Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Founding Local community template, replicated nationally once perfected
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Not info .. information has by now destroyed our Societal Health. INTELLIGENCE, wisdom is even more important than the knowledge "education" that we used to be focused on. This website pulls together those who have spent years investigating and researching their field of expertise.
I too can write a blog but what do I really know. Writing a book is FAR more difficult than a blog. We use Authours and educators instead of simple bloggers .. people whose LIFE has been their study to SHARE intelligence gained.
Humanity's intelligence is "making judgments in the face of subtle nuances and ambiguities". (Science Direct) The internet and our page one search have turned us into "info maniacs" with no INTELLIGENCE. Taking ONE "fact" and running with it .. is NOT TRUTH. Truth is complex and complicated to discover. Today we divide ourselves being LAZY, not looking into DETAILS because we expect instant convenience in everything. No wonder our society no longer works.
a LIBRARY COMMUNITY of Human Intelligence focused on .. TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH
Reversal from our lifestyles of EXTREME everything is necessary to TAKE BACK CONTRO. Simple .. especially ordinary has NO VALUE. To survive we must return to simple, remove ourselves from the TRAP of consumption. Our Extreme lives involve Corporate and Government CONTROL of our minds. Let's calm down and get reasonable again. We can use Web 3 to get much of our power back, no more blackmailing us with job loss! (Vax or be homeless! Great choice allowing FREEDOM, eh? And never mind all other vaccines are tested for years before roll out. And never mind that covid kills FAR LESS than heart disease, but I MUST vax! (link my Plandemic page .. 5G?)
Balance is always the solution in everything .. extreme will lose in the end. (except maybe in sports?) But we live lives of extreme everything. Progress is awesome .. but not change for the sake of change. WE can not keep up and long term Health suffers.Never thinking of causes or consequences of all our modern action has left us with a collapsing society. Change and progress can be DETRIMENTAL. We forgot that and especially since the internet rushed to all kinds of SHINY NEW .. never once contemplating the consequences. This loss of INTELLIGENCE and WISDOM is now collapsing our health and society. Even with no covid we were in DIRE times. Since I have been whining why for 65 years .. can't we use a few of my ideas to start a new system that will work better. I enjoy designing solutions so my complaints were catalysts for action. Now it is finally time to utilize my life investment. Before I go TOTALLY senile please. ; <>
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
911 Trauma Support #'s
Life is just not fair!
A Societal Emergency
"Theory of Everything"
too much repetition ?
Some people are part of meditation groups, gratitude seekers, yoga is so big, mindfulness groups, other "New age" groups. I think a lot of us see value in all these ideas but somehow we are not so comfortable getting involved? Now that things are even MORE stressful there are groups for Mental Health, concerned with panic and anxiety. But if rich people get a massage at the spa why are you sending me to a mental health site?? That stigma means there is something wrong with us .. but its fine to go to yoga when entitled, and stressed or panicked. Perhaps everything just feels shallow and fake? All of these groups of belonging are important, but they need BALANCE .. not screaming and division. We used to say EVERYTHING in moderation but today we live lives of EXTREME and EXCESS. Without balance and moderation societies, will decline.
This site aims to be a "BETWEEN" community .. for those not wealthy enough for spas and yoga mats but rather insulted that we are considered depressed or have a "MENTAL"problem because we struggle with today's insecurity and injustices. Our brain is just like our heart or liver and can malfunction too of course. Maybe we are the smart guys, and therefore always sad .. because we see so much wrong? Is "Mental" illness just a LIE to get drugs into us?
Perhaps the good that comes from covid is accepting that sadness or despair can be caused by SOCIETAL ills .. not something wrong with us! Anyone who is not very concerned now must be very shallow. Thinking of our OWN security only .. is not good, if we forget that everyone's security is needed, for true quality of life! But .. we Thinkers will need to learn to be more shallow .. just to be able to survive! So we can certainly learn from those not so concerned. But hopefully they ALSO learn from us.
Sat. Mar 5, 2022
This site is for those of us who feel we really don't BELONG anywhere. We have too many questions, so nothing ever feels quite right. For example .. I had a best friend who was gay before most people even knew what it WAS! Now with the EXTREMISM I want nothing to do with i. Society has taken a person kind and supportive of someone different and turned them AWAY from the whole group. Seriously? .. you are going to yell at me because I think they amd them is damn confusing and I don't care a frig who you sleep with. Privacy and ?gentility is out the window in a society of EXTREMES and demonization. maybe this site is onle for people who THINK. Why ae you not WONDERING why after centuries of M F minimal confusion we are now supposed to be clear on LGBQT .. XYZ. Seriously? wheour world is collapsing pn every front I should WORRY about that? I had NO anymosity and only support for the difficulty my gay friend must have faced in the 70's. But why do we take something wrong just to the OPPOSITE WRONG EXTREME. How about some BALANCE in our lives? OK so is this site ony for those of us who want BALANCE between opposite SCREAMING ideas? Like instead of opposing screamers .. maybe we should LISTEN! THINK and RECONSIDER our previous point of view as new "facts" are added?
Then there is Vegans, don't even get me started! Don't you dare go blaming my fan cows for the mess we are in. can you not see how RIDICULOUS that is? Why is it I learned to CUT my meat consumption because I learned about the Transportation and deforestation negatives ..but you can't stop and think how does cow gas compare to all we HUMANS do that is destructive. Plus if you love animals so much why do you have that big dog in a studio apt .. and then protest zoos? All of these people I rant about are most welcome here .. if they TOO are willing to LISTEN .. Think .. and reconsider points of view with an OPEN mind.
So I guess this site is for those of us who see MUCH wrong with our world .. and we want to FIX IT WITH LISTENING and COMPROMISE. Most of our problems are actually ONE SAME problem .. always EXTREMES with no balance whatever. Like women's lib. Sorry ladies if you are EQUAL to men then ACT IT. You can't just take the equal part you want but the good like "ladies" go first remains! So greedy. We gave up our "lady" treatment when we supposedy wanted to be EQUAL HUMANS. This site is for those of us ready to call out ridiculousness in the name of LISTENING and balancing 2 opposing viewpoints. Both sides most probably have validity. But how do we bring them to the middle in more BALANCE, especially just screaming demonization with no listening to the "other"? Unless we RE-Learn LISTENING and rethinking we are done.
Every "Conspiracy Theory" has value. But if those believing it just simplify, then it becomes demonized by the other side. If we say there was no covid .. people will jump all over us. What we probably mean is covid was turned into terror so they could roll out 5 G? or get rid of both on line AND REAL life business systems? Would be far more profitable if "they" could purely focus digital and forget REAL stores and offices. Plus working from home we actually work MORE not less. Work never ends when you are always looking at it.
They say it is conspiracy theorists who think 911 was planned. Well I watched a demo shortly before and will NEVER understand how a far taller building just falls so neatly pancaked. Very strange indeed. And life was never the same after. When I read about the devious REAL ESTATE dealing last year I thought Hah my intuition was RIGHT all along. Let's listen more to our intuition and energy vibration. How often is it right?
So yes our group is curious and has questions .. but we NEVER stop listening and asking still MORE questions to try to find the "TRUTH". We will avoid taking facts and information at face value only, working instead toward truth and Human INTELLIGENCE and wisdom. We are the opposite to Law and Order and good and evil simplicity! In fact, we are building whole groups of new careers in Human INTELLIGENCE, in our REorganization of EDUCATION. School teaches us nothing of REAL value .. because a wise majority of people are very HARD to control. Our new education focus is RESPECT for all, personal RESPONSIBILITY and better RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.
Yike! Univ of Kent?? etc. I have not read this but a few sentences defining "conspiracy" seems to answer all. Yes! Sorry but most things now ARE PROMOTED to advance global power, no twisting about it! So do not trust the "International society of POLITICAL Society"! See what I mean?! Everything is a lie .. everybody screaming is either on the TAKE .. or just SHALLOW thinking TOO LITTLE. It is truly exhausting! And then again I never read the whole thing .. I jumped to conclusions. Maybe I am wrong but we are ALL overloaded with info .. too overwhelmed to handle it all. In our community we will keep each other calm by reminding of our REAL mission .. better quality of life. So we ACCEPT we can't research everything .. but maybe together .. WE CAN!!?
We are the "Thinkers", always curious, wondering and questioning if things are true or how they could work better. we don't want SHALLOW simple answers, we want HUMAN INTELLIGENCE .. not more "information" and A I. Most sites want LOTS of people, to brag about their size. We are Subscription and do NOT want advertising. We only want serious members who want to work to improve our quality of life. But that will take sacrifice and in a society used to fast and convenient, there may not be many of us willing to INVEST our energy patiently.
Even with civil disagreement we will learn more as we build better SOLUTIONS. My daughter still disagrees with everything I think. She laughed at my excitement over gluten and processed food finally being exposedHad she not said "There is way more to Health than gluten!" I would not have expanded my work to include ECONOMIC Health and System Health in our formula for Total Societal Health. She was right .. there is far more to health than quitting processed food (which inflames our disease tendencies). There is also no breathing and mindfulness stress reduction help .. when you do not have RENT money security.
Disagreement can be helpful, but it must return to CIVILITY .. not simply division and demonization. Discussion and debate will be important to arrive at compromises and collaboration between our Partner Agencies. But it WILL be easier if we all have the same exact mission .. basic "Quality of Life for all" (QoL for all) .. share / FAIR. Things have not worked anymore because we NO LONGER HAVE THE SAME GOAL. Corporations only want their power and profit and governments fall for their wishes. I do not understand how TO. has so many homeless people freezing and yet 3x per day hours are spent tending to the skating rink below my place. Strange priorities "silly city". (Do NOT talk to me about SMART cities. Sure
smart for google, that was sponsoring ours .. not "smart" for us!) Anyone who wants to partner with us must have more clear priorities than TO. .. rather than helping the already entitled even MORE.
With a city, corporate sponsors, local agencies and members PARTNERING together with kindness and FAIRNESS we can build a NEW better system that all can benefit from. Revised capitalism just has to be more HUMAN ASSET focused! Rather than a sole focus on only $, all ASSETS should be respected. No Humans left? no $ in sales for you Mr CEO. AND no helpers for those "jobs" not respected by the powerful. You have become sh shallow you no longer SEE the collapse your tunnel vision has created.
of course there are 2 sides to most things .. but it used to be based on opposing questions needing answers and compromise. If we all remembered the basic foundation of most of our lives and focus .. we just want to be secure, sheltered and not hungry. AND connected to others!! .. which we can't be, if we are all stressed and overwhelmed just trying to get by. We don't want to "get by" having to knock down another. But we live in a win/ lose society.
Let's get back to remembering we really all want the same thing basic Quality of Life not by knocking down another. Why should we need to be happy we BEAT 100 others trying to get a job when there should be jobs for all of us. Let's make them! By sharing our resources ONLY with those who want to create a new WIN WIN society. I don't want to make a million $ with my invention licensing fees, while those who make and disribute it, are struggling to get by. I bet most of us want FAIRNESS .. but we only HEAR ABOUT how capitalism means ONLY PROFIT. Real "profit" is showing respect and responsibility to OTHERS and resources outside our selfish desires.
Our religion used to be a wonderful place to connect. Yet why in my day were Catholics and even Anglicans the "other"? Now religion seems to mean Republicans and yoga is shallow Liberals? We may like both god and yoga but still don't feel connected. Has religion come to mean good vs evil? But life is not as simple as that! There is always a "but". He murdered someone he myst go o jail for life. But what if he hit the victim who fell and broke his skull .. there was no intention to KILL anyone! This simplistic judgement creates so much injustice. The guy who is really NOT guilty comes out revengeful and becomes a truly evil person. Nota good solution I would say!
Understanding situations requires an open mind and listening, taking time to look for TRUTH. WE are going to create our OWN "religion" .. probably what god actually expected! For us to be kind and try our best to help others NOT JUST SELFISHLY OURSELF. I wonder if Ayn Rand and Friedman (profit is "god") were religious? What a joke.
Mon. Mar 7, 2020
Warrior vs Worrier .. may explain better than right left brain hemisphere, why we are so divided!
20 or 30 years ago I thought I was a democrat (liberal?) but began to think I was republican since it seemed democrats waste a lot of money and don't manage well. Republicans had lots of good ideas. Is that what they call a Moderate .. like our BETWEEN website. Why not take the good ideas of each side and collaborate? No! instead we demonize the other and GET NOWHERE, anymore ever! Society's BOAT IS SINKING and all we do is fight? .. when we should be QUICKLY BAILING TOGETHER? Insanity for sure. We are divided in everything. What could have caused that. I guess shallow thinkng wanting quick easy answers ot "solutions". Shallow solutions create SHALLOW success. Now we will reap the rewards of 50 plus years of shallow thinking and success. The result is NOT pretty.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
We need to be like the President of UKRAINE! He is a Comedian! .. who just happened to be the Leader at the wrong (right?) time! I will take him for leader way before ANY of ours. He is in there with his T shirt ready to be unsafe like the men he asked to fight for country. Like Occupy we will have no real Leader. We will ALL be leaders bringing others along to change things. Our Partners (and actually members) will ALL PROMISE to break no rules like some truckers did. Our only RULE is think of others first, not only your own desire. Those poor people were held hostage with the honking, and to a sensitive person that was PURE torture. Everything we will do is to create a fair sharing new society .. a Reverse world. So how can we be mean if our mission is SHARING, fairly?
To succeed we will build on this "bible" .. a recipe or formula to build new hope. Our Re pioneering .. is a WAR EFFORT against EXTREME. And our pioneer "bible" or manual has one commandment. Think first how your behaviour affects others. (Except .. not buying from evil companies WILL affect them, so you can say I am a hypocrite or use your brain. We are in a war against those who want ONLY profit and power. We WILL have to make them feel pain. But we will do it by having NOTHING to do with them. We will be the bullies against the far bigger bullies .. we are David against the Goliath corporations.
Those of us willing to ACTUALLY sacrifice to fix our collapsing Society will work with the remaining Fortunes 500's still honestly still having some humanity. I am hopeful there still are a few .. and they will partner to supply our needs. In return they get our stamp of CERTIFIED 3R (better Respect/ Responsibility, and Resource Management)
I saw a video of 2/22/22 a few hours ago ..and with the Russia stuff, plus Canada's war powers takeover of our "Freedom", plus disbelief that we simplify life to vax/ vs not vax demonization .. and I was sure the END WAS HERE. I tried to find the rest of this video but all I found was shallow nonsense. Until I saw the link above . With that POSITIVE focus in mind the terrifying link merely proves we have a CHOICE! We can look for positive .. or focus on negative.
We don't need to move to a dessert island with no phone! The majority of people are still sane. They are just not the screamers we notice! I am guilty of total despair in thinkng there is no more BALANCE. Everything is DEMONIZED .. the opposite is evil. Well, who said anything was as simple as opposite? everything is GREY .. nothing is black and white. (examples coming, murder? a scale of evil? selfishness vs looking after self. Opposing sides just simplifies the probelm .. good badd, right wrong. Opposing sides juts creates BATTLE LINES .. BUT SOLVES NOTHING!! Yes, my website is right. If we stay in that position all we get is WAR .. and loss of quality of life.
But I myself was in the EXTREME! The world is bad. too many people are evil. NO! Yes a lot of people act extremely selfish (evil)
We don't need to move to a dessert island with no phone! The majority of people are still sane. They are just not the screamers we notice! I am guilty of total despair in thinkng there is no more BALANCE. Everything is DEMONIZED .. the opposite is evil. Well, who said anything was as simple as opposite? everything is GREY .. nothing is black and white. (examples coming, murder? a scale of evil? selfishness vs looking after self. Opposing sides just simplifies the probelm .. good badd, right wrong. Opposing sides juts creates BATTLE LINES .. BUT SOLVES NOTHING!! Yes, my website is right. If we stay in that position all we get is WAR .. and loss of quality of life.
But I myself was in the EXTREME! The world is bad. too many people are evil. NO! Yes a lot of people act extremely selfish (evil)
gone .. disappeared ..bcause of apple Monterey!
Sorry readers .. I learned today that I have been focused totally wrongly! Me .. the GOOD side of course! Then .. the evil but actually unable to change. Just like psychopaths have different brain wiring .. so do they. But how about me .. my "never stop questioning" curiosity drives more simple action people crazy! I have been negative and preaching like that old man on the street corner of TO's "time's square". At least he screams "BELIEVE!" .. believe in god I guess? Me I have just been ranting how all is collapsing, and it is caused by Left brain ACTIOn people who have managed our "progress".
Sorry to say I am completely RIGHT. But who does that help? and how does it stop the divisive war that goes on with 2 sides to everything and NEVER TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE OTHER SIDE? We have truly lost our mind and Iain Mcgilchrist .. way smarter than me explains it all biologically with our neurons and history. But so what? I now understand what has happened and unlike Mcgilchrist have determined many reason why I brains have fried. So what .. it is too late, our society will not give up the toxins of "progress". Sugar/ gluten, (processed food), simple "search" (at the expense of TRUTH), "I'm special" leading to "me first, screw you" a selfish society, or at least so much stress we seem selfish in our obliviousness to OTHER'S NEEDS. Manners are considered quaint because now we are no longer civil .. and maybe have lost our humanity?
But so what? How does ranting about this every day help us? Although I have been trying to find solutions forever, find tools that can help us get thru .. they all seem so shallow. Just breathe and then take CONTROL of your mind. ( yeah but I am going to be homeless, or sure I will breathe deep but how will I feed my kids? I just lost the 3rd job because the business failed.
I have however found a solution, difficult but possible. I think I wasted my life trying to prove my life place was NOT FAIR. I finally see this is so true for us "thinkers". we are NOT respected or listened to .. and now we must ALL pay the price. A collapsing environment and economy which is our Total Societal Health. it is so FRUSTRATING for us "preachers" that we too must suffer while the action CEO managers got to enjoy the "American Dream" while we were busy WORRYING!
Anger and resentment will get us nowhere. Maybe now they will listen? Mayb if I STOP ranting cataclysm to my kids every day they will EVENTUALLY listen to a calm simplified idea? we di not simplify enough for them. They just want to get the job done. Which in the last 50 years is create more profit and kill the completion. At least let's save ourselves. Take a chill pill so when they finally ask for our ideas we will still be sane.
So please bear with me while I revise the entire site. All past work must be re-considered! Too much whining, blaming and complaining. It is definitely a harder life to be sensitive to EVERYTHING .. including thoughts of others struggles. But hey, does a trophy for WORST LIFE EVER .. make it all better? NO! So if we are sensitive to noise and rudeness etc etc, and then think about every problem too, WE have to take responsibility and SHUT IT ALL DOWN. Accept it, we are right, it is not fair .. but then move over to the positive side, the sunny side of the street, "IGNORING THE DARKNESS." I will revise the site with less rehashing COLLAPSE .. focusing on stepping over to the sunny side .. it is ok to ignore the tidal wave coming to take a breather. Then we have more energy and a clear mind to create SOLUTIONS!
We were never taught the very basic things to make our life good for us! Mind vs brain .. self discipline and how we differ depending on our brain hemisphere type . McGilchrist has been around a decade, I doubt his theory has been taught. Particle wave reality offers boundless hope .. it should be discussed. Instead Education is being MORE censored (critical race theory screaming)
It is hard, terrifying actually, after decades of voicing "something is very wrong" to finally face .. yes .. we made a MESS! Breathe .. Accept .. take a moment to just "chill" .. then we can brainstorm our possibilities
But actually the enemy is US .. so we must learn who "the OTHER" is. The war is "progress" not its affect on our brains. Neither of our demonized sides are blameless. Both sides are wrong! I was mistaken when I though I was the good guy .. always trying to understand everything .. instead of just getting something DONE! Both of us are needed to solve this huge problem. Thinkers to consider causes and consequences .. but also Action managers to get us going! Decide already .. and GET TO WORK!
We have so many things to fight. We have to stop fighting each OTHER and RECOGNIZE THE VALUE OF OUR OPPOSITE SKILLS! This think/act wiring used to be BALANCED in each of our brains. Now that so much wiring has been destroyed we need what each of us has to be used together. Those who seem oblivious can actually teach us to calm down .. not be such further stressors to others. We are both BAD .. but we both would RATHER be good people! How did it take me this long to realize what a pain I am! Always ranting and having worrying . Now I am very embarrassed. But action brains should be embarrassed they never listened to our WARNINGS!!
Iain McGilchrist "The Divided Brain TVO
toxins of "progress"
It is a coping tool to focus on self, when there is trouble in our life. Our society of change and constantly keeping up with shallow "improvements" in what we know makes life a constant race to be run with (NO WINNING LINE ENDING!) The race just keeps ON and ON and is exhausting. But even worse! .. we forgot we are running it! Most of us are just "sheep ants" following along zombies to the "master". At least in slave days some masters treated slaves with respect (even though it may just have been to protect their INVESTMENT.)
Monday, Feb. 14, 2022.
Someone just made me realize Mind CONTROL perhaps still has a negative connotation? Maybe we should look at it as MIND MANAGEMENT? This SYSTEM is very focused on RESOURCE MANAGEMENT .. and our mind is probably our most IMPORTANT RESOURCE. If you are just born with a sunny disposition, you are so lucky. Be VERY grateful for that very valuable asset you have been given! Most of us sadly are NOT so fortunate. But we can TRAIN our mind to develop that golden tool of positivity that a few have naturally. It is a lot harder work for us not naturally sunny .. but we CAN do it. Mind Management can even help us fix our health problems. (Positive mindset does amazing things even for miseries like me! (will add examples)
Our Panic today is feeling totally out of control of our life. We have lost any power over what happens to us. Even before covid, we were always struggling to find ever decreasing jobs. Everything young people were told was a joke. "Get a good education and your life will be great." How many coffee shop employees are engineers or lawyers, or studied marketing, once you get talking with them? Is it any wonder young people are ANGRY at the scam they were sold?
We better just ACCEPT we now live in Dystopia .. but we better ALSO accept that we can create our own new reality. If you want to continue living in the old world .. that believed only ONE REALITY is real .. go below to the Health and Creating a job sections. I for one, need some hope to hang onto. AND since there ain't NO HOPE in this Dystopian world .. I AM MAKING UP MY OWN REALITY. We are going to build a community (or reality) That focuses on the golden rule .. or the greater good. Instead of the "me first screw you" HELL we live in .. we are going to be considerate of others welfare. Quality of life can be regained if we simplify and start thinking more carefully. But to see Hope and possibility, we must manage our mind and its focus.
Each of us will contribute our TALENT (even if it is being good at sweeping the floor) .. yes SWEEPING, we are going to actually reduce our power use, instead of the idiocy of things like electric cars that just destroy more trees in mining their chemicals! We will trade our talent and resources providing everyone a base quality of life. Even those more lucky with more resources will STILL live in a BETTER society than today's. Our fear based society killed all the small business. If you want to live in a place where google and amazon supply your ALL needs .. like what a Star Trek voyage looks like, then "GET!" .. this community is NOT for you. When you remember what "COMMUNITY" actually means .. come back to enjoy our simpler but BETTER quality of life. I do not mean we will be Mennonites without electricity. We just will start using our brain again, to be more respectful and take responsibility in MANAGING our many depleted resources far BETTER!
We live in Dystopia. Isn't that HELL to the UN religious? So if we create UTOPIA that is HEAVEN. What IS Heaven? .. have you ever stopped to think about that? I always just believed because I wanted there to be a way to see my mom and big brothers again! If I thought of clouds, angels and harps I was NOT sure I wanted to go after all .. especially FOREVER. What the hell is forever? Forever? hah .. I get so sad angry when a Coffee Shop that is ritual or even just routine closes. I HATE change .. but ?forever .. I can NOT even get my head around that. SO .. since we believe the "particle wave science" .. ?? .. that says we can create our OWN reality ALL AT THE SAME TIME .. I am just not going to think about that "forever" part.
Cool, eh? we just choose what we want to focus on .. and that is what we think about .. facts and reality BE DAMNED. Excuse me .. I am NOT crazy .. think about it! The people who run the world, the POWER structure .. big brother who controls us .. They believe whatever the hell suits their agenda!! Think about it .. they shut their brain to anything that does not fit their goal or their personal gain! Since Friedman they forgot everything in the universe EXCEPT PROFIT. Their brain is fried .. NO RIGHT HEMISPHERE THINKING REMAINS, only their tunnel vision ACTION rules their life. This is why Dystopia is the result. Respect ONLY for money/ profit ignoring the resources of PEOPLE and PLANET has destroyed the latter. Sorry "big guys". You bare actually NOTHING. Us and the planet's air water and nature are everything .. at least we are everything that ACTUALLY matters. So we will build our OWN SYSTEM. You stick with your obsession with rand and Friedman .. while we build a TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH System, where all contribute and all receive base quality of life. Our "investor" sponsors can have their yachts antique cars and many mansions but they will also sleep well at nite knowing they are still HUMAN .. and that god will let them in to the final heaven.
ok .. Tues. Jan 18, 2022.
In real "Heaven", it must be we actually WILL work together easily .. balancing our opposite brain RESOURCES. Imagine if we could all see other's perspective and create ways to BOTH get what we want at the same time! The possibility of different realities at the same time, certainly makes that result easier. (Particle / wave physics?)
We used to have our OWN Right AND Left Brain hemispheres, balanced to BOTH first think and THEN act. But as the toxins of "progress" accelerated .. our brain wiring was destroyed faster and faster! Our character, is based on a "Thinker vs Action SPECTRUM". Just as horoscope and birth order seem to shape us, our character certainly depends on what side R or L hemisphere, has the most brain wiring remaining in our head. The creator balanced our think vs act wiring, but our brain has been destroyed by "progress" more and more drastically. Seriously! (Watch out, because covid is making OUR "INTELLIGENCE DISABILITY" .. EVEN worse!)
Yes! I finally figured out what "heaven" must be, (besides all realities present at once, with time and space converging)! We already have wonderful "Communities" here .. built with compromise and collaboration .. but this is always so HARD. Is HEAVEN just where it becomes EASY .. to collaborate and compromise??
The realization that all our "us/them" demonization is caused by our no longer BALANCED brain hemispheres (fast action/ decision vs REAL thinking first!), makes it easier to BELIEVE that simply restoring this balance .. will create harmony! As long as we Right Brain Thinkers get our act together and make decisions .. (so we can actually GET THE JOB DONE), we would be fine with only a few Left brain CEO's to manage us! There are still kind and considerate of others Left Brain Action managers around! so maybe we really could still work TOGETHER like back when I used to look for a CEO Partner company, to take on my inventions.
Remember, the biggest smartest CEO of all, (the Creator, god?) was the kindest and most caring of others "Developer" ever. I am confident those power people with a bit of think/ act balance left, will join our new "Total Societal Health" System design and development. Those CEO's have enough Right brain wiring to recognize society has gone a very WRONG direction. Those few do recognize all the profit in the world, will not restore REAL quality of life! They too desire to change things and will be happy to manage developing a new system, that they see is promising. (ie "System Design Architecture" .. the talent of an obsessive inventive thinker .. me?) If you KNOW anyone with today's version of "success" .. that remains visionary (open to new ideas) and is still truly ETHICAL, please bring them to our group!
Thinkers are happy to work hard .. we just often get trapped thinking MORE and further again .. instead of "STOP already" .. and JUST GOING AHEAD WITH ACTION, TO GET THE JOB DONE. With a few still more balanced Leader (Left brain) CEO's, we will build a TEMPLATE that others can replicate. a new Re Education SYSTEM, that creates real "Total Societal Health". We will actually use Blockchain trading for "good" .. or maybe just a non digital version of it! (Since bitcoin ludicrously uses the energy of Argentina. ; < eeeyih, really brilliant! )
Apologies!! This site is incomplete, parts unfinished, misplaced, not edited. It is TERRIBLE so .. Please just SKIM it like a first draft manuscript. I am hoping you will find something that speaks to you, to reduce your stress. I have been attempting for years to calm my own terror and I hope some of these ideas finally helping me .. could help you too.
Between the chaos of my many ideas, are some tools that could help you. I rather be embarrassed at my work, but have been able to help even one person feel that someone does understand, and actually cares! Rather than fix the site first, I hope the panic solutions I finally found for me, can help you a little too. Probably it was my almost "crashing and burning", that made me actually TAKE CONTROL OR ELSE, that finally helped me. We are actually more in control of our life, than we realize! (The constant "Propoganda" of every type also fries our brain .. away from any Common Sense). (see also .. self sabotage)
See the drop down titles below .. like Chapters and Headings.
We can revise, update, correct anytime! Later, I will find time to take your input and can make changes, so it really is OUR site of collaboration! So far there are just "Topic Experts" I have linked, that can help us. Eventually hopefully they will partner with us. We will be an OCTOPUS. It has 9 brains. This is just the "Library BRAIN" pulling all the important EXPERT"S Brain topics together.
?? jan 19/22 .. Perhaps a HUB built on the idea of an OCTOPUS .. having 9 brains .. my central brain is a lifetime REdesigning all I saw, especially TOTAL Health. Cleveland Clinic will be the Health brain, to help share all expertise on Physical Health and our NEW EMOTIONAL HEALTH, while destroying the STIGMA of "mental" Health (purely a ploy of the drug industry to prescribe the whole population.)
the 3 little black lines at the top lead to all the book Chapters and Sections .. pick and choose and eventually each will make sense alone.
Wed. Jan 19 /22
Once we know that the "think/ act" hemisphere IMBALANCE spectrum drives our behaviour, maybe we can change some of our beliefs? Maybe we all base our beliefs about others on a misunderstanding? I have long thought Left brain people were MEAN, even evil. But they just find contemplation hard whereas "thinkers" find DECISION MAKING and actual follow through very hard. This is SOOO frustrating for an Action brain. Having Opposite skills is confusing and dividing us, even DEMONIZING "the other".
My daughter's quick talking and Multi task action leaves me feeling very stressed and wanting to run away. But my forever "MULTI THINKING", never deciding or acting would surely cause great frustration for anyone who just wants to get the job done! Plus when we ask all kinds of questions or contemplate all angles, it creates confusion for a single minded person who is naturally quick to act. Both of our skills are needed but if too extremely divided the warrior (doer) will often attack .. leaving the worrier feeling bullied. But it works both ways! I guess we bully with too many questioning words?
I always thought we thinkers were the nice guys, they Left brain were mean because they won't listen to ideas .. but this is NOT true. They are DISABLED just like us! We each frustrate the other, having totally opposite skills .. yet therefore desperately needing each others asset! If only we all still had a BALANCED brain!
Luckily most people are not such extreme opposites, or if they are .. they do not choose a partner with extreme opposite character. Opposite is perfect, balances life .. but NOT an extreme opposite. We both are assets in life, but find it hard to understand each other when the difference is extreme. Left Brain Action people are NOT evil .. just focused on their goal and sometimes miss seeing the coming UNINTENDED consequences of their actions. Unless we accept each other more compassionately, we can not share our OPPOSITE, very needed brain Hemisphere RESOURCE. us "Thinkers", and the "still kind Action souls"
If we base our belief on wrong assumptions, we create unnecessary trouble for ourself. Both my daughter and I think the other just mean and selfish. But it is because we confuse each other and THEN we have opposite ways of reacting. Warriors lash out, but worriers wonder what they did wrong and back away. Eventually this causes distrust and demonization. Imagine if we recognized that we are actually BOTH brain DISABLED by the effects of "progress". We now do this as a society, and it can definitely NOT be sustained.
Years ago the Tim's and McCafe coffee people already loved me, because I ranted that Seniors should be charged an UPCHARGE, never mind get a discount! Us Boomers destroyed the world .. there is nothing left for young people! SO VERY NOT FAIR!! I think I spent 7 decades living with "it is just NOT FAIR!!" I have spent maybe a decade feeling guilt and wondering how we were going to fix this mess WE BOOMERS created. I think I have it figured out! At least I finally have been FAR LESS often waking up and wondering "what is the point of anything .. we are so over." It is so nice to jump out of bed again with a little hope. This site has evolved so if a section just RANTS .. leave it behind it is OLD .. and we are going to focus on POSSIBILITY.
I swear to god. Honestly. For some reason I was around an old building on an old street (which I do love old history) and I just felt a SERIOUS lifting of my spirits. It was such a strange experience (usually this sort of "euphoria" is only created for me in PHILLY or NYC! With covid I have missed my seasonal energy infusions to the USA so this RAISED SPIRITS was not normal! So I went home and researched the area. IT WAS AN OLD 1800's MORGUE. I decided it was the universe talking to me the the spirits in that building. They said lady you are so terrified the end is coming. WAKE UP .. WE ALL DIE. If it IS the end of the world we just die together. Most of us died ALONE. So be HAPPY! We all die .. and wasting the time you have left with despair and guilt does absolutely NOTHING to help anyone, including you. If you ENJOY life you have MORE to give others. It is NOT being selfish!"
Thanks! you, dear reader, future FOREST member just reminded me of that thinking. A lot of us go through life feeling we do not deserve to be comfortable and happy when we see the injustice others endure. That guilt and despair robs us of the energy to actually HELP! So let's get together and sharing our talents we will fix this mess .. or at least have FUN until its over! Seriously those ghost shirts talking to me was SO cool .. pay attention! so many weird things do happened that we were never taught to pay attention to. I just saw something on Bloomberg News that 65% of people throw food out too soon. I was hoping to check if I read that bottom (?streamer) right? Be darned if it was not there for me just when I went back. I was feeling positive and the universe sent me what I needed. When the dead talked to me I was NOT positive .. but god wants the best for us and sometimes helps anyway. Sadly I do not always remember my ways to raise spirits and still sometimes feel very hopeless .. but I think there are finally enough ideas here to keep us going, picking ourselves UP and then enjoying our time together.
I saw a classy guy in Nordstrom walking with his face diverted down to his iPad. Please just kill me! We managed our lives quite nicely without running into people screen faced. Join Reality please! Do we now live in some virtual reality, and that is why people always run into me. So I can go off ranting about HELL as half the website needing deletion is .. or skip right on over to the Heaven. It is like cCHOOSING to walk on the sunny side of the street. If we don't pay attention and MANAGE our OWN LIFE we will get stuck wasting time in hell. Bring your friends along on our adventure. But they have to be WILLING to manage their thinkng! I have people close to me that are not allowed here .. they refuse either to think AT ALL (the LEFT Brains that ruined our world because they ACT and just get 'er done .. McGilchrist) or .. they refuse to MANGE their thinking like I never did. Thinking *Right Hemisphere) is NOT more valuable than DOING. But doing without thinking it thru got us into this mess. We need both right and left hemisphere brain WORKING. But it needs BALANCE. Non stop thinking is just worry wand WASTE.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
psychotic people do not even MEAN to be evil .. their brain just works different. There is a selfish selfless spectrum and we thinkers often forget to care for SELF. But only looking after self and family gor us in they mess. Definitely a selfish society. But even they want to be loved and respected!
So those who were stuck in an OCD tunnel with Friedman and Rand's goal (ALL THAT MATTERS IS PROFIT!) are just mentally ILL not evil! Obsessive Compulsive focus on profit is a DISORDER. And the rest of us are "STRESSED SELFISH". When you can barely survive to be selfish is a coping tool.
There we just concluded everybody just wants to be loved .. so we will try and be compassionate instead of hate on those who stole everything from the rest of us. Win/ lose, "me first, screw you" has to go. WE will only interact with those willing to TRY to restore our humanity. We will fail sometimes but at least we keep trying. If we fail badly more than 3 times being a selfish thoughtless JERK we have to leave and can try again later, if someone vouches for our effort. Our selfishness is destroying our humanity
It is usually the American Right, you know .. those Christians .. that say why should I help that homeless person? he should have worked hard like me!" That is exactly what reducing taxes on wealthy does but they are the "christians". we are creating a REAL "church" where we share our talents .. skills in needs of life out. A new FAIR Share economy based on the blockchain somehow. I have not figured it out but you tech members will help me!
Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.