Sat., Jan 29, 2022
People who actually THINK about other things, rather than just themSELVES .. are terrified and stressed by so much!
Do you young "uns" even know these words? damn spell check won't even let me write them .. so frustratingly terrible world you young digital silly people created! It took me 15 times carpel tunnel -ing to get "young UNS" written. (obviously = ones). But do you know "brat". means a bad kid, undisciplined and unrespectful .. but I think I usually used it on my kids as a term of endearment of their mischief.
If it is too inconvenient for you to hear my long story, skip the next heading and go below it! You would think it taking me my life time to DISCOVER, through decades of curiosity and research .. that I would get some respect! Go on .. get! .. go down below this next section then!
I think I spent my life looking for these words that are the reason for every one of our problems. We could make THAT Reason our enemy .. have a new "WAR EFFORT" against this thing destroying us! Since I was a kid I wondered .. why are things/ people always (stupid) sorry, surely NOT very smart? Why don't systems, or even industries, or the "economy" work for us anymore? (This curiosity all began with disbelief how we handle our Medical system as a farm kid) .. Why is government and "voting" useless? Why can't EVERYBODY have a decent life if they contribute? .. especially since some of us actually own jets and yachts and 4 mansions? Meantime some sleep on concrete, hungry. How is that even "Human"? How do those wealthy actually sleep, not even recognizing their evil?
I know, I know they donate and sponsor and are philanthropic. woooo! They gave a million dollars to .. ! That is like me giving coffee money to someone begging! What? a million? They HAVE a BILLION to throw around .. even if they gave away 100 million $ !! .. what the frig!! do you need with 900 million $ for just you and those special to you????? You .. million$ gift "kind" sir are pure evil .. or are you an alien? An alien could think we are just ants to be stepped on, so you MUST be an alien or satan himself. Don't worry sir, I will calm down in a minute.
Alien? Evil? Or .. are you suffering a Disease and therefore Disabled? Your brain and "HEART" are somehow gone, so are you maybe Brain HANDICAPPED "Heartless"? (Was Dr Zeuss onto something, with the Grinch's heart being too small?) Well, if I am right, ultra wealthy are "brain handicapped" .. and we should show COMPASSION .. not rage! We should NOT revolt and burn down your mansion, because you have a BRAIN WIRING DISABILITY. You have Right Brain Hemisphere toxic destruction. This leaves only the Left "USING" part of your brain .. rather than the balancing empathetic UNDERSTANDING of others hemisphere, which allows us to be AWARE of their struggle. (see The Divided Brain TVO .. and Dr Iain McGilchrist) link later.
I have a new SYSTEM that will solve our problems and create "YOUtopia" out of our "ME first, screw you" DYSTOPIA! (All is incomplete, but please keep trying the REVERSE WORLD drop down.) "Reverse World" is like the old Pioneer neighbourhood where people HELPED EACH OTHER and tried to be kind and sharing. There were Barn Raisings where all came together and contributed to the one in need of help! REMEMBER Pioneers had NO BANK AND NO MONEY but they MANAGED even in a wilderness! People just shared what they had and needed .. FAIRLY! If you had more .. you contributed more.
What happened to THAT humanity that America was built on?? We HUMANS were just DECENT to each other then! .. and no STUPID "butt-coin" is needed for our Reverse World! (Bitcoin uses the same amount of power as Argentina to run another stupid casino like "stock".) We really ARE INSANE .. 100%! certifiably INSANE. But Blockchain is the invention that started my Reverse World system design about 8 plus years ago. (I saw the sadness of our Canadian pioneer, Don Tapscott, at blockchain also going a wrong, stupid direction, just as the internet and his loss of vibrancy shocked me. Will we ever learn? Nah .. read Steven King's "the Stand" last page.) We can find a better way to trade our resources, and still reduce our constant disrespectful waste. But before the Reverse World TEMPLATE is fully designed, we have to again want to get up and face another day. Step one is restoring our HOPE! see link later
Have we really LOST OUR HUMANITY???
How does a Human Being SUPPOSEDLY of (higher value) than an animal, behave 100 times more evil than any animal? How does a supposed Human being in winter, sleep in warm satin sheets waking to 7$ hot coffees when some freezing homeless people have 7$ to eat for the week?? .. IF THEY ARE LUCKY, more probably they have ZERO $. Supposedly I am judgemental of others, but I just do not get it. I can not even sleep well in my modest bed, remembering the freezing (Greenhouse) encampment I saw. Even if they give the homeless guy 10$, 5 of income wise .. that is like me giving him 1 cent! A total insult! With their exorbitant income they can feed 1000 starving and never even notice a dent in the bank account. But there is even worse. At least the Ultra Rich are OCD, stuck in their "obtaining more profit Tunnel", and oblivious to the rest of us and our struggle.
To me the even worse INHUMAN ..
.. is those who say "Hey! I worked hard, I struggled thru many obstacles and persevered. I never gave up .. HE SHOULD JUST TRY HARDER!" How do you live with yourself? Sorry .. there is NO OTHER CHOICE .. You are either stupid as hell .. or just evil. Which do you prefer? What Human Being wants to lose at life?? Who WANTS to freeze and starve?? Who the hell .. CHOOSES TO BE A "LOSER"? Nobody! Wake up person who just simplifies, in order to make your overwhelmed brain (heart) feel better about your selfishness!
A few decades ago schools took on the mistaken concept of "we are all special." Very true we each have special skills and talents but thee is a "BUT!". WE are all unique and important .. but more important is our common humanity and the society or community we create. Monster "sam special" kids running around creates and UNLIVAVLE community. The well being of others comes first.
Yes, we are all special, people are resources, we were ASSETS to Employers, elderly parents and neighbours who need us. But sadly some of us have more personal ASSETS and some of us have a lot of LIABILITES, and few assets. (Or .. no eduction helped us determine what our assets (skills and talents were!). If you have been given lots of Liabilities like no nurturing growing up, addicted or neglectful parents, never enough to eat, life is harder through NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN.
But of course SELFISH, or stupid? people will not admit the LOGIC that we are not all given an EQUAL START. Our start in life is a bunch of spectrums, and some of us just had more loss than security in our life's nurture spectrum. Try to think just a little, you mean people .. just think even ONE letter past A = B thought to at least a C!! (Some of us actually think to X Y Z and you stop at A or B. Or .. we thinkers get lost in C's ! ( consider, contemplate, conclude, cooperate, collaborate). C's take over our lives and yes we sometimes do not act or DO a lot becseu decisions then become hard. Causes (past) and consequences (future) rule our lives whereas your life is NOW and ME. Instead you prefer the easy (me first, screw you) simple way .. a) homeless? you are lazy .. B) do NOT ask me to share the success I worked HARD for! you Left brain person = BRAIN STOPS .. = "get your OWN act together, loser." Are you evil or is your brain just diseased and therefore DISABLED from humanity?
WE all have assets AND Liabilities. But these are sadly nOT balanced. Would it nor be fair that if I have 100x more I share? Thank God most of us DO! But too many of the ultra wealth do not! Maybe all of our struggles are related to us being BRAIN DEAD! I think the toxins of our progress have fried our brain hemispheres. Why are there so many autistic people we describe the disability in a SPECTRUM. Maybe our brain wiring is disabled on a spectrum? In most of this website I forgot the SPECTRUM. Living in a extreme right (community) made me forget the masses are mostly not so extreme .. still kind considerate people. It is this remembering considerate behaviour is far the majority rather than extremes. recognizing we hear the screamers and forget the GOOD people, is very calming reducing the stress and despair one can feel.
Autistic people struggle but are often the KINDEST and SMARTEST of us. Yet they struggle and often never achieve the basic quality of life they DESERVE. An Autistic soul has Liabilities, but the liabilities can be countered by trading the ASSETS ALSO AVAILABLE. Everyone of us is happy to contribute our assets, what we are good at .. and in return we deserve not to starve, to be sheltered and feel secure. Liabilites can even be turned into assets. My constant finding fault is a great help to business ( secret shopper) or in redesigning architecture or businesses.
Sadly .. truly selfish (greedy) ultra wealthy people's huge ASSET is usually to be able to IGNORE other people's struggle. They can see life through a lens of THEIR own goal with no concern for others. This OCD focus increase their ability to succeed.
There! We can stop feeling so overwhelmed! The root cause of all our collapses is not thinking keeping a BALANCE. We always take good things or ideas WAY TOO EXTREME! HOLY!!! Just realizing EVEN PTOFIT BEING THE ONLY FOCUS OF BUSINESS is actually OK. So many small businesses love their work and forget they need to GET PAID! But of course going to that extreme SOLE FOCUS in big corporations actually have destroyed us! So great ideas and things become SATAN when taken to extreme. But that has been how our brain works for 5 plus decades (Our brain is disabled but we took NO RESPONSIBILITY to control our MIND through SELF DISCIPLINE. So it is our fault .. but also not our fault, since we are brain dead. There we go!! .. everything is DUALITY .. both good AND bad. So the only answer is ALWAYS .. BALANCE so the good does not become evil. Elevators, Women's lib., even "diversity" (which can CAUSE demonization) when not BALANCED, everything we do or focus on become EVIL when not balanced. (more later)
We ruined every single thing in our society by taking it EXTREME. Our inventions were great but why does and elevator need to go 150 floors up. Is it penis eny
Now you can breathe again .. get up without terror at so much going wrong. I think every one of our problems is that we lost all balance in ANYTHING we did. Everything we touched went to extreme. Women's lib, cars , elevators, now the internet. What is the problem people of thinkng things have a GOOD and a BAD side! Everything has duality
Yup .. we can breathe again. we can have hope! We just have to get people to HEAR this .. and start taking the personal responsibility to live a more balanced life. We simplify everything into an extreme .. "immigrants steal jobs" .. yet we don't think that we often don't respect the jobs they will take. There is a balance to everything it all works. Of course those in power thrive when we are IMBALANCED. Our lives of overwhelm and overload are completely out of balance. And for what a newer better APP. What have we recently invented that truly improves quality of life? The Ring doorbell? NO! it just proves we trust no one, and are completely obsessed with video surveillance.
Is the vaccine a great "life saving" invention? It just proves we learned nothing from autism questions, from asbestos, DDT and other decades of poisoning. But then people in Cape cod are terrified of sharks so I guess when it comes to FEAR there is completely NO BALNCE. We really should stay inside our place and never leave because a car could hit us crossing the street. Life is risk .. but we have gone to the extreme of thinkng we are so great we can control EVERYTHING. Sorry guys .. nature and the creator are still the boss .. NOT us.
Normally we have BALANCED Right and Left Hemisphere brain wiring. Unlike old ideas .. McGilchrist's extensive studies recognize the Right Brain wants to "understand" the earth and society ..while the Left brain "uses" earth and society to accomplish goals and living. Both the Thinking (understand) and the Action (use) Left hemisphere are needed for REAL sustainable success. A Balanced brain would never have created the mess we live in today. Success can NOT be "profit for today" only .. REAL success must consider many assets and protect them all, not solely focusing simplistically on more $.
As our brain wiring was destroyed faster and faster with the toxins of our "progress", we were left with only the side that was more prominent in our character. More thinking Right wiring would create a slower more thoughtful person, while more Left hemisphere action Wiring creates a personality that is faster at deciding and following through with the action of DOING. Both of our skills are necessary, so now we MUST work together and share our resources and liabilities! that will be hard since our opposite character tends to DEMONIZE the other!
A BALANCED BRAIN within the world worked far better, creating great leaders. A REAL leader is one who is visionary and sees the big picture, but also can get today's job done quickly. A leader can manage others positively and also make decisions quickly. But a REAL Leaders plan will be VISIONARY not simple minded focused near sightedly only on profit. Friedman and Ayn Rand destroyed our society .. so why not our one "Reverse World" VOICE reverses our wrong direction. They began the me first screw you " society though corporate greed and never ending consumption. This behaviour will very soon take us over the cliff. Extremes of EVERYTHING with never any balance in sight have created our ability to enjoy great excess. But has it made us healthy or happy? I wonder what your answer is. My feeling is I can barely breath and feel despair and no hope although I have a great pension. Certainly I believe to anyone not oblivious .. they would agree things are not great in our society.
Change with better things or systems is hard. But change for change s sake .. and at our speed of light will never bring us quality of life. To regain any quality of life, first needs hope. re reagin our problems above .. hope is rather a joke! But although I have lived in a family of brain extremes, I believe most people still have a somewhat balanced brain and these non extreme souls are the ones who will have the ability to bring us together! Thank you, Thank you .. you kind, understanding, empathetic, yet still perhaps also Business Leaders! You are going to lead us out of Dystopia and into YOUtopia .. where we look after everyone and they happily and proudly contribute to our BALANCED not extreme excess society.
Our RE Education requires a detailed study of McGilchrist's work so that we understand why our society is collapsing. Thinking includes causes and consequences of actions. Only doing and acting without careful contemplation results in temporary "successes"
Many of the things that are toxins or viruses. in our society are actually OK .. when NOT taken to extreme. But in the extreme state .. NOTHING REMAINS GOOD!
EXTREMES!! Our horrible horrible mistake with EVERYTHING. Every invention and product or procedure needs BALANCE! A problem creates an invention. DARPA invented the internet. It could have created UTOPIA! Instead we took it to selfish shallow extremes and create dthe total opposite DYSTOPIA. Maybe that is why Steven King's character said (as we blew each other up after a virus killed most) .. "we never learn" .... from "The Stand"
Friday, Jan 7, 2022
"Us" vs "them" is a great way to divide us into 2 WAR-ING sides. But maybe the TRUTH is .. there are so many GOOD people in between the extremes of the "Warrior vs Worrier" spectrum! People are good .. those that are mean and "evil" are not happy, they are injured damaged by life and its stresses. Yes .. they are MEAN, even behave in an evil attacking way .. but like us are just trying to get by, with the skills they have.
Warriors or "Action" wiring doers, have less of the brain wiring that wants to "understand", and more brain wiring that just wants to "get the job done". To them thinking and worrying feels like a waste of time and an EXCUSE not to accomplish the task. They are no more able to be nicer and kinder than we are able to be faster and just move to decisive action. It looks like because I have always been surrounded by my OPPOSITE extreme, I FORGOT THERE ARE TONS OF PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT AT THE OPPOSITE ENDS OF THE THINK vs ACT SPECTRUM.
Have I forgotten most people are in the middle of the think vs act spectrum? First thinking of consequences before acting used to be BALANCED wiring in ALL of our brains! Did I get so focused on seeing the opposite extreme (and discovering how toxins have destroyed our balanced wiring) that I ignored the middle of the spectrum where most people actually are? Most people can still think a little before acting but the media wants us to believe there are ONLY 2 kinds of people (re politics) !! Now I have to throw all my website out because there are surely more still BALANCED BRAIN people than my "extreme" life associations.
Or considering I can not ACT, or just "get the job done" if my life depends on it, just NORMAL people are an enemy to me? I am jealous of those who can not get trapped by BUT questions that create enormous indecision. It's true I guess then, that I have been writing with an "all about me" focus! Sorry, I really was trying to help people .. but I guess we do come from our own perspective. I just forgot for the last few years that I have ALWAYS BELIEVED PEOPLE ARE GOOD. Whatever bad they do is a product of some other thing .. a "BUT.. !!". Not an excuse .. but a REASON. Right Brain people want to "understand" the world, while left brain (republicans) just use it. (Confusing I know! .. politically they sit on the RIGHT of the capital, but in Neuroscience their right brain is mostly missing now.)
Let's get back to what we used to believe .. people are inherently GOOD. The new STRESSES! of life have made us all crazy! Those with "Thinking wiring" are awful (SNL) "Debbie Downers", always worrying and screaming about our collapse. This just makes "action brain" angry and being Warriors instead of worriers they ATTACK. Now the hate starts. But we should have preached less to not create frustration for them.
Mon. Mar. 14, 2022. 11:30 am
Everything we thought we knew about R L brain is pretty much wrong .. this article shows it is STILL misunderstood so I contacted them. They have not studied McGilchrist's more recent NEUROSCIENCE, rather than stuck in the old ideas (myths?). “It’s absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right. But people don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network. It seems to be determined more connection by connection," explained the study's lead author Dr. Jeff Anderson. NO! WRONG! Once you read McGilchrist's work .. you see a pattern. Definitely there are Left (action) or Right (thinking) character tendencies. Once we understand his work, plus adding my (think vs do label) we can see it as we get to know people! Or we recognize why we struggle in certain relationships! So we must read or listen WITH AN OPEN MIND to everything. we must rethink new different ideas, analyze, evaluate, investigate further and just study the REAL world. A whole LOT of work to find truth, and the HUMAN INTELLIGENCE it creates.
Yes, Truth is really hard to find and INTELLIGENCE takes patience. Maybe people don't LIE purposely .. maybe it just beats feeling confused? And Left brains HATE feeling confused. Right brains just turn confused into a constant state of WONDER and CURIOUSITY! The constant war is our jealousy at our inability to be fast and decisive like Left Brains .. but they hate our complicating and confusing everything. Shallow right brains and Left brains are what cause our demonization of the other side .. instead of STOPPING to really understand each others point of view. Screaming at each other will never allow the compromise REAL HUMANITY REQUIRES.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
There is no more balance in our BRAIN FUNCTION! In NORMAL HISTORY PAST, the right side of our brain would think, then the left side would act, do what is needed. We have lost most of our brain wiring and only what we had more of remains. People with no common sense or logic are missing much of their brain. People who act like zombies in society have no brain! We are now DIVIDED into whatever side Brain Hemisphere wiring is left of our brains. And we pretty much hate each other. The division of our brain sides has turned now to DEMONIZING "the other". More quickly UNSUSTAINABLE that even our ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION!
Our Western Society is now made up of Right Thnkers and Left Hemisphere Doers.Sadly we thinkers just KEEP ON THINKNG and little gets done. My mistake decades of living iwht Left Brain Action Brains .. was thinkng I could make them listen and understand. It is physically NOT possible for them! I was trying to turn a dog into a cat .. or change a bird into a mouse. OR .. I was smashing into a building wall and ranting to should be made SOFTER. Not happening lady. The old Nature vs Nurture debate is over! A divided brain society .. where half of our Opposite hemisphere brains are mostly gone is just 2 different kinds of people AND NEITHER CAB REALLY CHANGE. Maybe if we quit all the TOXINS of "progress", maybe our destroyed brain wiring will rebuild? We have to be hopeful!
But I am laughing at myself! Decades of feeling diminished and unappreciated by my family .. wondering why they can't be kinder and more appreciative and understanding. Just read DR Iain Mcgoilchrists work. I was whining about something that would NEVER happened. Broccoli can't turn into Brussel sprouts, and a cake can't turn into a slice of meat. What is wrong with me? So then IS there no hope. Are we thinkers destined to just be yelled at for wondering why things do not work more logically, more kindly with fairness and common sense? One HOPE or possibility is that in my family we are at OPPOSITE ends of the SPECTRUM. So I forget there are probably many more of us who still have a somewhat more balanced brain. The extreme ends of the SPECTRUM will not understand each other, hopefully the masses will?
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
As I walked past the playground the usual SCREAMING, unnecessary, repetitive, loud "I'm special, I can do ANYTHING I want" .. uncivilized behaviour SCREAMING .. I wondered, why does my daughter say I am a horrible person because I hate kids. Does this no manners unacceptable, lack of parenting tofit civilized society TRULY not BOTHER her?
Finally I see it .. DAMN IT .. NO!! She is oblivious to this! Only us thinkers get the detrimental affect of sensory overload. What bothers me most is neither I or the kids I raised ever screamed like that ONCE in their lifetime. Yet here is a person having children with not even an attempt to CIVILIZE their behaviour. We only need ONE commandment! Think about others! Not just yourself! But our "me first screw you society" does not even recognize society can not exist with quality of life with such self absorbed selfish behaviour.
But how jealous are we thinkers? Action Brains actually do not even hear the screaming, because they are oblivious to THE OTHER. Short sighted get the job done is ALL they focus on. So we thinkers that invented all the truly wondrous things are left living in hell. And these action .. profit power focused minds took our inventions to EXTREME thereby destroying society. They blithely mindlessly go on in their life of "success" with not a care in the world. Because wee were SENSITIVE we FOREsaw the problems we were creating. Now we are stuck living in them while those who CREATED the problems go blithely on.
So we have to join their reality. STOP thinking so much! ADOPT THE MANTRA "DON"T THINK ABOUT IT!" They surely don't and for that get a better REALITY. Start researching quantum, particle physics and how it is converging with religion. If you felt even religion divides us this may be a good way forward. COSMOS "religion" without the division. And watch more closely for DIVINE INTERVENTION. When the universe magically send you just what you need!!!
Fri .. April 1, 2022.
I do not want a Liberal representative like the one I may have voted for! WHAT A LIE! I want to vote for EVERYTHING, every action and decision I WANT TO VOTE FOR! WE could do it .. with the blockchain!! We chose the areas we care about .. VOTE .. and the majority is what happens. Empoyees carry out OUR wishes .. not the minions chose by HER.
(Wong Tam?) is a joke and I just realized DEMOCRACY has become a joke. Does she not hire those to carry out her work. Her work is a PRETENSE at being liberal? She is spending $2 MILLION on improving a DOG PARK!!! .. a park that is beautiful .. nothing wrong. PLUS another $2 million on the Art wall on Church ST that lights up. ARE YOU SERIOUS?? In good times when people are eating and not terrified they can't pay rent .. that would be fine. We are NOT in good times. Do you know what she spent on feeding starving people because jobs are being LOST CONTINUOUSLY? $1 million. That is surely evil. I do NOT want her spending my tax money!! 4 million on crap and 1 million on starving HUMANS!
We can change this nonsense now! Each citizen and taxpayer can vote. If you are truly wanting to be free .. you must take the TIME to be responsible! Take personal responsibility to chose how we spend our SHARED BASE OF FUNDS. If you have the money for a dog, pay for your own damn dog "community" membership. Once people are not starving and can hope for work income .. then you get your art wall. Use your brain .. PRIORITIES! If you disagree sorry then we HAVE lost our humanity. The attitude of "That homeless guy should have worked hard like me, don't expect me to share" is pure evil! it is lacking HUMANITY.
Fri. June 10 2022.
We can REVISE capitalism .. and also "democracy" with the DISTRIBUTED BLOCKCHAIN LEDGER. In Pioneer times the General Store held the Trade Ledger forepeople in the area. If you hunted a deer everyone shared it and then you got a share of other people's contribution at a later time. Trading resources was a NATURAL logical thing for people trying to survive the wilderness together. Why can't we run things that way again? We are in a NEW WILDERNESS. A "wilderness" of lack of connection and civility, where survival is becoming harder and harder every day. Job losses increase daily with the power structure's preference for A I, robots and drones, much preferable to problematic HUMANS. It is hard to survive, even with 2 jobs and the stress that overload entails. We could change EVERYTHING with the Blockchain if we had invention and vision in our capability.
"Match" I A C (Barry Diller) the A I from dating sites!! Tinder .. both swipe if similar beliefs and can create local GROUPS to stay in touch. Plus does the vote match my identity. "buying" a vote is EVIL .. encouraging like minded to pay attention is EXCELLENT! DUALITY wins again!
Do you see so many areas of our lives collapsing? Jobs, The Environment, Government's vile "get nowhere" division, OUR OWN UN- CIVIL DEMONIZING SOCIETY ... everything is now a dire emergency, needing urgent solution. We need to gather back our Hope, confidence and resolve, so we can again forge ahead. But first we need to reduce our exhausting STRESS.
But some people find this "stress whining" very frustrating. "Just get over it! Everybody struggles .. Just get on with what needs to be done!" they admonish. They just want to begin the BATTLE we are facing, start winning the war we must fight. These are the Warriors, the ACTION (or Left) Brain among us. (Divided Brain)
Thank goodness there are those who just get to work. How do we fix this coming COLLAPSE? Let's get the job done. But .. those of us who tend to OVER-think problems, often do NOT get to the ACTION PART. This is very frustrating for the person who just wants to get to work and fix the problem. If you are a Warrior .. an action minded personality, please go directly to the SOLUTION links below. Solutions like .. How to build better than a "job" .. our own Personal Income. How to get TOTALLY Healthy, or how to become an Investor or Partner in this "Revised Capitalism" System.
Revised Capitalism just means if you are still a Human Being (not "evil on greed"), it SHOULD BE uncomfortable even to drink your regular 6$ Starbucks walking past a person with no food or home. He did NOT want to be a "Loser" .. and if valued for HIS special skills he WILL contribute .. no handouts needed. This "System" will be a replacement for U B I.
With REVISED "capitalism", everyone is an ASSET and trades their skill, talent and time for basic human needs. In this SYSTEM, ALL get to eat, and sleep safely .. but some will still have their mansions and jets. Yet now basic human fairness and decency will connect us. We don't need to create a new way of governing. We just need to start with a few Corporations who are still "human". Working together we create our own Community that proves how well this works. I promise even mansion yacht and jet guys will ALSO have abetter quality of life. I have never been fearful even in those areas white elite said "you will get shot if you go to that side of town". That is where my work took me and I was never fearful. NOW I AM AFRAID TO WALK TO TORONTO"S EATON CENTRE. This is horrifying. If we start a community somewhere a closed hotel? others will soon be copying our template and we can stop the slide to decay.
Most of us could care less about yachts, and know mansions do not create joy. But if we contribute our share to the community, we should have some basic quality of life. Those supposedly "successful" were just born with far more resources than those we call losers. They will not admit or even consider that fact but it is true. If still "human" .. those "successful" wealthy will be happy to share a little of their success, so ALL can have a simple BASIC quality of life. I am hoping they're just OCD in a tunnel for more profit or income.
PS .. The Resources that let you be successful? Feeling special, deserving, confident with the belief that EVERYONE SHOULD LOOK AFTER THEMSELF, and doing so. Not everyone focuses on self .. and this reduces the ability to earn. If one is obsessed with finding some answer or invention, money is not forthcoming so easily and great perseverance is needed.
Further on the selfish vs selfless spectrum is a HUGE life advantage. Thinkers fall on the more selfless side of the spectrum. However .. A BALANCE of focus on self AND others is where the REAL success. A person with both brain wirings (think/act) remaining .. is the real Leader. But "progress" has destroyed much of our brain wiring .. so to BALANCE .. think/act, we MUST Relearn to work together!
We can't even STOP our stupid, illogical unreasonable behaviour .. because sugar and web search destroyed our common sense!! That is MY theory worked on for decades and now with Iain McGilchrist would seem perfectly correct. The emergence of sugar added to EVERYTHING with (64) names, COINCIDES with the beginnings of our loss of reasoning! Could we regrow our brain wiring if we quit their addictive processed garbage? If we are obese and unhealthy, the brain wiring regrowth is even MORE important a reason to be disciplined! (see health site) These ideas for REAL Health are never promoted because farm things make "THEM" no profit. Is that why plant based is big now? .. a way to pretend we got good food but the huge corporations are still in control profiting?
Divided into "THINK" (Right Hem) and "ACT"(Left Hem) with no respect for the other side, we are done. Demonizing each other means we will be one of those lost societies who killed each other .. OR their own ability to continue existing in their home collapsed. We won't STOP, listen, think and reconsider other's ideas. So we hate those who will not even listen, and they hate us for being a confusing whining stressor. But the sad thing is neither of us CAN be different. Our brain wiring is preventing it! Maybe first we should see if we can grow back our balanced brain wiring? (I have watched my family LOSE the thinking more balanced neurons they had, and move to the never listening to new ideas dismissive side. I sw beautiful souls turn mean and judgemental .. good vs evil .. only right wrong matters. But the world is grey, and complicated and confusing. If only it WAS as simple as "You know right from wrong, just do it" (will add example of HARD choice later)
"Reverse World".. revised Capitalism is a RE PIONEERING, new "Simpler System" to regain our REAL quality of life. 145 beer choices is NOT quality of life. REAL Friends, family, a supportive neighbourhood, and a secure respected job IS REAL quality of life. if you have friends who think my ranting makes some sense, please gather them together. First we will have local DIGITAL communities, Then a library cafe popup eventually a location, and later actual LIFE Coops. Where we live, work and shelter securely and calmly with less stress and more happiness. We may only have the beer YOUR skill produces and the chair another talented individual creates but we save enormous transport fuel .. for REAL .. vs blaming my farm cows.
Hah! Is this the next huge scam, con job after "Fat causes heart disease"? Yeah sure .. while you fill our body with sugar to destroy will power and have us under your control. Beware the cow scam. WE are the ones disrespecting our earth, not cows!! We are the ones should be reducing our footprint! blaming cows .. unbelievable. I have not researched this (just from a dairy farm where we ATE old cows! you know, RESPECT and re-use?) so I AM cutting down the beef. But this is a good way to deflect our OWN responsibility, just blame the cow! I bet vegans throw all their dishes away everyday! Cafe coffee, delivered food, bottled water .. Good one, very thoughtful! I want an unknown survey or they will cheat!
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Sorry, I may be a boomer but I was not the hated (create never ending consumption .. profit at all cost) guy. I complained a lot, but nobody listened. So it is time to take more drastic action. I bought little but lets buy even LESS. A few Corporations own everything, and if we cut back we will hurt them more than any protest will. Let's learn more about the 100 things people. We used to use vinegar and baking soda to clean everything instead of 20 different corporate purchases. Better for the environment too! The first thing we need, to change things is Self Discipline. An "extreme excess instant convenience of everything" society has little self discipline.
Those 3 words would seriously FIX EVERYTHING!
All would be fixed! Done! If everybody took responsibility we'd be good! But few people THINK anymore. They ignore consequences and are devoid of common sense. Plus .. with no RESPECT for others, of course it won't work. Our "SPECIAL" culture destroyed us. Raising "I'm special" children has spelled disaster. Unless we respect others, and put their well being FIRST .. society crumbles. Hence we have kids screaming like they are being murdered ALL THE TIME, (I mean for an ENTIRE recess!) scaring old people or those nearby .. for what? To prove they are "special"? and need not be concerned for others beneath them .. who breathe the same air? Parents should have to have a license to prove they will BE "parents" .. but too late now anyway.
Left Action Brains look after themselves by keeping things simple. Thinker Right Brains consider causes and consequences and often FORGET to take care of the "SELF". We can not respect others and the planet yet disrespect OUR OWN WELL BEING. We can care about others well being but must also respect our OWN deservedness. Again .. I guess McGilchrist agrees there are many EXTREME Left Brain people, more selfish and so society has faltered. Maybe the HOPE is that many of those selfish people are simply coping with impossible STRESS. Simplifying always makes life easier.
But only in the short run .. and now we have the LONG RUN DIFFICULT CONSEQUENCES!
Why were we never taught to look for our skills? At 74 I finally found what I am good at, redesigning condo floor plans for more convenient living. The mistakes I never consulted on are still wasting energy space and beauty or light 40 years later in older buildings. Each of us needs someone to cheer us on. To help us look for our skills and talent. If we were not lucky enough to get that connection, lets treat ourselves better and take time to study ourselves. Alberta excellence .. they had a great questionnaire BOOKLET to help find our skills. They have added more and it is lost. But I think an excellent site to skim to learn. what you like!
My theory? Had we been more appreciative of say .. eating fruit from around the world .. god or the "CEO of the cosmos" would have let us off. Our respect and gratitude would have been tolerable, for the destruction we created. Instead we just thought we were entitled .. never mind the transport pollution we created. No .. let's blame cows and their gas. LUDICROUS! sounds about right for a society that lost all common sense by 1995. With the Internet our brain loss moved at light speed!
If we have any ability to SACRIFICE .. there might be hope? But can a society of entitled expect it all FAST mindlessness even consider the tiniest sacrifice. Let's see. I think 19 of 20 of you are already gone from this site. Hey the rest of us will create our own awesome community .. where the reality is working together for the enjoyment of ALL.
The spectrum para;;el to Right Left brain hemisphere prevalance is "The Selfish to Selfless Spectrum". (link) I am certainly not selfless .. but nor am I selfish. (Instead of relaxing I. worked off my butt researching UNPAID to solve the "family as enemy" question .. when I could have been traveling instead of investing to improve quality of life for those struggling.
If Hoover was RUTHLESS, like I expected .. but ALSO .. GENEROUS! that is a very hopeful NEW DIRECTION to consider!! Have I been too quick to judge? This all started years ago when I began liking Republicans less and less. When I called my daughter a Republican I decide it was time to find out what the heck was happening. The right left McGilchrist work perfectly explained my belief that she and managers and CEO's act quickly and get the job done. But my skill is to consider all aspects, how they affect the future outcome, and what caused the problem to begin with. I finally am realizing I have not REALLY gotten rid of my good evil attitude. Republicans and left brain Action minds seem to actually be able to focus PURELY on profit, being selfish yet later actually SHARE the value they have created. I bought that hoover book a few years ago. but the universe got me to look at it today .. seeing the RUTHLESS, but generous confusion.
The "virus" that has destroyed our society .. is TOXIC "progress".
Stress, selfishness , "search" vs true investigation, our desire for simplicity, plus sugar and all our consumed toxins, have affected our development and health. The true effects of our uncontemplated Progress have been ignored. Unless we can work TOGETHER, it is too late to save the collapse of our self centred society. Earth will be fine once our disrespectful Consumption Society are gone. (link The Anthropocene)
Our character depends on whether we have more Right Hemisphere (think) or Left Hemisphere (do) wiring. This must be balanced to TRULY succeed. Unfortunately we no longer have a balanced "think/act' brain! Worriers screaming while warriors just attack can't succeed. The"Progress" virus .. Brain destruction has taken us more to extremes on the R/L spectrum. We are either "but what about ..?, why?" people or the very opposite .. "just do it!" types. Of course there is a spectrum. but maybe we only hear the loudest extremes, while the balanced brains are calmer and quieter?
How far apart we are, on this spectrum affects how well we can connect with one another. We now purely demonize each other. Yet .. without R /L balance as individuals, there is only WAR and collapse. The only way forward, is to share our individual opposite brain resource, with "the other". Will we be able to do this to save our Society? .. or collapse in division and just more toxic, STUPID action or "DOING". We have been DOING as a PROGRESS SOCIETY for decades. Meanwhile those who THINK have been yelling "but wait a minute .. have you thought of the consequences?" Since action Left brains are the powerful .. they never listened! Now we all have to pay for those ignored consequences. How is that fair to young people?
I wish it had really been that EASY. When I found my family on the EVIL side, I had to start doing a LOT of research. I really did not believe my own birth descendants could be evil! It is easy when you meet someone and they are not nice.. you judge and leave them out of your life. Not so easy with family, especially off spring. After maybe 8 years obsessed, Dr. Iain Mcgilchrist (Left right brain) has the answer. plus warrior worrier/ selfish selfless theories.
But how lucky for us I had become obsessed why people were no longer thinkng with intelligence a year or 2 before. This was the time when wheat belly and Dr Hyman Functional medicine exploded. Finally a reputable source of the evil of processed food vs the underground knowledge of years before. Remember Kevin Trudeau and Dr Atkins demonization)
I had also been trying to understand why buffalo could have been so brain dead not to accept my work? It offered no risk, lots of advantage and they would get the credit themselves! (Philadelphis "got" the concept in 5 seconds vs 10 years going nowhere 100x the work.) Sorry but I determined the cheerio dust had fried their brains ... Add more ... So .. as I saw other sources of complete lack of logic and common sense I realized I ws really on to something. But of course we know what happens to people who try to stop the profit of the big corporations. At the very least some weird scandal destroys their credibility and life. Did all the news anchors destroyed with no innovate until proven guilty maybe refuse to. slant what my kids call the "Fake" (traditional? news? My Philadelphia awesome visionary Mayor certainly had our "save the world" department scandalized.
So from "brain dead buffalo" from cheerio dust, I went to "brain dead everybody" because sugar is in EVERYTHING with 54 names .. and it destroys our brain wiring, AND SELF CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. very handy to control society eh, especially control them to buy unneeded crap. And once sick from the processed food, billions of profit from the "medicine". What a perfect business plan .. is your brain is only obsessed with profit and power. But we also need air water and humanity to survive.
Right brain wants to understand the world, Left brain wants to USE it. (McGilchrist) so we approach everything from opposite ends. remember we used to have more balanced wiring .. think/ act. Now we only have a few "think or act" neurons left. Neither alone creates success. And acting without thinkng has created todays huge mess.
But instead of blaming the successful with their action only. brain .. we need to feel compassion because they too are DISABLED!! we thinkers have long been called disabled with no concept of the huge asset our valuable thinkng skill was. we were just considered pain in the neck protester or agitators. We are not good at ACTION .. so yes all like us we would still be cave men. But can we not see the VALUE of the other and share our talents? So we must look at each other with more empathy!
repeated from "what is truth"..
Sometimes in a conflict each thinks the other "the bad guy". I lost my Broadview apt because I did talk / ask too much, but I am NOT a terrible problem tenant. he seemed like a total jerk not letting me measure but in light of his MISTAKEN impression .. does not NEED a possibly problem tenant. The building is always full. So we have a war .. maybe they get NO tenant (people don't move over winter) and I wasted so so much time on investigating tenants and the area. (see how my life is hell! I was going to say "stalking" tenants and you would think me awful. I would walk around that block and ask people how they enjoyed living in the area/building. They were always happy to. share .. so I spent so much time trying to be sure I was making the right decision. What a jerk that super was! But .. looking from his PERSPECTIVE I. can understand where he is coming from.
BUT!! .. everyone has to start thinkng that way! Wondering .. contemplating .. evaluating .. analyzing .. and THAT way conflict does not turn into WAR. But sadly Left Brain people are DISABLED from this ability. HENCE .. we are screwed!! Please go. and study quantum, particle wave, differing realities. It is the only thing that lets me SLEEP at night, vs nightmares. Just like they in the past, never knew the earth was round (terrified of falling off) we are terrified our ship is sinking but THERE REALLY ARE OTHER REALITIES HAPPENING. We can breathe and feel hope! we just don't quite understand it all, quite yet.
Can't they stop a minute and ALSO .. LEARN FROM US??? It is hard being the thinker becasue the Action Brain just wants to MOVE AHEAD. Contemplation is frustrating lack of DOING to them
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Freight Farm containers grow 80x the plants of a garden. These form the basis of a TOTAL HEALTH Learning location. The community gathers to learn new (OLD) ways to be healthy and trade skills. With connection resources are better managed. Knowledge and skills can be traded with less money and time waste.
As Members become more knowledgeable in inflammation that is the cause of disease they can coach others with the expertise they have gathered. Instead of drugs, having fresh food available creates a healthy quality of life.
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is not a solution. We all want to be valuable, needed and contributing. Not having the community of "work" is an emotional loss. A continuous struggle to be part of the "work" group, can make one just give up! MOST people are not lazy .. they far rather BELONG. The Blockchain lets us go back to a Trade System. Effort in = needs out. Still GOOD ethical Corporations (as B Corp Plus certified) Sponsor our community.
The divisive way our society behaves today can ONLY collapse. Will we try to see our OPPOSITE brain wiring assets (think vs DO!) must be shared to create balance. Separately our opposite wiring is ONLY A LIABILITY NOT AN ASSET. Only balanced right AND left hemisphere people can survive with long term quality of life. we lost the balance but For awhile we were able to share ideas civily. This is no longer the case .. to our imminent demise.
Edit 1, Nov 23, 2021. rated not great
This is a hopeless fearful time. Even as a secure oldest Boomer, some of us feel such guilt because young people will have no pension and no security. This site is for younger generations, especially men, suffering because of our poorly handled "progress". Hopefully many Boomers are aware, and recognize the injustices the "systems" we developed have created. Hopefully they will contribute their wisdom and money, to help solve the problems WE created with our FREEDOM, (vs discipline and personal responsibility) "modern" culture. We can build a new more fair SYSTEM, but we need the support of Boomers who built their own "success", but left little behind for others.
If one more old person says "What is wrong with your kids? Why do you need to help them? Why can't your kids just work hard and build a secure life like we did?" In the old days, I would say "if I hear that again I will 'murder' them". But today is a nonsensical time and next thing the POLICE will be knocking at my door, and I will be arrested for threatening violence . a terrorist maybe? We have lost our mind, our LOGIC and common sense. Stupid old "sayings" are taken seriously, meantime people who really need 911 help must wait for the police. They were busy knocking on a 74 year old entitled white woman's door, who has no gun and no car as weapon. Seriously!! We surely know how to WASTE our scarce resources!
If you have a brain, you know that back in the day "murder them" was used flippantly because few murders happened. It means it is enraging to hear that "the entitled" are SO OBLIVIOUS TO LIFE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TODAY. People with DEGREES, deliver food on BIKES. (Still deep in debt for the mantra we forced on them "get an education or you will not succeed.") Hah! Is it any wonder they are angry at all our lies? So if you are a decent caring older person, get on board and help us build a new system. (You can do that by "sharing" your money with a young person who helps you with tasks that you struggle with.) Or you can invest in the "Church/ Library/cafe" location we will set up.
"Investing" can be many things .. NOT just money. (time, expertise, connections, space are valuable in a REAL share economy ) Somehow we have to come together, WORK together and SHARE our many resources .. OR WE WILL NOT SURVIVE FOR MUCH LONGER AS A SOCIETY. If you think everything is fine you probably are not reading this far. But before we can build a new SYSTEM, we have to first save ourselves from drowning in the stress and panic that lack of security causes.
The rich have so many options, a holiday, a spa, a yoga class to help them destress. We poorer folk get sent for "mental" Health counselling, a talk line or very simple website. If you are considering harming yourself please go to your area's help line. But there is more help to be had hopefully BEFORE we get to the point of no return. For the elite there are thousands of websites of calming. For us more ordinary people .. "just breathe" is damn shallow. But .. There are tools we can use to help us, and we will collect them here for us.
If we are struggling alone .. that is the very hardest. Together we can help each other! Even just knowing we are NOT alone is a great help. And the skills of one of us, missing in another will be a wonderful BALANCE to support us, in our new TRADE SYSTEM. I know we are reaching the point of the injustice causing us to lash out, or inward (suicide) .. but please wait. We will support each other and we can find REAL tools that help us cope.
For a few years I have woken in a panic, so I have become more expert in ways to try to cope. I am lucky to have security, because I am old, with a good Teaching pension. (Just wish half of it was not gone on INTEREST for 25 years of debt! .. my so brilliant invention never licensed ;- < ) But what about the job insecurity I see around all the young people I meet? Being rejected 300 times, and then retraining for a new job every few years must surely take a toll! Eventually you shut down and maybe get selfish just to avoid the stress. That then reduces civility on our streets.
Or the stress and frustration makes you start to lash out more, and for us ORDINARY people, next thing the police are with us! If you screamed in an elite spa .. probably no police would be involved. It is probably the realization that there is NO justice, no REAL Law and Order for regular people that drives us to lash out. "Fairness" is only for the wealthy, so we must start sticking together and create our own community, first online and then locally with our still kind, rich people "investors".
The first thing we have to do is recognize there IS hope .. but probably in a new way. With all the conflict and demonization, we may just have to start recognizing different realities actually do exist. We must focus on building a better reality for us. Our FOCUS is everything .. but the terrible "reality" in front of us, makes it hard to see the possibility of something still like "the American Dream". We HAVE TO find optimistic possibility or we will die killing each other .. or our self.
Those who only want to continue screaming how everything is terrible (It is TRUE .. but does not help us!) will have to wait to join us. When they are ready to start thinking in creative ways to solve our problems, they will be welcome. (sorry there is much I need to redo on this site! 2 or 3 years ago I was one of those SCREAMING people. Enough. How do we fix it? Stick with us .. I have a few ideas. I wish only better for you very soon. from "the crotchety old lady" Sunday, Nov 14, 2021
Sun Jan 23, 2022
How is there even a POSSIBILITY to be hopeful .. when every system is collapsing? .. when unfairness and injustice are just the norm? Believe me .. I spent the last 10 years thinkng Steven King's "The STAND" world end was here.
But what if the 2 sides in "The Stand" are NOT good vs evil? What if they are a virus that has eaten our brain and most of us are left with only one or the other hemisphere and its function? What if Mother Abigail's corn field followers were "Thinkers" .. while Randall Flagg's Vegas followers were "the ACTION, Doers" in our world? Our used to be BALANCED R/L Brain hemispheres had us each think and then act. But 100% scientist or not, we sure seem opposite and we do NOT LIKE "THE OTHER" side!
But if our brains have been fried by the virus or toxins of "progress" we are DISABLED! WE are brain fried stupid, BUT each of us has a resource the other NEEDS. If we can stop hating each other and trade our skill we can find POSSIBILITES to restore quality of life. That means the 2 sides of the Stand are disabled (WITHOUT EACH OTHER)! Randall Flagg Vegas followers are not EVIL! my family is not evil .. just brain disabled .. I can UNDERSTANF them and not simply hate mean behaviour. Action brains think NOW .. Thinkers think past and future, so we definitely drive each other crazy! I believe UNDERSTANDING those we demonize helps us try to find compassion! Working together we can still fix our mess!
At the end
We can understand each other again .. but we have to RE-EDUCATE ourselves to new knowledge or REAL INTELLIGENCE. If it was said 12 years earlier "the earth is NOT flat .. you will NOT fall off" would you want to spend more of your life terrified to explore? This is what is happening. Except this is worse .. we see no point in even expecting any decent futre let aloe the DREAMS we used to have! I used to look at design mags at nite to relax. I would dream of the "B and B" I someday would design and decorate.
Yeah right .. I have not bought a Home design Mag for years. The people in Architectural Digest should feel ashamed not proud! Few will even have a secure home let alone their luxury! interesting .. Ted Bundy said "I feel sorry for those who feel guilt or shame." Yup!! Sure as hell makes life HARD .. but is what makes us HUMAN! We have lost our humanity. But let's remember there is a huge group of people we never hear of .. the middle .. still balance between looking after SELF and others! That is where the HOPE LIES! The media has us believing we all hate each other. We kind of do because we do not UNDERSTAND each other. Learning what is causing our behaviour will let us feel compassion instead of just demonizing! We each have a huge resource brain "side" .. opposite to "the OTHER". Since our brain Hemisphere's are no longer balanced within our own head .. we must work together.
Hmm! Yup those who watch house renovation, etc luxury shows are Action Doers .. not "Thinkers". These are the people who act NOW not thinkng past or future, and they do usually succeed. Us worriers are left behind having more broad vision or being visionary, which does use up our time. Hmm! so action people HAVE more time to accomplish becasue they spen less time thinkng! No wonder they get ahead of us! But we are left to pick up the pieces!!
BY SHARING OUR OPPOSITE LIABILITIES, THEY BECOME ASSETS. Working together creates new resources and VALUE.
reading this today .. feels ridiculous! (American psychiatric) Guess I was wrong too re ANXIETY = despair, or depression? NO! I believe I said it is just a new ?modern word for WORRY! .. so they can prescribe a drug
WOW!! changes all my ideas again .. not a spectrum of me to those complete opposite .. but BOTH R/ L Brain Hemisphere focused are spectrums!! NB article
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Wed. Mar. 30, 2022.
I know it is a LIE! I am OLD and SWISS! Have been comparing the sweetness all my life! It is me that is the expert. I have the answer .. not looking for more sites and Youtube "INFO"! We are drowning in "info" and half is lies. Let's build a new system of INTELLIGENCE and forget the info search .. new "jobs" for all!
As I suggested my young friend should svaour swiss chocolate on a diet, because American is too much sugar she was searching my idea! Poor girl .. I had a nervous breakdion at the lie. I think she thought I was mad to be wrong about my swiss belief. NO WAY .. whe HORROR is that on examination the talbles on the packaging are now lies. So we can not even believe the packaging telling us what protein and carbs are in the food. Our inablity to TRUST anything, our need to expect nothing to be well made or lasting, to expect no security, no fairness or justice WILL DRIVE US ALL MAD VERY SOON.
OK .. so I thought our world is collapsing on all fronts. It HAS collapsed .. is just the DECAY left of a "civilization" that was once human. Now we are just the sheep ants of a screen we "search" DICTATOR answers from. My daughter said "Google RANKS, sites lie." but I swear at the top of the page there is a paragraph giving the low down for some searches. I don't really see who attributed to .. thought google .. like SIRI or Alexa!
Sun. Mar 27, 2022.
The toxins of "progress" have LITERALLY destroyed our brain wiring. If we do not have lots of BOTH Right (thinking) and Left (action) BRAIN HEMISPHERE neurons .. we lose the BALANCE in our behaviour. We take one fact and run with it .. resulting in the DIVISION we see in every part of our societal existence. We have lost our HUMAN Intelligence, so enthralled with the ARTIFICIAL. Humans with fully wired brains realize a fact is not truth.
Truth is conflicting and confusing "facts". Truth .. for good problem SOLUTION requires contemplation, considering opposite ideas, compromise and collaboration. These abilities are mostly gone in our society. Or .. at least the loudest among us are screaming this truth daily. It is the quieter or more balance brain people that can give us HOPE. Let's collect them and build an entirely new system with our own skills and creativity. Pioneers came and had NOTHING. . Let's Re-Pioneer .. build all new systems tha work for US .. we the people instead of just the few powerful.
In our instant convenience focused society there is no patience to investigate "facts", in a REAL "search" for truth. This has resulted in fast shallow "success". That success is now CRASHING. More than the stock market will crash this time .. all our systems are collapsing. It is OUR TURN to build better systems. The quieter "Thinkers" (Right Brain) among us can do it BETTER. Along with the action skills of still more BALANCED brains we can create REAL quality of life for all.
We are now stupid, not working toward INTELLIGENCE anymore. We gave that job to "A I", I guess? ARTIFICIAL will NEVER replace HUMAN INTELLIGENCE! We were not paying ATTENTION and everything has conspired to fry our brains. Especially the (64) names of sugar hidden in our processed food .. that have been PROVEN to affect our brain neurons.
Proof that our brains are COMPLETELY fried .. these are just the 2 most BLATANT
So why would we expect us to notice, that we are being conned in EVERYTHING? Sure .. be sure to vote right? Where does that get us .. all those in power work for themslves not us little guys. Ranting about voting just makes us THINK we are proecting our "freedom". Covid proved how we have absolutely NO freedom. If we want to work to pay our rent .. get the vaccine. never mind other vacine were tested for YEARS, this 6 months. We know nothing about its safety. Never mind the twisted covid numbers compared to heart attack deaths. Do your research.
Do NOT ever just listen to what you retold becaseu it is the agenda for the group WE do not belong to. Just like the education you are in debt with .. but working at Tim's handing out coffee.
Never mind .. before itnall collapse we are going to build our OWN new BETTER SYSTEM. Together we have tons of skills. Shared it will be like the Pioneer Barn raising .. working together for OUR BEST INTERESTS. Any company who really does want to do GOOD by people, planet and society can join us. The rest we SHUN. But that means sacrifice .. are you able and willing? Look at those Ukrainians, so brave and courageous. I wonder if we westerners have half of that in us. We are in a WAR to regain our power. To do that we must SACRIFICE EXTREME and instant convenience and get back to a more HUMAN way of life. We will need patience and kindness and understanding of each other. But we CAN do it!
We need to learn to be mindless and breathe. If you are still here reading, you are a THINKER. We need to help our Action friends willing to join us .. to think MORE but we Thinkers need to think LESS .. to reduce our STRESS. We are the worriers , stressed out of our minds. Action Warrior (Left Brains) stay oblivious becaseu their goal is GET THE JOB DONE. We are busy sayong "but what about .." while they head on to "success". It is time for OUR REAL SUCCESS, long term REAL success instead of the fast shallow world of "progress" we created. But for that we must learn to breathe, be MINDLESS and shut out the worry .. or the stress will kill us. It is our turn for REALL success, let's believe it and focus only on that. NO Negative .. using the law of attraction "the Magic magnet" as our hope point of reference.
We are starting on the screen but we will build LOCAL communities. We will share our expertise , skills and talents, without the enorous use of power bitcoin uses. But we can use the blockchain ledger as our trade system, just in a more CAREFUL conserving way. We share our talents and RESOURCES between us .. but only with like minded groups. No more virtue signalling garbage. Unless you are a good company, being respectful and not wasteful in TRUTH .. we will NOT deal with you. That is where our sacrifice comes in. Starbucks in buffalo are starting to strike. That is what AMAZON people should do. But we are the quiet mouse MASSES and if we stick together we can do ENORMOUS harm to any government or company that is not FAIT to the everyday man. Most have no intention to be fair to us. Profit and power are all that matter in today's society. We will either be their "sheep ants" or we ACT now. Forcing vaccination ws step one .. we now live in global control, and it may already be too late. Think of the Pioneers, they shared their talents. They had NO SYTEMS like we have .. yet they managed. If you are great with old people .. if I had a house I would share it and buy food. You could cook and help out and BAM .. you have everything you need if I pay you a little. We will set up a value for resources trade
Our Economic Security .. not "theirs" any longer. "Us/them" will end, because the still HUMAN "them" will JOIN us. It is far more fun to be NICE than greedy evil. (see Under Cover boss)
No more virtue signalling garbage. Unless you are a good company, being respectful and not wasteful in TRUTH .. we will NOT deal with you. That is where our sacrifice comes in. Starbucks in buffalo are starting to strike. That is what AMAZON people should do. But we are the quiet mouse MASSES and if we stick together we can do ENORMOUS harm to any government or company that is not FAIT to the everyday man. Most have no intention to be fair to us. Profit and power are all that matter in today's society. We will either be their "sheep ants" or we ACT now.
Will Smith at the Oscars .. everything wrong in our society in one EASY convenient place.
Rude, uncivilized, extremely selfish, arrogant, self-centred, self absorbed, greedy, shallow, fast with NO thinking, COMPLETELY HYPOCRITICAL behaviour .. ? GETS A STANDING OVATION! ..?
A perfect example of our LOST HUMANITY. But also a perfect example of how we are judged as a SOCIETY by the behaviour of the SHALLOW, STUPID, AND LOUDEST among us. Those Screamers (aka woke?) are NOT us. To speak of "love" and protecting, after an assault .. is ludicrous. "Will .. your shallow, arrogant, self-absorption completely stole "my" Questlove's win. evil on you!" Questlove's "moment" for his depth of thinking, research, and hard work on "Summer of Soul" was lost, STOLEN by self absorbed Will taking over the ceremony for his own phoney HYPOCRITICAL needs. Sorry "sir" .. in an era when women want to be "equal", NO gentleman lady nonsense is allowed in my world! You want to be equal, "ladies"? .. then deal with the REALITY. You can not have the good but skip the bad self absorbed girls. If men are not allowed to be "men" then YOU are not allowed to be women! (Besides your frontless gowns would NEVER be worn by an ACTUAL lady, well? maybe a "lady of the night", aka 4 letter word starting with "s" .. or maybe worn by a STRIPPER?)
Women's Lib and me too have been take ridicilously to NOT HUMAN. Oh no!! !! Hu -woman. Guess we must find a new word for the insult of HuMAN. Do you see why I say we are too stupid to live?? Hmm ... maybe (god) sent covid to wipe us ants off the forest land? Sorry but if you waste time on NONSENSE this site is NOT for you. We have HARD work to do .. while you waste time on idiocy!
Daily Beast, ideas of others, great article!! hypocrisy!
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"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.