Fri. July 1, 2022.
I know way more die of Heart disease than ever died of covid (a FACT .. because I checked the numbers at the BEGINNING of covid.. so dream on if you think I am wrong.) But to hear me OR you will have cancer is UNBELIEVABLE. And 4 of us went to dinner .. ONE OF US WILL DIE OF CANCER!! This was a cancer Foundation ad wanting donations. Sure let's find a cure. Maybe a cause might be what SMART people would do?? Same as PRIDE .. let's celebrate difference instead of "what the hell is causing so much abnormality??" .. like every second kid autistic? Did you know they have Autistic friendly hotels? If you know of any way to get OFF THIS PLANET? .. please please let me know! We find a pill "cure" for everything .. instead of a WHY??? Now I realize it is not just chemical toxins but even human connection toxins they are now throwing at us. They probably knew the damage of covid isolation would kill more and cause societal decay. they get to have what is left here for them.
When I first herd these "conspiracies" at the beginning of covid I thought them strange. What is strange, is that everybody just goes along with their OWN ANNIILATION. No problem, I have my Til Tok nonsense, my 4 colour hair, 4 inch nails and 137 kinds of beer. It's all good.
Tues. June 28, 2022.
We need to bring good things into our body and keep out things that are not good building blocks. But without a feeling of worth and connection we can not be truly healthy. And even if we eat kale, have friends and know about breathing and gratitude, with out the money for rent .. we will be stressed and eventually ALSO become physically unhealthy. All 3 areas work together for REAL quality of life. Let's call this balance of inside an outside our body .. TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH. Sick people create a sick society. BUT .. a diseased society also creates sick people. Our disease is always wanting more, and better to the EXTREME.
10 years ago I felt we must be in Steven King's "Stand". Today 100% we are but it was not Captain trips killed everyone it was a dead brain disabled with the toxins of our incessant "progress". How did King Know we would divide into good and evil .. but the evil Las Vegas side thinks we (liberals) are evil. It is so confusing. We have a diseased brain society, opposing right Left brain hemispheres hate each other and we are probably headed for cilvil war .. or at least NO JOBS.
Who the heck expects such a sick society to allow people to have HEALTH? Sadly Left brain people (Conservatives) have an easier life being very single minded simplifying all into good or immoral. Right brain belief we are complicated nd things are more grey. Simplicity plus action means Left brains are in charge. They also lack sensitivity so what tortues us Thinkers .. they have no problem with. I wonder if I am correct that those with anxiety or panic or feeling despair are RIGHT brain Thinkers. (the Warrior /Worrier spectrum)
Fri. July 1, 2022.
I am no better than you .. but we are letting them kill us! slowly! so they make lots of money first. We get addicted to sugar and crapfood and then have no will power to STOP. But does the rage at what is happening not make it a little easier to QUIT? My arms and wrists are screaming. I think becaseu 2 hours ago I had a McMuffin. They are definitely in more pain than this morning.
Seeing that 1 of 4 die of cancer is just infuriating! And then to be asked to donate?? Seriously? So you profit off our pain with with your TOXIC profit and "progress" and then I should pay to solve it?? unbelievable! Natives never had cancer .. aboriginals around the world do not have cancer. We CREATE cancer with the TOXINS of our need for "convenience and profit over all other VALUES" society. WE have caused cancer, in us, in other living things and in our planet.
They have made us so stupid that we actually DO DONATE. O M G people, if you won't revolt after this, you never will. Good luck living in dystopian hell. I hope I can find an investor, buy an island and bring along people who think that less stuff, and "convenience", but more quality of life might be NICER.
proof (scroll down to above trump hugging flag image). Our brains are always flying around THINKNG which is where our creativity, inventiveness and vision comes from. But it means we are not as disciplined. Remember I usually aim speaking of the extremes. My daughter is left brain and just gets the job done, without whining and "but what about .. ?" like me.
We used to all have Basically Balanced Brains and did some Thinking and then Took action. I think whatever was our natural dominant Hemisphere today, is what then has more of its wiring left. If we were balanced before toxins destroyed our brains, we still do think/act but maybe with a bit less thinking. I know so often I am bound and determined like right now "I WILL lose weight THIS WEEK to fit all those summer clothes". I need to lose about 2 pounds .. how hard is that? Nope! I just ate snacks and CHOCOLATE .. BEFORE supper! It's like if I "think DISCIPLINE!" I get WORSE. Horrible way to live!
So if Physical, Emotional and Economic Health must all be worked on in order to have TOTAL health with my lack of discipline I should be DEAD! Maybe the secret is to have ALWAYS eaten relatively decently? and having good genes at least for PHYSICAL Diseases. But hey .. "mental" illness I swear is a conspiracy to get rid of intelligent people because they are curious and ask QUESTIONS. Like "Why do you treat the workers that create your profit for you .. so badly?"
The Left brain Power structure do not WANT questioning people alerting others to injustice. And sensitive questioning people fall into despair and addiction more easily than closed minded focusing on self people. Start looking at "Mental" Illness in light of Dr McGilchrist's Right Left brain Neuroscience. Is possible I am right? Do they not often say great leaders, thinkers or artist were manic depressive? But the power structure is Left brain "Action" .. easy to take power when less thinking means more decisive doing. And left brains have a selfish goal .. usually profit which is why we have so many TOXINS and can no longer be healthy!
People can not live with constant change, overload and overwhelming stress, along with financial insecurity Our Health will decline drastically in the coming months, affected by terrible societal quality of life.
Without economic ("jobs") and societal system health there is NO possibility for us to be healthy. Stress destroys personal health, first EMOTIONAL Health and then PHYSICAL. A society of too may EMOTIONALLY unhealthy people collapses!
"mental " health is PHYSICAL health .. the same as heart disease etc etc. Emotional health is our MIND and its control .. or lack of! But unlike not being able to fix or insulin with our mind .. we CAN fix our emotional health. we have control! but we must regain our self discipline. Convenience and the consumer society taught us LACK OF CONTROL. No control, just following whatever blindly is wonderful for those in power. But if we redevelop our DISCIPLINE we can take back control over our life. maybe its too late, but it seems some have a wonderful reality .. let's "step over" into their reality!
Someone very smart I met said " heaven and hell exist here now". Sure seems so! Why should "the other" get all the good stuff? We need to "step over" to their side .. like crossing to the sunny side of the street. Science has been trying to tell us different realities exist AT ONE TIME for (120) years!! let's wake up and listen! there is no reason why we too cannot partake of the lovely "reality" some (LESS DESERVING THAN US?) have. We need to follow the "Law of attraction" .. that "magic magnet" some are fortunate to just use! being confident helps .. but so does being Left brain. The Left brain simplifies life into " get over it! Just get er done". Some of us worry more about the affect of our decisions on others, or whether we have considered all the causes of the problem at hand. THIS SLOWS DOWN OUR SUCCESSFUL ACTION .. FOR OUR OWN BENFIT. simply laying off employees to improve profit is easier than thinking consequences. That persons life is way easier, less stress .. and less health effects form the stress!
Sat. April 30, 2022 .. sorry I have not edited the previous paragraphs perhap. s written summer 2021.
Naomi Judd just died .. of "mental illness"! Poor woman .. her family was not even supportive of her struggle. We can determine that because they are too embarased to admit it was suicide! You die by SUICIDE .. not "mental illness"! They are embarrassed and ashamed, and therefore must never have been supportive of her then! How very sad. Do you really think us mentally ill people chose be sad and unproductive, choosing to fail ?.. we just chose to be losers, right? How stupid does a world have to be to think that there is something terrifying about a "disease of the brain"? All OK to have diseases of the heart, lung or liver, etc. but if your brain does not function correctly .. woo hooo keep it quiet in SHAME .. so embarrassing for "poor family". We are less embarrassed of sharing we have HERPES, than our brain having a DISEASE. Amazing!
Poor poor Naomi! She was to be inducted into the Music hall of Fame! Would that not be a huge celebration? .. and the poor baby was feeling such despair she took her life before it? So So sad. If we did not treat taking your own life as "total failure" and dismissal that a REAL chemical problem exists, so much more could be done to help and save lives! I swear the "mental illness" stigma exists for shallow unthinking people to be able to dismiss it. The stigma is a crutch to avoid actually learning about it, rather than FEARING it! It is a scam to label us as losers! Do you not understand something is going WRONG in our brain, something is not FUNCTIONING correctly? Why would they call it "depression"? Maybe if nothing else covid will DESTROY the con of "mental" illness. Because we are ALL depressed NOW! You know .. that REAL word meaning SAD, before it became a billion drug profit industry? But this time, after covid .. sadness is understandable. REAL old fashioned depression .. despair at the struggle with little hope on the horizon, is an EMOTIONAL health problem most of us now face. I suggest "mental " was a CON. It was a PHYSICAL ailment like ANY OTHER Body FUNCTION DISEASE! When ( forgot! ) a successful famous celebrity has depression, it is PROOF it is a BODY malfunction! What the hell do they have to be sad over with such success?? We KNOW it is then something we have NO control over whatsoever. They don't tell us to get our act together with heart problems! Neither CAN we get our act together with clinical "depression"
Now our minds are so stressed and so sad and afraid .. so unsure of any future, that we are EMOTIONALLY not well. "Depression" was a con for many many drugs .. because so many mental illnesses are actually similar. (I was found to be Bipolar later in life, after first suffering from PTSD. Now I see myself as Autistic and ADD. These "disease" seem to all be similar and linked yet get different drugs. I hope neuroscientists one day prove all those "disease/drug" mental illnesses actually are affects on our Left brain ..reducing its function. Right brain (too much "thinking") also explains a DRIVEN person and OCD (like addiction?)
There are so many CON JOBS we have fallen for. Yes, my Right hemisphere brain is USELESS at organizing my life, multi tasking or even getting normal tasks done. But you could never design the amazing systems and inventions I have, which truly improve our quality of life. We each have different strengths! They should be CELEBRATED NOT DEMONIZED! But of course Thinker/ Creatives are troublesome to the Left brain shallow Action minds that are our POWER STRUCTURE. Fast and shallow gets the "job" done, but with shallow not long lived "SUCCESS". REAL success is slow, plodding because compromise complicates solutions. We have lived the past very many decades, preferring fast success vs building a SYSTEM that works for all. Now we have an all system COLLAPSE situation. If we can see the urgency and come back to celebrating our opposite brain skills .. maybe we can still BAIL OUR SINKNG SHIP?
Please study Functional medicine .. Dr Mark Hyman and Cleveland Clinic .. that is REAL health vs "disease drug (profit) care" .. Every health problem is caused by us INFLAMING a body function. Learn what is causing the inflammation and you calm the DIS ease.
But now I am truly terrified. maybe 6 or 8 years ago I though the above was FINALLY happening. REAL health, not "care". Numerous articles defaming anyone questioning vaccines is horrifying. We questioners are the anti christ apparently. here is one evil? article . I believed Ty Bollinger to be truly caring about HEALTH when I met him. Now .. what do we believe?? What is TRUE? "THEY" have far more control and far more communication power. As usual they destroy dissent .. and call the people trying totally fix problems the evil ones! Of course there are simple, stupid and lying people we must not trust but the internet has made finding TRUTH so very hard. AGAIN .. we have to work together and eventually we will build a new HUMAN INTELLIGENCE ENCYCLOPEDIA! Vs stupid search where you get the loudest voice .. or GOOGLE's EVIL choice! Have you stopped to think how google TOTALLY OWNS YOUR BRAIN?? It is google's word you live by? Do you ever even go to page 2 of search? Me neither .. we are all STUPID and going to die! Let's get together NOW .. and try NOT TO.
Seriously!! Everything wrong with us can be traced back to adding sugar to EVERYTHING! It is way way more evil than alcohols prohibition, the "drug" wars (from the medical establishment? then they are A-OK!) Don't you see the "profit plan" we have been living in for 60 plus years? Who cares about being FAT .. that will stop but HEALTH is a bigger reason to discipline ourselves. I know it is so hard, maybe if we equate future pain and discomfort with instant pleasure it would become easier? Which is more important? Giving up Pleasure NOW .. or paying LATER with pain and discomfort!!
Why don't we create a system where WE actually take some PERSONAL responsibility for our OWN Health?? ? that might be SMARTER?? Once we get to that HEALTH SYSTEM I can do a lot to set it up, Cleveland Clinic Functional medicine here we come!! (a passion since a kid and Cleveland Clinic finally pushed the LOGIC!) Of course of no interest in the established Health "CARE" system. I don't want "CARE" .. I just want to be healthy!
Tues. Apr. 5, 2022
Sweets of the Earth, Cashew Cookies = day long addiction, morning, afternoon, evening .. it is ridiculous. have never been so ADDICTED! Once I had cashew butter with a wedge of honey crisp apple so heaven, no other nut butter compares. I do not like raw cashews but wanted to buy from my market friend. So I threw a few beside the meat pie I was warming up. Of course I burned them .. guess they only need a brief time to "roast". I had poured a ton of salt on them and when I mix with 2 boring unroasted cashews, they became my next ADDICTION.
So much so, that I finally did some research in curiosity. Why can I not stop eating cashews? WOW .. our body is so smart! Why are we not taught this? Maybe because the evil of sugar addiction shut our mind to the possibility of a positive aspect? Cashews are good for depression! That is crazy .. we just have to pay more attention to anything and everything we have never been taught about. Our body talks to us! I have forever studied Heath and how Food and Living affects our Wellness .. but this is the first time I have seen this! I was addicted to cashews because they gave me (magnesium etc) I needed!
Damn, I hate the internet! The DUALITY IS .. cashews are hard to harvest and shells are toxic to the poorly paid harvesters!!! Crap! Life is too damn complicated! I am too old for this being torn .. a pendulum swingling wildly from good to bad. What to do? Which to chose? self .. or the greater good? NOOO! another example of me not being as "nice" as I always thought. (always knew I was a PAIN with all my questions .. but I thought at least I was a "good" person. Hah! I NEED those cashews. Thank god I am OLD .. I should NOT be scared to DIE soon! ; <
How can we be happy even RICH, if we feel unwell or are in pain? Our Health is our biggest Resource yet usually the one we pay NO attention to. Well, those of us not entitled to smoothies yoga memberships and massage at least. We are too busy with 2 jobs trying to keep up with rent and some inexpensive food. My aim is to help make decent food more of a possibility for us not so entitled many.
Our TOTAL Health is BOTH Physical, Emotional .. and Economic / Systems based. (To heck with "Mental" .. let's destroy that nonsense). Our brain not working belongs under PHYSICAL .. same as if your insulin is not working!! Wow we are mediaeval in our thinking, so scared of brain stuff! Our brain functions TO RUN OUR ENTIRE BODY, just like our HEART'S FUNCTION IS PUMPING BLOOD. But the "heart" of us .. the kindness and consideration for others is really in our MIND, NOT our actual heart pump. Is our MIND our soul and "Heart"? There are people with ... find name (in the 50's called "retarded") whose brain does NOT work like the rest of us .. but they are more optimistic and loving than most of us. Who is to say they are the abnormal ones!! They are more kind than we are and would create a wonderful society. Sorry that I have forgotten the name .. I think ..M ...
We think we are so smart, but are backward and not open to creative ideas and differing thoughts. Why do we put up with this nonsense. I think we get trapped in a terrible education system and then double trapped in the debt for our "higher" learning. That higher learning stopped a consumer class in 1970 that would have taught us about planned obselescnec and "dollar voting" (DO NOT BUY IT!) Sorry but with a career IN the "Education" field I am angry it teaches NOTHING of importance .. and lies that it will get you a great job. I know Lawyers, Electricians and Business graduates delivering food or as coffee baristas.
"So what is the key to happiness? Roko Belic's (2008?) indie movie "Happy" traces the roots of happiness through the slums of India to the deserts of Namibia to the streets of Okinawa. And food isn't mentioned once. Rather, the ties that bind are family, community, and doing something to make the world a better place. I think back to World War II, when Denmark saved the Jews by smuggling them to Sweden. In Judaism, it's called tikkun olam. Healing the world. Just what the Bible teaches. Now there's a reason to be happy."
Robert Lustig in "The Atlantic" link below
We are going to learn about using food to build a HAPPY body .. and then as Lustig says above, together work to make at least our location a BETTER place for all. Globalization has not done us well. Maybe REAL local success, replicated is the way to go? Better for the planet!
Wed. April 6, 2022 PM.
needs clarification and order .. REDO re CASHEWS diversion! use "depression" for PHYSICAL prescribed!
Why is there "mental" Health and its stigma? You BRAIN is just another organ in your body although the most amazing myriad purpose one! There is no stigma when your heart or lungs or legs don't work! Why are we so fearful of our brain? Yes if it malfunctions a LOT can go wrong .. but this stupid terror at anyone suffering a brain DISEASE is nonsense. depression WAS just another disease like heart disease. Something in the brain was not functioning .. and all these problems were given a special DEMEANING name "MENTAL" illness, as in "she's mental .. a basket case, crazy." Hah maybe we are smarter than the people who labeled us this way?
Certainly covid and STRESS affects our brain and physical Health, but EMOTIONAL health involves HUMANS, feelings, connections or lack thereof. This isolation has shown how important OTHERS are to our EMOTIONAL HEALTH. But our physical brain .. and our emotions .. our MIND are very linked. The CASHEW experience is mind blowing and requires explaining. My body (brain) knew I needed (magnesium) to reduce my BRAIN DEPRESSION. But my MIND can be controlled by ME, and other people and even the SUN's energy can put our mind into a positive "MIND SET".
WE need to do all we can to make our PHYSICAL BODY (BRAIN) Healthy .. but then our MIND can do wondrous things, create good energy VIBRATION in our emotions. Do not be trapped by men who say "feelings" are for women and showing weakness. That is a load of garbage. FEELINGS MAKE US HUMAN, and men are humans too. (Although mean women have DEMONIZED men, vs their pretence at gaining "equality"!)
Loss of feelings, kindness and compassion are making us less than the humanity we were meant to be. So don't be spouting religion any more because I see it as hypocrisy. Am I wrong? Thinking, wondering and then FEELING compassion are the very things (god) would WANT!! anyway .. eat cashews to reduce PHYSICAL BRAIN depression vs EMOTIONAL depression. Then get Depressed again because toxic cashew shells harm their gatherers who are paid little. Life has become TOO COMPLICATED. No wonder we are double depressed!
April 2022
cashews .. for depression .. BUT shells harm low pay workers!! TD Sean asked what I chose!! ..?? MY health .. OR others!!
Mon. April 18, 2022.
No MENTAL about it .. we have lost our mind .. are brainless. sorry .. we are stupid and selfish.
We knew microwaves were very bad .. and chose to send the same waves thru the air and our BRAIN multiplied by 700 BILLION TIMES. I made that up, but just Kardashian selfies flying thru your brain are enough to KILL. At least the RADIATION has FIRST killed our brains, and soon will kill us thru cancer! But excuse me? .. I should DONATE to a cancer research cause they never ever cared about to make their profit?? I should pay to research and fix the huge mistakes THEY never care about? NO! Do not donate .. instead PROTEST by having nothing to do with ANY CORPORATION who thinks little people human lives are NOT important. And don't let PRETEND "care" fool you .. it is everywhere with virtue signalling "C S R" fakery. Companies must certify FAIR R3C6 thru us .. or we do not work or purchase from them.
Unless we do a MASS STRIKE, SACRIFICING .. we will DIE soon! Never mind covid .. it is probably their cover EXCUSE for the Total Health destruction their profit focus caused. Actually if the vaccine has sugar in it we will just die faster of our gene propensity disease. NO one will notice .. our genes caused it . NO!! Sugar inflames our gene problems . do not eat evil processed food. Why does sugar have 54.. 64? names?? Hidden in EVERY food. First it addicts us to their food, then destroys our will power! Lastly sugar makes us sick with somme disease name so they profit off prescribing drugs. What a great business plan!! Can you see how THEY are all connected in the plot to USE us? No will power? Banks make money on credit cards and debt! No brain? a better uncomplaining nor AWARE worker .. soon to be replaced by less troublesome robots. SOOOO.. we do not have much time to start the "FAIR certify" REVOLUTION!!! (FAIR = pay workers fairly, don't polute, pay FAIR taxes and yet STILL BE PHILANTHROPIC!) Together .. we COULD do it!
We make no sense, do stupid things, allow our government Total control NOT IN OUR REAL INTEREST! Have you never stopped to think the wonder of the internet's waves FLY DIRECTLY THRU YOUR BRAIN? My microwave can mutilate food. Think of the warped food you sometimes get as your brain! A zillion times more radiation goes thru our brain. That is in itself the Proof our brain is gone. FRIED .. and we ourselves ALLOWED it .. ignored it! Pretty amazingly STUPID! H I is missing and A I is replacing it! H I ? HUMAN intelligence. It is probably too late .. so get familiar with god and HEAVEN. If you are really selfish (evil) you will go to hell .. or just stay here. : <
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.