No income = no food, no shelter! They make everything they do sound good .. but they care only for profit and that does NOT include those pain in the rear employees! A computer is less trouble and way cheaper. Start thinking more and stop even shopping where they have cashier less checkout, or are planning driverless cars etc etc. (We need to THINK and take more PERSONAL responsibility. We never did for 5 decades and now the neglected mess is very BIG.) WE NEED TO MAKE A LIVING and far too many jobs are being destroyed. Think more and buy less, Think more and use the screen less! Interact with fellow human beings, and we will figure out this HELL solution!!
Voting is a joke, what every 4 years? .. then disappointed again because the ones we put in power only help the big guys again. NO!! VOTE EVERY DAY, WITH YOUR $$. Which we sadly now may no longer have .. after the flood. In 1970 my last year of university .. they began a Consumer Studies class teaching planned obsolescence (the destruction of quality .. a fridge used to last 25 years, now it lasts 2!!) and Dollar Voting. Dollar Voting is where our REAL power is! Guess how long that class offering lasted? Not at all and NEVER replicated elsewhere! Always found that to me, was the proof of evil .. get us in debt for "education" but teach us nothing truly useful! Let's just stop using many things, so we need not put up with re-buying them in 2 minutes!! If we quit BUYING we hurt them. Only buy from local small business, local products not Big Corp.
If you have no more $ to vote with please go to learning what your skills are that others will pay for. Our kind thoughtful members with a Starbuck's budget will hire you for your skills! But nobody in 12 years of school spent much time helping us FIND our real inherent skills. That takes introspection and investigating. Start now with Alberta Canada's amazing tool (ALIS )
Or .. learn how to step into heaven for a minute out of the HELL we now live in .. so you can "return" to HELL refreshed and ready to more clearly find solutions to our problems. Don't be like me and wait like 7 decades to learn what?? you mean there is an OFF switch for worry and wondering (ie thinking!) My life has at once been THE WORST EVER .. yet the best ever because I magically learned you can STOP .. breathe for a little and then on returning to HELL .. it is easier to create solutions when OUT of that hamster wheel of circling terror.
Please just turn the OFF switch .. stop thinkng (worrying, or feeling guilty) for a bit .. come into this moment and "smell the roses" or just look at the beauty of the sky or a WEED, or appreciate you can HEAR even monstrous sounds. Then you come back to our panic more grateful .. ready to face the Dytopian HELL again. Always knowing you can take a "heaven" break whenever you want helps a lot. ESPECIALLY of you start researching how science and spirituality are converging, how we can form our OWN reality with the magic Magnet, You may have avoided the New Age stuff but society is now such a mess we NEED some tools to just cope every day normal too high stress.
I tried below, but think I totally failed. Maybe the same support Tool for general trauma will work even though yours is so much greater than just FEARING job and home loss. Even before your physical loss we were living in anxiety over the future. You also need to breathe, stop the stomach cramping and think you have your friends and family .. and we will figure out a way forward together. How do we all move away from the coast?
There are big problems to solve .. but we can't, if frozen in grief, loss and hopelessness. Once you have water and food, a sheltered spot to sleep in, you can start working on controlling your mind to take it where you want. Some of us spend a lifetime worrying about this kind of trauma .. now that it has arrived it will be necessary to be able to STOP thinkng about the future and breath and appreciate the moment. Refreshed a little, solutions are little more easy to come by.
Imagine us building a new community that works BETTER. Our old Systems are too siloed and not functioning anyway .. now we are forced to rebuild. Maybe we can look at that as a GOOD thing? If we train our mind to look at it that way soon things turn around more easily. Positive get positive because there actually exists a (magic magnet) LINK
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.