Thurs. April 7, 2022, am.
Over the years I have felt deeper and deeper despair at our society's direction, and the MESS we are making. If you are a THINKER like me, Life is hard because we are curious, and want to FIX everything. We "Right Brain Worrier" people want to understand everything. We are always WONDERING why our imagined solutions are not put to use.
A Life focused purely on SELF and family is much easier, than a life constantly questioning what goes on in the world and creating solutions. If we pay ATTENTION to the crazy things that go on, it is INSANITY making. (Is that why us creatives, inventors, and REAL leaders are so often thrown in some "mentally ill" category?) See a link explaining modern MADNESS? . Left Brain Action People say to me "I don't care about your ranting, your "why? what about ..", I am just worried about me and my friends. I can not fix what you are complaining about." But then who will fix it??
Yet it is important to recognize our constant WORRY SOLVES NOTHING. Let's make the quote image at the left our mantra. We Thinkers live a life of worry, and today it can lead to COMPLETE loss of hope. WE need to LEARN to give ourselves a break from the stress of trying to UNDERSTAND and fix everything. (when you have time .. McGilchrist = the basis of this RE-Education site. His last sentences, above the 5th paragraph from the end = EVERYTHING I ALWAYS THOUGHT WAS WRONG WITH THE WORLD!!) With this NEW KEY, us Right brains and a few still willing to THINK Left Brains can STOP OUR COLLAPSE. I refer to Right brain people as "Thinkers" and Left who made this mess, as the ACTION people. McGilchrist groups us as wanting to "use" vs wanting to first "UNDERSTAND". If only the Action CEO's had LISTENED to us our environment would not now be collapsing!
Please understand there is a WHOLE SPECTRUM between Right and Left Brain people. The Extreme Left caused our disaster. Their refusal to LISTEN, simply DEMONIZING us, creates great despair for those thinking brains who have looked ahead to consequences. Those who are more Right brain Worriers, look to the future to imagine possible consequences of actions. And we look to the past to wonder what caused the problem to begin with. Past and future need to be part of REAL solutions. Fast Action Left brains want the job done NOW .. usually focusing simply .. ONLY on more profit or power.
Since I was lucky enough to have pension income, I feel it is my JOB to provide some HELPFUL Resources. I was lucky enough to have SECURE income, WHILE DOING NOTHING. Seeing the struggle of young people to obtain a secure income my pension .. No longer seems a FAIR thing! I say we UPCHARGE AFFLUENT Seniors! Never mind a senior discount. The seniors I know are OBLIVIOUS to the struggle we created for younger generations. "Why do you worry? Your kids should just work hard like we did!" creates a murderous reaction in me.
Our future mission sharing our brilliance, will create a more FAIR "economic" SYSTEM than what we have today. Having a secure income, I could spend my days (and nites) ranting, wondering, investigating and DESIGNING BETTER SYSTEMS. In trying to UNDERSTAND my own family "wars" I think I have found a solution for division that also creates new HOPE. Those who PAY ATTENTION to society, feel an utter loss of hope. The McGilchrist BRAIN research finding should be in the EDUCATION SYSTEM, but you can utilize it NOW to make society's ILLOGIC and lack of REASON easier to understand.
Please skim my totally incomplete, and disordered site (a "book"?.. but still in disorganized note form!) to find some gems that can help you too! I spent my life on the question why can 't EVERYONE have a decent life, if they contribute their own special skill to the greater good? Why must there be so much struggle for so many? There are so MANY wonderful people, quietly living outside the screaming we hear in media. What we see in the media makes us lose hope so we will create our own community and connection. Together we can create a YOUTopia out side our Dystopia that is EXTREME, excess, no common sense and "me first, screw you" focused. Together supporting each other, we CAN build our own better, base "Quality of Life for all" (QoL for all) FAIR SYSTEM. (If we use a blockchain ledger for more than a crypto"casino stock")
Even disorganized and incomplete or unedited I believe that my struggle to SURVIVE the hopelessness (and REAL terror of the looming collapse) can also help you! Please just skim to find what speaks to you and be patient until I can half "perfect" everything. Heaven and Hell CAN exist at the same time. We choose the Heaven Sunny side of the street focus. (We MUST in order TO SURVIVE.)