Mon. April 25, 2022.
This serenity prayer has been around forever. But SORRY, god will be mad at us if we TWIST IT INTO OUR OWN SELFISH EXCUSE. I hear so many people say .. "Yeah yeah the world is falling apart .. what can I do about it? You should just chill and look after yourself." That my dear "non friend" is EXACTLY the selfish, self absorbed behaviour that got us INTO this mess! We have to sacrifice and try to fix at least the last few years we have. If we don't try, our quality of life will be EVEN worse.
We probably can NOT stop climate decline, or societal collapse .. but we can focus on EACH OTHER and making our OWN Cooperative COMMUNITY the BEST POSSIBLE for the time we have. When I focus only on the coming END!! I can not spread joy to you, because I am feeling TERROR and can only nap or walk mindlessly, surely not write any inspiring words. Now that I feel more calm .. the terror I was just feeling seems kind of STUPID. What a waste of energy! It is a fact we have messed up humanity. But what does it help to continue to feel terror? We are ALL going to die at some point, in some way! I am kind of copying those people who lived in TERROR over covid. I made fun of them yet I am doing the same PANIC thing. MY terror of THE END makes more sense!! (Sorry but covid was very very strange in so many ways.) But regardless .. WHAT A WASTE OF RESOURCES utter panic is. Breathe .. we could die tomorrow hit by a driver on his phone. Letting the mess we have made of everything crash our complete hope for a tomorrow is not a good way to use our "assets". It decreases everything in our VALUE BANK! It withdraws energy and all positive value.
I need to go back to the "ghosts talked to me" place! That was an AWESOME experience last summer. Walking in a new area in despair feeling hopelessness, my spirits were lifted for some reason! All of a sudden I felt silly, thinking "Hey! We all will die one day .. enjoy every day we have LEFT!" It was such a strange OBVIOUS lifting of my spirits I went home to immediately research the building. It was one of Toronto's FIRST MORGUES! The dead people were laughing at me! OMG .. look into thin places .. where heaven is closer to earth. (will add link later) When you walk watch your energy. Some AREAS just make you happy .. but we are not taught to pay attention. We are all energy and all connected even through time and space! While we fear our ending .. why don't we learn more about the space we may soon be entering? what's to lose?
Friday Dec 10, 2021.
If we are paying attention, we are in a personal panic over the ever reducing job market and lessened respect for workers. Never mind that it was hard to pay for necessities, even BEFORE prices went way up. So to "be hopeful and calm" is such a SHALLOW statement.
This past summer, I was research/ investigating how it can be that in some places, it just feels like everything is all good. I somehow forget the problems and just take joy in gardens? history, architecture, not sure what? Whenever I am in Philly, and NYC.. I feel like I am in HEAVEN, and that all is perfect with the world! A man in line even yelled at me once when I told the cashier how lucky she was to live in such an awesome place. He suggested if I only KNEW how awful Philly really is. (Yet I made my biggest sale there ever and was also getting a contract with the City, after going nowhere in bflo for 10 plus years. So I knew the city was not only great energy but even visionary.) I am mentioning this because some strange energy vibration can help us feel less afraid of the future. Maybe that vibration somehow numbs the fear?
Since we each see such different REALITIES, maybe we can twist it into a RESOURCE? I hate Toronto (because I was forced to move back to Canada destroying my Project and success .. sorry, long story). Yet Buffalo people had all ADORED Toronto. Must be something good here that I am missing? Something that can lift very worried not hopeful spirits?
I began to realize August 2021 that sometimes my spirits were lifted even here, a place I do NOT like. (My brothers died here, probably bad energy for me.) In some areas, I could actually breathe, and forget the fear of the future .. even in TO. What caused that raised vibration? I also tried to track exactly where my spirits were lifted and how long it lasted. (see also thin places) Certainly my good energy is zapped in MY area .. and yet I found a man who LOVES my neighbourhood! Strange, but great .. or EVERYONE would be in my Manhattan! There is definitely something to this "WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY" thing. Also that AT THE SAME TIME and PLACE different realities exist! Hmm .. thank you very much reader, I just got really excited about this .. because sharing it with you made it more clear! Maybe we can create our OWN better reality!
In that mindset, out walking one day in a new area, I became totally EUPHORIC. Why not just enjoy life .. we will DIE .. just face it! Enjoy what we can, while we still can. In my mission to help struggling people create their OWN income, (NOT slaving for "the man") it just feels shallow to say "Don't worry, just be happy". But it is true! What does agonizing and worrying do to help us or others? We need to be HAPPY that we can see and hear and still WALK. Small treasures!
Well! on researching my EUPHORIA AREA .. (will add photos and history link) I discovered it was ONE OF THE OLDEST TORONTO MORGUES!! Fascinating!! I swear all those DEAD people souls yelled at me! I swear to god. They said "Lady! you are ALIVE .. we are DEAD! We can only just watch you able to be adventuring out there! You are an idiot wasting your life only worrying. You are still alive, enjoy it! You can work to try to fix things, but not stay on a HAMSTER WHEEL neglecting all of life!" Thank you SOOO much old dead people .. still on the hamster wheel too much, but at least a lot more RELAXED vs sick with worry!
Different REALITIES exist. We need to learn more on this concept. Can you find a place that raises your spirits too? I hope you can, because life is SO MUCH easier for me, since that spirit convo at the MORGUE. Once you find your "thin space" Go there to recharge as often as you can. And keep that positive energy vibration as much as you can .. reframing our terror into calm = step 1, and then step 2 = what can we DO.
maybe there are 2 realities .. BIG .. Society around us, and "LITTLE REALITY" .. our own life. If we could make our own life feel LIGHTER, more breathable and less stressed and anxious .. I bet our societal cloud of despair would also lift a little? Those people that just brush off say a 250 mile Tornado that just destroyed many states .. have such an easy life! It's true what can I do about the despair? Nothing .. but it just seems inhuman to ignore their losses and not feel it with them. Yet it only reduces our energy resource, but does nothing for them. (hah! I bet those people can FEEL our compassion across the miles! Remember .. the Cosmos is made of energy) Yet .. I guess we need to find a balance between empathy and selfcare?
The grouchy guy in Phila would bring a spirit of tension as I mostly do! I need to stop being Debbie Downer! I am not "teaching" .. I am bringing down the community around me ranting about collapse! Damn! So let's work together to remind each other what we still can appreciate, even though we are worried about rent AND ability to eat. We will work to improve the BIG picture Societal REALITY, but first we will just learn to BREATHE again, so the TMJ, arthritis and sore shoulders from tense stress will calm.
Let's first make our own life's reality a little better .. just in THIS MOMENT. I understand far more is needed, but with stress cramped stomach muscles, it is hard to think! (If this is boring, go to Calgary's awesome "find you skills" site. Yike, they added more, so I need to re check it all. Awesome though.) Let's REGROUP together, to REBUILD "REAL QUALITY of LIFE". First let's just breathe to stop the tight stomach, recognize we have some Resources left .. and we will share those between us, to change our bigger Society. Or .. maybe just our LOCAL area (screw the GLOBAL resource destruction from our entitled behaviour!) Do we really need fruit shipped from everywhere? But you must buy an electric car? NO! start saving ALL our resources .. or at least RESPECTING them more!
Will protests even work anymore? Do we have any power left whatsoever? Let's see how far Bflo Starbucks success gets, with legal hurdles ahead. They are the first to vote to unionize.
Yes we are going to find ways to cheer each other and find new hope, even though seeming rather unrealistic. Being told my SYSTEM TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE is delusional is NOT helpful. REMEMBER! DIFFERENT REALITIES DO EXIST. We will create our own better reality.
omg .. world must stay functioning or western society so we get to find who else is out these. what do they look like? hopefully not the "aliens" runoff our planet who think we are ants hey can step on. So many questions. so much to wonder about. We can't get extinct before at least a few are answered!
This ties to the different realities page
OR .. have "they" done us lowly masses in purposely? Do "they" want all the clean water and earth for themselves, since there is no longer enough? Has the Wealthy Power Structure destroyed our very Society?
Surely does seem everything is stacked against us. Our SILO Systems are not fair in anyway, and "those in charge" would seem evil. The power structure has set up siloed chaotic systems that ensure we lose.
Now we have choice, we can continue demonizing and blaming. Or .. we can face that we did take part in shaping this EXTREME illogical Society, ESPECIALLY us oblivious older Boomers! We could have said this is nonsense and joined the QUAKERS or Mennonites. Or .. at least not just followed along with everything, like SHEEP ANTS.
So at least NOW let's start to take charge, if there is any way we still have control left in anything. They have destroyed our brain (thanks to the TOXINS of "progress"), destroyed our intelligence and reasoning .. but HOPEFULLY, they can't take our MIND. However THAT will definitely require OUR TAKING TOTAL CONTROL of our MIND. But that requires personal RESPONSIBILITY, Self discipline! .. which we are totally not familiar with. We need to regain our self discipline (our MIND control) and take back what we can, .. our FOCUS .. our ability to REFRAME our thoughts or idea.
Mon Dec 6, 2021
We Thinkers are stuck on ONE TRAIN TRACK!! FROZEN! Still rehashing the unfairness of the power structure, investigating how things went so wrong, stuck ON THE SAME OLD TRAIN TRACK TO NOWHERE BUT SYSTEM COLLAPSE. We rehash the INJUSTICE, paralyzed in fear, anger or revenge. And we wonder .. what is yet coming from those who wish TOTAL control over us.
Disagree? Surely you do not still think any system works for us LITTLE people? If you do, I am so JEALOUS of your OBLIVION! Sorry to be so mean .. but we who know that train is coming have to grab onto your ability to IGNORE. We thinkers need some of that simple minded-ness we had as kids. Don't do anything "bad" and life will be good. Sure, how many are in jail who did no crime, but seeing PUNISHMENT. With no lawyer to decipher a ridiculous Law and order "justice" system the justice system does not function for the masses.
this .. edited to here
Sadly half of us have lost the child hood belief that fairness rules over right and wrong. Fairness is reserved for wealthy lives, unless you are one of the ones made a scapegoat today. But the ultra wealthy have no such ethical compass left. I seriously am beginning to think it makes so much sense that they are ALIENS. I mean do we cry if we step on an ant hill? they would think we were just ants or slime or something.
Back to the speeding train coming at us .. frozen on its track, in our disgust for the failing system we are in. I swear the trains (conductor) has been going faster every year. No he is just flying toward us on steroids, and we continue complaining raging wanting a war. Even with a gun the "train" will overpower us. we need to outsmart them because they are BRAIN DEAD!
Step one .. wake up! get off the damn TRACK! Stop rehashing the injustices and how, why's. Get DOING something! First up .. get you self off the damn track of REHASH! That track goes nowhere but certain death. That step is ACCEPTANCE. we let them screw us, we accepted their ultra instant convenience nonsense for decades. Stop complaining and MOVE TO ANOTHER TRACK! One that goes to looking after yourself. (If we are dead we may as well ENJOY or last days!). And hopefully also move to the opposite track .. looking after society .. how can we fix the problem of our systems collapse? I suggest SIMPLIFY. Pioneers had NONE of our nonsense not working silos. They had no schools, no justice system, no malls .. they SURVIVED with a CHURCH, general store and Barn raisings. I suggest that Pioneer outhouse, pumping water and building a fire might be more fun then our 357 million media avenues.
But first .. get off the speeding train's track .. ACCEPT we messed up bad as western "humans" .. and breathe and find gratitude. Go to video below. PS getting a gun will never work to protect what is yours. "they" have already taken our world from us and surely have enough guns to shoot us all. All those TV shows? the shooting that goes on? ridiculous. And we all watch that "overkill". Did we evervthink next it will be us .. the disorderly guys? No we just quit buying their crap. My son says they do not need us as consumers since they have all the money already. But I believe there is a lower battalion of Rich and they perhaps still have hearts and do want our business and loyalty. We need some hope to hang onto .. a raft .. to get to. I hope I am right, if not at least we can live in that HOPEFUL reality til "the end". We need to EXPECT some hopeful POSSIBILITIES to continue.
my whole life! over and over ranting .. then Sydney white class
Only 7 decades later am I saying ENOUGH! I was right, our society is ridiculous, nothing makes sense, everybody is brain dead .. or else mean and evil. What right do I have to yell at him when it was only a few years ago that I got irritated at a (college course) group of old people I saw years later .. STILL COMPLAINING. I thought dammit stop complaining and do something! That was years ago and I too continued whining and DOING little.
SO LUCKY! Pay MORE attention to energy vibration around you! be sensitive to new ideas and learnings, like that we are ALL connected, even dead people! ..3 steps
Get off the speeding Train track of the RIGGED SYSTEM .. and DO SOMETHING!! You are frozen in place going nowhere. But thatTRAIN is coming faster and faster. Yes, our concerns and ideas are correct, but rehashing them, getting ever deeper knowledge of the whole unjust system does not help us. learning its history and its possible cause, evil, alien or just brain dead .. after awhile is just going nowhere fast. Same old rocking chai or hamster wheel to NOWHERE.
STOP. Let's start either looking after OURSELF, destress, breathe, find something fun OR design a system that can connect us anserve us better than what is supposedly there for us. Yup .. it serves THEM not us .. but ACCEPT we are CORRECT! Now .. what will we DOOOO about it? please don't be me wasting 3 acts of the 4 of life we get .. wasted! ever wondering and whining not fair! yup I was right! nice trophy I get .. DEAD. Let's enjoy what we can NOW and build some hope for the future too.
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Sunday, Dec. 5, 2021
After some terror, we would probably EVENTUALLY ACCEPT our demise and start saying goodbye and doing tasks we should have prepared before, LIKE WRITE OUR WILL. But we are NOT ACCEPTING the reasonable diagnosis of the life ending disease of societal "progress. It will take us down along with it, as surely as Cancer will! But should we not TRY to enjoy the days that remain? PLUS there are people who have FAKED OUT the "doctor", and just never died after their TERMINAL diagnosis. Our mind and belief are more powerful than we were EVER TAUGHT.
Our Society has a cancer, or a spreading virus far worse than covid. It began with sugar and chemicals in our PROCESSED FOOD destroying our brain wiring. Today there are so many more things working to destroy our brain neurons. Whether purposeful or not, the damage has been done..
When ALL 60!! minutes of "Face the Nation" (NOTE THE IRONIC NAME!!) is creating fear of the new omicron con job, not mentioning those (. ) RUNAWAY parents of the 15 yearly shooter .. then we surely are facing the coming DEATH of our Western Society. What I thought was loss of REAL parenting with our screaming brats playground seems to actually be LACK OF ANY PARENTING RESPONSIBILITY, but on STEROIDS.
?? .. A 15 year old kills 4 and .. parents take no responsibility and Medical system nor Law and order have any clue to investigate causes of all this CHAOS. Yes sure, America the great. (Has been, maybe?)
Knowing the end is coming is terrifying. Anyone who can not see every single system including pour environment is not just in chaos. All our systems are collapsing from IN- ATTENTION (McGilchrist). I am thinking we know we are going to die but we just can't ACCEPT it. Ususally it would be a doctor telling us unless we get a kidney we will die. We don't want to ACCEPT that either but would probably just hope the kidney heals a little and a donor is found!
In the case of the DISEASED society we have created,we don't really know HOW we will die. An asteroid? Civil war? Starvation after killing water and soil? (All for our shallow society of INSTANT CONVENTIENCE and extreme excess of everything.) We are panicked if we are thinking humans that is, panicked but confused and frozen because of so many cataclysms. I was on the right rack when I said QUIT, Left brains don't worry, they just live their life of quick goals and action, no. contemplation necessary. Let's quit the contemplation before we get an ULCER or TMJ!
We have to ACCEPT the Death sentence. Maybe we could make it a game? If we were told we had 6 months to live what would we do? Forgive someone and move on? eat ice cream everyday? If we were told we had 2 years what would we do? travel? If we have no money but write or photograph well, maybe we could write for a travel mag in return for paid expenses! How does my stomach being in cramps, and waking every day in terror (before "the dead" .. (link) spoke to me) help anything at all??? And yet that is what we are doing to ourselves. I fear we are too late. Nobody listened to Rachel Carson (Silent Strong) in the 70's .. now "they" go further and demonize science. AHA!!!! They just are even WORSE at facing the death sentence we created for ourselves!! They completely avoid the hell we have created.
Let's calmly do the same, BUT with the EXPECTATION we maybe CAN still get together and go a simpler saner direction. Maybe god or the CEO who managed creating this awesome earth will pity us, giving us another chance if we just SHOW SOME RESPECT AND MANAGE OUR RESOURCES BETTER!..??
I am lucky I was raised in a belief in HEAVEN, really useful now. In fact that gives me a huge RESOURCE the young people I want to help probably do not have. Did parents today take their kids to church? or just spend Sunday morning on the SCREEN. believing thee is another place for AFTER is calming (yet I still live in panic much of the time). I guess I do have to QUIT WATCHING THE NEWS. That guy allowed to shoot in self defence and now (the 15 year old kid) should make me face I can no longer watch the twisted traditional news.
What do I do to create some calm? .. create my own viewing schedule of sameness! Streaming what we want whenever of millions of choices is NOT good .. it is DIVISIVE not connecting! It was wonderful to know in the 60's everyone else was watching that news ashore AT THE SAME TIME. (Beatles on ed sullivan). We have lost that connection and continuity and it is a HUGE BAD loss! Old is not QUAINT, old is better .. sorry you shallow "progress" people. "progress" can be TERRIBLE .. and mostly is when taken to EXTREME.
It might also help you to read this article about how hard it is for DR's to tell patients they are dying. I guess it is no wonder, untrained, we find it hard to face reality especially when it is not simply our OWN end but all we love .. and don't. Maybe it is time to reconnect, forgive and appreciate what we had no time for in our shallow rushed existence.
this is from 2/2 /22 but it talks about VISUALIZING. Guess it makes sense if I never SEE myself successful, it is then harder to put plan in action? We should see ourself where we want to be. At this point we need to try everything and anything that might help us! Heck it is starting to happened for me BY ITSELF in my wanting to be in NYC. Sometimes, by itself for a second .. my body somehow goes there! No direction from me! For a second I feel I am in a NYC spot I was in.. not a memory just a BEING. It is so weird but I want to cultivate it somehow! Imagine time / space travel at your command! Isn't that kind of what manifesting is. Or VISUALIZING. So if success for me = NYC, just IMAGINE I AM IN NYC, because I succeeded. I guess that is sort of what we should do? Maybe we can make "manifesting" a part of that FUN? .. instead of feeling it is what entitled selfish white ladies do. Sorry but I KNOW all of it is excellent .. but it is somehow phong to me now.
OMG we could even do some kind of casino betting thing. except I guess we will be DEAD when we find out how it all did end. Could the bet be only a CERTAIN time and the majority choice wins? next week another bet .. maybe a different belief?
Thank you so much dead people spirits! (very old morgue! link)
I always thought we could create heaven with ONE COMMANDMENT> Just consider others before yourself! But when I moved into this OLD PEOPLE kind of palaeolithic to university RESIEDENCE, I cam to realize it was way more complicated. my neighbour was so loud, like she was living with me! O complained and finally she was so quiet, strangely so. I discovered she has been DRUGGED! not fair! Why does my desire for quiet conflict with her desire to be loud and fun?
So Describing heaven for me is easy. A place where we each get our OWN reality .. my place is quiet and peaceful for THINKNG, while she can be LOUD and active but our REALITES are separate not harming each other. So to me heaven is where everyone is kind giving cooperative and collaborates .. but it is NOT SO HARD. Living in separate realities would solve the many probelems we face when BOTH DESIRES ARE VALID! Why did it take me till 70's to recognize others have the right to be noisy as long as not uncaring. It is all a balance and on my island noisy at one end quiet at the other. The middle is in between, the GREY!
Separate realities AT ONE TIME? Now would that not BE heaven? And apparently it is now possible, at least for those of us who believe being obsessed with something and studying it non stop might bring new knowledge to the forefront. But in our world simple minded people say theses are NOT experst and do not know what they speak of. Remember not to hate on the very SILLY people. they are disadvantaged, NO! disabled! Their brain is only HALF functioning!
Wed Nov 10/21 .. What is that quote from my first years of Teaching? .. found it ..
Serenity Prayer .. from the Cathedral of St Thomas More, Arlington Virginia
God, grant me the courage to change the things I can change,
the serenity to accept those I cannot change,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
(But God, grant me the courage not to give up on what I think is right,
even though I think it is hopeless. ( .. hopeless right now?) Did they add this last part? Not there in the 70's at Bishop Ryan High School, Hamilton, Ontario.
GOD!! I am in my 8th decade. Damn you! Why did I realize that thanks to you! That's it I am now MAD at you. Never mind .. I wasted my life mad at everybody and everything because nothing is fair, there is no JUSTICE or equality for people. It has now all been divided into women, gays, races, immigrants .. HAH .. there is no equality or JUSTICE for rich vs poor. But we are all falling into their women blacks, immigrant division. They are succeeding nicely and we are the idiots.
Enough with the gays and poor women etc etc etc .. all agents for DIVISION! If we don't GET TOGETHER as purely HUMANS with still some humanity ( kindness and care for OTHERS, not just self), then a few hundred people or maybe just 10 .. will completely destroy our lives and world. They have about 90% done it already. So we stop wasting energy on every nonsense and work together on surviving and then base quality of life for ALL. We don't care if you have yachts and jets .. but nobody should be homeless or starving. They will CONTRIBUTE and take responsibility in return .. but everyone, even the lowliest of us, deserves respect.
ACCEPT we can't do much. But STEP 1 is control where your money goes. Companies that join us .. fairly paying taxes, not polluting AND treating employees with respect are the ONLY ones we support with buying in. I know that is very hard if we can only AFFORD Walmart .. but let's try our best. Eventually we will create our own little Costco kind of co-op. But all of this will take sacrifice now and later. Are we up for that.
Too hard you say? my daughter tells me she has to filter water for her pets and tap water kills the plants. We should have been sacrificing 3 decades ago! The choice now is rathe life and death or suffering MORE than the pioneers did. A simple life beats the other alternative. But now .. if we built a re pioneer community they probably WACO us? This is all getting very Scarry eh?
DETACH from the injustice .. because staying ATTACHED will only destroy YOU ..not them. They just go on their merry way. Understanding that "they" often mean no malice (their brain just works differently, they are Left handed (brain-ed) while you are right. They can really only understand right wrong, good evil, black white. It is difficult for them to see grey so they avoid it .. with quick decision.
If you have been wrongly accused, treated very unfairly, seen no justice .. it would help us if we could face the reality they are UNABLE to open their closed mind. Hopefully some minds are LESS closed and we can have them join us. A CLOSED MIND FOCUSING ONLY ON GOOD vs EVIL, RIGHT vs WRONG SIMPLIFIES LIFE GREATLY. So it is hard to get converts to the more complex RIGHT BRAIN side. But understanding they are actually HANDICAPPED makes it a little easier to understand and feel compassion.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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If we are sad, feel downtrodden, that we will never get a fair shake .. we will get that too. At least that is what they said with "the law of attraction" stuff 10 years ago. I feel like people who have never suffered or struggled, who have self confidence and uneasier time .. always get the gold. If they have a simpler more focused only on "success" brain .. they get their focus. We Right Brain thinkers worry and feel guilty, feel regret and remorse while "Left brain Luckies"
see "selfish selfless spectrum"always thinikng "if? .. then .." "but .. " or "what about ..?" makes decision AND action harder for Right brain people. Things are slower but work better IN THE LONG RUN. Because Left Brain action people have been running the world .. systems are collapsing. ("When More is Not Better" Roger Martin.. our economic systems are too complex, and only focused on profit will fail.)while the Right Brain hemisphere worries about inequality and homelessness, the More Left Brain wired management obsessed push away those thoughts with "those people should have tried harder. Had they worked day and night like me they would have been fine too." This is just absolutely untrue. Different people have different skills and also respecting the thinker would have prevented our current decline. The manager CEO Left Brain g=has always been not just respected but admired. There is less admiration for a person ringing alarm bells. "Worriers" are dismissed or demonized, while "warriors" are worshipped. (more research coming to find simple, but clear articles.)
"Thinkers" are always thinking "if .., then..?" "but .. ", "what about .. ". The RUMINATING goes on and on. Meantime Action Brain .. "Just get er done!" people are off to have a good time! I am so jealous! Jealousy + envy! could they at least in return envy our BRILLIANT GENIUS od thought?No! Won't even listen. Nut we need to get it thru our head they can NOT listen, it confuses them. Just as 3 actions in a row confuse me. But to survive think act must balance! What a dilemma!
see "selfish selfless spectrum" proving action brains are more self centred. We all need to look alter ourselves. Often Thinkers do NOT .. lost in thought the bills don't get paid! Balance where are you!!
Sorry but that turns me murderous. You mean if I yell at someone for knocking me off the sidewalk into the street, or trapping me against stores walking on a SHARED sidewalk .. because of their undisciplined dog ( "sorry" or acknowledgement that I exist (guess I am a ghost after all?)) .. and I am the miserable entitled white lady?? Ohhh I almost beat that inhuman woman. She had the nerve to tell me I was in the wrong. So Our society has become so REVERSED that manner and civility called out .. get you SHAMED??? I am outta here. Elon Musk please drop me on your next trip. Happy to try it out. Surely more hospitable than this HELL we have created with selfish self absorbed greedy nobody people. I can see some big shot acting like that .. unacceptably but who the hell did she think she was.
Guess who just got so enraged, lost energy, got a stomach ache from something happening 10 days ago? Stupid me! Bitch lady lost no sleep .. and here am I ranting more. Let's promise ourselves she STAYS in this hell purgatory and is not allowed into our NICE, Kind people "Reverse World"! Just so ypknow she was not having a bad day .. she was arrogant, one of those people who think they own the world and you are just an ant worth nothing. THAT is where my rage comes from .. and I think we also can SENSE that energy. We all make mistakes, especially when stressed and rushing. That was not the case here .. so I destine her to hell of her own selfish making. If others treat her the same RUDE inhuman way .. maybe she will learn?
Like my son getting a complete SCAM ticket. I would want to blow something up, (but I am lucky to get organized and send a bday text to someone) because how many hours struggling to find work does that INJUSTICE take out of the bank. So so unfair. I hear buffalo went from 1/2 million in Ticket revenue to 3!!! million! They tried to steal my car, but although it was my best friend not worth the impound cost since 1/2 million kilometres driven in 23 years. Glad I did not ad to the injustice of their stealing from poorer people.
Do you think the guy with the $100,000 car, cares if he gets a $100.00 ticket? we poorer people are ALWAYS screwed. That is why we need to create a reverse world .. pioneers had NO SYSTEMS and things worked BETTER, and more fairly to begin. Quakers were awesome because instead of FEARING God they worked in god's image!! A far better greater good than "religion" seems to provide.
accepting and detaching from our past expectation of REASON in human behaviour and systems, will make life far easier. Recognize and ACCEPT that very little Common Sense exists. Detaching and ACCEPTING is a TOOL FOR CALMING OURSELF.
nov 10/ 21
Magic? If I set a book on the very edge of the coffee table, no focus I muster will stop it from falling! Maybe its falling was a "call from the universe" .. god.. saying "LOOK AT THIS BOOK .. it has the answer to that question"?? So we should always focus on everything having a positive aspect for us?
Hey, you guys are the reason all of this is becoming clear! This is YOU LIBRARY HUB! I am just the oldest curious and inventive one of us. (Because of you, I am able to pretend there are people out there who are stressed out of their minds like me, looking for any life raft of HOPE and possibility. I feel like we are a community working TOGETHER, instead of yelling at each other all just trying to find a way out of the mess we ALL created. (Our Thinkng brain drives doers crazy so we must CALM down. Right brains must STOP and take a chill pill, while Left brains must STOP and LISTEN to different ideas and reconsider.
In writing paragraph 1 to you, (guess this is like journalling? except I get to eventually share digitally, when I finally get the confidence?) I thought of a possible solution to the problem I was suggesting with you get what you focus on). Our concierge is leaving. He runs the place like Management and even does so much for the Maintenance "manager" who IS the maintenance "team" alone. In my usual WORRY manner I am suggesting within weeks the maintenance "founding" employee will also leave. Sooo ... if I put that into the universe I will single handedly MAKE IT HAPPENED.
NO! This is like the speeding train analogy. If you stand on a train track as a train is scheduled .. all the positive thoughts in the world will probably not STOP it. So what I SHOULD DO is call top management and warn them unless they get the help they should have 2 years ago when building was completed .. They will really collapse. As it is we are all terrified now that the man who helped with EVERYTHING .. only a concierge will be gone. So I guess the answer to getting what you focus on is ONLY FOR THE BIG PICTURE. They do say "visualize" and Manifest the picture you want by imagining it." So rather than stopping a speeding train with your mind .. the MAGIC ABILITY to ATTRACT is far bigger! We attract a good life by believing we deserve it, because the creator wants good for everyone, INCLUDING us.
So our BELIEF is really the magic! But the key to that belief is EVEN WHEN THINGS GO BADLY. When obstacles and complications hit us do we say "see, told you so .. GOD HATES ME". OR do we feel disappointed, sad, angry but then pick ourselves up REMEMBERING WE ARE WORTHY and a different path will work BETTER. It may take time .. sometimes even a LOT of time, but that belief that the good life is meant for us TOO .. is our magic key!
Thank you to the new condo concierge! re wherever god wants me!
No! But maybe we can be ready with a solution? .. or even possibly prevent the event by STOPPING its cause? HAH! That just gave me an idea for the problem creating this post .. concierge to noel
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Accept this is a total mess and even if there are 60% of us together .. can we fix it IN TIME? Let's take a POSITIVE VIEWPOINT. I know for me getting past "THE END" TERROR is the hard part
Sure .. my rent will magically be paid because I found a great job, easy peasy. Just breathe, right? Yoga is for entitled Elitist people worried they may lose their SECOND home, or trip to Cancun. This site is for those of us who know that New Age stuff is all true, but just feels shallow and phoney somehow now. Maybe because it is the "IN thing" and feels selfish somehow? We are learning instead .. Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation FOR DUMMIES!
I was living in hell .. for years! .. Ranting and raving about stupidity, unfairness, injustice and how can this be? Why is the worlds stupid? Why does nothing work right?
If only I could be the dictator injustice would end and everything would work! but we would be cave men because I have NO management and leadership skills. I can think you into the ground, but pay my bills, clean the apt. sure thing. Just making up new commandments won't work as dictator.
Strange though I had no idea my thinking and seeing what was happening was taking a terrible toll with my "mental" health. I began waking in PANIC every day, that my financial choices had ruined my kid's security in life. (Most kids today can crash in parent's basement if necessary. All my kids get is half a million debt, (as in neglect for visionary ideas .. because my head was always in the clouds). Once I did research into grief and loss, I realized I was never ACCEPTING our many losses. there is a stage in loss .. BARGAINING, I think I have been trying to bargain with my inventions to STOP the lost quality of life thru our digital dystopia. We have to stop trying to bargain and accept we are living in Digital Dystopia or HELL!
Life is just NOT the same. In fact I suggest all REAL quality of life is gone. A phone as amazing Tool could have been amazing. BUT NOT AS A REPLACEMENT TO LIFE ITSELF!! Those of us who SEE this is a loss of good, real connecting, real community, a movement toward shallow, always new. Change for the sake of change is useless, in fact DESTRUCTIVE. What have we recently invented that is world shaking? the blockchain could be, but its DUALITY is using huge huge amounts of power we already have trouble with!
Sadly .. us thinkers have to ACCEPT this HELL .. this digital dystopia, just accept and breathe and look for good! Maybe we can create our own reality? Science is saying we can! (Particle / wave theory).If we study how SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY ARE CONVERGING, it creates great hope. Instead of spending my energy terrified how our loss of any common sense and reason has destroyed civil society .. I am furiously studying how all science and even occult etc are all converging
Act only with the understanding that the universe WILL do what you want. There IS a Magic Magnet. It could take years .. but keep FAITH. God, or the earth CEO, (I usually just call it the universe) WANTS us to succeed and gave us a magnet that goes to what ever we focus on. That creator made us VALUABLE so focus on DESREVING things that will make YOUR life good. Never mind self SABOTAGE or thinkng you deserve nothing subconsciously. The fact you feel guilt at something SHOWS you are a good person! Act .. think, speak, work ALWAYS with the magic magnet in mind. Do you want your magnet stuck on the Hell side or heaven?
It is our choice to be on the success side or the failure side, but never mind the "free will crap". It IS TRUE that we cause our own hell, but because we are "Thinkers", sad about everything that is unfair, does NOT make us deserving of the HELL THAT THINKING CREATES. Negative gets negative. The Magnet is impartial, just science. "NO THINKING" is Heaven because it is easier to be positive not SEEING injustice. "That homeless guy just should have worked harder, not my problem he is lazy! I deserve my Starbucks". Instead we thinkers have our enjoyment ruined by the hell of walking by homelessness with GUILT! (He never even had the 6$ of my Starbucks to FEED himself for the day.)
Left brain people's life is simple, and so they succeed more easily. If we Thinkers "succeed" with making money, we really CAN help others, because sadly everything really IS ABOUT $$! I refuse to beg (ask for grants and donations) to help others. We will create a new industry that receives high margin ongoing Revenue with which we CAN do good. I will not beg to do good that should be done by ALL humans to BEGIN with. A rich guy "donating" is just his returning money he really stole when he paid employees poorly to increase profit. and for that he get adulation?? No way!
Together we can create REVERSE WORLD .. going back to William Penn's Quaker ideas and what he really had in mind along with Ben Franklin for a more just society. What the Pioneers left England for .. we just recreated here now. Except instead of an evil monarchy it is an "evil" government working ONLY for corporate good. (See we are all Brain DISABLED, not really evil)
Pretend your life is your own YouTube channel, and you can change the topic in 1/2 second. I was so euphoric with a beauty day, good energy area, warm sunlight .. and the channel flipped to our friend and concierge Daniel leaving us in a few days. We are all grieving the loss of his capable, smiling, help and friendship. Foe some reason I thought of this MY CHANNEL MY CHOICE idea. So Sad about this loss will not change not it, we will just miss a last extremely gorgeous fall day. Flip the channel or topic to something that pleases us. No need to stay sad for anything anymore because unfortunately a new change will come AND AGAIN WE NEED A TOOL TO COPE.
ps .. Mon. April 25, 2022.
I was crashing into total despair AGAIN, but I like this change the "channel" idea! You young guns may not remember TV was a few channels for us old guys .. and another channel might have comedy vs SUSPENSE and drama. Who needs to watch MORE stress today? I do not even understand why TV would have such stress producing shows? or always competition and extreme? So much pressure to be MORE THAN. And NEVER lose .. WINNING is all that matters. CHANGE TO A NICE CHANNEL .. maybe OLD movies but even "It's a wonderful life" with Jimmie Stewart had the evil greedy developer! GEESH!
Before the "CHANGE THE CHANNEL" tool helped me, it was "ACCEPT!" above that got me out of bed. naps are taking more and more of the day. Please see above intro addition to this PAGE, no sorry SECTION. I did not even know I was writing a BOOK .. let alone how to do it online! Remember .. if I do have any good ideas .. you get to USE THEM like 4 years earlier. At my speed and inability to actually JUST DO IT .. you would wait 10 years for me to publish and before that I may be a DEAD old lady .. or the world is DEAD! TOO LATE THEN.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.