Sat. June 4, 2022. HILARIOUS. Little guy wants big guy to UNDERSTAND. Big guy does NOT care! Just keep it simple! I have to watch this ad every time I get exasperated. Also must READ THE ROOM as my daughter says .. why even bother trying. That Dog is way smarter than me! "Listen to me!" will not work for Left brains who only want simple. (See American politics and GUNS. Republicans won't even discuss. Discussing is RIGHT brain. Political left /right is OPPOSITE to our HEMISPHERES= confusion.)
Sat. Nov 20, 2021
Had the Internet gone my way, we would be in UTOPIA!! Seriously! more later .. (Instead we doubled or tripled ADVERTISING .. whereas my way destroyed the advertising industry! .. and INSTEAD we actually PAID for work and expertise .. instead of expecting it FREE, like little BRATS! see what we got from it? .. disaster! .. surveillance capitalism!) YES! my way was better GENIUS .. but Corporate brains were already fried in the 90's)
Now we are going the same useless stupid direction with the Blockchain! Compared to the Internet the blockchain is 10 x more important! .. if we had the brains to use it CREATIVELY!! There is NO HOPE for us gone brainless humans!! (or at least no hope for western society.)
Add .. Don Tapscott (the visionary), sad and broken like me, = to Argentina's power is used for trading BITCOIN stock "casino mentality". OMG ..with Climate change?? .. wow! Sorry but you are no brain whatever IDIOTS! and you are destroying ALL OF US by ignoring the problem solver Right Brain visionaries.
cont'd from above Sat. Nov 20, 2021 Hmm .. guess I say that here on the website, eh? " If you think .. then GET OFF MY ISLAND!" But it is so frustrating when you honestly have a BETTER way to do something, I mean developing a logical and common sense alternative .. not in arrogance, just pure CURIOUSITY at why not this BETTER solution. it is just that I agonized over it and had a eureka moment with my OBSESSIVE inventing .. SO AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY TO CONSIDER MY VIEWPOINT or idea!
Of course unknown to me all that time, the person or organization I am currently "hating on" is PHYSICALLY UNABLE to "Stop, Listen, Think and Reconsider". They actually are DISABLED Fromm doing soToo many points in ideas confuse and frustrate them I guess. I never knew the people refusing to hear " but why not do it this OTHER way?"
OMG. Duality is 2 sides to the same coin. It can be that we have become BIASED and see only ONE side of the coin. I am forgetting there are 2 sides to the internet .. 2 sides to the Medical system. I get so obsessed with the EVIL side of everything, that I totally neglect to ALSO focus on the good. I can't be alone in that failure. so .. Let's quit seeing only the DARK SIDE!! Let's remind each other .. "But what about the sunny side?"
I hate the STUPID digital world we created (by not listening to VISIONARY ME) and have probably been angry since 2008. Time to take MY ADVICE! Get over it .. accept .. and step over to the BRIGHT side. I am writing a book? or "Quality of life for all" formula, or an Education System Curriculum. To simplify let's say a book. I need NO Publisher, no permission, I can in 2 seconds PUBISH my book for like 15$ per month!!!! no printing, no delivering to book stores, nothing 2 sends and it is out in the world! (mind you no one will read it .. but) I can give the web address to friends. I CAN share so they do NOT waste their life like I did. I save them 50 years of curious investigation to find answers .. "why doesn't everybody get a good life? It's not fair!!" Hah that should be the title of my "book" or Class Curriculum.
You can imagine the thrill when I decide to move a page of my "book", correct a page .. add more as I learn more .. the thrill of INSTANTLY PUBLISHING! In 5 seconds my find gets my NEW version. That is so totally amazing I do not even understand how it can be possible! it is truly MAGIC. How does it even happened and we have forgotten to APPRECIATE its amazement! I can add COLOUR photos. I remember when printing a page in colour cost 5 x black and white. People had no colour phots on GLOSSY paper in their book. Back in the day with Apple, I made coffee table books for I think $25 or 45 $ glossy beautiful photos!! This was unheard of even in the mid 90's.
In fact .. never mind writing a "book" .. I have my initial INVENTION .. ART TV "The Gift of Calm' VIDEO on my web site! I have a blog which is like a magazine. I could have people contact me directly .. not so in a book. And I am going to start adding AUDIO, maybe some of my rants would get online faster in a ?podcast? The Internet is just incredibly amazing MAGIC! (But beware listening to just any Joe Schmoe. I too am no expert, why should you listen to me? Because I am fascinated why life is so unfair and want to find a solution for all of us. my skill is pulling the real expertise together, and after decades finally seeing the architecture needed .. for a solid life)
How have I forgotten the amazement of the MAGIC that is the internet? because us worrier thinkers are a pain in the neck! Always negative. Let's stop yelling at those Left Brain Action people and see how we are NOT fun to have around. We need to fix us .. and til then be more compassionate to those SIMPLE focus brains that take the good and RUN WITH IT! Let's learn from them .. emulate their less complicated focus. Yes let's be more OBLIVIOUS so we are EASIER to be around.
But we Thinkers will never give up our beloved books!!
I have ALWAYS been hating on medicine. I am no different than the world of extreme excess I rant about. How about balance, like missing the AMAZINGNESS of the web because of hatred for how it created dystopia. That is not the internet (inventors') fault .. it is our fault for being idiots! Maybe our division is those who just USE the advantage of anything, while we worry about causes and consequences. OMG! that is really it! Like McGilchrist says they "use", we want to "understand" everything. So while we agonize, they already DID whatever and Profitted from it! I guess we HATE that because we always have to live with the consequences too .. and "I told you so" is of LITTLE benefit!
But while I (we hopefully?) scream and yell about their extreme USE with no thought to what it causes .. we are often missing out on ALSO using their invention. I miss lots of great web stuff because I QUIT at the Shazam MAGIC. I mean how awesome is finding what a song is that you always loved so you can finally buy it!!
Medicine too is a great example. I have HATED that entire evil system since I HONESTLY was a kid. My mom died of a heart attack and nobody cared about helping, maybe why? That "system" make us sick so they can then can profit off our stupidity of eating their toxic crap? (add Weston evil/ Canada).
BUT!! meantime I forget there are some pretty awesome procedures and products. I spend so much time DEMONIZING everything, at its extreme, that I forget the DUALTY! There is a good side to medicine I forget about. (But I have been ranting how we forget that looking after our own Health vs oblivion to our OWN responsibility, might actually work better than Dr appts prescriptions!) But there is still a good side, that I too can take part of. Balance .. just balance in life works better.
This week my right side got so destroyed .. worst ever! Did run into a wall while deep in thought?? First shoulder unable to move head and neck, the next day arm so painful could not even move right side of body or DO anything. I hate pain pills (quit eating wheat, sugar, chemicals and you will kill the inflammation that BEGINS the pain!) I remembered my arthritis pain pills and took some. OMG I think they really helped. It said they reduce inflammation. It was seriously miraculous! I thought my life was over .. a REAL nursing home inhabitant and I am back to normal. Maybe the universe was telling me "quit being in the extremes yourself! GET SOME BALANCE!" Thank you (god), universe!
there is definitely a dark side on the street, but .. we can also walk on the sunny side .. the fun side of Duality. Is everything good and bad? For example Elevators are good, but they have destroyed the livability of cities. Developer greed took them to EXTREME and in my eyes made them evil. BUT THAT TOO IS CLOSED MINDED. HAH. and I thought I was so perfectly open. hmm .. that's bad! So then everything is good and bad! a Rose is good, but if a truck load fell on you with all the thorns it would be BAD. Hmm .. that is an interesting way to look at life .. maybe an easier way?? In fact is that what duality is about? Again .. More to study!
Mostly Left brain wired people consistently are closed minded. They look for simple .. good / bad, right/wrong answers. But sometimes we Thinkers also need to simplify and we just chose a side and keep it. For example the Kyle Rittenhouse court case. I did not know he was chased or hit, which complicates the story. So if you hit me with your skateboard (that's WRONG and Mean!) its ok for me to shoot you?? Somehow America in 2021 is worse than the old Wild West. At least then we knew the bad guys wore black and should be shot. I am joking .. where is hilarious emoji? Anyway the point is .. RIDICULOUS it is OK to bring AK 47 to a chaotic situation and then take out 2 people. WOW, what a country. But I would have given him a less harsh sentence knowing he was hit, and the alive guy had a gun. Wisconsin? Remind me NEVER to go near that place!
Point is we all get close minded to new ideas in some areas. Beware of that. We need to STOP, LISTEN! THINK, and RE- CONSIDER! always for all things. YES! makes life way more complicated than being a jerky simple minded, closed mind judging GOOD? vs EVIL and done Don't reach a verdict before you know all the facts and even then you may be MISSING some. (Hmm .. god must have a hard job deciding about letting us in, eh? But then he looks at our overall life .. and does not judge us by a single mistake! OMG .. OMG! I just remembered someone was HUNG in Straford
take some time
About Tucker Carlson .. replacing Trump! (OMG .. I have watched good friend and family CHANGE character!)
from the New Republic .. sept 2021, "How Tucker Carlson Lost it" .. I used to watch him in early 2000! How did he become so unwatchable? .. like I can no longer talk to my friend and family member! (So sad how vicious especially my friend has become. She believes all kinds of untruth and is a bully about it, no discussing.)
from New Republic ..
“Bill O’Reilly’s question to the viewers was always, ‘Who’s looking out for you?’” CNN anchor Brian Stelter told me. “Carlson has answered the question: ‘No one is looking out for you.’ It is a doomsday view of America. It is a doomsday view of the world. Whereas O’Reilly allowed for some light to shine through—with the War on Christmas, it was never guaranteed that Christmas was going to lose! On Tucker Carlson Tonight, Christmas is dead and buried.”
This is, ultimately, an evolution—not just for Carlson but for conservative media. He has seen the anger that fueled Trump’s rise and directed it, again and again. He has no time for hope or silver linings. Instead, the message is simple: This is an existential struggle for the future of the country. Gone are pieties to conservatism. Gone is even a facade of nuance. Gone is an attempt to understand. Gone is any semblance of ideological consistency. Instead, you get the present and future of conservative media: a squinting Tucker Carlson barking about the country going to hell, forever. "
Alex Shephard is a staff writer at The New Republic.
Read More: The Soapbox, Politics, Magazine, October 2021, Cover Story, Media, Cable News, Tucker Carlson, FOX News, Conservatives, Feature
tv the beginning of the end .. a PROPAGANDA MACHINE on news AND consumerism!
"My thesis: American television has made the country what it is today — fat, lazy, uninterested, selfish, intellectually comatose and uninspired. And the relatively recent phenomenon of streaming — injecting into the brain unprecedented troves of this mind-numbing stupidity (granted, with occasional gems) for longer and foggier periods of tilting back and tuning out — has exponentially amplified the effect." by Ron Judd!
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
We no longer COMMUNICATE! We will not learn from each other unless we LISTEN! Then we have to THINK about what we heard. After we mull and contemplate the new input, then we RE consider our previous viewpoint. This is how people used toCONNECT. This is the ONLY way we can learn to find the TRUTH .. or FULL story and all "the truth's" perspectives. This is the only way to eventually find truth and then the fairness and justice it entails! Truth is messy, full of conflicting ideas and finding it is confusing. So it is far easier to just simplify.
Some suggest there are only 2 ways .. right vs wrong, good or evil. But life is just way too messy for that kind of simplification! There are "BUTS .." and "what if's .. " to every situation you can provide for me. Even "He killed a man, therefore he is evil." I suggest it is possible big Corporations are far more evil in treating their workers with such disrespect that they even go and commit suicide over the stress. That Capitalist pure profit motive is worse MURDER than say self defence or an ACCIDENTAL death from a fight "murder". But American Republicans will probably be leaving the site now. Republicans tend to be rich because simplifying makes life and goals easier to reach. Republican tend to be Left Hemisphere Action Brains.
We all, especially republicans need to listen and learn other points of view better. Sometimes I am slow to catch on and just yell "NO way" at my son. Very bad .. but AT LEAST eventually I say " you know that is very interesting. You have a good point. I need to think about (mull over) that." Too often I don't listen either, but boy do we need to work on this failure FAST. Our boat is sinking while we now have 10 ways to communicate .. yet today we do no REAL communication. We communicated WAY WAY better before text, and even before email! Everything is a rush .. no one takes time to think things through CAREFULLY.
Yes, of course there are different perspectives (Thanks, Natalia! sorry I yelled at you "NO WAY!" I guess I mean that different perspectives make up what USED TO BE JOURNALISM! .. sharing BOTH sides of the story. But some things are just true, OR NOT! Something can be completely true but it is used to create a lie .. or to terrify. It is TRUE covid has now killed 670,000 people in the USA. But to use it to scare people is a complete lie. Heart Disease kills 650,000 EVERY SINGLE YEAR .. no one worried about that, except to blame my farm cows! 670,000 deaths in 18 or 19 months is NOT EQUAL TO 650,000 in 12 months ( EVERY year). Numerous covid deaths were caused by unhealthy bodies being unable to withstand an extra obstacle in an already troubled state.
I wonder how many people ACTUALLY FLAT OUT DIED, truly from covid? Maybe half as many died from covid as Heart disease! And we destroyed the economy, small business and people's EMOTIONAL Health with it. The power people are either evil too .. or also very Brain dead.
I am very angry about this because my family tends to heart disease and to lie about fat when sugar and processed food inflames whatever DIS- ease we struggle with, is just an evil I have been ranting on forever! My mom died of a heart attack when I was 9 .. so the FAT LIE was always sixth sense to me. 60 years later it was finally exposed, for 2 days. (Yet I hear of supposed sex assaults over and over and over .. that destroy men's lives with never any "innocent til proven guilty".) But the lie was exposed only once we were all asleep. Are they testing us to see just how stupid we are? .. how far they can push us? Sure seems that way. If my website is banned we will soon know, won't we! Maybe they really never meant for sugar to fry our brains, just our self discipline .. so that we live in debt, owned by the banks. But of course many industries profit off our BAD Health, especially the DRUG and procedure industry..
feb 19 ..VIEW-point! short sighted vs far sighted! T myopia .. me HYPER opia .. too far apart!
Fri., Feb 19, 2022
I guess if we are in a rush or stressed in order to cope we SIMPLIFY. Simplifying or closing our mind usually means we stopwatch the VIEWPOINT of only one side.
SEEING both side usually makes everything more understandable and less conflict would arise. We still would have conflicting ideas .. but we would DISCUSS, or Debate them.
Instead we simply DEMONIZE the other. I guess that matches our way of life today. Simple and easy is the watchword of our society. Listening, Thinking and reconsidering is way too much work for a people who want everything INSTANT and CONVENIENT. Unless we smarten up .. we are toast.
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.