Sat. June 4, 2022.
Just open your eyes to what goes on .. on a sidewalk. I thought people were just rude, and very selfish! It is far worse .. it is BRAIN DEAD! Watching the dangers they put their children in, when picking them up from school .. is shocking. Those same people afraid of covid, afraid of a mass shooting, afraid of everything .. yet havens worries about being aware of personal space safety of TRAFFIC. No problem opening car door into traffic, or standing right where cars turn, your child's stroller IN FRONT OF YOU! Where is your brain? Apparently my past fear is now TOTALLY TRUE! Our brains have been EATEN by the toxins of our supposed digital "progress". The level of ZOMBIE-NESS of society is now TERRIFYING!
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
We no longer have the ability to REASON, to listen, HEAR, analyze, evaluate ideas other than our own. This is because our brains have shrunken (see Health, toxic sugar etc). PLUS .. we are too rushed, overwhelmed and STRESSED. It is far more positive and HOPEFUL to believe this rather than that EVIL HAS TAKEN OVER OUR HUMANITY. Hopefully we are so selfish and THOUGHTLESS becaseu w e just have less brain power and are so stressed to stupid and selfish.
Society's POWER structure consists of Left Brain, simple, not far thinking people. They think "Yes! More PROFIT." or "Yes, I will gain more POWER! Let's DO IT." Or .. my company and "shareholders" will be more profitable. Put this plan into ACTION.
This kind of single minded thinking allows fast action and shallow "success". It is slower contemplation of consequences or causes of the problem that would have created LONG TERM SUCCESS! We are now stuck in the results of instant thoughtless ACTION to create ONLY power or profit. Our society is collapsing because our leaders (the powerful solely focused on "MORE") never thought though the FULL CONSEQUENCES of their ACTIONS.
An ACTION Left brain thinks "A" and ACTS. This will always have dire future consequences. Left Brain Action minds live only for the NOW, and simplify for FAST ACTION. But for a society to attain REAL success, the past must be learned from and the FUTURE must be CONTEMPLATED. This is NOT fast because conflicting facts must be reasoned with. It is easier to demonize other ideas, rathe than LISTEN, THINK, and RECONSIDER
We accepted these "A" people's behaviour. We may be too late to fix the decay they created.
This confused me from even researching the brain. Our ACTUAL Right/ Left brain HEMISPHERE WIRING is what I am talking about .. based on NEW RESEARCH by Ian McGilchrist (add all links"). It is the opposite to American POLITICS. The American RIGHT .. merely sits on the right SIDE of the Capital. But it is the PHYSICAL LEFT BRAIN WIRING THAT ACTS QUICKLY TO SEIZE POWER, PROFIT, INFLUENCE AND GAIN STATUS. BUT .. The Left are mostly no longer THINKERS .. also stuck in greed for power. They do not truly care about WE THE PEOPLE .. they care for their own power. They think B to be opposite .. but not TRULY all the B's na d all the C's necessary to create quality of life for all. They are SHALLOW thinkers whose only purpose is to oppose so their side gets the vote. There are a few truly for us but drowned out in a majority of SELFISH ME focus.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Tues. Mar 22, 2022.
The diagram at right will eventually show my hope in types of people. Those taking power over us all are either EVIL, alien, or just have totally lost all brain wiring think ability. They are STUPID. Sure kill us and go live on mars. That surely looks like the objective. And everyday the agenda is getting less hidden and faster! That should make us very AFRAID and hurry up in reforming a new system. IN Canada they pretty much took over the government today. @ parties will work together so n election is necessary. Sounds good .. but don't we need to HEAR opposing ideas to make compromising decisions? Probably not .. there isONLY one AGENDA .. neither corporate connection or our politicians work for US. they work only to take MORE POWER away and totally control us. Don't believe me .. just start to look at all the things going on. Are any of them REALLY to benefit us? Masks divide us AND destroy mental well being! Fear is also a great CONTROL system!
Tues. Mar. 15, 2022
BOTH are actually WRONG! It used to be our BRAINS had BALANCED R/ L Hemispheres which allowed us to LISTEN to each other! Even 10 years ago politicians had the ability to not hate the other side and dig in without compromise. But the speed of destroying our brain wiring with extreme shallow "progress" has increased greatly. Sadly with minimal REAL progress that alters quality of life for the better. Do our million APPS and wearables and cameras REALLY make life better? Obviously not .. because none of us can cope with the OVERLOAD and its OVERWHELM.
this McGilchrist video needs to be listened to MANY times until. we memorize it!
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
extreme change will kill society. But we are too brain dead to notice. Ken Burns wants our hometown to connect us. But do my kids even have a hometown? How long do you live there for it to be home? Everything changes in 2 minutes today, so what businesses remain that will know me, or my kids tomorrow?
The inside layers are all the work of thinking, evaluating and compromise. We have become a society unwilling to do the hard thinking .. too "warrior"
Oh no! Is this our brain? no longer fresh .. but CARMELIZED .. yes! from sugar!!
What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.
introduction? ROSE PS Our BRAIN .. is not our "MIND". Our brain is a physical body organ, where our mind is our spirit, our soul? Our Brain has 2 Hemispheres, the right wants to understand everything, while the Left just uses things to get the job done. The 2 Hemispheres used to be balanced, but now we have lost most Brain wiring through the toxins of "progress" and the few neurons left, create our character. If you are an action, DOING person life is easier, things are simple. If you are curious and questioning, contemplation takes more time to accomplish any action. Since we are now a very divided society (caused by the prevalence of opposite brain side wiring) our only hope is to share the asset of each side. One hemisphere alone .. not balanced is a LI this where rose was supposed to ga
added segment below this one, but page has not been revised or edited .. sorry
After decades of research and personal investigation, I one hundred % believe our brain wiring has been fried by the toxins of "progress" .. sugar, search, stress, etc. Our brain wiring hemispheres used to be BALANCED, we thought before we then acted. Over centuries a Hemisphere imbalance began, leaving us without the wiring to create REAL lasting success. (McGilchrist Right hemisphere wants to "understand" .. Left Hem just "uses" (resources)). We are so divided because this imbalance began speeding faster and faster since the 50's. By 2000 thinking of cause / consequence was no longer part of the plan for building our systems. Since the (70's) our character and personalities have changed .. and so then did our society.
If we have more Thinking wiring (Right H) we have a contemplative character. If we have more Left Hemisphere wiring we act quickly and get the job done. Success usually follows. but the success can not be sustained in the long run as we see today. Every "success" of our "progress" has actually destroyed quality of life. well at least for the bottom half or MORE. Would it be fair to say that 60 to 70 % of us struggle if only because life is so overwhelming and there is overload of everything?
Sun., Feb. 13, 2022.
If you believe the (big lie), that Trump's win was stolen by Dems .. it is necessary to avoid TRUTH. Now before you say "I am outta here, you leftie", I know little about the details. I am just thinking that if different States (even with Conservative positions), and Judges investigated all of it, I would think they are not all TOGETHER somehow connected in a devious plot? I can only compare these HUGE national divisions of TRUTH .. to personal experiences with family and friends. If someone is closed minded and always just takes the simple way out of a discussion .. I am concluding they will LISTEN to no opposing fact. TRUTH is made upon conflicting facts. Some people can HEAR only what SUPPORTS their focus or side. Years of trying to discuss opposite viewpoints with no coming together ever .. support the idea of a DISABLED think vs act Hemisphere in the brain.
Solution ..
Facts are SNEAKY. They can be LIES! Maybe the most important question in life is "What about .. ?" or "But .. what if?" Then a "fact" is often found to be only HALF "true". These family discussions I speak of, do not expect the other to say "I am wrong, you are right!" In a REAL discussion, it would be nice to hear the other just say "I see where you are coming from. Now I understand what you are talking about. I think it is silly and disagree .. but at least I see your point." Would that not solve a lot of our big problems?
For example if we are living in a college dorm .. many of us are quiet and studious, many love having loud fun. So there is a WAR between the loud jerks and the mousy quiet guys. (Hah! Us mousy quiet guys will go on to save the world inventing new ways to do things.) You noisy guys may win the Super Bowl being competition focused, but we quiet are the FOUNDATION. But if the noisy social guys could listen to our sensitivity to noise .. HEAR US and rethink .. we could ask the management if we could trade rooms. Understanding we are truly stressed by your noise, we could put loud guys on one end, and quiet on the other end. Those more balanced in the middle! Problem solved. Peace, decency and humanity reigns! Why do we just yell at each other. I am telling you it is because toxins like sugar search and stress fried our brains. This is true I just have not added my hundred book bibliography yet!
Sadly much of our brain wiring is destroyed by toxins of our "progress". Right brain people "get er done" less .. and more Left brain wired find it hard to be more open minded to other ideas. Both thinking and action are needed in life .. need to be balanced. With our brains DISABLED, no longer balanced we now NEED each other's resource to succeed. ALONE our DISABLED imbalanced brains are liabilities! Shared together they become ASSETS adding value to our resources! To do that we must be more compassionate to the OTHER .. and try to listen and learn more PATIENTLY.
That was my old thinking, only right or left .. like at 800 am.. but by 900 it was WRONG! Constant curiosity is a CURSE .. because MORE thinking keeps changing EVERYTHING! If I was the boss .. we seriously would still be cavemen!
I was shocked with today's CBS Sunday .. to find that I too have areas I am CLOSED MINDED IN! What? I am not so perfect? .. always listening carefully with an OPEN mind? Wow .. how disappointing .. I am wrong in yet ANOTHER area!
I shut my R brain Hem down when I heard (dating app for animals). I turned into the Ranting Karen "the world is imploding .. and you are devising such an IDIOT app?? Are you people stupid or just insane!!" I was closed minded to ONLY THINKING SIMPLY .. so much idiocy! When I opened my ears and MIND to listen .. (because my purpose for Sunday Morning CBS is to RELAX and be CURIOUS and have a bit of a LIFE!) .. open listen I heard that this is actually an amazing app for species that will be extinct soon! So for a minute I was a LEFT BRAIN .. "just get er done!" .. as in even making a decision. So the action brain I have long spoken of also refers to DECIDING which us thinkers have a very hard time doing!
So beware us R H "Thinkers" .. we too can be closed minded! We too need to simplify as a COPING TOOL. Life is sooverwjelming we all need MORE coping tools! So let's for sure learn more empathy for the Left Hemisphere "Action" side. Life is sure easier when we just STOP thinking more, we make a decision and ACT.
"Character refers to a set of moral and mental qualities and beliefs, that makes a person different from others. ... Personality is the outer appearance and behaviour of a person. At the same time, character indicates the traits of a person which are hidden from sight. The personality of an individual may change with time.".. from the "google GOD" who runs our life! go to page 100 or 100,000, that may be the REAL expert, who just do not follow through with working to actually be found online!! or google god does not WANT him found, puts him last.
Is it that my CHARACTER is one of caring for others' quality of life, not just my own, wishing for their good life too, not solely mine, Helping with their struggle because I have had the good fortune and luxury of a DISABILITY and teaching pension to keep me not homeless or addicted. Sounds wonderful .. so why do so many hate on me? Because that character makes you a "Debbie Downer" (SNL character).. makes you negative seeing all this problems we must solve , seeing all the injustice. I think Action People see me coming and HIDE, run the other way. I have learned a lot from this "nursing" home I HATE .. I should be POSITIVE aAND GRATEFUL I got here by mistake IN ORDER TO LEARN SO MUCH. HAH! Am I actually taking my own advice?? I hate the cheated me scam of this place. But STOP ALREADY! I am wasting good energy on stomach ache and creating tense and therefor sore neck. Focus instead on that I truly have learned more here than problem anywhere about people, also being able to throw my ideas by other humans as in the concierges and staff.
Again I diverge but THAT is where we find the OPTIMISM and HOPE! The universe sent me here! It was a mistake but if I TRUST THE UNIVERSE I will see why. It may take years (even decades sad from living in an abusive relationship EVENTUALLY brought me to seeing I was then able to work on this "save the world"? project! So chin up .. even decades later you will find there was a reason for the BAD that happened to you. The universe wants GOOD for us .. but also has a job we need to do we are awesome at. Our purpose can even come late in life, but just BELIEVE WE EACH HAVE A PURPOSE because the creator loves every one of us. Do not let obstacles drive us the wrong direction. We can support each other until we do see "the light" of where we belong. OMG .. I am getting tooo ?new age .. and some of us are uncomfortable with that. sorry.
So our serious "generous future good" focused CHARACTER can give us a miserable "personality". But if I work to remember that eventual good comes from all things .. wow I could SAVE so much time and energy! Energy I wasted thinking god hates me! No! the path sometimes has to be longer, especially when we are designing something NEW. Those whom just follow the old recipe or system OF COURSE HAVE IT EASIER. And yes! you optimistic people .. you DO HAVE A GOLDEN RESOURCE WE ARE SO JEALOUS OF! We will tone our jealousy to envy and maybe you would support us to becoming more easily able to stay on the sunny side of the street?
WOW!! I got obsessed with Right Left brain which is so confusing, since = OPPOSITE to American politics (where they sit at the capitol vs their BRAIN Hemisphere). Left brains run the world manage Fortune 500's, but those are the Republican conservatives. Liberals the LEFT are right brain hemisphere. And of course entire site must be ADJUSTED because I have been speeding solely of the screamers wanting ATTENTION. Whether on social or TV those we hear are the SHALLOW ones. Right brains are supposed to be deep thinkers but some liberals are NOT thinkng very far and ONLY demonization results. We EXPECT Left Brains to just act and not think much .. but a lot of politics is NO THINKING very far on EITHER side!
Does Warrior Worrier actually fir the demonization reason better? More research will be done. Hah so extreme act not much thinkng could have the COMT gene PLUS be LEFT Hemisphere wiring abundant. good article
wed Mar 2 2022
Thinkers find DECIDING so hard because we may have missed an important "fact" that changes things!
“Leaders are different in that they have to decide. In the end, to lead is to choose… When you take decisions as leader, it will obviously help greatly if they are the right ones… People will respect a leader who has integrity and who is benevolent, but they won’t always follow them if they are not deemed to be competent.” mark carney from "values". article by unherd .. 2021!
YES! "For all that, Carney’s book is still good — and the best bits are very good indeed. Unlike some global-minded liberal types, he recognises that the nation still matters. He sees patriotism as not just legitimate, but a way of actually helping countries work together on big problems. He understands that markets haven’t worked for everyone and won’t without sensible state action. He offers a lot of ideas about things like skills, education and employment that would make economies more productive and societies fairer. And his critique of “market societies” in which common values have been eroded, and individualism trumps social obligation, should be read and absorbed by every technocratic centrist wondering why those terrible populists do so well despite their terrible policies. “Building social capital requires a sense of purpose and common values among individuals, companies and countries,” Carney says. " by unherd James Kirkup .. "Davos man" 2021
Awesome .. let's get Carney to lead us!! (Brookfield is a PERFECT Founding Partner!) Kirkup is evaluating the book "Values" by Carney, more below, with analytical yet high praise. BUT, the term "Davos man" ("them" the ones in TOP POWER) is very Scarry .. so which is the TRUTH? This .. or Goodman's NEW book "Davos Man" (evil!) that just came out 2022?? eeeyih! Do we just believe the side of the "opposites" that suits us best? Maybe .. why not? a coping tool for us to not LOSE OUR MIND? So when it all gets confusing .. just pick whatever reality is best for us .. and BELIVE in it .. maybe the magic magnet will bring it?
"Value(s) has enough ideas to fill a manifesto, but gives no overt sign that Carney is plotting a political career — an omission that suggests he wants to keep his options open. Could homo financicus make a sudden evolutionary jump to become a full-blooded politico? Less accomplished men have done so before him: Macron is an ex-banker who had a fraction of Carney’s experience when he took the Elysée; Trudeau, on the other hand, was a supply teacher. Barack Obama a law lecturer. But those leaders are not the real comparators here, not least since they have all, in different ways, failed to live up to expectations. The liberal centre, the tribe of just-do-what-works technocrats, has lacked truly successful leaders since Bill and Tony were taken from us. Clinton and Blair were policy wonks and globalists who could still instinctively feel the mood and priorities of people who loved their communities and their countries. They have had no true heirs. Obama talked the talk, but in the end couldn’t hide his scorn for “bitter” people who “cling to guns or religion”. David Cameron put on a decent act but lacked conviction or spine. Even his greatest fans wouldn’t claim Joe Biden will define an era in the way Clinton and Blair did. Could Mark Carney take the good ideas from his impressive book and try to make them work in the messy world of politics? If he did and it worked, he’d be the closest thing the real world has seen to the West Wing’s Jed Bartlet: a liberal intellectual technocrat with a devout Catholic’s social conscience — every sensible centrist’s political fantasy. But then, fantasies are fictional for a reason." by James Kirkup unherd
DUPLICATED above introduction? ROSE PS Our BRAIN .. is not our "MIND". Our brain is a physical body organ, where our mind is our spirit, our soul? Our Brain has 2 Hemispheres, the right wants to understand everything, while the Left just uses things to get the job done. The 2 Hemispheres used to be balanced, but now we have lost most Brain wiring through the toxins of "progress" and the few neurons left, create our character. If you are an action, DOING person life is easier, things are simple. If you are curious and questioning, contemplation takes more time to accomplish any action. Since we are now a very divided society (caused by the prevalence of opposite brain side wiring) our only hope is to share the asset of each side. One hemisphere alone .. not balanced is a LI this where rose was supposed to ga
Wed., Feb. 16, 2022 .. REVISED THEORY .. (Web site needs to be refocused with this new REVISED theory!)
In a stressed time starved, toxic world, both "Think" and "Act" brain people need to SIMPLIFY just to cope. Thinking and then Doing .. BOTH have many steps involved. In our frazzled state, we greatly shorten the process just to cope. THINKING adds new (cause?) and (consequence?) questions. More additional factors confuse and complicate.
Why not just stop thinking? .. keep it simple and CONVENIENT! Thinking is NOT convenient .. and can even be never ending to those truly curious. The many steps of Thinking (Research, investigate, analyze, evaluate etc, etc) are not desirable in a society based on EASY and simple. So everybody stops thinking because we live in convenient EASY Society.
One of our biggest BRAIN TOXINS that destroy our brain and humanity .. is TOO MUCH INFORMATION! Why did we not base our digital society on INTELLIGENCE? How about basing our society on HUMAN Intelligence. No way .. Instead we live on an oVERLOAD of "data". Data is not even "KNOWLEDGE"!
At least a Library has books of KNOWLEDGE. Imagine for a minute .. a big Library where all the book get THROWN AT YOU, when you go to a certain section! Its overwhelming! Once you know those evil books' plan, you would just grab the first book and RUN! That is what has happened with search! We grab and run with it no REAL perusing the options.
How many of us just use page one? Not only has overload, and the desire for convenient, fried our brain BUT Google OWNS our brain! Sure there are 150,000 answer pages .. but overwhelmed we look at the first page. So GOOGLE owns our brain! Probably the BEST answer .. by a non digital person would be on page 1000, or 10,000! I thought the web would destroy advertising and we would have Encycopedia Brittanica on STEROIDS .. HUMAN INTELLIGENCE organized! Instead we got DYSTOPIA. But web 3 is here and we can use it to seize back power for HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. The blockchain will let us share or intelligence and skills more fairly.
So after our toxic "progress", whether we have only mostly Left Brain wiring or Right remaining BOTH types of people are GUILTY of simplifying. This web site blames the Left for society's mess, as McGilchrist does. It all need to be REVISED. WE are all simplifying or I SHOULD say when we get EXTREME we all simplify. If we are stressed or if there is just too much to think about and decide what is less important to us gets made EASY. I simplified and made the Left Brain the enemy. But we thinkers are in no way blameless! We take a simple "BUT" and then demonize the left brain with it.
Simplification DEMONIZES. But we must be compassionate because we are OVERWHELMED. "I don't want the Vax" vs "No vax? .. you evil selfish person! You care nothing for others". Which is simply not true for me anyway and I am sure MANY others! Or for example the truckers saying "We have to DO something to stop this takeover!" Meanwhile simple LEFT politics (Right Brains) say "You are harming others ability to live!" But what are us MASSES doing to stand up to big brother? Like I said it is all damn complicated! And today so EXTREMELY complex .. that even young people no longer want to get out of bed! That is fine for these old people in this "HOME" .. not fine at ALL for younger generations! Unless we simplify our lives back to HUMANITY .. we are toast. .. the end .. bye bye. (BUT! do remember all these screaming extreme right/ left brains are NOT us masses. There are more of us still a little more balanced, not so extreme. There really IS still HOPE for us! But we DO have to ACT .. DO SOMETHING. see mission
Even the evil of covid can be balanced with the good of slowing down our lives, to find what may be of more value than the mall or bars. Covid gave us some time to refocus. I especially go extreme with the internet and I forget how AMAZING it is. So "EXTREME" is always the enemy. Balance is the WATCHWORD. We are like a pendulum swinging to (internet etc) = good and then (internet =) bad. Eventually we must decide if WHATEVER is good or bad.
I guess the wisdom here would be (the internet, cell phones, the vax etc etc) are BOTH at once! .. both good AND bad at the same time! Everything is good and bad .. = DUALITY? So the goal for our "War on EXTREME" is BALANCE between the good and bad. USE THE INTERNET (phone!).. anything .. AS A TOOL .. not as life itself. Anything in the extreme is the enemy .. BALANCE is our aim.
So let's quit demonizing the other if we think opposite to one another! .. A? or the opposite aB? (A with a "BUT .." added). There are so MANY STEPS between the (A) of Action and the (B's) toward Decision, Designing and DEVELOPING a solution.
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Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Sat. Jan 15, 2022
Sadly I have wasted years thinkng republicans, trump, Rednecks etc etc are EVIL. They are not. Like us they are seriously DISABLED. We need both right 9thinkng and Left action brains hemisphere's BALANCED to create REAL success. Left Brain Doers have all the success now .. but it is not LASTING success. it was created by collapsing all our systems! You can not build a society that has continued quality of life on the basis purely of PROFIT or money "success".
The toxins of this uncontemplated "progress" have destroyed our brain wiring .. both sides of our brain hemispheres must be balanced .. or there are major problems. Either thinkng or acting without the other does NOT work. We each tress the other so we harm each other. Thinkers "hate on" but action people are good at verbally attacking. Stress and overwhelm is the biggest cause plus the dehumanization of search and social.
When Action brain people feel out of control or fearful they attack. Us thinkers are a pain .. with all our confusing ideas. Action people want simplicity and favour right /wrong, good /evil, vs. the complicated grey of actual TRUTH. So if you know someone who is ALWAYS attacking you no matter WHAT you do .. you probably are"threatening" them with too many complicated ideas. Seriously, I think we confuse them and they turn BULLY. They value simplicity above all. And who says that is not RIGHT! My lack of simplicity has left me for decades never selling my inventions. I learned decades ago re selling K I S S (Keep it simple stupid!), Grade 4 level .. yet .. I just could not believe such an insult .. but maybe it is true? But is it an insult? Those action guys get the job done! If we were all like me.. we would still be cave men! Is it possible as we learn to understand and value each other more .. action people will stop and listen .. because we are PREACHING less?
?? what was this?? (see above .. copy here .. delete above?
and continued
an intro page only allows x letters!
(Extreme constant fast change i) .. is BAD! Do not fall for the crap! "Progress" that leaves us constantly lost and relearning, only serves to keep us DOWN, keep us ENSLAVED just to try to get by.
It is beginning to look like either STUPIDITY or "evil" REALLY does run our life. Sorry I have discovered like 10 toxins of "progress" that have made us stupid including and ESPECIALLY, internet "SEARCH". It is just far easier to believe we have lost our brain POWER, than the alternative .. EVIL POWER runs our lives.
Change will kill us. Yes, Mr Burns .. we need to connect and feel we BELONG and w eMUST reduce divisiveness and demonization. Division WILL kill us, and soon! Unless we slow the toxins frying our brains, society WILL collapse long BEFORE climate change destroys us. . So quit buying in! Stop buying the latest and greatest! Stop joining the latest group. Stop being so SHALLOW. Let's get some depth in our life!
We NEED both our brain sides or hemispheres! I had the think vs act people idea long before I found Dr McGilchrists work. Wake up people .. if we don't pay attention to his knowledge we are dead .. seriously BEFORE floods and fires or no clean water kills us. We are enemies lashing out at each other more and more violently. Shallow "progress" toxins have destroyed our brain wiring and only what we had more of is left! But it is opposite so we Donny LIKE each other. Society can not work so divided.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Into the Light of Things
If the two hemispheres are battling for supremacy, the question arises: which side are we on? If McGilchrist is correct, we should be on the side of both, in favor of balance.
But if we continue to let the emissary run rampant, he warns, we may end up in a very nihilistic place – buried alive in algorithmic procedures, virtualized existence, expanded bureaucracy, and a disenchanted, fragmented world where we are stranded in a permanent state of unfulfilled desire, so bored and alienated that we spend our time seeking novelty or numbing ourselves further. We keep on reducing the world to a commodity, exploiting natural resources, and becoming more miserable in the process. We worship what John Ruskin called “The Goddess of Getting On,” forgetting the wonder of our embodied being and Ruskin’s reminder that “the only wealth is life.” We reduce our fellow human beings to units and statistics, and become willing to sacrifice them to “the economy,” as the pandemic has illustrated. Or simply interact with avatars and robots.
If we want to bring the right hemisphere back into its proper place as the master of our minds and the wise influencer of our reality, then we have to take care of what we pay attention to, and how. We attune ourselves to a different, more open, and flexible kind of seeing. We refuse to let the left hemisphere shut down our options. We attend to intersubjectivity, empathy, and patient attention. We use narrative and metaphor and always strive to see the bigger picture. We attend to self-other interactions, to relationships, and to relational values. We tap into communal wisdom and the knowledge of cultures outside the West that are not so left-sided in their approach to the world. We strive to have contact with nature and other people, with everything that exists outside ourselves.
“There needs to be a process of reintegration,” writes McGilchrist, “where we are brought into the experiential world again.”
Or, as William Wordsworth, a right-sider if there ever was one, once put it, we “Come forth into the light of things.”
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
remainder is far older .. not revised, this paragraph = Sat. June 4, 2022
Those whose Left brain predominates are Warriors, with good vs evil simplicity and a focus on SELF. A more Left brain person says "Look after yourself, no one else will. I worked hard .. you should have TOO." Left Brains judge those who are less "successful", as losers. There is no effort to COMPARE RESOURCES .. no care whether the failure human was alone unsupported with health problems, while they Left brain had every resource. It is just a FREE WILL world never mind if your life began golden or in a "coal pit full of smudging". This immediately points out the LESSER LOGIC and RESON of a predominately Left brain person. People have different struggles! You may not have been from a rich family but their SUPPORT is a GOLDEN ticket. Not all of us are so lucky! Mostly Right Brain want to UNDERSTAND! "Why? What about ..? What if .. ? BUT.. !" We want to know the BECAUSE! .. since we are curious and want to UNDERSTAND things. We do not simplify to good and evil. (Yes .. sorry relatives we ARE nicer people! But I must forgive you, because WE are DISABLED from toxins of our shallow progress environment. Right brains find decision making and full action very difficult. Together.. we used to be ABLE TO BALANCE our brain's opposite skills. Now we only "use" them to divide and DEMONIZE the other! We have not only destroyed the PHYSICAL environment with our idiotic behaviour, we have ALSO destroyed the SOCIETAL environment. Our lack of humanity will spell our end in the coming natural shortages, requiring common decency vs battle.
AMAZING!! Tolles on Health
I must remember everything is a SPECTRUM. I tend to speak of only the EXTREME opposite. That is what caused great despair .. seeing ONLY division like Steven King's STAND. I was not seeing all the quiet more "middle of the road" people! PS what stupid saying we OLD PEOPLE have! Middle of the road?? today we would be dead! Hah! So even back in the day we were SILLY SHEEP. Crazy every day we learn so many new things .. we were already not brilliant "back in the day"!
REAL Opposites will NOT get along! E Paul Zehr .. "Of course, we all exist on a continuum, not a dichotomy. You really aren't exclusively a warrior or a worrier. You're instead perhaps a warrior who worries a bit or a worrier who can warrior when needed." Is that us quiet mouse MASSES.
a bit too scientific?
more later .. feeling threatened causes attack from a "warrior", a "worrier" is just constantly fearful and anxious tending to back away.
We are all selfish sometimes. But some of us feel guilt and sadness that others are not doing as well. As A right Hemisphere Thinker, when homeless people can be seen below my window freezing, it is difficult to feel full gratitude that I a warm and safe. How are they less worthy, to be so cold and unsheltered. Even if they made bad life choices I feel sadness for them. That does not make me a virtue signaller, that makes me a real HUMAN. Today, animals are nowhere as mean to each other as we are.
It is good to look after yourself, the whole mask first quote ... but we somehow forgot there is MORE to that quote .. so you can help OTHERS. The fact we call people who want fair treatment for even those struggling .. "socialists" like we are horrible is frightening. How do you live with yourself when you have great luxury but yell at the homeless guy to get away from you. You are lucky for your Left Brain .. it allows you to be more selfish because it helps you simplify and focus on only one goal .. YOU.
This is a spectrum and balance of course is best! Look after self but also the greater good! We are often one or the other. those who care about others well being forget to look after themselves! link ..
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.