Tues. Mar. 22, 2022.
If we also care about other's well being, we can not enjoy our 7$ Starbucks when the person begging at the door, does not have even 7$ to eat all day! Today, when I walk downtown to shop in the mall, there are now so many sleeping on the sidewalk, asking for money .. or SCREAMING nothingness .. that for the first time in my life, I actually feel unsafe out in a city. For decades everyone else was afraid, living in exaggerated worry. I scoffed at those warning me to take more care. Now .. if things are finally at emergency status, even for me ... we have a big problem with the LACK of SOCIETAL HEALTH we have created.
If we figure out how to help struggling people have a more secure life .. our own quality of life will also improve greatly. It will be a pleasure to walk down the street again .. rather than fearing altercation or attack for even NO REASON. Things have gotten far worse in our Society these last few decades and we need SOLUTIONS NOW. Please take my Systems and use them for your Customers, Employees AND those you serve as a Non Profit or Government agency. If you were given this site personally, please pass it on to anyone who needs a source of HOPE and SUPPORT.
My larger new Career Systems, (Gift of Calm TV, Health Coaching and creating Human Intelligence Analysts), we will build COLLABORATING together. Please let's not waste my DECADES OF INVESTMENT .. and let's carry them to SUCCESS. We need solutions to improve basic Quality of Life for all (QoL for all) NOW. The more people are struggling, the more those of us who are LUCKIER .. lose in our own quality of life. Remember .. NO ONE WANTS TO BE A FAILURE .. EVERYONE WANTS TO BE VALUED AND RESPECTED.
But we were not all given equal resources in life!! We have a FLAW in our belief system. Those who are "successful" 100% for sure had more resources available. Even being closed minded, able to focus purely on SELF .. is a resource, an ASSET! Being unselfish and worrying about others too, is a LIABILITY. We sometimes forget to look after ourselves in our pursuit of finding better ways for all.
Our "Me first, screw you" attitude is FLAWED .. if we are still human. Being less LUCKY, receiving fewer resources, should not mean we must live a life of constant stress. Our belief that somehow those who struggle were just lazy .. is SELF SERVING at best, and evil at worst. We must stop simplifying, and open our minds. We will actually be HAPPIER sharing our wealth FAIRLY. (Undercover Boss? TV show)
Our western Society is so divided, that no one listens to learn any new thinking. This Society can not survive. Demonizing other conflicting ideas is a sign of being too lazy to try to understand and consider new view points. We may already be too lazy or selfish to RE learn to compromise. And many of us are selfish purely as a means to COPE with the overwhelm we have created. Stressed people act poorly, and quality of life declines for everyone .. even those with MORE.
Education has been memorizing "knowledge", usually with an agenda other than personal quality of life. The first thing needed for quality of life is to learn who we are and what we are good at and love doing. Others without our skills need us. By 2030 50% of our traditional jobs will be gone thanks to our RUNAWAY digital dystopia. Instead, let's focus on our human ASSETS. A I can never replace our HUMAN value.
Let's focus on Human INTELLIGENCE (analyzing and evaluating information critically, but with an OPEN MIND), restoring common sense, Logic and reason! These will build our wisdom .. IF our brains still have enough neurons (wiring) remaining, after decades of TOXIC "progress" destroyed our brain hemispheres.
The focus of our HUMAN INTELLIGENCE RE-Education System is ..
At Least base "Quality of Life" is equal to TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH. As a society of "humans" (supposedly the highest form of life?) .. how do we let some people sleep on concrete beside the street in winter .. or starve, while others have lobster and champagne frequently? Luckily some of us do not see that, as a society of HUMANITY.
Have we lost our humanity? There is proof we have lost a lot of our brain wiring, I suggest because of the toxins of shallow "progress". Lost brain neurons no doubt destroy our intelligence but also our soul .. our kindness and ability to share in a more fair manner. Or .. we have become so stressed with the overload of overwhelm we must be SELFISH purely as a means to cope. If we can not restore our lost brain wiring, let's at least try to rebuild a more sustainable quality of life.
WE certainly will have no quality of life unless we feel physically well. A few years ago Cleveland Clinic and Dr Mark Hyman developed what I had waited 5 decades for. Functional Medicine and the affect of inflammation caused by toxins (sugar , gluten etc). Our body genes may be prone to certain diseases, but would it not be BETTER to just calm and slow disease vs take drugs after we inflame them? Of course that destroys the very profitable drug industry, so as yet there is little traction for entrenched medicine to change. We will train Health Coaches that help to PREVENT disease instead of "cure" it.
Physical Health includes Mental which of course is PHYSICAL! If your brain does not produce proper chemicals or function in a proper way .. how is that ANY different that your heart or liver functioning improperly?? Mental Illness is a brain disease and probably not 75 different disease names needing 75 pills. Autism , OCD, ADD depression anxiety all fit together. I belonged to a Rochester inventor group where the head suggested we are all ADD and it is well known we are often Bipolar. I began to see many labels in myself! I suggest "mental" illness is mostly just a Right Hemisphere brain over thinking and driving itself to drink or OVERWHELM. Yes, we Thinkers are inventive and overly focused, but life is not so simple when you wonder and think a lot. A Left Brain simple mind (good vs evil) is a far easier life. A "mentally" ill person .. I suggest, wants to know why, wants to understand everything and gets totally overwhelmed by their brain questions. Just a theory .. but I think we may find it very valid.
So "mental" Health is JUST a physical body FUNCTION disease .. of the brain, instead of the lungs or kidney etc. Emotional Health though, also affects the MIND. Our Mind is a HUGE resource no one taught us to value. We do not even realize how MUCH control it has over our life. Those who can easily control their mind have a DISTINCT advantage in life. The guy in the Good Feet store ad says he "used to have a sunny disposition". He got it back when his back pain was alleviated from orthopaedic inserts. Seeing things always from the positive is a wonderful asset in life. The rest of us must DISCIPLINE our mind. But it IS possible.
Why are we not taught about that resource? (It would Give us too much control of course. "Education" seems meant to take AWAY our powers?) I liken the "mind" to our "heart". We have a physical heart that pumps blood but we speak of our HEART or soul or kindness. Maybe our mind is our soul or SPIRIT? We can even create energy with our mind! If we watch what happens we will discover very interesting observations. Like if we climb the stairs usually out of breath .. but this time we are very focused on a problem .. we are NOT out of breath. Why? Because our mind (and brain) was not TELLING us we would be breathless, it was focused elsewhere. We need to spend more time learning how to BETTER use this valuable resource to level the playing field with those lucky more Left brain people.
We each have skills and talents. We will trade our special skills so in return we get what we need for a decent life. (Think re pioneering with revised (human) capitalism .. you can have more money .. but not ALL of it, while the rest of us starve.). But we actually work for ourselves .. with no MEAN selfish corporate boss or a poor guy just trying to keep his business going, unable to pay fairly. We all invest in our community for the benefit of all of us, but unlike today .. in a FAIR manner. The blockchain is a Ledger that we can use to create a new "economy", not simply another unimaginative casino "stock" like bitcoin to replace our currency! We each have talents .. shared creatively we can REDESIGN the old trading Pioneer General store community.
Building new economic Systems will give everyone who contributes what they need to live. Everyone of us has assets we need and value and these are traded for a decent less stressful life style. Unfortunately it will require sacrifice. Our lives expecting extreme excess in everything, cannot be sustained. Whether enough people can still understand and ACCEPT this .. determines if society continues or collapse. We have destroyed our ability to think and use common sense with the toxins of our SHALLOW "progress".
There is a new way to run our society truly giving each member more input and fairness! The blockchain is even MORE amazing than the internet. IF .. we can think in new beyyet ways. So far bitcoin is NOT a sign of that possibility. We could have create dUtopia with the possibilities of the internet. Instead we created a DYSTOPIA, a far less fair more powerless society. Bitcoin uses the power of Argentina .. for what? Seems just like another casino stock! Let's RESTORE and get using our human ingenuity to create a BETTER world .. instead of a world getting constantly WORSE and faster .. since the 50's. Do we have any true inventiveness left in our Brain Wiring. Neuroscience says maybe not. Are there enough of us creative THINKERS left to save society? If we pool our talents and skills we COULD do it. But are we willing to sacrifice the "Extreme Excess of Everything" life we have been living? Doubt it! please prove me wrong and bring along your friends at least willing to think in new ways and try new ideas. The more of us there are .. the more RESOURCES we have to share and improve our shared Quality of Life!
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Copyright © 2022 EXHAUSTING! .. How to survive - All Rights Reserved. Steven Covey ..
"Win/Win is a frame of mind and HEART that seeks mutual benefit and respect, in all interactions. It is thinking in terms of ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITY rather than scarcity and ADVERSARIAL COMPETITION"
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COOKIES! you know the drill .. I hate the Google evil control .. but would like to know who is coming, if anybody? Especially since I only give my site address to SPECIAL people. I thought nobody came, because everybody has 2 jobs, still not enough $ for rent plus eating. But it was because I never ALLOWED tracking you! We live in a WEIRD controlled world eh? Sorry about this.